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What is Street Dance?


It refers to dance styles that have evolved outside of •Intention

dance studios. It is performed in streets, dance parties,
parks, school yards, or any available space. It is often •Creativity
improvisational and social in nature, encouraging
interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. •Social interaction

Hip-hop is a cultural movement best known for its impact Characteristics

on music in the form of the musical genre of the same
In opposite to many other dance forms, most street
name. It originates in Bronx, part of New York City during
dances encourage individuality and originality, and those
1970's. It was popularized by African American and was
dancers interpret the existing moves freely and even
influenced by Latin Americans. The culture of Hip-hop is
invent new ones to create a personal style of their own.
composed of pillars like D-Jing, rapping. breakdancing and
Improvisation is the heart of most street dances, though
graffiti art.
choreography is also seen, mostly mixed with
Street dance is a distinctly Pinoy term, which is very improvisation or used for prepared shows.
closely related to hiphop. but rather, defined by cultural
Generally, a street dance is based on a unique style or
nuances and influences that, as Jungee and others of this
feels that are expressed through the dance, usually tied to
breed have seen, have made street dance a variation of
certain genre of music. As new moves evolve based on
hiphop dance that is identifiably Pinoy to the rest of the
this feel, the dance is under constant development, and if
the feels starts to change it might give birth to a
Key Elements: completely new dance form.


•Character B-Boying
B-Boying is also known as breaking or breakdancing is the Popping forces parts of your body outwards, similar to an
first hip-hop dancing that originates from Black and Puerto explosion within parts of your body. Popping contracts
Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970's. muscles, but is followed by relaxation that gives it the
Practitioner is the term given to b-boy or b-girl who do jerking appearance of popping.
breakdancing. B-boying and breaking is the original term
for breakdance. Locking

Four Movements: Locking which is also known as campbellocking, from the

name of the creator of this style Don Campbellock
Toprock - Footwork-oriented steps performed while Campbell around 1969 in Los Angeles, Califormia. The
standing Lockers are the crew of Don Campbell who popularized
Downrock - Footwork performed with both hands and feet
on the floor Locking was identified by its distinctive stops. It is usually
performed by stopping the fast movement of the
Freezes - Stylish poses done on your hands performer, locking the body into a position, holding it, and
then continuing the same speed before stopping. In doing
Power moves - Comprise full-body spins and rotations that locking, dancers hold their positions longer. Lock is the
give the illusion of defying gravity. primary move used in locking, similar to freeze or sudden
Popping was popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam
Solomon together with his crew, the Electric Boogaloos. It Krumping is the form of dancing that was originated from
is based on the technique of quickly contracting and African-American community of South Central Los
relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer's body. Angeles, California and is a relatively new form of the
"Urban Black dance movement. It is free, expressive and
highly energetic. Most people paint their faces in different and New York City. Waacking has a stylized posing with a
designs. Knumping is a dance style similar to release of fast synchronized arm movement following beat of the
anger. It is reported that gang riots in the United States music. It is very popular element of hip-hop nowadays.
decreased because of these knumping style.
Elements of a Movie Review
A movie review is written with the basic goal of informing
Tutting is a creative way of making geometric shapes the readers about the movie and its concept. Although it
forming right angle using your body parts. The style was seems easy to report all the events happening in the
originally practiced by young funk dancers. It is derived movie and state your opinion, this is a frequent blunder
from the positions people were drawn in during the days of that a lot of students make. While you can express your
the Ancient Egyptians. Tutting is greatly respected move opinions in a movie review about a film or a documentary,
of King Tut aka Mark Benson who made this style popular. you should do so with a creative and unbiased approach.

Shuffling To a great extent, it depends on the review whether the

reader would want to go and see the movie. Whenever a
The Melbourne Shuffle (also known as Rocking The teacher assigns a specific film to review, you should take
Shuffle is a rave and club dance that originated in the late advantage of this perfect opportunity to showcase your art
1980's in the underground rave music scene in Melbourne, of film making to your teacher. It would be helpful if you
Australia. The basic movements of this style are a fast imagine that the teacher hasn’t seen the movie before
heel-and toe action with a style suitable for various types (even though he/she is the one who assigned it in the first
of electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm place). This will make it easier for you to evaluate events
movements. Performers of this style are known as that took place in the film.
Rockers due to its rock music around 1990's.
Why is movie review writing important?
Film review should present an in-depth analysis so that it
It is an African American form of street dance originated in helps the readers to form an honest opinion and whether
1970's as disco era of underground clubs in Los Angeles
they would like it and want to see it. This type of you’ll have a clear plan to follow. Here are the steps to
assignment is common in schools as it gives teachers a organize your film review:
deeper insight into students’ objective analysis skills and
the capability to report an event in a way that is easier for Introduction: Include the name of the movie/documentary,
others to understand. its release date, and background information.

Besides, the review allows the teachers to examine the Summary: Provide a brief overview of the story.
way students investigate story and characters. After all,
film review involves the study of events that took place in a Analysis of the events: Analyze the plot and important
docudrama or a regular movie. Reviews check your events like action, climax.
vocabulary and writing skills, ability to adapt to different
Creative elements: Describe the characters, dialogues,
genres and incidents they represent, and the capacity to
camera work, costumes, use of colors, genre, tone,
summarize some significant work and describe it in an
symbols, or anything that adds to or misses from the
organized and interesting manner. Although review writing
overall story.
involves more responsibility than thought, students enjoy
writing them. Opinion: Support your opinion with facts and examples
from the story
The quality of your review will depend on the way you
have organized the events and your thoughts in it. It is Conclusion: Announce whether the filmmaker succeeded in
important to prepare a well-structured outline, whether you his/her goal, paraphrase your evidence. Also, explain how
are writing an essay or a movie review. Outlines will let the film helped in developing a deeper understanding of
you emphasize on the topic and make your report flow in a the course topic.
logical manner.
Essential elements of a movie review
It would be particularly helpful if you organize all the things
before you start with your review writing. This will save a The name of the documentary/movie – There is no reason
lot of time and instead of wondering what to incorporate; to skip mentioning the name of the film in the text just
because it has already appeared in your headline. The
name of the film always appears in the introduction movie can be vibrant and lift the spirit of the movie or they
paragraph. can make it seem dull and depressing. Costumes can
define the genre of the movie and add to the storyline and
Summary – The overall objective of the review is, to sum while the bad ones destroy everything. The camera angles
up the feature film for readers who haven’t seen it yet. For and lighting also enrich the movie experience. There are
writing an effective review, always imagine that your several turning points in the story that make movie viewing
teacher hasn’t watched it either so that you don’t omit a gripping experience.
important details assuming the teacher has already seen it
so they would not be interested. As a critic, your work is to Actors – The casting of the movie must be realistic. Did the
describe the events that took place and state whether the actors do justice to their roles and vice versa? Do you
film director succeeded or failed. Your opinion about liking believe some other actor would have been a better choice
or disliking the film won’t matter unless you support it by for the role?
specific facts and examples from the film itself.
Relevance to your course – It is an important element of
Film Director – Perform a background search on the review writing to tell the readers how the content of the
person who helmed the project. Are there any film fits into your course. Is the movie distorting the
controversies involved or is he/she a known political historical facts? If you are reviewing the film picture for
figure? Does the film director have an influential your history class, keep track of over-dramatization. If the
background? Write a paragraph about the person who film is based on a book you’ve studied in your English
directed the movie and his/her previous works to establish class, mention the similarities, dissimilarities, or other
the importance of the movie you are reviewing in his/her elements that were present in the movie but were not
career. there in the book.

Creative aspects – The movie makers work hard to TRAVELOGUE

incorporate creative aspects into their films. These
elements are important to the plot line and movie on the Travelogue is a story about movement around the world
whole. For instance, background music can either take the and the world's movement around us. It is the detailed
movie further or deceive its purpose. Color choice in the description of the writer's perceptions, Impressions and
comments about attractions of places, unusual and When you critique, you evaluate as a reader. As a reader,
extraordinary landscape, and people's customs and you are not a judge to point out failings, and condemn the
traditions, as they travel from place to place. It's the writer. Instead, recommend how to make the writing
journal which provides the insight of writer's feelings and better. Opposite of this is a critic who can point out the
experiences. weakness, but not the strength.


'On Being a Critiquer' (an excerpt) by K. Michael Bolk

At that point I realized the difference between a critique

and a critic. One provides input where the other judges. It
is necessary to point out flaws to improve the story without
trying to completely re-write it.

I found out that critiquing is an art performed in a positive

manner. When I critique, I always compliment the work by
mentioning a part that grabbed my interest. I try to make
recommendations, and back them up with reasons for the
possible change. I always try to evaluate and recommend,
rather than judge.

CRITIQUE means the ability to discern the worth of


It is a feedback and personal assessment of what you

read. It is a way of helping fellow writers improve, which is
better than being a critic.

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