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1 author:
Philip Adebo
Prairie View A&M University
All content following this page was uploaded by Philip Adebo on 29 January 2019.
Abstract: Business has always desired to derive insights from big data in order to make better, smarter, data-driven
decisions. Big data refers to data that are generated at high volume, high velocity, high variety, high veracity, and
high value. It has fundamentally changed the way business companies operate, make decisions, and compete. It can
create value for businesses. This paper provides a brief introduction to how big data is being used in businesses.
Key words: big data, big data analytics, business, data scientists
Data is unexpectedly everywhere. It is a major success factor influencing quality decision making. Data streams from
daily life: from cell phones, tablets, emails, ecommerce, sensor-equipped buildings, machine-to-machine or IoT,
factories, smart grid, ehealth records, genomics, professional sports, weather sensors, social networks, just to name a
few. This leads to an explosion of data.
Business or commerce is the major source of data in the global marketplace, businesses, distributors, and
customers generate vast amounts of data. Nowadays, it is rare to find a business that is not generating data. Service
supply chain such as finance, banking, insurance, tourism, and telecommunications drive big data (BD). In business, big
data may be considered as cost-effective techniques for solving business problems whose resource requirements exceed
the capabilities of traditional computing environment. Big data offers competitive advantage to a company in that it
allows the company to outperform its competitors. Applying big data in business can enhance efficiency and
competitiveness in many aspects such as marketing, banking, supply chain, and e-commerce. BD has emerged as a vital
means for enhanced business activities, better execution of operations, and improved marketing strategy. Without doubt,
BD is making a positive impact on the business sector [1].
On this basis, small data can be regarded as having low volume, low velocity, low variety, low veracity, and low
value. Big data analytic techniques are used in analyzing BD. They include data mining, web mining, machine learning,
social network analysis, visualization methods [3].
Other areas include cell ecommerce, phone companies, and business intelligence,
Here are just some of the ways that big data is changing business [6].
1. Better Decision: All business managers are constantly required to make critical decisions and it is well known
that data-driven decisions tend to be better decisions. Every business organization, whether small or large, needs
valuable data and insights to make strategic and operational decisions. With BD, business managers can
measure and therefore manage more precisely than ever before. They can make better predictions and smarter
2. Better Business Intelligence: Business intelligence is a set of data tools that go hand in hand with big data. Big
data has given rise to business intelligence as a legitimate career. Business executives seek to glean intelligence
from big data and translate that into business advantage.
3. Targeted Marketing: Big data enables businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns. Although big data
analysis is not always perfectly accurate, it can be highly accurate Big data analysis can help business predict
what products customers might need in the future.
4. Efficiency Improvements: Engineers are using big data to make processes run more efficiently. Big data is
providing rich data about every product and process. Big Data can create a lot of new growth opportunities.
5. Reduce Costs: Businesses understand that operational processes benefits by cost reduction, best operations plan,
and lower inventory levels. Big data has the potential to supply the necessary information to reduce business
costs. It can help planners determine when to produce, how much to produce, and how much inventory to keep
on hand.
Businesses integrating big data and using it to boost their brand success include Amazon, American Express,
General Electric, IBM, UPS, Police Departments, Oracle, Capital One, Netflix, Starbucks, and T-Mobile. Organizations
that are built around BD include Google, eBay, Facebook, and LinkedIn [7].
While the promise of data-driven decision making is now widely recognized, there is presently a wide gap between its
potential and its realization. The main challenges of big data analytics fall in the domains of technology, people, and
organization. They include lack of intelligent BD sources, lack of scalable real-time analytics capabilities, the concerns
about data privacy and information security regulations, the problems with data integration, lack of availability of cost
effective storage subsystem, and a lack of data scientists (who have the technical savvy for big data) [8].
A big challenge is about data privacy and what is shared versus what is not shared. The extensive collection of
personal data raises serious concerns for individuals, firms, and governments [9]. There is great public fear concerning
inappropriate use of personal data. There is no clarity on the issues of regulation and compliance. Companies should
solve big data problems while assuring privacy and security.
Since information is power, there is potential misuse of big data. The BD age is causing risk and storage cost
problems for businesses. Business companies cannot reap the full benefits of a transition to using BD unless they are
willing to manage change. Embracing BD will require addressing these challenges.
[1] R. Schroeder, “Big data business models: challenges and opportunities,” Cogent Social Sciences, vol. 2, 2016.
[2] M. N.O. Sadiku, M. Tembely, and S.M. Musa,”Big data: an introduction for engineers,” Journal of Scientific
and Engineering Research, vol. 3, no. 2, 2016, pp. 106-108.
[3] I. Yaqoob et al., “Big data: From beginning to future,” International Journal of Information Management, vol.
36, 2016, pp. 1231–1247.
[4] N. Sharma, D. Sawai, and G. Surve, “Big data analytics: impacting business in big way,” Proceedings of
International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, Pune, India, February 2017, pp. 111-
[5] A. Amado et al., “Research trends on big data in marketing: A text mining and topic modeling based literature
analysis,” European Research on Management and Business Economics, vol. 24, 2018, pp. 1–7.
[6] C. Johnson, “Reinventing Business Intelligence: 7 Ways Big Data is Changing Business,” February
[7] J. R. Alan et al., “A review on the role of big data in business,” International Journal of Computer Science and
Mobile Computing, vol. 3, no. 4, April 2014, pp. 446-453.
[8] J. Rama, C. Zhang, and A. Koronios, “The implications of Big Data analytics on Business Intelligence: A
qualitative study in China,” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 87, 2016, pp. 221 – 226.
[9] I. Lee, “Bigdata:dimensions,evolution,impacts,and challenges,” Business Horizons, vol. 60, 2017, pp. 293-303.
[10] A. Alharthi, V. Krotov, and M. Bowman, “Addressing barriers to big data,” Business Horizons, vol. 60, 2017,
pp. 285-292.
Matthew N.O. Sadiku is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Prairie View A&M
University, Prairie View, Texas. He is the author of several books and papers. His areas of research interest include
computational electromagnetics and computer networks. He is a fellow of IEEE.
Philip O. Adebo is an instructor at Texas Southern University. He is currently working towards a PhD in Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University with emphasis on power systems. His research interests include
power systems, renewable energy, microgrids, smart-grid systems, restructuring power system and optimization of power
Sarhan M. Musa is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Prairie View A&M University, Texas.
He has been the director of Prairie View Networking Academy, Texas, since 2004. He is an LTD Sprint and Boeing
Welliver Fellow.