0580 Practice Test 2 2024 (Paper 4) Answer Key

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s6eLosreztoe Ei Cambridge Assessment LP International Education Cambridge IGCSE™ CANDIDATE NAME. CENTER CANDIDATE NUMBER NUMBER MATHEMATICS, 0580/04. Paper 4 (Extended) Practice Test 22024 2 hours 30 minutes You must answer on the question paper. You will need: Geometrical instruments INSTRUCTIONS ‘Answer all questions. Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. ‘Write your name, center number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. ‘Write your answer to each question in the space provide Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. Do not write on any bar codes. You should use a calculator where appropriate. ‘You may use tracing paper. ‘You must show all necessary work clearly. Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place for angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question. For x, use either your calculator value or 3.142. INFORMATION ‘The total mark for this paper is 130. ‘The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in parentheses [ ]. This document has 20 pages. @uctes 2024 [Turn over 2 1 Marlene, Carolina, and Pedro receive $800 from their grandmother in the ratio aesay = te Marlene : Carolina : Pedro = 7: 5:4. (a) Calculate how much money each receives. M4 Axeee = 435° Co Sxseo Marlene aaa Carolina S... Py Bixee Peedt0 $ orn BI sqce (0) Marlene spends 3 of her money and then invests the rest for two years at a rate of 5% per year simple interest How much money does Marlene have at the end of the two years? = Bx ase Ae eee js 7. wet a(2s04 95) - = wexsx? = 9 os so - 100 aa. = 420 saps + ¥ * (© Carolina spends all of her money on a computer and two years later sells it at a loss of 20%. How much money does Carolina have at the end of the two years? * A rte se se As ipsex ae = $300 Ans. 21 (@)_ Pedro spends some of his money and at the end of the two years he has $100. iplify the ratio of the amounts of money Maria, Carolina, and Pedro have at the Write down and end of the two years. Mies rau «ores S88 weary Practice Test 22024 O580/04iMisi24 NOT TO SCALE To avoid an island, a ship travels 40 kilometers from A to B and then 60 kilometers from B to C. ‘The bearing of B from A is 080° and angle ABC is 115°. TDs tuo 4 bed EM = \cokm (a) The ship leaves 4 at 11.55. It travels at an average speed of 35kmv/h. iene carcnge Calculate, correct to the nearest minute, the time it arrives at C. 2 4-2 . seek = Whayoss’ = mue as bh/n a Meta eRe. [3] (b) Find the bearing of (A from B, = \Boa So = Bee (i) CfromB. = lhe - 35 = us" a] Practice Test 22024 o580/04/Miu/24 {Turn over (©) Calculate the straight line distance AC Ac = uch s be? - dCuedCee) Kees NS, a COD CBD COs IF Es, %, ac (@) Calculate angle BAC. = 3a.t134 = aa.” BI (©) Calculate how far Cis east of A 4 2 san 60-2 © Bs km 2 ses x Sin be-> = 7B THREE ? © 2 Tes km .km [2] Practice Test 22024 oseo/o4iusiza 3 fx) =? -4x+3 and g(x)=2r-1. (a) Solve f(x) =0. nee ux ad ze (ae) Cad Fe melee oy RABES ev Hee Orx, ys ane ee 297) may 34 You must show each step of your working. aoeuxaye axel a is at une ax anal se @ be aus af a say er w= este ~6oOt [EPA say ealaaee (d) Find the value of g(f{-2)). Geass Gay- utes 15 gus) = 2us)-1 2 3a 21 (©) Find f(()). Give your answer in its simplest form. qe = amet Cane) Comey Uo aay . Wat aur sy Reanard = Cama = yloxand 4% 2 Gym el - BK THAD = UR illite 19% + % GB) Practice Test 22024 osso/04imusi24 {Turn over 6 4 [The surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4n7? and the volume is*ar>..] (@) A ssolid metal sphere has a radius of 3.5m. ‘One cubic centimeter of the metal has a mass of 5.6 grams. Calculate (i) _ the surface area of the sphere, = aa Bw KAR DS = Wan = 1suem) em [1] (i) the volume of the sphere, cm {1} (iii) the mass of the sphere. vem ——S 58.64 see =F sll] Practice Test 22024 oseovo4imisi2a ) 16cm Diagram 1 Diagram | shows a cylinder with a diameter of 16cm. It contains water to a depth of 8m, ‘Two spheres identical to the sphere in part (a) are placed in the water. This is shown in Diagram 2. Calculate h, the new depth of water in the cylinder. vaume stg Es «wee senate Tn the ctinder scene as wow RMS. a ae ea hs ah x sue: sos cet ei cy Practice Test 22024 osBo/04/is/24 [Turn over 3 fix) = 3-15 43,240 (a) The table shows some values of f(x). x_|-3[-25] -2 |-15]-1|-05|-04|-03] 03 | 04 [os}1]1s] 2 | 25 [3 fx) | p |-4.7|-3.3 |-1.9 | -1 | -2.5 |-4.5 |-9.0|-7.2 |-2.1 ] 0.5 |g] 7.1] 8.8 | 103 |r Se . 7 Find the values of p, ¢, and r. (b)_ Draw the graph of y= f{x) for -3 me ry When she draws a histogram, the height of the column for the interval 30 < h < 40 is 9cm. aw an ww oe ad a 4 4 2 < Sista te | me x . ae » > + ae ueea ey A a? 22 Bn ia one a a= = Wwe = Sem Vie ool Ose cm [3] Practice Test 22024 os8oio4imisi24 15 ABCDE is a pentagon. circle, center O, passes through the points 4, C, D, and E. Angle EAC = 36°, angle CAB = 78°, and AB is parallel to DC. (Find the values of x, y, and z, giving a reason for each. Y= sadn tee ae = Maly Reason ... CapEride....ONQWA ADM kisslis...qyindsiladssa, Vee AS = tea Reason ..... ©ppAsibe....angy\es Pt BENE IAs [6] (i) Explain why ED is not parallel to AC. BR AB cent DBO, a] (iii) Find angle EOC. aeKa Cangis af the conten To“ Auavea sme angie at dhe ew camfevence ) wn Angle EOC = wwua = oahw Caettex angie alse cenrect> aed speenfied An Fhe question osso/o4mmiur24 Practice Test 22024 {Turn over () NOT TO SCALE P,Q, Rand S lie on a circle. PQ=7om and SR= 10cm. PR and QS intersect at X. The area of triangle SRY = 20e1 (Write down the geometrical word which completes the following statement, 10 triangle SRX. t) Suman... Triangle POX is (ii) Calculate the area of triangle POX. al as 2. 20 om? [2] Calculate the length of the perpendicular height from X'to RS. aw be bet ame x eee 8h heer em [2] Practice Test 22024 os80/04/Mis/24 7 7 es Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3 ‘The first three diagrams in a sequence are shown. The diagrams are made up of dots and lines. Each line is one centimeter long, (a) Make a sketch of the next diagram in the sequence. (b) The table shows some information about the diagrams. Diagram 1 3 [4 n Area 1 9 | 16 x |e Number of dots 4 16 | p y feat Number of one centimeter lines | 4 | 12 | 24 | g 2 (Write down the value of p and the value of g. P ede 2) (i) Write down each of x, y, and z in terms of n. : asvae @) 12, an, be ant abnac = antnas) ¥ sare OM at aan ne aa ® X arte an : panded | asbacel nash ath | Sahaees | asasess i eles | as fe eases ea = 4 EE bemieRE.. [4] Practice Test 2 2024 O580/04IMIJI24 on" “Turn over 18 (©) The total number of one-centimeter lines in the first n diagrams is given by the expression 3n) + fn? + gn. (Use n= 1 in this expression to show that f+ g = #2. Zora fer. ga es Soak ag sh Vise, Stee SoAifios onli % (1) (i) Use n= 2 in this expression to show that 4f+ 2g = 2. Beds favaga@ san My uta age uta agete- 'E aba age We 2] (ii) Find the value of fand the value of g. ae. 4 = Y Sage S vCuba ag aage: aba 2 B+ Q-2 7" * =% aba A a ae qe oa x Bye 23] Find the total number of one-centimeter lines in the first 10 diagrams. Bey aban + bn Practice Test 2 2024 osBo/O4IMVsI24 19 10 Give your answers to this question as fractions. ‘The probability that it rains today is 3. If it rains today, the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 3 If it does not rain today, the probability that it will rain tomorrow is §. The tree diagram shows this information. Today ‘Tomorrow rain 2 i no rain rain no rain (b) Calculate the probability that it rains on both days. PERRY [3] (©) Calculate the probability that it will not rain tomorrow. PLORRD ov CRIB Practice Test 22024 oso/o4imisi24 2} [Turn over 20 (@) Each time Christina throws a ball at a target, the probability that she hits the target is +. She throws the ball three times. ny * Find the probability that she hits the target (© three times, a A ew HD Soweto Big eel] a (ii) at least once. Pca, a wD Sy Sone gr ts = & Pal least ence) tye 4 19 (© Each time Eduardo throws a ball atthe target, the probability that he hits the target is He throws the ball until he hits the target. Find the probability that he first hits the target with is (4th throw, PCa, A.A, as Piston to reproduce lam where thicepary owned mara proteced by copyright nuded has been scught nd dared where possbla. Every reasonable oft hasbeen mace by the publisher (UCLES) fo race copyright older, but any ems requng clearance Nave unwtingy been ined, the ublahor wil be pleased to make amonds athe care possible opportunity, CCamivisge Assesement International Education f part ofthe Carbrge Assessment Group. Cambrige Assestment isthe brand name of the University of CCeminige Leal Examinatone Sycato (UCLES), whch ise ea depart of be Univer of Camorege Practice Test 22024 osB0/04/Mid/24

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