The course NRG204: Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute & Chronic) with
concepts, principles, theories and techniques of nursing care of at-risk and sick adult clients in
any setting with alterations / problems in nutrition, and gastro-intestinal, metabolism and
endocrine, perception and rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate
and holistic nursing care to at-risk and sick adult clients utilizing the nursing process. Presented
below are the specific details of this course:
Course Number : NRG 204
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Course Credit : 12 units (6 units Lecture, 6 units RLE)
Schedule : MTW/THFS
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Please expect that you might need to print some parts of the worksheets in this module (i.e.,
documentation and transcribing parts). If any difficulties in participating in synchronous classes
are encountered, inform your instructor right away! For absences, secure an excuse slip from
your RLE supervisor.
Submissions must be submitted through the Learning Management System (LMS) so that it
will be traced and secured easily.
Daily Activities
Every week, you are expected to follow through the following deliverables:
Now that you are done acquainting yourself with the instructor and the course itself, please
proceed to Module 5: Care of a Client with Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF)
The case analysis manuscript may be handwritten or computer written. Observe pagination.
Once done, send the compilation of your group’s answers to your clinical instructor.
After the submission, prepare a PPT presentation for your case presentation slated for Days 2
and 3 of your RLE classes. Each member of the group is expected to present during the case
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of clients with Tetralogy of Fallot.
2. Perform a comprehensive health history and assessment based on the case scenario
3. Utilize assessment information to formulate a patient-centered plan of care.
4. Discuss the therapeutics done for the simulated patient.
5. Explain appropriate nursing interventions per problems identified.
6. Document the care rendered to assigned patient in the simulated health care record
As you start with this module, you are free to consult and coordinate with your assigned clinical
instructor. Be sure to get his/her email address and contact number for collaboration and
assistance. Just keep going! You can do it!
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Case Scenario
Baby Pearl, a 9-month-old girl presents to the emergency department with his mother, who
reports episodes of tachypnea, cyanosis, and irritability during feeding. The mother explains that
these episodes have become more frequent, with baby Pearl becoming more cyanotic around the
mouth and fingers especially when crying (tet spells) when she was around 7 months old. These
episodes resolve spontaneously but are occurring every few days. The mother breastfeeds every
3 hours, but sometimes takes a long time to feed. She also observed that baby Pearl becomes
diaphoretic with feeding, and stops frequently to catch her breath while feeding. She reported to
the nurse that vomiting the milk (sometimes goes out from the nose) and becomes more frequent
after feeding. The patient currently appears comfortable, with no signs of respiratory distress,
fever, or neurological impairment. The pregnancy and delivery of baby Pearl were uncomplicated;
with routine prenatal care. The mother has had no prior pregnancies and abortion. The mother
undergone prenatal genetic tests for trisomy 21 and was tested negative. The mother also
reported that her baby was a small baby (born at the 10th percentile), but is tracking along her
length and weight growth curves. Her immunizations are up to date. The mother denies smoking
and alcohol use during pregnancy. She also denies of attempting terminating the pregnancy.
Upon assessment, Baby Pearl’s vital signs include a pulse of 165 beats per minute, a respiration
rate of 65 breaths per minute, and an oxygen saturation level of 80%. Lung sounds are normal
to auscultation. Heart auscultation is performed and a systolic murmur noted at the left upper
sternal border; most strongly in the pulmonic area (radiates to the axillae and back)
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Family/Social Profile:
Baby Pearl is the first child of Harlene, 20year old and Perry, 25 years old, both belonged to a
Manobo tribe, and been married for 3 years. They are presently residing in a rural area, 30
kilometers away from town. Both parents are working as farmers in a vast rice plantation. They
live in a small house made up of wood and nipa materials. They drink from spring-source water
50 meters away from their house and uses shared sanitary latrine build by the barangay.
Baby Pearl was never hospitalized, nor undergone any surgical procedure as reported by
the mother
• No known allergies for food and drugs
Immunization History:
Baby Pearl has complete immunization as per Expanded of Immunization (EPI) schedule.
Physical Examination:
Appearance: The patient is malnourished, ill looking and has a short stature
Conjunctiva: with suffused conjunctiva
Juaindice: Absent
Cyanosis: with central cyanosis
Koilonychias, leukonychia, lymphadenopathy: Absent
Thyroid gland: not palpable
Vital Signs:
Cardiovascular Assessment:
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
no visible apical impulse
No epigastric pulsation
No scar mark, or bony deformity
first heart sound is normal in all areas
Second heart sound is single
There is an ejection systolic murmur in the pulmonary area (left and 3rd intercostals space)
increasing intensity with breath hold in inspiration
Grading of the murmur is 3/6
There is no added sound
Lung base are clear
apex beat is located in the 5th intercostal space, 7cm from midsternal line, just medial to
midclavicular line, normal in nature
No left parasternal heave
No thrill
No palpable pulmonary component
No epigastric pulsation
Reveals no abnormality
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Dr. Tan
1600 2decho done.
Dr. Tan
March 20, 2024
Give Phenylephrine 5µg/kg IV bolus
Discuss Palliative or corrective surgery
Persistent Desaturation
Diazepam .2mg/kg IV PRN for Seizure
Neuro Exam
Propranolol .5 mg/kg q8
DR. Tan
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
College of Allied Health Sciences
Nursing Program
What to Do?
To immerse yourself in the care management of your patient, let us do some detailed description
of your patient care tasks. Using the Case Scenario assigned to you, you are expected to perform
the following:
However, Lorna has expressed her wish to donate all her organs and has a donor card.
Her brother – Jonathan is adamant and he think that her sister Lorna did not think it
properly and refused to abide what her sister request.
What would be your nursing action in this scenario? What ethical-moral-legal principle is
applicable in this scenario? Justify? Answer narratively.
6. How many defects of the heart and its blood vessels have? --- __________
1. Tetralogy of Fallot usually is diagnosed after a baby is born, often after the infant
has an episode of turning blue during crying or feeding called? --- __________
4. A sound caused by blood not flowing properly through the heart. –__________
Practice filling out hospital sheets, such as MAR (Medication Administration Record), IV Flow
Sheet, VS Sheet, TPR Sheet, I & O monitoring sheet & Nurse’s notes.
Temperature: 36.5˚ Celsius
Pulse rate: 165 bpm, regular in rhythm, no radio radial and radio femoral delay
Respiratory rate: 65 cpm
Blood pressure: 90/60 mmHg
IV Furosemide .5mg/kg OD
Morphine .2mg/kg
Propranolol .5 mg/kg q8
IV Dobutamine 5mg/dl
Instructions: Supposing you have given all of the due medications for your shift, fill out the
MAR. Plot your VS results in the VS and TPR Sheets as well.
- Baby Pearl - Feb 28 2021 at 1pm, Start IVF D5 .3NaCL 20ml/kg, infusing well at RCV,
- There is generalized clubbing (involving all fingers & toes), full and equal pulses, capillary
refill time < 3 seconds, no edema noted
- Mother breastfeeds every 3 hours
- She reported to the nurse that vomiting the milk (sometimes goes out from the nose)
and becomes more frequent after feeding.
- On NPO, as ordered.
- Weight diaper (3pm - 15lbs) (8pm – 8lbs and defecated)
Questions to ponder and answer:
A. Answer the following questions correctly.
2. The assessment that would lead the nurse to suspect that a newborn infant has a
ventricular septal defect is:
a loud, harsh murmur with a systolic tremor.
b. cyanosis when crying.
c. blood pressure higher in the arms than in the legs.
d. a machinery-like murmur.
4. When a father asks why his child with tetralogy of Fallot seems to favor
a squatting position, the nurse would explain that squatting:
5. An infant is experiencing dyspnea related to patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The nurse
understands dyspnea occurs because blood is:
a. counting the apical rate for 30 seconds before administering the medication.
b. withholding a dose if the apical heart rate is less than 100 beats/min.
c. repeating a dose if the child vomits within 30 minutes of the previous dose.
d. checking respiratory rate and blood pressure before each dose.
7. A child develops carditis from rheumatic fever. The nurse knows that the areas of
the heart affected by carditis are the:
a. coronary arteries.
b. heart muscle and the mitral valve.
c. aortic and pulmonic valves.
d. contractility of the ventricles.
8. The comment made by a parent of a 1-month-old that would alert the nurse
about the presence of a congenital heart defect is:
Reflection Time: Make a reading on personal experience of a patient diagnosed of Tetralogy
of Fallot. Please do not forget the link to the article. Provide a 5-paragraph handwritten reflection.
1sT paragraph will be the introduction of your article. The 2nd paragraph will be your reflection as
a Person, 3rd the paragraph will be your reflection as a student nurse. The 4th paragraph will be
your reflection as a Future Health professional. Lastly, the 5th paragraph will be your conclusion
about your reflections.
Murray, S. and McKinney, E., 2014. Foundations Of Maternal-Newborn And Women’s Health
Nursing. 6th ed. MISSOURI: Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc., pp.504-506.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (2010). Maternal-Newborn Nursing Demystified (pp. 161-
163). New York City.
Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal and Child Health Nursing Care of the
Childbearing and Childrearing Family (8th ed., p.529-533). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.