Recognizing Traffic Black Spots From Street View I

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006493, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Recognizing Traffic Black Spots from

Street View Images Using
Environment-aware Image Processing
and Neural Network
Pomona College, Claremont, CA, United States
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Pathumthani, Thailand

ABSTRACT This paper proposes a novel technique to identify black spots (prone-to-accident road
locations) using street view images. The proposed technique is derived based on the hypothesis that the
characteristics of the surroundings of the road have an effect on the safety level of a particular spot,
and is the first black spot classification technique that is fully environment-aware. Assessing four street
view images around each spot, a distance-aware pixel accumulation is developed to extract information
about the objects surrounding the road from a semantically segmented image. The accumulated vectors
are then used to train fully-connected neural networks to identify black spots. Performance evaluations are
conducted with street view images in Thailand, which represent a challenging scenario of analyzing road
characteristics in developing countries, with one of the highest road traffic fatality rates and limited historical
accident records. Comparisons between our proposed technique and previously proposed techniques are
also provided. Experiments show that our proposed technique succeeds in classifying black and safe spots
in Thailand with an accuracy of 69.91%, where 75.86% of the black spots are identified correctly. Also, the
distance-aware pixel accumulation can improve the accuracy of those machine learning techniques up to
6.4%. Our findings also evidently revealed that the object surrounding the roads as well as their sizes and
distances are determinants of road’s accident proneness.

INDEX TERMS Black Spot Detection, Machine Learning, Feature Extraction, Pixel Accumulation, Street
View Images

I. INTRODUCTION citizens including poverty1 , income, disabilities, as well as

road accidents. One of the pain points in developing the
A 2018 World Health Organization report has sent an alarm- platform is the lack of a mechanism to identify spots that are
ing message that road traffic injuries have been the main prone to accidents and, subsequently, the fragmentation of
cause of death of children and young adults, and the SDG accident-related data. This paper presents an automated and
3.6 target will not likely be met [1]. According to the transferable approach to identify those accident-prone spots.
Third Global Status Report on Road Safety, Thailand has A black spot, in the field of road safety studies, is gener-
the second-highest road traffic fatality rate in the world. ically defined as a dangerous, prone-to-accident spot on the
The Road Accident Victims Protection Company Limited road. In practice, multiple more specific variations of a black
has recorded 829,201 people injured, disabled, or killed in spot’s definition are adopted by different organizations. The
road accidents in 2018 or 2,271.78 victims each day. The study in [2] reviews these definitions and studies their appli-
office of National Economic and Social Development Coun- cability to streets in Thailand. In this paper, we follow the
cil (NESDC), under the Thai government, has initiated Thai precise definition accepted as a national standard by public
People Map and Analytics Platform (TPMAP) project. The organizations in Thailand: a black spot is a spot at which at
project’s aim is to develop a national data analytics platform
to analyze problems related to the quality of life of Thai 1 Fully accessible online at

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

least three serious accidents or five injury accidents have been making our technique relatively accessible to all types
recorded within 100 meters in three years. of users.
Most of the existing black spot classification approaches 2) Application: We have developed and tested a full-
rely on manually collected data or past traffic records as pa- pipeline, neural-network-based black spot classifica-
rameters to correlate with accident-proneness and features for tion method that uses only street view images. Results
the black spots prediction. In such data-driven approaches, show that it outperforms several baseline techniques,
commonly used parameters include the number of lanes, including CNN.
the traffic volume, road conditions, as well as the number 3) Algorithm: We also introduce a feature extraction
and types of intersections or curves [3]–[6]. In this paper, technique called distance-aware pixel accumulation as
we explore an alternative data source, a visual instead of a component in the pipeline. The accumulation al-
a numerical or categorical data. Although they come with gorithm compresses 2-dimensional, semantically seg-
noises, visual data are much easier to obtain and richer mented images into a vector while preserving both
with information. Street view images, specifically, capture the relative magnitude and certain relevant structural
not only the geometric characteristics of the streets, but also information.
the information on the surroundings from the perspective of This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives an
a moving car. We hypothesize that the surroundings of the overview of existing works whose topic or methodology
road, such as the number of the trees and the position of the partially overlaps with those of ours. Section III comprehen-
buildings, can influence the road’s safety level. To investigate sively describes and justifies the data set and the mechanism
this hypothesis further, we select street view images as the of our technique, covering three essential image processing
data for our prediction model. Surprisingly, while street view steps and the neural network structure. Section IV presents
images have been used for a variety of life quality-related the experimental results of our technique’s performance in
classification problems (see [7]–[13]), no work has been comparison to that of other candidate techniques, along with
done on using purely street view images to predict road a detailed description of how each technique was imple-
safety, to the best of our knowledge. mented and tested. Section V discusses the results from
The final step of the proposed technique is to learn to Section IV in terms of their implications and applications,
predict. In our initial attempts, we adopted a convolutional and Section VI summarizes our work and breaks down its
neural network (CNN), for it is known as one of the best contributions.
performing standard learning techniques for recognizing pat-
terns in the images. However, it did not perform nearly as II. RELATED WORKS
well as expected (see IV-B for results). Hence, instead, we Black Spots Analysis is a branch of road safety analysis
developed a feature extraction pipeline utilizing a CNN- that has been widely studied in the past few decades. The
based semantic segmentation model, coupled with a pixel studies in [3] and [4] produced a comprehensive list of the
accumulation algorithm that compresses and extracts infor- traditional, widely accepted methods used for black spots
mation about the objects surrounding the road from raw im- analysis. Various statistical models and different aspects of
ages. The extracted features are then fed to a fully-connected accident data, namely the accident severity and accident
neural network to learn to identify black spots. Our model involvement, were used in the reviewed works. Sixteen risk
succeeds in classifying black and safe spots in Thailand factors were listed, and different types of risk factors were
with an accuracy of 69.91%, correctly classifying over two- said to have correlations with different aspects of an accident.
thirds of the unseen spots based solely on street view images. In the past decade, there have been multiple works adopting
Furthermore, 75.86% of the black spots in the data set are a similar framework, including the statistical analysis of
identified correctly. Its performance, in turn, supports our the relationship between geometric parameters such as road
hypothesis that the surrounding environment correlates to the accesses and curve lengths presented in [6]. Many works on
safeness of a road. accident risk prediction, including [14]–[16], have also been
The contributions of this paper can be summarized into done specifically on the streets and highways in Thailand.
three main components as follows. The presentation in [17] gives a comprehensive description
1) Data: We propose street view images as a novel data of the state-of-art process currently followed to handle road
source for the black spot prediction task. Street view hazardous locations. The number of accidents, the number
images are extremely rich with information, especially of casualties, and the accident rate are used as a prelimi-
for our task, as they contain both traditional informa- nary means to calculate the risk. Other more labor-intensive
tion (e.g. the number of the lanes and the condition of methods, such as making stick and collision diagrams and
the road) and additional backdrop information (e.g. the collecting additional data based on human observations, have
density of trees and buildings, as well as the types and been implemented as well. While this procedure is detailed
quantity of vehicles), which are not captured in other and highly accurate, it requires enormous financial, labor, and
common data sources such as manually recorded road time resources.
conditions or even satellite images. Furthermore, only In recent years, new technological discoveries have al-
four snaps of images are easy to access and retrieve, lowed the development of more advanced road safety anal-
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006493, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

ysis techniques. The study in [18] combined the Geographic spots. In terms of the input data, satellite images are more
Information System (GIS) with manual labeling of the intuitive for detecting road structures than street view images.
street’s attributes, such as road conditions and the number However, our work explores the hypothesis that there are
of lanes, to find their correlations with accidents and to details in the surroundings, such as how much the trees and
identify black spots. Factors that had a positive correlation billboards cover the view of the drivers, that significantly
with high accident risks were: a lower road level, a smaller influence the safety level at a particular spot. Hence, street
traffic volume, and a smaller intersection spacing. Deep view images, which capture exactly what the drivers see, are
learning has also been utilized to predict both short- and long- a suitable – and unprecedented – option of input data for road
term accident risk in more recent works [19], [20]. Unlike safety prediction.
more traditional methods of road safety analysis that focus
on accident records only, these recent works also showed III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
that other parameters including traffic flow, weather, and air A. DATA SET
quality help improve the prediction.
While visual data, especially street view images, have
rarely ever been used directly for road safety or black spot
analysis, they have appeared in numerous works involving
other kinds of life-quality-related predictions. For instance,
[7] predicted accident risks based on a Google Street View
image of a house by first using human labor to classify
the condition of the house and the neighborhood based on
the image, and then finding the correlations between these
factors and the risk of that house’s residents getting into a car
accident. Another risk prediction paper [8] also used humans
to classify attributes in street view images before associating
them with pedestrian injuries statistically. Other works that
used machine learning techniques include [10]–[13], whose
goals were to predict demographic makeup, street walkabil-
ity, perceived safety (crime-wise) of the captured neighbor-
hood, and urban land for urban planning and management,
respectively. All four works used a large data set of street
view images to train neural networks of different complexity
to predict. The work in [9], which proposed an automated
system for identifying cracks on roads, also used street view
images as the input. Moreover, a segmentation to differentiate
the road from the background, a technique similar to se-
FIGURE 1. The coordinates of road accidents in Thailand from 2011 to 2019.
mantic segmentation used in our work, was applied onto the
images before they were fed to the support vector machine
for training. Even though these examples utilized both street
a: Geographical Coordinates
view imagery and machine learning tools, none of them were
Prior to retrieving the images of streets, we need to have the
directly concerned with predicting the safeness of a road.
exact coordinates of safe and black spots in Thailand. All
In addition to street view images, the satellite image is
coordinates used were retrieved from publicly accessible data
another possible source of visual data for the task, and it was
compiled and published online by Road Accident Victims
used in [21], the only existing work that used purely visual
Protection Company Limited. The company was established
data to predict road safety. It used deep learning to associate a
in 1998 under the Motor Vehicle Victims Act B.E. 2540 to
road safety map with satellite images obtained from hundreds
facilitate compensation to victims of road accidents in areas
of thousands of accident reports in New York City. Down-
not covered by insurance companies. With 59 insurance com-
loaded images were directly fed to a standard convolutional
panies contributing as shareholders, it has the most complete
neural network architecture without any major data prepa-
records of accident reports available in Thailand.
ration process, and the result of the prediction was a road
For black spots, we retrieved 3,461 coordinates (in lati-
map with three levels of safety. The trained model got 78%
tude/longitude format) of officially declared black spots from
accuracy within the same city and 73% with a different city.
Black Spots System available online on the official website
Unfortunately, due to the lack of complete and accessible
of Road Accident Victims Protection Company Limited2 .
traffic accident records in Thailand, it is impossible to obtain
For safe spots, 72,873 coordinates of places with reported
such complete map of past accidents or safety levels. Hence,
accidents between 2011-2019 were retrieved from the same
our task has to be framed slightly differently: to distinguish
critically dangerous spots (black spots) from acceptably safe 2 The company’s full website is accessible at

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

FIGURE 2. Flow chart of the full image pre-processing pipeline

source; only locations where only 1 accident had occurred vectors, which are the inputs for training the neural network
within 100 meters radius were considered safe spots to ensure model to predict the safety of the spot. The pre-processing
that the inaccuracy of pinning the accident’s location would consists of three main steps: 1) semantic segmentation, 2)
not interfere with the classification. The data points for both distance-aware pixel accumulation, and 3) filtering.
safe and black spots are distributed over the entire country, as
illustrated in Figure 1. 1) Semantic Segmentation
Due to the inaccuracy of the location pinning of both As shown in Figure 2, the first step is semantic segmentation
black and safe spots, a small fraction of coordinates does (I). Individual pixels are categorized into classes of common
not capture a spot on a road. Furthermore, at the time of objects around the street. Figures 3 and 4 show a sample raw
our investigation, Google Street View did not have a com- Google Street View image and the corresponding semantic
plete coverage in Thailand, i.e. street view images could segmentation of the image respectively. We used a standard
not be retrieved for a small fraction of coordinates. After U-NET learner model [22] from the FastAI library and the
eliminating coordinates under these two cases, we balanced CamVid data set, a data set of labeled images of streets,
the data set with a simple, uniform under-sampling. Two to train a semantic segmentation model with 92% accuracy.
thousand coordinates per class (4,000 coordinates in total) We then used the model to segment each image into 32
were randomly selected to represent black and safe spots. meaningful categories. The 32 classes, as employed in the la-
While a smaller data size saves a considerable amount of both beling of the CamVid data set, are animal, archway, bicyclist,
computational resources and time, it is recommended that the bridge, building, car, cart/luggage/pram, child, column/pole,
complete data set (balanced), if exists, is used to improve the fence, driving lane marks, non-driving lane marks, mis-
accuracy. cellaneous text, motorcycle/scooter, other moving objects,
parking block, pedestrian, road, road shoulder, sidewalk, sign
b: Google Street View Images symbol, sky, SUV/pickup truck, traffic cone, traffic light,
For each of the 4,000 coordinates retrieved, four images with train, tree, truck/bus, tunnel, miscellaneous vegetation, void,
heading angles of 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees were requested and wall.
through Google Street View Static API. The images have The model compresses any image down to the dimension
dimensions 640 by 480 pixels and the horizontal field of of 480 by 360 pixels, and returns its segmentation of the
view of 90 degrees. (The dimension is adjustable since one image as a 2-dimensional array with 480 columns and 360
of the image pre-processing steps resize all images to a rows, each position storing the encoding of the object type
pre-specified size.) Hence, the data set consists of 16,000 at that pixel (e.g. 1 represents an animal and 17 represents a
images from safe and black spots (8,000 of black spots and road).
8,000 of safe spots) distributed impartially over all regions of
Thailand. 2) Distance-aware Pixel Accumulation
The next step is the novel feature extraction algorithm:
B. IMAGE PRE-PROCESSING distance-aware pixel accumulation (II), shown in Figure 2.
In order to extract only relevant information, the images need This step compresses the 480x360 array into a 32-component
to be pre-processed as shown in Figure 2. For each spot, the vector by accumulating the number of pixels assigned to
four 640x480-pixel images are converted into 28-component each object class based on its pixel distance from the closest
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

maski,j = the reversed distance from (i, j) to its nearest

distM AX = the maximum distance possible (480 in our
(xi , yi ) = position of the road pixel that is closest to
(i, j)
It then iterates through the original array and the mask
simultaneously, and accumulates the value in the mask to its
object class’s component in the resultant vector. Therefore,
after the accumulation, each vector component, representing
an object class, contains the sum of that object’s reversed
distance from the closest road previously stored in the mask

maski,j × 1arrayi,j =k
Vk = (2)
FIGURE 3. Sample raw Google Street View image from coordinate (6.8651,
101.2414) where:
arrayi,j = value of the segmentation encoding at pixel (i, j)
maski,j = the reversed distance from (i, j) to its nearest road
V =(resultant 32-component vector
1, f evaluates to true
1f =
0, otherwise
Finally, the four vectors generated from images of different
angles of the same point are summed into a single vector.
Hence, the product of this step is a 32-component vector per
location that keeps a considerable amount of essential data in
the segmented images.

3) Filtering
The final pre-processing step is filtering (III). There are four
object classes which, among the 16,000 images in our data
set, are not present at all. Therefore, they cannot assist the
learning model in differentiating the vectors into classes; and
FIGURE 4. Color map corresponding to semantic segmentation of the image they are henceforth removed from the input vector. With the
in Figure 3. Each color is mapped to a segmentation class (e.g. brown
represents the “road" class). data set of Thailand roads, the four classes are bridge, child,
train, and tunnel. Note that this filtering step depends on
the data and should be adjusted if applied to different types
road pixel. This technique is derived from the hypothesis that of landscape or different semantic segmentation models. All
objects closer to the road supposedly have higher influences other components are preserved as they have the potential
on the activities on the road, including accidents. Therefore, to be relevant. Static classes capture the features of the
in addition to the size of the object (represented in the environment, while the non-static classes, such as pedestrian
number of pixels), the distance from the road should also and car, represent the typical traffic situation of the road (e.g.
be an influential factor. The fundamental concept of this types of vehicles and level of congestion). Therefore, in our
accumulation algorithm is that closer and larger objects are case, by the end of the pre-processing, the data is in the
assigned more weight. Note that the accumulation algorithm form of 28-component vectors and ready to be fed into the
does not attempt to capture the exact real-world magnitude, classifier model for training and testing.
but rather to capture the relative distance with respect to the
road objects in each image. The algorithm first generates a C. BLACK SPOTS CLASSIFICATION USING
480x360 mask of the reversed (negated) distance of every FULLY-CONNECTED NEURAL NETWORK
pixel from its closest road pixel. Finally, we need a machine learning model to learn from the
prepared input vectors how to differentiate safe and black
spots. To select an appropriate model, several commonly
maski,j = distM AX − distance((i, j), (xi , yi )) (1)
known methods with various levels of complexity – namely,
where: linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machine,
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

and fully-connected neural network – are tested. The fully- B. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
connected neural network outperforms other standard ma- 1) Baseline Techniques and Semantic Segmentation
chine learning methods, as will be shown in Section IV-B. The first part comprises the performance tests of differ-
A fully-connected neural network model is a structure- ent input formats with several standard machine learning
agnostic, general-purpose type of neural network that con- techniques. Six techniques were tested in the experiments
sists of fully connected layers, each one representing a non- comparing the performances of using raw images, segmented
linear function with a specified number of parameters. For images, and simple pixel-accumulated vectors after semantic
our purpose, a simple, sequential model with 10 Dense layers segmentation. Simple pixel-accumulation is a simpler ver-
and 2 Dropout layers to prevent over-fitting, with a total of sion of distance-aware pixel accumulation described in Sec-
36,593 parameters has proven to be sufficient. However, the tion III, where each 480x360 array is compressed into a 32-
fact that simpler machine learning models (i.e. regressions component vector by accumulating the number of pixels as-
and support vector machine) perform worse than a neural signed to each object class using equal weight for each pixel
network model on the same data set shows that the model regardless of its distance from road pixels. Where applicable,
needs a certain level of non-determinism to recognize the we also compared the performances of standard machine
complex relationships between each vector component. The learning techniques compiled from techniques used in related
particular neural network architecture described earlier was works: [11], [12], [19], [23]. The four selected techniques are
chosen due to its stably decent performance in experiments. linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machine
Other architectures with similar structure – fully-connected (SVM), and appropriate neural network models.
layers and a few dropouts – also have similar performances. Linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector
machine were implemented using the Scikit-learn library,
IV. RESULTS while all neural networks were implemented using Keras,
A. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP with Tensorflow as a backend. For the convolutional neural
For all of the experiments, we split the 8,000 images from network, we tested with a standard pre-trained model, Incep-
each class into 75% training set and 25% testing set, as tionV3, with a new fully-connected output layer, activated
shown in Table 1. Through the experiments, we noticed that with softmax function. The model was compiled with SDG
this split between training and testing data points is flexible, as an optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001. Several
as long as there are enough points for the neural network newly built convolutional neural network models with ap-
model to learn and the number of points for safe and black proximately 4-5 million total parameters were also tested
spots are equal. To ensure that the results are not biased in the preliminary study, but their best accuracy was either
by a specific pair of training-testing data sets, we adopted worse than or comparable to that of the model modified from
the repeated random test-train splits validation strategy with InceptionV3.
10 training and testing sessions. Three quarters of the data
were randomly selected to train the model, and the rest were Input Type Machine Learning Technique Test Acc. (%)
used to calculate the accuracy. This process was used in Raw image CNN (InceptionV3) 50.00
every experiment, including the baseline experiments. The Segmented image CNN (InceptionV3) 50.08
experiments were coded and run on Google Colaboratory
Simple pixel- Linear regression 62.00
in Python 3 using its GPU as a hardware accelerator. The
experiments were divided into two parts in order to clearly accumulated Logistic regression 61.20
illustrate the effect of different parameters. More details of SVM 61.40
the experimental setup of each part are described in the next Fully-connected neural network 63.50
section, along with the performance evaluation results.
TABLE 2. Performance comparison of baseline machine learning techniques
Evaluation Data with raw, segmented and segmented-and-simple-accumulated data
Data Full Data
Available (spots
(spots) / images) Training Set Testing Set
Results show that feeding raw images as inputs to a convo-
Safe 2,000 1,500 (random) 500 (the rest) lutional neural network is not suitable, as the 50% accuracy
spots / 8,000 / 6,000 / 2,000
equals that of a blind guessing for a binary classification. Seg-
Black 2,000 1,500 (random) 500 (the rest) mented images do not produce any significant improvement.
spots / 8,000 / 6,000 / 2,000
On the other hand, the accuracy goes above 60% for all ma-
chine learning techniques, showing that accumulating pixels
TABLE 1. Summary of the data used in the experiments
of objects from segmented images extracts some amount of
relevant information. Among the four techniques, the results
are fairly similar, ranging between 61.2-63.5%, with the
‡ The 2,000 safe spots were randomly sampled from the subset of the full fully-connected neural network having the best performance
dataset (72,873 spots) that met the two criteria described in Section III-A. by a small margin.
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

The distinction between the performance of 2-dimensional Average Testing Accuracy (%)
Learning Technique
(image) versus 1-dimensional (pixel-accumulated) data is Simple Accumulation Distance-aware Acc.
substantial. Even though the deep convolutional neural net- Linear regression 62.00 67.42
work can detect very complex patterns, it fails to learn
Logistic regression 61.20 67.50
from both raw and segmented images. We speculate that a
2-dimensional array, with 172,800 (360x480) components, SVM 61.40 55.80
contains too much information and potentially too much Neural network 63.50 69.91
noise for the convolutional neural network to recognize any Black spots 65.44 75.86
useful patterns. On the other hand, the straightforward pixel Safe spots 61.56 63.96
accumulation that compresses the size of input from 172,800
TABLE 3. Performance comparison of simple and distance-aware
down to 32 improves the accuracy by about 11-14%, im- accumulation techniques
plying that the accumulation makes the input digestible for
the neural network while preserving at least some useful
information. This indicates that semantic segmentation fol-
lowed by simple pixel accumulation, which represents how
much space each type of object takes up in the image, can superior to simple accumulation for three out of four machine
extract valuable information from the street view images. learning techniques tested. The support vector machine is
However, the accuracy can be improved even further. A more the only technique that proves to be incompatible with the
advanced variation of the accumulation technique that boosts distance-aware accumulated input and thus unsuitable for
the performance up to approximately 70% is explained and our task. For the other three techniques, the improvements
tested in the second part of the experiment. in accuracy are fairly similar: 5.42% with linear regression,
6.3% with logistic regression, and 6.4% with the neural
network. Among them, the neural network continues to
2) Simple Pixel Accumulation vs. Distance-aware Pixel
outperform regression by about 2.5%. Furthermore, across
the ten training and testing sessions, the minimum accuracy
The second part emphasizes on the performance comparison that the distance-aware accumulation and neural network
between the two methods of pixel accumulation: the simple achieved was 68.75% and the maximum was 72%. Even in its
accumulation used in the first part and the distance-aware worst round, the accuracy was only 1.16% below the average,
accumulation described in Section III. Four machine learning and the model still outperforms all other techniques. The
techniques from the previous part are used for each type of narrow range of accuracies also illustrates that the model has
accumulation; CNN is excluded because even though it is a stably satisfactory performance, which shows potentials for
suitable for feature extraction from an image, it is too com- reproducibility.
plex for a simple 28-component vector. The neural network
Since the neural network proves to be the best technique,
model used (abbreviated as NN in the Figure 2) is the fully-
we study it deeper by comparing its performance on black
connected neural network described in Section III-C. All
spots versus safe spots, presented in the last two rows of
machine learning models were implemented using the same
Table 3. The results show that, while the distance-aware
library and architecture as those in the first part, except for
accumulation increases the average accuracy of safe spots
one small difference. For the neural network model, the loss
only by 2.4%, it increases that of black spots by over
function§ that performs best with the simple accumulation is
10%, i.e. an additional 10% of the black spots are correctly
the binary cross-entropy, but in our preliminary experiment,
identified. Despite being trained and tested with balanced
mean squared error performs better than binary cross-entropy
data, the model is more inclined to classify a spot as black.
by approximately 2%. Hence, the loss function most suited
Hence, the proposed distance-aware accumulation does not
for each accumulation technique is used. Also based on
simply improve the overall accuracy, but more specifically,
preliminary parameter-tuning experiments, the number of
the accuracy of black spots detection. For real-world accident
training epochs was fixed at 100, where training accuracy
prevention purpose, danger detection is slightly more critical
starts to flatten. Note that, for reproduction purposes, the
than no-danger detection, since it encourages precaution as
number of epochs may need to be adjusted based on the
opposed to ease of mind. In this sense, our technique could
characteristics of the data set. The results of the simple
identify 75.86% of the black spots correctly.
accumulation, which are included in the first part, are shown
again in the table to facilitate the comparison. Additionally, According to the experimental results, distance-aware ac-
the separate average accuracy for each class, i.e. black and cumulation and the neural network together make the optimal
safe spots, is also presented in the table for both accumulation combination, with the average accuracy of 69.91% overall
techniques. and 75.86% for black spots. The performance exceeds the
The experiment shows that distance-aware accumulation is accuracy of the simplest raw image with CNN technique
(50%) by almost 20%, which shows a promising outcome
§ The code for both loss functions used can be found at in transforming the data into a form that has significant correlations with the road’s safeness. In particular, distance-
VOLUME xx, 2020 7

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

aware accumulation proves to be capable of extracting and road should be considered a major factor in future policies
carrying hidden but illuminating information for the task of regarding road safety. As such, further analyses of the results
differentiating safe and black spots. from semantic segmentation of safe and black spots as shown
in Figure 5 and Figure 6 may reveal significant correlations
V. DISCUSSION between the detected objects and their distances from the
The experimental results show that the combination of road, and the level of accident risks at that location.
semantic segmentation, distance-aware accumulation, and In terms of adaptability and flexibility, the proposed tech-
neural network is the suitable solution to the problem of nique is not strictly specific to a data set. For the input,
classifying black spots from street view images. Semantic the images are assumed to be taken from a road, not, for
segmentation contributes by simplifying the data from a example, inside of a house. Any set of four images from
matrix of pixels to a matrix of object classes, so that the four orthogonal angles around the spot is a valid input; there
information is more digestible for the neural network. It are no restrictions on whether they are from a street view
also facilitates the distance-aware accumulation, which is database, captured with a smartphone camera, or obtained
yet another level of feature extraction as well as a form of through other means, as long as the resolution is adequate.
data compression. A 480x360 2-dimensional array of a seg- We acknowledge that the camera angle may be an issue
mented image stores 172,800 integers, but our accumulation that influences the learning performance. Despite controlling
technique compresses that down to 32 integers carrying the all the parameters allowed in Google API, each set of four
information that allows the neural network to differentiate the images does not in fact have precisely consistent angles
safe and black spots: the presence of objects in the driver’s relative to the road. Unfortunately, Google API does not have
view and their distance from the road. The filtering further a control parameter that supports exact angular alignment.
removes irrelevant information that might interfere with the The images do not have a strict size specification, since the
neural network’s learning ability. Finally, neural network is semantic segmentation step takes care of re-sizing, but the ra-
required as the learning model because it has the capability tio of all images should be consistent and compatible with the
to recognize the complex pattern in our inputs. Hence, every target size of the re-sizing step in semantic segmentation. For
step of the pipelining process plays a crucial part in our a different type of landscape or street structure, the categories
model’s ability to differentiate safe and black spots – a task for segmentation may also be changed as appropriate. For
that has yet to be accomplished before, either by a computer instance, motorcycle object class may need to be removed
or a human. if there are no motorcycles in the area. We anticipate that
The accuracy of 69.91% is an achievement for a road other semantic segmentation models may work as well, as
safety prediction purely from images, without any traditional long as the segmentation is accurate and object classes are
traffic-based data. Since the accuracy of feeding the images sufficiently relevant to a road’s accident-proneness, such as
into a highly complex and a pre-trained convolutional neural roads, cars, buildings and trees. Furthermore, the architecture
network model is 50% on average, the pre-processing steps of the neural network model is somewhat flexible. However,
must be contributing by extracting the relevant variables for all three pre-processing steps and a fully-connected neural
distinguishing safe and dangerous spots. While the relation- network must be included, for they have shown in the exper-
ship between these variables cannot be summarized into a iments to be the essence of our proposed technique.
flat, intuitively comprehensible fact, nor do they perfectly
capture the differences between safe and black spots, we have VI. CONCLUSIONS
gained a useful insight about accident prevention. We have developed a novel technique for identifying black
The experimental results have proven our initial hypoth- spots based on four street view images around the spot, using
esis that the surrounding environment affects the accident- semantic segmentation, distance-aware pixel accumulation,
proneness of a road. Even though only the amount of the and fully-connected neural network, which achieves the av-
surrounding objects’ presence – not the shape of the road erage accuracy of 69.91%. The full process, from obtaining
or the relative position of any objects – is preserved, our the images to preparing them to training the neural network
technique can still predict correctly 7 out of 10 times. More- model to predict, has been thoroughly tested to consistently
over, our auxiliary hypothesis that the size of the surrounding have the best performance. Nonetheless, it should be noted
objects and their distance from the road are crucial factors that the same pre-processing steps produce only slightly in-
also appears to be verifiable. A traditional belief exists that ferior performance with linear and logistic regression, which
the road safety level depends on its condition and structure are less costly in terms of computational resources and time.
e.g. whether it is an intersection, the number of lanes, etc. The distance-aware pixel accumulation is designed to capture
[16], [18], [23], [24]. However, we have shown that the the characteristics of a road that are relevant to its safeness,
objects around the road, specifically within the driver’s eye which is the key step that boosts the performance up to almost
level, are also determinant of the road’s accident-proneness. 70% on average.
Therefore, the new insights discovered through our work Our technique facilitates road safety evaluation without
can enormously reshape our understanding of what impacts the need for traffic and accident data, on which traditional
the safety level of a road. In practice, objects surrounding a black spots analysis commonly rely. Therefore, the degree to
8 VOLUME xx, 2020

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

FIGURE 5. a) Sample Google Street View image and b) its corresponding FIGURE 6. a) Sample Google Street View image and b) its
semantic segmentation from a safe location: (13.8673, 100.4582). Each corresponding semantic segmentation from a black spot: (15.189,
color is mapped to a segmentation class (e.g. brown represents the “road" 100.1304). Each color is mapped to a segmentation class (e.g. brown
class). Plantation is the dominating object. Tree and vegetation have high represents the “road" class). Building, vehicle and sky are dominating
presence for a large proportion of the images, especially with safe objects. Buildings and vehicles are closer to the road, but the sky also
locations. takes up a very large area.

which the evaluation is up-to-date depends solely on when ronment suitable for safe driving.
the images are taken, instead of on the past traffic records
which could be incomplete, out of date, or inaccessible. Though further works are needed to improve the accuracy
The prediction can also be performed before new streets before our technique can make infallible predictions on its
are opened for use as well as prior to street construction or own, we observed the trend that the accuracy significantly
repair, based on a generated illustration of the street’s design improves with the size of the data set. Hence, an application
(including its surroundings). of our technique in other areas where a more complete
data set exists is expected to achieve better results. We
It is important to note that, to the best of our knowledge, also anticipate that increasing the types of input data, such
the proposed technique is the first black spot classification as using both street view and satellite images, would help
technique that is fully environment-aware. Experimental re- with the accuracy. However, it should be noted that for user
sults suggest that the surroundings such as trees and buildings applications, the ease of access and retrieval of street view
are accurate identifiers of the safety level of a road, and images is a strength of our technique; adding more input
these factors are constantly transforming. With our model, requirements would compromise its simplicity. Furthermore,
users could conveniently obtain an updated safety assessment the insight that we have discovered regarding the effect of
following changes in the environment (e.g. new billboard the surroundings on the road safety is valuable in itself.
installed) and possibly make adjustments to create an envi- Regardless of the place and data availability, the fact that the
VOLUME xx, 2020 9

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006493, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS


researcher with the National Electronics and Com-
puter Technology Centre (NECTEC), National
Science and Technology Development Agency
(NSDTA), Pathumthani, Thailand. He served as
a project manager of Thai People Map and Ana-
lytics Platform (TPMAP), Thailand’s data-driven
target poverty alleviation project with the National
Economic and Social Development Council. He
also served in the Senate of Thailand as a sub-
commissioner on National Strategy and Country Reform Analysis and
Monitoring, in the Thai government as an assistant secretary of the Na-
tional Big Data Steering Committee, and at Geo-Informatics and Space
Technology Development Agency as a member of Actionable Intelligence
Policy working group. He received the M.S. and B.S. degrees in electrical
and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering
from Imperial College London, London, U.K. His research interest includes
intelligent transportation systems, data analytics, anomaly detection, signal
processing and machine learning.

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