BEADS31 Rouencombo
BEADS31 Rouencombo
BEADS31 Rouencombo
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2019 Vol. 31
BEADS (ISSN 0843-5499, print edition; ISSN 2469-5580, online edition) is published annually by the Society of Bead
Researchers, a professional non-profit corporation which aims to foster serious research on beads of all materials and periods,
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Cover: Some of the production tubes, wasters, and finished beads found in and around Rouen, France. As an indication of scale, the round
bead adorned with dots in the upper center is 16.8 mm in diameter (© Musée-Métropole-Rouen-Normandie; Cliché Yohann Deslandes).
Inside back cover: Detail of the Lokono apron in Figure 9 (p. 27) of Oehrl’s article.
Material evidence of a drawn glass beadmaking industry during THE ROUEN BEAD ASSEMBLAGE
the early part of the 17th century has been recovered from
several loci in and around Rouen, France. Housed in the Musée The Thaurin material was initially evaluated and
des Antiquités in Rouen, the material is comprised of production cataloged by Karklins based on color images provided by
tubes and wasters (most of which exhibit evidence of a speo heat the Musée des Antiquités. Subsequently Bonneau visited
rounding), as well as finished beads. It is significant as many of the museum and was able to examine the actual specimens
the recorded varieties have correlatives at archaeological sites in and obtain detailed descriptions. The glass varieties are
eastern North America occupied during the late 16th and early identified using the classification system devised by
17th centuries. These include such distinctive types as seven- Kenneth and Martha Kidd (1970) and expanded by Karklins
layer chevrons, a Nueva Cadiz variety, and frit-core beads. It is, (2012). Varieties not recorded by the Kidds are marked by
therefore, quite possible that some of the American specimens may an asterisk (*). Colors are designated using the names and
have originated in northern France and not just Venice or Holland codes presented in the Munsell Bead Color Book (Munsell
as is commonly believed. Color 2012). Diaphaneity is described using the terms
transparent (tsp.), translucent (tsl.), and opaque (op.). The
frit-core beads are classified using the typology presented
INTRODUCTION by Karklins and Bonneau (2018). All measurements are in
millimeters (D: diameter, L: length).
While there is quite a bit of historical documentation
regarding the production of glass beads in and around Rouen, The material in the bead assemblage falls into two
France, during the early post medieval period (e.g., Loewen major categories: 1) production tubes and 2) finished beads
2019), material evidence for it is rather limited (Cabart and production rejects.
1995; Dussubieux 2009). It was therefore of great interest
to learn of a collection of drawn bead production tubes and
beadmaking wasters held by the Musée des Antiquités in Production Tubes
Rouen (inv. no. 1718.1.2 [D]). Attributed to the beginning
of the 17th century, some of the material (ca. 48 items) was
recovered in 1869 by Mr. Jacques-Michel Thaurin during A variety of bead production tubes are represented.
street construction at the intersection of rue Jeanne-d’Arc Since they could be used to produce both tubular (Kidd
and rue du Gros-Horloge in the old part of Rouen (Musée classes I and III) and rounded (Kidd classes II and IV)
départemental des Antiquités 2014). Another specific find varieties, Kidd and Kidd codes for both are provided below.
site noted by Thaurin is “Hotel de ville ouest, rue étoupée,” Ia1 / IIa1-3; op. barn red (10.0R 3/8); D: 4.2-4.6, L: 25.7-
an area about 0.35 km north of the previous site, which 41.7; Thaurin n=3 (Figure 1).
apparently yielded a single black tube. The collection also
contains material (ca. 436 pieces) from other, unspecified Ia2 / IIa6-8; op. black (N 1/); D: 9.9-16.1, L: 14.5-50.3;
sites in the city and surrounding area, some of which was regional n=120+, rue rue Étoupée n=1 (Figure 2).
collected by the Abbé Cochet (1871) in the latter part of the Ia3 / IIa9-10; tsp. light gray; D: 4.9, L: 41.6; regional n=1.
19th century. In the descriptions that follow, material from
the construction site is designated as “Thaurin” while that Ia* / IIa*; op. oyster white (N 8/); D: 3.8, L: 42.6; Thaurin
from other sites is denoted as “regional.” n=1 (Figure 3, middle).
Ia* / IIa*; tsp. bright aqua blue (2.5B 6/7); D: 2.2, L: 12.5-
15.9; regional n=2 (Figure 5, row 1, nos. 5-6).
Ia* / IIa*; tsl. copen blue (5.0PB 5/7); D: 2.8-5.7; L: 12.4-
15.1; regional n=3 (Figure 5, top row, nos. 1, 4, 7).
Ia18 / IIa52-54; tsl. ultramarine (6.25PB 3/12); D: 4.0-10.7,
L: 70.0-86.7; Thaurin n=1, regional n=1 (Figure 6, top).
Ia19 / IIa55-57; tsl. bright navy (7.5PB 2/7); D: 10.6-10.8,
L: 63.2-140.0; Thaurin n=4 (Figure 6, bottom four).
Ib7 / IIb*; op. oyster white (N 8/) with 3 barn red (10.0R
3/8) and 3 copen blue (5.0PB 5/7) stripes alternating around
the bead; D: 7.3, L: 36.5; Thaurin n=1 (Figure 3, top).
Figure 2. Black production tubes. Ib*(?) / IIb*(?); op. white (N 9/); linear marks on the
surface suggest that this bead may originally have been
decorated with stripes; D: 10.9, L: 35.0; regional n=1.
Ib* / IIb56(?); tsp. cerulean blue (7.5B 4/8) with 3 op. white
stripes; D: 11.9, L: 18.0; Thaurin n=1 (Figure 7, center).
Ib* / IIb*; tsl. ultramarine (6.25PB 3/12) with 6 white
stripes; D: 10.4, L: 75.6; Thaurin n=1 (Figure 3, bottom).
Ibb* / IIbb*; op. black (N 1/) with 4 barn red-on-white
stripes; D: 8.3-8.5, L: 100.5-100.9; Thaurin n=2 (Figure 8).
Ibb* / IIbb*; tsl. mist blue (10.0B 6/3) with 3 barn red-
on-white stripes; D: 9.4, L: 26.7; Thaurin n=1 (Figure 3,
IIIk* / IIIm1; chevron with seven layers: tsl. dark blue
(7.5PB 2/5) exterior/ op. white/ op. barn red (10.0R 3/8)/
op. white/ tsl. dark blue/ op. white/ tsl. light blue core; D:
Figure 3. Various production tubes. 10.4-15.2, L: 11.6-12.3; Thaurin n=2 (Figure 9).
Karklins and Bonneau: Evidence of Early 17th-Century Glass Beadmaking in Rouen, France 5
Finished Beads and Production Rejects Thaurin n=11 (Figure 5, row 1, no. 8, row 2, nos. 1-4; Figure
There are a number of finished beads, as well as several IIa43; round to barrel shaped; tsl./op. bright blue (5.0B
that were broken during manufacture and quite a few 5/7); D: 5.8-7.8, L: 5.2-8.2; Thaurin n=7 (Figure 5, row 2,
malformed specimens including examples of beads joined no. 6; Figure 11).
side to side and end to end indicating heat rounding using
the a speo method (Karklins 1993). Non-glass beads are IIa*; oval/barrel shaped; op. light gray blue (7.5B 6/2); D;
represented by two malformed frit-core specimens. 6.5-9.1, L: 9.2-11.4; regional n=2 (Figure 10, lower left &
upper center).
IIa17; round (includes oblate and barrel shaped); op.
mustard gold (2.5Y 6/8); D: 6.3-11.7, L: 5.9-11.8; regional IIa*; round; op. copen blue (5.0PB 5/7); D: 5.6; L: 6.9;
n=52 (Figure 10). regional n=1.
IIa*; oval; op. mustard gold (2.5Y 6/8); D: 7.1-8.8, L: 11.3- IIa52; round; tsp. ultramarine (6.25PB 3/12); D: 6.9, L: 7.7-
31.4; regional n=47 (Figure 10). 8.3; regional n=2 (Figure 10, bottom center).
IIa*; round; op. jade green (7.5G 5/6); D: 4.0-6.7, L: 3.7- IIa55; round; tsl. bright navy (7.5PB 2/7); D: 6.4, L: ca. 6.6;
10.3; Thaurin n=3 (Figure 11, center and upper right). Thaurin n=7 fused (Figure 11, bottom).
IIa40; round to barrel shaped; op. robin’s egg blue (5.0B IIa*; oval; op. bright navy (7.5PB 2/7); D: 6.3-6.6, L: 6.9-
6/6); numerous bubbles in glass; D: 3.9-8.7, L: 4.1-8.2; 10.2; regional n=2 (Figure 10, top).
6 BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers 31 (2019)
Figure 8. Striped production tubes. Figure 10. Various beads strung into a necklet.
IIIc’*; tubular; twisted square cross section; tsp. cerulean longitudinal stripes in white; D: 10.6, L: 17.4; Thaurin n=1
blue (7.5B 4/8) exterior/ op. white middle layer/ tsp. cerulean (Figure 12).
blue core; one end exhibits diagonal grinding to show the
Type 6 frit-core bead having a round op. ultramarine (6.25PB
interior layers, the other is broken; Nueva Cadiz style; D:
3/12) body encircled by a wavy white line. In each undulation
7.8-13.3, L: 25.2-29.2; Thaurin n=2 (Figure 7, left).
of the line is a floral design composed of 6 op. light sky blue
Type 2 frit-core bead with an oval op. bright navy (7.5PB (7.5B 7/6) dots around an op. light orange (10.0YR 7/10)
2/7) body decorated with four rows of three dots and four dot; D: 16.8, L: 13.8; Thaurin n=1 (Figure 13).
Karklins and Bonneau: Evidence of Early 17th-Century Glass Beadmaking in Rouen, France 7
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2010 Sixteenth-Century Glass Bead Chronology in Southeastern
for providing images of the Thaurin bead collection and
North America. Southeastern Archaeology 29(1):222-232.
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1871 Répertoire archéologique du département de la Seine- Jeanne-d’Arc et du Gros-Horloge, collecté par Thaurin.
Inférieure. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris. Musée départemental des Antiquités, Rouen. N° inv. :
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Dussubieux, Laure 2014.
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2001 French Beads in France and Northeastern North America
Jr., pp. 73-80. American Museum of Natural History
during the Sixteenth Century. Historical Archaeology
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Karklins, Karlis
1993 The a Speo Method of Heat Rounding Drawn Glass Beads
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2012 Guide to the Description and Classification of Glass Beads Ottawa, ON
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2016 Frit-Core Beads in North America. Beads: Journal of the
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2019 Even More on Frit-Core Beads. Beads: Journal of the Postdoctoral Fellow
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