u/jazbaby25 avatarjazbaby25
Just some things I picked up on and heard from other players so far in the game, not the best format I
know but I tried to make it easy to read through. Will range from beginner tips and so on..
trying to “correct” me. I’ve been playing for a while now. These are my personal tips..you can make
yours if you’d like to your liking.)
ACTIVE REDEMPTION CODES (will keep updated as possible and case sensitive. Enter these in
settings>redemption code): LOPStarter, LOP888, LOP666, happyLOP
The more wisdom books you use the more exp. Income you receive… Etc.
Your EXP. Income will allow you to upgrade your partners which upgrades each attribute by a certain
amount, also once you open up the imperial library you can trade partner exp. To character exp. Edit:
You can also receive partner EXP by completing storylines, though the daily in the phoenix hall, buying
travel records, accomplishing achievements, accomplishing daily quests, traveling, main story quests and
at the hard labor camp.
Your SILVER income can be used to up your FORTUNE when traveling, to buy rose seeds that give you
coins when you sell the roses in the imperial farm, and can also be used to donate to your guild and
exchange for fame there as well. Edit: You can also receive silver by traveling, in the hard labor camp,
accomplishing achievements, main story quests and buying silver certificates.
Your FAME income will help you get through the storyline (except for arch rival fights that is based off
your momentum gained from yellow authority books. Like Sanlue, Luitui and Hiquianjing. Might be
butchering the spelling, but good to know the names to collect them in the daily.) Edit: You can also
receive fame by traveling, in the hard labor camp, in your guild bank if you are a level 3, buying a
business card, accomplishing achievements, main story quests and accomplishing daily quests.
FAME income is the only one that consumes as it provides fame. It consumes your silver. Look at your
numbers and always make sure that your POLITICS number is higher than your CHARISMA number or
you won’t have enough SILVER to consume and collect FAME. (I didn’t find this to be such a problem in
the beginning but more as I went on.)
-When bonding with your confidant hold off on clicking CHARISMA levels and instead focus on POLITICS
-Sometimes it’s best to hold off on gifting the blue random attribute books as well as they can increase
your charisma when you’re trying to hold off
-In the POTENTIAL option when clicking on a partner, don’t advance the charisma part when possible
EDIT: The daily can give you extra items or character exp
Clicking ASK PARTNER Instead of the other options can give you double the items.
Clicking ASK CONFIDANT Will give you intimacy points for that confidant
Take note that the colors of the words of the books do not correspond with the actual color of the book.
They correspond with how much of a power plus you get when gifting them. Green for 100 points, blue
for 500 points and purple for 1000
Leveling up a partner increases each attribute by a certain amount. Instead of trying to keep them all
around the same level it is more beneficial to focus on 8 partners to strengthen. You can do this by
gifting those top 8 the books, potential fruits, focus on leveling them up first. I recommend using the
partners with the authority attribute as they will have the highest momentum since it is directly
correlated with authority levels for archrival fights.
Try to promote all your partners though at least to green as you can and only after those top 8 as it will
confuse other players during debates as to which of your players is more powerful. ( then to blue as you
can and so on.)
I like to keep one partner a little stronger and gift them a little more authority books in case I want to
buy a war token to revive a partner if I lose an archival battle. (That way I only have to revive one strong
one to pass and not a couple of them.
Having a few that you really focus on also helps in the Shouangong razors edge challenge.
To gift your books you just click ITEM on the bottom of your screen then click on the book and gift how
many you want to whichever partners. (same with skill points bags although some are given randomly)
Shi Lian is the only one who has a balance which mean she has all the attributes.
Give all books to authority partners! As you get them you will want a top 8. Doesn’t matter how you
spread out the books amongst them. Although I like to have one really strong partner above the rest
that I give all authority books to which helps reduce the amount of war tokens I use. A good choice
depending on your vip level (if u get them at all) is Wei Yingluo, Hui Xin or Zhen Huan. They are BEASTS.
Your TOTAL attribute number per partner, which is in part tallied by how many books are gifted, is your
HP in debate. The attributes per partner really just pertain to how much they will go up in that attribute
when leveled up.
This is why its important to have your most focused partners be authority partners because they help
you get through the story line as authority=momentum.
Spreading out books evenly amongst all is not productive in your overall goals. You won’t get far in the
razors edge challenge because the first few enemies are so low in hp, you’d be wasting momentum by
having them so powered up instead of having fewer high powered ones. You also won’t get too far in
debate bc your hp will be fairly low amongst other players and you can’t take as many hits. But this
doesn’t mean to not promote you lower partners. Just your top partners first. Make sure all partners are
at least green. I recommend then getting all authority partners to blue and then at least top 3-4 purples
before you get your bottom green partners to blue.
Depending on how far you’ve gotten with leveling up partners and such, just check the potentials
authority wise and whoever has the strongest you can focus on them bc at the same level as others they
will be stronger. Like say Longkodo is at level 150 and Hui Xin is at 120. Hui Xin at 150 will be stronger
than Long Kodo.
There are a few ways to check your momentum before an archival fight. When on a wild beast hunt look
for the number on the bottom right. You can also click on the arch rival fight but don’t click start yet and
add up each momentum together to see if you have enough momentum to defeat them in one go. Also
after fighting an enemy in your guild you can see how much damage you gave them at the end of the
fight. I recommend holding off a few hours and not fighting right away so you can have more time to
level up, gift authority books and cause more damage. BUT always do the archival fight before it hits 12
even if you’re going to lose because all partners will be revived at 12 without having to buy a war token
and you will be able to finish off whatever momentum they have left.
The Academy is a good place to use your ingots to get more spots as it brings up the attributes of the
partners you see there. EDIT: You can also build in the academy for higher rewards with silver and
ingots. If you find you are unable to build and the option goes grey, then level up and promote some
Also in the Phoenix hall as well the more foster children the more attributes your character gains once
they marry.
Ranking them by force will show you which partners have a higher momentum. I like to promote them
based off that. Clicking on a partner and then click the exclamation point next to where it says “Total
Attri” will show you their specific momentum.
You start promoting partners to servant at level 100 and you will need a servant hat, servant robe and
servant belt. You can get these at the Shouangong in the exchange on the bottom right. (They become
more expensive the more you buy in one day but resets to just 100 points the next day.) They can also
be purchased if you are in a guild of a certain level based off your contribution points received when
fighting enemies and building a basic-advanced construction. The more ingots you spend the more
contribution points you get.
As you level up (the next time at 150) you will need 3 of each to make a steward hat, robe and belt. You
make them by clicking on ITEM on the bottom of the screen and then click promote on the top. If you
have 3 of each Servant’s clothing you can click on the Steward clothing and create it.
Level up each intimacy to at least 10 using the jade, trysts or intimacy letters in pigeon mail. (Trysts are
cheaper like 5-15 ingots when you do them before leveling up or dating and doing the first 3 trysts
unlocks a storyline for that confidant.)
Simultaneously one by one focus on attribute points as 100 attribute points will allow you to level up
your affection with that confidant to level 2. You can do this with any gifting besides jade and through
pigeon mail that is not intimacy focused
As you get promoted you can get them as you travel and unlock new travel locations. It’s really random
on how many meetings it takes to unlock a new confidant. And sometimes it can take many. EDIT: Your
chances improve if you keep an eye and scroll through your pigeon mail to see if they pop up there.
Each confidant is bonded to 1 or 2 of your partners which you can check by clicking a confidant and
clicking bond. When using bond points the responding attributes goes to those partners. You can choose
at your discretion. So the more confidants you have, the better.
I like to click on what will give my partners authority but also being mindful not to let the charisma levels
rise with that over politics. I find that the attribute goes up more when you don’t click on the percent
ones instead click the others. Make sure you’re clicking on each partner after dates to see if you have
bond points available to use. Red dots won’t show up otherwise. But you can see how many you have
under bond before you click on each confidant.
You can get more dates by restoring energy and using the purple energy pill for more dates.
To go up in levels of affection with your confidant you need to hunt. Then in the hunting ground you can
click exchange and get a GOLDEN SACHET to get to level 2 then a LOVE LETTER for level 3 and so on.
Your confidant needs an attribute of 100 to get to level 2 and like 800 for level 3 and so on. Gifting
anything but jade raises your attributes. Edit: I try to buy each item once a day even before I need them
because each time you buy it gets more expensive but resets the next day.
Now to use the GOLDEN SACHET to go up a level you’ll need to go to the Phoenix hall scroll all the way
If you’ve reached 100 attribute points with your confidant you will be able to click on a vacant spot in
INFATUATION and click on that partner to level them up. I recommend to focus on gifting everything to
one confidant at a time to get to these next levels.
Also theres an option for it but I don’t recommend reducing intimacy with a confidant as there’s really
no value in that and you don’t get the items you spent back.
This is a good way to boost your intimacy and attributes. Sometimes you get stuck sending the same
letters over and over so just see what each one has for rewards and choose which ones your partners
need. I like to boost their intimacy. But the others are good for the QIANQINGONG ceremonies when
you get there. Check which attribute your confidants are lacking and choose that letter.
Edit: I would highly recommend splurging your ingots to get 5 pigeons for fast letter sending. Just make
sure you’ve at least clicked through each available conversation because fast letter sending will only
send to letters you’ve opened. (Always check for new letter popping us as you can get a higher chance of
getting a confidant when traveling if you they pop up in pigeon mail to send a letter)
If you click on the book of fate you can click on each confidants book and see how far you’ve gotten in
the storyline in the pigeon mail and dates. You can check how many endings you’ve unlocked depending
on the options you’ve selected on dates or in letters and see what you need to do to get more letters or
dates. EDIT: Here you can use the SANDS OF TIME. Book of fate>confidant book>pigeon mail>any ribbon
box>top option>RESET STORY EXPLORATION. You will get a pigeon with a letter you’ve read once before
but be able to choose different replies to unlock a new ending.
Once you level up a partner to level 2 infatuation you can use them in these ceremonies. At the end of
each ceremony you can exchange your points for items. Try to use your top confidants. EDIT: The higher
your attributes, ther higher you place which means more exchange points. Each attribute for individual
confidants will be tested. Your confidant needs 100 attribute points to level up to level 2 to qualify.
You’ll want to use your top 5 confidants with the highest attributes. Check where they are lacking as
spread attributes accordingly when gifting.
You get them randomly as you date your confidants. Edit: Some people say you're more likely to get
them if you tryst. The higher your intimacy with a confidant the higher the attributes you child will
They go in the Phoenix hall and you can use LOTUS SOUP to speed up their growth when you first
get them so you can draw lots and then start their studying.
From there you keep clicking on the vitality as they level up and use the blue VITALITY pills to restore
3 vitality points.
I would definitely splurge on opening up more slots tio unlock fast execution.
You can boost their attributes before you physically click to take the imperial exam by feeding them
CABBAGE. It’s 50 attribute points each time. You plant the seed in the imperial farm, cook it in the
imperial kitchen then go to warehouse>dish and give it to whichever kid you’d like.
Once they reach level 10 or 20 or 30 depending on how far you are in the story, they take the
imperial exam and then they can get married. You’ll need to use different destiny stones to marry
them off or use ingots. You'll want to marry off your children to those with similar or more attributes
points to have the most gain from marriage.
Edit: How to marry off your children- Click matchmaker that's right next to the foster children, click
through your unmarried then click proposal. Sometimes people will show up there easy to marry and
you can check their attributes against yours and decide if it worth it. You can also click the other
proposal folder and click server proposal for a random match up for someone to choose your child's
proposal or server directed proposal where you input someone's ID number to marry their children.
For that option you can go in the chat and ask if anyone needs to marry off their children and ask for
attribute points. Once you've decided you can click on their avatar and click copy ID to input that into
the server directed proposal.
The benefits are that you get however many attribute points from the person you married. Edit: The
higher the intimacy with your confidant, the higher level scholar the child will be. There are
achievements for getting higher level scholars. Destiny stones can be crafted for higher level scholar
children in your items when you click a destiny stone.
It’s on the bottom left and easy to miss. You can use your silver to increase it; if you wait a little it will
also increase throughout the day. If it says Average day or Smooth life then it is safe to travel. DO
OMEN.) You will lose EXP., FAME etc. instead of gaining; it’s not worth it. Just wait to travel until it
says average day again if you don’t want to use your silver up there.
Edit: There are achievement points for traveling during omen but only travel then if you're out of exp
or fame.
To restore your energy to travel more you use the green stamina pills.
Here you will meet confidants, get books, pills, Exp, Fame, or Silver. You can click on each location to
see the possible rewards. I wouldn’t recommend spending ingots to travel unless you want the
achievement points, just use your free random travels up. But you definitely want to unlock each
location ASAP.
I don’t always recommend starting your own guild UNLESS THERE AREN'T ANY AVAILABLE. Although
it's such a hassle to disband it if you forget the password plus the 24 hour wait to join one after you
leave one. Just check your server chat and ask who needs people to join their guild. Try to join one
with a bunch of people or at least active people. It’s more beneficial to leave a guild though if people
aren’t active because it’s hard for the guild to level up and do much. Edit: If you've joined a server
with little to no guilds just make your own (once you're a clan lady or vip i believe) with high power
people and get to the top!
If you’ve run into the trouble of having to disband your guild. You’ll have to catch customer service
when their online and they’ll need your guild name, guild number and the last time you’ve topped
up on ingots with a receipt if applicable.
Here you can buy servant outfits and trade silver for fame if you donate silver in the guild bank.
You will first need 1000 contribution points which you can get 200 each day for building an
advanced construction and you can also get them by fighting enemies.
Then you will also need to have 30 times your daily consumption rate of silver to be able to donate.
To achieve this just don’t collect any fame from your place duties for like a day or 2, don’t spend any
silver and then always click the +silver option on the DAILY.
Edit: DON'T FORGET TO FIGHT IN ENEMY BATTLES OR GUILD WARS. The higher the contribution the
more you can buy in the guild store and level your guild up!
This is basically like debate. It lasts for about 3 days and you get to deploy 4 partners each day. I like
to scroll to the bottom and use my strongest partners on their weakest. That way I get through more
partners and get more points; instead of getting my strongest beat by their strongest first try. You
get some points for every partner you deploy win or lose. You can also buy assault tokens for 300
ingots in the shop for more chances.
This is a good place to spend ingots in getting more seats. You can also click build under the books
to level up your academy to get more skill and growth points with each studying session.
EDIT: Don't skimp out on sending your weaker partners to Academy here and there. Otherwise when
other players debate your team they will fly through them. Skill points are used to build up your
attacks when debating.
EDIT: If you get stuck on building in the academy and it says "Level up" first. Then you just need to
wait until your promote your character again to the next Lady!
Hunting can give you meat to use in the imperial kitchen. It also gives you hunting points you can
use to get items that level up your confidants. Edit: Top 1 score gets you the most rewards and you
can spend like 5 ingots to 10 at a time to increase your damage by 10%. You can also chat while you
hunt which i'd only recommend if you have auto shoot enabled.
EDIT: It is possible to hunt in multiple locations at once. Sometimes I'll pop in and if no one shows up
after I do 10mil damage or 70%, then I will exit and join another hunt or do another activity. If no
one joins the hunt after that you get number 1 rewards.
To have a better chance at hitting the bullseye, after each reload click and hold onto the shoot
button and don’t let go until it is over the bullseye when deploying your partners. (This works for the
pot game in the banquet and in the imperial kitchen as well.) This way you can deploy less partners
at a time and not have to match the exact momentum to pass each location but have close to it.
Each location will give you different meat in your warehouse (not the rare hunting.)
It takes a while to level up your confidants to level 3 and when you buy one item the price goes up.
So I just buy one a day when the price goes down again as to not waste my points.
You can also monitor when a certain animal in the rare beast hunt is available to hunt. There is a
monitor button by each beast then if you’re on the game a pop up notification will show up when its
almost time.
Just make sure you have those strong 8 partners for this. Give them ALL the books and promote
them first. Using the skill points goes along with debates. Edit: I try to click on the partners with the
least fanciest hair when debating and it works usually. Use your knowledge on which partners are
usually weaker. A partner that has a grey mark is weaker then a green one and green is weaker than
blue and so on as far as levels of promotion.
You are given these horn things that you can spend before debating each individual partner that
either can increase your hit with a temporary skills increase or your hp. Just use as needed being
mindful of your hp vs your rival's level on the top of the screen during a debate.
Edit: Each time you level up a partner it will increase all attributes but more so their specific attribute.
Like if u level up a politics and charisma partner of the same level by 1 level with exp the politics
partner's politic attributes might go up by +100, while a charisma partner's politics will go up less by
say +60 just as an example.
EDIT: When looking at skill points and spending them on each partner it varies. Each partner will
have some skill sets with more stars. You will want to focus spending those points on the spots with
more stars, but don't completely ignore the lower stars. Your skill sets aren't for every attack, just the
special ones.
Having more spots open in the academy will help with skill points too. So DO NOT skimp out on
your lower powered partners or they will get crushed fast when other players challenge you in
debate. Always use further education tokens for more rewards.
If you click view more, you can click through people and find the weakest to debate for more debate
chances a day. (You will need a challenge letter) I would save 12 for the Iron Teeth debate event.
You get about 4 regular debate chances through the day. You can click and see which partner is
ready to debate and power them up before you start. After that you can increase your debate
chances that day 4 times with party invitations.
EDIT: Your total attribute is your hp for each individual partner. Your skill points when spent on
different skill sets will have a higher special attack in debate. Your regular attack is your partners
momentum. So just focus on bringing these up.
There’s different chapters you can access on the top right with different levels. Each level has a
clothing theme. For example let’s say its “Elegant” and “Splendid”. You will need to go down from
headwear and click through each option there to shoes and click through each option looking for on
of the 2 REQUIREMENTS. If a clothing option has both even better. You can look on the LEFT side
right ABOVE THE CAT to see the MINIMUM requirement to get at least one star to pass through. You
can also click the search on the bottom and enter the requirements in.
You also get a boost in score if you can invite confidants if their intimacy level is enough. It’s
different for each level so I’m not sure.
As you click on each clothing item, hair or accessory you can check there to see how many points
that item will give you to reach your requirements. Usually for each level it's sorted so it's the top
option that gives the most points. Some levels seem impossible to get one star without using cloud
brocades which you might need ingots for. You can always go back to different levels to replay as
you get more clothes.
EDIT: FOR CONFIDANT BONUS Sometimes it will say you need a confidant bonus and say you failed
to meet requirements. To check the confidant requirements click on the cat right after that pop up.
Sometimes you end up with a real weird top and bottom situation but sometimes its just a long
dress. And obviously the more stars the more rewards you get.
You will need to buy rose seeds with silver or ingots then plant them to get coins. Once harvested
click warehouse> other> sell roses for coins. With the coins you can get other seeds to plant. You
can start with cabbage as it will be the only thing you can cook in the imperial kitchen and as you go
up cooking levels you can unlock more recipes.
To gift the cabbage to raise foster children's attribute points click warehouse>dish and gift them and
the same goes for other dishes.
You can assign a partner as curator to watch over the farm and do the work. You can also click on
them to plant more seeds later. With a curator no one can pick and steal your crops.
On the top right you will see the option friends/strangers where you can water their crops to get
planting points. Picking will only take away from your neighbors and bother them which I don't
VIP (optional)
I was told if you’re going to spend money you might ask well get the lifetime pass and the monthly
passes. They are worth it. Theres a lot of different privileges at each VIP level and you can get
partners or confidants depending on how much you spend.
There’s certain extra prizes too when you spend certain amounts cumulatively. At certain VIP levels
you can skip through dates and such if you please. You can get auto shoot and things like that. It
also helps with certain events. I’m a VIP3 and I really enjoy it.
EDIT: These events (in this order after the first event) cycle through every few days and if you're not
spending crazy money to rank you can hoard the items for the event for a cycle or more. (I don't
recommend hoarding until you reach Lady Fuduan so you get more from palace duties otherwise it's
a way slower progress in the game)
Sometimes you might want to save it for a few cycles depending how high you want to rank, so just
check your supply against the top ranked people before participating. If you get too bored while
hoarding, you can join another server in the meantime as you hoard (more info in the comments).
Intimacy (3 days)- Hoard your jade stones. When the event is active us pigeon mail only for
increasing intimacy. Traveling can also give you intimacy.
Power (4 days)- So many things give you power even spending partner exp. Wait to level up a
confidant, upgrade outfits, use bond points, gift books, gift growth points. Advance growth points,
marry off foster children until the event. Basically anything that gives you a plus in attributes.
Debates (4 days)- Hoard your skill points (to spend on whichever partner is up for debate during the
event), save your challenge letters and party invitations for extra debate chances per day. Skill point
are spent on skills sets and are your attack. Total attributes are your hp in debate. Use the challenge
letters on weak people (you can click their name in view more and check their overall power against
yours) with your strongest partners.
Fame(3 days)- Hoard your fame which means no progress in the story until this event. You might get
stuck on progressing in the story if your authority is too low for the archrivals. If this happens you
can consider spending fame on pranks.
Banquet (4 days starts with Fame event)- save your banquet invitations and ingots. Ingots let you
start and attend banquets.
Partner Exp. Consumption (3 days)- Hoard your exp by not leveling partners
Guilds (5 days starts with Exp event)- Hoard guild tokens (during the event build advanced
constructions daily and fight in the guild war and fight the enemies daily during the event for max
Make sure to click on each ITEM to see what you can CRAFT if possible
Each RED DOT means there’s something you can collect or do in that area so look thoroughly
HARD LABOR CAMP resets each day; the farther you are in the story the more arch rivals you
can collect items from there. Sometimes theres no red dot so make sure to check it out
them sadly
Make sure to check out the EVENTS going on, it’s worth the prizes and usually has promotion
clothes. You can also check before they happen and see if you can start saving up on that
item. Like the spending fame contest or spending exp etc. Make sure you check the game
frequently throughout the day to collect them from the palace duties.
For EXP. that goes towards your character PROMOTION sometimes there’s blue +50 exp
bags you can purchase and there’s also an option to get 8 of them with every daily
Almost every time you get promoted you get 500 ingots (it stops after a certain promotion
and sometimes just skips)
In the IMPERIAL FARM you can water your neighbors gardens by clicking friends and
strangers. But picking crops actually takes away like 3 items from their crops. No one can
steal from you if you’ve assigned a partner to watch over
Using SILVER to plant ROSES will give you the COINS you need to buy other crop seeds. So
far I think the CABBAGE is the most useful
Look out for REDEMPTION CODES on the Facebook page and you can enter them by clicking
on the settings option on the bottom right of your screen
Each outfit can give you a certain amount of attribute points to your character just by
receiving it. You do not need to be wearing it
Favoriting a confidant or partner will have them show up on your main screen
You can click through quests and achievements on the bottom of the screen to see what
you’d need to do to get more prizes. The quests reset each day
Hard labor camp resets every day so make sure to collect
Your outfits can give you attribute points some will need to be activated which you will see a
red dot for; BUT they don't need to be worn to receive the attributes *If you'd like to hoard
items for events wait until you're at least Lady Fuhui so you get more from palace duties and
have more partners *When gifting (random attribute) growth points try to click through each
partners potential and see who would advance if you gave them those points. That way they
will go up by like 1000 or more in that attribute
And that’s all I can think of for now! Best of luck! If anyone has any questions feel free to ask I will
edit in more if I think of anything else.