1 s2.0 S136403212100993X Am
1 s2.0 S136403212100993X Am
1 s2.0 S136403212100993X Am
AC Alternative Current
DC Direct Current
EV Electric Vehicle
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
FCLM Flow-Capturing Location Model
FRLM Flow-Refueling Location Model
GHG Greenhouse Gas
ICCT International Council on Clean Transportation
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
MCLM Maximum Covering Location Model
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
SCLM Set Covering Location Model
1. Introduction
The climate emergency requires a drastic and rapid reduction in anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
which are the cause of the fastest global warming ever observed [1]. The transportation sector is responsible for about
∗ Corresponding
marc-olivier.metais@centralesupelec.fr (M. M.O.)
ORCID (s):
15% of global GHG emissions (27% in the European Union), and this rate is expected to increase in the coming years
[2]. A transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to greener transportation could be a major lever for
reducing global GHG emissions.
For road transportation and individual mobility, which account for the largest share of transportation-sector emis-
sions, electric vehicles (EVs) emerge as a major alternative to ICE vehicles. Considering the whole lifetime of the
vehicle, EVs have a lower global warming potential than ICE vehicles, especially if they are coupled with low-carbon
electricity production systems [3]. Moreover, EVs have many other benefits, such as no tailpipe emissions—which
could help avoid air pollution and exposure to nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide in
urban areas, and reduce particulate matter emissions—and far less noise than ICE vehicles.
Despite all these benefits, large-scale uptake of EVs is bottlenecked by a number of different barriers [4]. A first
major barrier is the high purchase price of EVs compared to ICE vehicles, although the purchase price impact is
expected to diminish shortly. When considering total cost of ownership over the whole life cycle, an EV is already
less expensive than an ICE vehicle in countries such as Norway or France [5]. Moreover, the purchase price of EVs is
projected to drop below that of ICE vehicles by 2025 [6]. The second main barrier for users is tied to range anxiety.
Most EVs have a lower driving range than ICE vehicles. Even though the range offered by a full-charge battery is
sufficient for daily use for a large majority of users, they fear that they will run out of battery before being able to
finish their trips or find a charging point. User anxiety is thus the main problem to address to enable large-scale EV
adoption. The way forward could be to increase battery capacity to improve EV range or to provide an efficient charging
infrastructure to better cover charging needs. However, even with a larger range, the fear of not being able to charge
EVs when the battery is empty is still the same [7], so large-scale EV deployment cannot be achieved without a prior
appropriate charging infrastructure [8]. Furthermore, research shows that investing in charging infrastructure is more
efficient than subsidizing larger batteries as long as the investments in charging infrastructure are not sufficient to cover
the whole territory [9, 10, 11].
However, deploying a charging infrastructure is hugely expensive and comes with several technical and economic
constraints. The Energy Transition for Green Growth act in France sets a target of 7 million EV charging stations
(public and private) by 2030, which corresponds to a minimum cost of around 2 billion euros [12] while an ICCT
report projects an estimated 1 billion dollars in investment over the 2019–2025 period for the USA to fill its public
charging infrastructure gap [13]. These huge costs warrant a proper deployment strategy to efficiently locate and scale
new charging stations in order to favor large-scale EV adoption while avoiding resource waste or underinvestment for
infrastructure investors. This deployment, with the costs it entails, also faces a chicken-and-egg problem: drivers will
be reluctant to buy an EV without adequate infrastructure, while operators will refuse to invest in infrastructure until
there is sufficient demand to make it profitable. To ease this bottleneck, the first step must be taken by operators [14].
Once the first step has been taken, the issue of optimal deployment of a vehicle refueling infrastructure is not a
new challenge. Coverage and location models, such as those of Toregas [15] or Hodgson [16], have been around for
a relatively long time and are perfectly applicable to gas refueling stations. However, EVs have different demands to
ICE vehicles (charging takes longer than refueling), which makes these coverage models incompatible with routine
EV use. Models taking these specificities into account have thus been developed since the end of the 2000s.
Nevertheless, few of them seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by electric vehicle charging, which does
not require the user to be present during charging time. Moreover, the deployment of such an infrastructure does not
happen all at once, partly because of the problem of the development costs it would generate without a guaranteed
return on investment from a demand that will take a long time to come, which brings us back to the previous chicken-
and-egg problem. An incremental and over-time deployment must be considered, considering the early stages of the
infrastructure already present in the territory.
This literature review aims to provide an overview of the timely problem of EV charging infrastructure planning in
terms of the optimization models used to determine optimal locations of charging points, and sizing. It explores and
compares a rapidly growing scientific literature proposing strategies and simulation models for deployment of electric
charging infrastructures, considering the technical, economic and user-side aspects of EVs.
To identify the first relevant articles, the Google Scholar database was searched with combination of keywords :
{EV, electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, charging stations} and {planning, location, model, optimization}. We
kept a sample of 287 articles containing literature reviews and papers on infrastructure optimisation and deployment
models cited as references in this field. The articles cited in these papers and the articles also citing them were then
screened, and we added 63 relevant articles to our review.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 explains the different charging technologies and the issues involved in
deploying charging infrastructure. Section 3 presents the objectives and targets of infrastructure deployment. Section
4 then covers the methods for locating and sizing infrastructure in a territory, and Section 5 highlights gaps in the
literature and avenues for future research.
the case of the US or similar markets, the distances involved may be higher. However, they remain well below 200km, which is already a pessimistic
estimate of the range of a standard electric vehicle. [19]
determine the most cost-effective investments [25]. Otherwise, the risk is to end up with an infrastructure unsuited to
driver needs at the beginning, which would not allow the diffusion of EVs to start and thus discourage additional in-
vestments in infrastructure, and so on (again, a chicken-and-egg paradigm). In addition, even though charging stations
are often deployed without a global vision, they nevertheless already exist in the territory, and it would be a mistake not
to consider this existing resource. We must therefore think about the problem of placing ‘one more charging station’
and the value of this station when there is already a set of operational stations, while almost all the models focus on
optimising the final charging infrastructure without considering the process to get there.
Table 1: Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) purchase and installation costs in the U.S. [13]
EVSE Type Average public installation cost Average home installation cost
Level 1 $4000 $400 -$900
Level 2 $6000 $680-$4100
DC Fast Charging (50 kW) $73,000 Not available
DC Fast Charging (150 kW) $120,000 Not available
DC Fast Charging (350 kW) $205,000 Not available
Since more expensive infrastructure should lead to more expensive charging service for users, a poor choice of
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) penalizes not just the consumer but also the operator for whom a charging
station adapted to local needs guarantees a better return on investment. Let us explain this with a simple example.
Suppose a charger able to fully charge an EV in three hours is placed in a site where parking times are usually eight
hours. A person who leaves their EV parked and plugged in will charge for a maximum of three hours but then
unnecessarily occupy the terminal for the remaining time. However, for the same budget, several slower charging
stations could have been installed which would maximize the profit for the operator and the level of service for users.
Finally, it is important in the case of several operators that they coordinate with each other to ensure interoperability
and good global coverage. But it is also important to put in place regulations to prevent the creation of local private
monopolies in public parking areas, which would be harmful to users [27].
arbitrage, spinning reserve, etc. [30] They can also directly fast-charge other vehicles, avoiding power demand peaks
from fast charging on the distribution network [31].
2.5. Summary
In summary, the charging infrastructure for EVs needs to address technical issues linked to the technology used
and the constraints it places on existing grid infrastructures. It also meets financial challenges: the costs related to
charging infrastructure are relatively high, so it is important for operators to avoid making unnecessary investments
and to be assured of a return on their investments. Finally, charging infrastructure needs to respond to user demand in
order to garner user acceptance of EVs.
The financial stakes and public acceptance of EVs are closely linked: insufficient coverage of the territory, i.e.
underinvestment or unwise investment, will discourage users from buying and using an EV. This in turn will have
consequences on return on investment, as would prohibitively high utilization cost of the infrastructure. The technical
constraints linked to the charging station energy supply can lead to significant additional costs linked to the electrical
network. Finally, the adoption of EVs requires a charging infrastructure technology that meets users’ expectations.
Users expect to have at their disposal an infrastructure that suits their needs in a convenient way, and that they can rely
share a vehicle, home charging is not always an option: the charging infrastructure for taxis must allow them to operate
continuously. The fast charging option is therefore often preferred for taxis.
Most of the literature focuses on private vehicles, which account for the biggest share of the vehicle fleet, or at least
considers that an infrastructure can be developed for all light vehicles. Private vehicle owners have a wide variety of
uses for their vehicles depending on their environment (rural, urban), travel habits (distance from their main points of
interest, frequency of travel), and many other factors. The different ways of looking at the case of private vehicles are
detailed in the rest of the paper.
Some models directly take into account limited capacity of their charging stations as a constraint, like the models
proposed by Upchurch et al. [54] or Gavranovic et al. [55]. By doing so, it is possible to consider disparities in demand
and avoid, for example, an area with a high concentration of demand being covered by only one station that will not
be able to satisfy all the demand in its area. In addition, multiplying the number of stations in areas of high demand
reduces the impact of a failure of one of them, which is important for the reliability of the infrastructure. Unlike the
previous method, however, this approach leaves little flexibility in terms of the size of each station, since this parameter
must be set beforehand.
Sizing the charging infrastructure is not just a matter of deciding the number of vehicles that can be accommodated,
but also the time spent at the station. It is not always inconvenient that the charging process takes several hours, but
this is not always acceptable, such as during long journeys requiring a quick charge to reach the destination. That is
why it is also important to wisely choose the power level of charging stations based on the use case, and many models
incorporate power sizing (You et al. [56], Wang et al. [57]). This sizing can also be done with each type of station
chosen according to the type of targeted route, which allows fast charging stations to be placed where a quick charge
is most useful. Indeed, even if increasing the charging speed of a station also increases its capacity as it serves EVs
faster, slow charging stations are a more cost-effective option to meet the needs of a whole territory (Sun et al. [45]).
Finally, charging stations must be sized by considering grid capacity at the location of the charging points. As
explained earlier, a large number of charging points at the same place or high power charging points cannot be installed
where the electrical grid is too weak, at the risk of causing instabilities due to excessive power demand [58]. Some
studies choose to take the characteristics of the electrical grid as a constraint (Zhu et al. [53], Zhang et al. [59]), and
a few consider the possibility of reinforcing the electrical grid (Sadeghi-Barzani et al. [60], Guo & Zhao [61]). Other
grid-related issues, such as peaks in demand or power quality, may also arise because of charging infrastructure that
does not take the power grid into account [62] or because of a power grid that does not take the charging infrastructure
into account, depending on the point of view.
4. Location methods
Several methods to locate charging infrastructure have been developed, and most can be grouped into three main
categories: node, path, or tour-based approaches [63].
The node-based approach is the most popular method for locating charging stations. It deals with the location
problem as a facility location problem, which has been extensively studied for many applications [64]. The problem to
be solved is formulated as follows. Given candidate locations which are the nodes, the objective is to place facilities,
i.e. the charging stations, to meet the demand at the nodes. Even if it seems a simple formulation, this problem
belongs to the NP-hard class, meaning that we are not able to find exact solutions in a reasonable time because the
corresponding resolution algorithms have an execution time that increases exponentially in the problem dimension.
Heuristic methods are often used to provide approximate solutions in a reasonable computing time. The principle of
the method is illustrated in Figure 3.
locations to minimize the transportation cost (or weighted distance) between customers and facilities, with each cus-
tomer assigned to a facility. The problem can be capacitated, meaning that the facilities have capacity restrictions on
the amount of demand they can serve, and so the demand from customers assigned to this facility cannot exceed this
capacity. In the case of charging stations, this means that only a limited number of cars can be served within a certain
period, and therefore the availability of the station depends directly on its capacity. Gavranovic et al. [55] used this
model on a subset of potential locations in Turkey, considering the demand and the preferences of local stakeholders.
Jia et al. [70] separated the need for fast and slow charging, and used the 𝑝-median model to locate fast-charging
stations. Jung et al. [71] also used the 𝑝-median in a bi-level problem to locate charging stations for taxis, while mini-
mizing both distance to travel to the station and queue at the station. He et al. [72] estimated charging demand through
socio-demographic data in Beijing and used this estimation as an input for all three node-based models (SCLM, MCLM
and 𝑝-median). They found that the 𝑝-median model outperform SCLM and MCLM, and gives more stable solutions.
An et al. [73] developed a two-stage optimization framework that considers the disruptions that could lead to charging
demand changes.
Table 2 gives an overview of the node-based methods applied to EV charging stations location.
a data-driven method based on taxi data to put charging stations in existing gas stations. They extracted stop events
to find charging opportunities at the different stations and estimated the potential charging demand for stop points in
gas stations by evaluating state of charge according to previous tours. Shahraki et al. [94] used a similar method but
focused on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). They looked at dwelling time between trips and estimated the
state of charge of batteries after each trip, then placed charging stations to minimize the distance traveled by PHEV in
combustion-engine mode. Gonzalez et al. [95] adopted a similar approach from simulation data, with an optimization
concerning vehicles not able to complete their daily trips without modifying their initial behavior to charge their EV
while considering electricity price fluctuations in order to minimize charging cost. He et al. [52] determined a bi-level
tour-based model with traffic network equilibrium considering interactions between trips and charging needs in the
lower level and aiming to maximize social welfare in the upper level. Xi et al. [96] adopted a lower-resolution model,
dividing a region into sub-regions for which the trip data between sub-regions is available. Their aim was to maximize
the number of EVs that charge, or the amount of battery charged, with a trade-off between level 1 and 2 infrastructures
under a budget constraint. They found that the efficiency of privileging level 1 or 2 infrastructure depends on the
objective chosen, but that level 1 chargers are more cost-efficient if sufficient funds are unavailable.
An overview of the tour-based literature is given in Table 4. The tour-based methods are not really categorized, so
the "Method" column does not appear contrary to the two previous tables.
Tour-based models often require a lot of data, which is often difficult to access for privacy reasons. Agent-based
models—or multi agent models—can informatively simulate data and analyze traffic dynamics [49]. Chen et al.[101]
used an agent-based model with autonomous EVs to place charging stations. This kind of model can be built from
real travel data (travel surveys, etc.) and be used to compare users’ behaviors among different charging infrastructure
deployment strategies. Agent-based models can also be built to scenarios for study, which can be useful if there is
insufficient data to validate a model principle. This can be valuable in the case of data-greedy tour-based models.
Multi-agent models make it possible to track each agent in a studied population individually, and therefore carry out
analyses in relation to the activities of that population, and provide explicit representations of tours [102]. Moreover,
modeling tools like the MATSim project [103] have been developed to simulate populations’ behavior with regard to
the transport system, and they can be used to model energy demand[104].
4.4. Discussion
To sum up, Figure 6 gives an overview of the methods previously discussed.
Location method
SCLM Minimize
Maximize Maximize Maximize
Minimize the the distance
the number the amount the flow and
number of between
of locations of vehicles take into
facilities while demand and
covered for a passing in account the
covering all stations for a
given number front of limited range
the demand given number
of stations stations of vehicles
of stations
The main advantage of the node-based approach is that it needs little data, only requiring population density, which is
relatively accessible. This makes the node-based approach an easy first estimate of charging station locations. However,
there are limits to this type of coverage. For instance, the uncapacitated models only deal with coverage without
considering the amount of demand. Second, this resolution pathway offers a static vision of the charging demand,
which is not the case in reality: as previously stated, one of the main advantages of a flow-based model over a nodal
approach is that it can take into account issues that only emerge from the description of vehicle flows. Another issue is
that node-based coverage can lead to a poor representation of charging needs. According to Hodgson [16], the demand
in a network is not always expressed at nodes, as people generally will not make a trip from home to the charging station
just to charge their vehicle. Furthermore, a node-based approach fails to deal with issues emerging from traffic flows
such as cannibalization, meaning that charging stations cut into each other’s coverage areas. In addition, Upchurch et
al. [90] found that the flow-based method is more stable as the number of charging stations to place increases, which
is really important when planning over time. That is why many studies explicitly integrate the effect of flows into the
location of charging stations [25].
However, this flow-based approach is not suitable for all cases. Flow-based methods consider that EV charging will be
done quickly before continuing the trip to the primary destination, just as any ICE vehicle user would do. While this
solution is possible with fast charging stations, which can refuel an EV in a dozen minutes, it is not possible for slow
charging stations where EV batteries can take several hours to charge. Thus, the flow-based approach is not a substitute
for the node-based approach, but complementary to it, depending on objective, territory, type of charging stations, etc.
However, many studies only use one or the other category. Sun et al.[45] used a mixed-method approach, with location
of fast charging stations for vehicle interception and a node-based approach to place slow charging stations in places
where a long charging time is acceptable. However, flow-capturing models often fail to capture the uncertainty of EV
charging demand, which can lead to less robust locations [86].
Given the issues with the flow-based approach, the tour-based approach is based not only on user driving patterns
but more generally on user behaviors. This type of approach is sometimes also referred to as ‘activity-based’. By
considering events around the details of the sequence of trips, it allows a better representation of drivers’ charging
needs than the two previous approaches. By using real and individual data, the tour-based approach captures the
randomness in the behavior of users, and allows to serve all users, which cannot be done with aggregated data, as
illustrated in Figure 7. In this case, both green and yellow paths pass through nodes 1 and 2, and the red path passes
through node 3. If two stations were placed based on aggregated data, they would be at nodes 1 and 2 that have the
most traffic passing through, but the green and yellow vehicles would be served twice and the red one would not be
served at all, which could have been avoided if using individual data.
Urban territory + −− ++
Highways − ++ +
Representation of
− /+
+ + ++
charging needs
User behavior − − /+
+ ++
Data requirements Very low Low Very high
To conclude this section, note that many studies have been conducted for the purpose of planning the best possible
charging infrastructure. They have been carried out with different criteria to be optimized according to the desired
objective. However, while it is easy to check whether chosen criteria have been optimized, it is harder to measure the
impact of this model on the population, in other words whether the criteria chosen are the right ones. The high cost
of the infrastructure makes large-scale testing unfeasible. To overcome this problem, multi-agent models can help, as
explained above. However, these models may be subject to simulation bias, and may therefore give an erroneous view
of user behaviour.
5. Conclusion
This paper analyzed models for deploying charging infrastructure and discussed the allied technical, economic, and
user behavior-related issues.
The wide diffusion of EVs is a step towards greener mobility, which is one of today’s big challenges. This transition
from ICE vehicles to EVs cannot take place without infrastructure that greatly reduces early users’ range anxiety and
reassures potential future users that EVs are capable of providing the same services as ICE vehicles. For the time
being, infrastructures have been developed with a limited real coherent overarching strategy. However, the underlying
costs of necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of a large number of EV users, as well as the physical limitations of
the electricity grid, make it imperative to coordinate and optimize the large-scale deployment of an electric charging
infrastructure, failing which there is a risk of wasting valuable resources and of ending up with an infrastructure that
is not adapted to user needs.
The scholarship has used several approaches for optimizing the deployment of charging infrastructure. These ap-
proaches can be collapsed into three categories: node-based, path-based, and tour-based. Although not specific to
EV charging infrastructure planning, these approaches can readily adapt to consider the specificities of EVs instead
of copying the gas station model, and facilitate the transition from ICE vehicles to EVs easier by minimizing the
constraints of using EVs.
The node-based approach is easy to implement and suitable for certain areas such as residential neighborhoods, but it
fails to capture the problems arising from vehicle flows. The path-based approach can address this gap, but it is better
suited for highway use-cases and has the downside of leading to time-consuming infrastructure, which may prove a
barrier for users to make the transition from ICE vehicles to EVs. The tour-based approach requires a lot of data and
is therefore more difficult to implement, but it is able to consider user activities in order to get the best-adapted and
least-restrictive infrastructure possible for users. With data on the activities of users, points of interest can be exploited
to provide charging solutions at locations where there is demand, without users having to change their behavior [105].
The methods adopt different response strategies, regardless of the approach used. Some focus on maximizing served
demand for a fixed budget, which can be expressed in terms of the number of vehicles to be charged, volume of energy to
be charged, time saved or number of feasible trips. Others consider charging demand as the primal condition and try to
minimize the budget needed to satisfy it. While early work focused on the geographical placement of charging stations
to meet charging demand, more recent models now also integrate the service capacity of the stations, introducing
station sizing into the results. Charging speed used is rarely considered: many models consider only one type of
charging station, thus defining only the number (and not quality) of charging points needed.
Few of the models other than node and parking-based models look to take advantage of the benefits offered by EV
charging, which does not require the user to be present during charging time. This key advantage should be considered
in order to plan a charging infrastructure that matches charging opportunities, to make EV use as unrestrictive as
possible and thus encourage EV diffusion .
To conclude, the optimization models reviewed do not consider any temporality in deployment: for a given budget,
the infrastructure is optimized as if all the stations were placed simultaneously. However, this kind an infrastructure
does not get deployed all in one go, partly because of the development costs it would generate without a guaranteed
return on investment from a demand that will take a long time to come. Charging infrastructure deployment will take
place over a period that may last several years, and this factor should now be explored in order to have an infrastructure
that provides acceptable coverage from the very beginning of its deployment, and not just once the last charging points
have been installed. An incremental ‘over-time’ deployment must therefore be considered, factoring in the early-stage
infrastructure already present in the territory, which very few models do (see Appendix A), and the action of ’adding
one more station’.
This work was financially supported by Institut VEDECOM, a French Public-Private research institute and one of the
Institutes for the Energy Transition. The authors claim no conflict of interest. The authors thank the Editor in Chief
Dr Foley and three anonymous reviewers for several useful suggestions that helped to improve this paper. The authors
also thank Olivier Massol, Bassem Haidar, Icaro Freitas-Gomes and Felipe Gonzales for their helpful discussions.
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A. Literature Table
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Location Minimize failed
Wang & Lin Mixed and sizing Yes trips (or maximize Private Mixed
Mixed Unspecified No No
(2013) [57] approach (power and (constraint) the number of vehicle environment
capacity) possible trips)
Minimize failed
Upchurch & Kuby Node and Yes trips (or maximize Private
Location Unique Highway Unspecified No No
(2010) [90] path-based (constraint) the number of vehicle
possible trips)
Location Maximize the
He et al. (2016) Yes Private Urban Yes, not for
Node-based and sizing Mixed number of EVs No No
[72] (constraint) vehicle environment all
(capacity) charged
Rajabi-Ghahnavie Minimize the
No (budget Fast Private Urban Yes, as a
& Sadeghi-Barzani Node-based Location infrastructure cost Yes, for all No
to optimize) charging vehicle environment parameter
(2017) [? ] for a given demand
Maximize the
Pevec et al. (2018) Yes Private Mixed Yes, not for
Node-based Location Unique charger’s No Yes
[38] (constraint) vehicle environment all
Location Taxis and
Wang et al. (2019) Yes Maximize the Urban Yes, not for
Node-based and sizing Mixed private No No
[49] (constraint) distance traveled environment all
(power) vehicles
Maximize the
Frade et al. (2011) Node-based Yes Slow Private Urban Yes, not for
Location number of EVs No No
[67] (MCLM) (constraint) charging vehicle environment all
Location Maximize the
Node-based Yes Private Urban Yes, not for Yes, as a
Liu, J. (2012) [75] and sizing Mixed number of EVs No
(MCLM) (constraint) vehicle environment all constraint
(power) charged
Location Maximize the
Wagner et al. Node-based Yes Private Semi-urban
and sizing Mixed amount of energy Unspecified No No
(2013) [68] (MCLM) (constraint) vehicle environment
(power) charged
Location Maximize the
Wang et al. (2013) Node-based Yes Private Yes, as a
and sizing Mixed number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No
[57] (MCLM) (constraint) vehicle constraint
(capacity) charged
Maximize the
Guo & Zhao Node-based Yes Private Urban Yes, as a
Location Unique number of EVs Unspecified No
(2015) [61] (MCLM) (constraint) vehicle environment parameter
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Location Maximize the
Gopalakrishnan et Node-based Yes Private
and sizing Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
al. (2016) [74] (MCLM) (constraint) vehicle
(capacity) charged
Minimize the
Yang et al. (2017) Node-based and sizing Yes Semi-urban
Unique infrastructure cost Taxi fleet Unspecified No Yes
[46] (MCLM) (power and (constraint) environment
for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Deb et al. (2019) Node-based No (budget Private Urban Yes, as a
and sizing Mixed infrastructure cost Unspecified No
[76] (MCLM) to optimize) vehicle environment parameter
(power) for a given demand
Minimize the
Ge et al. (2011) Node-based Yes distance (or the Private Mixed
and sizing Unique Unspecified No No
[41] (p-median) (constraint) deviation) to a vehicle environment
charging station
Minimize the
Xu et al. (2013) Node-based Yes distance (or the Private Urban
Location Unique Unspecified No No
[42] (p-median) (constraint) deviation) to a vehicle environment
charging station
Location Minimize the
Mehar et al. (2013) Node-based No (budget Private Yes, as a
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified Yes
[34] (p-median) to optimize) vehicle constraint
(capacity) for a given demand
Minimize the
Gavranović et al. Node-based Yes distance (or the Private Mixed
Location Unique Unspecified No No
(2014) [55] (p-median) (constraint) deviation) to a vehicle environment
charging station
Minimize the
Jia et al. (2014) Node-based No (budget Fast vehicle with Semi-urban
Location infrastructure cost Yes, for all No No
[70] (p-median) to optimize) charging home environment
for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Sadeghi-barzani et Node-based No (budget Fast Private Yes, as a
and sizing infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No
al. (2014) [60] (p-median) to optimize) charging vehicle parameter
(capacity) for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Zhu et al. (2017) Node-based No (budget Private Yes, as a
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No
[53] (p-median) to optimize) vehicle parameter
(capacity) for a given demand
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Maximize the
Wang & Lin Node-based Yes Private
Location Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2009) [65] (SCLM) (constraint) vehicle
Maximize the
Wang & Wang Node-based Yes Private
Location Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2010) [43] (SCLM) (constraint) vehicle
Location Minimize the
Li et al. (2011) Node-based No (budget Private
and sizing Mixed infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No No
[81] (SCLM) to optimize) vehicle
(power) for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Andrenacci et al. Node-based No (budget Private Semi-urban
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Yes, for all No No
(2016) [77] (SCLM) to optimize) vehicle environment
(capacity) for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Ghamami et al. Node-based No (budget Private Urban
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost No No No
(2016) [78] (SCLM) to optimize) vehicle environment
(capacity) for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Davidov & Pantoš Node-based No (budget Private
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2017) [79] (SCLM) to optimize) vehicle
(capacity) for a given demand
Location Maximize the
Csiszár et al. Node-based Yes Private Yes, not for
and sizing Unique amount of energy Unspecified No No
(2019) [48] (SCLM) (constraint) vehicle all
(capacity) charged
Location Minimize the
Vazifeh et al. Node-based No (budget Private Semi-urban
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Yes, for all No No
(2019) [80] (SCLM) to optimize) vehicle environment
(capacity) for a given demand
charging) Minimize the
Huang et al. No (budget Private Semi-urban
and Location Mixed infrastructure cost Unspecified No No
(2016) [91] to optimize) vehicle environment
node-based for a given demand
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
charging) Location Maximize the
Sun et al. (2018) Yes Private Mixed
and and sizing Mixed number of EVs Yes, for all No No
[45] (constraint) vehicle environment
node-based (power) charged
Hanabusa & Minimize the
Path-based Yes Private Yes, as a
Horiguchi (2011) Location Unique waiting time at the Unspecified Unspecified No
(FCLM) (constraint) vehicle constraint
[39] station
Maximize the
Riemann et al. Path-based Yes Private Mixed
Location Unique number of EVs Yes, for all No No
(2015) [88] (FCLM) (constraint) vehicle environment
Location Minimize the
Dong et al. (2016) Path-based No (budget Fast Private
and sizing infrastructure cost Highway Unspecified No No
[33] (FCLM) to optimize) charging vehicle
(capacity) for a given demand
Minimize the
Li et al. (2016) Path-based No (budget Private Mixed
Location Unique infrastructure cost Yes, for all No Yes
[25] (FCLM) to optimize) vehicle environment
for a given demand
Location Minimize the
Xiang et al. (2016) Path-based No (budget Private Yes, as a
and sizing Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No
[89] (FCLM) to optimize) vehicle constraint
(capacity) for a given demand
Maximize the
Wu & Sioshansi Path-based Yes Fast Private Mixed
Location number of EVs Yes, for all No No
(2017) [86] (FCLM) (constraint) charging vehicle environment
Minimize failed
Micari et al. Path-based Yes trips (or maximize Private
and sizing Unique Highway Unspecified No No
(2017) [51] (FCLM) (constraint) the number of vehicle
possible trips)
Maximize the
He et al. (2018) Path-based Yes Fast Private
Location number of EVs Unspecified Yes, for all No No
[87] (FCLM) (constraint) charging vehicle
Maximize the
Motoaki, Y. (2019) Path-based Yes Fast Private Yes, as a
Location number of EVs Unspecified Yes, for all Yes
[44] (FCLM) (constraint) charging vehicle constraint
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Maximize the
Kuby et al. (2005) Path-based Yes Private
Location Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
[82] (FRLM) (constraint) vehicle
Maximize the
Kuby et al. (2007) Path-based Yes Private
Location Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
[83] (FRLM) (constraint) vehicle
Location Maximize the
Upchurch et al. Path-based Yes Private
and sizing Unique number of EVs Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2009) [54] (FRLM) (constraint) vehicle
(capacity) charged
Minimize the
Li & Huang (2014) Path-based No (budget Private
Location Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Yes, for all No No
[11] (FRLM) to optimize) vehicle
for a given demand
Minimize the
Huang et al. Path-based No (budget Private
Location Unique infrastructure cost Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2015) [85] (FRLM) to optimize) vehicle
for a given demand
Location Maximize the
Zhang et al. (2018) Path-based Yes Fast Private Mixed Yes, as a
and sizing number of EVs Yes, for all No
[59] (FRLM) (constraint) charging vehicle environment constraint
(capacity) charged
Location Minimize the Bus or
Kameda & Mukai Yes Fast Urban
Tour-Based and sizing waiting time at the public No No No
(2011) [100] (constraint) charging environment
(power) station transport
Minimize failed
Dong et al. (2012) Yes trips (or maximize Private Semi-urban
Tour-Based and sizing Mixed Yes, for all No No
[97] (constraint) the number of vehicle environment
possible trips)
Location Minimize the
Jia et al. (2012) No (budget Fast Private Urban
Tour-Based and sizing infrastructure cost Unspecified No No
[36] to optimize) charging vehicle environment
(capacity) for a given demand
Maximize the
Chen et al. (2013) and sizing Yes Private Yes, not for
Tour-Based Mixed amount of energy Unspecified No No
[47] (power and (constraint) vehicle all
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Maximize the
Location Mixed number of EVs
Xi et al. (2013) and sizing Yes (medium charged or Private Mixed
Tour-Based Yes, for all No No
[99] (power and (constraint) and slow maximize the vehicle environment
capacity) charging) amount of energy
Minimize the
Andrew et al. Yes Medium distance (or the Private Semi-urban
Tour-Based Location Yes, for all No No
(2013) [93] (constraint) charging deviation) to a vehicle environment
charging station
Location Maximize the
Cai et al. (2014) Yes Fast Semi-urban
Tour-Based and sizing charger’s Taxi fleet Yes, for all No No
[37] (constraint) charging environment
(capacity) utilization
Minimize failed
You & Hsieh Yes trips (or maximize Private
Tour-Based and sizing Mixed Unspecified Unspecified No No
(2014) [56] (constraint) the number of vehicle
possible trips)
Minimize the
Jung et al. (2014) Yes Fast Urban
Tour-Based Location waiting time at the Taxi fleet Unspecified No No
[71] (constraint) charging environment
Shahraki et al. Yes Maximize the Semi-urban
Tour-Based Location Unique Taxi fleet Yes, for all No No
(2015) [94] (constraint) distance traveled environment
Location Maximize the
Cavadas et al. Yes Slow Private Urban Yes, not for
Tour-Based and sizing number of EVs No No
(2015) [92] (constraint) charging vehicle environment all
(capacity) charged
Maximize the
He et al. (2015) Yes Medium Private
Tour-Based Location number of EVs Unspecified Yes, for all No No
[52] (constraint) charging vehicle
Mixed Minimize failed
Asamer et al. Yes (medium trips (or maximize Urban
Tour-Based Location Taxi fleet No No No
(2016) [50] (constraint) and fast the number of environment
charging) possible trips)
Location Minimize the
Han et al. (2016) No (budget Fast Semi-urban
Tour-Based and sizing infrastructure cost Taxi fleet Yes, for all No No
[98] to optimize) charging environment
(capacity) for a given demand
Limited Charging Main Target envi- Electric existing
Paper Approach Problem Use case charging
resources type optimization goal ronment grid aspect infrastruc-
Minimize the
Tu et al. (2016) Yes Fast Semi-urban
Tour-Based Location waiting time at the Taxi fleet Unspecified No No
[40] (constraint) charging environment
Minimize the Bus or
Wang et al. (2017) No (budget Fast Urban
Tour-Based Location infrastructure cost public Unspecified No No
[32] to optimize) charging environment
for a given demand transport