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0522 Raju Shrestha Srs Argo Biz

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Version 0.1

25th Oct 2017

Raju Shrestha

Prepared for

Deerwalk Institute of Technology

Instructor: Manish Man Singh

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Revision History

Description Author Comments

0.1 Raju Shrestha Initial Specification

Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the

Signature Title Date

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Revision History 2
Document Approval 2
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Definition 1
1.2 Objective 1
1.3 Purpose 2
1.4 Scope 2
1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 2
1.6 Overview 3
2. General Description 3
2.1 Product Perspective 3
2.2 Product Functions 4
2.3 User Characteristics 4
2.4 General Constraints 5
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 5
3.1 External interface requirements 6
3.1.1 User Interfaces 6
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 10
3.1.3 Software Interfaces 10
3.3.4 Communications Interface 10
3.2 Functional Requirements 10
3.2.1 Create user credentials 10
3.2.2 Post Query, Sell/Advertise product 11
3.2.3 Agricultural product whole-sellers and retailers 11
3.2.4 Ask questions to Agricultural Exports 11
3.2.5 Agricultural exports to reply the queries 11
3.2.6 Agricultural exports post information 11
3.3.7 Agricultural product sellers 12
3.3.8 Customers can search for new product 12
3.3.9 Consumers can buy agricultural product 12
3.3 Use Cases 12
3.3.1 Create user Credentials 12
3.3.2 Post Query, Sell/Advertise product 13
3.3.3 Agricultural product whole-sellers and retailers 14
3.3.4 Agricultural product buyers/consumers 15
3.3.5 Agricultural Experts 16

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

3.4 Classes / Objects 17
3.4.1 Users 17
3.4.2 Agro product sellers 17
3.4.3 Agro Producers (Farmer) 18
3.5 Non-Functional Requirements 18
3.5.1 Performance 18
3.5.2 Reliability 18
3.5.3 Availability 18
3.5.4 Security 18
3.5.5 Maintainability 18
3.5.6 Portability 18
3.6 Design Constraints 19
3.7 Logical Database requirements 19
4. Analysis Models 19
4.1 Sequence Diagram 19
4.1.1 Sequence diagram for Admins 19
4.1.2 Sequence diagram for Agro Product Producer (Farmer) 20
4.1.3 Sequence diagram Agro product sellers (whole-sellers/retailers) 21
4.1.4 Sequence diagram for Agricultural exports 22
4.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 23
4.2.1 Context diagram 23
4.2.2 Diagram for queries request/response 24
4.2.3 Diagram for buying/selling product 25
4.3 State Diagrams 26
4.3.1 State diagram for admin 26
4.3.2 State diagram for Agro-Producers (Farmer) 27
4.3.3 State diagram for Agricultural Experts 28
4.3.4 State diagram for Agro-Product Sellers (whole-sellers/retailers) 29
4.3.5 State diagram for costumers/consumers 30
5. Change Management Process 30
A. Appendices 30
A.1 Business Requirement Document 30

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

1. Introduction

‘Agro Biz’ is a mobile based application which provides complete guide to both agricultural
product producers (farmers) and customers (whole-sellers, retailers and consumers).This
application has four types of users; admin, producer (farmer), sales person and consumers.

Admin can update new features and add information about recent technology and methods
used to produce high quality disease free product, market price and success history of farmers
to motivate people in agricultural field. Agricultural product producers (farmer) can advertise
their products according to admins post including product details (like product name, product
rate, quantity) and available places. And the agricultural product sales-person (whole-seller
and retailers), and consumers can post their needs along with product details and required

Thus, this app will provide a complete platform to connect with producers and costumers,
buy and sell product, provide recent information along with requirement for doing
commercial agriculture and animal farming, market situation in agricultural and animal
product business and success history to motivate people in this field.

1.1 Problem Definition

All human beings use agricultural or animal product to live alive in day-to-day life. Food is
basic needs of all the living beings. We human beings consume foods like vegetables, grains,
pulse, fruits, and animal products like milk, yoghurt, ghee, honey, eggs, meat, fish, and so on.

Locally available fresh fruits, green vegetables, grains, eggs and meat provide nutrients like
vitamins, mineral, proteins, fat and carbohydrate. These nutrients are essential for the growth,
development and proper functioning of human body.

Getting fresh local and organic products becomes difficult in places like in Kathmandu
valley. If someone gets, it will be not fresh, original and chemical free. It takes up to 2/3
week to arrive from farm to market. The shopkeeper are not selling the original product, they
mix other product like mixing of sugar in honey, vegetable ghee on animal ghee, water on
milk, chemicals on fruits and so many others for their profit.

Farmers may not have clear idea about commercial production of agricultural product, recent
technology developed and methods used to produce high quality product. Also, they do not
get information about market price and demands. So, the purposed application can help in
many ways with users ranging from farmers to customers.

1.2 Objective

The major objective of this product is to provide information about scientific methods and
techniques used to produce high quality disease free agricultural crops and animal product.

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

This also provides information about protection and caring techniques, climatic and soil
condition required and fertilizers used to product disease free agricultural and animal product.
This also provide information of buying and selling the product, provide the recent market
situation like price, demand, success history of farmers and motivate other people in
agriculture and animal husbandry and its business.

1.3 Purpose

This document is a software requirement specification of ‘Agro Biz’ which lays the basis for
the systematic approach towards the development of this software. The document includes
required specification that the developer needed while developing this application. This
document also includes background behind the Agro Biz along with the problem that it will
solve after the completion of this project.

This also explains the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system about
what system does, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system reacts to
day to day activities of farmers and costumers.

The main purpose of this document is to give a clear idea to the developer about how this
proposed App should be built. Also, it will provide the technical requirements of 'Agro Biz'
for the developers. This document illustrates the requirements of the project ‘Agro Biz’.

1.4 Scope

Agro Biz is a mobile application, which will be complete guide to both agricultural product
producers (farmers) and customers. Here, both agro producers and costumers can sign up
through this application at first time. Producer advertise their product with detail information
including product name, price rate, quantity, available place and services they provide
whereas costumers (whole-seller, retailers and consumers) post their needs along with
required product name, quantity and place where they want.

Thus, this will create a complete platform to connect with producers and costumers and fulfill
the need and requirement of both producers (farmer) and consumers.

There will be other costumers that is a business- person who directly want to get the product
from producer (Farmer) and want to supply the product to the different whole sellers around
the city and earn profit.

1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Term/Acronym Definition
<Identify any terms and
acronyms used within this

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Term/Acronym Definition
AGRO BIZ Agricultural Business
MySQL My Structured Query Language
JS JavaScript
RDBMS Relational Database System
CRUD Create Read Update Delete

1.6 Overview

This is the working document which contains the technical requirements of the ‘Agro Biz’
project. This document is subject to change and will have the continuing refinement. The
main aim of this project is to provide an application that will serve as a complete portal for
the customer, and it will also provide an interface to link them to agro producer (farmer) and
various whole-sellers of agro products.

This product has four different kinds of users: the agro product producers (farmers), the
consumers, the sales person, and the admin.

This application will be mobile based application built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for
the front-end, JAVA as server side processing and MySQL as backend.

2. General Description
Agro Biz is a mobile application. The users of this apps need to login at first. Agro producers
(farmers) can advertise their product with details, sales person (whole-sellers and retailers)
and consumers can post their needs. Admin also needs to login to update new features and

2.1 Product Perspective

The purpose of this project is to build a mobile application that will serve as a complete
agricultural business and information portal. It will not only provide a platform for
agricultural product producers (farmer) and costumers but also has features like buying &
selling of agro product and updating new information. So that the task of sales-person and
consumers and farmer becomes much easier and efficient.

This will have a centralized database system to store all the necessary information. This
mobile application is compatible with most of the popular operating system Android OS.

There are some applications in the market which seems similar but are different. No any
applications with the same functionalities have been developed. The major thing is that all
these applications are related to Agriculture. Some of the similar products are:
1. Hamro Krishi
This is an android mobile apps launched by Nepal Telecommunications Corporation,
Ministry of Agriculture Development and Agriculture Management Information

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

System. This app provides the information related to climatic condition and land
condition required for cultivating different types of fruits, vegetables and grains. It
also provides agricultural and technological information, agriculture office’s number,
insurance policy, and stories of success.

2. Smart Krishi
This is an android mobile app which provides the information about conventional
method of doing farming like vegetables, fruits and grains along with animal
husbandry. This app provides information about climatic condition and soil condition
and caring and protection methods to produce agriculture product. It also provides the
market price for buying and selling of product.

3. ICT for Agriculture, Ncell App

This is an android based mobile application that aims to connect farmers, traders,
experts and agriculture extension agencies at a single platform to help with farm
management and simplify market chain value. The app helps farmers to pre-harvest
and post-harvest of crops by providing information about diseases related to their
crops. It also provides weather forecast linking farmers to the end consumers in the

2.2 Product Functions

The ‘Agro Biz’ provides a platform for agro producers (farmer), consumers and agro product
suppliers (whole-sellers and retailers) to interact with each other, so they can achieve benefit
from the application. The application will store the information of the agro product name,
quantity, product rate, available and required place posted by farmer and customers. This will
provide a proper means of communication to connect buyers and sellers.

The application allows admin panel to update new features and agricultural information about
the methods and techniques to produce high quality disease free agricultural crops and animal
product. This also provides information about protection and caring techniques and climate
soil and fertilizers used to product disease free agricultural and animal product.

So, that farmer can take benefit via updated information regarding the market price and
situations, recent technology and technique developed to produce best quality product.

2.3 User Characteristics

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

The function of this system varies according to the users using this system. They are four
users using this system. They are an Administrator, Agro producers (farmer), consumers, and,
the sales person.

The features that are available to administrator are:

 Can login/logout the system.
 Can apply CURD operations for all users of this system.
 Can search for the users.
 Can validate the post written by the producers.
 Can update new features and recent market information.
 Can configure the system.

The features that are available to agro producers (farmer) are:

 Can login/logout the system.
 Post their queries regarding recent technology and procedure to be followed to
produce high quality product to answer.
 Advertise their product if they want to sell them.
 Search for costumers to sell their product.

The features that are available to whole-sellers, retailers and consumers are:
 Can login/logout the system.
 They can answer the queries asked by the farmers and consumers.

The features that are available to agro product consumers are:

 Can login/logout the system.
 They can connect with farmers, whole-sellers and retailers.
 They can order the required items with details.

2.4 General Constraints

The general constraints are:

 The application will be operating in android environment.
 The Agro Biz application will be compatible with most famous operating system
Android OS.
 Internet connection is the only requirement to use this application.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

The assumptions are:
 All the users will have access to this system 24X7X365.
 All the users will be comfortable using the mobile applications.
 All the users will be able to use it via login.

3. Specific Requirements

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

3.1 External interface requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces

Figure 1.Create New User Account

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Figure2. Login Page for All user

Figure 3. Agro Biz Services Homepage

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Figure 4. Agro Market News and Updates

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Figure 5. Advertise Agro Product

Figure 6. Sell Product

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Figure 7. Buy Product

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

No specific hardware is required for the system. The program can be executed on any
android phone which supports android OS.
3.1.3 Software Interfaces

This requires an android version of 5.0 or above.

3.3.4 Communications Interface

Communication between the different devices takes place via the internet.

3.2 Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Create user credentials

Introduction Create user credential to login to the system.

Inputs First Name, Last Name, Address Email and Password.
Processing Create the user credentials by storing the input values in the database on
clicking the ‘Create User’ button.
Outputs Redirects to Dashboard and with a message ‘User created successfully.’
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing, then shows error messages on the
same page.

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

3.2.2 Post Query, Sell/Advertise product

Introduction Create user to login to the system.

Inputs First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone No, Email and Password.
Processing Create connection with agricultural exports, customers and farmers
Outputs Get reply and sell product
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing then shows error messages on the
same page.

3.2.3 Agricultural product whole-sellers and retailers

Introduction Create connection with farmers and other customers

Inputs First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone No, Email and Password
Processing Connect with farmers and customers
Outputs Redirects to Admin’s Dashboard and with a message ‘User created
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing or the admin authentication failed,
then shows error messages on the login page.

3.2.4 Ask questions to Agricultural Exports

Introduction User can ask questions

Inputs Question, Additional Information.
Processing Create the new question by storing it in the database on clicking the “Post
Question” button.
Outputs Display reply of queries
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing then shows error messages on the
same page.

3.2.5 Agricultural exports to reply the queries

Introduction Agricultural exports can respond to queries posted by users

Inputs Queries
Processing Get the queries and send reply.
Outputs Redirects to Dashboard and with a replied answer.
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing then shows error messages on the
same page.

3.2.6 Agricultural exports post information

Introduction Agricultural export can post their information for the users to view
Inputs Information
Processing Place the agricultural news, books and technology developed
Outputs Display agricultural news
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing then shows error messages on the
same page.

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

3.3.7 Agricultural product sellers

Introduction Agricultural and animal product producers can add items with details.
Inputs Product name, Quantity, Product rate, required place and contact details
Processing Advertise product with details
Outputs Display product with details
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing then shows error messages on the
same page.

3.3.8 Customers can search for new product

Introduction Sales- person and consumers can search for items in the database.
Inputs Item name
Processing Search for the item in the database
Outputs Display product with details
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing, then shows error messages on the
same page.

3.3.9 Consumers can buy agricultural product

Introduction Consumer can buy product which are for sale.
Inputs Agricultural product
Processing Search the database for the product
Outputs Redirects to the page with search results
Error Handling If any input parameters are missing or no such item found, then shows
error messages on the same page.

3.3 Use Cases

3.3.1 Create user Credentials

Use Case ID: UC -1

Created By: RAJU SHRESTHA Last Updated By: Raju Shrestha
Date Created: 23/06/2017 Date Last 23/06/2017

Actors: ADMIN
Preconditions: AGRO BIZ app downloaded and opened on android phone.
Post-conditions: User logins to the application and changes made are updated
in the database.
Normal Course: 1. Sees a welcome message
2. Add new features and post market updates
3. Logout the system
Alternative Courses: Sees an error message based on password mismatch or non-
existence of the user

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Priority: HIGH
Frequency of Use: HIGH
Business Rules BR1, BR5
Special Requirements:  24/7 access
Supported on Android mobile
Assumptions: Supported by only on Android operating system
Notes and Issues:


Configure Users
Use Case Graphics Credentials and
update new features

Actor – Admin

3.3.2 Post Query, Sell/Advertise product

Use Case ID: UC – 2

Created By: RAJU SHRESTHA Last Updated By: Raju Shrestha
Date Created: 23/06/2017 Date Last 23/06/2017


Preconditions: AGRO BIZ app downloaded and opened on android phone
Post-conditions: User logins to the mobile application and changes made are
Normal Course: 1. Sees a welcome message
2. Post their queries and see market updates
3. Perform a search
4. Advertise their product if they want to sell them
5. Logout of the system
Alternative Courses: Sees an error message based on password mismatch or non-
existence of the user
Exceptions: None
Priority: High

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Frequency of Use: HIGH
Business Rules BR2, BR4
Special Requirements:  24/7 access
 Supported on android phone.
Assumptions: Admins and agricultural experts will be able to respond to his
queries and costumers can contact.
Notes and Issues:


Post a query sees

market updates

Use Case Graphic Actor – Agro Producers Advertise/Sell

(Farmer) their product

Search for

Check if there
any costumers


3.3.3 Agricultural product whole-sellers and retailers

Use Case ID: UC – 3

Created By: RAJU SHRESTHA Last Updated By: Raju Shrestha
Date Created: 23/10/2017 Date Last 23/10/2017



Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Preconditions: AGRO BIZ app downloaded and opened on android phone
Post-conditions: User logins to the Android application changes made are
Normal Course: 1. Sees a welcome message.
2. Respond to queries

3. Advertise their products

4. Logout of the system
Alternative Courses: Sees an error message based on password mismatch or non-
existence of the user
Exceptions: None
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: HIGH
Business Rules BR3, BR4
Special Requirements:  24/7 access
 Supported by Android phone
Assumptions: Supported on only Android operating system
Notes and Issues:
Use Case Graphic


Respond to a query

Advertise their
Actor – Whole-Sellers
And Retailers

3.3.4 Agricultural product buyers/consumers

Use Case ID: UC – 4

Created By: RAJU SHRESTHA Last Updated By: Raju Shrestha
Date Created: 23/10/2017 Date Last 23/10/2017

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Actors: Consumers, Retailers and Whole-sellers of agricultural
Preconditions: AGRO BIZ app downloaded and opened on android phone
Post-conditions: User logins to the Android application and changes made are
updated in the database.
Normal Course: 1. Sees a welcome message
2. Sets requirements
3. Order product with details
4. Logout of the system
Alternative Courses: Sees an error message based on password mismatch or non-
existence of the user
Exceptions: None
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: HIGH
Business Rules BR4
Special Requirements:  24/7 access
 Supported by Android phone.
Assumptions: Supported on only Android operating system
Notes and Issues:
Use Case Graphic

Order products

Actor–Agro product consumers

3.3.5 Agricultural Experts

Use Case ID: UC – 3

Created By: RAJU SHRESTHA Last Updated By: Raju Shrestha
Date Created: 23/10/2017 Date Last 23/10/2017

Preconditions: AGRO BIZ app downloaded and opened on android phone

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Post-conditions: User logins to the android application changes made are
Normal Course: 1. Sees a welcome message.
2. Respond to queries
3. Add new information
4. Logout of the system
Alternative Courses: Sees an error message based on password mismatch or non-
existence of the user
Exceptions: None
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: HIGH
Business Rules BR3, BR4
Special Requirements:  24/7 access
 Supported on Android phone.
Assumptions: Supported by only on Android phone.
Notes and Issues:
Use Case Graphic


Add new

Actor – Agricultural Experts

*For the business rules refer to the BRD.

3.4 Classes / Objects

3.4.1 Users

Attributes Functions
User ID Full_name
First_name Authenticate

3.4.2 Agro product sellers

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

Attributes Functions
Market name Find by market name and
Address address

3.4.3 Agro Producers (Farmer)

Attributes Functions
Product ID Find by product ID and
Product type name
Product name

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

3.5.1 Performance

The system should support at concurrent users. Many users can use the app to access the
information within the system at the same time. Display time changes must be done quickly
and efficiently.

3.5.2 Reliability
The reliability of this application depends on the reliability of the separate components
present within this application. However, the system should never crash other than there is an
operating system error. Also, the system should respond in smooth way, even if there is error
in network. The system should respond well even for big set of data and large number of

3.5.3 Availability

The apps will be available on Google play store and the users can download it at any time.

3.5.4 Security

The system is secured by the means that all the password of the users will be saved encrypted
in the database. It ensures the privacy of the users. The system will be protected against
online hacking such as SQL injection attacks.

3.5.5 Maintainability

The database of this system in maintained by using MySQL and sever is the Apache server.
In case of failure of this system through any means, both the database and server can be re-

3.5.6 Portability

This application is an android operating system based but it could not be compatible with
other system. The technologies used to build this application are system dependent. The
application can therefore do not run on any other operating system.

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

3.6 Design Constraints
The design constraints are:
 The application layout will be produced using HTML/CSS/JS.
 The application will be coded in JAVA.
 The database will be MySQL database.
 The source code will follow coding conventions of JAVA.

3.7 Logical Database requirements

All the data will be saved in the MySQL database. The information includes user details, item
details and the transaction details. The database can only be accessed by the administrator
using the database login credentials. RDBMS approach is used to build the database design.

4. Analysis Models
4.1 Sequence Diagram
4.1.1 Sequence diagram for Admins

Figure 8. Sequence diagram for Admins

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4.1.2 Sequence diagram for Agro Product Producer (Farmer)

Figure 1. Sequence diagram for Agro Producer (Farmer)

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

4.1.3 Sequence diagram Agro product sellers (whole-sellers/retailers)

Figure 10. Sequence diagram Agro product seller

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4.1.4 Sequence diagram for Agricultural exports

Figure 11. Sequence diagram for Agricultural Experts

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4.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

4.2.1 Context diagram

Figure 12. Context diagram

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4.2.2 Diagram for queries request/response

Figure 13. Diagram for queries request/response

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4.2.3 Diagram for buying/selling product

Figure 14. Diagram for buying/selling module)

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4.3 State Diagrams
4.3.1 State diagram for admin

Figure.15 State diagram for admin

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4.3.2 State diagram for Agro-Producers (Farmer)

Figure 16. State diagram for Agro-Producers (Farmer)

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4.3.3 State diagram for Agricultural Experts

Figure 17. State diagram for Agricultural Experts

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4.3.4 State diagram for Agro-Product Sellers (whole-sellers/retailers)

Figure 18. State diagram for Agro-Product Sellers (whole-sellers/retailers)

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

4.3.5 State diagram for costumers/consumers

Figure.19 State diagram for costumers/consumers

5. Change Management Process

Changes will be brought in the SRS will be made if any extra feature is to be added or certain
features need to be reduced or combined with added features. Changes in project scope or
requirement will be made according to changes brought in features and user characteristics.
The updated SRS will be submitted to the instructor. Upon the review and approval of
instructor changes will be made in the system.

A. Appendices
A.1 Business Requirement Document

 Business Requirement Document, Agro Biz by Raju Shrestha, Deerwalk Institute

Of Technology

Deerwalk Institute of Technology Software Requirement Document

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