Hiotron End To End IoT Training

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DATE:28TH July 17

Get End-to-End IoT Training by hIOTron® IoT

Developers who built successful IoT solutions
Already, Not just Trainers.

In-Depth corporate IoT Training based on hands on practically

understanding of core end-to-end IoT architecture & 5+ Live
Industrial IoT Use-Cases using open sources IoT Hardware Kit &
Custom/Enterprise/Open source IoT Cloud Platforms & Dashboard/
Mobile Applications.

End-to-End Corporate IoT Training Brochure

Content Index

1. What exactly is the Internet of Things?

2. Why IoT (Opportunities & Applications of IoT)?
3. 60 Hours End-To-End Complete IoT Training Agenda

4. End-To-End IoT Architecture & Course Curriculum

5. What Core technologies will be covered?

6. What benefits participants will get?
7. What will be the Hardware kit content?

8. Training & Industrial clients

9. About, Specialization & Why hIOTron

10. Training Feedbacks

11. Trainer Profile

12. Terms & Conditions

What exactly is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IOT) is the next wave, world is going to witness. Today, we live in an era of connected
devices (mobile phones, computers etc.), the future is of connected things (Things mean: home appliances,
vehicles, lamp-posts, personal accessories, your pets, industrial equipment’s and everything which you use in day-
to-day life). Internet of Things is a term given to the attempt of connecting objects to the internet and also to
each other - allowing people and objects themselves to analyze data from various sources in real-time and take
necessary actions in an intelligent fashion.
60 Hours Hands IoT Training Agenda
End-To-End IoT Architecture & Course Curriculum
1 Session-1: Introduction & Basics End-To-End IOT Architecture with detailed explanation
3 Hours of IoT (Internet IOT Application or Use-Case with IOT Analytics
[Theory] of Things) IOT Market Landscape/Business or JOB opportunities in detail
Availability of Readymade IOT Hardware + Software + Platform solutions
Top 10 IOT Influenced Companies and their solutions in detail

Sesion-2: Detailed & Logical End- Device to Device [D2D] communication

3 Hours To-End IOT architecture in
Understanding of Various Analog/Digital sensors (like Temperature,
[Theory & terms of Device to Device
Light, Humidity, IR, Ultrasonic, moisture, current etc.), Classification & selection criteria based on
Practical] [D2D], Device to Server
nature, frequency and amplitude of signal.
[D2S], Server to Server
Embedded Development Boards – Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo, ESP8266 (Node-MCU) etc.
[S2S] communication.
Interfacing peripherals & Programming GPIOs – Input/output peripherals
& their Design Considerations –Cost, Performance & Power Consumption tradeoffs.
What are wireless & wired communication protocols and understanding for each.
How sensors/actuators/RFID/GPS Nodes are connected to IOT gateway
and why IOT gateways are required rather than sending data directly to cloud through each sensor

Device-To-Server [D2S] communication

What are the communication channels & how to prioritize them with respect to network
What are messaging protocols & where they reside on TCP/IP stack model & what are their
importance in terms of device to server communications with live example?
What are available server-side frameworks & Why node.js for real
time IoT data with some use cases and how to work with MQTT/REST API’s on server?
How to store data in NOSQL [MongoDB] database?

Server-To-Server [S2S] communication

How to pass data from backend [Server] to front-end [Client] using REST API’s
What are front end framework or REST clients [Mobile App/Dashboard]
2,3,4 Session-3-8: Live Hands on Practical Sr. No. Industrial Application Connectivity Communication Messaging Cloud Platforms
18 Hours using Sensors/Actuators, Protocol Channel Protocol
[Practical] Arduino, Ethernet shield,
1. Environmental GPIO(Wired) Ethernet REST/Web- THINGSPEAK
Wi-Fi (Node-MCU and
Application socket PLATFORM
other accessories)
2. Energy & Industrial BLE4.0/ Wi-Fi SMTP/REST/ BLYNK IOT
Application Bluetooth(Wi WEBSOCKET PLATFORM

3. Enterprise & Health GPIO(Wired) Ethernet REST/MQTT/We THINGWORX IOT

Care b-sockets PLATFORM

4. Smart City GPIO(Wired) Ethernet/Wi-Fi REST/MQTT HIOTRON IOT

&Web socket PLATFORM

5 Session-9,10: Build your first End-To-End • Getting started with Raspberry-Pi: Raspberry-Pi Hardware Description & Interfacing Components +
6 Hours IOT product using Rasp- Booting + Wi-Fi/Bluetooth setup + Accessing the Pi + Rasp-Bean OS (Linux) + basic commands + SSH
[Theory & berry pi device (Putty/X-Ming)
Practical] • Raspberry-Pi interfacing & python programming: Multi-session + Playing with python (Arithmetic
Conditions + Loops + functions) + Analog/Digital sensor (Input) interfacing with GPIO’s + Actuator
(Output) interfacing
• Real time Data monitoring on multiple Thing-speak channels from Raspberry-pi.

6&7 Session-11-14: Hands on practical’s with IoT Sr.No. Industrial Connectivity Communication Messaging IoT Cloud
12 Hours Gateway (Raspberry-Pi) on Application Protocols Channels Protocols Platform
[Practical] Industrial/Enterprise IoT 1 Smart Home Automation Wireless Ethernet/Wi-Fi MQTT/REST AWS IOT
Platform (LORA) Platform

2 Energy & Power Wired (Serial) Ethernet/Wi-Fi MQTT/REST IBM Blue-mix

management Watson
8 Session-15,16: Setup MQTT Broker & Node [Backend IoT MQTT Server = Broker + Nodejs] on Raspberry-Pi
6 Hours server on Raspberry-Pi
[Practical] device Part-1 = Setup Broker & Test
Install Hive-MQ/Mosquitto Broker (MQTT) on Raspberry-pi
MQTT Fx, virtual client to client communication

Part-2 = Setup Node & Test

MEAN stack: Install MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js & Node.js.
Other NPM dependencies: Install some other NPM dependencies such as Sokcet.io (A web-
socket Framework), body-parser, mongoose etc.
Perform REST Basic APIs operation (PUT/GET/DELETE/POST).
9 Session-17,18: Develop Angular [Frontend Clients = Angular Webpage or Mobile Application] on Raspberry-Pi
6 Hours Dashboard & Hybrid Mobile
Part-1 = Build Angular Webpage & Store Data in MongoDB (NoSQL) database
[Practical] Application for
Build first Node App using express with Node-mon.
[Android/iOS] platform &
Use socket.io for real time client-server connectivity for IoT data.
store data in NOSQL
Push/Fetch real time or historical data to or from MongoDB (NoSQL) database
[MONGODB] database.
Part-2 = Build Hybrid Mobile Application for [Android/iOS/Windows] platform & Store Data in Database
Build first Hybrid App using Ionic angular framework.
Use socket.io for real time client-server connectivity for IoT data.
Push/Fetch real time or historical data to or from MongoDB (NoSQL) database.
Build Platform specific APK [Android/iOS]
Publish production app on Google play-store or iOS store.
10 Session-19,20: End-To-End IoT Sr. No. Industrial Connectivity Communicatio Messaging IoT Cloud
6 Hours applications (Optional) Application (Optional) Protocols n Channels Protocols Platform
[Practical] using MQTT/REST IoT
1. Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Wireless Wi-Fi MQTT/HTTP RPI Custom IoT
platform on rasp-berry.
Aviation, Energy & (LORA) Ethernet/GPRS Web socket platform
Power, Industrial IoT
Logistics, Consumer
What Core technologies will be covered?

1. Sensors: Temperature, Luminance, Infrared, Gas, Current, Ultrasonic, PIR, Accelerometer.

2. Actuators: LED’s, Bulb with Relay, Motors, Fan etc.
3. Connectivity Protocols:
Ø Wired: CAN bus, GPIO ADC, Serial, MOD bus, SPI, I2C
Ø Wireless: Zig-bee, LORA, BLE 4.0, Wi-Fi, RF module
4. Hardware (Middleware/IoT) Gateway: Node-MCU, Arduino, Raspberry-pi-3 etc
5. Communication Channels: Wi-Fi, Ethernet, GSM / 3G / 4G / LTE (SMS, Phone Calls, Data)
6. Messaging protocols: MQTT, HTTP/HTTPS/REST, SMTP, AMQP etc.
7. IoT cloud Platforms: Thing-Worx, Thing-speak, AWS IOT, IBM Blue-mix Watson and private AWS instance etc.
8. Scripting: C/C++, Java & Python (to program embedded devices like Arduino, Node-MCU and Raspberry-Pi 3) for sensor & actuator
control, Data Acquisition/Aggregation/Filtering/Analytics, Event Management, Network communication
9. Security:
Ø Fully Encrypted Network Communication (SSL/TLS)
Ø User Access Authentication Trusted Boot (where CPU/SoC supports it)
Ø Encrypted Data Storage (AES256)
Ø TPM keys used if available
10. MEAN Stack:
Ø Server-Side Framework – Node.js [Express]
Ø Database – Mongo-DB
Ø Front End Development – Angular.js Webpage
Ø Mobile Application – Android/iOS/Windows [Hybrid Platform]
11. Use Cases Covered:
Ø Energy & Industrial
Ø Enterprise & Health Care
Ø Environmental Application
Ø Smart Cities
Ø Smart Home & Building Automation
What Benefits participant will get? What will be the Hardware kit
1. Well systematically organized core IoT technical BASIC KIT ADVANCE KIT
content in lowest market price.
2. Learn by hIOTron core IoT product-based domain-
oriented expert.
1. Arduino Uno [At-mega 328] 1. Raspberry- Pi 3
3. More than 5 Live industrial IoT case studies on AWS
IoT cloud platform. with USB cable model B
4. Industrial level practical approach only valuable & 2. Ethernet Shield 2. LORA Wireless
key points learning and understanding with 100% W5100Bluetooth module Module
hands on experience rather than just creating IoT a (HC05) 3. LORA Breakout
hype. 3. Ultrasonic sensor (HCSR04) Board
5. Get minimum 6 month's jump start in IoT or if 4. Temperature sensor (LM35) 4. NODE-MCU Wi-Fi
already started then move towards your first IoT 5. Luminance Sensor (LDR) Module
product deployment with hIOTron IoT experts. 6. IR sensor Module 5. SD Card [8GB]
6. Get IOT Training certificate and free IoT kit worth INR 7. Gas Sensor Module [MQ2]
8500. 8. DHT11 Sensor Module
7. Be a part of hIOTron fast growing 5500+ IoT 9. 2 channel relay Board
developer’s innovators, enthusiasts and maker’s 10. Light Bulb with Holder &
community. connector
8. Get one-year free access of hIOTron IoT cloud 11. Bread Board
platform with devices such as Arduino, Raspberry-Pi 12. M2M & M2F jumpers
and Node-MCU and Mobile App Free SDK’s & Life- 13. LED’s and
Time free access of online videos & software Resistors/Capacitors
9. Get 100% job assistance or an Opportunity to work in
hIOTron IoT R&D Lab
Our Training & Industrial Clients
About hIOTron Specialization

hIOTron is the leading custom IOT solution enabler in APAC [Asia- 1. Connectivity: Wi-Fi, ZigBee (Star/Mesh), Z-wave,
Pacific] region which provides ready to market IOT enabled products in LORA, Bluetooth, BLE 4.0, IR, NFC, RFID etc.
shortest period of time with 100% customer satisfaction.
2. Semiconductor: Freescale, Marvell, Atmel, TI,
We are IOT experts providing End-To-End IOT solutions that improve Microchip & Many more.
processes, differentiate products and services, and create new 3. Communication Channel: Wi-Fi, Ethernet,
revenue streams. GSM/GPRS, GNSS, LTE.

At hIOTron we have always looked at sharing our ground practical 4. Cloud Platforms: AWS, IBM Blue-mix Watson,
experience of IOT product development with engineers in industries xively, Thing-Worx, hIOTron & Private.
and in colleges. Starting from September, 2013 hIOTron has conducted
5. Communication & Queuing Protocols: MQTT,
over 650 Corporate and Academic Training programs on IoT based on
REST, Web-sockets, COAP, XMPP, AMQP.
(Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo) for engineering students and
working professionals from TTL (TATA Technologies Limited), TATA 6. Databases: Cassandra, MongoDB, Raven DB,
motors, PSL (Persistence Systems Limited), Wipro, cognizant, IBM, MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL.
Deloitte, Logitech and many more IT industries.
7. Mobile: Android, iOS, Windows 10.
But we believe one of our biggest achievements is we have trained 8. Standards: OPENIoT, Home Kit, Thread, Nest,
more than 22000 engineering students and 12500+ professionals from AllJoyn, Brillo & Weave.
different industries as part of this Training.
Why hIOTron

Training Training Training hIOTron®

Training Details
Institute-A Institute-B Institute-C (An IoT Solution Enabler)
Training Mode Online Classroom Online Both (Classroom & Online)

Technical Content Basic Advance Basic Full-Stack (End to End)

Custom Hardware Advance kit (Major Basic Kit (Major components Advance kit (Major components
hence no learning components includes includes Arduino-UNO, Node- includes Arduino-Uno, Node-MCU,
Hardware Kit scope in future Arduino Mega, RPI-3, MCU, Sensors, Actuators & RPI-3, LORA & BLE modules with
Sensors, Actuators & other accessories) breakout, 10+ Sensors, Actuators
other accessories) & other accessories)
Basic (Support Online) Intermediate (Task Basic (Support Online) End-to-End (5+Industrial Live
Hands-on Practical’s based) Industrial real-time problem
based IoT Case Studies)
Theoretical Practical Theoretical & Practical Industrial approach, only valuable
Training Approach Demonstration. up-to certain level Demonstration & key points for IoT learning with
Actual Hands-on experience.
12+ Years’ experience 5+ Years’ experience in 10+ Years’ experience in 7+ Years’ experience in training &
Trainers Background in training other training other courses training other courses & IoT developing only & only IoT
courses & IoT & IoT products
Only on website no On google but reviewer Only on website no backlink of On Websites & Google both with
Reviews Backlink of reviewer only students no reviewer their backlink of LinkedIn profile.
industrial professionals
Cost High Low Very High Moderate
Thousands of Working Professionals Have Taken hIOTron®
Corporate IoT Training

I took the 60 Hours End-To-End Hands on IOT training with

Highly impressed by the depth of technical Hiotron and appreciate the patience with which they took me
knowledge on IOT hardware of the team and through the IOT concepts as I am not from the IT or electronics
especially Mr. Hitesh. Always ready to discuss any domain but fascinated to learn IOT as part of my personal and
topic/query at length and ensure that it is future career development. The trainers have motivated me
to pursue this course with more conviction in myself and also
addressed to satisfaction. Wish Hitesh and team showed the path to continued improvement and eventually
all the success in this field. success in the future. In fact, this course is not the end but
just the beginning in my IOT journey.

Shitalkumar P Panse,
Shafali Kapoor, Senior
Vice President - Voice Engineering
Proposal Engineer Pune, India
TATA Communications Ltd Mumbai
Oil & Gas | Black & Veatch
I have opted for IoT Training in Pune and have been thought hIOTron is the best for starting your IOT journey. They give a
by Mr. Hitesh & Umesh. They are having brilliant practical good iot training with practical hand-on. I really appreciate
knowledge of IoT. They are technically very sound, also their vision and knowledge in IOT sector which will shape the
having good understanding of the IoT business landscape. I future in a better and a convenient way in our everyday
enjoyed working and learning from hIOTron. lifestyle. I hope and wish the success of their goals and
vision for the future.

Arun kumar Nair Manoj Sawant,

Technical Head | Big Data Analytics Chief Information Officer (CIO)
MSys Tech India Pvt. Ltd. | Pune MAN Trucks India Pvt Ltd
India Pune

Kudos to hIOTron Development & Training team! It was really

hIOTron is one of the pioneers IoT Training providers, who thought-provoking, insightful, and well-structured end-to-end
are teaching the IOT with proper case studies. More practical IoT framework (far better than even mentioned online) delivered
and less theory. All the case studies are practical in nature by hIOTron. I personally worked on different Use Cases & its
which can be applied in industry. hIOTron provide Well detailed understanding. Corporate interface of hIOTron is really
organized IoT training software & documents and my all the excellent, without which i would not have been placed on a
queries has been answered and solved by trainer. position where i am today. Thank you so much.

Paul Lalthuamsanga
Deepak Andore
Associate Solution Architect
IoT Solution & Channel
KPIT | India Pune
Partner at IOT Startup
Trainers Profile

¨ 7.5+ years’ vast industrial experience in delivering ¨ 6+ years’ vast industrial experience in delivering
end-to-end IoT solutions right from custom End-To-End IoT training to corporates as well as
designing/manufacturing the hardware/PCB to individuals.
application oriented mobile application & dynamic
¨ Specialties: Developing and testing of Hardware
dashboard connected with most innovative for
software, Industrial 4.0, Protocols, Wireless/Wired,
devices hIOTron IoT™ platform.
Node.js, MQTT/REST, Application Ennoblement
¨ Responsible for handling team of 32 developers Platforms (AEP), Energy Management, smart Home
working on various IoT technologies at hIOTron mainly Automation, Smart City, Smart Warehouse, Smart
embedded (Hardware & Software), Network engineer, Building, Smart Hospitals, Smart Campus, Smart
Full stack developers, Mobility & Analytics specialist. Store, Security, Health Care, Smart City, smart lock,
smart hotel management etc.

Hitesh Panjwani Umesh Lokhande

CEO [Chief Executive Officer] Training Manager & IoT Developer


Course Fee Includes GST 18%


Confirmation of registration is online.


Payment must be made prior to course commencement.

Official Details hIOTron | PAN BIYPP7323N |TIN 27021078480C | GSTIN 27BIYPP7323N1Z7

Head Office: hIOTron, Office No.5 & 6, Tower A, City Vista, Fountain Road, Ashoka Nagar, Kharadi, Pune- 411014 Maharashtra
Contact Number: +91-9975551455/ +91- 7028438993 | Website & Mail id: www.hiotron.com | training@hiotron.com/info@hiotron.com

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