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Security Software Interactions with

AccuMark V10
AccuMark software installations in some instances have not proceeded as expected when interacting
with particular virus and malware detection software.

In some instances, the download or installation from a DVD had files quarantined so when the software
was installed, not all the executables or dlls were actually installed. In other cases the software installed
in its entirety but would not run because security programs blocked application launch.

If the error messages point to a missing file, the antivirus software may have deleted the application
executable, either from the GerberNet AccuMark Software download or after the install when the
antivirus software detects an unknown program.

In this case, the exe will have to be whitelisted before reinstalling the software. It may also help to
disable the antivirus program when downloading from GerberNet and also when installing the software.
Remember, if it is related to a file that was deleted from the download or from the installation, you
need to white list the installation source folder as well.

For future prevention, you can Google the antivirus software name like Kaspersky, with “report false
positive” and then go to the link on how to report false positives. Usually, only customers of the tool can
report the false positive. So, you will have to report the exe’s that are being impacted by your antivirus

Create an exclusion for Gerber software

Be sure to check your virus protection software for specific instructions for making exclusions for Gerber
software. This document will described methods that have worked for existing customers.

You may need to make exclusions locally on the user’s system and update your corporate policy.
These folders should be listed as trustworthy in the antivirus program.
C:\program files (X86)\Gerber Technology (64-bit)
C:\program files\Gerber Technology (32-bit)
C:\program files (X86)\Common files\Gerber Technology (64-bit)
C:\program files\Common files\Gerber Technology (32-bit)

Be sure all exe’s that were impacted are included in the whitelist. This includes sil2000.exe, medpro.exe,
marking.exe, amxplore.exe and any others that appear in your error messages or Microsoft Event
Viewer Application logs. The AccuMark exe files are included in the above mentioned folders.

In addition to the issues outlined in the following section, as any Virus detection software performs
automatic updates, issues may arise that did not previously appear

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Internet Explorer 11
If you have Internet Explorer 11, you must have its latest updates. If not, this may be the cause for PDS
crashes. You can select to let IE automatically install updates through Settings – About Internet Explorer
and clicking-on the option “Install new versions automatically”

Webroot is cloud based security software that will scan as applications are launched. During beta, sites
that used this software found that AccuMark Explorer and PDS would not run even though each
application seemed to install properly while Webroot was disabled. GT Engineering contacted Webroot
support, and an update was done by Webroot to allow the applications to run. In the future, GT may
have to request this exception again.

MacAfee LiveSafe
McAfee LiveSafe is the consumer grade Internet security package. One component is called Site
Advisor. This component checks web site against a McAfee database to see if they are safe. It also
monitors executable programs. This causes AccuMark Explorer and Silhouette 2000 to crash. The only
way found so far to correct is to uninstall the Site Advisor portion of LiveSafe.

To uninstall Site Advisor.

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\SiteAdvisor
Run uninstall.exe
This will require a reboot.
Enterprise versions of McAfee will probably not have this issue as there are more configuration settings
available to an IT department.

Norton Antivirus
Norton Antivirus has been seen to block a few AccuMark programs and quarantine the executable. By
going to the Quarantine section of Norton, it is possible to restore the file and block it from further
scans. The procedure to restore will vary from version to version of Norton. Consult the Norton
documentation for the particular product.

Files can also be submitted for white-listing. GT Engineering has submitted the problematic files for
whitelisting, and Norton (Symantec) has whitelisted several files.

Norton Download Advisor

Some security software, such as Norton Download Advisor, will warn that the download contains setup
programs. This is just to alert the user. Acknowledge the warnings, and then proceed with the software

Dell Data Security Protection

This software may need to be disabled, then AccuMark software be re installed to allow AccuMark
Explorer to open without running as administrator.

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Tencent PC Manager
Tencent may prevent AccuMark applications from being run following installation. On Windows 7
computers, exit or uninstall Tencent PC manager, then all AccuMark applications can be opened

360 Total Security

Add the AccuMark folder to the program’s white list; then all AccuMark programs can be opened and
run as expected.

Symantec Endpoint Security

AccuMark Explorer, Easy Marking, and PDS may not start. In the Applications Event viewer, the failures/
crashes show up with reference of SYSFER.DLL. This is a dll that that Symantec Endpoint injects into
processes. The solution is to set up an Application Control exception as detailed in the Symantec link:


This will generally require action by the IT department.

Some sites have found that computers infected with Malware were unable to install or run AccuMark
until a Malware removal tool was used to clean the machine.

Use of the Problem Report and Enhancement Utility can help gather data in troubleshooting system.
Examining Add/Remove programs for suspicious programs can be helpful. Using Task Manager to check
running processes for all users can also show suspicious programs.

The most common issue has been with variant called Binkiland. This programs has caused issues with
AccuMark Explorer. It is also known as Trovi. It is spread by several free download sites. It can
sometimes be removed by using Add/Remove Programs. In other cases, other measures to completely
it are needed. Since this is an evolving malware, consult online search engines for the latest information
of how to remove.

Kaspersky may prevent applications and programs from running, and may even remove them from the
system. Most common are AccuMark Explorer, PDS, and Easy Marking not being allowed to run, and the
possible removal of AccuNest related programs like Queue Submit and AccuNest Queue Server.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus may consider such application activity as potentially dangerous and can block it. To
avoid blocking of the application, you have to create an exclusion rule specifying Remote Admin as
classification. When you add an exclusion, a rule is created.

How to create an exclusion rule (http://support.kaspersky.com/2695#block2 )

To create an exclusion rule:

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1. Open the application settings window.

2. Select Protection on the left.

3. Click the Trusted Zone button in the Exclusions section.

4. Go to the Exclusion rules tab and click Add.

5. Select an exclusion type in the Properties field: Object and/or Threat type.
6. Object

Click select object and choose a file, a folder or a mask to exclude.

7. Select a Component in the corresponding field. The rule will apply to the selected component.

8. Threat type

Click Enter threat type to select a file, a folder or a mask to exclude.

 Select a Component in the corresponding field. The rule will apply to the selected component.

Rules can be applied to the following protection components:

 Scan,
 File Anti-Virus,
 Mail Anti-Virus (Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations 6.0.4.x only),
 Proactive Defense (Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations 6.0.4.x only),
 Web Anti-Virus (Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations 6.0.4.x only).

Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent

Can cause possible crashes with applications like PDS, AccuMark Explorer and Easy Marking.

See http://docs.trendmicro.com/all/smb/wfbs-s/v9.0/en-us/wfbs_9.0_ag.pdf

©2015 Gerber Scientific International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Lenovo ThinkPad – Lenovo Solutions Center
AccuMark Explorer and PDS runs, but PDS acts strange. No numbers and letters were showing or could
be entered into some dialogs. When trying to enter a number, PDS crashed.

Example dialogs where this happened were in Preferences, Magnetic Tolerance and Auto Save did not
have any Value/number. When using Create – Rectangle, no values in Dist, X and Y did show, and no
Piece Name could be entered. When trying to, PDS crashed.

Solution: Uninstalling ThinkVantage Password Manager

Avast Home 2015 or 2016

The AccuMark installation does not start at all, and the installation of the Problem and Enhancement
Report Utility (PERU) seemed to install but may not seem to finish.

Right clicking the Avast icon on the Taskbar produces an Avast shields Control choice, and then you can
then turn off Avast for 10 minutes, 1 hour, until computer restart, or forever. Disabling for 10 minutes is
sufficient to allow an install of AccuMark.

Each time you start a new program, you may receive the following dialog message:

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After Avast has completed it scan, you most likely will not receive this message anymore.

©2015 Gerber Scientific International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Problem and Enhancement Report Utility (PERU)
The Problem and Enhancement Report Utility is a useful tool for submitting
improvement suggestions and issues you may encounter. It is automatically installed
and easily accessible through the icon on your desktop.

The PERU will gather important system and environment information from the system
– use the PERU on the system that is encountering the problem. This information is
critical when investigating what applications are installed and the processes that are
running when issues are occurring.

Fill in your information and Functional Area on the left that is similar to your topic. Then enter a quick
summary and description (your information will remain sticky, so you only have to fill this out once):

Depending on the email you're using - you may need to adjust the settings. Select File - Properties then
choose the option that is right for you, this picture is for Outlook

©2015 Gerber Scientific International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If using something like Gmail - select the SMTP option and Change the Post Office to use the
email provider, for example, for gmail enter“smtp.gmail.com”. Then enter your gmail user name
and password and select OK to save the changes.

Check that the "Send Problem Reports To: has a "." in the email name:

Select Ok.

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If you are having issues while running the applications with your data, it is important to also send a copy
of the data you are using. Your data will only be used for investigation purposes only, and will not be
distributed anywhere. The PERU sends its information and any attachments to a proprietary issue
reporting system that is only accessible by Gerber personnel.

To send your data – first create a zip file using AccuMark Explorer or new in V10.1 from PDS. Select the
File – Export Zip function. Then select the “Attach File” button on the main page of the PERU.

Then select Send button.

If you have problems sending - NOTE the message displayed - it will save the report to a folder on your
system - it will tell you the location it save the files to. Collect those files and send to your local Support
email and we will submit the report for you.

©2015 Gerber Scientific International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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