PE Notes
PE Notes
PE Notes
•Character B-Boying
B-Boying is also known as breaking or breakdancing is the Popping forces parts of your body outwards, similar to an
first hip-hop dancing that originates from Black and Puerto explosion within parts of your body. Popping contracts
Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970's. muscles, but is followed by relaxation that gives it the
Practitioner is the term given to b-boy or b-girl who do jerking appearance of popping.
breakdancing. B-boying and breaking is the original term
for breakdance. Locking
Besides, the review allows the teachers to examine the Summary: Provide a brief overview of the story.
way students investigate story and characters. After all,
film review involves the study of events that took place in a Analysis of the events: Analyze the plot and important
docudrama or a regular movie. Reviews check your events like action, climax.
vocabulary and writing skills, ability to adapt to different
Creative elements: Describe the characters, dialogues,
genres and incidents they represent, and the capacity to
camera work, costumes, use of colors, genre, tone,
summarize some significant work and describe it in an
symbols, or anything that adds to or misses from the
organized and interesting manner. Although review writing
overall story.
involves more responsibility than thought, students enjoy
writing them. Opinion: Support your opinion with facts and examples
from the story
The quality of your review will depend on the way you
have organized the events and your thoughts in it. It is Conclusion: Announce whether the filmmaker succeeded in
important to prepare a well-structured outline, whether you his/her goal, paraphrase your evidence. Also, explain how
are writing an essay or a movie review. Outlines will let the film helped in developing a deeper understanding of
you emphasize on the topic and make your report flow in a the course topic.
logical manner.
Essential elements of a movie review
It would be particularly helpful if you organize all the things
before you start with your review writing. This will save a The name of the documentary/movie – There is no reason
lot of time and instead of wondering what to incorporate; to skip mentioning the name of the film in the text just
because it has already appeared in your headline. The
name of the film always appears in the introduction movie can be vibrant and lift the spirit of the movie or they
paragraph. can make it seem dull and depressing. Costumes can
define the genre of the movie and add to the storyline and
Summary – The overall objective of the review is, to sum while the bad ones destroy everything. The camera angles
up the feature film for readers who haven’t seen it yet. For and lighting also enrich the movie experience. There are
writing an effective review, always imagine that your several turning points in the story that make movie viewing
teacher hasn’t watched it either so that you don’t omit a gripping experience.
important details assuming the teacher has already seen it
so they would not be interested. As a critic, your work is to Actors – The casting of the movie must be realistic. Did the
describe the events that took place and state whether the actors do justice to their roles and vice versa? Do you
film director succeeded or failed. Your opinion about liking believe some other actor would have been a better choice
or disliking the film won’t matter unless you support it by for the role?
specific facts and examples from the film itself.
Relevance to your course – It is an important element of
Film Director – Perform a background search on the review writing to tell the readers how the content of the
person who helmed the project. Are there any film fits into your course. Is the movie distorting the
controversies involved or is he/she a known political historical facts? If you are reviewing the film picture for
figure? Does the film director have an influential your history class, keep track of over-dramatization. If the
background? Write a paragraph about the person who film is based on a book you’ve studied in your English
directed the movie and his/her previous works to establish class, mention the similarities, dissimilarities, or other
the importance of the movie you are reviewing in his/her elements that were present in the movie but were not
career. there in the book.