C-4 Final Cause List 13.03.2024 - 0

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Hearing Through: VC and Physical (Hybrid) Mode
1. Cisco Webex Video Conference ID : 25145415354 DAY :WEDNESDAY

2.Cisco Webex VC Link https://courtofficerb4-nd@ncltdelhi.webex.com DATE: 13.03.2024

3. Following matters are listed before the Bench for hearing through Hybrid Mode. TIME: 02:30 PM

4. In case joining through video conferencing, parties shall join through Laptop and not through Mobile and not while in a Vehicle.

5. While joining hearing through VC, Counsels/ parties have to write the Item No. along with their names (in the Username Box while logging in) ,
otherwise joining the hearing through VC may not be permitted.

6. Parties are requested to test the Audio & Video Quality of their system before hearing and switch on their camera only at the time of appreance.

7. Parties shall keep their Audio muted & Video closed till their matter is called out.

8. Parties should be ready with requisite infrastructure to share the documents on-line during the hearing.

9. Parties should be ready to share on-line, the Judgments / Citations sought to be relied upon.

10. Appperance should be shared during the hearing in the Chat Box in the Cisco webex with item No. and for whom they are appearing.

11. Parties/ counsels appearing physically should make attendance in The Register maintained in the court for the purpose.

12. Note: Hybrid mode in the present context means court assisted hybrid hearings in case one party is physically present and the other party is
appearing through Video Conference. This will continue till proper hybrid system is set up for which consultation is in progress with the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs and other stakeholders.
Name of Counsel for Name of Name of
CP. No. IA/CA No. Purpose Section Name of Parties Petitioner / Counsel for IRP/RP / Remarks
Applicant Respondent Liquidator/ MP
101 IB/843/ND/2018 Main Case Admitted Matter Ingram Micro India Pvt Ltd. V/s DR Jain Vikram Dogra
For Further U/s. 9 (IBC) Saurabh Jain
Video On Wheels Ltd. Amit Punj
Prepone the hearing of
New Ingram Micro India Pvt Ltd. V/s DR Jain
the application bearing U/s 60(5) Law offices of A.Anand
IA/1287/ND/2024 Video On Wheels Ltd.
IB/2561/ND/2019 M/s Shapoorji Pallonji & Co Pvt Ltd V/s Sinnar Chambers Of Jailley &
Admitted Matter U/s. 9 (IBC)
Termal Power Ltd Bakshi
To Place on record
New revised/Updated Claims Adarsh Sharma Interim Resolution
U/s 25(2)(e) Law offices of A.Anand
IA/1289/ND/2024 of the Committee of Professional Of Sinnar Thermal Power Ltd
IB/1311/ND/2018 Zoheb Hossain
Admitted on Deepak Khandelwal V/s FE Aagrochem Pvt Vivek Gurnani
Main Case U/s. 9 (IBC) Rupesh Kumar Tyagi Prbhakar Kumar
03.09.2019 Ltd Dewang Sing
103 Chavhan

For seeking extension of

New Deepak Khandelwal V/s FE Aagrochem Pvt
the Liquidation Regulation 44(2) Jasmeet Singh
IA/1292/ND/2024 Ltd
period by one year
IB/275/ND/2020 Admitted on Karanveer Jindal
Main Case U/s. 9 (IBC) Sai Tech Medicare Pvt Ltd Vs Alchemist Ltd
30.11.2021 Adiyogi Leagal
To Take On Record The
New Amended Memo Of
U/s 60(5) Gaurav Misra Vs Bank of India Adhita Advisors
IA/1296/ND/2024 Parties in IA No.
401 IB/72/ND/2021
Liquidation Approved on Pranav Gupta Navya
Main Case U/s.10 of (IBC) Balaji Digital Solution Pvt Ltd Rohit Sehgal
31.10.2023 Khillon Pulkit Deora

To Direct Respondent No.1

and 2 to make contribution
of the account of
IA/4758/ND/2022 U/s 66 Rohit Sehgal Vs. Rishi Pal Ruhil & Anr. Shaswat Parihar Rohit Sehgal
fraudulent Transactions as
defined in Section 66,67 of
the Code

IA/630/ND/2024 First Progress Report Regulation 15 Rohit sehgal Rohit Sehgal

For Early hearing of

IA/655/ND/2024 U/s 60(5)(a) Beyond Tele Private Limited Vs Rohit Sehgal Sumesh Dhawan
IA/80/ND/2024 Preliminary Report Regulation 13 Rohit Sehgal Rohit Sehgal

Beyond Tele Private Limited Vs Mr. Rohit

IA/6545/ND/2023 For Exclusion of Period U/s 60(5) (a) Sumesh Dhawan Rohit Sehgal

Issue Ad-Interim Ex-Parte

injunction order against the
IA/1077/ND/2024 respondent,restraining him U/s 60(5) (a) Rishipal Ruhil Vs Rohit Sehgal Pulkit Deora
from conducting E-Auction
of subject properties

402 IB/2552/ND/2019 Creative Infraheights Pvt Ltd V/s JBK Anshuj Dhingra Law Parveen Vineet Aggarwal
Main Case Admitted on 17.08.2020 U/s. 9 (IBC)
Developers Pvt Ltd offices Mahajan (RP)
Against The Arbitrary And
Erroneous Decision Of The
IA/960/ND/2024 Resolution Professional For U/s 60(5) Sunil Bajpayee Vs Mr. Pankaj Narang Dhrubajit Saikia
Non Admission The Claim Of
The Applicants

Against The Arbitrary And

Erroneous Decision Of The
IA/968/ND/2024 Resolution Professional For U/s 60(5) Sunil Bajpayee Vs Mr. Pankaj Narang Dhrubajit Saikia
Non Admission The Claim Of
The Applicants

Against The Arbitrary And

Erroneous Decision Of The
IA/994/ND/2024 Resolution Professional For U/s 60(5) Satish Kumar Vs Pankaj Narang Dhrubajit Saikia
Non Admission The Claim Of
The Applicants
Allow the present application
and condone the delay in filing Dhirendar Singh Adhikari Vs Sh. Pankaj
IA/580/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) Deep Bisht
the claim Narang
by the Applicants
Seeking Appropriate
Directions For Refund Of
Money Which Has Been
IA/681/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) Pankaj Narang Vs Vineet Aggarawal Shraddha Desmukh
Illegally Withdrawn By The
Erstwhile Resolution
Regarding The Willful
Disobedience Of The Hon’ble
Pawan Dubey & Ram Prakash Dubey Vs
IA/314/ND/2024 Tribunal’s Order Dated U/s 60(5) SP Singh Chawla
Pankaj Narang
28.10.2021 By Erstwhile
Resolution Professional

For Seeking condonation of

IA/37/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) Prateek Dubey Vs JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Chambers of Joel
delay in filing the claim
For Approval of Resolution
IA/6084/ND/2023 U/s 31 Pankaj Narang Vs Sumit Kumar Khanna HT Legal

Seeking Condonation of
IA/6563/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) Anoop Dubey V/s JBK Developers Pvt Ltd Chamber of joel
delay in fiiling the claim
Seeking approprate
direction against the
repondent to permit the
IA/6034/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) M/s Arjun Fabrication Vs Pankaj Narang Ankit Srivastav
applicant to retrieve its
materials lying in custody of
the corporate debtor
To direct the RP to accept
Satyendra Kumar Singh Vs JBK Developers
IA/5506/ND/2023 the claim of the applicant as U/s 60 (5) Vikas Kumar
Pvt. Ltd
Financial Creditor/Allottee
Direct COC to make
Vineet Aggarwal Vs Pankaj Narang Resolution
reimbursement of the
IA/5525/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) Professional of JBK Developers Private Prashant Jain
expenses incurred by the
For Recall its order dated
25th August 2023 passed by
IA/5093/ND/2023 Rule 49(2) Vineet Aggarwal Vs Pankaj Narang Sarvottam Law Office
the Hon'ble Tribunal in IA
No 3279 of 2022

To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) IBC,

IA/4784/ND/2023 Shashank Poddar Vs JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd Vikas Kumar
the Claim of the Applicant 2016

For issuance of direction to

Respondents to provide
U/s 19(2) and
IA/3279/ND/2023 assistance, co-operation and Pankaj Narang Vs Vineet Agarwal Pankaj Narang
information required by the
Resolution Professional

Pass an Order to take on

record Judgement dated
16.11.2022 passed by the U/s 60 (5) of Mr. Sanjay Kumar Choudhary Vs.JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5930/ND/2022 Ms. Shankari Mishra
Hon’ble NCLAT in Company the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd (RP)
Appeal (AT) (Ins) No. 755
of 2020
Condone the delay in Filing
of the calim on account of U/s 60 (5) of Shivya Sahanivs. Vineet Agarwal, (Resolution Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3953/ND/2022 Devansh Misra
the death of the father of the NCLT Professional Jbk Developers) (RP)
the Applicant
Direct the respondent to
take appropriate steps to
remove hypothecation from
Resolution Professional ( JBK Developers Pvt.
Toyota Fortuner car U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3134/ND/2022 Ltd ) Pawan kumar Ray
registered in the name of the NCLT (RP)
Vs. HDB Financial Services Limited
corporate debtor and issue
appropriate no objection
certificate to the applicant
Direct the respondents to
release the CIRP cost of
which is alrerady approved U/s 60 (5) of Pankaj Kumar Singhal Vs. Mr. Vineet Pawan kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/23/ND/2021 Pankaj Kumar
by the CoC in the First, the NCLT Aggarwal Ray (RP)
Second and Third CoC
Application and condone the
U/s 60 (5) of Laxmi Maitra (Deceased) Vs. JBK Developers Pawan kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2649/ND/2021 delay of 173 days in filing of Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
claim before the RP

Application and condone the

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2666/ND/2021 delay of 173 days in filing of ANJU SHARMA Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
claim before the RP

Application and condone the

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2674/ND/2021 delay in filing of claim Kanchan Paul Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
before the RP
Against the arbitrary and
erroneous decision of the RP
for not considering the claim
U/s 60 (5) of Pankaj Kumar Gautam Allottee in JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2707/ND/2021 of the Applicant along with Megha Purohit
the NCLT developers Pvt. Ltd.Vs. Vineet AggarwaL (RP)
declaration in place of
affidavit due to lockdown
and Covid

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of Shahnaz Parween/Hamid Raza Vs. JBK Pawan kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4424/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Allow the present
application and
order/direction to the
respondent to immediately Vineet Aggarwal JBK developers Pvt. Ltd Vs. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1406/ND/2021 U/s 19(2) Vineet Aggarwal
handovr keysof the HDB Financial Services Limited (RP)
corporate office of the
corporate debtorto the
Allow the present
application and
order/direction enabling RP
Vineet Aggarwal ,RP JBK developers Pvt. Ltd Chaturvedi
to complete the resolution U/s 60 (5) Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1337/ND/2021 Vs. Pankaj Kumar Singhal Erstwhile RP M/s Vineet Aggarwal /Shikhar Khare
process as the last date R/w 19(2) (RP)
JBK developers Pvt. Ltd V Mr. Pankaj
after extension granted by
Kumar Singhal
the Hon'ble court is

To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) of Creative Infraheights Pvt Ltd V/s Vineet Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/981/ND/2021 Sanjay Kumar Singh
the Claim of the Applicant the NCLT Aggarwal ,RP JBK Developers Pvt Ltd Ray (RP)

Pass a direction to condone

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1029/ND/2021 the delay submitting the Saad Enterprises Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Naresh Kumar Bansal
the NCLT Ray (RP)
claim form CA by Applicants
Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of Rajesh Prasad Singh Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1254/ND/2021 filing Of Claim Before RP On Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Ltd. Ray (RP)
Behalf Of Applicant
Direct the RP to accept the
claim of the Applicant as
Financial Creditor and U/s 60 (5) of Sarvesh Kashyap Resolution Professional Vs. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1303/ND/2021 Sameer Rastogi
include the name of the the NCLT Vineet Agarwal (RP)
Applicant in the list of
financial Creditors

Direct the RP to accept the

claim of the Applicant as
Anil Kumar Singh Allottee in JBK Developers
Financial Creditor and U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1534/ND/2021 Pvt. Ltd Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Resolution Dhrubajit Saikia
include the name of the the NCLT Ray (RP)
Professional,JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd
Applicant in the list of
financial Creditors
Be Pleased to condone the
delay of 84 days in Asha Verma (Financial Creditor) Vs. Mr.
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1651/ND/2021 submission of FORM CA by Vineet Aggarwal, Resolution Professional And Karan Valecha
the NCLT Ray (RP)
the Applicant to the Anr.
erstwhile IRP appointed
Against the arbitrary and
Neelam Allottee in JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd
erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1780/ND/2021 Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Resolution Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering the claim the NCLT Ray (RP)
Professional,JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd
of the Applicant

Against the arbitrary and Robin Kumar Jindal Allottee in JBK

erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of Developers Pvt. Ltd Vs. Vineet Aggatwal Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1792/ND/2021 Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering the claim the NCLT Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Ray (RP)
of the Applicant Ltd.

Against the arbitrary and Deepak Verma I Amit Verma Joint Allottees in
erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of JBK developers Pvt. Ltd Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1815/ND/2021 Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering the claim the NCLT Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Ray (RP)
of the Applicant Ltd.
Against the arbitrary and Ravinder Singh Chauhan &Ors. Allottees in
erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of JBK developers pvt. Ltd. Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1808/ND/2021 Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering the claim the NCLT Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Ray (RP)
of the Applicant Ltd.
Condonation Of Delay In U/s 60 (5) of Sandeep Bhor & Anr. Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1666/ND/2021 Rudra Kahlon
filing the Claim the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
Against the arbitrary and Mr. Om Prakash Thakur I Mrs. Swati Thakur
erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of Joint Allottees in JBK developers Pvt. Ltd Vs. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1937/ND/2021 Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering the claim the NCLT Vineet Aggarwal Resolution Professional, JBK Ray (RP)
of the Applicant Developers Pvt. Ltd.
Direct the RP to allow the
voting rigths as claimant in U/s 60 (5) of Ankur Shrama Vs.Vineet Aggarwal JBK Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1434/ND/2021 Srishti Kapoor
CIR Proceedings to the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1723/ND/2021 filing Of Claim Before RP On SAP ENGINEERS Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Syed Hasan Isfahani
the NCLT Ray (RP)
Behalf Of Applicant
Seeking directions for the Nikhil Hasija & Anr. (Financial Creditors) Vs.
U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1736/ND/2021 Respondent to accept the Mr. Vineet Aggarwal, Resolution Professional Karan Valecha
the NCLT (RP)
claim filed by the Applicant And Anr.

Direct the RP to accept the

claim of the Applicant as
Sunil Vinay Pathak Allotee in JBK Developers
Financial Creditor/ Allottee
U/s 60 (5) of Pvt. Ltd Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1737/ND/2021 and include the name of the Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Vs. Vineet Aggarvval Resolution Professional, Ray (RP)
Applicant in the list of
JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd.
financial Creditors

Pass an order eraly hearing U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal

IA/1766/ND/2021 Saad Enterprises Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Naresh Kumar Bansal
CA No. 1029/ND/2021 the NCLT (RP)

Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1323/ND/2021 filing Of Claim Before RP On Pushpa Goswami Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
Behalf Of Applicant

Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of Vijayendra Pratap Singh Vs. JBK Developers Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1012/ND/2021 filing Of Claim Before RP On Animesh Kumar
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
Behalf Of Applicant

Priyanka Mitra & Ors Allottee in JBK

Direct the RP to consider
U/s 60 (5) of Developers Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Mr. Vineet Aggarwal Neeraj Gupta Manas Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3243/ND/2021 and admit the claim as
the NCLT Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Pratim, (RP)
operational creditor
Allow the present
applicantion and direct the
RP to accept the claim of
U/s 60 (5) of JOGINDER PAL KATARIA Vs. CA Vineet Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3249/ND/2021 the applications filed vide Sanjeev Sahay
the NCLT Aggarwal Ray (RP)
emaildated 22.05.2021 and
acknowledged vide email
dated 27.05.2021
Direct the RP to accept the
claim of the Applicants as
Financial Creditor and
Mr. Arvind Kumar Ray & Ors. Allottees in JBK
Homebuyers and include the
U/s 60 (5) of Developers Pvt. Ltd Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3321/ND/2021 name of the Applicants in Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Ray (RP)
the list of financial Creditors
and Homebuyers list and
also condone the period of
delay in filing claim
Allow the present
application of the applicant
and direct the RP/RP to
U/s 60 (5) of Manoj Karumanakkandy Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3358/ND/2021 considered the claim of the Alok Tripathi
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
applicant submitted in
respect of the Corporate
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of MRS. ALKA SINHA/ AAYUSH KUMAR Vs. JBK Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2967/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Allow the Application and
condone the delay in filing U/s 60 (5) of M/s Nivedan Fin-Invest Lease Ltd. Vs. CA Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1558/ND/2021 pankaj agarwal
the Claim Form CA with the the NCLT VINEET AGGARWAL Ray (RP)
Application for inducting the
applicant/ home buyer in
U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3550/ND/2021 the committee of creditors NAVED MEHAR Vs VINEET AGGARWAL Samama Suhail
the NCLT (RP)
as a financial creditors and
taking claim Form CA

Take the Chart of pending

applications dated
03.08.2021; the detailed
Vineet Aggarwal,
report of claims dated U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3717/ND/2021 Resolution Professional, M/s JBK Developers Vineet Aggarwal
14.06.2021; list of claims the NCLT (RP)
Pvt. Ltd.
received from 14.06.2021
till 21.08.2021 and pass
appropriate direction
Allow the Application and
condone the delay in filing U/s 60 (5) of Rajesh Thampi Hrishikesan Thampi Vs. JBK Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3745/ND/2021 Psp Legal
the Claim Form CA with the the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd Ray (RP)
Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of Ashok Kumar Malik Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3646/ND/2021 filing the Claim set-aside Krishna Kant Gautam
the NCLT Ltd. Ray (RP)
order dated 20.07.2021
Condonation Of Delay In U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
filing the Claim the NCLT Ray (RP)
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by RITURAJ Allottees in JBK developers pvt. Ltd.
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3992/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Vs.VINEET AGGARWAL JBK Developers Pvt. Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the Ltd.
same on urgent basis

Condonation Of Delay In U/s 60 (5) of SAP ELECTRO CONTRACTS (P) LTD Vs. JBK Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1352/ND/2021 Abhinarayan Mishra
filing the Claim the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
Direct the respondent to
U/s 60 (5) of PROMILA PANT Vs. Vineet Aggarwal the Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4079/ND/2021 admit the claim of the Abhishek Sharma
the NCLT Interim Resolution Professional Ray (RP)
Direction to Condonation of
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4172/ND/2021 Delay submitting the claim Dr. Priyanka Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Saurabh Kumar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
form CA by applicant

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4208/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant DIAMOND SAHA Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of RAJIV KUMAR KHARE Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4136/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of SHALIKA JAIN/DINESH JAIN Vs. JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4248/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of VIKRAM SINGH RAWAT/POOJA RAWAt Vs. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4250/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of DEEPAK KUMAR/BEENU Vs. JBK Developers Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4252/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of RAJA CHAKRAVARTHI Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4265/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of Mr RATNESH KUMAR MISHRA Vs. JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4366/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of MEENAKSHI AHUJA Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4368/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ltd. (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of AMMAR ANAS/MALIKA ANWAR SIDDIQUI Vs. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4369/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Place on Additional U/s 60 (5) of Ashok Kumar Malik Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4833/ND/2021 Deepak Tyagi
documents on Record the NCLT Ltd (RP)
Pass a direction to condone Ashish Kumar & Anr. Vs.Vineet Aggarwal
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4993/ND/2021 the delay submitting the Resolution Professional, JBK Developers Pvt. Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
claim form CA by Applicants Ltd.

To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) of SANTOSH KUMAR Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4795/ND/2021 Govind Keshav
the Claim of the Applicant the NCLT Ltd. Ray (RP)

Pass a direction to condone

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4159/ND/2021 the delay submitting the Lt Col Nitin Sachdeva Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
claim form CA by Applicants

To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal

IA/2001/ND/2021 Sajiv Shankar Vs.Vineet Aggarwal Sanjay Kumar Singh
the Claim of the Applicant the NCLT Ray (RP)

To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) of KUMAR PIYUSH & CO. Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5082/ND/2021 Awnish Kumar
the Claim of the Applicant the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
Direct the respondent to U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5090/ND/2021 Kailash Associates Vs. Vineet aggarwal Rakesh Kumar
refund the amount the NCLT Ray (RP)
Condonation Of Delay In
U/s 60 (5) of SALEEM Vs.Mr. Vineet Aggarwal Rp Of m/s Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5115/ND/2021 Submission Of Claim Before Ateendra Saumya
the NCLT Jbk Developers Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
RP On Behalf Of Applicant

Applicant for non-

Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5147/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant KAVITA JINDAL Vs VINEET AGARWAL RP Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by SURYAKANT CHANDRAKANT
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5186/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant MISHRA/PRANJAL MISHRA Vs. JBK Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the Developers Pvt. Ltd.
same on urgent basis

Against the I arbitrary and

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5582/ND/2021 erroneous decision of the RP Sangeeta Garg Vs.Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
for not considering the claim

Against the I arbitrary and

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5584/ND/2021 erroneous decision of the RP Mr.NitinVerma Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
for not considering the claim

Pass necessary directions to

the resolution professional
towards refund of the U/s 60 (5) of Ghaziabad Real Estate Private Limited Vs. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5612/ND/2021 Anshuj Dhingra
earnest money depoosit- the NCLT Vineet Aggarwal Ray (RP)
II/security deposit
submitted bt the applicant

Resolution Professional
appointed in this matter to U/s 60 (5) of OM PRAKASH SHUKLA Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5767/ND/2021 Sushant Kumar
admit the claim of the the NCLT Pvt. Ltd Ray (RP)
applicant filed in Form - CA
Allow this application and
direct the Respondent to
admit the claim of the
U/s 60 (5) of Hemendra Wadhawan Vs. JBK Developers Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5781/ND/2021 Applicant in the corporate Atul Kumar Singh
the NCLT Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
insolvency resolution
process of the Corporate
To direct the RP to Admit U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA /5440/ND/2021 Rachit Garg Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Abhishek Sharma
the Claim of the Applicant the NCLT Ray (RP)

Condone the delay of 235

days (approx) in filing the Sanjay Kumar Pandey & Anr Vs. Vineet
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/673/ND/2021 claim by the applicants to Aggarwal Resolution Professional JBK Ms. Sadbhawana
the NCLT Ray (RP)
the Respondent Resolution Developers Private Limited

Direction to Condonation of
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/63/ND/2022 Delay submitting the claim Ashish Kumar Bansal Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
form CA by applicant
Seeking against the
arbitrary and erroneous
decision of the Resolution U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/134/ND/2022 Mrs. Sadbhawana Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Vinod Kr. Chaurasia
Professional for not the NCLT Ray (RP)
considering the claim of the
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of NEELAM ANTHWAL Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/240/ND/2022 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis

Issue direction to the

Resolution Professional to
U/s 60 (5) of HDB Financial Services Ltd Vs .JBK Usha Singh & Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA /924/ND/2022 admit the claim filed by the
the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Associates Ray (RP)
Applicant/HDB Financial
Services Ltd on 13.10.2021.

Direction to Condonation of
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1143/ND/2022 Delay submitting the claim Sarath Kumar Vyas Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT Ray (RP)
form CA by applicant

Direction to Condonation of
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1228/ND/2022 Delay submitting the claim Vaibhav Jain Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Manas Pratim
the NCLT Ray (RP)
form CA by applicant

seeking admission of the

U/s 60 (5) of Meenu Saxena & Yashvardhan Vs. Vineet Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1246/ND/2022 Creditors claim against the Abhishek Raj
the NCLT Aggarwal Ray (RP)
Corporate Debtor along with
supporting Affidavits

Seeking Directions To U/s 60 (5) of Shahnawaz Shafi Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1467/ND/2022 Vinod Kr. Chaurasia
Accept The Claim the NCLT (Resolution Professional) Ray (RP)

Direct the RP to Accept the

U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/1540/ND/2022 Applicant's claim and SMITA GAUTAM Vs JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. Aarzoo Aneja
the NCLT Ray (RP)
Codonation of delay
Expeditiously dispose of the
IA No. 1558 of 2021 and
also allow the present U/s 60 (5) of Green Avenue Social Welfare Society Vs. JBK Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2135/ND/2022 Pawan Bhushan
applicant to be heard while the NCLT Developers Pvt. Ltd. Ray (RP)
deciding the IA No. 1558 of
Against the arbitrary and
erroneous decision of the Ajay Singh Alottee in JBK Developers Pvt.
U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3368/ND/2022 Resolution Professional for Ltd. Dhrubajit Saikia
the NCLT (RP)
not considering. the claim of Vs. Vineet Aggarwal
the Applicant
Applicant for non-
Acceptance of the Claim by
U/s 60 (5) of DIPESH KUMAR RAY Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4180/ND/2021 the Resolution Applicant Kumud Shekhar
the NCLT Ltd. Ray (RP)
with a prayer to list the
same on urgent basis
Against the arbitrary and
erroneous decision of the RP U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5547/ND/2021 Mohd. Irfan Siddiqui Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Dhrubajit Saikia
for not considering. the the NCLT Ray (RP)
claim of the Applicant

Appoint Mr. Pankaj Narang U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2599/ND/2022 Sudhanshu Hajela Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Karan Gandhi
having BBI Registration no. the NCLT Ray (RP)
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2613/ND/2022 Condonation of delay Abdul Khaleque Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Manas Pratim
the NCLT Ray (RP)
U/s 60 (5) of Pawan Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/2620/ND/2022 Condonation of delay Rishi Kumar Bharti Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Manas Pratim
the NCLT Ray (RP)
Urgently list all the pending
applications related to
Vineet Aggarwal Resolution Professional
rejection of claim on the U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3240/ND/2022 Vs.Committee of Creditors Through Pawan Kumar Ray
ground of delay as given in the NCLT (RP)
Authorized Representative
paragraph no. 26 of this
Condonation the delay
U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/3243/ND/2022 submitting the claim form Priyanka Mitra Vs. Vineet Aggarwal Neeraj Gupta
the NCLT (RP)
CA by Applicants
Pass specific directions to
the Respondent No.1
U/s 60 (5) of One City Infrastructure Private Limited Vs. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/4328/ND/2022 directing him to release the Khaitan & Khaitan
the NCLT Vineet Aggarwal (RP)
deposit alongwith interest in
favour of the applicant

Direct the RP for accepting

the claim of the applicant as
finanical creditor (Home
Buyers ) by including his
U/s 60 (5) of Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5327/ND/2022 name in the list of finanical Vishal Tiwari Vs. JBK Developers Pvt. Ltd. S.M. Tripahti
the NCLT (RP)
creditor and also for
condoning the period of
delay taken place in filling of
claim dated 12.10.2022

Direct RP to accept the

claim of Applicant No. U/s 60 (5) of Mrs. Syedah Tasmiah Mohi Vs. Mr. Vineet Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5648/ND/2022 S.M. Tripahti
1,2,3,4 & 5 filed in form CA the NCLT Aggarwal (RP)
along with interest
Allow the present
application and condone the
Rule 11 of NCLT SITA RAM SINGH AND ANR Vs. JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/5756/ND/2022 delay in filing of claim Karan Metha
2016 Developers Pvt. Ltd. (RP)
before the Resolution
Pass an Order for taking on
record the settlement dated
30.11.2022 entered U/s 60 (5) of Creative Infraheights Pvt Ltd V/s JBK Vineet Aggarwal
IA/57/ND/2023 Ishaan Mukherjee
between the parties and the NCLT Developers Pvt Lt (RP)
pass an order for withdraw
the Captioned Petition

Direct the RP allow the

Applicant to collate the U/s 60 (5) of Smt. Kiran GuptaVs. JBK Developers Pvt. Vineet Aggarwal
IA/132/ND/2023 Pranav Gupta
claim Form -CA Submitted the NCLT Ltd. (RP)
By the Applicant

Direct the respondent No.3

to refund the Performance
bank Guarantee amounting
Rule 11 of NCLT Sumit Kumar Khanna Vs. Sanjay Kumar Vineet Aggarwal
IA/229/ND/2023 to the applicant deposited Sumesh Dhawan
2016 Chaudhary & Ors. (RP)
with the Corporate Debtor
in lieu of the approval of
Resolution Plan by the COC

Allow the present

application and direct the
U/s 60 (5) of Ashish Kumar Ojha Vs. JBK Developers Vineet Aggarwal
IA/336/ND/2023 Resolution Professional to Aarzoo Aneja
the NCLT Private Limited (RP)
accept the Applicant's claim
and condone delay
Allow the present
application and direct the
NonApplicants/ Respondent
i.e. the RP and/or the CD to U/s 60 (5) of M/sHPA & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Mr. Vineet Vineet Aggarwal
jointly or severally refund the NCLT Aggarwal & Anr. (RP)
deposited by the Applicant
during the CIRP of the
Corporate Debtor

To Bring On Record The

Proposed Timeline For
IA/1202/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) Pankaj Narang Vs Sumit Kumar Khanna HT Legal
Consideration Of Pending
IB/305/ND/2022 Ishan Dewan
Bank of Maharashtra V/s. M/s. Supertech Mr. Nishant
Main Case For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Lokesh Malik &
Realtors Pvt. Ltd. Awana
Allow the instant application
IA/6418/ND/2023 and appoint a local Sec 60(5) Shiven Mishra
404 IB/209/ND/2021 Union Bank Of India V/s. M/s. Supertech Mr. Shailesh
Main Case For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Ms. Ekta Choudhary
Realtors Pvt. Ltd. Verma

U/s 60(5) of Mr. Aparna

IA/5736/2022 For Seeking Dismissal Harpal Singh Vs. Union Bank Of India
IBC Code,2016 Iyer
405 IB/462/ND/2023 Punjab & Sind Bank Vs Supertech Township
Notice issued reply awaited U/s. 7 (IBC) Sanjay Bajaj
Project Limited

For Seeking/Deferment of Mohammad Taufeek Vs Punjab & Sind Bank

IA/287/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) Nikhil Kumar Jha
the captioned petition And Anr.

Canara Bank ( E-Syndicate Bank ) Vs.

406 IB/889/ND/2022 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Anju Jain
Creative Looms And Crafts Private limited

Canara Bank Vs Goodluck Carbon Private

For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Abhishek Naik
407 IB/595/ND/2023
For seeking
New Goodluck Carbon Private Limited Vs Canara
Dismissal of the Rule 11 Pooja M. Saigal
IA/1285/ND/2024 Bank
Company Petition

Jammu And Kashmir Bank Limited Vs Gagar

408 IB/585/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) M/s Khaitan & Khaitan
Metals Private Limited

IB/555/ND/2023 Idbi Trusteeship Services Private Limited Vs

For Further Consideration U/s. 7 of (IBC) Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
409 Ats Infrabuild Private Limited
To Take on record the Ats Infrabuild Private Limited Vs Idbi
IA/581/ND/2024 U/s 60(5) K.N. Legal
additional documents Trusteeship Services Private Limited

M/s Nivedan Fin-Invest Lease Ltd. Vs. M/s. Pankaj Agarwal &
410 IB/28/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC)
J.B.K Developers Private Limited Associates

Sougat Sinha, Artha

Bank of Baroda Vs. Goldenline Infrastructures
411 IB/108/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Advocates & Legal
Private Limited
Drip Capital Inc. V/s Unisource Trading(India) Dharmaprabhas Law
412 IB/171/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Pvt. Ltd. Associates

Sital Leasing And Finance Ltd Vs Gracious

413 IB/7/ND/2024 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Sumit Nagpal
Portfolio Private Limited

414 IB/36/ND/2024 For Further Consideration U/s. 7 (IBC) Yes Bank Limited Vs Kkspun India Limited Hashmat Nabi

Brilltech Engineers Pvt Ltd V/s Genesis

415 IB/175/ND/2019 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Ankur Singhal
Infratech Pvt Ltd

416 IB/2405/ND/2019 Ashu Chaudhary M/s Ashu Agencies V/s Al- Om Prakash
For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Tarun Aggarwal
Dua Food Processing Pvt Ltd Shwkhawat
Application for Revive
/Recall Rule 11 of Ashu Chaudhary M/s Ashu Agencies V/s Al- Arun Jain
IA/294/ND/2022 Rule 11 Tarun Aggarwal
NCLT,2016 as per Oredr Dua Food Processing Pvt Ltd Hitesh Sachar
Dated 07.09.2021
M/s Nuevosol Energy Pvt Ltd V/s M/s Sarkun
417 IB/3240/ND/2019 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Shivam Harang Dhawan
Solar Pvt Ltd
Vatsala Kak

Debabrata Ray Vs The State Trading

418 IB/242/PB/2020 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Rakesh Kumar
Corporation Of India Limited

Quippo Infrastructure Ltd Vs. Haridwar

419 IB/561/ND/2020 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) P & A Law Offices
Infrastructure Pvt Ltd

Nakoda Bhairav Construction Through Hemant Shrma Shivam
Logawney Airi
420 IB/531/ND/2022 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Shubham Jain Vs Oriental Structural Jaiswal RRR Legal
Ravi Krishan
Engineers Private limited Advisors LLP

Admitad Media Private Limited Vs. Dhani

421 IB/731/ND/2022 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Vivek Sethi
Healthcare Limited

Pouring Pounds India Private Limited Vs.

422 IB/774/ND/2022 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Samrudhi Chothani
Dhani Healthcare Limited

Vipul Kumar
M/s Squares And Spaces Projects Private
423 IB/795/ND/2022 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) Nikhil Kumar Verma Bhargav R.
limited Vs. Karvy Innotech Limited
Pooja Industries (Through Its Proprietor -
424 IB/92/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s 9 of IBC Manoj Kumar Sharma) Vs. Giga Pipe Systems Karan Valecha
India Private Limited

Naman Joshi
Delhivery Limited Vs. Futuretimes Technology Guneet Sidhu
425 IB/169/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC)
India Privatelimited CHAMBERS OF JOSHI

Scorchers Services I Private Limited Vs B.C.

426 IB/439/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC) VIS Legis Law Practice
Power Controls Limited

Avik Televentures Private Limited Vs DSNR Legal Adovcates

427 IB/443/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s. 9 (IBC)
Purelogic Labs India Private Limited and Solicitors

Sree Karpagambal Ltd. V/s Bee K Bee Prints

428 IB/756/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s 9 (IBC) Akhil Shankhwar
Pvt Ltd
429 IB/560/ND/2021 For Further Consideration U/s. 59 (IBC) Swarupauto Private limited Gagan Gulati

430 IB/444/PB/2021 M/s Gluckrich Capital Pvt Ltd V/s Mr. Shiv
For Further Consideration U/s 95(1) IBC Apoorv Rastogi
Kumar Jatia
M/s Himmatsingka Exports Pvt. Ltd. Through
For Seeking appropriate
IA/2415/ND/2022 U/s 60 (5) Its Authorized Representative Vs Shiv Kumar Adarsh Priyadarshi
Report filed by RP u/s 99 of
IA/5062/ND/2021 U/s 60 (5) Atul Kumar Kansal Vs Shiv Kumar Jatia Atul Kumar Kansal
For Seeking appropriate
IA/4437/ND/2021 U/s 60 (5) Shiv Kumar Jatia Vs Gluckrich Capital Pvt.Ltd. Harshal Kumar
For Seeking appropriate Gulckrich capital private limited Vs Shiv
IA/3026/ND/2022 U/s 60 (5) RKG Law Associates
Directions Kumar Jatia
U/s. 95(1) of
For Further Consideration Canara Bank Vs. Surya Kant Jaipuria Arun Kumar Shukla
Report of Resolution
431 IA/883/ND/2024 U/s 99 Anil Kumar Mittal Vs Surya Kant Jaipuria
IB/9/ND/2023 Professional
For Challenging the
Surya Kant Jaipuria Vs The Canara Bank
IA/232/ND/2024 maintainability of the Rule 11 Ravi Kumar Agarwal

432 IB/317/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s 95(1) Bank of Maharashtra Vs Sangeeta Arora V.K. Gupta

433 IB/488/ND/2023 For Further Consideration U/s 95(1) IBC Indian Bank Vs Ajit Kumar Sud Rajesh Kumar Gautam


434 CP/70/ND/2023 241-242 Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Vs Ms Highwaymen Deepak Joshi
For Further Consideration
Collective Private Limited & Ors.
CA/404/ND/2023 This Hon 'ble Tribunal be Rule 11 of NCLT Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Vs Ms Highwaymen Deepak Joshi
pleased to direct that the Collective Private Limited & Ors.
effect ofthe special notice
dated 15.11.2023 issued by
the Respondent No.2
director be stayed
IA/379/ND/2023 Direct the petitioner to Rule 11 of NCLT Akshaan George Vs Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Ashutosh Gupta
provide the opening 2016
balances of the ledger
accounts to the Respondent
No. 1 Company

CA/307/ND/2023 Direct the Respondent No. 1 Rule 11 of NCLT Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Vs Ms Highwaymen Deepak Joshi
Company to immediately 2016 Collective Private Limited & Ors.
pay the outstanding salary

CA/309/ND/2023 Direct the Respondent No.1 Rule 11 of NCLT Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Vs Ms Highwaymen Deepak Joshi
Company to reverse the 2016 Collective Private Limited & Ors.
debit notes issued
CA/313/ND/2023 This Hon 'ble Tribunal be Rule 11 of NCLT Kuldeep Kumar Dhar Vs Ms Highwaymen Deepak Joshi
pleased to appoint an 2016 Collective Private Limited & Ors.
administrator to manage the
operations of Respondent
No. 1 and Respondent
No. 8

435 CP/131/ND/2023 U/s 241-242 Akshaan George Vs Highwaymen Collective Ashutosh Gupta
For Further Consideration
Private Limited
IA/336/ND/2023 The name of the Pamila Rule 11 of NCLT Pamila Dhar Vs Highwaymen Collective L.Ojha
Dhar R-3 and Conekraftz Private Limited
India P. Ltd - R -7 be
deleted from the array of
the memo of the parties
436 IB/1700/ND/2018 Addmitted on A.B Stainless Steel V/s M/s International Coil Shalu Khanna
Main Case U/s. 9 (IBC) Karan Gandhi Ankur Singhal
16.12.2019 Ltd (RP)

Pass an order that the prder

of Liquidation is a notice of Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Limited Shalu Khanna
IA/394/ND/2021 U/s. 33(2) Gautam Singhal Reena N. Singh
discharge to the employees Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Ors (RP)
,officials ,workmen ,etc

Direct the Respondent no.1

(M/s Coil Company pvt Ltd
Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Limited Shalu Khanna
IA/678/ND/2021 and its present and last U/s. 60(5) Gautam Singhal Hitesh Kumar
Vs. M/s Coil Company Pvt Ltd & Ors (RP)
directiors R.no.2,3,7 &8 to
pay an outsanding amount

Direct the respondents to

provide the required details
Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Shalu Khanna
IA/1250/ND/2021 and information as sought U/s. 60(5) Gautam Singhal
Limited Vs. M/S Cleantech Power Llp & Ors (RP)
by the applicant via email
and letter dated 18.02.2021

Direction to the Respondent

to make good the losses
Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Limited Shalu Khanna
IA/2785/ND/2022 incurred by bthe corporate U/s 43 Gautam Singhal
Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Ors (RP)
debtor on account of
preferential transactions
Declaring the transactions
Shalu Khanna RP Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Shalu Khanna
IA/2748/ND/2022 as Detailed form paragraph U/s 45 (1) Gautam Singhal
Ors (RP)
Pramod B.
Direct the Respondent No. 1 Agarwala, Anuj
66,6768,70,74 Shalu Khanna RP Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Shalu Khanna
IA/4244/ND/2020 to 4 to refund back an Gautam Singhal P. Agarwala &
R/w sec 14 , 17 Ors (RP)
amount Aayush
(1) (d)
Issue Directions to
Respondents to handover Jagjit Singh
the details , records , Alakh Alok
U/s -19(2) ,68, Shalu Khanna RP Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Shalu Khanna
IA/4346/ND/2020 information , documents , Gautam Singhal Srivastava,
70,R/w 60(5) Ors (RP)
vehicles , movable assets , Chandan Kumar
immovable assets etc of the Singh
CD to the applicant

Direct the Respondent No. 1

U/s 60 (5) R/w Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Limited Shalu Khanna
IA/147/ND/2021 to 5 to issue Duplicate Gautam Singhal Reena N. Singh
19 (2) Vs. M/s Bigur Finance Limited & Ors (RP)
share certificate

Seeking appropriate
Shalu Khanna RP of International Coil Ishaan Shalu Khanna
IA/979/ND/2021 directions against the U/s 60(5) Gautam Singhal
Limited Vs. Uttarayan Steel Private Limited Chakrabarti (RP)

Allow the Present

application and direct
U/s 60 (5) R/w International Coil Limited Vs. Punjab National Shalu Khanna
IA/1230/ND/2021 Respondent bank to Gautam Singhal S.K. Tanwar
19 (2) Bank (RP)
liquidate the aforesaid FDRs
and Release the amount
U/s 43 R/w 45
For preferential transactions ,66 IBC Rule 11 Shalu Khanna RP Vs.Paramjeet Singh Sehra & Shalu Khanna
IA/2628/ND/2021 Gautam Singhal Ankur Singhal
and Fraudulent transaction of NCLT Rules Ors (RP)
Seeking appropriate
Shalu Khanna RPl of M/s International Coil Shalu Khanna
IA/4733/ND/2021 directions against the U/s 60(5) Gautam Singhal Nishit Agrawal
Limited Vs. M/s Water Foods Pvt Ltd & Ors (RP)
Section 60 (5) Jagjit Singh Vs.Shalu KhannaRP -Cum-
Seeking discharge from the Jagjit Singh Alakh Shalu Khanna
IA/5655/ND/2021 R/w Sec19 (1) Proposed Liquidator m/s International Coil Gautam Singhal
present proceedings Alok Srivastava (RP)
and Sec 34 (3) Ltd. And Others
Seeking Direction To
Tarun Khanna, Sps
Resolution Professional To U/s 18(b) R/w M/s Merino Industries Limited .Vs. Shalu Shalu Khanna
IA/5859/ND/2021 Chawla, Pawan Dubey Gautam Singhal
Admit The Claim Of The Sec 60(5)(c) Khanna, RP of International Coil Limited (RP)
&Ammar Mustafa
Operational Creditor

The Present application and

set aside the opinion formed Advance Cooling Towers Pvt Ltd Vs. Shalu Shalu Khanna
IA/650/ND/2022 U/s 60(5)(C) Utsav Jain Gautam Singhal
by the Respondent vide Khanna, RP of International Coil Limited (RP)
Email dated 05.08.2021

437 IB/2691/ND/2019 Admitted on Laxmi Steels Vs. M/s Adjoin Built &
Main Case U/s. 9 (IBC) Anshuj Dhingra Arnav Kumar Aditya Kumar
20.03.2020 Developers Pvt Ltd
To pass an Order U/s 33(1)
and (2) of IBC ,2016 U/s 33 (1) and Laxmi Steels Vs. M/s Adjoin Built & Arnav Kumar
IA/5515/ND/2022 Aditya Kumar
allowing the liquidation of (2) Developers Pvt Ltd Suparteek Neogi
the Corporate Debtor
To Direct the Ex-
management , promoters ,
auditors and personnel of
Adjoin Built & Developers Pvt. Ltd. Through Arnav Kumar
IA/1505/ND/2022 Corporate Debtor to U/s 19(2) Aditya Kumar
IRP Mr. Aditya Kumar Vs.Ms. Savita Geol Suparteek Neogi
Cooperate and assist the
IRP in Discharging his
Restore the Petition of the
Corporate debtor as it
U/s 49 R/w Laxmi Steels Vs. M/s Adjoin Built & Arnav Kumar
IA/2316/ND/2022 existed before the impugned Aditya Kumar
60(5) Developers Pvt Ltd Suparteek Neogi
related party transactions so
as to retrun the amount

Direct the Respondent No.1

Company to Return the Rule 11 of NCLT Aditya Kumar Vs.Victory Inraedge Pvt. Arnav Kumar
IA/3948/ND/2022 Aditya Kumar
amount of the corporate 2016 Ltd.M/s Adjoin Built & Developers Pvt Ltd Suparteek Neogi
438 IB/1281/ND/2018
Liquidation Approved on Dhir & Dhir
Main Case U/s 9 (IBC) B.D construction co. V/s stride autoparts Ltd Parteek Gupta Pankaj Kaihtan
18.12.2020 Associates

Approving Dissolution of
IA/4276/ND/2022 U/s 54 Pankaj Khetan Pankaj Kaihtan Pankaj Kaihtan
Corporate Debtor

Intervention For Seeking Intervention in Employees Provident Fund Organisation Vs

U/s 60(5) Saurabh Kansal
Petition/33/ND/2023 the captioned matter Stride Autoparts Ltd

Direct the Respondent to

Contribute loss amount Varsha Banrjee
IA/4372/ND/2022 U/s 66 Pankaj Khaitan Vs. Mr. Atul Tandon Pankaj Kaihtan Pankaj Kaihtan
towards the assets of Karan Grovar
corporate debtor

439 IB/613/ND/2019 Law Chambers

Admitted on
Main Case U/s. 7 (IBC) State Bank of India Vs. Shri Lal Mahal Ltd Ankur Mittal of Ayush Sanjeev Ahuja

seeking directions against

Respondent No 1 &
Respondent No 2 to transfer
IA/867/ND/2024 Sec 60(5) DEBASHIS NANDA Vs. AXIS BANK LIMITED Debashis Nanda
the funds lying in the bank
account of the corporate

Debasis Nanda Liquidator of Shri Lal Mahal

For Seeking Cancellation of
Ltd. (Now Nutrionex Manufacturers Limited)
IA/6383/ND/2023 the sale certificate/sale deed U/s 35(1)(n) Iswar Mohapatra
Vs M/s. Spark Energy Represented by Mr.
dated 28.04.2023
Direct the avoidance of the
under valued transaction Karan Malhotra Parish
IA/3080/ND/2021 U/s 45 (1) Sanjeev Ahuja Vs. Bhagwan Singh Rawat Vinod Chaurasia
mentioned in the present Mishra
Direct the Transaction of
writing back amount from
the book of account of the Karan Malhotra Parish
IA/1664/ND/2022 U/s 66 Sanjeev Ahuja Vs. SHRI LAL MAHAL LIMITED
corporate debtor as Mishra
fradulent and wrongful
440 IB/2503/ND/2019 Admitted on Ambrane India Pvt Ltd V/s MKMG Jewel
U/s. 7 (IBC) Vaibhav Tyagi
12.01.2022 Developers Pvt Ltd
Pass an ad interim ex parte
order directing the
to co-operate with the
Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bliss Equity Private
IA/1126/ND/2024 Applicant/Resolution U/s 60(5) Shivam Gautam
Professional for
valuation of the Property
owned by the Corporate
For Seeking rectification of Ambrane India Pvt Ltd V/s MKMG Jewel
IA/659/ND/2024 Rule 154 Shivam Gautam
order dated 25.01.2024 Developers Pvt Ltd
Ambrane India Pvt Ltd V/s MKMG Jewel
IA/6/ND/2024 Status Report Rule 11 Shivam Gautam
Developers Pvt Ltd
Pass an order and set aside
the interim award dated
18.11.2023 passed by the Mr. Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bliss Equity Private
IA/6375/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) Shivam Gautam
Ld. Arbitrator in Limited
contravention of Section 14
of the IBC
Pass an order directing
Respondent No. 2
Committee of Creditors to Bliss Equity Private Limited Vs Durga Das
IA/5236/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) Naveen Kumar
reconsider the Resolution Agrawal
Plan of the Applicant

For Seeking Extension of 90 Ambrane India Pvt Ltd V/s MKMG Jewel
IA/4637/ND/2023 U/s 60 (5) Shivam Gautam
days of the CIRP Period Developers Pvt Ltd
For Seeking Appropriate
IA/3338/ND/2023 direction in avoidance of U/s 45 Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bankey Bihari Goyal Shivam Gautam
Certain Trasanction
For Seeking Appropriate
IA/3345/ND/2023 direction in respect of U/s 50 Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bankey Bihari Goyal Shivam Gautam
extortionate transaction
For Seeking Appropriate
IA/3381/ND/2023 direction in respect of U/s 66 Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bankey Bihari Goyal Shivam Gautam
fraudulent transactions
For Seeking Appropriate
direction in respect of
IA/3428/ND/2023 Preferential Transaction & U/s 43 Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bankey Bihari Goyal Shivam Gautam
Avoidance of certain
For Seeking Appropriate
Directions against the
IA/3817/ND/2023 Respondents for breaching U/s 60(5) Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bankey Bihari Goyal Shivam Gautam
the provisions of
Direct the respondent no.1
to peacefully handover the
Durga Das Agrawal Vs Bliss Equity Private
IA/3801/ND/2023 possession of the assets U/s 60(5) Shivam Gautam
owned by the corporate
Direct to provide requisite
information and assistance
Mr. Durga Das Agrawal Vs. Bankey Bihari &
IA/2233/ND/2022 to thr IRP to carry out U/s 19(2) Mithlesh Kr Singh
duties and responsibilities as
mandated under the law
441 IB/293(PB)/2021 Admitted on Focus Realcon Pvt Ltd Vs. Royal Crown Debashis Nanda
Main Case U/s. 7 (IBC) Aaryan sharma Geeta Malhotra
20.06.2022 Projects Pvt Ltd. (RP)
For Withdrawal of
Focus Realcon Pvt Ltd Vs. Royal Crown
IA/4107/ND/2023 IA/4663/ND/2022 and Rule 8 Anil Kumar Singhal
Projects Pvt Ltd.
Regulation 5 & Focus Realcon Pvt Ltd Vs. Royal Crown
IA/3899/ND/2023 First Progres Report Anil Kumar Singhal
15 Projects Pvt Ltd.
To Direct Axis Bank to co-
operate with the RP and U/s 60 (5) of Debashish Nanda V/s Assistant Commissioner Debashis Nanda
IA/4663/ND/2022 Debashis Nanda
provide requisite NCLT, 2016 of Income Tax Delhi & Anr (RP)
information and documents
Condone the delay of 547 U/s 19 (2) & 19 Debashis Nanda
IA/4585/ND/2022 Debashish Nanda V/s SUVENDU DAS & ANR Debashis Nanda
days in filing claim (3) (RP)
442 IB/223/ND/2022 Admitted on Kaushal Deshmukh & Others Vs. Grand
U/s. 7 (IBC) Ajay Kumar
14.02.2023 Reality Private Limited
For Seeking avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal Vs Satish Chander
IA/6402/ND/2023 U/s 45 Lexacuity Legal
undervalued transaction Varma
Seeking Avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal Vs Satish Chander
IA/6404/ND/2023 U/s 66 Lexacuity Legal
Fraudulent transaction Varma
Seeking Avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal (IRP) Vs Satish Chander
IA/6345/ND/2023 U/s 66 Lexacuity Legal
Fraudulent transaction Varma
Seeking Avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal Vs Satish
IA/6352/ND/2023 U/s 66 Lexacuity Legal
Fraudulent transaction Chander Varma
Seeking Avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal Vs Satish Chander
IA/6371/ND/2023 U/s 66 Lexacuity Legal
Fraudulent transaction Varma
Seeking Avoidance of Rakesh Kumar Jindal Vs Satish Chander
IA/6376/ND/2023 U/s 66 Lexacuity Legal
Fraudulent transaction Varma
443 IB/1059/ND/2018 Main Case Resolution plan U/s. 9 (IBC) Concord Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Vs. Shweta Kapoor Rakesh Sinha Anand
Approved on Shubhkamna Buildtech Pvt Ltd Sonbhadra
IA/4964/ND/2023 Seeking direction to the U/s 60 (5) Bhanu Chaudhary Vs M/s. Shubhkamna Indresh upadhyay and
Resolution Applicant to buildtech pvt. Ltd. associates
admit the claim of applicant

IA/4532/ND/2023 To Grant Permission to the U/s 60(5) Anand Sonbhadra Chairman Monitoring Nipun Gautam
chairman,Monitoring Agency Shubhkamana Buildtech Pvt.Ltd Vs
Professional to Auction the Sunil K. Agarwal and Ors.
Contempt Petition The Respondents Rule 11 of NCLT Mr. Anand Sonbhadra RP of Shubhkamna Nipun Gautam Udita Anand
/14/ND/2023 /Contemnors be directed to 2016 Buildtech Pvt Ltd Vs. Additional Director Singh Sonbhadra
comply with the order dated General ( Adjudication ) & Anr.
12.01.2022 passed by this
Hon'ble tribunal
IA/6649/ND/2023 For seeking appropriate U/s 60 (5) Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited Vs Sh. Anand Charu Sachdev
directions Sonbhadra
IA/5860/ND/2023 Seeking direction to verify U/ 60(5) Deepak Kumar Goel Vs Mr. Anand Sonbhadra Aakash Tyagi
and admit the claim of the
IA/5520/ND/2022 Seeking direction to verify U/s 60 (5) IBC, Sarvesh Mahajan Vs. M/s. Shubhkamna Priyanshu Upadhyay &
and admit the clairn of 25 2016 Buildtech Pvt. Ltd. Madhur Mahajan
home buyers mentioned in
the Appliction VIS-a-VIS
Clause 8.6 Sub-Clause 3 the
resolution plan

IA/2211/ND/2023 Against the non acceptance U/s 60 (5) of Sanjeev Garg Vs. M/S Shubhkamna Buildtech Shivam Kumar
of the claim by the NCLT, 2016 Pvt. Ltd.
resolution professional/ &ORS
Committee and to direct the
No. 1 & 2 to admit the claim
of the Applicant
IA/1476/ND/2023 Direct the Present U/s 60 (5) of Saroj Bala Mehta Vs. Shubhkamna Buildtech Sandeep Kumar
Resolution Professional i.e. NCLT, 2016 Pvt Ltd Pamkaj Mishra
Respondent No.1 to admit
the claim of the applicant

IA/2411/ND/2023 Against the Non-Acceptance U/s 60 (5) of Anil Kumar Gupta Vs M/S Shubhkamna Shivam Kumar
of the Claim by the NCLT, 2016 Buildtech Pvt. Ltd.
Resolution Professional/
Monitoring Committee

IA/3930/ND/2023 Allow the present U/s 60 (5) IBC, Concord Infrastructure Pvt Ltd V/s Tarun Gupta
application and recall the 2016 Shubhkamna Buildtech Pvt Ltd
order Dated 12.9.2022
444 IB/241/ND/2019 Admitted on 04.12.2019 U/s. 9 (IBC) M/s Bhupindra Agro Pvt Ltd V/s M/s Shri Sumesh Dhawan
Vardhman Rice Mills Pvt Ltd
IA/5805/ND/2023 To direct the Respondent
no. 2 Punjab National Bank
to issue NOC for opening of U/s 60 (5) Bhumica Bhanushali Vs Tarun Batra Vinod Kr. Chaurasia
new Current account

445 IB/893/ND/2022 Saket gogia,

Arista Management & Realty Advisors Private Gauri Fande
Main Case Admiited on 29.08.2023 U/s. 9 (IBC) Limited Vs. M/s Teriyaki Builders Private Shashwat Srivastava Man Singh
Limited M/s.
For Confirmation And Arista Management & Realty Advisors Private
IA/45/ND/2024 Appointment Of Resolution U/s 22(2) Limited Vs. M/s Teriyaki Builders Private Himanshu Kapoor
Professional Limited

Sureksha Garg
Court Officer
Note: Although all efforts have been made to give accurate information in the Cause List the possibility of an inadvertent error cannot be ruled out and regretted, if any.
Copy to:-
1 Registrar, NCLT
2 Secretary, NCLT
3 nclt. website (www.nclt.gov.in)

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