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Diesel engine plants are finding increased application as either continuous or peak load
source of power generation. Due to economy of operation, DG plants are used to generate power
in the range of 1 to 50 MW capacities and are extensively used to supplement hydro electric or
thermal power stations. Diesel engine plants are finding increased application as either
continuous or peak load source of power generation. Due to economy of operation, DG plants
are used to generate power in the range of 1 to 50 MW capacities and are extensively used to
supplement hydro electric or thermal power stations.
DG plants are more efficient than any other heat engines of comparable size. It is available at
a very short delivery times and can be started quickly and brought into service. It can burn fairly
wide range of fuels.

General layout of a Diesel Power Plant


The essential components of Diesel Engine plant are,

1. Engine
2. Air Intake System (filter and Supercharger)
3. Exhaust system
4. Fuel system
5. Cooling system
6. Lubrication system

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7. Engine starting system

8. Governing system

1. Engine:
It is the main component of the plant which develops required power. The engine is directly
coupled to the generator.
2. Air Intake System ( filter and Supercharger ):
Air filterremoves the dust from the air before it enters the engine. Supercharger increases the
pressure of air at engine inlet and hence increases engine power. They are usually driven by the
3. Exhaust system:
It includes silencers and connecting ducts. As the exhaust gases have higher temperatures, heat
of exhaust gases is utilized for heating the oil or air supplied to the engine.
4. Fuel system:
It contains the storage tank, fuel pump, fuel transfer pump, oil strainers and heaters.
Amount of fuel supplied depends on the load on the plant.
5. Cooling system:
The system includes water circulating pumps, cooling towers or spray ponds and water
filtration or treatment plant. The purpose of cooling system is to ensure the life of the cylinder

by extracting the heat developed from the engine cylinder walls and hence keeping the
temperature within the safer range.

6. Lubrication system:

The system includes oil pumps, oil tanks coolers and connecting pipes. The system reduces
the friction between the moving parts and hence reduces wear and tear.

7. Starting system

The system includes starting aides like compressed air tanks.The tank supplies compressed air
to start the engine from cold. 8. Governing system:
The governing engine maintains constant speed of the engine irrespective of load on the
plant.This is done by varying the fuel supplied to the engine.
Engine starting methods
The SI engines used for power generation in DG plants are usually small in size which use
compression ratio from 7 to 11. Hand and electric motor (6-12 V dc) cranking are generally
used to start the engine. The CI engines use very high compression ratios from 20 to 22 and
hence it is difficult to hand crank the engine. Hence some mechanical cranking systems are used.
1. Compressed Air System
2. Electric Starting
3. Starting by auxiliary engine
4. 1. Compressed Air System
In this system air at a pressure of 20 bar is supplied from an air tank at the engine inlet
through intake manifold. In case of multi-cylinder engine compressed air enters one or more of
engine cylinders and forces down the piston to turn the engine shaft. During the meantime
suction stroke of some other cylinder takes place and the compressed air pushes this cylinder and

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causes the engine shaft to rotate. Gradually the engine gains the momentum and by supplying
the fuel engine starts running.

2. Electric Starting
It consists of an electric motor driving a
pinion which engages a toothed rim on engine
flywheel. Electric supply for the motor is made using
a small electric generator driven by the engine. A
storage battery, of 12 - 36V is used to supply power to
the electric motor. The electric motor disengages automatically after the engine has started.
3. Starting by auxiliary engine
In this method a small petrol engine is connected to the main engine through clutch and
gear arrangement. The clutch is disengaged and the petrol engine is started by hand. Then the
clutch is gradually engaged and the main engine is cranked for starting. Clutch is disengaged
automatically when the main engine is started.
Cooling system
The cylinder walls, cylinder and piston will tend to assume the average temperature of the
gases to which they are exposed, which may be of the order of 1000 to 1500°C. Obviously at such
high temperature, the metals will loose their characteristics and piston will expand considerably and
sieze the liner. Of course theoretically thermal efficiency of the engine will improve without
cooling but actually the engine will sieze to run. If the cylinder wall temperature is allowed to rise

above a certain limit, about 65°C, the lubricating oil will begin to evaporate rapidly and both

cylinder and piston may be damaged. Also high temperature may cause excessive stress in some

parts rendering them useless for further operation. In view of this, part of the heat generated inside
the engine cylinder is allowed to be carried away by the cooling system.

Thus cooling system is provided on an engine for the following reasons :( necessity of


1.The even expansion of piston in the cylinder may result in seizure of the
piston. 2.High temperatures reduce strength of piston and cylinder liner.
3. Overheated cylinder may lead to pre-ignition of the charge, in case of spark ignition engine.
4. Physical and chemical changes may occur in lubricating oil which may cause sticking of
piston rings and excessive wear of cylinder.
Almost 25 to 35 per cent of total heat supplied in the fuel is removed by the cooling medium.
Heat carried away by lubricating oil and heat lost by radiation amounts 3 to 5 per cent of total heat

There are mainly two methods of cooling I.C.

engine: 1. Air cooling 2. Liquid cooling (water)
As the circulation of water is concerned, the cooling system is generally divided into 2 types.
1. Open or Single circuit system
2. Closed or Double circuit system

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1) Open or Single circuit syst em:

In this system pump
draws water from cooling
pond and forces it into
the main engine
jackets.Water after
circulating through the
engine returns to the
cooling pond.The engine
jacket is subjected to
2) Closed or Double circuit syst e m: corrosion because of the
dissolved gases in the
cooling water.

In this system
raw water is made to flow
through a heat
exchanger. When it takes
up the heat of jacket water and returns back to the cooling pond or tower.
About 25 to 35%
heat is lost by cooling water which is known as jacket water loss. The rate of flow of water

should be adjusted to maintain outlet cooling water temperature to 600 C and rise in temperature
of cooling water is limited to 110 C. Water used for cooling should be free from impurities.

This type of cooling system eliminates internal jacket corrosion but the corrosion may exist in
the raw water circuit.

Lubrication system

Due to the presence of friction, wear and tear of the engine parts takes place reducing the

engine life. The lubricant introduced forms a thin film between the rubbing surfaces and
prevents metal to metal contact. The various parts that require lubrication are cylinder walls
and pistons, crank pins, gudgeon pins, big end and small end bearings etc.
Lubrication is the admittance of oil between two surfaces having relative motion.
The purpose of lubrication may be one or more of the following:
1.To reduce friction and wear between the parts having relative motion.
2.To cool the surfaces by carrying away heat generated due to friction.
3.To seal a space adjoining the surfaces such as piston rings and cylinder liner.
4.To clean the surface by carrying away the carbon and metal particles caused by wear.
5.To absorb shock between bearings and other parts and consequently reduce noise.

The main parts of an engine which need lubrication are as given below :
(i) Main crankshaft bearings. (ii) Big-end bearings. (iii) Small end or gudgeon pin bearings.

(iv) Piston rings and cylinder walls. (v) Timing gears. (vi) Camshaft and cam shaft

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(vii) Valve mechanism.

(viii)Valve guides, valve tappets and rocker
arms. Lubrication may be achieved in different forms:
• Full pressure (Mist) lubrication,
• Mechanical,
• Force feed lubrication (or gravity circulation from an over head tank). Full pressure
In this system an oil pump supplies lubricating oil too many parts of the enginethrough
duct system and to the crank shaft through drilled holes. The cylinder walls are lubricated by oil
mist that is slung outward from the connecting rod bearings or by splash of rod ends into oil pools.
The complete lubrication system usually includes the following auxiliaries: pump, oil cleaners, oil
coolers, storage
and sump tanks,
gauges and safety
devices. As oil
m cycle it
impurities in the

form of
carbon particles, water and metal scrap. For continuous reliable operation attention

should be given to oil cleaning.


For this

purpose filters with centrifuges or chemical action have been employed. Mechanical filters

include cloth bags, wool, felt pads, paper discs & cartridge of porous material. Rough

cleaning of oil can be done by passing high speed centrifuges for final cleaning. Centrifuging can

be done by periodic centrifuging of the entire lubricating oil or by continuous cleaning of a

small fraction of it by splitting the oil from main flow and returning back to the main stream. Oil
should be heated before passing it through the centrifuge. Oil should be cooled before supplying
it to the engine. As heat is developed due to friction between the moving parts the cooling is
done by using water from the cooling tower.

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Plant Layout

Applications of Diesel Power Plant


Widely used in the,


1. Peak load plant The diesel plants are used in combination with thermal or hydro-plants
as peak load plants. This plant is particularly preferable as peak load plant as it can be started
quickly and it has no standby losses as in the case of thermal plants where boilers always must be
kept hot.
2. Mobile plants. Mobile diesel plants mounted on skids or trailers can be used for
temporary or emergency purposes such as for supplying power to large civil engineering works for
supplementing electricity supply systems that are temporarily short of power.
3. Stand-by Units. This can be used as a standby unit to supply part load when required.
For example, this can be used with hydro-plant as stand-by unit. If the water available is not
sufficient due to reduced rainfall, a diesel station supplies power in parallel with hydro-station. The
use is made temporarily till the water is available to take the full load.
4. Emergency plant. The plants used for emergency purposes are also standby units,
normally idle but are used where power interruption would mean financial loss or danger in key
industrial processes, tunnel lighting and operating rooms of hospitals. They are also used for
telecommunication and water supply under emergency conditions.
Russia will supply 9300 kW diesel generating set to the Heavy Engineering Corporation,
Ranchi, to overcome the chronic power shortage faced by the plant.

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5. Nursery station. When the diesel plant is used to supply the power to a small town in the
absence of main grid and which can be moved to another area which needs power on a small scale
when the main grid is available is known as "Nursery Station".
The main grid cannot extend to every corner of the country till mere is enough load. Many
times the extension of grid is not possible due to the constructional difficulties as in Assam. Diesel
unit of small capacity can be installed to supply the load to a small town during the process of
development and it can be removed to another required place till the main grid for tapping the
power is available.
6. Starting stations. The diesel units are used to run the auxiliaries for starting the large
steam plants.
7. Central stations. This can be used as central station where the capacity required is small
(5 to 10 MW). The limit is generally decided by the cost of the plant and local conditions regarding
the availability of fuel and water, space requirements and non-availability of the grid.
Small supply units for commercial purposes and public utilities e.g., cinema hall, hospital and
municipalities are commonly used in practice.


The most common arrangement for diesel engines is with parallel centre lines, with some
room left for extension in future. The repairs and usual maintenance works connected with such
engines necessitate sufficient space around the units and consideration should be given to the need
for dismantling and removal of large components of the engine generator set. The air intakes and
filters-as well as the exhaust mufflers are located outside the building or may be separated from the
main engine room by a partition wall. The latter arrangement is not vibration free. Adequate space
for oil storage and repair shop as well as for office should be provided close to the main engine
room. Bulk storage of oil may be outdoor. The engine room should be well ventilated.
The generating units are installed parallel. Sufficient space must be provided around the various
units for dismantling and repairing purposes. The fuel oil tanks are generally located outside the main
buildings to avoid the fire hazards.The construction of buildings and engine layouts are similar in many
respects to the steam power plant although on a much smaller scale. A steel

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frame with brick panels and asbestos sheet roof is quite satisfactory. Good natural lighting can be
provided by including large vertical or horizontal windows in the side wall and rows of skylights in
the engine house roof.


The advantages and disadvantages of diesel power plants are listed below:
1. Design and installation are very simple.
2. Can respond to varying loads without any difficulty.
3. The standby losses are less.
4. Occupy less space.
5. Can be started and put on load quickly
6. Require less quantity of water for cooling purposes.
Overall capital cost is lesser than that for steam plants.
7. Require less operating and supervising staff as compared to that for steam plants. The
efficiency of such plants at part loads does not fall so much as that of a steam plant. The cost
of building and civil engineering works is low. Can burn fairly wide range of fuels.
8. These plants can be located very near to the load centres, many times in the heart of
9. No problem of ash handling.

10. The lubrication system is more economical as compared with that of a steam power plant.

The diesel power plants are more efficient than steam power plants in the range of 150 MW



1. High operating cost.

2. High maintenance and lubrication cost.
3. Diesel units capacity is limited. These cannot be constructed in large size. In a diesel power
plant noise is a serious problem.
4. Diesel plants cannot supply overloads continuously whereas steam power plant can work
under 25% overload continuously.
5. The diesel power plants are not economical where fuel has to be imported.

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The hydro electric plants energy is utilized to move the turbines which in turn run the eclectic
generator. The energy of water utilized for power generation may be kinematic or potential.
The kinamatic energy of water is its energy in motion and is function of mass and velocity,
while the potential energy is a function of the difference in level/head of water between two points.
Selection of Site for Hydel Plants
There are many factors that are to be considered while selecting site for a hydel power plant.
The important factors are as follows:
1. Availability of Water.
2. Storage of Water.
3. Head of Water.
4. Ground Water Data.
5. Distance from the Load Centre.
1.Availability of Water: The site selected should be such that requisite quantity of water is be
available throughout the year for economical generation of power. To estimate the availability of
water, geographical, meteorological and geological investigations of the site are to be carried-out.

Previous records of rainfall of the particular area are to be studied.


2.Storage of Water: The site selected should have good storage capacity, sufficient enough to use

for a full year. This depends upon the reservoir capacity and the catchment area. It is always

intended to store water enough to use even during dry periods, to the extent possible.

3.Head of Water: Head of water is the highest level of water at the upstream from where water

flows down for power generation. Higher the head available, lesser the quantity of water required

for a known power output and hence, lesser is the storage requirement. Power generated depends
mainly on the head of water available, which is seen from the relation,
Power = mgHη / 1000
Where, m = discharge or rate of water flow, kg/sec.
H = head of water, m g =
acceleration due to gravity,
9.81 m/s2
η = efficiency of the prime mover and generator (about 0.8
to 0.9) Hence, the site selected should give the highest head of water.
4.Ground Water Data: It is an important factor to be considered, since it decides the stability of
the ground at the reservoir and dam construction area. It is essential to select a site which has lesser
ground water movement; as it provides a solid reservoir base and also seepage will be minimum. A
strong reservoir base also helps in reducing the foundation costs for the dam construction.
5.Distance from the Load Centre: It is always essential that the site selected should be as nearer as
possible to the load centre. Increased distances lead to increased power transmission costs and higher
transmission losses. Other factors to be considered are the easy accessibility to the site by

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road and/ or rail, cheap cost of the land and the availability of non-polluted water for power

Advantages of Hydel Plants

1) Operating cost of the plant including auxiliaries is low.
2) The maintenance of the plant is comparatively less.
3) Less labour is required to operate the plant.
4) No nuisance of smoke, exhaust gases, soot and other pollution.
5) The sites of hydel plants are usually away from the developed areas and hence the land is very
6) Load fluctuations can be met rapidly without loss of efficiency.
7) There are no stand-by losses.
8) Since no fuel used, there are no problems of handling, charging and disposal. Disadvantages
1) Initial cost of the plant including the cost of dam is very high.
2) The feasibility of a hydel plant depends mainly on the availability of water and hence the natural
phenomenon of rain and thus the problems of stopping the plant may arise during dry seasons.

3) Usually the sites will be away from the load centers, which causes loss of power and high costs
in transmission lines.
4) It takes considerably long time for its erection as compared with the erection of - thermal plants.



Hydel power plants can be classified as follows:


1. Quantity of water available


a) Run-off river plants without pondage


b) Run-off river plants with pondage


c) Pumped storage plant

2. Head of water
a) Low head plant
b) Medium head plant
c) High head plant
3. Nature of load
a) Base load plant
b) Peak load plant
4. Capacity of plant
a) Low capacity plant (100-999 kW)
b) Medium capacity plant (1 MW-10 MW)
c) High capacity plant (above 10 MW)
Run-off River Plants without Pondage
In such plants water is not stored, but only the running water is used for power generation. In
such power plants the power generated directly depends upon the rate of flow available. Hence,
during rainy seasons some excess quantity of water may run waste without doing any power

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generation. During dry periods the power production will be very poor, since the water flow
rate will be low.
Run-off River Plants with Pondage
In such plants, the excess water available during rainy seasons is stored in the reservoirs.
The plant works with the normal run-off during the rainy season, while the stored water from the
reservoir is utilised to supplement the low flow rate during dry periods. Power production will
not be affected by the dry seasons. Hence, plants with pondage can generate a constant rate of
power throughout the year.
Pumped Storage Plants
Such plants are most suitable for supplying sudden peak load requirements. However, such
demands can be met only for a short duration. In the normal operation they can meet the average
demand only. Such type of plant consists of two storage reservoirs. The upstream reservoir is the
main (head race) storage reservoir to which water flows from the catchment area.


Figure 4.1: Pumped storage plant


The second reservoir is the down stream (tail race) reservoir, in which the used water from the
upstream is collected. The water in the down stream reservoir is pumped back to the main
upstream reservoir, during off peak periods. This facilitates making use of the excess water during
peak hours. A pumped storage plant is a peak load plant operates in combination with other base
load plants such as a thermal power plant. The off peak load capacity of the thermal plant is used
for pumping water from the down stream reservoir to the upstream reservoir. The schematic
arrangement of pumped storage plant operating along with a thermal plant to meet the peak load
demands, is shown in Fig 4.1

Storage &Pondage
Storage plants are the plants with facilities for storing water at their sites. However,
often such plants cannot store as much water as required for the full year operation for
continuous operation, it is always preferred to have one or more reservoirs upstream Depending
upon the place of storage and the function, the reservoirs are grouped as storage and pondage
Storage can be defined as the collection of a large quantity of run-off during monsoon seasons,
which is essentially used in the dry seasons for the plant operation. This is the main ,or the
upstream reservoir, made by the construction of a dam across the stream

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It is defined as a regulating means of water, and is a small reservoir that is used for the
collection of the excess flow water from the dam spill ways of the main reservoir or from/the
river stream. It is basically a small pond or reservoir just behind the power house.

Low Head Hydel Plant

A hydel plant with a water head of less than 50 meters is termed a low head plant. In such plants, a
small dam is constructed across a river to obtain the necessary water head. The excess water is allowed
to flow over the dam, while the water head is made use to run a hydraulic turbine.


The water from the dam is taken through a canal to the turbine. For low head plants Francis or

Kaplan turbines are used. There is no water hammer problem in such plants, hence no surge tank is

provided in the water line.

Medium Head Hydel Plant

A hydel plant with a water head of in the range of 50 to 100 meters is termed a medium head
plant. In this, the water is stored in a main reservoir, this water is allowed to a small pond or
forebay through a canal, The water from the forebay is taken to the turbine through penstock. In
such plants the forebay itself acts as the surge tank, and hence receives the excess water during
the low demand periods. Francis turbine is most suitable for medium head hydel plants.

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High Head Hydel Plant

A hydel plant with a water head of more than 100 meters is termed a high head plant. In this
case.The water from the main reservoir is carried through tunnels up to the surge tank, from where
it is taken through the penstock. Since the water head is very high, the effect of water hammer is too
severe in such plants. Thus, it is essential to provide a surge tank in the water line at appropriate

location. The surge tank takes care of the increasing and decreasing water levels during the low-
demand and high demand periods, respectively. The Francis and Pelton wheel turbines are most

suitable for high head plants.


Penstocks are the pipelines that connects between the water source (such as the reservoir,
forebay, water way) and the hydraulic turbine, these are usually large circular pipes with diameters
ranging form 1 meter to 8 meters. Penstocks are usually made of steel or concrete pipes. Care
should be taken to keep the entry to the penstock at the dam or the forebay at a low level,
submerged always under the water. If the entry is open to air, it may take air along and create
aeration problems in the prime mover, thus affecting the performance.

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The penstocks should be laid in such a way that there are no sharp bends. Sharp bends cause
frictional losses and reduce the effective water head. Generally penstocks are exposed type, since
they are economical and easy to repair and maintain. However, covered penstocks can be used
when the regions are prone to sliding rocks, snow, earth and such dangers, so as to avoid damage to
the pipe line. m

Water Hammer

Whenever there is a sudden fall in the demand, the governor closes the penstock valve to a

minimum. This sudden closure-of the valve increases the pressure inside the penstock due to the

kinetic energy of the water which is high enough to damage the penstock pipe. This effect is

termed Water Hammer. Also, whenever there is a sudden rise in the load demand the gates are
opened instantly by the governor, thereby creating vacuum in the penstock pipe. This causes to
bubbling and foaming action. This leads to operational problems in the turbine. These problems
can be overcome by providing a surge tank in the penstock line. Basically, a surge tank is a
cylindrical open top storage unit, which connected to the penstock line and located very close to
the turbine.
Surge tank
Surge tank is an open tank which is often used with pressure conduit of considerable
length. The main purpose of providing surge tank is to reduce the distance between the free water
surface and turbine there by reducing the water hammer effect on penstock and also protect
upstream tunnel from high pressure raises. It also serves as a storage tank when the water is
accelerating during increased load conditions and as a storage tank when the water is decelerating
during reduced load conditions.

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Function of Surge Tank


1. Reduce the water hammer effect


2. Acts as a relief valve


3. Acts as a temporary reservoir


Types of Surge Tanks


1. Simple surge tank

2. Inclined surge tank
3. The expansion chamber and gallery type surge tank
4. Restricted orifice surge tank
5. Differential surge tank 1.Simple surge tank:

The simplest type of surge tank is plain cylinder tank. It is

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connected to the conduit b yash o rt conne ctingsh a ft as shown in figu

re. The diameter o f the tank is govern ed b ymaki n gt h ear e asuff i
cient to ensurestabili t y adseco n dl y b ythe n e cessit yof k eepin gthe
s ur ges withi reasonabl e limit of amplitude.

Figure: Simple surge tan k

2. Inclined surg e tank:
If thesu r ge t ank of diam eter ‗d‘ is inclined at an a ngle T to the hori z ontal as shown in figur e, its eff ective w ater s urfac e area inc re asesfr o

d2 d2
3 to 3
co s ecT . Therefo re lesse r hei ghtsu r ge t ankrequi r ed for

4 4
diameter id it inclined or lesserdiamet e r tank requ ired for the s ame hei ght.

3. The expansion cha mber and gallery type surge tank:

A surge tank havin g a va riable cross se ction, with
havin g expan sion tank at top and ex pansion galler y at the
bottom. These provided ex pansionslim it the ex treme surges.
The upper r eservoi r abso rbs the risingsu r ges, whi le the m
lowe one provides r eserv esto r age of w ater on sta rting the
turbine or increasin gthe load on th e turbine.

4. Restric tedori f icesu r ge tank:


It is also called as throttled surge tank. The main


objective of providing a throttle or restricted orifice is to


create an appreciable friction loss when the water is flowing

to or from tank.
When the load on the turbine is reduced, the surplus
water passes through the throttle and a retarding head equal to
the loss due to throttle is built up in the conduit.

5. Differential Surge Tank

It consists of a cylindrical chamber with central raiser whose area is equal to that of conduit. The
raiser is connected to the outer chamber by ports at its base. With the change of load, the water level
in the riser rises or falls very rapidly thus providing a rapid deceleration or acceleration of the
conduit flow.

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Control Valves
The control valves are used in hydel plants to regulate the flow of water at the intake and the
discharge end.

Two types of valves

1. Needle valve
2. Tube valve


Tube valve:

It is a graph representing the discharge of flowing water with respect to time for a specific
period.The time axis may have units of hour, day, week or month.The discharge units may be
m3/sec, km2-cm/hr or daysecond-metre. Discharge hydrographs are also known as flood or
run-off hydrographs. Fig shows typical hydrographs or discharge curves based on daily,
monthly and yearly flows.
Unit Hydrograph

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A unit hydrograph is a hydrograph with a volume of 1 cm of run-off resulting from a

rainfall of specified duration and a real pattern, which is constructed using the hydrograph data.

Uses of a Hydrographs
A hydro graph is useful to determine a number of parameters, such, as:
1) Rate of flow at any instant during the specific recorded period.
2) Total volume of flow in a given period, as the area under the hydrograph represents the volume
of water in a given duration.

3) The mean annual run-off for any of the recorded period.


4) The maximum and minimum run-off for any selected period.


5) The maximum rate of run-off during the floods and duration of frequency of floods (peak of the

curve indicates the flood.


Flow Duration Curve


This is a useful graphical representation of the run-off for a given period. The run-off data on the

ordinate against the corresponding percentage of time on the abscissa represents a Flow Duration

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The flow may be expressed as m3/ see/week or any other convenient unit of time. When the
available head of water is known, then the total energy of flow can be computed.
Mass Curve
The graph representing the cumulative values of water quantity (run-off) against time is
termed the Mass Curve. A reservoir is the means of storing water that is available during rainfall,
from the catchment areas and/or from a river. A mass curve is a convenient method of

determining the storage requirements of a reservoir so as to obtain a satisfactory flow from the
fluctuating discharge of a river.

Fig shows a typical mass curve. A mass curve is an integral curve of the hydrograph that
represents the area under the hydrograph from one time to another.
Mathematically, the mass curve can be given by the relation,

V = ∫ Qtdt

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V is the volume of run-off and Qt is the discharge in m3/sec as a function of time.

Thus, by flow duration curve it is possible to estimate the total power available at the site.
A flow duration curve can be used to determine the minimum and maximum conditions of flow
of water.If the magnitude on the ordinate is the estimated power contained in the stream flow
against the corresponding percentage of time on the abscissa, then the curve is known as Power
Duration Curve.


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