Pharma - Updated Topical Past Papers 2007-23
Pharma - Updated Topical Past Papers 2007-23
Pharma - Updated Topical Past Papers 2007-23
Compiled By:
Noor Fatima, Bilal Akbar, Rabeet Habib, Abdurrahman Anjum &
Shahab Zafar from AIMC Batch 25
Syeda Quratulain SMC, Maham Mansoor FMU, Fiza Zulfiqar KMMU,
Ifrah Maryam KEMU, Amina SIMC
1. A) A 20 year old male patient has been brought to ER with the history of large
quantity of Aspirin intake; considering its pharmacokinetic characteristics , how
its excretion can be enhanced?
B) Define drug antagonism and enumerate its various types; differentiate
between competitive and Non- competitive antagonism with examples.
[Annual 2021]
a) Define receptors what are the differences between receptors and inert binding
site? (3)
b) Where in the body are special carriers? What is their role in transport of drugs
across cell membrane? (4)
[Supple 2016 held in 2017)
4. What is effect of pH on lipid solubility of a drug which is a weak acid or base? How
this knowledge is used in manipulation of drug excretion in urine? [Supple 2014
held in 2015]
5. Name 7 common routes of drug administration and give 2 examples of drugs for
each. (7) [Supple 2014]
6. Define receptor. What are targets for drug action? (4) [Annual 2012]
7. What are important features of drug binding to plasma proteins? (3) [Annual 2012]
8. What is the role of drug ionization in crossing the cell membrane? (3) [Supple 2011]
a. Define bioavailability. How is it calculated? (2)
b. Name three factors which affect bioavailability and briefly explain them. (5)
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
2. Define plasma half-life. How plasma half-life of a drug is affected by drug’s clearance
rate and volume of distribution. (3) [Annual 2018]
a) What is the loading dose? What is its relationship with half-life of a drug and
how is it calculated? (3)
b) Area Under Curve (AUC) of time-concentration curve is used to calculate
bioavailability. Define bioavailability. When a drug is given by oral route,
bioavailability is less than 100%. Give two reasons for that. (4) [Annual 2016]
6. Write a short essay on therapeutic window. (3) [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
7. Define bioavailability of a drug. Enlist four factors affecting bioavailability after oral
administration of a drug. (3) [Annual 2015]
13. What is drug clearance? Give its role in drug elimination. (1+2)
[Annual 2011, Annual 2010]
15. Define plasma half-life of drug. Give factors affecting it. (3.5) [Supple 2009]
16. What is therapeutic window? Give clinical significance. (3.5) [Supple 2009]
17. Give one example of drug that shows the following types of drug tolerance:
pharmacodynamic tolerance, cross-tolerance, pharmacokinetic tolerance [Annual
20. Define plasma half-life of the drug. What knowledge can be derived from the plasma
half-life of a drug? [Annual 2007]
23. A)The oral route of administration is the most likely to have a low bioavailability. How
will you explain this effect with example and what measures are usually taken to
avoid this effect?
B)How the adjustment of dosage would be done when the drug elimination is altered
by disease? [Annual 2023]
25.Most drugs in clinical use obey first order kinetic s rule. Name three important
drugs that follows zero order kinetics. [Supple 2023]
1. The graded dose-response curve expresses an individual’s response to increasing
doses of a given drug and it includes some parameters like intrinsic efficacy, potency,
maximal efficacy and slope of graph. Explain these terms with example. (4) [Annual
2. Patient may require administration of more than one drug at a time for one disease
or concurrent illness. So, role of drug-drug interactions is very important. What are
different types of pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions? Explain with examples.
(7) [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
4. What is a receptor? Explain briefly the concept of pare receptor with examples. (1+3)
[Annual 2011, Annual 2010]
5. How partial agonists act as antagonists? Explain with examples. (4) [Supple 2011]
6. What are various types of drug antagonism. Explain each with examples. (4) [Supple
2010, Annual 2009]
What is therapeutic window? Give clinical significance. (3.5) [Supple 2009]
7. Give one example of drug that shows the following types of drug tolerance:
pharmacodynamic tolerance, cross-tolerance, pharmacokinetic tolerance [Annual
8. A) Explain types of pharmacological antagonism with drug examples and graphs.
B)What are ligands for tyrosine kinase receptor? Give its downstream signalling
mechanism and importance of its down regulation. [Annual 2022]
9. Dopamine acts by binding to Gs protein coupled receptor. Give downstream
signalling mechanism of this receptor after activation by dopamine. [Supple
10. Explain the four receptor families with the help of diagram, involved in the
transmembrane signalling of drug. [Annual 2023]
Drug Metabolism
1. What do you understand by enzyme induction? [Annual 2017]
2. Drug interaction is a common problem in medical practice. Write 5 common
examples of drugs which can induce P450 mediated metabolism in humans and 5
examples of drugs which can inhibit it. (4) [Supple 2015 held in 2016]
3. Define first-pass effect. What are sites of first-pass effect for orally administered
drugs? Name 2 drugs with extensive first pass effect. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
4. Name 3 drugs that exhibit extensive 1st pass effect. [Annual 2008]
1. Give factors which contribute to differences in drug responsiveness in individuals. (2)
[Supple 2013]
2. Write three examples where genetic defects in phase 1 metabolism of drugs account
for the individual differences in drug response. (5) [Supple 2013]
1. Give in tabulated form the sites, structural features and post-receptor mechanisms of
muscarinic receptor types 1,2 and 3. [Annual 2010]
4. A 58 years old female presents to the eye department with the complaint of loss of
vision. She’s examined by a consultant and diagnosis of blepharospasm is made. She
is treated with several injections of botulinum toxin type A in her orbicularis oculi
muscle of each eyelid and is sent home after a few hours. Two days later she reports
of dramatically improved vision.
A) How did botulinum toxin improve her vision? How long can her vision be
expected to stay normal after this single treatment? [Supple 2023]
1. What are ophthalmic uses of cholinergic agonists? (3) [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
2. A patient is suffering from diplopia, ptosis, difficulty in speaking and swallowing with
severe muscle weakness. He is diagnosed as a case of Myasthenia Gravis. Name two
cholinergic drugs for treatment of this patient. Give role of edrophonium in diagnosis
of Myasthenia Gravis. (3) [Annual 2015]
4. A farmer was spraying insecticide on his crop. He was found unconscious by his
coworkers and brought to emergency department. On examination, he was salivating
profusely, his breath was shallow with wheezing. BP was 130/85 mm Hg, pulse was
68 bpm, pupils were constricted. I/V line was maintained and he was given atropine
and pralidoxime intravenously. [Supple 2015]
a) What is possible agent for his signs and symptoms? How does it act?
b) What is rationale for giving atropine and pralidoxime?
c) Enumerate adverse effects of atropine.
5. Mr. Ditta, a 50-year-old man gets exposed to an organ phosphorus compound poison
while spraying his cotton crop due to opposite wind direction and brought to
hospital. The signs observed were miosis, sweating, bronchoconstriction, salivation
vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.
What immediate measures will you take and the drugs be given to save the patient?
[Annual 2013]
6. A field working after spraying the cotton crop is showing signs and symptoms of
excessive cholinergic stimulation because he had his skin contaminated with the
thiophosphate (malathion/parathion) insecticide. In what aspects do you expect
malathion to differ from parathion as an insecticide? [Annual 2011]
What is pharmacological basis of muscarinic agonists for their use in eye and GIT
problems? [Annual 2010]
8. Write down clinical uses of parasympathomimetics with one example of drug for
each use. [Annual 2022]
1. Write pharmacological basis for the use of atropine as a pre-anesthetic agent (1.5)
[Annual 2018]
2. Enlist five clinical applications of antimuscarinic drugs and name one important drug
for each. (3) [Supple 2016]
3. A young man was given promethazine intravenously in an operation theatre for a
minor surgery. He stood up after the surgery but fainted. His heart rate was observed
raid (110 bpm) and blood pressure only 105/65 mm Hg. What autonomic effects the
drug had and why the heart rate increased and blood pressure dropped? [Supple
4. Write down different clinical uses of antimuscarinic drugs with examples. [Annual
7. Name two oximes. How these are useful in organophosphate poisoning? [Supple
10. Tabulate the effects of ganglion blockers on the central nervous system and heart.
[Supple 2023]
3. A middle-aged man was admitted to cardiology ICU. He has cardiogenic shock after
acute myocardial infarction. He was given intravenous infusion of dopamine along
with other medications. [Annual 2017]
a) Why dopamine was given by intravenous route and in infusion form?
b) Briefly describe dose-dependent actions of dopamine on CVS.
c) Why dopamine is preferred over norepinephrine in some shocks. What is the
advantage of norepinephrine over dopamine?
7. Enlist five clinical uses of sympathomimetic drugs with one drug example of each
use. [Supple 2008]
Adrenoceptor Blockers
1. A 45 year old woman, who is a known patient of chronic open angle glaucoma ,
reported to you for aggravation of her symptoms; which drug will be instilled to
lower her intraocular pressure immediately? Tabulate the groups useful for her along
with their possible mechanisms of lowering intraocular pressures.[Annual 2021]
2. How different autonomic drugs decrease intraocular pressure in open angle
glaucoma? (2) [Annual 2018]
3. Write pharmacological basis for the use of prazosin in benign prostatic hyperplasia
(1.5) [Annual 2018]
6. Enlist four clinical uses of alpha-receptor blockers. Give one drug of choice for each
indication. (4) [Annual 2015]
7. Write down the clinical uses of alpha-adrenoceptor blockers with examples. [Annual
10. What could be the answer of a medical student who was asked to enumerate 7 uses
of beta adrenoceptor blockers? [Supple 2009]
11. Enumerate alpha 1 selective blockers along with their clinical uses. [Supple 2022]
12. A 30 year old patient brought to medical emergency with severe headache and
palpitations. His blood pressure was 160/ 100 and 89 pulse rate. Pheochromocytoma
was diagnosed on the basis of imaging And elevated plasma and urine levels of
norepinephrine,epinephrine and their metabolites normetanephrine amd
A)Classify alpha blockers according to receptor selectivity and write down the role of any
specific alpha blocker in pheochromocytoma.
B) Why beta blockers should not be used prior to establishing an effective alpha receptor
blockade in this patient? [Annual 2023]
13. A)Classify beta blockers according to their selectivity, giving one main use and one
example for each type.
B) 57 years old diabetic, non hypertensive office superintendent comes to you with
urinary retention, diagnosed as benign prostatic hyperplasia. After initial
management, which drug would you prefer giving to him and why? Give its two
main adverse effects. [Supple 2023]
Drugs used in Hypertension
3. A 50 year old Type-2 Diabetic patient presents in the OPD with raised
blood pressure; to lower his blood pressure which drug groups should be
preferred and how they prevent diabetic nephropathy?[Annual 2021]
6. Which one of these groups may adversely affect lipid profile of patient?
[Annual 2017]
10. Which drugs may be useful in a 35-year-old newly diagnosed patient with
mild hypertension? How these will lower his blood pressure? [Supple
Drugs used in the Treatment of Angina Pectoris
1. A) 55 years old female patient came to emergency department with sudden on set
of severe chest pain. The pain is sharp and compressing in nature radiating towards
left arm. Baseline lab test ECG was done. The patient is diagnosed as a case of
angina of effort/classical angina and angina pectoris . Enlist three major and
antianginal groups of drugs along with one example of each.
B) explain the mechanism of action of digoxin and enlist its adverse effects. (annual
2022 held in 2023)
2. Name three groups of drugs commonly used in Angina of Effort along with their
mechanism of antianginal effect. Which group of drugs is contraindicated in
vasospastic angina? [Annual 2016]
4. 65-year-old male complains of precordial pain radiating towards his shoulder even
after moderate exercise. Pain is relieved after 5-10 minutes of rest. His is diagnosed of
stable angina. What treatment should be given to subside pain and secondly to prevent
further attacks? [Supple 2014]
1. Mr M is being treated with thiazide diuretics and ACE inhibitors for chronic
congestive heart failure but there is no improvement in his clinical condition. It is
decided that AC inhibitors be replaced with digoxin.
A) What are mechanical and electrical effects of digoxin ,also give its adverse effects .
B) Explain different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics drug interaction of
warfarin.(Annual 2021 held in 2022)
2. Enumerate beta blockers which can be given in chronic heart failure along with their
mechanism. (1+2) [Annual 2018]
3. Tabulate briefly the effects of therapeutic dosage of Digoxin on SA node, atrial
muscle, AV node and Electrocardiogram. [2016 Supple]
4. Treatment is being planned for 60-year-old female with chronic congestive heart
failure. Write specific indications for administration of Digoxin to patient of CCF to
improve clinical condition. How ACE inhibitors work and what edge do they have over
Digoxin? [Supple 2013]
5. A 40-year-old patient has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Enumerate
the different drug groups commonly used for heart failure to select proper
management for him. [Annual 2010]
6. Explain the reason for clinical usefulness of digoxin in atrial fibrillation. [Supple 2010]
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
3. Enumerate Class II antiarrhythmic drugs and write their clinical uses. [Annual 2012]
Diuretics & Other Drugs That Act on the Kidney
a A patient 45 years of age comes to you with history of passing stones in urine
frequently. He Is a known case of heart disease ,for which he is on warfarin and
loprin. Now for his recent problem of idiopathic hypercalciuria he is advised to
take thiazide.
Write about the pharmacodynamics of thiazide. (supply 2021 held in 2022)
b Enumerate four clinical indications of loop diuretics with rationale for use in
each condition. What are their adverse effects? (4+3) [Supple 2017 held in
c Classify diuretics according to the site of action. Give in a tabulated form the
effects of Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Loop Diuretics, Thiazides and
Potassium Sparing Diuretics on urinary electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, HCO3-) and
blood pH. [2016 Supple held in 2017]
d Enlist the effects of Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Loop Diuretics, Thiazides and
Potassium Sparing Diuretics on urinary electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, HCO3-) and
blood pH. (3) [Supple 2016]
h Write down the clinical uses and adverse effects of loop diuretics. [Annual 2012]
4. The use of theophylline, once a main stay of asthma treatment, has almost seized
with demonstration of greater efficacy of inhaled adrenoceptor agonists for acute
asthma and of inhaled anti inflammatory agents for chronic asthma. In spite of this
decline, theophylline is still used in some countries because of its low cost.
What are reasons for decline in use of theophylline? Give its mechanism of action in
asthma. (Annual 2022)
6. A 19-year-old moves from a small town to your city, and is now your patient. He has a
history of asthma and his previous primary care physician was managing it with
albuterol and theophylline. What is the main mechanism that accounts for the
beneficial effect of these drugs? (3) [Annual 2018]
10. A 12-year-old is brought to emergency room with shortness of breath and wheezing.
His pulse rate and respiration are increased and he is restless. His father gave
previous history of asthma. What emergency measure will you take to treat and what
is long term control? [Annual 2016]
11. Classify drugs for the prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma with two
examples for each group. [Supple 2016]
12. A patient is suffering from bronchial asthma. Enlist steroids used by inhalation route.
Give mechanism of beneficial effects of steroids in asthma. [Annual 2015]
14. Write down the role of methylxanthines in bronchial asthma and its common adverse
effects too. [Annual 2012]
15. A physician is intended to prescribe some agonist for his 30-year-old known
asthmatic patient. Name them with their preferred route of administration and
important adverse effects. [Supple 2011]
16. A 10-year-old child suffers from a severe attack of asthma whenever he runs while
playing with his friends. How can you manage him? [Annual 2011, Annual 2010]
17. A 25-year-old girl is suffering from an acute severe attack of bronchial asthma. Which
drugs may be used for her treatment? [Supple 2010]
18. A 25-year-old is suffering from an acute severe attack of bronchial asthma. Which
drugs may be useful for her treatment? Give their usefulness. [Annual 2009]
19. A 25-year-old girl is suffering from an acute severe attack of bronchial asthma.
Enumerate four drugs that may be used in the treatment along with their routes of
administration. [Supple 2009]
20. A mother brought her 10 years old child with complains of severe breathlessness,
wheezing and cough. She stated that attacks occurred in spring season. Case was
diagnosed to be as bronchial asthma. [Annual 2008]
a. Name the drug used to terminate the acute attack of bronchial asthma.
b. Enlist common adverse effects of inhaled steroids used in this disease.
c. What prophylactic therapy is required before the seasonal attack?
21. A 20-year-old female patient was injected aminophylline to control and acute attack
of bronchial asthma. What is the mechanism of action of the drug? Briefly give its
effects on organ system. [Supple 2008]
1. At her annual physical examination of 53 years old middle school teacher complaints
that she has been having difficulty falling sleep and after falling sleep she awakens
several times during The night . These episodes now occur almost nightly and are
interfering with the ability to teach.
A) Enumerate the newer hypnotics that can be prescribed her for short time. By what
They produce their effects and how they differ from barbeturates?
B) write down adverse effects of anti psychotics with brief description ( annual 2021
held in 2022)
2. A young patient presented to emergency room with convulsions for which he was
given I/V Diazepam. [Annual 2016]
a) Briefly describe its mechanism of action and enumerate six organ level effects of
this class of drugs.
b) If there is overdose with diazepam, what will be the consciousness level and how
it can be reversed?
3. A 50 years old man complains of disturbed sleep and prescribed a sedative hypnotic
drug, these drugs are classified into different groups. Classify and name one common
drug for each group. [Supple 2016]
4. A 30-year-old female was brought to the emergency with convulsions. A relative gave
past history of such attacks. She was immediately given IV of diazepam. Later EEG
was taken and she was prescribed valproic acid orally. [Supple 2015] a) Enumerate
indications of Diazepam.
b) What are the adverse effects of diazepam and valproic acid?
5. Write down the mechanism of action, clinical sues and adverse effects of
benzodiazepines. [Annual 2012]
1. Write short note on mechanism of action of ethanol on CNS. [Supple 2016]
2. A 25-year-old man consumed a heavy quantity of whisky while sitting with his friends
in a bar. He felt nauseating and lost consciousness. He was rushed to the hospital and
blood alcohol concentration levels checked which was 400 mg/dl. [Supple 2014] a)
What pharmacologic and other measures will you take to save the patient?
b) If patient dies, what would be the cause of death?
Antiseizure Drugs
24 years old patient brought to emergency room with history of fall and body stiffness
with loss of consciousness and jerks followed by confusion and tiredness. He is
labelled as case of Grand mall epilepsy . Physician prescribed him phenytoin along
with other measures to be taken?
A. What are the various drug interactions and adverse effects produced by Phenytoin?
B. Give clinical uses of opoids analgesics with example of specific opoids for each.
(supply2021 held in 2022)
1. A 12 year old , school going child has been diagnosed as suffering from Absence
Seizures; which drug group will be preferred for him from the useful drug list and
why?[Annual 2021]
2. Enlist clinical uses of antiseizure drugs other than epilepsy. (2.5)
[2018 Supple held in 2019]
4. Write clinical uses and drug interactions of carbamazepine. [Supple 2016 held in
6. A 35-year-old epileptic female has been prescribed phenytoin to control her Grand
Mal seizures. What adverse effects do you expect to see in this patient with the
continued use of phenytoin? [Supple 2013]
General Anesthetics
1. What factors influence he uptake and distribution of inhaled anesthetics? How does
solubility of an anesthetic agent effect its onset of action? [Supple 2013]
Local Anesthetics
A) what local anesthetics agents would be most appropriate if surgical anesthesia was
to be administered using a spinal or an epidural technique and what potential
complications might arise from their use.
4. What anesthetics would be most appropriate providing post operative analgesia via
an indwelling epidural nerve catheter ?(supply 2022 held in 2023)
a Give reasons for the use of vasopressor drugs with local anesthetic lignocaine.
[Annual 2012]
6. Write the neurologic and autonomic adverse effects of older antipsychotic drugs.
[Supple 2016 held in 2017]
7. A patient suffering from schizophrenia is taking an antipsychotic drug. Enlist adverse
effects of these drugs on autonomic nervous system and central nervous system.
Give mechanism of the side effects. [Annual 2015]
10. What are the differences between typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs? [Supple
2009, Annual 2010]
12. A 40-year-old lady was suffering from schizophrenia and taking chlorpromazine for
the last 1 year. Enlist 6 common side effects of the drug which may appear during
treatment. [Supple 2008]
a) Enlist four features of clozapine in treatment of schizophrenia.
b) Why regular monitoring of blood count is required during clozapine therapy?
[Annual 2008]
1. A young lady became depress after her divorce . She took a drug for few months on
advice of her pharmacist friend. She feels no improvement in mood and visits a
primary care physician who prescribes her fluoxetine once weakly preparation . She
soon comes in emergency department with hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, tremor
and agitation
Give pharmacological reasons of this life threatening situation. ( Annual 2023)
2. A 30 years old female gives you a history of fatigue, very early wakeup, insomnia and
loss of weight and appetite, after a divorce a few weeks back. She is diagnosed as a
case of major depression and prescribed fluoxetine. [Annual 2013] a) What edge
does I have over other antidepressant drug groups? b) Enlist its adverse effects.
3. A 30 years old male has been prescribed benzodiazepines for Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD) by a psychiatrist. [Supple 2010, Annual 2011]
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of benzodiazepines?
b) Which other class of drugs is being considered as drugs of first choice for GAD?
c) Name at least four serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). What is the
reason of preferring SSRIs over other antidepressants?
a) Describe three comparative features of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs.
b) Explain the result of concurrent administration of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic
[Annual 2008]
3. Enlist six contraindications and cautions to the use of opioids. [Annual 2015]
a) A 50 years old lady came to your hospital with complains of constant precordial
pain for last few hours. On ECG findings, she was diagnosed with unstable angina.
She was administered heparin but stopped due to gums bleeding. List four adverse
effects of the drug and name the specific antidote.
b) Enlist four antiplatelet drugs. [Supple 2008]
1. A 4o year old man presents with complaints of bilateral morning stiffness in his wrists
and knees and pain in these joints on exercise. On physical examination, the joints are
slightly swollen. His laboratory findings favor the diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis. Classify
the drugs used for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Why Meloxicam is preferred drug over piroxicam?
(Supply 2023)
2. A45 year old man presented with complaint of bilateral stiffness in his hand,wrist,elbow
and feet, knee joints with pain. All joints appeared swollen, warm and tender ,DMARDs
therapy started
a)What are the two different types of DMARDs? Enumerate four drugs from each type.
b)What are the advantages and disadvantages of cox-2 inhibitors over cox-1 inhibitors?
(Annual 2023)
3. A 38 year old man presents with an cute onset of pain, swelling erythema of the left first
metatarsophalangeal joint. On investigations he has high serum uric acid, leucocyte and C
reactive protein (CRP) levels. A diagnosis of acute goute is made.
4. A 52 year old female has been diagnosed as a patient of Rheumatoid arthritis. The
children decides to use Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents for her.
a) By what mechanisms will these drugs suppress the pain and inflammation ?
b) For what other clinical conditions are these drugs useful?
c) What adverse effects may be experienced during long-term treatment?[Annual 2021]
8. Enlist two drugs that can cause hyperuricemia and enumerate four drugs used to
treat hyperuricemia. [Annual 2017]
9. What is the mechanism of action of allopurinol? Give it four side effects. [Annual
10. A woman presented with acute gout was treated with Indomethacin followed by
allopurinol. Explain the mechanism of action of both drugs in gout. Why allopurinol is
not given in an acute attack? Name another use of allopurinol apart from gout.
[Supple 2017]
12. A) Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs are divided into non-biologic and biologic
agents. Enlist four examples of each group. (4)
B) Write short essay on the antigout mechanism of action of allopurinol. (3)
[Supple 2016]
a) Enlist four cardiovascular applications of aspirin. Give mechanism of
cardioprotective effects of aspirin in these applications. (4)
b) A patient suffering from headache and myalgia is treated with paracetamol
(acetaminophen). Enlist indications where paracetamol is preferred to aspirin as
an analgesic and antipyretic. (3) [Annual 2015]
15. The eicosanoids are an important group of endogenous fatty acid derivatives that are
produced from arachidonic acid. The major families of eicosanoids are leukotrienes,
prostacyclins, prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Enlist the clinical applications of
prostaglandins and the specific agent used for each purpose. [Supple 2014]
16. Write briefly the antigout mechanism of action of colchicine. [Supple 2014]
17. have a number of clinical applications and are widely used. Write short essay on the
inflammatory and immunosuppressant mechanism of these agents. [Annual 2013]
a Write a short essay note on the anti-inflammatory mechanism of NSAIDs.
b Enumerate the adverse effects of aspirin.
[Annual 2013]
a) Enumerate drugs of acute attack & prophylaxis of gout. (3)
b) Write down the mechanism of action and pharmacological effects of NSAIDs. (4)
[Annual 2012]
20. A 35-year-old known patient of gouty arthritis is unable to excrete uric acid properly.
Which useful drugs can be given to him and how these will act? (7) [Supple 2011]
21. What is the pharmacokinetics of aspirin? Give the mechanism of action of aspirin for
its different pharmacological effects. (2+2) [Annual 2010]
a. A 40-year-old lady is taking NSAIDs for arthritis since many months. What are
various strategies for prevention of drug induced gastritis? (4)
b. What is the rationale for the use of allopurinol for lowering of urates? (3)
[Annual 2009]
a) How do NSAIDs exert their anti-inflammatory actions? (3.5)
b) Write down the mechanism of action of allopurinol. (3.5) [Supple 2009]
24. A child was brought to emergency six hours after ingestion of toxic dose
acetaminophen with vomiting and diaphoresis. Besides supportive treatment, he was
prescribed N-acetylcysteine.
a) What is the rationale of using N-acetylcysteine in this case?
b) Enlist two differences between aspirin and paracetamol. [Annual 2008]
a) Name two drugs used in chronic gout.
b) Can allopurinol be given in acute gout?
[Annual 2008]
26. four common pharmacological effects of aspirin & write the mechanism of action.
[Supple 2008]
27. Describe the mechanism of action and clinical uses of allopurinol. [Annual 2007]
Hypothalamic & Pituitary Hormones
1. Give rationale for the use of oxytocin in antepartum and postpartum period (2)
[Annual 2018]
Thyroid & Antithyroid Drugs
1. A 29 year old young expecting mother in her third month of pregnancy is diagnosed
with hyperthyroidism. Which drug would be your first choice in this case and why?
Give it’s mechanism of action and adverse effects.
B)Tabulate clinical uses of estrogens and progesteins.
2. Write mechanism of action and the adverse effects of Thioamides .[Annual 2021]
3. A middle-aged woman complaints of weight gain, decreased appetite, constipation,
lethargy and fatigue. On examination she has pale, puffy face and decreased deep
tendon reflexes. Laboratory investigation reveals low T3, T4 and elevated TSH level.
Considering his diagnosis of hypothyroidism, what should be prescribed to her?
Write the mechanism of action of this drug and adverse effects if taken in excess.
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
1. A patient was suffering from severe symptomatic gout and was prescribed a
glucocorticoid for short duration. If patient keeps on taking it for prolonged period,
which adverse effects are expected? (7) [Annual 2016]
2. A 30-year-old man complains of loss of appetite, tiredness, dizziness and weight loss
of 6 months duration. His physician got routine blood tests and found hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia & acidosis. A standard ACTH stimulation test confirmed diagnosis of
autoimmune Addison’s disease and patient was prescribed hydrocortisone &
fludrocortisone. Enlist the adverse effects and contraindications of hydrocortisone.
[Supple 2014]
3. Glucocorticoids have a number of clinical applications and are widely used. Write
short essay on the inflammatory and immunosuppressant mechanism of these
agents. [Annual 2013]
4. A 45-year-old lady is taking prednisolone since last 6 months. What could be the
possible adverse effects in her due to glucocorticoids? [Annual 2009]
5. What could be the adverse effects of glucocorticoids in a 45-year-old lady who has
been taking them since last 6 months for some chronic problem? [Supple 2009]
1. A 26 year old female visit gynae OPD to seek advice for contraception. Her interest is
to take some oral preparation for birth control.
What are the types of preparations used for oral contraception?
Explain mild moderate and severe toxicities of oral contraceptive pills.
(Annual 2023)
2. Give rationale for the use of hormonal therapy in postmenopausal women (2)
[Annual 2018]
3. A middle age woman having four children visited family planning clinic for prevention
of next pregnancy. She was advised oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen and
progesterone. What are other clinical uses of oral contraceptive pills?
Enumerate mild, moderate and severe effects of these pills. [Annual 2017]
5. Write the clinical uses and the different ranges of adverse effects seen with the
continued use of oral contraceptive pills. [Supple 2013]
6. A 35-year-old married lady without any child due to anovulation wishes to become
pregnant. Which may be the useful drug and how will it act? [Supple 2011]
7. What is the rationale for the use of clomiphene in infertility? [Annual 2008]
3. Name rapid acting insulins. How does the change in their structure affect their
pharmacokinetics and what added benefits do these formulations have over
regular insulin? Write their clinical use. [Annual 2021]
5. Give rationale for the use of biguanides as first line therapy for type II diabetes (3)
[Annual 2018]
9. A 12-year-old boy had history of weight loss, fatigue, polyuria, nocturia. His physical
examination is normal and blood sugar level was 280 mg/dl.
a Which treatment strategy is available in this case of type I Diabetes Mellitus?
b What are complications of this treatment and how they can be dealt with?
[Supple 2015]
10. Write down different insulin preparations and their duration of action. Which drug
other than insulin is used in the management of insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
Also justify its use. [Annual 2012]
11. A 48-year-old known type II diabetic patient is not responsive to insulin therapy.
Which and how an oral drug can be effective in this case? [Supple 2011]
12. A 45-year-old newly diagnosed diabetic patient is frequently showing post meal rise
in his blood glucose levels. [Annual 2010] a Which rapidly acting insulin analog can
be used for more physiologic insulin replacement? (1.5) b What are their structural
characteristics? (2) c
Give their advantages over human insulin. (3.5)
13. A 30-year-old male is suffering from type I Diabetes Mellitus? What may be the role
of oral antidiabetic drugs in him? [Annual 2009]
14. A 30-year-old male is suffering from type I Diabetes Mellitus. Why he should not be
treated with oral antidiabetic drugs? [Supple 2009]
15. Classify and enumerate insulin preparations. [Annual 2008]
16. Write briefly the hypoglycemic mechanism of action of sulfonylureas. [Supple 2008]
17. Enumerate some sulfonylureas. Describe the mechanism of action. [Annual 2007]
Beta-Lactam Antibodies & Other Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors
4. A 65-year-old elderly patient suffering from lobar pneumonia. His sputum culture is
positive for beta-lactamase positive staphylococci. [Annual 2014]
5. Write clinical uses and precautions for penicillin antibiotics. (2) [Annual 2012]
6. A 10-year-old boy is having cough and fever (chest infection). He had acquired this
infection while staying with his mother, who is admitted in hospital for some chronic
ailment. The culture sensitive of his sputum shows staphylococci which are resistant
to penicillins and other B-lactams. By what mechanism do microorganism develop
resistance against B-lactam drugs? (4) [Supple 2012]
7. Classify penicillins. Write down their mechanism of action and common adverse
effects. [Supple 2011]
8. Enumerate 4 drugs of 3rd generation cephalosporins. Enlist their therapeutic uses. (4)
[Supple 2009]
1. How erythromycin differ from azithromycin regarding its spectrum of activity? 2023
2. Give two examples of drugs used as topical antibiotics in acne.2022
3. Write down the clinical uses of tetracyclines and their adverse effects. (4) [Annual
4. A patient suffering from meningitis was treated with chloramphenicol. Explain the
adverse effects of this antibiotic. (4) [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
6. Write down adverse effects of tetracyclines and which other drugs also produce
Fanconi syndrome? (2) [Annual 2012]
3. A young man is admitted in ICU with burns over 30% of his body. He is febrile and
blood cell count shows leukocytosis. It is decided to treated with empiric
combination therapy including an aminoglycosides once daily. Which concepts form
the basis of once daily dosing protocol of aminoglycosides? Briefly explain the
mechanism of action of this group of antibiotics. (3+4) [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
6. An elderly patient had gram negative infection for which he was treated with an
aminoglycoside. Enumerate six clinical uses of this group of antibiotics. (3) [Supple
2016 held in 2017]
a) A 30-year-old female presents to medical clinic with history of foul smelling,
mucopurulent vaginal discharge after sexual contact and one miss period. Her
urine test is found positive for chlamydial infection. What would be empiric
approach to treat the patient (including posology) and the antibiotic
contraindicated, if she is pregnant? (3)
b) Write down short essay on the antimicrobial mechanism of action of
aminoglycosides. (4) [Supple 2016]
5. A 55-year-old lady attended your clinic with complains of dysuria, chills and fever for
four days. She gave a history of urinary tract infection resolved with cotrimoxazole.
Now she is advised a course of ciprofloxacin. Write down antimicrobial mechanism of
action of this drug and enlist the antibacterial spectrum. [Supple 2013]
7. Write a short essay on the mechanism of action of cotrimoxazole? (4) [Supple 2014]
Antimycobacterial Drugs
1. A young patient came to pulmonology OPD with complaints of chronic
productive cough, hemoptysis and low grade fever. He was diagnosed as case
of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Name first line drugs along with their mechanism of action and adverse effects in the
tabulated form. (Supply 2023)
2. A 60 year old man presents to emergency department with the two month history of
fatigue, weight loss (10 kg), fever, night sweats and productive cough. A chest x-ray
shows a right apical infiltrate. His first apical spectrum smear shows many acid fast
Bacilli.(Annual 2023)
What is first line therapy for the patient. Give adverse effect of any two of them?
3. A 34 year old male presents with complaints of low grade fever, night sweats, cough
and marked weight loss (10 kg). Chest X-ray shows right apical lung infiltrates. And on
sputum examination, acid fast Bacilli are seen. The patient is started on first line
antitubercular drug therapy including isoniazid, Rifampicin and pyrazinamide. Few
months after treatment, he complaints of numbness and tingling sensation in arms.
I- Name causative drug and write down its mechanism of action.
Ii- Give reason for these adverse effects and how can these be prevented.
(Annual 2022)
4. Tabulate the first preferred regimen for drug-susceptible tuberculosis with its
duration of the therapy . Why do we need to give pyridoxine with isoniazid? [Annual
5. Name the alternative drugs for tuberculosis. (3) [Annual 2018]
6. A middle-aged man with three months history of low-grade fever and productive
cough was diagnosed to have pulmonary tuberculosis. Treated was started with a
combination of drugs. Name first line ant tuberculous drugs. Enumerate their
important adverse effects. Why they are always given in combination? [2017 Supple
held in 2018]
a) Isoniazid
b) Ethambutol
[Supple 2011 + Annual 2010]
10. Explain the rationale for prescribing pyridoxine along with isoniazid. (3.5) [Supple
11. A 30-year-old lady came to medical OPD with history of productive cough, low grade
fever, anorexia and weight loss for last 88 weeks. She was diagnosed as a case of
pulmonary TB and put on ant tuberculous therapy (4 drugs) by the physician.
[Annual 2008]
a) Explain the pharmacological basis of multi-drug therapy in TB
b) What is the rationale of using pyridoxine with isoniazid?
c) What is the duration of four-drug regimen?
12. What is the rationale behind the use of multidrug therapy in TB? [Annual 2007]
Antifungal Agents
3. Write a note on terbinafine mentioning its mechanism of action, clinical use with
route of administration and adverse effects. (3) [Annual 2017]
6. Name the azole antifungal drugs. What is their spectrum of activity and which of
these is used topically? [Supple 2013]
7. Write names of azoles, mechanism of action and adverse effects. [Annual 2012]
8. A 45-year-old patient having black ulcer on his left leg which got infected due to
some fungi. What various types of azoles can be used against it? (3.5) [Annual 2010]
12. Write briefly the mechanism of action of amphotericin B as antifungal. [Annual 2007]
2. A 62 year old retired and divorced office worker, homeless and from a low
socioeconomic background presents with a 2 month history of fatigue, weight loss
(10 kg), fever and night sweats and a productive cough. His friend states that he
habitually takes cheap alcohol whenever available and lives in shelters or with a few
friends that he has. His chest x-ray shows right apical pulmonary infiltrates and his
sputum smear is strongly positive for acid fast Bacilli. On suspension, his HIV test is
done which comes out positive.
A) Which drugs should be started for treatment of his tuberculosis and HIV? Justify
your choice.
B) Does this patient have heightened risk of developing medication toxicity? Why and
with which drug? (Annual 2022)
3. A) Describe diagrammatically the antiviral drugs acting at different steps in the life
cycle of a virus. [Annual 2021]
4. A 30 years old nursing mother is diagnosed as suffering from genital herpes. She had
a history of this viral infection. Previously she responded to a drug used topically but
now oral valacyclovir is also added by the physician.
a) What is the mechanism of action of valacyclovir? (2)
b) Which anti-retroviral agents are used in pregnancy? (2)
c) Describe mechanism of action and uses of INF-alpha. (3)
[Annual 2018]
6. Draw a diagram of lifecycle of HIV and sites of action of antiviral agents. (4) [Annual
7. The antiviral chemotherapy began in early 1950s when the search for anticancer
drugs generated several new compounds. These antiviral drugs act at different sites
of viral life cycle. Name the major sites and give one example of the drugs which act
at that site. (7) [Supple 2016]
8. Enlist four drugs for treatment of chronic Hepatitis B virus infection and two drugs for
treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection. [Annual 2015]
9. What is the mechanism of action of acyclovir? Why it is less toxic to normal human
cells? [Supple 2015]
10. Name the drugs used to treat chronic hepatitis B & C. (4+3) [Supple 2014]
11. Name drugs used for the treatment of herpes virus infection. What is their
mechanism of action? [Supple 2013]
12. Enumerate drugs for herpes virus and write their clinical uses. [Annual 2012]
13. A 30-year-old female is suffering from painful genital herpes lesion. What agents are
useful to treat her infection? (3.5) [Annual 2010]
14. A 25-year-old hepatitis C positive case is admitted in a hospital. Which drugs can be
used for him? Give adverse effects of any one of these. (4)
[Supple 2010, Annual 2009]
16. Write briefly the mechanism of action of amantadine as antiviral. [Annual 2007]
3. Name drugs used for treatment of Salmonellosis (Typhoid fever) and write down
mechanism of action of any one of them. (3) [Annual 2016]
4. A) Give two mechanisms by which resistance may develop to antimicrobial drugs
(with one example for each)
5. Explain the basis for following drug combinations
[Annual 2008]
18. A 25-year-old young man came to your hospital with history of persistent highgrade
fever for the last 10 days. On examination there was relative bradycardia and fever
and splenomegaly. Widal test was positive and patient diagnosed as suffering from
typhoid fever. Enlist four drugs from different group of antibiotics for the disease.
[Supple 2008]
19. A 50-year-old lady was admitted to intensive care unit and treated for community
acquired pneumonia with ceftriaxone and azithromycin. She improved but develops
diarrhea and eight bowel movements after a few days. The toxin assay confirmed a
case of clostridium difficile associated colitis. What is the drug of firs choice and the
alternative drugs? (2) [Supple 2014]
Antiprotozoal Drugs
1. Give clinical use of chloroquine. (Annual 2023)
2. Enumerate antimalarial drugs used for chemoprophylaxis.(Supply 2022)
3. Enumerate 3 drugs used for Trypanosomiasis. Give mechanism of action of
pentamidine. (Annual 2022)
4. Write the clinical uses of Metronidazole. [Annual 2021]
5. Enumerate:
a) Clinical uses of metronidazole. (3.5)
b) Adverse effects of chloroquine. (3.5)
[2018 Supple held in 2019]
6. A) After backpacking trip in the mountains, a 24-year-old man develops diarrhea
and malaria. Doctor prescribes him a drug which has antimalarial and antiamebic
effects as well. Enumerate the toxicities of this drug. (2)
B) Write down the prevention of malaria in travelers. (2)
[Annual 2018]
7. A patient of hepatic amebic abscess was treated with metronidazole and diloxanide
furoate for 10 days. Write down the mechanism of action of metronidazole.
Enumerate its clinical uses and adverse effects. Why diloxanide furoate was given to
this patient? (7) [Annual 2017]
8. A) Enumerate four drugs used for the treatment of chloroquine resistant malaria.
What is the role of primaquine as antimalarial agent? (3.5)
B) Enumerate seven clinical uses of metronidazole. (3.5)
[Supple 2016 held in 2017]
9. A 40 years old male presented with history of intermittent rigors, high fever and
swats for a week. His temperature recorded was 104 F and examination revealed
enlarged spleen. A blood smear showed presence of Plasmodium falciparum. Name
different chemical groups with drug examples to treat this patient. (7) [Supple 2015
held in 2016]
10. A patient suffering from amebiasis is treated with metronidazole. He is also using
alcohol. Give mechanism of action of metronidazole and its interaction with alcohol.
[Annual 2015]
11. A) Mr. Shams is diagnosed with case of acute malaria. He did not respond to
chloroquine. How would you treat his chloroquine resistant malaria?
B) What are clinical uses and adverse effects of quinine?
[Annual 2014]
12. A 40-year-old man presented with history of chills, fever and sweats. The
examination reveals high temperature and enlarged spleen. The blood smear shows
ring form of plasmodium falciparum. Name the major drugs for the treatment and
prophylaxis of this infection. (7) [Supple 2014]
15. What is mechanism of action and basis of resistance of Chloroquine? (7) [Supple
2011 + Annual 2010]
Antihelminthic Drugs
Cancer Chemotherapy
1. Enlist 2 adverse effects of anti cancer drug “Bleomycin”. (Annual 2023)
2. Enumerate anthracycline antibiotics. How these antibiotics exert their cytotoxic
action? (Supply 2022)
3. Classify anti cancer drugs according to cell cycle specificity. (Annual 2022)
4. A 27 year old female patient , diagnosed with choriocarcinoma is administered
methotrexate. Describe mechanism of action of methotrexate ; enumerate its other
uses. [Annual 2021]
5. A) Explain four advantages of using a combination of anticancer drugs. (4)
B) Explain three non-neoplastic uses and three adverse effects of methotrexate. (3)
[Supple 2017]
6. Write short essay on the acute and delayed toxic effects of alkylating agents used
in the treatment of cancer. [Supple 2014]
7. Enumerate the general adverse effects of anticancer drugs. [Supple 2013]
8. Classify anticancer drugs. Enumerate the uses of methotrexate. (7) [Supple 2011]
9. List the adverse effects of antineoplastic drugs due to their action on rapidly
dividing healthy cells. (3) [Supple 2010, Annual 2009, Supple 2009]
11.Classify cell cycle specific anticancer drugs and give one example for each.
[Supple 2008]
12.Enumerate anticancer drugs that act as spindle poison. Outline their general
mechanism of action. [Annual 2007]
1. How do proton pump inhibitors act? Enlist their four main clinical uses. (Supply
2. A 33 year old male presents to physician with complain of epigastric pain and heart
burn for last one month. He says that pain is aggravated by eating junk food.
Physician Starts tablet Cemitidine 400 mg twice daily before meals to control his
symptoms. Explain how Cimetidine reduces gastric acid release? Enlist its clinical uses
and adverse effects. (Annual 2023)
3. Enumerate proton pump inhibitors. Give their important aspect of pharmacokinetics.
(Supply 2022)
4. Write down about antiemetic subclasses with their mechanism of action. (Annual
5. A 35 year old female with severe epigastric pain was taken to ER where a diagnosis of
acid peptic disease was made and symptomatic management was done ; she was
discharged on proton pump inhibitors. Explain mechanism of action of proton pump
inhibitors; also enlist their other clinical uses. [Annual 2021]
6. A young female student complains of nausea, epigastric distress and heartburn after
each meal. Classify drugs available to treat her acid peptic disease. (3) Explain
mechanism of action and enumerate adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors. (4)
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
7. A 50 years old male to emergency department with severe burning chest pain
radiating into his neck. His electrocardiogram was normal and test for troponin was
negative, but H. pylori stool antigen was positive. [Annual 2018]
a. Which different drug therapies can you give to treat this patient? (2)
b. Write down mechanism of action and uses of metoclopramide. (2)
8. A patient presenting with vomiting and diarrhea was given ORS for rehydration and
metoclopramide for control of vomiting. What is its mechanism of action and other
clinical uses? (4) [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
9. Name two drugs/drug groups used for motion sickness. Write adverse effects of
each. (3) [Annual 2017]
10. A young patient with history of acid hypersecretion, gastrointestinal ulceration and
malabsorption presents to your clinic. He is diagnosed as a case of gastrinoma. You
prescribe omeprazole as being excellent acid suppressant. Write down its mechanism
of action and toxicity. (4) [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
11. Classify drugs used for acid peptic disease. (4) [Annual 2015]
12. A lady presented with dyspepsia and heartburn. The physician diagnosed peptic ulcer
disease and prescribed omeprazole which provides rapid relief. She continued to take
the drug for a month and had no dyspepsia for other six months. However, over the
next few months her symptoms reappeared and grew progressively worse.
On a return visit to her, the ulcer showed the presence of H. pylori. [Annual 2014] a)
What drugs should be prescribed on the second visit? b) Why did the ulcer relapse?
a. What drugs can be prescribed to relieve the symptoms of peptic ulcer?
13. One third of western population is suffering from dyspepsia and 50% of them are
patient of GERD or acid peptic disease. Name various drug groups used in the
treatment of acid peptic disease and give two examples of each group. [Annual
16. How omeprazole will act in patients of acid peptic disease? [Supple 2011]
15. Enumerate two proton pump inhibitors. Write down their mechanism of action.
[Supple 2009]
16. Describe the mechanism of antiemetic and prokinetic effects of metoclopramide.
[Annual 2008]