Bhavnath Case Study
Bhavnath Case Study
Bhavnath Case Study
Statement of objective:
To increase the agricultural production and irrigation capacity without hurting
religious sentiments of local villagers.
Decision problem statement:
Whether to take decision solely on the basis of economic development or
appease the villagers by considering religious sentiments.
Criteria for decision making:
1. Not hurting the religious concerns of the villagers
2. Providing livelihood systems to all the twenty relocated villagers
3. Planning and implementation of economic development with minimal
4. Optimization and efficient use of capital and resources for dam
Changing the proposed location of the dam.
Generating alternatives:
1. To reassess the plan and implement it according to the current
requirements of villagers as the plan is already old.
2. Increase the height of temple to protect and provide all weather access
to the temple like Partially submerged temple for say Kudalasangama
temple, Kaveri River, Karnataka.
3. Use the initial plan of action.
4. To Create awareness among the villagers about the benefits of dam.
Evaluation of alternatives:
1. Reassessing the plan (1) is time consuming, tedious, costly and it will
further delay the project to re-initiate all the activities related to the
2. Going with alternative (2) we are not hurting the religious sentiments
of the villagers and also not compromising on the capacity of dam.
3. Using the initial plan of action of providing 4700 mcuft capacity, we
are limiting the irrigation facility to a smaller area covered, compared
to larger area of 5700mcuft.
4. Going with alternative (4), which is time consuming and there is no
guarantee of succeeding with the plan.
Choice of an alternative:
The government should go with the second proposal as the project will start
early there will be no opposition as we are not relocating the temple and there
will be employment opportunities through construction of dam and revenue
generation by tourism promotion.
The plan is going to increase the irrigation capacity there by
increasing the agricultural production which enhances the welfare of the
people of the village. So, it’s a win-win situation.
1. Make people aware of our finalized plan of action.
2. Create an efficient team of engineers and architects who assess the
finalized plan.
3. Make an overlook of budget as well as time required.