AC - 20-43C Fuel Contaimination

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AC NO: 20-43C

DATE: 10120116



1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular alerts the aviation community to the

potential hazards of inadvertent mixing or contamination of turbine
and piston fuels, and provides recommended fuel control and servicing
2. CANCELLATION. Advisory Circular 20-43B, dated June 8, 1971, is
* 3. REFERENCES. For more detail than is contained herein, see American
Petroleum Institute Bulletins, Numbers 1523 Fourth Edition, 1542 Sec­
ond Edition, ·1581 First Edition, and the National Fire Protection
Association Pamphlet "Aircraft Fuel Servicing 1975" and the American
Society for Testing and Materials, "Standard Specification for Aviation
Gasolines, D 910-75." •

Initiated by: AFS-830

AC 20-43C 10/20/76

4. BACKGROUND. Since the introduction of jet aircraft fuel, there have

been several instances of inadvertent fueling of piston-powered aircraft
with jet fuel. Aviation fuel can only serve its ultimate purpose when
the PROPER fuel is delivered into the aircraft as free from contamination
as it was the day it left the refinery. Unless care and ATTENTION are
given to its handling, servicing, and storage, the many precautions
taken in its manufacture and transportation are wasted. Close attention
to compatibility of fuel and aircraft,as well as faithful adherence to
good housekeeping practices, is necessary to prevent possible disaster ast
well as costly contamination. A review of accidents attributed to fuel
problems reveals that many power failures were due to use of improper
fuel or careless servicing--fueling a ircraft from poorly filtered tanks,
particularly small tanks or drums, improper mixing of fuel additives,
improper preflight action by the pilot, and storing aircraft with
partially filled tanks, etc., which invites condensation and contamination
of the fuel. It is well to remember that the consequences of using leaded
gasoline in jet engines can be as damaging as the use of jet fuel in
reciprocating engines.
5. TURBINE (JET} FUEL VERSUS GASOLINE. Investigation of a malfunctioning
reciprocating engine disclosed that it had been inadvertently serviced
with jet fuel. Examination of this engine revealed extensive cylinder
assembly damage that required complete overhaul. Proper attention
to refueling would have prevented this· damage.

Frequency of improper fueling will diminish if owners, operators, and

personnel servicing aircraft maintain vigilance. Should the occasion
arise where the tanks in an aircraft are accidentally filled with jet
fuel, it is suggested the following procedures be followed:

a. If the engines were not operated subsequent to the refueling with

jet fuel, drain the fuel tanks, lines, and system completely. Refill
the tanks with the proper grade of aviation gasoline, and run the
engines for approximately five minutes.

b. If the engines were operated subsequent to the refueling with jet

fuel, investigate any abnormal engine operating conditions such as
those related to the fuel mixture and cylinder operating temperatures.
In addition, accomplish the following:

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(1) Perform a compression test of all cylinders.

(2) Completely borescope inspect the interior of cylinders,

giving special attention to the combustion chamber and the
piston dome.

(3) Drain the engine oil and check the oil screens.

NOTE: When accomplishing (1) (2), and (3), further investigate

and correct any unsatisfactory condition found.

(4) Completely drain the fuel tanks and the entire fuel system
including the engine carburetor.

(5) Flush the fuel system and carburetor with gasoline and check
for leaks.

(6) Fill the fuel tanks with the proper grade of aviation gasoline.

(7) If the engine inspection was satisfactory, complete an engine

runup check.
* 6. AVIATION GASOLINE GRADES AND COLOR CODES. Pilots and refueling personnel
should be familiar with aviation gasoline (avgas) grades and respective
color codes in order to assure proper servicing of engines. Three grades
of avgas are now produced for civil use; grades 80, lOOLL (low lead) and
100. These grades replace 80/87, 91/96, 100/130, and 115/145 avgas.

a. The Standard Specification for Aviation Gasolines, Specification

D 910-75, developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials,
established that grade 80 should be red in color and contain 0.5
milliliters (ml.) maximum of tetraethyl lead per gallon. Grade lOOLL
is blue in color and contains 2.0 ml. maximum per gallon. Grade 100
is green in color and contains 3.0 ml. maximum per gallon (with a
probable increase to 4.0 ml. maximum per gallon in the next specifi­
cation revision). The lead quantity or concentration of lead in avia­
tion gasoline is expressed in terms of milliliters (1/1000 of a liter)
per gallon of avgas.

Grades lOOLL and 100 represent two aviation gasolines which are
identical in anti-knock quality but differ in maximum lead content
and color. The color identifies the difference for those engines
which have a low tolerance to lead.

b. Limited availability of grade 80 in some geographical areas of the

country has forced owners/operators to use the next higher grade of
avgas. Specific use of higher grades is dependent on the applicable
manufacturer 1 s recommendations. Continuous use of higher lead fuels
in low compression engines designed for low lead fuels can cause ero­
sion or necking of the exhaust valve stems and spark plug lead fouling*

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10/20/76 ,AC 20-ii3C

a. Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23, Section 23.1557(c)(l), requires
that aircraft fuel filler openings be marked to show the word "FUEL"
and the minimum fuel grade or designation for the engines. In order
that these n:arkings retain their effectiveness, regulations also
require that they be kept fresh and clean. It follows, therefore, that
frequent washing and occasional painting will be necessary to retain
clear legibility.

b. It is equally important that tank vehicles be most conspicuously

marked to show the type of fuel carried. It is suggested that the
marking be of a color in sharp contrast to that of the vehicle and
in lettering at least 12 inches tall. This marking should be on
each side and on the rear of the tank vehicles. Additionally, it
is suggested that the tank vehicle hose lines be marked by labels next
to the nozzle and every six feet. The label lettering should
be at least 3/4 inches in height, be of sharp color contrast, be
permanently attached, and indicate the type of fuel dispersed by
that hose. A further suggestion is that the refueling nozzles be
conspicuously marked with the appropriate color code. This is espe­
cially important in that the person doing the refueling will have
the color coded nozzle in his hands during the process with an addi­
tional reminder of the fuel type being dispensed. All of the
afore­mentioned markings should be kept clean, fresh, and clearly
legible at all times.
8. TRAINING. Careful instructions in operating procedures should be given to
all personnel involved in fueling. This applies to flight as well as
ground personnel. The ground personnel should be thoroughly indoctrinated
in the facilities, procedt;res, equipment, and the types of fuel being dis­
pensed--the flight personnel in procedures and marking with particular
emphasis on use of the proper type of fuel. It is further suggested that
ALL personnel be retrained periodically with suitable records maintained to
reflect the training. Fuel servicing should be performed only by trained
competent personnel.
9, WHAT IS FUEL CONTAMINATION? Fuel is contaminated when it contains any
material that was not provided under the fuel specification. This mate­
rial generally consists of water, rust, sand, dust, microbial growth, and
certain additives that are not compatible with the fuel, fuel system
materials and engines.

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a. Water. All aviation fuels absorb moisture from the air and contain
water in both suspended particle and liquid form. The amount of
suspended particles varies with the temperature of the fuel. When­
ever the temperature of the fuel is decreased, some of the suspended
particles are drawn out of the solution and slowly fall to the bottom
of the tank. Whenever the temperature of the fuel increases, water
is drawn frcxn the atmosphere to maintain a saturated solution.
Changes in fuel temperature, therefore, result in a continuous
accumulation of water. During freezing temperatures, this water
may turn to ice, restricting or stopping fuel flow.


b. Rust. Pipelines, storage tanks, fuel trucks, and drum containers tend
to produce rust that can be carried in the fuel in small size parti­
cles. A high degree of filtration is required to remove the liquid
water and rust particles from the fuel.
c. Dust and sand. The fuel may be contaminated with dust and sand
through openings in tanks and from the use of fuel-handling equipment
that is not clean.
d. Micro-organisms. Many types of microbes have been found in unleaded
fuels, particularly in the turbine engine fuels. The microbes, which.
mclY ·cane· from the atmosphere -or stora-ge tanks, live at the-interface
between the fuel and liquid water in the tank. These micro-organisms
of bacteria and fungi rapidly multiply and cause serious corrosion in
tanks and may clog filters, screens, and fuel metering equipment. The
growth and corrosion are particularly serious in the presence of other
forms of contamination.
e. Additives. Certain oil companies, in developing products to cope with
aircraft fuel icing problems, found that their products also checked
"bug" growth. These products, known as "biocides," are usually re ­
ferred to as additives. Sane additives may not be compatible with the
fuel or the materials in the fuel system and may be harmful to other
parts of the engine with which they come in contact. Additives that
have not been approved by the manufacturer and FAA should not be used.

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AC 20-43C 10/20/76

11. FIELD TESTS. Three gallons of water were added to the half-full fuel
tank of a popular make, high-wing monoplane. After several minutes, the
fuel strainer {gascolator) was checked for water. It was necessary to
drain ten liquid ounces of fuel before any water appeared. This is con­
siderably more than most pilots drain when checking for water.
In another test, simulating a tricycle geared model, one gallon of water
was added to the half-full fuel tank. It was necessary to drain more
than a quart of fuel before any water appeared.

In both of these tests, about nine ounces of water remained in the fuel
tank after the belly drain and the fuel strainer (gascolator) had ceased
to show any trace of water. This residual water could only be removed
by draining the tank sumps.

12. CONTAMINATION CONTROL. The presence of any contamination in fuel sys­

tems is dangerous. Laboratory and field tests have demonstrated that
when water was introduced into the gasoline tank, it immediately set­
tled to the bottom. Fuel tanks are constructed with sumps to trap this
water. It is practically impossible to drain all water from the tanks
through the fuel lines, so it becomes necessary to regularly drain the
fuel sumps in order to remove all water from the system. It may be
necessary to gently rock the wings of some aircraft while draining the
sumps to completely drain all the water. ·On certain tailwheel type
aircraft, raising the tail to level flight attitude may result in addi­
tional flow of water to the gascolator or main fuel strainer. If left
undrained, the water accumulates and will pass through the fuel line to
the engine and may cause the engine to stop operating. The elimination
of contaminants from aviation fuel may not be entirely possible, but we
can control it by the application of good housekeeping habits.

a. Servicing. Storage and dispensing equipment should be kept clean at

all times--free from dirt and other foreign matter. Fuel having a
"cloudy" appearance or definitely "offcolor" should be suspected of
contamination or deterioration and should not be used. When addi­
tives are used, it is important that they are dispensed in accor­
dance with the aircraft manufacturer's instructions.
Refueling from drums or cans should be considered as an unsatisfac­
tory operation and one to be avoided whenever possible. All con­
tainers of this type are to be regarded with suspicion and the
contents car.efully inspected, identified, and checked for water and
other contamination. Extraordinary precautions are necessary to
eliminate the hazards of water and sediment. It is advisable when
fueling from drums to use a 5-micron filtered portable pumping unit,
or the best filtering equipment available locally, or, as a last
resort, a chamois skin filter and filter funnel.

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Infrequently used fuel tanks should have their sumps drained before
filling. Agitation action of fuel entering the tank may suspend or
entrain liquid water or other contaminants--which can remain sus­
pended for many minutes and may not settle out until after the air­
craft is airborne.
b. Preflight action. Drain a generous sample of fuel--considerably more
than just a trickle--into a transparent container from each of the
fuel sumps and from the main fuel strainer or gascolator. (Remember
that it was necessary to drain ten ounces in the field tests,) On
certain aircraft having fuel tanks located in each wing, positioning
of the fuel tank selector valve to the "BOTH ON" position may not
adequately drain the system. This is due to the fuel taking the
path of least resistance. In this case, the fuel selector valve
should be positioned at each tank in turn.
Examine the fuel samples for water and dirt contamination. If pre­
sent, it will collect at the bottom of the container and should be
easily detected. Continue to drain fuel from the contaminated sump
until certain the system is clear of all water and dirt.
"The use of quick-drain valves in the sumps and gas­
colator makes it practical to keep tanks free of sig­
nificant quantities of water and other contaminants."
c. Postflight, An effective method to prevent contamination from conden­
sation would be to completely fill the fuel tank at the end of each
day's flying. This procedure is practical only on a few types of
light aircraft. Generally, the type of aircraft, length of proposed
flight, number of passengers, and weight and balance limitations
dictate the amount of fuel to be added.


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AC 20-43C 10/20/76

d. Routine maintenance. In addition to the preflight and postflight

actions, certain precautionary or routine maintenance should be per­
formed on the aircraft at periodic intervals. These precautions
include the inspection and cleaning of pertinent fuel tank outlet
finger strainers and carburetor screens (filters), and flushing of
the carburetor bowl.
13. JET FUELS. Turbine-powered aircraft, better known as '' jet" or. "prop jet,"
generally use a wide-cut gasoline or aviation kerosene as fuel. Basi­
cally, the same rules and precautions in handling aviation gasoline apply
to the jet fuels. As with gasoline, we are concerned with the matter of
cleanliness. Turbine fuels are more dense and have a greater viscosity
(resistance to flow) than gasoline. It will hold and retain in suspen­
sion impurities such as water, fine particles of rust, and other foreign
material. These particles can take from five to ten times as long, or even
longer, to settle in kerosene as it does for them to settle in gasoline.

Turbine engine fuel controls and pumps are generally more sensitive than
the fuel systems of the piston engine. Their fuel feed and pumping sys­
tems must work harder. Tolerances are closer and fuel pressures higher.
Fine contaminants may block fuel supply systems and erode critical parts
of engine and fuel control systems. Water freezing at high altitudes
may plug fuel screens. Because of these, the tolerable contamination
levels for jet fuels are much lower than previously considered necessary
for aviation gasoline. Even with the same contamination levels, the
greater volume of fuel used turbines results in greater amounts of
contaminants being deposited in the turbine engine system.
a. Test for contamination. Commercial products to test for fuel contam­
ination are available. Here is a simple test to detect contamination
of jet fuel. This procedure has proved to be both effective and

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• Obtain an µnchipped, spotlessly clean, white enamel bucket (approx­

imately ten-quart size).
• Drain about four to five inches of fuel, from the sump to be
tested, into the bucket.
• With a clean mixing paddle,. stir the fuel into a swirling "tornado­
shaped" cone. Remove paddle. As the swirling stops, the solid
contaminants will gather at the center of the bucket·bottom.
• Add several drops of household red food dye. The dye will mix
with water and the solids in the bottom of the bucket. It will
not mix with fuel. If no water is present, the dye will settle
in the bottom of the bucket.
14. CONTAMINATED FUEL. Normally, upon finding that your fuel is contaminated
by water or other foreign matter, the procedures noted under paragraph
12, Contamination Control, should suffice. Should contamination persist,
or if there is any doubt about it, your best bet is to have your aircraft
fuel system inspected by a qualified person.

15. SUMMARY. So that your fuel system won't let you down when you want to
stay up--remember:
• Turbine fuels for turbine engines--gasoline of the proper grade for
reciprocating engines.
• Use only. the fuel recommended by the engine and aircraft manufacturer.

• Don't use additives that have not been approved by FAA.

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AC. ..20-43C.

• If feasible, keep fuel tanks full. Water condenses on the walls of

partially filled tanks and enters the fuel system.
• Filter all fuel entering the tank.
• Drain fuel sumps regularly.
• Periodically inspect and .clean all fuel strainers (screens) and
occasionally.flush the carburetor bowl as recommended by the aircraft
The best insurance.against fuel problems--whether aviation gasoline or
jet fuel--is to practice good housekeeping in your routine maintenance
and be constantly alert.

0 :,;f
J. A. FERRARESE, Acting Director
(_jiight Standards Service

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