Joystick Controlled Industrial Robotic System With Robotic Arm

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Joystick controlled industrial robotic system with robotic arm

Conference Paper · November 2019

DOI: 10.1109/RAAICON48939.2019.18

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3 authors, including:

Md. Sajid Rahman

North South University


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Joystick controlled industrial robotic system
with robotic arm
Reduanur Rahman, Md Sajid Rahman, Jillor Rahman Bhuiyan
Department of ECE, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh,,

Abstract—The popularity of using robots in industries and II. RELATED WORK

factories instead of human workers has seen a high rise. Through
this work we have attempted to make an alternative system of Mohd Ashiq Kamaril Yusoff, 2012[1] introduces a
human for reducing the human labor by using simple and mobile robot arm to grab and place activities and shift straight,
available components. This robotic system is controlled by a user left, back and forth using the transmitter's wireless PS2
through joystick. By the use of the joystick the user can operate controller. While the wireless PS2 receiver is interfacing to
both the robotic vehicle and the robotic arm. It will move from one
manage the robot with the Arduino Mega engine.
place to another according to the command of the user and pick
the desired object and place it for the user. This design of the robot
is easy, cheap and versatile, making it a great commercial P.S. Ramaiah, M.Venkateswara Rao[2], Raghu and
candidate. With the increasing use of this kinds of robot the G.V.Satyanarayana provided a model called "Four Fingered
production rate will increase and the number of mishaps will Robotic Hand Microcontroller." This paper explains the
design and development of the Four Fingered Robotic Hand
(FFRH) using 8-bit microcontroller, sensors and wireless
Index Terms— Arduino Mega, Servo motors, Robotic arm,
Joystick controller, Programming of the Arduino. feedback. The system design is based on a simple, flexible and
minimal control strategy.
Ozcan CETINKAYA and Hilmi KUSCU[3] proposed a
system for control of robot arm by using reference arm and
According to World Robotics 2018 study by the
LabVIEW. In the study, position controlling of a robot arm
International Robotics Federation (IFR), by the end of 2017
with Four degree of freedom and an ending function element
there were approximately 2,097,500 operational industrial
was connected to this robot arm by using reference arm and
robots. It is estimated that this number will reach 3,788,000
control software written in computer. For this purpose,
by the end of 2021. The IFR estimates global revenues of
responsive potentiometers placed on the joints of one of the
industrial robots at US$ 16.2 billion for the year 2017. In
arms to perceive the joint angles and named as Master Arm.
2017, the annual turnover for robot systems is estimated at
To the joints of other arm, RC servo motors were placed
US$ 48.0 billion, including software, peripherals and system
which will move according to the joint angles of master Arm
engineering costs.
as well as the virtual joint angles produced by the control
software and this arm named as Slave Arm. The Control
Being a developing country, Bangladesh is moving
program of Master and Slave Arms that is the exchange of
towards industrialization, so more human workers are needed
information with computer was provided via an ADC Daq
and production rate needs to be significantly higher. We can
do this by creating technologically sophisticated devices that card connected to the computer.
can render a great deal of human labor replacement feasible.
Industrial robots decrease waste and generate products of
higher quality with constant accuracy. In order to keep the
human employees safe, healthy and motivated, these robots III. THEORY
can also manage the most tedious and hazardous Our project seeks to design a robot that is wirelessly
manufacturing works. operated by the user and capable of selecting and placing many
items.. Using joystick, commands are sent to the receiver at the
We have developed a joystick controlled industrial transmitting end to either regulate the robot's motion to move
robot. The robot can perform different movements, turns, forward, backward, left, or right, etc.
start/stop operation and relocate an object from one place to
another. Depending on the implementation, the robotic arm The joystick device transmitter functions as a remote
can conduct any required job like welding, gripping, control that has the benefit of appropriate range, while the
spinning, etc. The wireless joystick control system is very Bluetooth receiver end unit is supplied to the microcontroller
accurate and the system works better than other control to drive DC motors for the needed job via motor driver IC.As
systems. we have a robotic arm attached to the robotic vehicle so we
used 4 DC gear motors ,two on each sides.The two motors of
each sides were shorted to get more power and frequent
movement.This robotic arm looks intimately like a human Because of having a higher current rating the 12v Battery can
arm- it has a shoulder, an elbow, and a wrist equivalent. The easily run all the motors along with the Arduino Mega. But
shoulder is typically installed on a stationary foundation still an external 6v has been connected to the servo motor
rather than on a mobile body. As there are six servo motors driver so that it can run for more period of time. The battery
installed in the robotic arm this has six degrees of libert.. has a connection with Arduino, DC motor driver and the PCA
When a key is pressed for the robotic arm to move the servo driver.
command goes to the Arduino and it passes the command to
the PCA9685 16 Channel servo driver which drives the servo
motors of the robotic arm and the arm then carries out the
command. Thus using the different keys of the PS2 controller
the robotic vehicle pick and places object with the help of the
robotic arm.


The project deals with simple components and a very
reasonable budget which includes a PS2 controller, Arduino
Mega 2560, 12v battery, PCA 9685 16 channel servo driver,
L293d DC motor driver, MG996 servo motors and DC gear

Fig.2. Circuit Diagram of the Robot (Drawn in Fritzing)


In fact, this project is intended to create an industrial

robotic system capable of collecting and putting items from
one location to another regulated by wireless
communication. It's been programmed by Arduino Mega.
This robot works according to the Arduino Mega output

Fig.1.Arduino Mega (Image source – Google)

This project basically works with the help of Arduino

Mega. It can read both analog and digital signal. It is
programmed to response if any command is received via
joystick. A code has been generated for the implementation
and operation of the Arduino mega. With the help of Arduino
mega our will work accordingly to the commad given by the
Ps2 controller. This projects program of the Arduino Mega is
IDE (integrated development environment) based processing
Fig.3. Flowchart of the connections
We have also used the DC motor driver to drive the DC
motors of the robotic vehicle and the PCA 9685 16 channel
servo driver to drive the servo motors of the robotic arm. Both
the drivers are connected to the Arduino and the DC motors VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
are connected with the DC motor driver and the servo motors
of the robotic arm are connected with the servo driver module. After analysing our system by testing its accuracy of
A 12v Battery is sufficient to perform all the operations. rendering command, capability of picking objects and frequent
ovent we saw that the project works perfectly. Which implies,
we introduced the prototype of the whole scheme efficiently, directions for setting up the job in specific. Therefore, there is
which we originally planned. Both of the drivers are working no better product on the market.
properly along with the Arduino. The joystick controller was
able to move the robotic vehicle and the robotic arm precisely.
The batteries provide enough voltage for all the motors with VIII. FUTURE WORK
which we worked with. The Ps2 controller’s wireless receiver The primary aim of creating this project is to provide a
has a satisfactory range which is about 15 meters. Up to 2-3 fundamental user-friendly robotic pick-and-place system as an
pounds can be carried by our prototype. So, we can say that it alternative to human labour. It is possible to improve the model
was a successful implementation of our project. more than the present form. This project is intended for each
category of individuals, we will be developing this project in the
However, one of the robotic arm servo motors stopped future with many more advanced technologies that will improve
operating after a number of successful experiments. It was our project. Some enhancement that can be added to our project
discovered that it was not working at all. We checked the are given below:
connections, but that wasn't of any use. This was then
substituted by a fresh option and was believed to be the a) Attaching a camera and a monitor:
consequence of a fault in the servo engine itself. Cameras can be attached in the moving body and also the
robotic arm so that an operator need not go to certain places to
Lastly, the coding of the robotic system was difficult control the robot. He can see the path through the camera in a
because we had to be conscious of a lot of stuff like free motion, monitor and also the object and control it to pick and place
claw and six joints as well. We wanted to do the coding at the things.
beginning with the help of inverse kinematics but it's a bit
b) Increase the durability:
complex and difficult to achieve the expected control. It's also
hard to accomplish the angles. So we investigated more and It can also be made hazardous environment resistive by using
discovered an alternative way for the control of the arm that certain materials for different types of environments.
also works similarly and we are able to make the code work
c) Enhancing the usage:
By using more advanced technology and a bigger budget it
can be used as a home assistance and various household
activities can be done with the help of these kind of robots.
d) Making it autonomous:
The pick and place robot an be made autonomous so that an
operator is not required for monitoring the robot all the time.
Through sensors and image processing it can be implemented in
such a way that it can work on its own.
Our challenge is to keep the price of the project within budget &
will try to reduce the device price if it can be produced in a larger
First of all, we wish to express our gratitude to the
Almighty for giving us the strength to perform our
responsibilities and complete the project. We would like to
convey our sincere thanks to our respected authors and to the
North South University (NSU) ECE Department for offering
Fig.4. Final experimenting of our project
us with the opportunity and support to carry out the project..

A distinct style was suggested in this article, which broadens the
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opportunities for implementation. This will provide installation
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Zulia, 2016. Available: 10.21311/

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[7]P. Ramaiah, M. Venkateswara Rao and G. Satyanarayana, "A
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of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 90-102, 2011.
Available: 10.5121/ijaia.2011.2207.

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