Nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation (NGQC) and nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation
(NHQC) have been proposed to reduce the run time of geometric quantum gates. However, in terms of robustness
against experimental control errors, the existing NGQC and NHQC scenarios have no advantage over standard
dynamical gates in most cases. Here, we give the reasons why nonadiabatic geometric gates are sensitive to
the control errors and, further, we propose a scheme of super-robust nonadiabatic geometric quantum control,
in which the super-robust condition can guarantee both high speed and robustness of the geometric gate. To
illustrate the working mechanism of super-robust geometric quantum gates, we give two simple examples of
SR-NGQC and SR-NHQC for two- and three-level quantum systems, respectively. Theoretical and numerical
results with the experimental parameters indicate that our scheme can significantly improve the gate performance
compared to the previous NGQC, NHQC, and standard dynamical schemes. Super-robust geometric quantum
computation can be applied to various physical platforms such as superconducting qubits, quantum dots, and
trapped ions. All of these sufficiently show that our scheme provides a promising way towards robust geometric
quantum computation.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.L032066
Introduction. Realizing high-fidelity and fault-tolerant noise-resilient scenario against fluctuations of control pa-
quantum gates is very essential for quantum information pro- rameters [13,14]. However, adiabatic quantum dynamics
cessing since control errors and environment-induced noises implies lengthy gate time and thus long exposure time to
are ubiquitous in operating real quantum devices. Geomet- the environment-induced decoherence. To overcome such
ric quantum computation (GQC) utilizes a unique property a problem, nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation
that the time-dependent quantum state would accumulate (NGQC) [17–23] and nonadiabatic holonomic quantum com-
an Abelian geometric phase [1,2] or non-Abelian holonomy putation (NHQC) [24–36] based on a nonadiabatic Abelian
[3–5] under a cyclic quantum evolution. The geometric phase and non-Abelian geometric phase [2,4], respectively, have
and holonomy depend only on the global properties of the evo- been proposed to reduce the run times of geometric quan-
lution trajectories. Consequently, geometric quantum gates tum gates. Recently, nonadiabatic geometric gates have been
are robust against local disturbances during the evolution experimentally demonstrated in different physical platforms,
[6–11]. More specifically, geometric quantum computation including superconducting qubits [37–45], nuclear magnetic
can be divided into Abelian GQC and holonomic quantum resonance (NMR) [46–48], and nitrogen-vacancy centers in
computation (HQC) depending on whether the geometric diamond [49–54]. However, in terms of robustness against ex-
phase is a real number [1] or a matrix [4] (non-Abelian holon- perimental errors, the existing NGQC and NHQC gates have
omy). no sufficient preponderance over standard dynamical gates
Early applications of GQC are dependent on adiabatic in most cases [19,34–36]. Therefore, it is natural to ask (i)
quantum evolutions to suppress transitions between differ- why the existing nonadiabatic geometric gates lack robustness
ent instantaneous eigenstates of the Hamiltonian [12–16]. against the control errors and (ii) how to maintain both the
Adiabatic GQC has been experimentally verified as a speed and the robustness of geometric gates.
In this Letter, we give clear answers for the above two
important issues using the super-robust condition proposed
yung@sustech.edu.cn here. And on that basis, we demonstrate a class of super-robust
nonadiabatic geometric gates in which robustness against the
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the control errors is ensured by a super-robust control condition.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further We implement our schemes in two- and three-level systems,
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) respectively, to realize super-robust Abelian (non-Abelian)
and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. nonadiabatic geometric (holonomic) quantum gates, called
clearly know that the NOT gate of the NGQC has no particular a SR-based geometric scheme with the decoherence-free
advantage compared to DG with both above errors, as shown subspace (DFS) [26–28,68–70] encoding model (surface
in Fig. 3(c). codes [71–75]) to further suppress the dephasing noises
Conclusion and outlook. In conclusion, we have explained (local errors). In addition, it would be interesting to fur-
why the existing nonadiabatic geometric gates are so sensi- ther optimize the magnetic field sensitivity and maximum
tive to the control errors, but also proposed the scheme of field range of geometric-phase magnetometry [76] via our
super-robust nonadiabatic geometric gates. Specifically, we SR-NGQC scheme.
have taken two examples in two- and three-level systems for Acknowledgments. The authors thank Professor S.-L. Su
realizing super-robust condition-based Abelian (non-Abelian) for helpful discussions and improving this Letter. This
nonadiabatic geometric (holonomic) quantum gates, respec- work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
tively. The theoretical and numerical results indicate that Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2017B030308003), the
our scheme can significantly improve the gate performance Key R & D Program of Guangdong Province (Grant No.
compared to the existing geometric and standard dynamical 2018B030326001), the Science, Technology and Innova-
schemes with the experimental parameters. Moreover, our tion Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (Grants No.
scheme can also be extended to construct two-qubit geo- JCYJ20170412152620376, No. JCYJ20170817105046702,
metric gates [37,45,49,50] to realize a universal SR-based and No. KYTDPT20181011104202253), the National Nat-
geometric gate set. In addition, this extensible approach of ural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11875160
SR-based geometric gates can be applied to various phys- and No. U1801661), the Economy, Trade and Informa-
ical platforms such as superconducting circuits, quantum tion Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (Grant No.
dots, and trapped ions. For future work, it would be at- 201901161512), and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory
tractive for fault-tolerant quantum computation to combine (Grant No. 2019B121203002).
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