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1. What is social media? State its advantages and disadvantages.

=Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on
communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
People use social media to stay in touch and interact with friends, family and various
1. A Place for Noble Causes and Practices
2. Use of Social Media for Promotion and Advertising
3. People Can Connect Through Social Media
4. Social Media is a Good Source of Up-to-Date Information
5. Social Media Is Beneficial to Education
1. Cyberbullying
2. Hacking on Social Media
3. Reduces Face-to-face Communication Skills
4. Fake News
5. People’s Addiction to Social Media
2. What is text analytics? What is its purpose? Also states its tasks.
=Text analytics technology introduces an automated approach to analyzing and visualizing
unstructured text data for qualitative measurements. Imagine gaining actionable insights
from every social media post, email, chat message, trouble ticket, and survey.
Text Analysis is about parsing texts in order to extract machine-readable facts from them.
The purpose of Text Analysis is to create structured data out of free text content. The
process can be thought of as slicing and dicing heaps of unstructured, heterogeneous
documents into easy-to-manage and interpret data pieces.
Text analytics is the process of extracting meaning out of text. For example, this can be
analyzing text written by customers in a customer survey, with the focus on finding common
themes and trends
3. What is social media analytics? What is its purpose? List its benefits.
=Social media analytics is the ability to gather and find meaning in data gathered from
social channels to support business decisions — and measure the performance of actions
based on those decisions through social media.
Increasing Brand Activity.
Generate Online Traffic.
Staying Alive.
Better Conversion Rates.
Increasing Brand Loyalty.
Partnering up with Influencers.
Assessing the Competition.
Selectively Advertising.
4. Explain process of social media analytics diagrammatically
=Process. There are three main steps in analyzing social media: data identification, data
analysis, and information interpretation. To maximize the value derived at every point
during the process, analysts may define a question to be answered.
6. What is social network? List any four examples of it. Explain two of the m in short
=The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay
connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can
have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking
to engage customers.
7. What is social media data? List its types. Also state how to accessing social
media data in detail.
=social media data is the collected information from social networks that show how users
share, view or engage with your content or profiles. These numbers, percentages and
statistics provide actionable insights concerning your social media strategy. Some
examples of raw social media data can include: Shares
Social media is an internet-based form of communication. Social media platforms allow
users to have conversations, share information and create web content. There are many
forms of social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-
sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and
8. What is social network analysis? Define it? Describe in detail.
=Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structures through the
use of networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes
(individual actors, people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links
(relationships or interactions) that connect them.
Social network analysis is a research method that can be applied to the study of human
social interactions. It is used in a variety of fields, including psychology and sociology.
The purpose of SNA is to provide an analytical framework for understanding how people
interact with one another within a network. It can also be used to identify who is important
in the network and what their relationships are with one another, as well as how different
groups relate to each other within the network. The nodes on SNA maps represent
individuals or groups, while lines connect them and show their relationships.
10. What is link prediction? Explain with example.
=Link Prediction is the algorithm based on which Facebook recommends People you May
Know, Amazon predicts items you're likely going to be interested in and Zomato
recommends food you're likely going to order.
Examples of link prediction include predicting friendship links among users in a social
network, predicting co-authorship links in a citation network, and predicting interactions
between genes and proteins in a biological network.
11. What is community detection? What are its different methods? Explain four of
the in short.
=The concept of community detection has emerged in network science as a method for
finding groups within complex systems through represented on a graph.The proposed
algorithm has been compared with four community detection algorithms, i.e., Leading
eigenvector (LEC) algorithm, Fastgreedy (FG) algorithm, Leiden algorithm and Kernighan-
Lin (KL) algorithm based on a few metric functions.
12. What is influence maximization? Explain its framework diagrammatically.
=Influence maximization is the problem of finding a small subset of nodes (seed nodes) in a
social network that could maximize the spread of influence. In this paper, we study the
efficient influence maximization from two complementary directions.
14. Write a short note on: Prediction of trust
=online social rating networks focused on users’ history of interactions in evaluating the
reputation of other users, service providers or products. Nevertheless, these approaches
still suffer from malicious or inconsistent recommendations where the prediction problem
turns out to be rather difficult. In this paper, we take up the challenge of coming up with a
better solution by introducing a new global trust computation model that makes use of the
recommendations made by what we call trusted parties in weighing users ratings. These
entities gain higher reputation levels compared to others. Further, a sampling approach is
proposed to capture new developments or changes during runtime based on a trust
propagation technique. The proposed techniques are applied on the Epinion.com dataset.
Empirical work shows the effectiveness of the proposed techniques in trust prediction
compared to related work.
16. What is NLP? What is its purpose? Describe its phases with the help of diagram.
=Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand
human language as it is spoken and written -- referred to as natural language. It is a
component of artificial intelligence (AI). NLP has existed for more than 50 years and has
roots in the field of linguistics
The five phases of NLP involve lexical (structure) analysis, parsing, semantic analysis,
discourse integration, and pragmatic analysis. Some well-known application areas of NLP
are Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Speech Recognition, Machine Translation, and
18. What is tokenization: How it used in text analytics?
=What is Tokenization in NLP? Tokenization is one of the most common tasks when it
comes to working with text data. But what does the term 'tokenization' actually mean?
Tokenization is essentially splitting a phrase, sentence, paragraph, or an entire text
document into smaller units, such as individual words or terms
19.Write a short note on: Challenges to social media analytics.
=Since an ever-increasing part of the population makes use of social media in their day-to-
day lives, social media data is being analysed in many different disciplines. The social
media analytics process involves four distinct steps, data discovery, collection, preparation,
and analysis. While there is a great deal of literature on the challenges and difficulties
involving specific data analysis methods, there hardly exists research on the stages of data
discovery, collection, and preparation. To address this gap, we conducted an extended and
structured literature analysis through which we identified challenges addressed and
solutions proposed. The literature search revealed that the volume of data was most often
cited as a challenge by researchers. In contrast, other categories have received less
attention. Based on the results of the literature search, we discuss the most important
challenges for researchers and present potential solutions. The findings are used to extend
an existing framework on social media analytics. The article provides benefits for
researchers and practitioners who wish to collect and analyse social media data.
26. What is text analytics? Explain its steps diagrammatically. Also states its
advantages, disadvantages and applications.
= Text analytics is the automated process of translating large volumes of unstructured text
into quantitative data to uncover insights, trends, and patterns.
27. Explain n-gram with example.
=An N-gram means a sequence of N words. So for example, “Medium blog” is a 2-gram (a
bigram), “A Medium blog post” is a 4-gram, and “Write on Medium” is a 3-gram (trigram).
Well, that wasn’t very interesting or exciting. True, but we still have to look at the probability
used with n-grams, which is quite interesting
An N-gram means a sequence of N words. So for example, “Medium blog” is a 2-gram (a
bigram), “A Medium blog post” is a 4-gram, and “Write on Medium” is a 3-gram (trigram)

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