The degree of difficulty in repairing an • When stool passed foul smelling, and liquid
imperforate anus depends on the extent in consistency
of the problem.
• Malnourished and anemic
If the rectum ends close to the perineum
(at or below the level of the levator ant DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION:
muscle) and the anal sphincter is
• Hirschsprung's disease is suspected in a
formed, repair involves simple
baby who has not passed meconium within
laparoscopy with anastomosis of the
48 hours of birth.
separated bowel segments.
A repair becomes complicated if the end •Rectal examination
of the rectum is at a distance from the
perineum (above the levator ani muscle),
the anal sphincter exists only in an •Anorectal manometry
underdeveloped form, or a fistula to the
bladder or vagina is present. •Barium enema & Rectal biopsy
If the repair is estimated to be extensive, Therapeutic Management
the child may be given a temporary
colostomy and the final repair Repair of aganglionic megacolon involves
performed when the infant is somewhat dissection and removal of the affected
older (6 to 12 months) section, with anastomosis of the
intestine (termed a pull through
is a disorder of the gut caused due to Because this is a technically difficult
congenital absence of ganglion cells in operation to perform in a small
the submucosal and myentric plexus of abdomen, the condition is generally
intestine. It is also known as Megacolon treated in infants by two stage surgery o
or Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon. first, a temporary colostomy is
established, followed by bowel repair at
12 to 18 months of age. o After the final
surgery, children should have a Post-operative care:
functioning, normal bowel.
I. Monitor vital signs, observe
In the few instances in which the anus is
abdominal bleeding.
deprived of nerve endings, a permanent
II. Place the child in comfortable
colostomy will need to be established
position according to the physician
Repair of aganglionic megacolon involves
dissection and removal of the affected
III. Child is NPO, so administer IV fluids
section, with anastomosis of the
as ordered
intestine (termed a pull through
IV. Monitor bowel sound.
V. Colostomy care is to be done which
Surgeons frequently perform a single
includes following:
operation to fix intestinal obstruction
Observe stoma for its colour (reddish-
when Hirschsprungs disease is initially
pink colour)
diagnosed. The goal of the surgery is to
Observe for bleeding, purulent drainage,
remove the diseased section of the
intestine and to pull the healthy portion
Provide bland diet
of the intestine down to the anus. This is
apply zinc oxide ointment on skin
called a pull-through procedure. In most
around stoma.
cases, this surgery can be done with
minimally invasive techniques. It can Frequently empty the collecting bag
sometimes be performed entirely
through the anus, leaving no scars at all. 1. Keep the colostomy clean and dry.
2. Educate parents about colostomy
3. Encouraging and supporting the
Pre- operative care:
family during this stressful time is the
I. Assessment, complete history of key nursing intervention.
new born
II. After diagnosis, nurse must help
III. Nurse taught about giving isotonic
enema, suppositories and stool
IV. Low residue diet must be given to
the child.
V. Monitor vital signs & abdominal
girth of child
VI. Keep the child in semi-fowlers
VII. Withhold oral feeds & Nasogastric
aspiration done on the night before
The history of medical research on human subject against even the remote
subject is as old as the history of medicine possibilities of injury, disability or
Itself. Ancient physicians believed that death.
dissection of human cadaver to study human 8. It should be conducted only by
anatomy was insufficient to gain knowledge scientifically qualified persons with
about the malfunctions of the body. highest degree of skill throughout
the experiment.
Vivisection - a form of ancient
9. During experiment the human
experimentation performed on living
subject is free to discontinue the
animals including man, using operation
process should he feel physically and
(cutting or dissecting) designed to
mentally incapable to continue.
promote some knowledge of
10. Like-wise the scientist in charge of
physiological and pathological processes.
the experiment must be prepared to
terminate it if there is probable cause
The Nuremberg Code, (the birth of
that the experiment might result in
Informed consent) a 10 point principles
injury or death to experimental
lo be fallowed in human
experimentation and foremost of these
is voluntary and Informed consent of
subject Justification for human experimentation: