Review - To Answer

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1. The objective that consumers specify the brand of the product is ____.
A. generic goals
B. substitute goals
C. product-specific goals
D. ego needs

2. Define brand relationship segmentation.

3. Putting the product brand into the minds of the consumers is _________.

4. The tension within individuals caused by having a need which impels them to action
is _____.
A. need
B. want
C. motivation
D. personality

5. The error that take place when part or whole of the message is deleted by the
receiver during the communication process is _____.
A. amplification
B. leveling
C. financial risk
D. psychological risk

6. What is functional risk? Give example.

7. The needs that are considered secondary is ____.
A. physiological needs
B. acquired needs
C. innate Needs
D. ego needs

8. Define culture and give example.

9. The trait of consumers that allows them to buy unique products or those that
were not purchased by other consumers is ___.
A. need for uniqueness
B. dogmatism
C. variety-novelty seeking
D. brand personality
10. What is time risk? Give example.
11. Which of the following spend on the basic and non-branded products?
A. social class
B. upper class
C. middle class
D. lower class

12. Segmenting the target market based on the basis of special events or
circumstances is _____ segmentation.
A. usage rate
B. usage-situation
C. benefit
D. personality traits

13. What is demographic segmentation and give examples.

14. _____ is what the customer think or know about the benefits he/she receives when
buying the products.
A. perceived risk
B. perceived value
C. perceived price
D. perceived quality

15. The risk to body of the consumers after consuming the product is ______.
A. financial
B. functional
C. physical
D. psychological

16. The non-personal communication used by companies to inform and influence

people to buy a product, service or idea is ___________.

17. ____ is what the customer’s feelings and impression about a product.
A. motivation
B. perception
C. personality
D. communication

18. The inner psychological characteristics makes a person responds to his or her
environment is ____.
A. consumer research
B. personality
C. promotion
D. physiological needs
19. Define personal consumer and give example.

20. The objective which the consumer will satisfy if consumer cannot attain a specific
goal is ____.
A. generic goals
B. substitute goals
C. product-specific goals
D. ego needs

21. Define the 4 factors that leads to a successful relationship.

22. The transfer of information, ideas, feelings, knowledge from the sender to the
receiver is _____.
A. channel
B. communication
C. receiver
D. sender

23. The error that take place when the message is exaggerated by the person during
the communication process is _____.
A. amplification
B. leveling
C. financial risk
D. psychological risk

24. Define secondary group source of information.

_____ is what the customer think or know about the products if it conforms to
required standards.
A. perceived risk
B. perceived value
C. perceived price
D. perceived quality

25. Segmenting the target market based on their level of product consumption is _____
A. usage rate
B. usage-situation
C. demographic
D. personality traits

26. What are the four factors influencing buyer decision making process?
27. The trait of consumers that makes them defensive, very close minded and rejects
new product is ___.
A. need for uniqueness
B. dogmatism
C. innovativeness
D. social character

28. Define primary needs by Maslow.

29. Which of the following is a characteristic of culture?

A. culture is learned
B. culture cannot be shared
C. culture cannot be changed
D. culture cannot be shared

30. The financial benefits receives by the consumer when buying the product is
A. qualitative value
B. quantitative value
C. financial value
D. perceived quality

31. Define primary group source of information.

32. The trait consumers attributed to their willingness to try new products is
A. innovativeness
B. brand personality
C. promotion
D. physiological needs

33. What do you understand about consumer behavior? Give example.

34. Define organizational consumer. Give example.

35. Segmenting the target market based on how they live, activities, interests, and
opinions is _____ segmentation.
A. usage rate
B. psychographic
C. usage-situation
D. personality traits

36. Discuss the 5 decision making process that an individual undergo when buying
a product. Give examples for each step.
37. Which of the following causes culture to be dynamic?
A. stagnant population
B. culture cannot be shared
C. culture cannot be changed
D. changing values

38. The group of people who regularly socialize among themselves both formally
and informally, and share behavioral norms is called the ____.
A. social class
B. upper class
C. middle class
D. lower class

39. Define brand personality.

40. The trait of consumers that makes them rely on others in making buying
decisions is ___.
A. need for uniqueness
B. dogmatism
C. innovativeness
D. social character

41. Give the 4 types of segmentation and give examples of each.

42. The emotional or psychological benefits receives by the consumer when buying the
product is _____.
A. qualitative value
B. quantitative value
C. financial value
D. perceived quality

43. _____ are introduced by companies to consumer to possibly try the new product.
A. brand extensions
B. dogmatism
C. product pricing
D. social character

44. Segmenting the target market based on their trust to the brand is ___

Explain how the different factors that influence the buying decisions of consumers and
how each of these factors influence the companies in marketing their products. you
need to justify your answers with relevant examples.

45. Define benefit segmentation.

46. The job position and activities or role of individuals in the community where he lives
that affects his buying decisions refers to ____.
A. secondary group
B. role in the Society
C. status in the society
D. primary Group

47. Define self-actualization needs by Maslow.

48. Which of the following spend on the branded and luxurious products?
A. middle class
B. upper class
C. working class
D. lower class

49. Define geodemographic segmentation and give example.

50. Comprise of people whom the consumers or prospects that compare

themselves with refers to ____.
A. Reference Groups
B. Family Members and Relatives
C. Role in the Society
D. Status in the society

51. Define consumer research. Give example.

52. The psychological needs that are learned through marketers, culture or
environment is ____.
A. physiological
B. acquired needs
C. innate needs
D. ego needs

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