Boon Asme Ix Notes

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1. Introduction

2. Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)

3. Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)

4. ASME definitions for welding processes, consumables

5. ASME P Material Numbers

6. Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

7. Welding Positions

8. Sample Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)

9. Multi Process Welding Procedures QW200.4 and QW451.1

10. BS/ EN Welding Certification, A Basic Guide

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1. Introduction

Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is a written document that provides direction to
the welder or welding operator for making production welds in accordance with Code
requirements. Any WPSs used by a manufacturer or contractor that will have responsible
operational control of production welding shall be a WPS that has been qualified by that
manufacturer or contractor in accordance with Article II, or it shall be an AWS Standard
Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) listed in Appendix E and adopted by that
manufacturer or contractor in accordance with Article V.

Both WPSs and SWPSs specify the conditions (including ranges, if any) under which
welding must be performed. These conditions include the base metals that are permitted,
the filler metals that must be used (if any), preheat and postweld heat treatment
requirements, etc. Such conditions are referred to in this Section as welding “variables.”

When a WPS is to be prepared by the manufacturer or contractor, it must address, as a

minimum, the specific variables, both essential and nonessential, as provided in Article II
for each process to be used in production welding toughness qualification of the WPS, the
applicable supplementary essential variables must be addressed in the WPS.

The purpose for qualification of a WPS is to determine that the weldment proposed for
construction is capable of providing the required properties for its intended application.
Welding procedure qualification establishes the properties of the weldment, not the skill of
the welder or welding operator.

Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) written and qualified in accordance with the rules
of this Section, and welders and welding operators of automatic and machine welding
equipment also qualified in accordance with these rules may be used in any construction
built to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or the ASME B31
Code for Pressure Piping. However, other Sections of the Code state the rules under
which Section IX requirements are mandatory, in whole or in part, and give additional
requirements. The reader is advised to take these provisions into consideration when
using this Section.

Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)

The Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) documents what occurred during welding the
test coupon and the results of testing of the coupon. As a minimum, the PQR shall
document the essential variables and other specific information identified in Article II for
each process used during welding the test coupon and the results of the required testing.
In addition, when notch toughness testing is required for procedure qualification, the
applicable supplementary essential variables for each process shall be recorded.

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Performance Qualification (WPQ)
In performance qualification, the basic criterion established for welder qualification is to
determine the welder‟s ability to deposit sound weld metal. The purpose of the
performance qualification test for the welding operator is to determine the welding
operator‟s mechanical ability to operate the welding equipment.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section - IX

Welding qualifications to ASME IX are for use with the ASME boiler and pressure vessel
code or the ASME pipework codes. For use with any other code or standard agreement
between all contracting parties should be obtained.

The ASME boiler and pressure vessel code embraces its own QA system which revolves
around satisfying the rules of the code. This demonstrates that an accredited fabricator
has some degree of competence permitting them to perform a large amount of their own
inspection without the involvement of an Independent Inspection Body, which would be
required by other standards for similar inspections.

This is why welding qualifications carried out under the ASME code do not require
Independent Inspection, a fabricator can qualify his own procedures and welders using the
ASME code rules. However this may not be acceptable to the European Pressure
Equipment Directive which requires all welding qualifications in inspection categories two
and above to be approved by a Notified Body.

However there is nothing stopping anybody using any of the rules of the ASME code
without being ASME approved, but to prove your competence in welding an Independent
Inspection Body is recommended to approve your welding tests.

The advantage of ASME IX is that its very workable and very comprehensive, if you have
a question you will almost certainly find an answer somewhere in the code, which is more
than can be said for its European equivalent EN ISO 15614-1 (formerly EN288-3).

The ASME code may at first glance appear complex and very legalistic but once you
understand the basic rules they are very easy to apply in practice. Its main advantage is
that it requires very few welding procedures. unlike EN ISO 15614-1 which requires more
number if it is applied correctly.

The main advantages of ASME welding procedures are:-

 All joint types approve each other. i.e. A double sided weld approves a single sided
weld and vice versa.

 No limits on diameter approval for pipe. A plate procedures can be used to weld any
diameter of pipe

 Materials and welding consumables are listed in groups, unfortunately only

American grades are included!

 Any butt weld will qualify all fillet weld sizes on any parent metal thickness.

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 A welding procedure qualified in one position approves all positions unless impact
tests are required then only a vertical up approves all positions.

 The code covers wide range of welding processes and applications such as hard
facing, stud welding, brazing etc.

If you have difficulty in appreciating the above advantages you need to understand the
basic philosophy behind welding procedure tests described in the „Basic Guide‟.

The main advantages of ASME welder approval tests are:-

 There is no minimum parent thickness, only maximums, and they are applied to the
deposited thickness of the weld not the parent metal thickness.

 There is no upper limit on diameter approval, only a lower limit.

 Any butt weld approval will qualify all fillet weld sizes on any parent metal

The main problem with the ASME code is that it treats all welding processes separately
and imposes separate restrictions for each on both procedures and approvals. It is
therefore prudent to check what the code says about the welding process you intend to
use before you carry out any welding tests.

The ASME code covers a very wide range of welding processes and applications such as
hard facing, stud welding, brazing etc.

Application standards such as the B31 pipework code may impose additional requirements
and limitations in some cases.

The code is divided into 5 parts as follows:

QW100 General introduction to testing requirements etc.
QW200 Procedure Qualification details.
QW300 Performance Qualifications (Welder Approvals) details.
QW400 Welding Data. This is the biggest section of the code and covers data for
both procedure and performance qualifications. It includes :-
 Material and consumable data
 Test requirements.
 Approval ranges for thickness, diameter, joint configuration and welding
 Definitions used in the code.
QW500 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPSs)

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2. Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)

PQR's are not required if Standard Welding Procedures are used.

This document contains details of the welding test; it must include details of all the
parameters listed as variables in tables QW250 to QW265 for each process involved and
all the destructive test results.

The relevant variables for each type of welding process are clearly defined in tables
QW250 to QW265. The left hand column of each table defines the section and paragraph
where each variable and its application to the table is explained in the code.

Welding Variables

Variables used in a welding procedure test are divided into THREE categories :-

 Essential Variables Are variables that have a significant affect on the mechanical
properties of a joint. They must not be changed except within the limits specified by
this code. e.g. Material thickness range, Material Group etc.

 Non-Essential Variables Are variables that have no significant affect on

mechanical properties. They can be changed without re qualification of the PQR.

 Supplementary Variables Are variables that have an affect on the impact

properties of a joint. They are classed as Non-Essential if impact testing is not

All variables listed as essential, non-essential or supplementary should be addressed on

both the WPS and the PQR. If any of the variables do not apply to the particular
application then they should be specified as not applicable.

Joint Configuration

Either plate or pipe can be used for the test piece (plate approves pipe and vice versa ref.
QW211), any welding position approves all positions providing no impact tests are
required ref. tables QW250 to QW265 and any joint geometry approves all geometry's,
e.g. single V, double V, U prep, backed or unbacked.

A butt or groove weld approves branch and fillet welds but not the converse, ref. QW202.
Non pressure retaining fillet welds in pipe or plate can be tested but they must be double
sided if plate and at least the dimensions illustrated in QW462.4a, ref. QW202.2c.
Pressure retaining branch welds must be qualified by groove (butt) welds.

Material Grouping

Materials are assigned P numbers in QW420; a test in one P number approves all
materials listed under that P number, except where impact tests are required then
approval is restricted to materials listed in the group number within the P number. Other P
number groupings are permissible ref. QW424.1 for details. Ref QW 424.1 for further
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It is normally permissible if the material is not listed in QW422 to assign it to a P number
which lists materials with the same metallurgical and mechanical properties although this
is not in strict conformance with the code. Typically BS1501 151 430A low carbon steel
could be regarded as P1 and stainless steels such as 316, 304 as P8.

Note: P5, 9 & 10 are divided into sub groups eg 5A,5B etc., Treat each sub group
like a separate ‘P’ Number

Dissimilar materials are acceptable providing they are compatible. For example P1 to P8,
but this does not cover P1 to P1 or P8 to P8.

Note S numbers are for pipework to B31, a P number covers an S number but not the

The ASME code uses its own specifications for consumables SFA. which is almost
identical to the AWS specification.

NOTE: A change in consumable is only permissible providing it has the same ‘F’
number and A number (if applicable) as the P.Q.R..

Thickness Limits
Thickness limits Groove welds. See QW451 for precise details.

 When Impact tests are required the minimum thickness approved is restricted. See
 More than one PQR may be required to qualify dissimilar thickness

The thickness little 't' of deposited weld metal for each process involved is approved from
0 to 2xt except:-

 MIG/MAG (GMAW/FCAW) dip transfer weld of deposited thickness less than ½"
approves maximum thickness of 1.1 x t only Ref: QW255 (QW403.10)

 If any Pass in a single or multipass weld > ½" then the thickness approval equals

Dissimilar Thickness QW202.4:- The thicker and thinner part must be qualified, Except P8
and P4X the thinner part can be qualified if no Impacts and test coupon > 6mm thick.

Thickness limits for fillet welds as per QW462.4a or QW462.4d qualify all fillet weld sizes
on all base material thicknesses and all diameters in one test.

Testing Requirements (Ref QW 463 for location of specimens)

There is no requirement for any non-destructive testing such as radiography or MPI/DPI.

although I would recommend radiography for butt welds. But mostly, with self interest to
know the soundness of the welding, it is a common practice to do Radiography on the test

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The testing requirement for groove welds are as follows:-

 Two Transverse tensile tests (QW150).

 Two Root bends and Two face bends unless the plate thickness exceeds 3/8" then
4 side bends are required. All bend tests should be done to QW160 using the
correct former ref. QW466 to an angle of 180 degrees. Longitudinal (all weld) bend
tests are not recommended unless the base/weld materials differ markedly in
bending properties. See QW 466 for exceptions and precise details.

The testing requirement for fillet welds on plate is 5 macro sections only, for Pipe fillet
welds 4 macro sections. No fracture test required.

Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)

This document details the practical application of the Procedure Qualification Record
(PQR). It should contain enough information to give direction to the welder and should
address all variables associated with the welding process defined in QW250 including non
essential and supplementary.

A WPS can combine welding processes from other PQR's but all the relevant variables
must be addressed including parent metal thickness. There is an exception to this rule for
root runs from PQR's that are greater than 1.5 inches thick (38.1mm), see code for

Standard Welding Procedures Specifications (SWPS's)

Standard welding procedures listed in annex E of ASME IX can be purchased from the
'American Welding Society' and used without qualifying a PQR. Section V of ASME IX
gives details of essential variables and restrictions. A successful welder performance
qualification must be carried out to demonstrate the SWP's before a manufacturer can use

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3. Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)


The purpose of this test is to determine the welders ability to deposit a sound weld
therefore the base material is not considered as critical as it is in the PQR. Hence a
performance test on any material in P groups 1 to 11 approves all those groups and sub
groups, also P34 and P4X (P40-P49). Providing a compatible consumable exists with the
same F number used in the qualification test. (QW423.1)

Note: a single sided weld is classed as a weld without backing and a double sided weld or
weld with sealing run is classed as a weld with backing


The F number cannot be changed without re qualification of the welder except that for
performance qualification only using SMAW (MMA) F numbers up to and including 4
approve all lesser F numbers for double sided or welds with backing only. One
Consumable from F41 to F45 approves any of these consumables, except SAW. Ref.

Note: 'A' numbers do not apply to welder approval tests.


For each welding process there is a list of essential variables in QW352 to QW357 and
QW360 for welding operators, these are not necessarily the same as the ones for the
PQR. Essential variables cannot be changed. Explanations of all these variables is given
in section-IV of the code.

Diameter and Thickness Ranges

Diameter limits for all circular welds including groove welds, branch welds and fillet welds
is given in QW452.3. there are no upper limits on diameters approved and pipe covers

Note: for branch welds the diameter considered for the above limits is the one containing
the weld preparation.

Thickness limits, groove welds.

The thickness limit only applies to the deposited weld metal thickness not the plate
thickness and any groove weld approves all fillet weld sizes.For t greater than 12.5mm
there is no restriction on the size that can be welded (Providing the test weld deposit
contains at least 3 layers of weld).

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Thickness limits, fillet welds.

A test on plate greater than 3/16" approves all base metal thicknesses and fillet weld sizes
ref. QW452.5. (Note the above diameter limits apply unless the fillet weld is qualified by a
groove weld)

Joint Configuration

Joint geometry, a double V (or U) is considered the same as a joint with backing and does
not qualify a single V (or U) without backing, but a single full penetration joint without
backing qualifies all joint configurations.

Approval Range

Extent of approval is very well explained in QW461.9. Take particular note of welding
positions which are also explained in QW461, for example to qualify a fillet weld in the
normal horizontal-vertical position with a groove weld, the groove weld must be qualified in
at least the 2G position. The welding positions defined in QW461.1.& QW461.2 should be
referred to in the WPS. The position designations: 1G ,2G ,3G ,4G ,5G ,6G (Groove
Welds) and 1F ,2F ,3F ,4F (Fillet Welds) are test positions

Period of Validity/Renewal of Qualifications (QW 322.2)

Providing the welder uses the process for which he is qualified and there is no reason to
question his ability then his qualification lasts indefinitely.

If the welder does not use the welding process for which he is qualified for a period of 6
months or more then he must perform a new test in pipe or plate, any parent material,
thickness and position, if successful all the welder approvals for that welding process are
renewed in one test.

Testing Requirements

Test requirements for groove welds QW452 consists of either:-

 One face bend and one root bend except for welding positions 5G & 6G which
require 4 bends (Ref QW452.1 Note 4). If the plate exceeds 3/8" side bends may
be used. See QW 466 for precise details and exceptions.
 Note:- Bend Tests can be replaced by Radiography {See Below}.

 Radiography is optional and must be supplemented by bend tests when using

GMAW (MIG/MAG) with dip transfer (Short Circuiting Arc) or when welding some
special materials. Ref. QW304.

Test requirements for fillet welds in plate ref. QW452.5:-

 One macro section (QW 184) and One fracture test (QW182).

The location where each specimen has to be taken is defined in QW463

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Radiography Ref QW 191

 A length of at least 6" must be examined for plate or the entire circumference for
 If the pipe circumference is less than 6" then more samples must be welded up to a
maximum of 4. Ref QW 302.2.

Visual Examination Ref QW 302.2 & QW 190

Performance test coupons must show complete joint penetration with full fusion of the weld
metal and base metal.

The welder performance test must follow a properly qualified W.P.S. Once qualified the
welder must always work within the extent of approval of any properly qualified W.P.S. and
his W.P.Q.

The welder who qualifies the P.Q.R. is automatically approved within the limits specified in
QW304, QW305 and QW303. Ref QW301.2.

Specialist Processes

Such as corrosion resistant overlay or hard facing are covered in QW 453. Procedure
variables are defined with all procedure variables in QW252 and in QW380 for welder

Min base thickness approved = size welded or 1", QW 453

Min Deposit Size Approved:- Point Where Chemical analysis taken No upper limit
W402.16 (462.5a) Welding Positions QW405.4 Performance Qualification approves all
deposit thickness‟ No min.QW381

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4. ASME Definitions, Consumables, Welding Positions

ASME P Material Numbers Explained

ASME has adopted their own designation for welding processes, which are very different
from the ISO definitions adopted by EN24063.

Designation Description
OFW Oxyfuel Gas Welding
SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding (MMA)
SAW Submerged Arc Welding
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG/MAG)
FCAW Flux Cored Wire
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
PAW Plasma Arc Welding

Straight polarity = Electrode -ve Reverse polarity = Electrode +ve

ASME F Numbers

General Description
1 Heavy rutile coated iron powder electrodes :- A5.1 : E7024
2 Most Rutile consumables such as :- A5.1 : E6013
3 Cellulosic electrodes such as :- A5.1 : E6011
4 Basic coated electrodes such as : A5.1 : E7016 and E7018
5 High alloy austenitic stainless steel and duplex :- A5.4 : E316L-16
6 Any steel solid or cored wire (with flux or metal)
2X Aluminium and its alloys
3X Copper and its alloys
4X Nickel alloys
5X Titanium
6X Zirconium
7X Hard Facing Overlay

Note:- X represents any number 0 to 9

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 The horizontal reference plane is taken to lie always below the weld under
 Inclination of axis is measured from the horizontal reference plane toward the
 Angle of rotation of face is measured from a line perpendicular to the axis of the
weld and lying in a vertical plane containing this axis. The reference position (0 deg)
of rotation of the face invariably points in the direction opposite to that in which the
axis angle increases.
 The angle of rotation of the face of weld is measured in a clockwise direction from
this reference position (0 deg) when looking at point P.

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5. ASME ‘P’Material Numbers

This is a general guide ASME P numbers and their equivalent EN288 groupings. Groups
referred to in the Base Metal column are ASME sub groups. EN288 material groups are
included for comparison only.

P No. EN288 Base Metal

Carbon Manganese Steels, 4 Sub Groups

 Group 1 up to approx 65 ksi

1 1  Group 2 Approx 70ksi
 Group 3 Approx 80ksi
 Group 4 ?

2 - Not Used
3 4 3 Sub Groups:- Typically half moly and half chrome half moly
4 5 2 Sub Groups:- Typically one and a quarter chrome half moly
5A 5 Typically two and a quarter chrome one moly
2 Sub Groups:- Typically five chrome half moly and nine chrome
5B 5
one moly
5C 6 5 Sub Groups:- Chrome moly vanadium
6 8 6 Sub Groups:- Martensitic Stainless Steels Typically Grade 410
7 8 Ferritic Stainless Steels Typically Grade 409
Austenitic Stainless Steels, 4 Sub groups

 Group1 Typically Grades 304, 316, 347

8 9  Group 2 Typically Grades 309, 310
 Group 3 High manganese grades
 Group 4 Typically 254 SMO type steels

9A, B, C 7 Typically two to four percent Nickel Steels

10A,B,C,F,G ? Mixed bag of low alloy steels, 10G 36 Nickel Steel
10 H 10 Duplex and Super Duplex Grades 31803, 32750
10J ? Typically 26 Chrome one moly
11A Group 1 7 9 Nickel Steels
11 A Groups
? Mixed bag of high strength low alloy steels.
2 to 5
11B ? 10 Sub Groups:- Mixed bag of high strength low alloy steels.
12 to 20 - Not Used
21 21 Pure Aluminium
22 22a Aluminium Magnesium Grade 5000
23 23 Aluminium Magnesium Silicone Grade 6000

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P No. EN288 Base Metal
24 - Not Used
25 22b Aluminium Magnesium Manganese Typically 5083, 5086
26 to 30 Not used
31 Pure Copper
32 Brass
33 Copper Silicone
34 Copper Nickel
35 Copper Aluminium
36 to 40 Not Used
41 Pure Nickel
42 Nickel Copper:- Monel 500
43 Nickel Chrome Ferrite:- Inconel
44 Nickel Moly:- Hastelloy C22, C276
45 Nickel Chrome :- Incoloy 800, 825
46 Nickel Chrome Silicone
47 Nickel Chrome Tungstone
47 to 50 Not Used
51, 52, 53 Titanium Alloys
61, 62 Zirconium Alloys

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6. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)

A WPS is a document that describes how welding is to be carried out in production. They
are recommended for all welding operations and many application codes and standards
make them mandatory

Sufficient details to enable any competent person to apply the information and produce a
weld of acceptable quality. The amount of detail and level of controls specified on a WPS
is dependant on the application and criticality of the joint to be welded.

For most applications the information required is generally similar to that recorded on a
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) or Welding Procedure Approval Record (WPAR),
except that ranges are usually permitted on thicknesses, diameters, welding current,
materials, joint types etc.

If a WPS is used in conjunction with approved welding procedures then the ranges stated
should be in accordance with the approval ranges permitted by the welding procedure.

However careful consideration should be given to the ranges specified to ensure they are
achievable, as the ranges given by welding procedure standards do not always represent
good welding practice. For example welding positions permitted by the welding procedure
standard may not be achievable or practical for certain welding processes or

ASME IX American Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

QW 250 Lists the variables for each welding process, all the variables stated should be
addressed. The range permitted by the WPS is dictated by the PQR or PQR‟s used to
qualify it.

Typical Items That Should Be Recorded On W.P.S:-

Common to all Processes .

 Procedure number
 Process type
 Consumable Size, Type and full Codification.
 Consumable Baking Requirement if applicable
 Parent material grade and spec.
 Thickness range.
 Plate or Pipe, Diameter range
 Welding Position
 Joint Fit Up, Preparation, Cleaning, Dimensions etc.
 Backing Strip, Back Gouging information.
 Pre-Heat (Min Temp and Method)
 Interpass If Required (Maximum Temperature recorded )
 Post Weld Heat Treatment. If Required (Time and Temp)
 Welding Technique (weaving,max run width etc.)

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 Arc Energy Limits should be stated if impact tests are required or if the material
being welded is sensitive to heat input.

Specific To Welding Processes MMA TIG MAG

Welding current yes yes yes yes

Type of Welding current AC/DC Polarity yes yes yes yes
Arc voltage If Auto yes yes
Pulse parameters (Pulse time and peak &
If Used If Used
backgound current)
Welding Speed If Mechanised yes yes yes
Wire configuration yes
Shielding gas (comp,flow rate) yes yes
Purge gas (comp & flow rate) If Used If Used
Tungsten electode Diameter and type. yes
Nozzle diameter yes yes
Type of Flux Codification & Brand Name yes
Nozzle Stand Off Distance (Distance from tip
of nozzle to workpiece).

A sketch of the joint configuration is required which should include the basic dimensions of
the weld preparation. Some indication of the run sequence is also beneficial, particularly if
the correct sequence is essential to ensure the properties of the weld are maintained.

Production Sequence
Whilst this is good practice it is not a requirement of either ASME=IX; it could be issued as
a separate QA procedure if preferred.

Non Destructive Testing

A WPS is primarily concerned with welding not N D T, this activity should be covered by
separate N D T procedures.

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7. Welding Positions

ASME-IX Welding Positions

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8. Sample Welding Procedure Specification

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9. Multi Process Welding Procedures QW200.4 and QW451.1

Approximate deposit thickness of each process should be recorded QW200.2b

T = 26mm
SMAW 20mm
26mm t (Gtaw ) = 6mm
6mm t (Smaw ) = 20mm

Base Metal approval range for the above welded joint is 4.76mm To 52mm Ref QW451.1

If the joint is made of more than one welding process then the maximum deposited
thickness each process in the above example is (2 x Deposited Weld Metal t) :- GTAW
12mm and SMAW 52mm (This is because t = T for this process as t > 19.1mm QW451.1)

If the SMAW deposit in the above qualification was less than 19.1mm, assume 18mm and
GTAW 8mm then to weld a joint 52mm thick with 8mm GTAW and 44mm SMAW is not
permitted as maximum SMAW deposit would be 36mm

You can delete the SMAW and qualify an all GTAW weld 4.76mm To 12mm thick or
delete the GTAW and weld SMAW 4.76mm to 52mm thick, providing all the essential, non
essential and supplementary variables are applied to the WPS. (Note the procedure
allows the SMAW to be used as a root run but not the welder qualification.)

When tested the deposited weld metal of each process must be included in the tension
and bend test specimens and impacts where applicable.
Note: it is acceptable for the impact test for the GTAW to contain some SMAW in the test

PICK and MIX QW200.4 b [Note restrictions in QW451.1 notes (1)]

This applies to test coupons 13mm and thicker and welding processes SMAW, SAW,
GTAW, GMAW. A WPS consisting of several processes can be created from different
PQR‟s, but the maximum thickness of base metal covered by this WPS can‟t exceed 2 x
the thickness of the thinnest test coupon used for each PQR and each process can‟t
exceed 2 x its deposited thickness. This applies even if all the processes used for that
coupon are not required in this WPS. However the base metal thickness of the PQR used
for the root does not have to be considered if the WPS is single sided QW200.4 b

Note test coupons 38mm and above approve deposited weld metal and also base metal
thickness up to 200mm max QW451.1. (QW403.7 Processe GTAW,SMAW,GMAW,SAW)
30mm 33mm SMAW 65mm
GTAW Page 22 of 31
Can the proposed PQR be made from the above example + PQR 2 + PQR 3.

Consider individual deposited thickness 2 x t

GTAW 12mm > 6mm. SMAW 60mm > 39mm. GMAW 66mm > 20mm All OK

Consider Plate thickness 2 x T

SMAW 60mm <65mm Fail. GMAW 66mm > 65mm OK. GTAW not considered.


If you want to weld a 30mm plate and your welder qualifications only go up to 15mm use
two welders. You can‟t use one welder with two different qualifications for the same

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10. BS/ EN Welding Certification, A Basic Guide

The requirement for weld procedures and the coding of welders is specified in application
standards such as:

 BS 2971 Class 2 Arc Welding of Carbon Steel Pipework {Gas Pressures less than
17 barg}
 BS 2633 Class 1 Arc Welding of Carbon Steel Pipework
 BS 4677 Arc Welding Of Austenitic Steel Pipework.
 BS 806 Boiler Pipe Work (Refers to BS 2971 and BS 2633)
 PD 5500 Unfired Pressure Vessels (Formally BS5500)
 BS 2790 Shell Boilers
 BS 1113 Water Tube Boilers
 BS 5169 Air Receivers

Application Standards

All the above application standards require welding procedures to EN ISO 15614 Part 1
(Formerly BSEN 288-3) and welders coded to BSEN 287 Part 1. Some applications of BS
2971 and BS 5169 permit welders to be qualified without procedures to BS 4872, a less
stringent standard.

The application standard may require tests in addition to those required by welding
standards, for example most UK boiler and pressure vessel codes require all weld tensile
tests for plate qualification above 10mm.

European Pressure Equipment Directive

For inspection category 2 and above all welding procedures and welder qualifications have
to be approved by a Notified Body (an Inspection Authority Notified by a European
member country under the Directive), or a Third Party Organisation similarly approved
under the Directive. All qualifications approved by these organisations have to be accepted
by all parties for work carried out under the directive providing they are suitable for the
application and technically correct.

Welding Procedure Specifications

This is a simple instruction sheet giving details of how the weld is to be performed, its
purpose is to aid the planning and quality control of the welding operation. EN ISO 15609
(formerly EN288 Part 2) specifies the contents of such a specification in the form of a list of
items that should be recorded, however only relevant information need be specified, for
example only in the case of a procedure requiring heat input control would there be a
necessity to quote travel speed or run out length for manual processes.

A weld procedure specification may cover a range of thicknesses, diameters and

materials, but the range must be specified and be compatible with the rest of the
parameters on the document. It is preferable to produce a new WPS for each type of joint
and keep to the ranges of thickness and diameters specified in the welding procedure

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Welding Procedures

Welding procedures are required when it is necessary to demonstrate that your company
has the ability to produce welds possessing the correct mechanical and metallurgical
properties. A welding procedure must qualified in accordance with the requirements of an
appropriate welding procedure standard such as EN ISO 15614 Part 1 as follows:-

1. Produce a welding procedure specification as stated above.

2. Weld a test piece in accordance with the requirements of your specification. The
joint set up, welding and visual examination of the completed weld should be
witnessed by an Inspection Body. The details of the test such as the welding
current, pre-heat etc., must be recorded during the test.
3. Once the welding is complete the test piece must be subject to destructive and non
destructive examination such as radiography and mechanical tests as defined by
the welding procedure standard. This work can be carried out in any laboratory but
the Inspection Body may require to witness the tests and view any radiographs.
4. If the test is successful you or the test body complete the appropriate documents
which the test bodies surveyor signs and endorses. The necessary documents are
as follows:-

 E1 Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate

This is the front sheet and only gives details of what the procedure can be used
for. i.e. its range of approval.

 E2 Details Of Weld Test

This gives details of what actually took place during the test weld it is similar to a
WPS but should not include ranges of welding parameters.

 E3 Test Results
Details of NDT and Mechanical testing Results

 E4 Welder Approval Test Certificate.

This is the welder approval part of the qualification

Note The E1, E2, E3, E4 designations are used by some Inspection Authorities to
refer to the individual forms.

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EN ISO 15614 Part 1 And EN 287:2004 : Documentation
This is a general guide on how the certificates for EN ISO 15614-1 and EN287-1:2004
should be completed. This is not an universal acceptance of the interpretations contained
in this page as the decision to accept any interpretation will always be the prerogative of
the contracting parties.

Application standards, particularly those in other European countries may impose

additional rules and restrictions on the qualification of welders and welding procedures.

Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate, Form E1

The numbers on the left hand side below refer to the line numbers that appear down the
left hand side of the E1 form. The section and page numbers quoted below all refer to EN
ISO 15614 Part 1.

 3 to 6 The Welding procedure reference number can be any combination of

numbers and letters that are unique to your company. The inspection authority
reference number is a unique number issued by some Inspection Authorities, it is
not a mandatory requirement. The Manufacturer named on this form should be the
organisation that is in control of the welding operation (Ref EN ISO 15614 Part 1
Section 8.2).

 7 The code/testing standard: EN ISO 15614 Part 1 : 2004

 8 Date of Welding: or the date when the weld was produced.

 9 Range of approval: this applies from line 10 to line 20 (This line is a heading).

 10 Welding process: state process used, if more than one process specify which
performed the root and which performed the capping welds.

 11 Joint type: Section 8.4.3. Use line 21 'Other information' if more space is
needed. All joint configurations approve fillet welds on plate or pipe. Single sided full
penetration welds without backing or back gouging approve all butt welded
configurations with similar root details and branch connections with an angle > 60 o.
T butt welds only qualify T butt welds and fillet welds.

There are two types of double sided welds; with gouging and no gouging, they
should be correctly specified as they have different approval ranges.

 12 Parent metal groups: Section 8.3. The parent material must be put into the
appropriate group, see table 3 for steel and table 4 for nickel alloys. If the material
will not fit into any of the 11 steel groups or 8 nickel groups then it is classed as a
group on its own and approves no other material. If it can be assigned to more than
one group then it goes in the lower group.

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Forms E1, E2, E3 may be referred to as the WPAR (Welding Procedure Approval
Record) or WPQR (Weld Procedure Qualification Record).

In general a new welding procedure must be qualified for each of the following changes
subject to the individual requirements of the appropriate standard used:-

 Change in parent material type.

 Change of welding process
 The diameter range for pipe given by the welding standard is exceeded. Typically
0.5xD to 2xD.
 The thickness range is exceeded. Typically 0.5xt to 2xt.
 Any other change required by the welding standard.

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