AC - 20-43C Fuel Contaimination
AC - 20-43C Fuel Contaimination
AC - 20-43C Fuel Contaimination
DATE: 10120116
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10/20/76 AC 20-43C
(3) Drain the engine oil and check the oil screens.
(4) Completely drain the fuel tanks and the entire fuel system
including the engine carburetor.
(5) Flush the fuel system and carburetor with gasoline and check
for leaks.
(6) Fill the fuel tanks with the proper grade of aviation gasoline.
Grades lOOLL and 100 represent two aviation gasolines which are
identical in anti-knock quality but differ in maximum lead content
and color. The color identifies the difference for those engines
which have a low tolerance to lead.
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10/20/76 ,AC 20-ii3C
a. Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23, Section 23.1557(c)(l), requires
that aircraft fuel filler openings be marked to show the word "FUEL"
and the minimum fuel grade or designation for the engines. In order
that these n:arkings retain their effectiveness, regulations also
require that they be kept fresh and clean. It follows, therefore, that
frequent washing and occasional painting will be necessary to retain
clear legibility.
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10/20/76 AC 20-43C
a. Water. All aviation fuels absorb moisture from the air and contain
water in both suspended particle and liquid form. The amount of
suspended particles varies with the temperature of the fuel. When
ever the temperature of the fuel is decreased, some of the suspended
particles are drawn out of the solution and slowly fall to the bottom
of the tank. Whenever the temperature of the fuel increases, water
is drawn frcxn the atmosphere to maintain a saturated solution.
Changes in fuel temperature, therefore, result in a continuous
accumulation of water. During freezing temperatures, this water
may turn to ice, restricting or stopping fuel flow.
b. Rust. Pipelines, storage tanks, fuel trucks, and drum containers tend
to produce rust that can be carried in the fuel in small size parti
cles. A high degree of filtration is required to remove the liquid
water and rust particles from the fuel.
c. Dust and sand. The fuel may be contaminated with dust and sand
through openings in tanks and from the use of fuel-handling equipment
that is not clean.
d. Micro-organisms. Many types of microbes have been found in unleaded
fuels, particularly in the turbine engine fuels. The microbes, which.
mclY ·cane· from the atmosphere -or stora-ge tanks, live at the-interface
between the fuel and liquid water in the tank. These micro-organisms
of bacteria and fungi rapidly multiply and cause serious corrosion in
tanks and may clog filters, screens, and fuel metering equipment. The
growth and corrosion are particularly serious in the presence of other
forms of contamination.
e. Additives. Certain oil companies, in developing products to cope with
aircraft fuel icing problems, found that their products also checked
"bug" growth. These products, known as "biocides," are usually re
ferred to as additives. Sane additives may not be compatible with the
fuel or the materials in the fuel system and may be harmful to other
parts of the engine with which they come in contact. Additives that
have not been approved by the manufacturer and FAA should not be used.
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AC 20-43C 10/20/76
11. FIELD TESTS. Three gallons of water were added to the half-full fuel
tank of a popular make, high-wing monoplane. After several minutes, the
fuel strainer {gascolator) was checked for water. It was necessary to
drain ten liquid ounces of fuel before any water appeared. This is con
siderably more than most pilots drain when checking for water.
In another test, simulating a tricycle geared model, one gallon of water
was added to the half-full fuel tank. It was necessary to drain more
than a quart of fuel before any water appeared.
In both of these tests, about nine ounces of water remained in the fuel
tank after the belly drain and the fuel strainer (gascolator) had ceased
to show any trace of water. This residual water could only be removed
by draining the tank sumps.
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10/20/76 AC 20-43C
Infrequently used fuel tanks should have their sumps drained before
filling. Agitation action of fuel entering the tank may suspend or
entrain liquid water or other contaminants--which can remain sus
pended for many minutes and may not settle out until after the air
craft is airborne.
b. Preflight action. Drain a generous sample of fuel--considerably more
than just a trickle--into a transparent container from each of the
fuel sumps and from the main fuel strainer or gascolator. (Remember
that it was necessary to drain ten ounces in the field tests,) On
certain aircraft having fuel tanks located in each wing, positioning
of the fuel tank selector valve to the "BOTH ON" position may not
adequately drain the system. This is due to the fuel taking the
path of least resistance. In this case, the fuel selector valve
should be positioned at each tank in turn.
Examine the fuel samples for water and dirt contamination. If pre
sent, it will collect at the bottom of the container and should be
easily detected. Continue to drain fuel from the contaminated sump
until certain the system is clear of all water and dirt.
"The use of quick-drain valves in the sumps and gas
colator makes it practical to keep tanks free of sig
nificant quantities of water and other contaminants."
c. Postflight, An effective method to prevent contamination from conden
sation would be to completely fill the fuel tank at the end of each
day's flying. This procedure is practical only on a few types of
light aircraft. Generally, the type of aircraft, length of proposed
flight, number of passengers, and weight and balance limitations
dictate the amount of fuel to be added.
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AC 20-43C 10/20/76
Turbine engine fuel controls and pumps are generally more sensitive than
the fuel systems of the piston engine. Their fuel feed and pumping sys
tems must work harder. Tolerances are closer and fuel pressures higher.
Fine contaminants may block fuel supply systems and erode critical parts
of engine and fuel control systems. Water freezing at high altitudes
may plug fuel screens. Because of these, the tolerable contamination
levels for jet fuels are much lower than previously considered necessary
for aviation gasoline. Even with the same contamination levels, the
greater volume of fuel used turbines results in greater amounts of
contaminants being deposited in the turbine engine system.
a. Test for contamination. Commercial products to test for fuel contam
ination are available. Here is a simple test to detect contamination
of jet fuel. This procedure has proved to be both effective and
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15. SUMMARY. So that your fuel system won't let you down when you want to
stay up--remember:
• Turbine fuels for turbine engines--gasoline of the proper grade for
reciprocating engines.
• Use only. the fuel recommended by the engine and aircraft manufacturer.
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AC. ..20-43C.
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J. A. FERRARESE, Acting Director
(_jiight Standards Service
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