This document provides details on the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the deep back musculature, including the intermediate extrinsic muscles, intrinsic muscles of the superficial, intermediate, and deep layers, and the deepest segmental muscles.
This document provides details on the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the deep back musculature, including the intermediate extrinsic muscles, intrinsic muscles of the superficial, intermediate, and deep layers, and the deepest segmental muscles.
This document provides details on the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the deep back musculature, including the intermediate extrinsic muscles, intrinsic muscles of the superficial, intermediate, and deep layers, and the deepest segmental muscles.
This document provides details on the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the deep back musculature, including the intermediate extrinsic muscles, intrinsic muscles of the superficial, intermediate, and deep layers, and the deepest segmental muscles.
Serratus Posterior Superior Spinous processes: C7 – T2 Upper ribs Anterior rami of Active during respiration? spinal nerves Proprioceptive function? Serratus Posterior Inferior Spinous processes: T11 – L3 Lower ribs (intercostal nerves)
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Superficial Layer Splenius (capitis and cervicis) o Nuchal ligament Splenius capitis: Posterior rami of Lateral flexion of neck o SPs: C7 – T6 mastoid process; spinal nerves Rotation of head superior nuchal line Extend head and neck Splenius cervicis: TPs: ~ C1 – C4
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Intermediate Layer (Erector Spinae)
Iliocostalis COMMON ORIGIN: Angles of lower Posterior rami of AS A GROUP: ribs spinal nerves o Sacrum Extension of vertebral column Longissimus o Iliac Crest Ribs: between o SPs: T11 – L5 tubercles and Lateral flexion of vertebral Vertebrae angles column
TPs: cervical and Stabilize vertebral column
thoracic vertebrae
Spinalis SPs: cervical and
thoracic vertebrae
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Deep Layer (Transversospinales)
Semispinalis TPs: all vertebrae SPs: cervical and Posterior rami of AS A GROUP: thoracic vertebrae spinal nerves (spans 4 – 6 vertebrae) Extension of vertebral column
Multifidus SPs: of all vertebrae Lateral flexion/rotation of
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Deepest Layer (Segmentals)
Interspinales SPs of vertebrae SP of vertebrae Posterior rami of Extension of vertebral column
directly above spinal nerves origin Lateral flexion of vertebral Intertransversarii: column TPs of vertebrae TP of vertebrae also innervated Intertransversarii by anterior directly above Stabilize vertebral column origin rami of spinal nerves Levator Costarum: elevate ribs, assist in respiration, Levator Costarum TPs of thoracic vertebrae Ribs between assist in lateral flexion of tubercle and angle vertebral column