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Name: Addis Getahun

-Cell phone #: 0911- 086359


 Garamuleta, Girawa
 Jan 29, 2023

 To : Consortium of christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA)

 Addis Ababa

Subject: Application for the job Primary Health Care leadership Development Program
evaluation consultant

Your facilities recently advertised on “” for the above position. After reading the job
description I am confident that I could be a perfect fit for your position as my qualification, skill,
ability and future potential precisely match your requirements.

I am graduated from Haremaya University with MSc in Integrated General Emergency Surgery,
Obstetrics and Gynecology on 2015 GC with CGPA 3.86 and BSc degree in Health Officer
with cumulative GPA 3.53 on 2009 GC. And now i have more than 10 years’ work experience in
primary health care service.

Without wishing to sound boastful I feel that I come to you with a background that is unique and
distinctive from other applicant. I have all the competencies required to do the job well, in
particular I am well versed in everything in PHC serviese. I could make an excellent coordinator
for your organization helping you maintain your community reputation and providing a high
level of customer service.

Right now, I want to work for a reputable and exciting institution like yours where there will be a
big stage for my talents. Therefore, I would welcome the chance of an interview, where we
would be able to discuss in greater detail the value and strength I can bring to your organization.
I thank you very much for your time and eagerly look forward to hearing from you.



Name : Addis Getahun

Gender : Male

Address : Phone #: 0911086359


Career Objective:

 To be an ideal person both in clinical and research activity with strong personal
values of honesty and integrity in any health care facilities where I could serve people
with my experience, knowledge and skill for betterment of the patient, and the
medical field. Willing to enhance my knowledge and experience for carrying a
successful medical procedure.

Summary of qualification:

 Diploma in public Health Nurse worked in Health Center for 2 years and as Health
Extension trainer in TVETI for 2 years.
 Bachelor of Science in Public Health Officer worked in Health Center for 3 years.
 Master of Science in Integrated Emergency Surgery (General emergency Surgery,
Obstetrics and Gynecology) working in governmental Hospital of Ethiopia for more
than four years and working there.


July 2015 to date: Garamuleta General Hospital, Ethiopia

Designation: Integrated Emergency surgical officer


 Diagnose and manage general emergency surgical and obstetrical problems.

 Perform instrumental delivery like vacuum extraction and craniotomy
 Perform emergency caesarean section, emergency hysterectomy, and laparotomy for
tubal pregnancy and ovarian torsion.
 Perform major emergency general surgery including appendectomy, strangulated hernia,
emergency small bowel resection and anastomosis, repair bowel perforation, colostomy,
and laparotomy for peritonitis;
 Handle emergency trauma including fracture, dislocation, amputation
 Perform minor emergency and general surgery and obstetrics including POP, Traction,
Cystostomy, Thoracostomy, lump excision, hydrocelectomy, MVA, Norplant removal
 Monitor patient’s condition and progress; reevaluate treatment as necessary
 Manage intraoperative and postoperative complications.
 Diagnose and manage common emergency medical problems.
 Refer patients to medical specialist when necessary.

2009-2012 : Kurfa Health Center, East Harergae, Ethiopia

Public Health Officer


 Clinician of outpatient and inpatient department.

 Manage normal delivery, instrument assisted vaginal delivery and refers
complicated cases.
 Provide Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses
 Perform minor obstetric/gynecological and surgical procedures like safe
abortion care, FP, ANC, PNC
 Provide technical support to medical staff.
 Collect, document, process and analyze health and health related data and
disseminate the information.
 Supervise and technical support for Health extension worker at Health Post.
 Design and implement health promotion activities at Health Center and Health

2004-2006: Fitch TVETI, Ethiopia as Health Extension Package Trainees trainer


 Providing lecture (tutor) to HEP student on different subject areas like Maternal and
Child Health, Disease prevention and control and Environmental health.
 Supervising Students during clinical and community bases training program.

2002-2004: Gola Oda Health Center, East Harergae, Ethiopia as staff Public Health Nurse


 Emphasized health promotion and disease prevention.

 Provided the health care services in the society and communities.
 Arraigning and delivered healthcare education programs.
 Provide client centered health services.
 provided education and counseling to clients as appropriate,
 document all nursing activities/interventions;
 Conduct continuous quality improvement practice in public health nursing.

 2013-2015: Master of Science in Integrated Emergency Surgery post graduate
educational program from Haromaya University.
 2005-2009: Bachelor degree in public Health Officer from Haromaya University
 2000/2001- 2001/2002: DIPLOMA in Public Health Nursing , Haromaya University

Training/ certification

 Health Care Quality Improvement training from ORHO along WHO, 2018


 An excellent team member and Excellent communication skills

 Have ability to work under pressure
 Adapt new concepts
 Enthusiastic
 Responsible
 Honest and trustworthy


 Amharic: Excellent in speaking, reading and writing.

 Afan Oromo: Excellent in speaking, reading and writing.
 English: excellent in speaking reading and writing.

References 1- Endalkachew Mekonin

Master in Emergency surgerg

Tel 0910015237

2 Abdunasir Mahamed

ECO in Garamuleta Hospital

Tel- 0912079359

3 Eskender Derese

Master in Emergency Surgery

Tet 0913539130

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