Deep Back Musculature Chart

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Deep Back Musculature

Origin Insertion Innervation Action


Serratus Posterior Superior Spinous processes: C7 – T2 Upper ribs Anterior rami of Active during respiration?
spinal nerves Proprioceptive function?
Serratus Posterior Inferior Spinous processes: T11 – L3 Lower ribs (intercostal nerves)


Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Superficial Layer
Splenius (capitis and cervicis) o Nuchal ligament Splenius capitis: Posterior rami of Lateral flexion of neck
o SPs: C7 – T6 mastoid process; spinal nerves Rotation of head
superior nuchal
line Extend head and neck
Splenius cervicis:
TPs: ~ C1 – C4

Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Intermediate Layer (Erector Spinae)

Iliocostalis COMMON ORIGIN: Angles of lower Posterior rami of AS A GROUP:
ribs spinal nerves
o Sacrum Extension of vertebral column
Longissimus o Iliac Crest Ribs: between
o SPs: T11 – L5 tubercles and Lateral flexion of vertebral
Vertebrae angles column

TPs: cervical and Stabilize vertebral column

thoracic vertebrae

Spinalis SPs: cervical and

thoracic vertebrae

Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Deep Layer (Transversospinales)

Semispinalis TPs: all vertebrae SPs: cervical and Posterior rami of AS A GROUP:
thoracic vertebrae spinal nerves
(spans 4 – 6 vertebrae) Extension of vertebral column

Multifidus SPs: of all vertebrae Lateral flexion/rotation of

(spans 2 – 4 vertebrae) vertebral column

SPs: all vertebrae Stabilize vertebral column

(spans 1 – 2 vertebrae)
Rotatores: proprioceptive

Intrinsic Muscles of the Back: Deepest Layer (Segmentals)

Interspinales SPs of vertebrae SP of vertebrae Posterior rami of Extension of vertebral column

directly above spinal nerves
origin Lateral flexion of vertebral
Intertransversarii: column
TPs of vertebrae TP of vertebrae also innervated
Intertransversarii by anterior
directly above Stabilize vertebral column
origin rami of
spinal nerves
Levator Costarum: elevate
ribs, assist in respiration,
Levator Costarum TPs of thoracic vertebrae Ribs between assist in lateral flexion of
tubercle and angle vertebral

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