OM Mid Term Maissy Saragih LIfe Work Balance.

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The role of Work Life Balance on employee

performance and work motivation in a commitment

Liswandi,MM., Ph.D

Compiled By:
Maissy Athalia Resya Saragih (014202300174)
Faculty Business of Management
at President University
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the role of work-life balance on
employee performance and their drive to commit to an organization or company. The
development of the business world today requires human resources who can perform well
and effectively to achieve commitment in a company or organization. The gap between work
life and personal life is very significant. Many workers in the company are accompany
personal life problems that can cause work stress. Therefore, it is very important for workers
to maintain stability in the balance between work life and personal life. Work-life balance
can have a positive impact on employee performance. To achieve a goal in the organization
through employee performance, paying attention to life balance has become important for
human resource strategies. Company or organization management must provide support to
employees in order to create more effective and efficient employee performance.


TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the Problem.....................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Formulation...............................................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose of the Paper................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................................................5
THEORY AND DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................5
2.1 Work-life balance definition..........................................................................................................5
2.2 Factors that affect Work-life Balance............................................................................................5
2.3 Various strategies to improve employee performance in organizational goals..............................5
2.4 Commitment at Work.....................................................................................................................5
2.5 Components that can improve productivity performance..............................................................6
2.6 Factors to enter the company run successfully..............................................................................6
2.7 Case Example................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................................8
My result Turnitin..................................................................................................................................10


1.1 Background of the Problem

In the current era, the growth of globalization is growing. Humans are the main
resource that is very important for the organization. Human resource requirements
are important to pay attention to in organizations because they affect work
performance so as to increase motivation for employee loyalty. By improving the
quality of the company to be more advanced and able to compete, companies are
required to manage the progress of human resources effectively and efficiently so
that they are required to carry out their duties properly in order to achieve the goals
desired by a company.

To achieve commitment in the organization, a leader who can guide employees

properly and who is full of responsibility is required. Because strong leadership has a
significant impact on motivating and committing employees to their duties.
Employee motivation can motivate employees to think creatively and maximize
employee performance. Employees that have a good work-life balance are more
productive and driven to attain their goals.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The problem formulation used in this study can be summarized up as follows:
a. What is the role of work-life balance on employee performance in an organization?
b. Does work motivation affect employee performance?
c. What are the ways to improve employee performance in the organization?
d. Is commitment very important for employee performance?
e. Does organizational commitment affect work-life balance?

1.3 Purpose of the Paper

a. Knowing the role of work life balance on employee performance in an organization.
b. Knowing work motivation affects employee performance
c. Knowing how to improve employee performance in the organization
d. Knowing commitment is very important for employee performance
e. Knowing organizational commitment affects work life balance


2.1 Work-life balance definition

Work-life balance is how a person is able to manage time between work responsibilities
and personal life. Work-life balance can make someone more productive and creative.
Because it has energy, time and life outside of work that is very supportive. Conversely, if
someone does not have a work-life balance, it will reduce performance and damage other
aspects of life. Generally, this is usually caused by high work demands.

2.2 Factors that affect Work-life Balance

 One of the things that affects the work-life balance factor is personality, which
affects the work environment and outside the environment. According to Sobur
(2003) states that personality itself is a characteristic possessed by an individual to
describe the individual's behavior.
 Family is another element that influences work-life balance. The presence or
absence of actions that affect the work environment and personal life. Such as
conflicts in the family can affect work-life balance.
 Another factor that affects work-life balance is work. Affecting work patterns,
workload on an employee's performance and time spent can lead to conflict, either
personal or work conflicts that can affect work-life balance.

2.3 Various strategies to improve employee performance in organizational goals

There are various ways to improve employee performance in organizations,
including by creating good communication between management and employees. Good
communication can support employee performance in completing tasks. Good
communication can improve communication in employees, and this can make employees
more open so that they can communicate problems or things to be discussed. And also
fulfilling employee rights is one of improving employee performance in the organization,
because with rights, they will be more motivated to improve their performance. Among
them include wages, leave, health insurance and other things that have become employee

2.4 Commitment at Work

Commitment is a form of agreement in a person who is bound to employees actions.
Commitment is important for workers who work in a company or organization. Everyone
must have a commitment to work because if a company's employees do not have
commitment, the goals of the company or organization will be difficult to run or not
achieved. However, usually a company or organization pays less attention to commitment
to its employees, resulting in a decrease in employee performance. The commitment that
each employee has is very important because with a commitment, each employee can be
more responsible and optimal for their work compared to employees without

2.5 Components that can improve productivity performance
 Provide work that suits the ability and interests of human resources. If the work is
happy, it will produce the best results. Therefore, the task given by the company to
employees must be in accordance with their interests and abilities. Because many
people are not satisfied with their work and not commit. Therefore, this method is
effective enough to improve the performance of workers in the company.
 Creating two-way communication in the relationship between employees and
management bosses. Effective communication will improve employee
performance and create a more comfortable working atmosphere, which impacts
work performance.
 Creating a comfortable working environment. Because convenience is also an
important thing to profit the performance of employees become more productive.
By providing adequate work facilities, and always ensure security and safety in
the surroundings.
 Hold a work training program on employees. By maintaining performance
stability, the rest company is creating a schedule for work training programs as
needed. This is Each requires a little cost but important also for the company
 Apply a reward system and punishment. Thus, fair and transparent treatments are
very important for the company. If employees meet the company's targets and
generate significant profits, the company reserves the right to reward such a
bonus, position placement, wage hikes, and others.
 Hold an outcome of the familiarity. In accordance with the discussion that the
convenient work atmosphere will encourage more productive employees at work.
By heating the atmosphere of the familiarity of employees for employees, this can
be achieved by held a meeting, gathering employees and so on

2.6 Factors to enter the company run successfully

 Knowledge of the draft of the business to be made. Of course if we make a
business exactly we will know the foundation of knowledge of the efforts we will
be running. And before opening effort make sure we understand how to manage
finances well, because money is the end of an effort.
 Confident of what we will do or commit. Confidence is also an important thing for
us to open a business with a strong determination. Because with confidence we
will be easier to undergo the obstacles we face.
 Dare to take an action and risk. Everyone has a dream to be successful but not
everyone to take the courage of action and risk in obtaining something needs.
Same with the effort, because the fall or wake the effort is a reasonable thing and
become one of the factors of success.
 Cooperation in the team. Success in managing a business is not only single but
there is interference from other parties as well, because working together in the
team can facilitate us to undergo a job.

 Leadership. Each organization must be there is always a leader who is responsible
for everything. Because a leader must be able to lead himself and his business and
employees who work.
 The organization will run well according to the company's goal, if people working
in the company are able to undergo their respective jobs well.
 Motivation to employees is also an important thing to run performance activity,
employees need to be guided and are reminded of commitment from
the company's goal

2.7 Case Example

Work-life balance affects the balance of employee performance through motivation
and organizational commitment to job satisfaction. Based on the results of interviews
and observations about work motivation and job satisfaction among 84 employees at
Yayasan Insan Permata Tunggulwulung Malang, it is known that work-life balance
affects the balance of employee performance. In the current era of globalization, many
people are looking for work because they are more actively looking for money to meet
their needs and desires. Since the term "emancipation of women" appeared, many
women have wanted to provide for themselves. In addition, the increasing number of
women making careers is encouraging other women to pursue their own careers. But
not only that, many women who are married and working in the current era because of
economic problems. One way to reduce unbalanced double-work conflicts is to
maintain a balance between work and personal life. (Work-life balance).


Based on the above research findings, the following conclusions are made:

1. The conclusion of Work-Life Balance at Yayasan Insan Permata Tunggulwulung is

that overall, the responses are good. This shows that women who apply Work-Life
Balance can divide their time well for personal and work matters.

2. The results of all dimensions of Work-Life Balance show that employees receive the
highest score in terms of fatigue at work, which indicates that the company
emphasizes maximizing their performance to achieve company goals by providing
bonuses to employees to create a harmonious work environment.


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