OBIKE Final Year Project
OBIKE Final Year Project
OBIKE Final Year Project
November, 2020
Head of Department
The success and final outcome of this project goes to the Almighty God for wisdom
and understanding.
my project work and guided me all along, and never relented to attend to me anytime I came
Mathematics Dr. I. O. Akinyemi, and owe him my deepest gratitude for the efforts, constant
encouragement, guidance and support of all the academic and non-academic staff of the
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics. For the teachings that have brought out
positive values in me and making my stay a worthwhile one. I extend my gratitude to Mountain
Top University for setting greater heights for me. I say God bless you richly
My heart-felt gratitude goes to the Dean, College of Basic and Applied Sciences – Prof.
Akinwande, A. I., and all other staff members of the department of Computer Science: Dr.
I heartily would like to thank my parents, Mr & Mrs Sinclair Obike and siblings, thank
you all for your moral and financial support. I am grateful for all the investments into my
education and future. I would not forget to remember all the students in the Department of
Computer Science and Mathematics, for making my stay a worthwhile one, I say God bless
CERIFICATION................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION...................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background to the study....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Scope of the study.................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Significance of the study ....................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................. 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Conceptual Review...................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Network ........................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Machine Learning ......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Web Scraping and Cleaning......................................................................................... 9
2.2.4 Transfer Learning ....................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Theoretical Review.............................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Reviews of Related work ........................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 14
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Data Collection ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.3 Data Preprocessing ................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 Data Cleaning ................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Data augmentation ........................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Creating the model for image classification.......................................................................... 15
3.4.1 Convolutional neural network ........................................................................................ 16
3.4.2 Learning rate .................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Training the Model ................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 Transfer Learning ............................................................................................................ 18
3.6 Test the Model ......................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................... 19
IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULT .......................................................................................... 19
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Software and Hardware Requirements .................................................................................. 19
4.3 Installation Processes (Needed Packages) ......................................................................... 19
4.4 Design Architecture of Image Classification .................................................................... 21
4.5 Results of Custom Model.......................................................................................................... 22
4.6 Mobile Net V2............................................................................................................................ 23
4.7 Testing of The Pre-Trained Model .......................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................................ 28
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................ 28
5.1 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 28
5.1 Contribution to Knowledge ................................................................................................ 28
5.2 Limitations ........................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Recommendation for future study..................................................................................... 29
5.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 29
References ............................................................................................................................................ 30
APPPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................... 33
SOURCE CODE ............................................................................................................................. 33
This project is based on Image Classification of all Mountain Top University chapel books
using artificial neural network which will be used in Mountain Top University chapel. The staff
in chapel checks for student that don’t come with their chapel books, even when the students
are so many, in the process time wastage comes in, with the help of artificial neural network
which will be used to check student without their chapel book then, that can make students
The aim of this project is to create a system that can notify students that enters Mountain Top
University chapel without their chapel book which has been made compulsory to all students
to get it. To achieve this, the pictures of all the Mountain Top University chapel books will be
This project was built using the Jupyter Notebook environment. In the Jupyter Notebook
environment, data was uploaded in the environment where the data will be trained so, the
Artificial neural network (ANN) also known as neural networks is the piece of a computing
device to model the human brain's way of interpreting and processing knowledge. It is the basis
of artificial intelligence (AI) and solves problems that would prove impossible or complicated
processing of data and of the human brain producing patterns for decision-making. A subset of
artificial intelligence is deep learning in machine learning which has networks able to learn
from unstructured or unlabeled knowledge. They are efficient recognizers and classifiers of
patterns. They act as black-box, model-free, and adaptive instruments to capture and learn
critical data structures. In the fields of prediction and estimation, pattern recognition and
optimization, their computational skills have been proven. They are especially suitable for
problems that are too complex for classical mathematics and conventional procedures to model
One of the reasons for popularity of the neural network is the development of the simple error
technique Training a neural network with a supervised leaning algorithm such as BP implies
using a series of training examples to find the weights of the links connecting the nodes. An
error function in the form of the number of the squares belonging to the errors between the true
ones which the output from the training set and the computed outputs is minimized iteratively.
The law of learning or training determines how the weights are changed in each iteration.
In computer vision, classification of images relates to a phase that can identify an image by its
visual content. An image classification algorithm, for example, it could be designed to say
whether a picture includes a human figure or not. While for humans, there is the identification
of an object that is trivial, in computer vision applications, a robust picture classification is still
a big challenge. The most common neural network class used for image classification is
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). CNN consists of layers of input and output with
multiple hidden layers in-between. It derives its name from the kind of hidden layers of which
it consists. Usually, the hidden layers of a CNN consist of convolution layers, pooling layers,
completely related layers and layers of normalization. CNN uses a kernel and slides it through
the image to create the convolutional layer. (Amir Shahroudy et al., 2017)
unit check for students present with their Mountain Top University chapel books but by the
introduction of Image Classification Model which will make the chaplaincy officials to stop
one-by-one checking of chapel books or manual, which will take a lot of time especially in a
situation where Mountain Top University grows to the extent of having over 10, 000 students
ii. Create several models and construct the layers of the models or use transfer
iv. Test the accuracy of the models to find the most accurate model.
1.5 Significance of the study
This research provides an application that serves as the framework for platform upon which
applications can be built and operationalized for the classification of images worldwide. This
model can be used to verify if students are with the valid chapel material depending on the
service at hand.
neural networks that are most widely used for visual imagery analysis.
Deep Learning: Deep learning is part of a wider family of techniques for machine learning
Artificial Neural network: An artificial neural network (ANN) is the piece of a computing system
Web Scraping: Web scraping is the scraping of data used for website data extraction.
Machine Learning: Machine learning is the study of algorithms in computers that are improved
by experience automatically.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a review of literature on classification of images. The presentation of this
chapter begins with the conceptual review, theoretical review, review of related works.
In the fields of remote sensing, image processing and pattern recognition, image classification
plays a significant role. The method to sort all the pixels of an image into a finite number of
individual categories is digital image classification. (Rashmi & Mandar, 2011). Different
advanced techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks in image classification (ANN). For
image classification, Vector Machines (SVM), Fuzzy steps, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Fuzzy
support Vector Machines (FSVM) and Genetics Algorithm with Neural Networks are being
created. According to (Seetha & Muralikrishna, 2008) non-convex networks can accommodate
A minimal number of samples and computing to deal with units, conventional machine learning
techniques (such as multilayer perceptron machines, vector support machines, etc.) mostly use
shallow structures. When the target items have rich meanings, the effectiveness and
recent years, the field of image processing, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been
problems. and has significantly enhanced the accuracy of many assignments for machine
learning. It has become a solid and universal system model of deep learning. (Mingyuan &
Yong, 2019).
2.2 Conceptual Review
2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Network
A multilayer neural network is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and it is also the
most traditional and general paradigm for deep learning. CNN is really interested in learning
machines, and has outstanding hyperspectral image classification results. The representation
based on CNN presents the spatial spectral contextual sensitivity that is critical for correct pixel
Newman et al (2019). The experimental results of the commonly used hyperspectral image
datasets show that any other conventional deep-learning cl-based approach will outperform the
proposed method. Neural Network Context-based Convolution algorithms are the most
advanced methods of depth learning and classical non-neural network algorithms that are
recognized by deep structure and multilayer perceptron (MLP) pixel-based with shallow
structure. (Zhang et al., 2018). In a succinct and successful way, the two algorithms are paired
with very distinct habits and a rule-based fusion of decisions. approach is used to classify very
identification of images and, which they have proven very successful. Besides in powering
robotic vision and robots, CNNs have been effective in recognizing objects, faces and traffic
A neural network is said to be convolutional if it basically has a kernel sliding over images as
shown below.
A convolutional neural network can have different layers and different stages, but ideally, after
a convolutional layer comes a reduction layer normally done using max pooling function. This
function takes for example a 2*2 matrix and reduces it to just one number which is the
maximum number in the matrix. After this, several layers can be added, some can be repeated.
The output of CNNs is equal to the number of labels or classifiable objects. For example, if we
are classifying objects of a cat and a dog, the output layer will have just two nodes. One for
Figure 2.2: Convolutional Neural Network (different layers)
2.2.2 Machine Learning
Machine Learning (ML)is the data-based field in AI which provides systems the potential for
learning automatically, and improve from practice without being programmed specifically. The
computer is fed with lots of data which it learns from. It detects trends in the data and the usage
can be made for prediction, clustering or classification. The process of learning first begins
with observation of data. The primary objective of machine learning is to make it possible for
Some ML methods;
Supervised learning: This is the type of learning when the data used to train the model is
labelled. Beginning from the analysis of a known training dataset, the inferred function is
generated by the learning algorithm to make predictions about the output values. The system
can provide goals for any fresh feedback after adequate training. The algorithm used can also
equate its output with the right results to change the model accordingly and find errors.
Unsupervised Learning: In this case, the data used is not labelled. It studies how systems can
deduce a function from which to define a hidden structure unlabelled data. It identifies patterns
in the data and the usage can be made for cluster the attributes in the data into groups.
Reinforcement Learning: In this case, the agent meets with its environment through action
development and discovers mistakes or rewards. For the agent to learn which behaviour is
extracting the data and saving it to a local disk in the computer or made it simpler for data
scientists to have access to relevant data. This data collection technique is mostly used when
text analysis is in mind to a database in table format. A lot of information is on the web and
most data in the world are unclean. Working with an unclean data can be disastrous as it leads
to wrong prediction and poor accuracy. When a data set has missing values, there are several
Replacing the missing value is the most common practice in this kind of situation. The missing
value is replaced with the most prevalent value in the column or with the average of all other
prejudices, in other words, information acquired while solving one issue and the application of
it to a separate but related problem. For example, awareness acquired when learning to
recognize dollars, could apply when trying to recognize naira. This is a very effective way to
build precise models in a time-saving way (Rawat & Wang 2017). With transfer learning, you
start with trends that have been learned, rather than beginning the mechanism of learning from
scratch. while resolving a separate problem. Previous learning is therefore leveraged and we
In computer vision. Transfer learning is typically conveyed by the use of templates that are
2.3 Theoretical Review
The difficulty of classifying images from a large dataset has been the focus of recent research.
The classifier of the support vector machine (SVM) proves to be quite effective in the
Developed Artificial Neural Network which manages the noisy data efficiently, and this
(Bianchini & Scarselli, 2014) Proposed a method on how the depth of feedforward neural
In this research, a diagnosis for bone malignant growth using Kmeans segmentation and KNN
Kader et al. (2015) focused on the use of input image matrix to conduct training and testing on
sample images acquiring the recognition accuracy establishing the network by adjusting the
Nagare (2015) proposed the number plate recognition using back propagation and learning
vector quantization neural network and compared the results of both types. Extracted
Characters are converted to features and are trained to check the performance.
Mostafa et al., (2009) proposed Vector Machines for Directed Acyclic Graph Support (DAG
SVM). It suggests a multi-class weighted classification technique that divides the space of input
into many subspaces. A DAG SVM is trained and its density function (pdf) is guessed for each
subspace in the training process of the technique. The test step is determined when pdf of the
subspace is used to match the value of each input pattern as the weight of each DAG SVM to
each subspace. Finally, to determine the class mark of the given input pattern, a fusion
operation is specified and applied to the DAG SVM outputs. The results of the evaluation
indicate the prominence of our multi-class classification system compared with DAG SVM.
2.4 Reviews of Related work
A deep learning architecture based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) and the data
fusion scheme of Naive Bayes (called NB-CNN) was proposed by Huang et al., (2019), which
the usage can be made for the study of a single crack detection video frame. At the same time,
to combine the information collected from each video frame to increase the overall efficiency
and robustness of the system, a modern scheme for the fusion of data is suggested.
A survey on techniques and methods of image classification was carried out by (Lu & Wend,
2007). Image classification is a dynamic process that can be influenced by several variables.
They discuss current image classification practices, challenges, and prospects. The focus is on
summarizing the main approaches to advanced classification and the methods used to improve
(Jipsa & Vkarunakaran, 2012) A survey on the method of image classification was conducted
and Image classification was found to be one of the most significant complex fields of image
processing. If it is blurred and noisy material is used, it is nuanced and hard to define. There
are many methods for classifying, they include effective classification of images and results,
but when the image includes fuzzy and noisy information, they fail to have adequate rankings
results. Supervised and unsupervised classification are the two primary methods for image
classification. Both classifications have their own benefits and drawbacks. The noisy and
distorted image makes it impossible to produce a better result than the regular image.
Saurabh et al., (2013) increase the classification using support vector machine. One of the
reasons for the elevated dimensionality of the space of a feature is conventional to classification
approaches that deal poorly with content-based image classification tasks. Color image
colors. Better efficiency and insensitivity to minor shifts in camera perspectives i.e. translation
and rotation, are the advantages of using color picture histograms. For the classification of the
remotely sensed hyper spectral images, a restricted linear discriminate analysis (CLDA)
method. Its basic concept is to plan and to design an efficient linear transformation operator
that can optimize the inter-class to intra-class distance ratio while meeting the constraint of
aligning the numerous centers of the class in different directions after transformation. Its key
benefit over the conventional linear discrimination study of Fisher is that it is feasible to
accomplish the classification concurrent with the transition. The CLDA, i.e. the class spectral
Zhang et al., (2012) Automatic Image Classification Using the Ant-Colony Classification
Algorithm The classification based on ant-colony is described in this paper in order to improve
the usability, robustness, and convergence rate of automatic image classification. The standard
functionality of the picture classification. It defines two kinds of ants with various search
policies and refreshing processes. New categories are defined by stochastic ants; category
tables are constructed and the clustering center for each segment is calculated. The analysis
3.1 Introduction
This section describes the approach model used to establish the model of image classification
that started with the identification and collection of data needed to develop the model.
of Mountain Top University’s chapel books from the internet. Several pictures of these books
will be taken with ‘noise’. Noise in the sense that the photographs are taken in multiple
contexts. Pictures of the books will be taken with other objects to help increase the reliability
of the template so that it can identify these books even if a part of it is showing or it is really
showing. Similar pictures would be taken in different lightning backgrounds so that the model
would be able to identify these objects even when there is poor lightning.
Images will be manually split into two directories, one for training and one for validation with
the validation data being 20% of the whole data set. The validation images will be selected
might be dark, blurry, so it will have to be sorted out and deleted. In Data preprocessing
the images will be converted to number because neural network basically works with digits.
Data preprocessing is a technique for data mining that requires converting the raw data into a
missing, and is likely to contain several errors in some habits or patterns. Preprocessing of data
inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, duplicated or incorrectly formatted data. The data will be
cleaned to avoid any form of error, cleaning the data can be in form of incorrect, corrupted,
existing data or newly created synthetic data from existing data. Even when I have lots of data,
it will support and boost the sum of relevant data in my dataset. This is linked to the way neural
networks communicate with one another to learn. Data augmentation will be used to take an
image and change the shape so it looks like a new image but still the same image.
The first model will have its layers constructed by me, while the other would be a pre-trained
model. ImageDataGenerator will be used to implement data augmentation for my training data
and will shuffle generator. A model will be created in which the beginning layers have little
nodes as compared to the middle or ending layers. In other words, there will be an increase in
the amount of node numbers as the layers increase. Dropouts will be used in several areas to
avoid overfitting. The activation of my convolution layers and dense layers would be ‘relu’
aside the final layer which would be softmax since I am classifying more than two objects.
A Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer will be used with a really low learning rate, and the
The model will be trained for 10 epochs and then the training accuracy will be plotted alongside
the validation accuracy, and also plot the training loss alongside the validation loss.
A pre-trained model will be loaded, freeze its layers, add a final layer which would be used for
classification, then train it with the data. The loss and optimizers will be same as that used for
my custom-built model.
After this is done, the training accuracy will be plotted alongside the validation accuracy, and
modeling, such as picture recognition, large numbers of filters specific to a dataset of training
in parallel will be needed. The effect is extremely unique characteristics that can be observed
on input images anywhere. A subset of deep neural networks, most widely used for visual
(ConvNet/CNN) is a deep learning algorithm that can take an input image, apply significance
(learnable weights and biases) to different aspects/objects in the picture and the ability to
needed within a ConvNet is much smaller. Although filters are hand-engineered in primitive
processes, with sufficient preparation, ConvNets have the ability to learn these filters/traits
(Sumit, 2018).
With their special mechanism, Convolutional Neural Networks perform better than other Deep
Neural Network architectures. CNNs group multiple pixels together, one pixel at a time instead
of looking at the background. (an example of 3 to 3 pixels as in the image above so that they
In another way, CNNs can see a group of pixels that form a line or curve. Due to the deep
Neural Networks architecture, not a pixel party, but groups of lines and curves that form certain
shapes can be seen in the next step. And so on until they create a complete picture.
model weights are updated. It can be difficult to select a learning rate since a value that is too
small can lead to a long training period that can get stuck, whereas a value that is too large can
lead to too quickly learning a sub-optimal set of weights or an inconsistent training system
where the learning rate is a tuning parameter in machine learning and statistics in an
optimization algorithm that specifies the step size at each iteration when progressing towards
Learning rate is a hyper-parameter that regulates the weight of our neural network with regard
to the gradient of loss. It explains how easily the neural network updates the ideas it has learned.
A suitable level of learning is low enough for the network to converge into something useful,
but big enough for it to be able to be educated within a reasonable time. An empirical approach
cannot measure the weights of a neural network. Instead, via an empirical optimization method
Stochastic gradient descent is discussed by difficult and the solution space for neural networks,
the problem of optimization (weight sets) can consist of several nice and easy to find solutions
(called global optima) but low in ability solutions (called local optima). During each stage of
this search process, or the phase size, the sum of the model modification is called the "learning
rate" and delivers probably the most significant hyperparameter tuning into your neural
3.5 Training the Model
In training the model, firstly the model will be compiled. The goal of training a model is to find
a range of low-loss weights, on average. The ML training model method includes providing
the ML algorithm (i.e. the learning algorithm) with training data from which to learn. The
training data will contain the correct response known as an attribute of the target or target. In
the training data, the learning algorithm will then find patterns that map the attributes of the
input data to the target (the response you want to predict), and it generates an ML model that
It is a common deep learning method in which it uses pre-trained models as the starting point
for the processing of computer vision and natural language tasks, given the vast computational
and time resources needed to build neural network models on these issues and the enormous
With transfer learning the trained time will be decreased for a neural network model and make
sets and comparing the model's efficiency with parameters such as accuracy/recall. etc., with
the model already built and moved into production, to that of pre-determined precision. This is
the most trivial of different techniques which could be used for blackbox testing (Kumar, 2018)
The test data will be used to check the model's accuracy and display the result.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter shows the information of implementing image classification system. For the
purpose of implementation data was uploaded in the environment, the data was trained so the
system can see it and so you can call the data anytime in the environment. The system was
The Anaconda Navigator was used to access the Jupyter Notebook where the codes were
The recommended requirements for the Designed system are shown below:
Same applies to all the packages you will need (pip install) then, the package name next to
After all the requirements has been met, launch the Anaconda Navigator, open the terminal
(click on environment by the top left, then click on base(root)) then you see the terminal and
run the following (pip install tensorflow) command in order to install all the software
4.4 Design Architecture of Image Classification
4.5 Results of Custom Model
The custom model had 11 convolutional layers and 23 layers in total including the classification
The model was trained for 10 epochs and it had a training accuracy of 0.65 and a validation
accuracy of 0.66. Below is the plot of the training accuracy alongside the validation accuracy
Figure 4.3: Training and Validation accuracy & loss
library. I loaded the model and trained it for 100 epochs. It got a training accuracy of 79% and
a validation accuracy of 76% as shown below. The compilation parameters were the same as
Figure 4.4: Training and Validation accuracy & loss
4.7 Testing of The Pre-Trained Model
I took random pictures of the three books and fed it to the model to predict them. The accuracy
was pretty high and a screenshot of some of its predictions are shown below.
For Rudiments of salvation.
As shown above, the model was 71% sure the first image is the rudiment book and 76% sure
For Understanding the Bible.
As shown above, the model is 98% sure the first image is understanding the Bible, and 99%
5.1 Summary
Having seen the challenges encountered at the Mountain Top University chapel when checking
for those present with their chapel books, the proposed system is set to eradicate the issue
associated with the manual way, the chaplaincy unit check for students present with their
Mountain Top University chapel books but by the introduction of Image Classification Model
which will make the chaplaincy officials to stop one-by-one checking of chapel books or
manual, which will take a lot of time especially in a situation where Mountain Top University
grows to the extent of having over 10, 000 students. This will be so much hard checking
students with or without chapel books but, with the use of this Image Classification Model, the
chaplain or any of the chaplaincy officials will implement the model in a device then, from
their offices it would detect those with or without the current chapel books.
at the Mountain Top University chapel using Artificial Neural network. The codes were
effectively functioning and ready for use with the aid and use of the Deep Learning technique.
Even, when a new chapel books the same process can be done to the new books and it will as
well show automatically whether the students came to the chapel along with the book or not.
5.2 Limitations
i. Inability for carrying out the full Implementation in an application due to insufficient
5.3 Recommendation for future study
It is recommended that researchers should study techniques in deep learning to show the
possibility of automatically detecting objects such as stop signs and lights for traffic.
5.4 Conclusion
This project shows problems of checking each student one-by-one, making sure they all come
with their chapel manual which can result to time wastage. With using Image Classification
artificial neural network, instead of humans doing it, a system will be in chapel to see any of
the students and know if he/she has the chapel book needed. In conclusion, artificial neural
network (ANN) is when the computer system is aimed at simulating, the manner in analyzing
and processing the human brain information. It is the foundation of artificial intelligence (AI)
and solves problems that would prove impossible or difficult by human or statistical standards.
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import tensorflow as tf
import os
import glob
import shutil
import numpy as np
width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2)
train_data_gen=image_gen.flow_from_directory(shuffle=True, target_size=(img, img),
val_data_gen=image_gen.flow_from_directory(target_size=(img,img), directory=val_dir,
shuffle=False, class_mode='categorical')
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(256,3, padding='same', activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(4096, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation='softmax')
opt = SGD(lr=0.0001)
optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
history =,
acc = history.history['accuracy']
val_acc = history.history['val_accuracy']
loss = history.history['loss']
val_loss = history.history['val_loss']
epochs_range = range(EPOCHS)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
zoom_range=0.45, rotation_range=0.45,
width_shift_range=0.15, height_shift_range=0.15)
train_data_gen=image_gen_train.flow_from_directory(shuffle=True, target_size=(IMG,
IMG), directory=train_dir,
mage_gen_train = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
val_data_gen=image_gen_train.flow_from_directory(target_size=(IMG, IMG),
batch_size=batch_size, class_mode='categorical')
feature_extractor=hub.KerasLayer(url, input_shape=(IMG,IMG,3))
history =,
import pandas as pd
test_dir=r"C:\Users\holar\Downloads\book classification\test"
test_gen=image_gen.flow_from_directory(directory=test_dir, target_size=(224,224),
acc = history.history['accuracy']
val_acc = history.history['val_accuracy']
loss = history.history['loss']
val_loss = history.history['val_loss']
epochs_range = range(EPOCHS)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')