Lesson Plan Briseida Chavez
Lesson Plan Briseida Chavez
Lesson Plan Briseida Chavez
Learning Objective(s)/Competency
Students will:
1. Identify their personal warning signs by learning about common
symptoms of stress.
Students will:
2. Develop a stress management toolkit by learning about healthy
coping strategies.
● Classroom Lesson Slides: Managing Stress (Canva)
● Worksheet: Stress Management Toolkit
● Pre & Post Assessment
● Computer
Procedure: Describe how you will:
Introduce: Slide 1: Title Page: Managing Stress
● I will begin the lesson by briefly introducing myself as a school
counseling intern and the support I provide for Corvallis students.
This may be the first time meeting some students.
● I will introduce the lesson topic of “Stress Management.” I will
explain that this topic was selected because it was one of the
main areas students expressed needing support within our needs
assessment that we conducted at the beginning of the academic
● One “Mic”
○ If we want to share, we will raise our hands.
○ No talking over one another.
Slide 3: Pre-Test
● Ask students to take out their iPads
● I will have login and password instructions on the board for folks
who don’t know how to log into their NLMUSD accounts.
● I will tell students that It’s okay if they don’t know the answer to a
question and just to try their best. This is not graded. I just want
to understand what they already know and where we can
improve. That’s why I’m giving this lesson today, so we can
continue learning!
Slide 6: Agenda
● I will provide an overview of our agenda:
○ Breathing Exercise Warm-Up
○ What is stress?
○ What does stress look like?
○ Coping Strategies
○ Building your Stress Management Toolkit
○ Review and Closing
Teach Content: Slide 7: Breathing Exercise Warm-Up
● Remind students that it’s okay to feel a little silly.
Slide 9: Think-Pair-Share
○ Share with your partner, what is something that causes
you stress?
○ Share whatever you feel comfortable sharing
○ I will ask students if anyone wants to share what they
Slide 12: Check for understanding and ask if they have any questions.
● Social/Emotional
○ Talk to someone you trust
○ Spend time with people who make you feel happy
○ Practice positive self-talk/affirmations
○ Practice gratitude - “Today, I am grateful for…”
○ Express your emotions through art
● Physical
○ Get enough sleep
○ Eat nutritious foods
○ Move your body
○ Spend time outdoors
● Healthy Coping Strategies
○ Why is it important to have healthy coping strategies?
■ Helps prevent us from using coping skills that
might put our well-being at risk
■ Able to learn new skills!
■ Helps us to manage difficult situations and feelings
■ Helps us focus on things that are important to us!
● School
● Interests
● Goals
Slide 18: Check for understanding and ask if they have any questions.
Slide 28: Before going to the post-test, check for understanding and ask if
they have any questions.
Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, this section only need be completed once
Participation Data:
Anticipated number ● 30 Students (combination of 7th & 8th graders)
of students:
Planned length of ● 54 Minutes, only 1 lesson