434-Article Text-1997-2-10-20220702
434-Article Text-1997-2-10-20220702
434-Article Text-1997-2-10-20220702
Research Article
How to cite:
Ali, A. K. (2021). Contribution of the principal's transformational leadership and school climate on teacher
performance through work motivation. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 4 (1), 81 – 90. doi:
AK Ali, 2021 / Contribution of the principal's transformational leadership and school climate
criteria that each teacher must-have. School climate or the atmosphere of the
Regarding teacher performance, the form of work environment at school is everything
behavior in question is the teacher's activities that teachers and school members experience
in the learning process. Performance as a when interacting in a school environment. A
person's real behavior and work results conducive school climate affects the
achieved in carrying out the tasks assigned to performance of members of the school
him is driven by a motive to behave following organization. In other words, the progress or
the workload borne and based on the skills, decline of the school depends on the ability of
experience and encouragement, and the school to create an environment and the
commitment of the employee concerned. willingness of the environment to accept its
Performance is related to a set of factors existence.
affecting health, habits and environment, and Apart from school climate, another factor
quality of work-life (Leitao et al., 2019). It is that affects the performance of a teacher is the
associated with job satisfaction, motivation, work motivation of a teacher. A teacher can
productivity, health, job security, safety, and work professionally if he has high
well-being which embracing four main things motivation. Teachers who have high
that are a safe work environment, motivation will usually carry out their duties
occupational health care, appropriate energetically and energetically because there
working time, and an appropriate salary are certain motives or goals behind these
(Pandemy & Tripathi, 2018). actions. The motive is the driving factor that
The principal is the education gives the teacher strength so that he is willing
component that plays the most important role and willing to work hard.
in improving the quality of schools. Motivation can come from within
Furthermore, improving the quality of the yourself and from outside yourself. Good
work life of teachers will positively affect the work motivation, when the motivation arises
organization’s productivity, while in a person to do activities. Teachers who
augmented productivity will strengthen the have high work motivation, of course at work
quality of work-life (Sattar et al., 2018). In this will carry out all their duties as well as
modern world, given the competitive global possible, which in turn will affect the teaching
environment in which organizations and learning process and can improve
(institutions) operate, the need to develop student learning achievement.
highly skilled employees, including teachers, Work motivation can be seen as a set of
is paramount for prosperity and survival energetic forces that originally coming from
(Brown et al., 2018). The leadership of the within individuals, as well as in their
principal is an important element in a school, environment, to initiate work-related
because it involves the interplay between the behaviors and to determine their direction
leadership and school members, in this case, and intensity (Shkoler & Kimura, 2020).
all school members. It is not enough for a Motivation in the work context is expressed
school principal to only can make as an individual’s degree of willingness to
commitments or decisions in the thinking exert and maintain an effort towards
process, because these commitments and organizational goals (Deressa & Zeru, 2019).
decisions must be translated into ideas, Work motivation has a close relationship
initiatives, initiatives, creativity, opinions, with performance. Knowledge and
suggestions, orders, and others both orally motivation of a teacher are two unchallenged,
and in writing so that all citizens know. essential characteristics of successful
school. Thus the results of all of this must be education (Mahler et al., 2018).
communicated to all school members, Thus it can be understood that if the
especially teachers so that they take part in work motivation is low, it will result in low
thinking and considering them before they performance, even though it has good
are manifested in school actions or activities. abilities and opportunities are available.
Likewise, if the work motivation is high, but using Simple Proportionate Random
if the opportunity to use his abilities is not Sampling. Collecting data using a
given an opportunity, then the performance questionnaire model that is tested for validity
will also below. Or if the work motivation is and reliability by choosing between one to
high, and the opportunity has been given, but five answers that best match the actual
if the ability is not possessed, then the conditions. There are four questionnaires
performance will also below. used in this study, namely the principal
transformational leadership questionnaire,
Material and Methods the school climate questionnaire, the work
Sample The research population was all motivation questionnaire, and the teacher
teachers in Elementary Schools Banjarmasin. performance questionnaire. The following is
The research sample was 324 teachers in 137 a model of the conceptual relationship
schools which were selected by sampling between variables as shown in Figure 1.
Table 1 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Categories of Research Variables (SPSS 25)
Mean Standard Deviation Category
Transformational 187,81 9,253 High
School Climate 92,32 11,014 High
Work Motivation 175,79 10,938 High
216,19 10,239 Very High
Table 4. Summary of Decisions on Hypothesis Testing H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5
Hypothesis p Decision
H1 : There is a contribution of the principal's
0,000 Accepted
transformational leadership to teacher work motivation
H2 : There is a contribution of the principal's
0,022 Accepted
transformational leadership to teacher performance
H3 : There is a contribution of the school climate to
0,000 Accepted
teacher work motivation
H4 : There is a contribution of the school climate to
0,025 Accepted
teacher performance
H5 : There is a contribution of teacher work motivation
0,000 Accepted
to teacher
Path Coefficient
Hypothesis Decision
Direct Indirect
H6 : There is an indirect contribution of
the principal's transformational 0,155 0,319 Accepted
leadership to teacher performance
H7 : There is an indirect contribution of
the school climate to teacher performance 0,122 0,997 Accepted
through teacher work motivation
correlation coefficient (r) is positive, it can be satisfaction, a direct impact of teacher self-
stated that the school climate variable has a efficacy on job satisfaction, and a mediating
positive effect on teacher work motivation. A effect of teacher self-efficacy between school
positive organizational climate leads to climate and job satisfaction (Zakariya, 2020).
higher levels of organizational commitment, The excellence of a school has to do with
which is an important concept for the teacher satisfaction (Fei & Han, 2019).
relationship between employees' attitudes Another has argued that a positive school
and the concept of perceived organizational climate leads to higher academic achievement
performance (Berberoglu, 2018). The when it is characterized by high academic
relationship is determined by the interaction expectations and high-quality teacher-
between goals and objectives, formal student relationship (Konold et al., 2018;
structures, management processes, Ideswal, 2020) concluded in their research
leadership styles, and people's behavior. entitled "Contribution of School Climate and
Organizational climate is a character Principal Leadership to Primary School
characterized by the nature of the human Teacher Performance" that it can be seen that
relationship with the organization and the the contribution of school climate and
relationship between leaders and followers. principal leadership to the performance of
This relationship is determined by the SDN teachers in the city of Payakumbuh.
interaction between the tenor's, goals, formal School climate, basically can be expressed as
structure, management processes, leadership an organizational climate that occurs in a
style, and behavior of subordinates. school.
The results of the study entitled The "The school climate is the result of media
Relationship between School Climate and interactions within the school organization."
Teacher Work Motivation (Fujiaturrahman, School climate, which concerns the situation
2018) state that the teacher work motivation and conditions between teachers in schools. If
variable is closely related to the school the climate is healthy, career planning and
climate variable because this variable has a teacher placement can be done well.
significant contribution to teacher work However, if the school climate is unhealthy,
motivation. The more accurate the school such as feudalistic, making gangs, full of
climate is, the stronger the teacher's work intrigue, mutually stabbing rumors, and
motivation will be, and vice versa. nepotism, the implementation of career
Organizational climate is also important in planning will be unhealthy.
influencing creativity and innovation in
organizations (Olsson et al., 2019). There is a contribution of work motivation to
teacher performance
There is a school climate contribution to per- Based on the results of the path analysis
formance shows that there is a contribution of work
Based on the results of the path analysis, motivation to the performance of public
it shows that there is a contribution of elementary school teachers in the city of
transformational leadership to the Banjarmasin. This is evidenced by the
performance of public elementary school significance value of 0.000 so that the
teachers in Banjarmasin. This is evidenced by significance is less than 0.05. The analysis
the significant value of 0.025 so that the results also obtained the path coefficient
significance of less than 0.05. The analysis value of 1.274. Because the correlation
results also obtained the path coefficient coefficient (r) is positive, it can be said that the
value of 0.122. Because the correlation work motivation variable has a positive effect
coefficient (r) is positive, it can be stated that on teacher performance.
the school climate variable has a positive The results of the analysis show that work
impact on teacher performance. There is a motivation has a significant effect on teacher
strong direct impact of school climate on job performance. Work motivation is an
important variable where motivation also 0.4% is the influence of other variables.
needs great attention for organizations in included in the study.
improving teacher performance. Work The analysis of the indirect effect of
motivation is related to the willingness or transformational leadership on teacher
encouragement of someone to do their job so performance through work motivation in
that they can improve their daily abilities and public elementary schools in Banjarmasin is
achieve maximum results in carrying out as follows.
their duties in daily activities. Motivation is The indirect contribution of X to Y
related to external and internal through Z is the multiplication of the beta
encouragement so that something is expected values X1 and Z, namely = 0.155 x 1.274 =
in carrying out one's duties as a teacher. 0.197. Then the total influence exerted by X on
With good motivation, it can provide Y is the direct contribution plus the indirect
goodness to teachers, especially in improving effect, namely = 0.197 + 0.726 = 0.923.
their performance in the field, especially in Based on the results of the above
terms of increasing their work results in calculations, it is known that the value of the
carrying out daily tasks. Good teacher direct contribution is 0.155 and indirect
motivation will affect their ability to improve contribution is 0.923, which means that the
the process of teaching and learning activities value of the direct contribution is smaller
where their needs are met. than there is indirect contribution. These
The results of this study are supported by results indicate that indirectly the
the research results by Andriani et al. (2018) transformational contribution of leadership
that the motivation work has a significant through work motivation has a significant
effect on teachers’ performance in SMK in effect on employee performance.
Palembang. Besides, research conducted by This is supported by the research of
Utami & Wedasuwari (2019) shows that a Sukayana (2019) entitled "Contribution of
higher the work motivation, the performance Transformational Leadership, Principal
of teachers and education staff will get higher Academic Supervision, Pedagogical
too. Another research conducted by Rasto & Competence and Work Motivation on
Maulani (2019) has shown that satisfaction Teacher Performance at SMK Kertha Wisata
and motivation have been empirically proven Denpasar" which concludes collectively,
to influence teacher performance. there is a significant contribution between
transformational leadership and work
There is an indirect contribution of transfor- motivation on teacher performance. It can be
mational leadership to teacher performance seen that the transformational leadership of
through work motivation the principal is directly related to teachers’
Based on the research results, it is known job attitudes in a positive way (Thomas et al.,
that the output of Model I Regression can be 2018). Hence, both employers and managers
seen that the significance value of the two need to determine the needs and expectations
variables, namely X1 = 0.000 and Z = 0.000, is of their workforce and further recognize what
smaller than 0.05. employees through the inspires them towards improving their
work motivation of Public Elementary School productivity (Hanaysha & Hussain, 2018).
teachers in Banjarmasin City have a One of the dynamics that must get
significant effect. attention in determining teacher performance
The value of R2 or R Square is in the is the leadership of the principal. The
summary table of the model of 0.996, this principal as a leader in the school must be
shows that the indirect effect of able to function as a leader and manager to
transformational leadership on teacher achieve a quality school. Leaders prioritize
performance through work motivation of human factors, while managers are more
public elementary school employees in concerned with things that are not related to
Banjarmasin is 99.6% while the remaining humans, such as administration. The school
principal must be able to be a role model for Cozzens, 2018). Fitriana (2020) in her research
teachers, administrative staff, and also all entitled "The Effect of Principal Leadership
other school members (Santiari, 2020). Style, Organizational Climate and Work
Motivation on Teacher Performance at SMP
There is a contribution of school climate to Negeri Air Putih Subdistrict" also concluded
teacher performance through work motiva- that organizational climate has a positive
tion at Public Elementary Schools in Banjar- direct effect on teacher performance and
masin City teacher work motivation has a positive direct
Referring to the output of Regression effect on teacher performance. This is also
Model II in the Coefficient table section, it can supported by Suryati et al. (2020) that there is
be seen that the significance value of the two an influence of work motivation and work
variables, namely X2 = 0.009 and Z = 0.000 is climate on the teacher’s performance partially
smaller than 0.05. These results conclude that and simultaneously.
Regression Model II can be said that there is
an indirect effect of school climate on teacher Conclusion and Recommendation
performance through work motivation at The results show the following; (1) There
public elementary schools in Banjarmasin is a direct contribution of transformational
City. leadership to teacher work motivation; (2)
The value of R2 or R Square contained in There is a direct contribution of
the summary model table is 0.992, this transformational leadership to teacher
indicates that the indirect contribution of performance; (3) There is a direct contribution
school climate to teacher performance of the school climate to teacher work
through work motivation in Public motivation; (4) There is a direct contribution
Elementary Schools in Banjarmasin is 99.20% from the school climate to teacher
while the remaining 0.8% is a variable performance; (5) There is a direct contribution
contribution. other variables were not of teacher work motivation to teacher
included in the study. performance; (6) There is an indirect
The analysis of the indirect contribution of contribution of transformational leadership
school climate to teacher performance to teacher performance through teacher work
through work motivation at public motivation; (7) There is an indirect
elementary schools in Banjarmasin is as contribution of the school climate to teacher
follows. performance through teacher work
The direct contribution given by X2 to Y motivation; Research conclusion; (1) an
was 0.112. While the indirect contribution of overview of the principal's transformational
X to Y through Z is the multiplication of the leadership, school climate, work motivation,
beta values of X1 and Z, namely = 0.122 x and the average teacher performance at high
1.274 = 0.143. Then the total contribution and very high scores, (2) there is a
given by X2 to Y is a direct contribution plus contribution of principal transformational
an indirect contribution, namely = 0.143 + leadership, school climate, work motivation,
0.842 = 0.997. Based on the calculation above and public primary school performance
is known that the direct contribution of 0.122 school teacher in Banjarmasin City.
and an indirect contribution by 0, 997 which
means that the direct contribution is smaller Acknowledgment
than you e There Contributions indirectly, Our gratitude and appreciation go to all
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climate through work motivation has completing this research
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