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Ambernath (E)


Academic year: 2023- 2024


Types of flow mearing device

Program: Mechanical Engineering

Program code: ME4I

Course: Mechanical Engineering Measurement

Course code: (22443)


Member details

Sr Name of member Roll Enrollment Seat no.

no. no. no

1. Manish Gaykar 609 2201470027

Name of Guide



This is to certify that Mr. Manish Gaykar, Roll No. 609 of 4rd
Semester of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of Institute,
ShivajiRao.S. Jondhale Polytechnic, Ambernath (E) (Code:
0147) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in
Subject – Mechanical Engineering Measurement (22443)
for the academic year 2023- 2024 as prescribed in the

Place: Ambernath Enrollment No: 2201470027

Date: ………… Exam. Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Sign of Student

INDEX Content Page no

1. Types of flow meters

2. Coriolis Flow Meter

Oscillating Piston Flow Meter

4. Rotary Vane Flow Meter

Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Teacher Evaluation sheet

Total flow measurement :
It includes the determination of the overall amount of volume mass
or weight of fluid in a given time. For example, the overall volume
of water consumed in a month or liters of petrol filled. it involves
summation or integration of flow rate over the specified duration
of time. a positive form of meters is normally used for the purpose.

Types of flow meters :

• Coriolis Flowmeter
• Oscillating Piston Flow Meter
• Rotary Vane Flow Meter
• Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
• Rotameter

1.Coriolis Flow Meter:

The Coriolis flowmeter is generally used to measure the mass

flow rate of liquid & in a few cases gas flow measurement. The
construction of the Coriolis flowmeter is proven in the below
figure. It includes both a pair of parallel vibrating tubes or else
a single vibration tube this is formed into a configuration that
has parallel sections

Principal of working: A Coriolis flowmeter requires force

appearing on a tube carrying a flowing fluid. this force
certainly deforms tubes via which the fluid flow. The quantity
of deformation relies upon at once the mass flow rate through
the tubes.

Construction & Working:
Tubes are made of diverse materials of which stainless steel is
the most common. They are to be had in different shapes such
as B-shape, D-shape, U-form, etc. The above figure indicates
the U-shape tube in extra detail. The tubes are anchored at the
point. The electromechanical drive unit between the 2 anchors
excites vibrations in each tube on the tube resonant frequency.
In the tube, the fluid moves far from and returns toward the
axis of oscillation, resulting in the charging angular
momentum of the fluid. The tube oscillation results in
opposite forces which twist the tube. First one way then the
other with each oscillation cycle. The output from pickup
sensors is sine waves displaying oscillation frequency. In
measuring the magnitude of deformation, the mass flow rate
may be measured.
Advantages of Coriolis flowmeter: its measuring
principle is independent of fluids pressure, density & velocity.
Its measurements are independent o Reynold’s number. Its
measurement is additionally independent of upstream &
downstream flow velocities. The meter has excessive accuracy
& excessive reliability.
Disadvantages of Coriolis flowmeter: Pipeline size is
limited & unavailable as much as pipe length of 150mm only.
The initial price is excessive.

2.Oscillating Piston Flow Meter :

It is one of the oldest forms of positive displacement meter.

The oscillating piston flow meter is shown below figure. It
consists of a precision-machined slotted cylinder that
separates the inlet part, & a cylindrical piston. The motion of
the piston is oscillatory since it's far confined to moving in one
plane. the central piston constrained to transport in a round
groove eccentrically. liquid enters a cylinder containing an
oscillating piston. Liquid pressure drives the piston to
oscillate & rotate on its centre hub.
As it does so, a specific volume of fluid is moved via the meter.
A sensing system commonly magnetic or optical senses the
pulse whenever part of oscillation occurs. Each revolution of
the piston hub is equal to a fixed volume of fluid, which is
indicated as flow through an indicator. These meters are
suitable fluid.
Advantages of oscillating piston flow meter : It is easy
to construct. It is simple for installation & maintenance. At
low flow rates, it gives the correct accuracy. These are
relatively correct meters & are perfect for dairy, food,
chemical & different sanitary applications.
Disadvantages of oscillating piston flow meter : It may
be used for liquids simplest than too clean liquids because the
meter might also additionally block because of suspended
large practicals in liquid. It is relatively costly, large & heavier
than different meters use other meters use different

3.Rotary Vane Flow Meter :

The rotary vane flow meter is another kind of positive displacement

flow meter. A rotating vane flow meter is a type of positive
displacement meter wherein the fluid pass via a rotating set of
vanes. The passage among each set of vanes delivers a specific
volume of fluid to the out allowed side of the meter. Allowing the
flow rate to be determined that's based on the revolution of a piston.
In any instance, there may be one vane in the stream at any one time,
wherein case the rate of rotation of the vane is proportional to the
mean flow velocity. The total number of revolutions can be used to
signify the entire volume of fluid that passed via the system the extra
vanes withinside the rotor the higher the accuracy of a rotary vane
meter at low flow meters. They may be used for flow in either
direction & calibrated for both horizontal & vertical flows.
Advantages of Rotary flow meter : It offers precise
measurement over an extensive range of flow. It has precise &
excessive stress & temperature ratings. It has smaller pressure
losses. Rotary meters are used as domestic water meters & also used
in the hot water systems.
Disadvantages of Rotary flow meter : It is appropriate for
clean liquids. It is subjected to wear & tear.
4. Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter :

The transducer uses the doppler frequency shift of ultrasonic

indicators reflected from discontinuities withinside the fluid stream
to acquire flow measurement. These discontinuities may be
suspended solids, bubbles, or interfaces generated by turbulent
eddies withinside the flow stream. the sensor is installed at the
outside of the pipe, & an ultrasonic beam from a piezoelectric crystal
is transmitted via the pipe wall into the fluid at an angle to flow.
Transmitted & reflected indicators are compared in an electrical
circuit, & the corresponding frequency shift is proportional to the
flow velocity. The basic principle of operation of the doppler
ultrasonic flow meter in the below figure
Advantages of Transit time ultrasonic flow meter : They
show minor obstruction to the flow of fluid. Ultrasonic flow meters
do now no longer hinder flow so that they may be applied to
sanitary, corrosive & abrasive liquids. The presents good accuracy of
the order + 2% of the entire scale deflection. Noninvasive, no
moving part, no wear. Ultrasonic flow meters are available in sizes
of 2m & larger.
Limitations of transit time ultrasonic flow meter : Its
measuring accuracy may be affected by installation & environment.
For higher-end result pipes, walls need to be clean & free from dirt.
Relatively better cost in comparison with different pipes flows
meters. It desires professionals to repair & maintain the flow meters.

5.Rotameter :

The rotameter consists essentially metering glass tube, an

inner float is located that is an active element of the meter.
The float material has particular gravity higher than that of
the fluid to be metered. The spherical slots cut on part of the
floats reason it to rotate slowly approximately the axis of the

tube & maintain it centered. The balance of the floats is
ensured by using a guide alongside whom the float would side

Working of Rotameter :
With a growth withinside the flow rate, the floats rise in the
tube & there takes place an increase withinside the annular
place between the floats & the tube. The floats adjust their
position when it comes to the release via the passes the floats
ride better or lower relying on the low rate. Rotameters are
broadly used for metering purge flows, pump-seal fluid &
coolant & lubrication for working machinery.

Advantages of Rotameter :
Low cost, direct indicating, minimal piping required. Pressure
loss in the rotameter is almost constant & small. It can
manage any corrosive fluid. It has pretty suitable accuracy
specifically at a low glide rate. It offers a linear scale. It may be
compensated for changes in fluid density & viscosity. The
capability may be changed with relative ease via way of means
of changing floats, and tubes. The condition of flow is readily

Limitations of Rotameter :
It must be installed in the vertical position only. For excessive
pressure & temperature, it's far more expensive. When opaque
fluid is used, floats might not visible. It cannot be used with
liquid carrying huge percentages of solids in suspension.
Application of Rotameter : It is used for measurement of flow
of liquid & gases.

Shivaji Rao S. Jondhale polytechnic, Ambernath
Academic Year 2023-2024
Teacher Evaluation sheet for Micro project
Program title: Mechanical Engineering
Course Mechanical Engineering Measurement
Semester: Fourth
Name of student: - Manish

Title of the project: Types of Flow Measurement Device

Cos addressed by the Microproject: Use knowledge of
Various types of Flow Measuring Device.
Major Learning Outcomes achieved by students by doing the project
Practical Outcome: students understood the concepts.
Unit Outcomes: students understood the concept of flow mearing
Outcome in affective domain: students can participate effectively in
group work. Students also learn many things in Excel, word, etc.
habit of keeping record of event. Collect relevant material, data from
primary and secondary sources
Comments/suggestions about teamwork/
Leadership/interpersonal communication (if any).
Consistency in work, good to co-ordination and involvement in team,

Name and designation of the faculty Member:

(Lecturer): Amol Rokade sir

Weekly progress report of Microproject

Subject: Mechanical working Drawing Academic

Sr. Week Activity Sign of Guide Date

No Performed


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