OM Mid Term Maissy Saragih LIfe Work Balance.
OM Mid Term Maissy Saragih LIfe Work Balance.
OM Mid Term Maissy Saragih LIfe Work Balance.
Liswandi,MM., Ph.D
Compiled By:
Maissy Athalia Resya Saragih (014202300174)
Faculty Business of Management
at President University
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the role of work-life balance on
employee performance and their drive to commit to an organization or company. The
development of the business world today requires human resources who can perform well
and effectively to achieve commitment in a company or organization. The gap between work
life and personal life is very significant. Many workers in the company are accompany
personal life problems that can cause work stress. Therefore, it is very important for workers
to maintain stability in the balance between work life and personal life. Work-life balance
can have a positive impact on employee performance. To achieve a goal in the organization
through employee performance, paying attention to life balance has become important for
human resource strategies. Company or organization management must provide support to
employees in order to create more effective and efficient employee performance.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the Problem.....................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Formulation...............................................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose of the Paper................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................................................5
THEORY AND DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................5
2.1 Work-life balance definition..........................................................................................................5
2.2 Factors that affect Work-life Balance............................................................................................5
2.3 Various strategies to improve employee performance in organizational goals..............................5
2.4 Commitment at Work.....................................................................................................................5
2.5 Components that can improve productivity performance..............................................................6
2.6 Factors to enter the company run successfully..............................................................................6
2.7 Case Example................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................................8
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2.5 Components that can improve productivity performance
Provide work that suits the ability and interests of human resources. If the work is
happy, it will produce the best results. Therefore, the task given by the company to
employees must be in accordance with their interests and abilities. Because many
people are not satisfied with their work and not commit. Therefore, this method is
effective enough to improve the performance of workers in the company.
Creating two-way communication in the relationship between employees and
management bosses. Effective communication will improve employee
performance and create a more comfortable working atmosphere, which impacts
work performance.
Creating a comfortable working environment. Because convenience is also an
important thing to profit the performance of employees become more productive.
By providing adequate work facilities, and always ensure security and safety in
the surroundings.
Hold a work training program on employees. By maintaining performance
stability, the rest company is creating a schedule for work training programs as
needed. This is Each requires a little cost but important also for the company
Apply a reward system and punishment. Thus, fair and transparent treatments are
very important for the company. If employees meet the company's targets and
generate significant profits, the company reserves the right to reward such a
bonus, position placement, wage hikes, and others.
Hold an outcome of the familiarity. In accordance with the discussion that the
convenient work atmosphere will encourage more productive employees at work.
By heating the atmosphere of the familiarity of employees for employees, this can
be achieved by held a meeting, gathering employees and so on
Leadership. Each organization must be there is always a leader who is responsible
for everything. Because a leader must be able to lead himself and his business and
employees who work.
The organization will run well according to the company's goal, if people working
in the company are able to undergo their respective jobs well.
Motivation to employees is also an important thing to run performance activity,
employees need to be guided and are reminded of commitment from
the company's goal
Based on the above research findings, the following conclusions are made:
2. The results of all dimensions of Work-Life Balance show that employees receive the
highest score in terms of fatigue at work, which indicates that the company
emphasizes maximizing their performance to achieve company goals by providing
bonuses to employees to create a harmonious work environment.
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Triyana Muliawati and Agus Frianto. (2020). ”The role of work life balance toward milleneal
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