Oral Presentations Target Vocabulary - Definitions
Oral Presentations Target Vocabulary - Definitions
Oral Presentations Target Vocabulary - Definitions
1. Qualifications: something such as a degree or a diploma that you get when you successfully finish a course of study.
2. Degree: a course of study at a university, or the qualification that you get after completing the course.
3. Career: a job or series of related jobs that you do, especially a profession that you spend a lot of your working life in.
4. Overtime: extra hours that someone works at their job.
5. Public / private sector
6. Shift work: a pattern of work in which you sometimes work during the day and sometimes during the night.
7. Candidate: one of the people competing for a job
8. Working conditions
9. Time off: time when you are not at work or at school.
10. Experience
1. Go sightseeing: the activity of travelling around a place to see the interesting things in it.
2. accommodation
3. Fully booked: There are no more places available.
4. To book: to buy tickets, or to arrange to have or use something at a particular time in the future.
5. Single room: just one small bed.
6. Twin room: two beds.
7. Double room: one big bed for a couple.
8. B &B: Bed and Breakfast. A small hotel or private house that provides this service.
9. Full board: the service that you get at a hotel when you eat all your meals there.
10. Half board: the service that you get at a hotel when it includes only two meals.
11. Excess baggage: bags that weigh more than the official limit that each person is allowed to take on a plane. You have to pay
money to take them with you.
12. Luggage: bags and suitcases that you take on a journey.
13. Check in: to arrive at a hotel or a private hospital where you have arranged to stay and give your personal details to the
person working at the reception desk or o arrive at an airport and show your ticket to an official.
1. Go out
2. Get married
3. Best friend
4. Split up: to end a marriage or a romantic relationship.
5. Acquaintance: someone you know a little, who is not a close friend.
6. Fall out: to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them.
7. Sympathetic: willing to understand how someone feels.
8. Have in common
9. Keep in touch
10. Relatives: Members of your family.
1. Degree: a course of study at a university, or the qualification that you get after completing the course.
2. Study at: (primary / secondary school / university)
3. Professor: teacher at university level.
4. Lecture: class at university.
5. Take notes: to write down the relevant information in a class.
6. Pass: your exam was a 5 or more.
7. Fail: your exam was less than a five.
8. Grant: money you get from the government to help you pay for your studies.
9. Fees: money you have to pay to enroll in a course.
10. Homesick: when you miss home.
1. Shopping online
2. Convenient: easy to do, easy to use, or not causing problems or difficulties.
3. Try on: to put on a piece of clothing in order to see how it looks and whether it fits
4. Changing rooms: space where you can try your clothes on.
5. It fits you: it’s the correct size.
6. It suits you: it looks good on you.
7. Refund: they give you your money back.
8. Bill: a written statement showing how much money you owe someone for goods or services you have received
9. Change: the money that someone gives back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something.
10. Cash: money in the form of notes and coins.
1. Referee: someone whose job is to make sure that players in a game obey the rules.
2. Coach: someone who trains a sports player or team.
3. Supporters: someone who likes to watch a particular sports team and wants that team to win.
4. Break a record: to do something that is better, faster etc than anything that has been done before.
5. Hold a record: To have the best achievement so far in a particular activity, especially sport.
6. Court: an area marked with lines where some sports are played. tennis/squash/basketball/badminton court.
7. The pitch: a flat area of ground for playing particular sports on. The American word is field. Football / rugby / cricket pitch.
8. Train: to practise a sport regularly before a match or competition
9. Defeat: to win.
10. Sporty person: a sporty person likes playing sport and plays regularly.
11. The Olympics
1. Global warming: the slow increase in the temperature of the Earth caused partly by the greenhouse effect increasing the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
2. Greenhouse effect: the process in which heat is unable to escape from the atmosphere and causes the temperature of
the Earth to rise. The rise in temperature is called global warming.
3. Recycle
4. Drought: a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die.
5. Pollution: the process of damaging the air, water, or land with chemicals or other substances
6. Environmentalists: someone who wants to protect the environment.
7. To melt: to change a solid substance into a liquid
8. Famine: a serious lack of food that continues for a long time and causes many people in a country to become ill or die.
9. Solar panels
10. Renewable energies
1. Social networks
3. Face to face communication
4. The computer crashes: if a computer or computer program crashes, it suddenly stops working
5. Go viral: very popular and spreading very quickly, especially on the Internet
6. The internet
7. Laptop: a small computer that you can carry with you
8. Hackers: someone who uses a computer to connect to other people’s computers secretly and often illegally, so that they can
find or change information.
9. 3D: a 3-D film, picture etc looks as if it has length, depth, and width
10. Virtual reality: images and sounds that are produced by a computer and connected equipment to make the user feel as if they
are in real three-dimensional space.
1. Lead singer: the person who sings the main vocal parts in a band.
2. Songwriter
3. Band
4. Conductor: someone who directs the musicians of an orchestra or other musical group.
5. The charts: a list showing the CDs that people have bought the most copies of in the previous week.
6. Release: to make a film, game, album etc available for people to see or buy.
7. Lyrics: The words of a song.
8. Play live: if something is performed live, it is performed before an audience
9. A hit: a song that sells a very large number of copies.
10. Score: a written copy of a piece of music