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First Paper 1 Paper 1: Reading
Language Ques 1 : Comprehension task (Based on Text A) Subject Component:
English (Oral Summary task (Based on Text B) 0500/12
Endorsement) 30 marks 2 Hours
80 Mark
Ques 2 : Based on Text C :
Short Answer questions
Language task
25 marks

Ques 3: Extended response to Reading (25 marks)

Text types:

Paper 2: Paper 2 : Directed

Section A (40 Marks) and Composition
Directed Writing Texts: (Based on one or two texts) Subject Component:
Speech 0500/22
Letter 2 Hours
Article 80 Marks

Section B (40 Marks)

Descriptive Writing
Narrative Writing
(Attempt one out of 4 choices)

Poetry and Prose

English Paper 1 (1 hour 30
Literature Poetry: mins)
From Songs of Ourselves Volume 2, Part 3, the following Total marks- 50
Candidates answer two
Imtiaz Dharker, ‘These are the Times We Live in’ questions: one from
Elizabeth Jennings, ‘The Enemies’ Section A (Poetry) and
Sampurna Chattarji, ‘Boxes’ one from Section B
Arthur Yap, ‘an afternoon nap’ (Prose). All questions
Elizabeth Daryush, ‘Children of Wealth’ carry equal marks (25
Thomas Love Peacock, ‘Rich and Poor or, Saint and Sinner’ marks each). There is a
Elizabeth Smither, ‘Plaits’ choice of two questions
on each text.
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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
From Stories of Ourselves Volume 2, the following stories: Paper 2
no. 3 Christina Rossetti, ‘Nick’ (1 hour 30 mins)
no. 26 Ralph Ellison, ‘The Black Ball’ Total marks- 50
no. 30 Mulk Raj Anand, ‘The Gold Watch’
no. 35 Margaret Atwood, ‘When It Happens’ Candidates answer two
no. 37 J G Ballard, ‘The Man Who Walked on the Moon’ questions. All questions
carry equal marks (25
marks each).
Candidates must answer
Drama one passage-based
question and one essay
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare – Act I question out of the
choices given.

Hindi पठन कौशल Paper 1 (Reading and

• लेख को पढ़कर दिए गए प्रश्ोों के उत्तर writing)
Subject code – 0549
• अपदित गद्यों श पर आधयररत बहुदिकल्पीय प्रश् Component – 0549/01
• दिप्पणी लेखन Duration – 2 hours
लेखन कौशल
• सयरयों श लेखन Paper 2 (Listening)
Subject code – 0549
• दिल्म समीक्षय
Component – 0549/02
• औपचयररक एिों अनौपचयररक पत्र Duration – 35 to 45
• लेख minutes
• दचत्र लेखन
• सयक्षयत्कयर लेखन
• ब्लॉग (दचट्ठय) लेखन

श्रवण कौशल
• सुने गए ऑदियो के आधयर पर प्रश्ो के उत्तर

Mathematics 1. NUMBER 1 Paper 2 (non

(Extended) calculator): 2 hrs
Arithmetic Marks: 100
Negative numbers
Number facts Paper 4 (calculator): 2
Sequences hrs
Approximation and estimation Marks: 100
Indices 1
Standard form

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Brackets and simplifying
Solving linear equations
Problems solved by linear equations
Simultaneous equations
Problems solved by simultaneous equations


Ratio and proportion

Map scales
Financial mathematics( Simple interest and Compound


Quadratic equations
Solving problems using quadratic equations
Non linear simultaneous equations

Algebraic fractions
Changing the subject of a formula
Indices 2

6. Probability
Simple probability
Relative frequency
Mutually exclusive and independent events
Tree diagram
Probability from Venn diagram
Conditional probability

7. Graphs
Drawing linear graphs
Coordinate geometry
Equations of straight lines
Plotting curves
Interpreting graphs
Graphical solutions of equations

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International Ch 01 Exponents Paper 2
Ch 02 Algebra Expansions Max Marks: 50 marks
Duration: 1 hour
Ch 03 Algebra Factorisation
Paper 4
Ch 05 Linear Equations
Max Marks: 50 marks
Ch 06 Sets and Venn Diagrams Duration: 1 hour

Ch 08 Surds and Other Radicals

Paper 6
Ch 09 Pythagoras Theorem
Max Marks: 30 marks
Ch 10 Formulae Duration: 45 minutes

Ch 13 Applications of percentages

Ch 14 Coordinate geometry

Ch 15 Speed distance time

Ch 16 Straight lines

Ch 17 Simultaneous equations

Ch 20 Algebraic fractions

Ch 22 Trigonometry

Ch 23 Quadratic equations

Ch 25 Functions

Ch 26 Polynomial functions

Ch 28 Exponentials

Ch 29 Logarithm

Ch 31 Circle Geometry

French 1.1- My home Syllabus Code –0520

1.2- My school
1.3- My eating habits Component Code:
1.4- My body and my health Reading – 21- Paper 2
2.1- Self, family , pets , personal relationships Writing – 41 –Paper 4
2.2- Life at home Listening – 11- Paper 1

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2.3- Leisure , entertainments , invitations Speaking – 03 – Paper 3
2.4- Eating Out
2.5- Special occasions Component Name:
2.6-Going on holidays Reading - 21
2,7-Family and friends abroad Writing - 41
3.1- Hometown and geographical surroundings Listening - 11
Speaking - 03
3.2- Shopping
3.3- Public services
3.4- Natural environment Reading - 45
Writing questions will be based on the above topics. Writing - 45
All vocabulary and grammatical topics taught in class will be Listening - 40
included. Speaking - 40

Reading – 1 hour
Writing – 1 hour
Listening – 45 minutes
Speaking – 15 minutes
Spanish 1.1- My home Syllabus Code –0530
1.2- My school
1.3- My eating habits Component Code:
1.4- My body and my health Reading – 22
2.1- Self, family , pets , personal relationships Writing – 42
2.2- Life at home Listening – 12
Speaking – 03
2.3- Leisure , entertainments , invitations
2.4- Eating Out
2.5- Special occasions Reading - 45
2.6-Going on holidays Writing - 45
2,7-Family and friends abroad Listening - 40
3.1- Hometown and geographical surroundings Speaking - 40
3.2- Shopping
3.3- Public services Duration:
3.4- Natural environment Reading – 1 hour
Writing questions will be based on the above topics. Writing – 1 hour
All vocabulary and grammatical topics taught in class will be Listening – 50 minutes
included. Speaking – 10 minutes
Environment Chapter 1 Rocks and minerals and their exploitation Subject Code: 0680
Management Chapter 2 Energy and the environment Component Code: 12
Chapter 4 Water and its management Marks: 80
Chapter 5 Oceans and fisheries Duration: 1hr 45 mins
Chapter 6 Managing natural hazards
Chapter 7 The atmosphere and human activities
Biology Chapter 1: Characteristics and classification of living Subject Code: 0610
Component Code:
Chapter 2: Cells 22/42/62

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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
Chapter 3: Movement into and out of cells Component Name:
Chapter 4: Biological molecules
Chapter 5: Enzymes Paper 2: MCQ 40
Chapter 6: Plant nutrition
Paper 4 Theory: 80
Chapter 7: Human nutrition marks
Paper 6 ATP: 40
Chapter 9: Transport in animals marks

Chapter 10: Diseases and immunity Duration:

Paper 2: 45 mins
Chapter 11: Respiration and gas exchange Paper 4: 1 hr 15 min
Paper 6: 1 hr.

Chemistry Unit 1: States of Matter Subject Code: 0620

1.1 Solids, liquids and gases
1.2 Diffusion. Component Code:
Unit 2: Atoms, Elements and Compounds
2.1 Elements, compounds and mixtures Component Name:
2.2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table MCQ/Theory/ATP
2.3 Isotopes
2.4 Ions and Ionic bonds Marks:
2.5 Simple molecules and covalent bonds Paper 2: MCQ 40
2.6 Giant covalent structures marks
2.7 Metallic bonding
Paper 4: 80 marks
Unit 3: Stoichiometry Paper 6: 40 marks
3.1 Formulae.
Unit 4 - Electrochemistry Paper 2: 45 mins
4.1 Electrolysis Paper 4: 1 hr 15 min
4.2 Hydrogen Oxygen fuel Cell. Paper 6: 1 hr.

Unit 5 - Chemical Energetics

5.1 Exothermic and endothermic reactions.

Unit 6- Chemical Reactions

6.1 Physical and Chemical Changes
6.2 Rate of Reaction.
6.4 Redox

Unit 8: The Periodic Table

8.1 Arrangement of elements
8.2 Group I properties
8.3 Group VII properties
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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
8.4 Transition elements
8.5 Noble gases.

Unit 9 - Metals
9.1 Properties of metals
9.2 Uses of metals
9.3 Alloys & their properties
9.4 Reactivity series
9.5 Corrosion of metals
9.6 Extraction of metals.

Unit 10: Chemistry of the Environment (Full chapter)

Unit 12: Experimental Techniques and Chemical Analysis

12.1 Experimental Design
12.3 Chromatography
12.4 Separation & Purification. (NO TITRATION)
12.5 Identification of cation and anions.

Physics Unit 1: Units and Measurement Subject Code: 0625

1.1 Numbers and units Component Code:
1.2 A system of units 22/42/62
1.4 Volume and density
1.5 Measuring volume and density Component Name:
1.6 More about mass and density MCQ/Theory/ATP

Unit 2: Forces and motion Marks:

2.1 Speed, velocity and acceleration Paper 2: 40 marks
2.2 Motion graphs Paper 4: 80 marks
2.4 Free fall Paper 6: 40 marks
2.5 More motion graphs
2.6 Forces in balance Duration:
Paper 2: 45 mins
2.7 Force, mass and acceleration
Paper 4: 1hr 15 min
2.8 Friction
Paper 6: 1 hr
2.9 Force, weight and gravity
2.11 Momentum (1)
2.12 Momentum (2)
2.13 More about vectors
2.14 Moving in circles

Unit 3: Forces and pressure

3.1 Forces and turning effects
3.2 Centre of gravity
3.3 More about moments
3.4 Stretching and compressing
3.5 Pressure
3.6 Pressures in liquids
3.8 Gas pressure and volume

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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
Unit 4: Force and energy
4.1 Work and energy
4.2 Energy transfers
4.3 Calculation PE and KE
4.4 Efficiency and power
4.5 Energy for electricity (1)
4.6 Energy for electricity (2)
4.7 Energy resources

Unit 5 : Thermal Effects

5.1 Moving Particles
5.2 Temperature
5.3 Expanding solids and liquids
5.4 Heating gases
5.5 Thermal Conduction
5.6 Convection
5.7 Thermal Radiation
5.8 Liquids and vapours
5.9 Specific Heat Capacity
5.10 Latent Heat

Unit 6: Waves and Sound

6.1 Transverse and longitudnal waves
6.2 Wave effects
6.3 Sound Waves
6.4 Speed of Sound and echoes
6.5 Characteristics of sound waves
6.6 Ultrasounds

Unit 7: Rays and waves

7.1 Light rays and waves
7.2 Reflection in plane mirror (1)
7.3 Reflection in plane mirror (2)
7.4 Refraction of light
7.5 TIR – Total internal reflection
7.6 Refraction calculation
7.7 Lenses (1)
7.8 Lenses (2)
7.9 More lenses in action
7.10 Electromagnetic waves (1)
7.11 Electromagnetic waves (2)
7.12 Sending Signals

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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
History Core content: Option B The twentieth century: Subject Code: 0470
international relations from 1919 Component Code: 12
1 Was the Treaty of Versailles fair? Paper: One
2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success? Max Marks: 60
Duration: 2 Hours
Depth study B: Germany, 1918–45
1 Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
Focus points
• How did Germany emerge from defeat at the end of the First
World War?
• What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the
• To what extent did the Republic recover after 1923?
• What were the achievements of the Weimar period?
2 Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
Focus points
• What did the Nazi Party stand for in the 1920s?
• Why did the Nazis have little success before 1930?
• Why was Hitler able to become Chancellor by 1933?
• How did Hitler consolidate his power in 1933–34?
3 The Nazi regime
(a) How effectively did the Nazis control Germany, 1933–
45? Focus points
• How much opposition was there to the Nazi regime?
• How effectively did the Nazis deal with their political
• How did the Nazis use culture and the mass media to control
the people?
• Why did the Nazis persecute many groups in German
• Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state?
(b) What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
Focus points
• How did young people react to the Nazi regime?
• How successful were Nazi policies towards women and the
• Did most people in Germany benefit from Nazi rule?
Business Section 1: Understanding business activity (Chapter 1-5) Paper 1 Short Answer/
Studies Ch 1: Business activity Structured Response
Ch 2: Classification of businesses Subject code – 0450
Ch 3: Enterprise, business growth and size Component – 0450/12
Ch 4: Types of business organisation Duration – 1 hour 30
Ch 5: Business objectives and stakeholder objectives minutes
Marks – 80
Section 3: Marketing (Chapter 10-14)
Ch 10: Marketing, competition, and the customer Paper 2 Case Study
Ch 11: Market research Subject code – 0450
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Ch 12: Marketing mix: product and price Component – 0450/22
Ch 13: Marketing mix: place and promotion Duration – 1 hour 30
Ch 14: Marketing strategy minutes
Marks - 80
Section 5: Financial information and decisions (Chapter 19-
Ch 19: Business finance: needs and sources
Ch20: Cash flow forecasting and working capital
Ch 21: Income statements
Ch 22: Balance sheets

Textbook: Mark Fisher, Medi Houghton, Veenu Jain -

Cambridge IGCSE® Business Studies Coursebook

Economics Section 1: Introduction to Economics (Chapters 1- 4) Paper 1 - MCQ

Section 2: Allocation of Resources (Chapters 5-15) Subject code – 0455
Section 3: Microeconomic Decision Makers (Chapters 16-23)Component – 0455/12
Duration – 45 mins
Textbook: Economics Coursebook by Susan Grant, Cambridge Marks: 30
University Press
Paper 2-Structured
Subject code – 0455
Component – 0455/22
Duration – 2 hours 15
Marks: 90

Design & Graphic Products – Complete Syllabus D&T – Graphic

Technology - Orthography Products
- Isometric
- Angles of Projection Subject Code: 0445
Component Code:
- Cross Sections
- Dimensional Drawings
- Precision and Accuracy Time: 1 Hour
- Polygon Constructions Marks: 50
- Infographics
- Typeface
- Visual representations

Product Design Component Code: 12

- Freehand Drawing
Time: 1 Hour 15
- Representation Techniques Minutes
- Production Processes Marks: 50
- Tooling and Material understanding
- Visual representation and communications

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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
- Annotations and Labels
- Ergonomes

Global Component 1- Written paper Subject Code: 0457

Perspectives Component Code: 12
The source material will be drawn from any global issue. Time: 1 hour 25
Expected skills:
Identification and explanation of key terms
Analysis of causes and consequences
Description and analysis of perspectives
Analysis of sources and research methodology
Comparison of arguments
Evaluation of courses of action

Computer Paper 1: Computer Systems Subject Code: 0478

Science Component Code: 12
Chapter 1: Data Representation Time: 1 hour 45
1.1 Number Systems minutes
1.2 Text Sound Max Marks: 75
1.3 Data Storage & Compression
Component Code: 12
Chapter 3: Hardware Time: 1 hour 45
3.2 Iput & Output Devices minutes
3.3 Data Storage Max Marks:75

Chapter 6: Automated & Emerging Technologies

6.1 Automated systems
6.2 Robotics

Paper 2: Algorithms, Programming and Logic

Chapter 7: Algorithm & Problem Solving

- Flowcharts
- Pseudocodes
- Programming Concept

Chapter 10: Boolean Logic

Art and Design Component 1: Coursework Subject Code: 0400
Sheet 1: Introduction of the topic Component Code: 01
Sheet 2: Subtopic Max Marks: 100
Duration: 4 hours
On the day of cluster test, sheet 1 and sheet 2 have to be
submitted, and based on these 2 sheets, a final outcome has to
be produced on an A3 size.
DRAMA 1. Coursework- Practical Performance: (Total: 75 marks) Subject Code: 0411
Component Code: 12
Group scripted performance- (20 marks) Max Marks: 50
Duration: 1h 45

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Integrity Sensitivity Pride in One’s Heritage Pursuit of Excellence
Candidates will perform on an extract from Davey Anderson’s minutes
play called Blackout. This component includes performance
showcase and audience feedback. Candidates are encouraged
to use a range of dramatic techniques and conventions taught
during the course so far. This will be filmed for the records.

Individual Performance: (20 marks) The candidate will

perform a monologue from a published play. This will be
filmed for the records.

Group Devised Performance: (35 marks)

In not more than groups of six, candidates will put up a
devised piece that emerged from interpretation of a stimulus
from which candidates develop a scenario and its characters
within a dramatic structure. Candidates are encouraged to use
a range of dramatic techniques and conventions taught during
the course so far. They must record the audience’s feedback
for it will help in preparing for the written paper. This will be
filmed for the records.

2. Written Examination: (Total: 50 marks)

Section A: (20 marks)

5 Short Answer Questions based on practical exploration and
analysis of an extract from the play ‘Madam Zoyka’ by
Mikhail Bulgakov.

Section B: (20 marks)

2 Long Answer Questions based on
practical exploration and analysis of an extract from the play
‘Blackout’ by Davey Anderson. There will be a choice in this

Section C: (10 marks)

A Long answer question based on the group devised
performance from either Semester 1 or 2. This section will
assess the candidate’s ability to reflect on, analyze and
evaluate the devising, rehearsing and performance of their
original piece of drama.

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