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SYNONYMS 1 [able capable ‘acarigl 38 [inst believe inanmag | 2 [contact tie ‘alaga 39 [hop jump hoppenmag, 3 [aitigent hardworking, | galisqan 40 [fee shoot atag agmag, gullalomak industrious 41 [atthe begin- [early in ‘vvalinds + [besiege encircle, imithasiraye almag ning of surround [anise painter soceam 3 | wake up ‘awake oyaimag, 3 | aerioa, strict eid © | mighty power rong [eel 44 [brave courageous | cosarat 7 [appreciate | value aiymoilondinmak 5 [enjoy oneself | have a good time | yaxgu vaxt kegirimak 9 Jeonsent agree razilasmaq, “ae [beeae a inkl, gor 92, ae ares oa | ea 48 [race feompetition [yang tobe late for 49 [walk goon foot__|piyada getmak 13 | gather assemble toplagmag 30 | cruel rude, unkind aia oe i a et ready azar olm99, 1S [beasninsr otis (o) —[oteyhino cian eter | [51 [et ead pack ie ces 16 | imtolerable | unbearable | dvzitmaz 52 [export sell satmag, ixrac etmok 17 | victory ‘wiumph qalabo 53 [be over end, finish | qurtarmaq 18 [akernative | choice segim 4 [immediately [atonce darhal 19 | getto reach ‘gatmag 55 [star Teave yola digmak 20 [hoist Tals, it ‘aldirmag 36 | cheerful mony 520) 21 [be surprised [beastonished | teaccublonmok 57 [be fond of [Tike xoslamaa 22 [high ‘all hindi, weal 58 [post send gondormsk 23 [cosy comfortable [rahat 59 [hate dislike nifrat etmok 24 [lucky happy baxtavar 60 | retun ‘give back | gaytarmag 25 | plunder destroy dagutmag 61 | beautiful fine, nice gozal 23 [near ina} vyaxin @ [contemporary [modem mi 24 | rich ef) varli,Zangin 63 | hardship difficulty atinlik 25 [lazy [lei] ‘anbal 64 [stand up rise galxmag 26 [view scenery, scene _[ monzara, gOninls 65 [sad gloomy, dull, cansixier 27 | wealthy rich varlt dreary 28 | healthy ‘strong ‘saglam, cl Gag become olmaq 29 [certainly surely, of course [albstto $7 | g0.up Fise, increase | galxmaq, artmag 30 [unjust unfair adalaisiz 66 [be crass be angry hirsli olmag 31 | fair T. honest just | I. vedas, diz 69 [reoeive set alimag, qabul etmak 2. blonde 2, sangin 70 | happen take place | bag vermek 32 | difficult hard ‘atin, air 71 [comeback [return geri gayitmag 33 [conversation [talk sbhbat 72 [goon Continue, last | davam etmek 34 | freedom liberation | azadliq 73 | different various mixtolit 35 | propose recommend _| taklif etmak 74 | make up one’s | decide qerara almaq_ 36 | hold keep ‘saxlamaq mind 37 | looking-glass | mirror zig 75 [incorrect wrong, false [sahv ea Dili i ree wise sma [mide an Te [loud Toley sky rar [at diel ae 717 [boner isu rarahat etm [78 [by plane bya eyyar ilo 118 [again afresh yeniden — a9 [rely wesspond, eva vermak 119 |opnoraniyy —[ehanes imkan, ga spores answer | 120 [coach carriage oe — jent, event [ hadiso real interval ona, Fasila 2 incident see Tas oro ‘ief, sadness _[aam, qiissa a se am ae daa, cab al alice 123 | announce advertise lan etmah a aah = 12a [quick ftps | ra i ike ‘ora = cdovat eum ‘board deck giyorts 3s Vfiavite, é ima 126 [remain sy galmag wear puton, dress | geyinmak TaR 127 shade shadow ig poor penniless kasib ranmagy olds etmak remember | Keep in mind | xafirlamac 2s gai, a aa a ae oe 129] revise repeat tokrar etmah prison jail habsxana 130} ol seeks ae Tat [expensive [dear ‘baka understand | realize basa digmal ak, etraz etmake accompany [se o ola salmag, teen, 92 | arive reach, et00 fpatmaq, Tila tori Forma 93 | guilt tlt ginal 134 opinion thought fikir, roy 5 94 | radition | ewstom adat 1S iterate ahi, savadsiz ignorant ii 95 | auiekly fast rapidly | cald, strat 736 persuade [convince | mandirmaq, 96 [enormous | giant, huge nohong 737 | occur Trappen, take [bag vermok 97 [release free, berate [ azad etmak place 98 | reserve ook, order _| sifarig etmok 138 | provide supply, ‘tomin etmak 99 [condition [state vaviyyot 139) fix sppoin ara inca 100 [share a gaydaya salma 101 | order command ‘emretmak 2 sett babel ‘moskunlagmag_ ea cure ilies etmak 102 | rent nt fee, hire: icarayo vermok, atl eat - 7 v= Tease irayalomsk 142 [convenient [comfortable | rahat, alverisli 103 [tum off Switch off | séndrmok 143] merry cheerful en 104 [tam on switch-on | yandirmaq 144 alike Simla, the same [oxyar, ey 105 [ plant row, cultivate [bevormak 148 [arcogant boastful Tova 106] wer damp, humid —[nam, vag 146 | distant remote wag 107} intend be going 10 147 [annoy imitate qioiglandirmag, narahat 108 | pain. ache amok 109 feustomer | buyer, shopper 148 [arid ary ur 110 | assist help, aid, give | kémok etmak 249 | suspickons Sonbtfi abbott ahand 150 {polluted contaminated | gir mn |x ‘mend, repair | amir mak 1st [esablish [set up, found | osasim goymag, yaratmaq 112 | worry bbeanxious | narahat olmag 152| particularly [especially | asusita 113 | weep ey aglamag 153 [injure hurt ineitmak 114 | forgive excise bagislamaq 154 prohibit a 183 [eave move Kegmok 155 let allow, permit [ieaza vermak oT de Lh 156] perish die, lose one's Toh olmag, halal a8 [remarkable oustanding, — [eorkamih lie lag, disk prominent 157 [obliged eich kad | minnotdar Ta9 [pave award mata 158 [demonstrate | display, show | eostormak, nlmayiy 190 | sranger foreigner new. | yad,qorib, adel cdimak comer 159 |proiest qorumag.mitafinctmak | T91 [gather collect, [toplamag, | xosusl [eo devstopmenr ign cut ima T61 | provection rmidafio, qonunina, gaya | {192 | bunslar robber, thief [ora 193 | private individual, por | xsi, xOsUsT 162 | aitter Forglonmak sonal, special 163 | publish ap etmok 194 [attendance | presence igtak Tos | diy uty das, |i 198 | wild wna waht muddy. polite, savage 165 | disease illness, sickness | xastolik 196 | present gift hodiyyo 166 | invade ‘occupy, con-fisBal etmak 197 [begin start Paslamag quer, caprure 198 [Principal [main, major [oses, baghea 167 | ote propose, suasest | fli ewok 199 well-known | famous, popular | mosbur 168 | wide broad, loose [gents 200 | kind triendly, mebriban, morhomatl 169 [except Tesides lene genie roi] smi helpful 170} request demand {alab,faob etmak = 201 [peter choose Tstin tutmag, sogmok 17H | govern onirol, manage | idara etmak 202] win overcome, | glib galmok, Gstin 172 | guest visitor ‘gong defeat sgalmak, mop etmak mee sim, goal_| mogsod 208 | fitful devoted, loyal | saci, vata quiet calm, silent, | sakt = aly cla net da een 204) pric cant, charae, [ym dy 175 resemble [be simak [otamon sostwar Seeoar ori [edt ike nary, regular 176 | impress afieet eahemol 206| changeable [inconstant | dayigkon, qeyri-sabit 177 mind Te opinion | ey fi 207 | etizen inhabitant | votonda, sain memory yaddas: 3. v- object (to) | 3. etiraz etmok 208 | work — ig 178] pros ‘ourish jgafetmok, cigaklonmak vi infers $e 209 | keep, hold, save | saxlamag, gorumaq 179 [result sovciwsion frie 210 [urgent important | vacib, zara 180 [mysterious [secret sit s a ae hee aay — lomo 2a | walk, goon foot | piyada getmak a — —_ — ae 212 [atthe end of __| late in sonda it suitable; — | uygun, minasib, uyBun hae bier 213 [often Frequently, |teztez repeatedly 183 | quarrel ‘argument, | milbahiso etmok, narazt a Gah “iiig 214 | reduce decrease azalimag, vy ar-gue, dis- | milbahiso Jegiimak, re 215 [type sor, Kind [ ndv, tip 184 | collapse break down, — | dagslmag, 216 | recognize | know Tanimag, bilmak ruin mah olmag 217] contract Treaty, agree | miigavila 185 come in enter daxil olmag, girmak ment 186 come up ‘approach | yanunlagmag 218) consist include, eon- | Ybarat olmaq, 187] refuge shelter ssanacag in daxil etmak, Szinds saxlamag —_— ee oo Siferenee __{ sddiyyat org 225] tip Voyage, tour, [ sayahat, gozint sofor complain feriticize rarazaligini bildirmak, travel, journey - ce ote pom 227 | tradition “custom. habit _[anana, adat, vordis mmplete end, finish, |tamamlamag, = aun almaq,almad i fulfill Guarini. 228 [buy purchase un almad, Yerina yetirmok 229 [tidy ‘lean ‘omiZ, onnest pin fix, combine | birlagdirmok, 230 [tasty delicious, ‘adh alagolandirmak 231 [ take part participate __| istirak etmak. [s[soule pair ear

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