APA To Combined Scie O-Level Revision
APA To Combined Scie O-Level Revision
APA To Combined Scie O-Level Revision
ar y notes
• With summ
ve r in g s yll a bus objectives
SEC questions
• Model ZIM
and answers
Combined Science
'O' Level Revision Book
ar y notes cove
• With summ
syllabus object and
d el Z IM SEC questions
• M o
Published by:
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ISBN: 978-0-7974-8527-3
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Topic 1: Laboratory rules and safety....................................................................................................1
Topic 2: Cells and levels of organisms.................................................................................................5
Topic 3: Nutrition............................................................................................................................... 11
Topic 4: Respiratory system...............................................................................................................18
Topic 5: Transport systems.................................................................................................................21
Topic 6: Reproductive systems...........................................................................................................30
Topic 7: Health and diseases..............................................................................................................39
Topic 8: Separation.............................................................................................................................44
Topic 9: Matter...................................................................................................................................47
Topic 10: Acids, bases and salts.........................................................................................................55
Topic 11: Industrial processes............................................................................................................58
Topic 12: Oxidation and reduction.....................................................................................................62
Topic 13: Data presentation................................................................................................................66
Topic 14: Measurements ...................................................................................................................68
Topic 15: Force...................................................................................................................................71
Topic 16: Machines............................................................................................................................74
Topic 17: Energy................................................................................................................................75
Topic 18: Magnetism .........................................................................................................................81
Topic 19: Electricity...........................................................................................................................83
Examination Papers
Test 1 ..................................................................................................................................................86
Test 2 ..................................................................................................................................................99
Test 3 ................................................................................................................................................109
Test 4 ................................................................................................................................................120
Test 5 ................................................................................................................................................130
Test 6 ................................................................................................................................................141
Test 7 ................................................................................................................................................152
Test 8 ................................................................................................................................................162
Test 9 ................................................................................................................................................171
Test 10 ..............................................................................................................................................181
Combined Science is a systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural
world through observation, experimentation and testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
Combined Science O Level Revision Book covers all the topics and concepts that are found in the
ZIMSEC Syllabus and are structured according to the New Curriculum expectations.
It summarises the main topics that are in the syllabus whilst equipping students with relevant
information in their preparation for the O Level Combined Science examinations.
You must work your way through this study guide to improve your understanding, identify your areas
of weakness and correct your own mistakes.
To ensure a high-quality pass, you should also substantiate your knowledge with other textbooks and
your class notes. We are confident that this Combined Science study guide can help you prepare well
so that you pass the ZIMSEC O Level examinations.
Overview of the examination for Combined Science 'O' Level Study Guide
The examination questions have been arranged topically and in the respective order in which they
are taught, for example, Biology Section, Chemistry Section and Physics Section. The questions are
structured typical of ZIMSEC exam standard.
Paper 1 (4003/1), theory, consists of 40 compulsory multiple choice questions that weighs 30% of the
whole examination. All the sections are equally distributed throughout the paper in their order. It is
written in an hour.
Paper 2 (4003/2), theory, consist of 15 questions, 6 of which are in section A and 3 questions for each
section: B, C and D. In section A candidates are supposed to answer all questions which sums up to
40 marks and in Section B, C and D candidates are supposed to answer two questions which sum up
to 20 marks for each section. Section A is a combination of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Section B
consists of Biology, Section C consists of Chemistry and Section D consists of Physics. It weighs 40%
of the whole examination and it is written in 2 hours.
Paper 3 (4003/3), practical, consists of 2 compulsory questions of 20 marks each from any two sections
of the syllabus. It weighs 30% of the whole examination and it’s written in 1 hour 30 minutes.
How to use this study guide
This study guide covers selected aspects of the different topics from Form 1 to 4 Combined Science
curriculum in the order that it is usually taught. The selected aspects of each topic are presented in the
following way:
• Have all your materials ready before you begin studying that is pencils, calculator, pens,
highlighters, paper and all the other necessary material.
• Be positive. Make sure your brain holds on to the information you are learning by reminding
yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.
• Take a walk outside. A change of scenery will stimulate your learning. You’ll be surprised at
how much more you take in being outside in the fresh air.
• Break up your learning sections into manageable parts. Trying to learn too much at one time
will only result in a tired, unfocused and anxious brain.
• Keep your study sessions short but effective and reward yourself with short, constructive
• Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feel strange at first, but it is worth
reading your revision notes aloud.
• Your brain learns well with colours and pictures. Try to use them whenever you can.
• Be confident with the learning areas you know well and focus your brain energy on the
sections that you find more difficult to take in.
• Repetition is the key to retaining information you must learn. Keep going, don’t give up.
• Sleeping at least 8 hours every night, eating properly and drinking plenty of water are all
important things you need to do for your brain. Studying for exams is like strenuous exercise,
so you must be prepared physically.
Question words to help you answer questions
It is important to look for the question words (words that tell you what to do) to correctly understand
what the examiner is asking. Use the following table as a guide when answering questions.
Explain – provide details in a chronological order. Include word equations where necessary.
Give – to state facts without discussions or explanations (note that you may be asked to ‘give a reason’).
Calculate – first give a formula and present a clear substitution on the formula. Go ahead and make
the calculation in a step by step presentation of work.
This guide makes use of two study techniques you can use to help you
• Mobile notes
• Mnemonics
Mobile notes
Mobile notes are excellent tools for learning all the key concepts in the study guide. Mobile notes are
easy to make and you can take them with you wherever you go:
1. Fold a blank piece of paper in half. Fold it in half again. Fold it again.
2. Open the paper. It will now be divided into 8 parts.
3. Cut or tear neatly along the folded lines.
4. On one side, write the basic concept.
5. On the other side, write the meaning or the explanation of the basic concept.
6. Use different colours and add pictures to help you remember.
7. Take these mobile notes with you wherever you go and look at them whenever you can.
8. As you learn, place the cards in three different piles:
• I know well
• Getting there
• I need more practice
9. The more you learn them, the better you will remember them.
A mnemonic code is a useful technique for learning information that is difficult to remember. This is
an example of a word mnemonic using the word MAPPING where each letter of the word stands for
something else:
M – Make an effort
P – Practise
Mnemonics code information and make it easier to remember. The more creative you are and the more
you link your ‘codes’ to familiar things, the more helpful your mnemonics will be. This guide provides
several ideas for using mnemonics. Be sure to make up yours
1. Make sure you have all the necessary stationery for your examination, that is the pens, pencils,
eraser, calculator (with new batteries), as well as your ID document and exam admission letter.
2. Arrive on time, at least one hour before the start of the exam.
3. Go to the toilet before entering the exam room. You don’t want to waste valuable time going to
the toilet during the exam.
4. Use the 10 minutes reading time to read the instructions carefully. This helps to ‘open’ the
information in your brain. Start with the question you think is the easiest to get the flow going.
5. In a practical examination (paper 3), answer the questions in a context of the experiment concerned.
Avoid general answers.
6. Try all questions. Each question has some easy marks in it so make sure that you do all the
questions in the exam.
7. Never panic, even if the question seems difficult at first. It will be linked with something you have
covered. Find the connection.
8. Manage your time properly. Don’t waste time on questions you are unsure of. Move on and come
back if time allows.
9. Check weighting – how many marks have been allocated for your answer? Take note of how
marks are allocated to the questions in this study guide. Do not give more or less information
than is required.
10. Write big, bold and clear answers. You will get more marks if the marker can read your answer
Common errors
Laboratory rules and
TOPIC 1 safety
• The following are some of the Measuring cylinder
apparatus that can be used in a biology
Test tube • The thermometer is one of the most
crucial laboratory apparatus.
• These are the sensing devices that are
used to determine the temperature of an
• A microscope is a basic apparatus in a Petri dish
biology laboratory.
• A simple light microscope or
compound microscope is the one
mostly used in schools and colleges and
it uses natural or artificial light and a
series of magnifying lenses to observe
• This is a device that uses lenses to
Fig. 1.11 Petri dish
magnify items that are normally too
small for the human eye to see for • A petri dish is a shallow, transparent,
example, cells. cylinder-shaped lidded dish.
• A petri dish is mainly used to culture
different types of cells that include
bacteria, fungi and moulds.
Cells and levels of
TOPIC 2 organisms
TOPIC 5 Transport systems
• There are different types of blood Diagram of an artery
vessels and these include: arteries,
arterioles, capillaries, venules and Collagen fiber
Elastic fiber
• Arteries carry blood away from the Endothelium
• The main artery is the aorta which Lumen
Transport blood to the different organs
Carry blood under low Carry blood under of the body
pressure high pressure
Blood moves slowly Blood moves rapidly
Pulmonary Pulmonary vein
They are not capable of They are capable of
Vena cava Aorta
constriction constriction
Upper body
They transport
They transport Liver
oxygenated blood
deoxygenated blood Hepatic vein Hepatic artery
from the heart to the
from body tissues to Hepatic portal vein
body tissues except
the heart except the Stomach
the pulmonary artery intestines Vessels transporting
pulmonary vein which Renal Vein oxygenated blood
which transports Renal artery Vessels transporting
transports oxygenated deoxygenated blood
deoxygenated blood Kidneys Vessels involved in
blood from the lungs to gas exchange
from the heart to the
Lower body
the heart Fig. 5.5 Movement of blood through veins,
arteries and capillaries.
Characteristics of capillaries
• Blood is a fluid which blood cells and
• They are tiny, very thin walled and cell fragments called platelets.
penetrate deep into every organ. • The blood cells and platelets make up
• They are permeable and some blood for about 45% of blood volume and the
components and other materials leak plasma about 55%.
through them.
• The exchange of materials between Functions of blood
blood and tissues take place through • Blood has many different functions.
their walls. These functions include:
• They do not have muscular walls.
- Transport
• They do not have an elastic tissue.
- Defense
• They have a very large lumen in
- Homeostasis
relative to their diameter.
• Red cells are the body’s oxygen
• They are not capable of constriction. carriers.
• They link arteries to veins through • They carry oxygen from the lungs to all
arterioles and venules. the cells of the body.
• Blood flows slowly and there are no
pulses. Carriage of oxygen by blood
• They do not have valves. • The red cells pick up oxygen as blood
passes through the lungs.
Veins, arteries and capillaries
• The oxygen and haemoglobin join to
similarities form oxyhaemoglobin. This is bright
• All are tubular. red. As the blood passes around the
• All have endothelium or in lining.
body, the haemoglobin breaks down • A semi permeable membrane is one
and releases oxygen to the body cells. which can allow the passage of some
Then red cells return to the lungs for material to occur and prevent others
more oxygen. from passing across it.
Table 5.2 Materials carried by the blood. Osmosis and plant cells
What it carries How carried
• Plant cells are surrounded by an
Mainly in plasma inextensible, resistant and completely
Carbon dioxide from
(as sodium permeable cellulose cell wall.
the body to the lungs.
• The centre of cells contains a vacuole,
Digested food from
which contains cell sap which is a
the gut to the liver and
In the plasma. solution of salt, sugars and organic acid.
thereafter to the rest of
• Cell saps are surrounded by a
the body.
semi-permeable tonoplast membrane.
Wastes from the liver
In the plasma.
to the kidneys. Diagram of plant cell showing
Hormones from glands osmotically important parts
producing them to
In the plasma. Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic
wherever they are
Heat from liver and
muscles to the rest of
the body so that the Blood. Plasmolyzed Flaccid Turgid
temperature of the
Fig. 5.6 Shape of a cell after osmosis
body is kept uniform.
• When a plant cell is placed in a
• Substances like nutrients and excretions
hypotonic solution for example,
move in and out of the cell through:
distilled water, it swells up hence
- active transport.
increasing in size due to osmotic flow
- diffusion.
of water from the solution into the cell.
- osmosis.
• As the cell gains water osmotically,
• Movement of substances depends on
it reaches a time when no more water
the permeability of the cell membrane
enters it because the cell wall resists
or cell wall.
further expansion.
Osmosis • At this stage, the cell is said to be at full
turgor or fully turgid. At full turgidity
Important insights
the sap vacuole enlarges and pushes the
• Osmosis is defined as the movement cytoplasm against the cell wall.
of water molecules through a semi • The pressure exerted outwards by
permeable membrane into a solution vacuole is called turgor pressure.
of high concentration to equalise the • When a plant cell is in a hypertonic
concentrations of solute on the two solution for example, strong sugar
sides of the membrane.
Table 7.1 Common diseases in humans
Name of the Causing agent/ Vector/ mode of
Symptoms Effects
disease pathogen infection
continued high can be diagnosed
fever, headache, by widal test.
salmonella typhi by contaminated food
Typhoid stomach ache, intestinal
(bacteria) and water
constipation and perforation in
loss of appetite severe cases
streptococcus by inhaling droplets respiration
pneumoniae, or aerosols released fever, chills, problems due
Pneumonia hemophilus by an infected person cough and to fluid that
influenzae or using infected headache gets filled in the
(bacteria) utensils alveoli
inhaling droplets or
nasal congestion
aerosols released nose and
Common and discharge,
rhinoviruses as one by coughs, respiratory
cold sore throat,
sneezes and touches passage
cough, headache
contaminated objects.
the parasite
female anopheles high fever with multiplies in liver
Malaria falciparum, P. vivax
mosquito chills cells, attacks
RBCs and rupture
Amoebic spread by mosquito abdominal pain, infection in the
dysentery bite mucous and large intestine
blood in the stool
muscular pain,
ascaris blockage of
Ascariasis houseflies internal bleeding,
(helimenthes) intestinal passage
anaemia, fever
TOPIC 8 Separation
By the end of this topic, you should be • Immiscible liquids can be separated
able to: using a separating funnel or by
decanting (pouring carefully).
• state methods of separating mixtures.
• Examples include when an organic
• state the applications of filtration,
product is formed in aqueous
winnowing, magnetism and evaporation.
• describe the processes of distillation and
fractional distillation. Filtration
• describe paper chromatography. • Filtration is used to separate an
• state the application of paper undissolved solid from a mixture of
chromatography. the solid and a liquid or solution for
Separating mixtures example, sand from a mixture of sand
and water).
Important insights • Filter paper is placed in a filter funnel
• The choice of the method of separation above another beaker.
depends on the nature of the substances • Mixture of an insoluble solid and liquid
that are being separated. is poured into the filter funnel.
• Separation methods rely on the • Filter paper will only allow small liquid
differences on physical properties of particles to pass through as the filtrate.
substances such as the boiling points of • Solid particles are too large to pass
the substances being separated. through the filter paper so will stay
behind as a residue.
Mixtures of solids
can be used.
• For a difference in solubility, a suitable residue
filter paper
Simple distillation be collected in a beaker.
• All of the substance is evaporated and
• Simple distillation is used to separate a
collected, leaving behind the other
liquid and soluble solid from a solution
component(s) of the mixture.
for example, water from a solution
• For water and ethanol fractional
of saltwater) or a pure liquid from a
distillation is used to separate the
mixture of liquids.
solution. Ethanol has a boiling point of
• The solution is heated and pure water
78ºC and water of 100ºC. The mixture
evaporates producing a vapour which
is heated until it reaches 78ºC, at which
rises through the neck of the round-
point the ethanol boils and distils out
bottomed flask.
of the mixture and condenses into the
• The vapour passes through the beaker.
condenser, where it cools and
• When the temperature starts to increase
condenses, turning into pure water
to 100ºC heating is stopped. Water and
(H2O) which is collected in a beaker. ethanol are now separated.
• After all the water is evaporated from
the solution, only the solid solute will
be left behind.
vapours column water out
water out cool water in condenser
dilute ethanol
Fig. 8.2 Simple distillation
Fractional distillation
bunsen burner
• Used to separate two or more liquids
Fig. 8.3 Fractional distillation
that are miscible with one another for
example, ethanol and water from a Paper chromatography
mixture of the two.
• Paper chromatography is a technique
• The solution is heated to the
used to separate substances that have
temperature of the substance with the
different solubilities in a given solvent
lowest boiling point.
for example, different coloured inks that
• This substance will rise and evaporate
have been mixed to make black ink.
first and vapours will pass through
• A pencil line is drawn on
a condenser, where they cool and
chromatography paper and spots of
condense, turning into a liquid that will
the sample are placed on it. Pencil is
TOPIC 9 Matter
• Boiling is when a liquid changes into a Evaporation
• Boiling requires heat which causes Sun
The Periodic Table of the Elements
• Periods are the horizontal rows that • All the Group I elements for example,
show the number of shells of electrons react very quickly with water.
an atom has for example, elements • In this way the periodic table can be
in Period 2 have two electron shells, used to predict how a particular element
elements in Period 3 have three electron will behave.
The noble gases
• Groups are the vertical columns that
show how many outer electrons each • The atoms of the Group VIII or 0
atom has for example, Group IV elements all have 8 electrons in their
elements have atoms with 4 electrons in outer shells, except for helium which
the outermost shell, Group VI elements has 2. But since helium has only 2
have atoms with 6 electrons in the electrons in total and thus the first shell
outermost shell. is full (which is the only shell), it is thus
• Because there are patterns in the the outer shell so helium also has a full
way the elements are arranged on the valency shell.
periodic table, there are also patterns • All of the noble gases are unreactive as
and trends in the chemical behaviour of they have full outer shells and are thus
the elements. very stable.
• There are trends in properties down • All elements wish to fill their outer
groups and across a period. shells with electrons as this is a much
more stable and desirable configuration.
TOPIC 11 Industrial processes
• The gases collected during the • The production of ammonia is favoured
electrolysis can be tested with a at low temperatures.
glowing splint (which will flame up in • These low temperatures however, are
the presence of oxygen) and the burning kinetically unfavourable as the reaction
splint (which will ignite hydrogen, would proceed too slowly. Therefore a
causing an audible pop). H2 gas is relatively high temperature of 450°C is
produced at twice the rate of O2 gas in used.
this reaction.
• Higher pressures result in a higher yield
The manufacturing of ammonia of ammonia.
• Despite this, it is expensive to generate
and maintain the high pressures and
N2 compressor
have equipment that can withstand the
20 MPa extreme pressures.
• Considering these costs, the Haber
N2 + H2
process usually takes place at 250atm.
at 700k iron oxide
AI2O3 + H2O • An iron catalyst is also used to further
increase the rate of reaction.
( N2 + H2 + NH2 ) • Ammonia is displaced when
liquid NH2 ammonium salts react with alkalis.
Fig. 11.3 The manufacture of ammonia • ammonium chloride + sodium
hydroxide → ammonia + sodium
• Ammonia is an important chemical chloride + water.
that is manufactured in large amounts NH4Cl + NaOH → NH3 + NaCl + H2O
through the haber process.
• It is produced from nitrogen gas and Uses of ammonia
hydrogen gas. • Nitrogen is needed for the production
• Nitrogen gas is obtained directly of proteins for healthy plant growth.
from the air and hydrogen gas is While nitrogen is abundant in the air,
obtained from the cracking of large most plants cannot utilise atmospheric
hydrocarbons. nitrogen.
• The formation of ammonia from • Nitrogen is supplied to plants in the
hydrogen and nitrogen is a reversible form of ammonium salts and urea.
process, reaction conditions are • Ammonium fertilisers cannot be
controlled to maximise the yield of added alongside agricultural lime
ammonia. (calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide)
- nitrogen + hydrogen ammonia as ammonia would be displaced from
- N2 + 3H2 2NH3 ammonium salts.
• This causes a wastage of the fertiliser
as ammonia gas cannot be utilised by
The manufacturing of sulphuric Stage two – making sulphur trioxide
• In the second stage, sulphur dioxide
Sulphur or matal sulphide reacts with more oxygen to make
Burned in air sulphur trioxide:
Sulphur dioxide, SO - sulphur dioxide + oxygen
(i) VO as the catalyst sulphur trioxide
- 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)
o o
(ii) Temperature of 450 C - 550 C
(iii) Pressure of 1 atmosphere
• This reaction is reversible. The
Sulphur trioxide, SO
conditions needed for it are:
Dissolves in concentrated HSO
Oleum, HSO - a catalyst of vanadium(V) oxide,
Added with equal volume of HO V2O5.
Concentrated sulphuric acid, HSO - a temperature of around 450°C.
- a pressure of approximately
Fig. 11.4 The contact process 2 atmospheres (the increased
pressure favours the formation of
• Sulphuric acid is used in the SO3, but if the pressure is too high
manufacture of paints, detergents and the risk of explosion is too high,
fertilisers. given that SO3 is a highly acidic
• The contact process demonstrates gas).
a reversible reaction used in the
production of sulphuric acid. Stage three – making oleum
• The contact process is used for making • Sulphur trioxide reacts with
sulphuric acid. This is a process which concentrated sulphuric acid to produce
involves a reversible reaction. oleum.
• The raw materials needed to make H2O(l) + SO3 (g) → H2SO4 (aq)
sulphuric acid are: • This is not a reversible reaction, just
- sulphur like the first stage.
- air • The direct addition of sulphur trioxide
- water to water is highly exothermic and leads
to the formation of clouds of sulphuric
Stage one – making sulphur dioxide acid.
• In the first stage of the contact process, • This is highly dangerous. In industry,
sulphur is burned in air to make sulphur sulphur trioxide is added to highly
dioxide: concentrated sulphuric acid to form a
- sulphur + oxygen → sulphur highly corrosive liquid called oleum to
dioxide minimise the risk:
- S(l) + O2(g) → SO2(g) SO3 + H2SO4 → H2S2O7
• This is not a reversible reaction. • Water is then added to the oleum to
• Sulphur dioxide should not be released form sulphuric acid again:
into the atmosphere as it contributes to H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4
acid rain. • Oleum reacts with water to form
sulphuric acid.
TOPIC 12 Oxidation and
Calculating oxidation numbers Writing ionic equations
TOPIC 13 Data presentation
Presenting data on a graph Presenting data on a pie chart
• All readings, including suspected A pie chart is a type of graph that represents
anomalous results, should be plotted the data in the circular graph. The slices of pie
on a graph so that they can be easily show the relative size of the data, and it is a
identified. type of pictorial representation of data. A pie
• When taking repeat readings, it is the chart requires a list of categorical variables and
mean value that is plotted. numerical variables
• The way data is presented on a graph You need to calculate the angle of a circle
depends on the type of data. that represents the number of students in each
• When presenting diagrams, such as sporting discipline as follows:
apparatus set-up, all the relevant parts
must be clearly labelled. number of student playing football
total number of students
× 360
• After an experiment has been carried
out, sometimes the raw results will Table 13.2 Students' favourite sporting activities
need to be processed before they are in expressed in degrees
a useful or meaningful format. Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Netball Total
10 5 5 10 10 40
• Sometimes, various calculations will
90 o
45 o
45 o
90 o
need to be carried out in order to get
the data in the form of a bar graph.
Netball: 10 Football: 10
10 10 10
number of students
5 5 Hockey: 5
2.5 Basketball: 10
Cricket: 5
0 Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Netball
Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Netball
Fig. 13.2 A pie chart
Fig. 13.1 Data presented on a bar graph
14 Measurements
Table 14.2 Units used to measure length Volume of an irregular object
Length Mass Time
1km = 1000m 1kg = 1000g 1h = 60min before stone 25 after
1m = 100cm 1g = 1000mg 1min = 60sec was inserted inserting
1cm = 10 mm 1tonne = 1000kg 1 day = 24 20
15 15
Examples of some derived quantities and their
units: 10 water 10
Table 14.3 U
nits used to measure derived 5 5
TOPIC 16 Machines
TOPIC 18 Magnetism
iron nail
coil of insulated
• A magnet has two poles where the Fig. 18.2 Magnetisation by electricity
magnetic forces are the strongest these
• To magnetise a steel bar, one can place
are the North Pole and the South Pole.
it in a solenoid that is connected to a
• Magnets do not exist as monopoles
DC power source.
(unlike electric charges).
• The magnetic field produced by the
solenoid magnetises the steel bar.
TIME: 1 hour
Answer all questions.
A. B. C. D.
Which of the apparatus A, B, C or D is the most suitable to view microscopic organisms?
2. Which of the following specialised cell is suitable for movement?
A. Sperm cell B. Muscle cell C. Red blood cell D. Palisade cell
3. Which adaptation of a leaf does not increase the rate of photosynthesis?
A. Air spaces B. Thick cuticle C. Numerous stomata D. Large surface area
4. The atmospheric condition that reduces the rate of water uptake in plants is
A. high humidity B. high wind speed
C. high temperature D. high light intensity
5. An end product of photosynthesis is
A. carbon dioxide B. water C. glucose D. sunlight
6. The following diagram shows the types of teeth.
water out cool water in
What happens in X?
A. Vapour is converted to liquid.
B. Vapour is directed into the container.
C. Salt and the distillate are being separated.
D. The distillate is warmed.
15. From the element 12C6, which of the following is correct?
A. Electron number is 6 B. Proton number is 6
C. Neutron number is 6 D. Nucleon number is 6
16. The diagram shows an atom.
18. The diagram shows the electrolysis of water.
+ -
anode cathode
acidulated water
+ -
X lead(II) bromide
35. The diagram below shows an AC generator.
The rotation of a coil X is not affected by
A. Strength of a magnetic field B. types of the ammeter used to measure current
C. amount of current passed. D. number of turns of the coil
36. The unit of power is
A. joules B. newtons C. watts D. kilojoules
37. Fig. 37.1 shows a three pin plug
Fig. 37.1
Which of the parts labelled A, B, C or D is the live wire?
38. What is the energy conversion in a generator?
A. Electrical energy to kinetic energy.
B. Electrical energy to mechanical energy.
C. Mechanical energy to electrical energy.
D. Mechanical energy to potential energy.
39. Electricity costs 10 cents per kilowatt per hour (kw/h). How much does it cost to run 750W
machine for 20 hours?
A. $0,375
B. $1,50
C. $7,50
D. $15,00
Fig. 40.1
Why the part labelled X is shiny?
A. To reflect heat.
B. To conduct heat.
C. To absorb heat.
D. To concentrate heat.
TIME: 2 hours
In Section A answer all questions, Section B, C and D answer any two questions.
Fig. 1.1
Fig. 3.1
9. (a) Fig. 9.1 shows the carbon cycle.
A carbon dioxide in air
fossil fuels
carbon compounds
B in green plants
dead plants
and animals
carbon compounds
in animals
Fig. 9.1.
molten lead
Fig. 3.1
Fig. 13.1.
(a) (i) Name the process demonstrated in the diagram. [1]
(ii) Explain how the volume of the stone is calculated. [2]
(b) Suppose the mass of the stone is 250g and its volume is 100cm2, calculate its
density. [3]
(c) State three precautions taken against lightning. [3]
(d) Name the device which can be used to determine whether or not a glass rod
is charged. [3]
14. (a) A diesel engine undergoes a four-stroke cycle during its operation.
(i) Describe what happens during the intake stroke of a diesel engine. [3]
(ii) Explain why the diesel engine does not have a spark plug. [2]
(b) A hand feels hot when placed above an electric heater which is switched on.
(i) Describe how the heat reaches the hand. [3]
(ii) Calculate the energy drawn by the electric heater if it is connected to 240V
main supply and draws a current of 6A for 1 minute. [2]
TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes
Answer all questions.
1. In this practical, you are required to determine the effect of stirring on solubility.
(a) Measure 5g of fine salt and place in a conical flask. And 20ml of dissolved. Stir consciously
till all the salt dissolve, simultaneously start a stopwatch record the time taken for it to
dissolve. Repeat the procedure with another 5g sample, but do not stir.
(i) Stirred __________ minutes
(ii) Not stirred________ minutes. [4]
(a) Account for your observations. [4]
(b) Explain any five factors which affect solubility. [10]
(c) How can the results of the experiment be improved. [2]
(d) In this experiment, you are required to determine the acid-base nature of different solutions.
You are provided with three solutions A, B and C in beakers. Label three test tubes X, Y
and Z. Place 2ml of each solution in the respective test tubes. Add two drops of universal
indicators solution into each test tube and record your results in the test tube below.
Solution Observations Deductions (acid-base nature
2. (a) State any three other reagents that can be used to determine the acid-base nature of
Reagent Colour in acid Colour in base
(b) State any one safety precaution to consider in this experiment. [1]
35. What is the mechanical advantage of a system used to lift 50N using an effort of 500N?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 10 D. 550
36. Which type of a machine is shown on fig. 36.1 below?
Fig. 36.1
TIME: 2 hours
In Section A answer all questions, Section B, C and D answer any two questions.
Section C: Answer any three questions
10. (a) (i) The diagrams shows an industrial process. Name the process. [1]
Nitrogen o
400-450 C
200 atm
iron catalyst
Hydrogen unreacted
gases gases are cooled
recycled and amonia turns
to liquid
liquid ammonia
Fig. 13.1
(i) Explain why two cells are needed to light this lamp. [2]
Answers for exam 1: Paper 2
• Goitre
• Rickets
Section A
• Scurvy
1. (a) (i) Define photosynthesis. [1] • Anaemia
Photosynthesis is the process by • Night blindness.
which plants use sunlight, water
3. (a) Name the part labelled X. [1]
and carbon dioxide to create
oxygen and energy in the form of Electron.
sugar (b) (i) Draw a dot and cross diagram to
State the word equation for show bonding in sodium
photosynthesis. [2] oxide.[3]
Water + carbon dioxide =
carbohydrates + oxygen.
Outline the fate of end products of
photosynthesis. [4]
• Glucose is stored and used in Correct formula (Na2O) and
translocation. a diagram with brackets and
• Water is reused in the charges of the ions indicated.
photosynthesis process. (ii)
State any two properties of
• Oxygen released in some amount is sodium oxide. [2]
used in respiration process. • High melting point.
• The sugars formed during • High boiling point.
photosynthesis are used to make • Conduct electricity when in
cellulose which builds cell aqueous state.
walls. 4. (a) S
tate the separation method used to
2. (a) (i) Identify the structure separate plant pigmentation or dyes.[1]
marked P. [1] Paper chromatography.
Chloroplasts (b) (i) Write down the balanced
(ii) Explain how a palisade layer is chemical equation for the
adapted to its functions. [4] reaction between sulphuric acid
• It is column shaped – for and calcium carbonate. [3]
exposure to sunlight. • H2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s)
• It has numerous chloroplasts → CaSO4(s) + H2O(l) +
for maximum absorption of CO2(g).
light. (ii) State any two conditions needed
• Large permanent vacuole – to for the Haber process. [2]
keep the cell turgid. • Iron as a catalyst.
(b) State any two nutritional deficiencies • 200atm of pressure.
in humans. [2] • Temperature of 4500C to
• Kwashiorkor 5000C.
Answers for exam 3: Paper 3
• Current = V
= 1,6 1. In this reaction, you are required to analyse
acid-base reactions. You are provided with
= 7,5A
2M of HCl and 1,5M of NaOH solution.
(b) Describe the operation of a lift Measure 5ml of HCl and place in a beaker
pump. [4] labeled S. Measure 5ml of NaOH and add
• During upstroke, piston moves up in beaker S. Shake the contents of beaker S.
and a partial vacuum is created (a) Sate any one safety precaution to
in the cylinder and atmospheric consider when carrying out this
pressure forces water into the experiment.[1]
cylinder through the cylinder valve. • Put on safety goggles.
• Piston valve remains closed and
• Put on latex gloves.
water passes out through the
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation
for the reaction above. [4]
• During down stroke, piston moves
down and a partial vacuum is NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O and state
created in the cylinder above the symbols.
piston. (c) Calculate the number of moles of each
• Pressure below the piston closes the solution in beaker S. [2]
cylinder valve and forces the piston (i) HCl n = vxc
valve open. Water moves through 5
V = 1000
piston valve and fills the cylinder
above the piston. (ii) NaOH n = vxc
• Continuous upstroke and down V = 1000
strokes will result in continuous (d) Heat the contents of beaker S till all
flow of water. It should be noted the liquid evaporates. Record your
that the lift pump cannot pump observations. [2]
more than 10m high. Results are centre dependent.
(b) Justify the design of a solar (e) State the name of the substances that
cooker. [4] remained in the evaporating dish. [1]
• Is made up of large, curved Salt or sodium chloride.
reflectors (mirror) which focuses (f) Write down the general word equation
solar radiation on to the pot. for the reaction taking place in S. [2]
• Radiant energy falls on mirrors and acid + base → salt + water
is reflected. The reflected radiation
(g) In a similar reaction, sodium
is concentrated and focused at one
hydroxide was replaced with calcium
carbonate. Write down a balanced
• This produces intense heat which chemical reaction with HCl. [3]
can reach temperature of up to
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl + H2O + CO2
200oC. The cooking point has a
and state symbols.
dark surface in order to increase
heat absorption.
Answers for exam 4: Paper 2
(h) (i) State any two applications of
acid base reactions. [2]
• Making salts. Section A
• Making fertilsers. 1. (a) Name one instrument that can be used
• Neutralisation reactions. to view specialised cells. [1]
(ii) State one reagent that can be • Microscope.
used to determine the acid–base • Bio-viewer.
nature of a solution. [1] • Hand lens.
• Universal indicator solution. (b) (i) State any three specialised cells
• Methyl orange. and their functions. [3]
2. (a) In this experiment, you are required to • Root hair cells
determine the volume of an irregular • Muscle cells.
stone. You are provided with an • Red blood cells.
irregular stone, sewing thread, and • Palisade cells.
50ml measuring cylinder. Using the (ii) For the cells stated in (i) above,
materials provided, design and carry state their functions. [3]
out an experiment to determine the • Root hair cells – for
volume of the stone given. [14] absorption.
• Aim • Muscle cells – for movement.
• Apparatus • Red blood cells – for
• Procedure transportation of oxygen.
• Results • Palisade cells – for
• Conclusion or deductions photosynthesis.
(b) Dry the stone and measure its mass 2. (a) (i) Define the term
using a digital balance. [2] photosynthesis. [1]
Finding mass with units stated. The process by which green
(c) How do the mass of the stone compare plants use sunlight to synthesise
to the volume of the stone? [1] nutrients from carbon dioxide
1gram is equivalent to 1ml and water.
(d) What can be deduced from your (ii) Write down the word equation
observations above? [1] for photosynthesis. [2]
1g is equivalent to 1ml. • The equation to involve raw
(e) State one source of error from your materials.
experiment. [1] • The word equation to include
Parallax error. raw materials, conditions and
(f) State how the results of the
experiment could be improved. [1] (b) Explain any two factors that affect the
rate of photosynthesis. [4]
Repeating the experiment.
• Temperature.