PCM Survey

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Advanced Journal of Chemistry, Section B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

Advanced Journal of Chemistry-Section B

Natural Products and Medical Chemistry

Journal homepage: http://www.ajchem-b.com/

Original Research Article

Investigation of PCM Method for Cathodic Protection of Pipelines

Andi Brous1*, Andi Johnson1, Amir Samimi2
1Department of Research and Development, UOP, Santiago, Chile
2Ph.D. of Science in Chemical Engineering, Process Engineer & Risk Specialist in Industries, Iran


Article history One of the dangers of storing materials in storage tanks is the
Submitted: 2022-05-04
leakage of materials due to corrosion to the surrounding
Revised: 2022-05-21
Accepted: 2022-07-01 environment, which in addition to cause damage due to the loss
Available online:2022-07-02
Manuscript ID: AJCB-2205-1119
of valuable material and environmental pollution, can lead to
DOI: 10.22034/ajcb.2022.340661.1119 accidents. PCM method is one which is used for inspecting
KEYWORDS pipelines by electromagnetic method. Electromagnetic fields
easily pass-through soil, water, asphalt, etc. Therefore, without
Low Frequencies
Pipeline Inspection drilling and through the ground, pipelines are inspected and
Electromagnetism monitored. By measuring the amount of induced alternating
current in its strong magnetic sensors, it is able to detect the
current amount in pipelines, the position of sacrificial anodes,
the quality of coating, and the location of its defects. In this
method, alternating current is used to inspect pipelines. By
increasing the frequency of alternating current, the inductive
effect of this method increases on foreign structures and
adjacent metal structures. In this case, by using different
frequencies as well as very low frequencies, they eliminate the
impact of adjacent foreign structures on the inspection results.

* Corresponding author: Andi Johnson

 E-mail: andi.johnson.uop@gmail.com
© 2022 by SPC (Sami Publishing Company)
Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173


Introduction corrosion can occur as a reduction in local or

Inspection and corrosion of pipelines that are not general thickness [2]. Factors affecting internal
capable of pigmentation has been one of the corrosion include the corrosive properties of
issues in pipelines inspection. Direct evaluation stored product, the working temperature of the
of pipelines is one of the continuous methods of tank, the equipment of steam coil, and the
their optimization. External direct evaluation is a presence of water in the bottom of storage tanks.
method based on NACE RP0502 standard. The The external corrosion is observed as a decrease
basis of this method is relied on the fact that as in local thickness. Factors affecting external
long as the outer cover of the pipe is intact and corrosion include soil type, bed type, water
perfectly separates the pipe from its drainage system, cathodic protection, tank floor
surroundings, corrosion will not occur on the design, and tank operating temperature. Due to
pipe’s outer surface [1]. Now, if the cover is in a the high rate of corrosion in the soil for various
defective place, it is probably a good one for corrosion mechanisms in most cases, the fluid
corrosion on the pipe’s surface, which requires leaks from the bottom of the tanks to the
direct checks on the pipeline. environment. Hence, the inspection of tank floor
One of the dangers of storing materials in storage sheets is always done more carefully and
tanks is the leakage of materials due to corrosion sensitively [3]. Prior to 1988, it was conducted
to the surrounding environment, which in using the manual ultrasonic method and with a
addition to cause damage due to the loss of grid pattern, which was time-wasting due to the
valuable material and environmental pollution, process nature. To improve his inspection
can lead to accidents. Corrosion is the main strategy in 1988, Sanderson introduced the
phenomenon of degradation in carbon steel Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) method as an
sheets of tank floors, which can occur on the effective and rapid technique in which, by
product side (i.e. the internal corrosion) or on the inducing a magnetic field into a sheet, a magnetic
soil side (i.e. the external corrosion). The internal field leakage signal from a defect was provided by

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

an array of non-contact magnetic sensors as Diagnosis

being received and analyzed, but since the Experience has shown that many cathodic
received MFL signals were related more to the protection systems can fail to perfectly protect
volume of metal lost than to the cavity depth, the the structure due to design defects, incorrect
results of the MFL alone cannot be sufficient to equipment selection, or improper installation
interpret and comment. To investigate the defect (Figure 1). Troubleshooting of these systems
depth, Sanderson used the manual UT method as requires deep experience and technical
a complementary technique, which is still used performing knowledge of cathodic protection
today as a test guide for tank floor sheets. systems in order to find the essential solutions to
Accordingly, in initial step, MFL inspection is eliminate defects and achieve the necessary
performed to determine the suspicious areas, and protection potential in addition to detect faults
then with the aid of manual UT test, the obtained (Figure 2) [5].
results are checked and the remaining thickness
is measured to determine the maintenance
strategy [4].

Figure 1. Pipeline Threat Assessment, PCM Method

Figure 2. Technical Inspection of PCM Method

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

Repair and maintenance coating and supervise the process of its

Timely maintenance and repair of cathodic preparation and application.
protection systems can increase the life of  The coating repair process is a specialized
equipment in addition to prevent poor process that includes these steps: removal of
performance and premature failure of these defective coating, surface preparation,
systems [6]. application of the initial and middle layer,
application of the final coating, and
Cover repair
performing the quality assessment tests [8].
 First, the coating is evaluated by one of the
conventional methods for coating evaluation, Internal rotation inspection system
such as PCM, DCVG or ACVG, and defective This system is one of the advanced inspection
points are identified for further inspection methods. This technique, which operates on the
and repair [7]. basis of ultrasonic waves, examines the reduction
 PCM or pipeline flow mapping is one of the of thickness, pitting corrosion, and uniform
most accurate methods of assessing pipeline corrosion in the walls of pipes and tubes by
coverage. sending a probe into the tube(s) [9]. In some
 This method is capable to detect defects in the circumstances such as boilers, heat exchangers,
cover of buried pipes in densely populated where, in some cases, it is not possible to inspect
areas, forks, under asphalt, and roads with the tube surface from external surfaces,
high spatial accuracy. inspection can be done by sending a probe from
 The red dots on the maps indicate a sharp inside the tube. The general principles of the
drop in flow from the pipeline, and method are to send ultrasonic waves into the
experienced obstructive experts are able to tube and receive the reaction of these waves with
detect all types of defects and separation of the tube wall. Because the outer surface (OD) and
coatings based on the amount and severity of inner (ID) of the tube both respond to these
flow drop. waves, this method is able to distinguish between
 After determining the location of defects and corrosion on the inner and outer surfaces of
drilling, it is time to repair the cover. tubes. In this method, the tube is filled with water
Deterrent experts, considering the cause of to provide a wave bed. Using mirrors to reflect
the defects and the previous type of coating, waves and the ability to rotate the probe in this
propose the specifications of the repair way allows 360-degree examination inside the
tube (Figure 3) [10].

Figure 3. Integrated Cathodic Protection (ICP) Surveying with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

As the probe advances into the tube and rotates, as well as very low frequencies. The use of some
the entire surface of the tube can be examined methods such as DCVG and CIPS, which are based
and tested. The defect points can be traced in on the cathodic protection system, also is
comparison with pipe length and angle, as well. practically impossible and limited due to the
Unlike MFL, which is used merely for magnetic inability to detect interference, the need for a
metals, this method is applicable for all groups of cathodic protection system, the need for
ferrous and non-ferrous metals and supports a electrical insulation of pipes from other
wide range of inner diameters of pipes and tubes. structures and earthing systems, the
The inspection methods for burial pipe coatings impossibility of piping, the accuracy, and
in accordance with international standards and inefficiency of these methods in asphalt and
NACE SP 0502 and NACE SP 0109 are mentioned concrete environments [13]. Due to the presence
as follow: Measurement of coating electrical of the pipe finder module in the PCM device and
resistance, DC voltage gradient or DCVG, point- likewise, the internal GPS in newer models, the
to-point measurement of potential of the CIPS possibility of pipe tracking, recording the exact
structure, coating inspection, Pearson method, C- coordinates of E, N, the possibility of reading data
scan coverage, modern methods of measuring AC from soil, concrete and asphalt, the possibility of
current damping, and flow map by PCM method. eliminating interference with the help of very
PCM method is one of the modern techniques of high frequencies 8 kHz to very low 4 Hz, the
quality inspection of pipeline cover [11]. The shortcomings of other methods inside the
basis of this method is relied on the use of complexes are well fixed and this modern
alternating current and following the direction inspection technique with very high efficiency,
and amount of it inside the pipelines. The use of excellent accuracy, very low address even at
alternating current with different frequencies burial depths higher than 5 meters, the
enables the PCM device to detect static and possibility of inspection, and evaluation of
dynamic current interference in pipelines in conditions provided coverage [14].
intricate environments and complexes. Of course,
this device can be further used in the inspection Things that can be done by this method are as
of intercity and national pipelines. In other follow:
words, the capabilities of the PCM device are far  Inspect the burial pipe cover by measuring
greater than the scan-C device [12]. Based on the the leakage current as well as measuring the
available practical results, the inspection results AC voltage gradient.
of pipelines in urban areas with the aid of scan-C  Possibility to find pipes and determine the
device have a significant error due to being single direction of pipe movement even in the
frequency, inability to detect interference, and buried paths under asphalt and concrete.
other cases. Therefore, it cannot be used in gas  Detect the location of wasted currents and
distribution areas as an effective tool to inspect collisions with other structures.
pipelines. As the frequency of alternating current  Determine the direction of cables, especially
increases, its inductive impact increases on cathodic protection cables.
foreign structures and metal structures adjacent  Locate the defect with exact coordinates E
to pipelines. The PCM device is able to eliminate and N [15].
the impact of adjacent foreign structures on the  Determine the defect severity with the aid of
inspection results by using different frequencies calculations based on ECDA method.

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

Table 1. Limitations and benefits of other methods

Limitations Advantages
Is dependent on the operator. Locate the defect.
Requires a cathodic system. Determine the defect severity.
Requires an interpreter. Determine the fault time.
Requires 3 operators and equipment. Determine the anodic-cathodic defect.
Is dependent on soil resistance. No need to access the pipe.
Needs for experience-based analysis. Is suitable for all coatings except three
Inefficiency in asphalt and concrete. layers.
Inefficiency in complexes and intersecting pipelines. Determines small defects.
Lack of accurate fault diagnosis alone.
Requires a cathodic system. Locates the defect.
Requires an interpreter. Determines the anodic-cathodic defect.
Requires 3 operators and equipment. Is suitable for all coatings.
Need for experience-based analysis. Determines the health of the cathode
Need for accessing the pipe. system on a point-to-point basis.
Inefficiency in asphalt and concrete. Determines the anodic-cathodic defect
Inefficiency in complexes and intersecting pipelines.
Locates the defect.
Determines the severity of the defect.
Possibility of interference.
Determines the fault time. C-Scan
Inefficiency in very humid environments.
Determines the anodic-cathodic defect.
Determines small defects.
Is suitable for very small defects less than
600 mm2 and without affecting the
cathodic protection system. Is suitable for
large defects and defects affecting the
cathodic protection system.
Is applicable for points and defects based
on the experience of the operator who is
able to prove it. Is suitable for close
pipelines and complexes without

How the device works does not have the above-mentioned errors and
The above device is designed and manufactured gives a more accurate analysis of the line
for the purpose of checking the cover for coverage status to the user. The PCM+ device,
underground pipes, and its main difference with given the capabilities and data it provides after
similar old devices is in the way of using the test, helps to detect coating defects and
electricity [16]. In older devices, high frequency possible corrosion from the very beginning, thus
AC current (usually 750 Hz) is used, which increasing the service life of the pipes during the
significantly reduces the signal sent by the maintenance period. In this regard, it should be
enamel in the presence of a defect in the line noted that due to the movement of alternating
cover, but in many cases, the defects of the pipe is current in pipelines, only a variable magnetic
evident due to a large error. The drop of this field is created [17]. Therefore, no
signal along the pipeline is not exactly detectable. electromagnetic waves are generated, and
However, in PCM + device, due to the use of low therefore radio receivers do not receive any
frequency AC current (similar to DC current), it signal from the pipelines in this regard. In this

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

method, by using sensitive sensors, the magnetic by measuring the amount of current induced in
field caused by AC current passes through the the magnetometer sensor, the intensity of the
tube edges and is measured (Figure 4). Whenever magnetic field is measured. Magnetic field
the body of an electric conductor is in a variable strength changes measured along the pipeline
magnetic field, an alternating current is identify areas of magnetic field leakage which are
generated in it [18]. For instance, the passage of the same areas of coating defect [19]. Therefore,
alternating current through the primary winding considering that the basis of this method is to
of transformers creates a variable magnetic field measure the magnetic field of pipelines, and thus
around it. The secondary winding located in this there is no need for full contact of the sensor with
field will be inductively alternating current. The the ground. In addition, the magnetic field easily
same is true for pipeline magnetic field sensors. passes through soil, water, concrete, and asphalt,
There is a direct relationship between the so it is easy to measure the magnetic field on
intensity of the induced current and the intensity them. The transmitter sends signals close to the
of the magnetic field. The stronger the magnetic DC current into the tube and the receiver detects
field, the greater the induced current. Therefore, the resulting magnetic field from the soil surface.

Figure 4. Cathodic Protection Design Services

The receiver has a magnetometer sensor and by It is a method for evaluating the coating quality
pressing the corresponding button on the according to the NACE SP 0502 standard,
receiver, the sensor is activated and begins to assuming the existence of a cathodic protection
map the flow of pipelines. Inductor inductance system, which is done today in two models, as
resistance increases with maximizing AC digital and analog [22].
frequency and capacitor inductance resistance
A) Operating method
decreases, as well [20]. By using inductors and
Consider a pipeline that is under protection, but
capacitors, it is possible to create a current that
is connected to the ground on part of the route
intensifies the current in the electronic circuit,
due to a breakdown. Evidently, the protection
and thus the weak magnetic field of the pipeline
current enters the pipe from this place and
can be seen by the magnetometer sensor [21].
through the ground. The entry of current through
the ground into the pipe, taking into account the
Dcvg, Direct Current Voltage Gradient
soil resistance of the site, causes a voltage drop

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

across the ground around the fault site, which Cips, Close Interval Potential Survey
results in circular concentrations but with Usually, the pipe’s voltage is measured relative to
different potentials. The larger the coating defect, the soil in gas or water transmission pipelines at
the greater the voltage gradient or its slope. On intervals of one kilometer, and in the case of feed
the other hand, the value of the voltage slope is a at intervals of one kilometer or five hundred
function of soil’s specific resistance at the fault meters, and in distribution lines at distances of
location [23]. 250 m. However, sometimes it is essential to
check the quality of the coating or to determine
B) Components of analog DCVG device
the weaknesses between the two measuring
 A zero-hand voltmeter in the middle.
points, the method of close distances is used, in
 An adjustable current INTERRUPTER
other words, by using this technique; we can
number compatible with a voltmeter.
ensure the proper protection of a certain range.
 Two copper rod/copper sulfate electrodes
This method is frequently repeated one month
fitted with a voltmeter.
after burying the pipe, and then every five years.
C) Digital DCVG device components: It is better to use a GPS (satellite positioning
 Cathodic system-specific data logger with device) for determining the position. To record
DCVG module. ON and OFF voltages, it is better to use a data
 INTERRUPTER adjustable flow and logger (voltmeter with memory). For
compatible with Vditlogger. simultaneous disconnection and connection of
 Two copper rod/copper sulfate electrodes rectifiers, the CICS device should be used and it
fitted to the data logger. can perform ON and OFF operation
D) DCVG fault detection method simultaneously via satellite [24].
The most accurate method available for A) Advantages
determining the types of DCVG coating failures is  Obtain the perfect ON and OFF voltage profile
the pipeline technique. Regardless of the surface of the pipe relative to the soil.
(soil, asphalt, concrete, and even water), the  Record ON and OFF values in the computer
pipeline is inspected or what type of coating is memory according to the spatial location of
used. This device detects small toe defects of the the measuring points and the possibility of
tip with a difference of a few centimeters on a printing, as well as estimating the current and
pipe that is buried at a depth of one to two future protection status.
meters.  Identify coverage weaknesses.
E) Features  Recognize possible interfering voltages.
 Determining the center of failure of the B) Limitations
coating with an error of 15 cm.  It is necessary to walk the pipeline length.
 Inspecting complex pipeline networks  At least three operators are required.
(available in petrochemicals).  Measurements are not easily possible in
 Determining the approximate severity of places such as asphalt roads, paved roads and
damage to each wound. rivers.
 Determining corrosion behavior (direction of  Areas with severe corrosion are not
flow motion). recognizable.
 Checking the performance of CASING and  Places where the cover is detached from the
INSULATING FLANGE. pipe are not recognizable.
 Identifying faulty posttests.

Andi Brous et. al. /Ad. J. Chem. B, 2022, 4(2), 164-173

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Andi Brous, Andi Johnson, Amir Samimi, Investigation of PCM Method for Cathodic Protection of Pipelines, Ad. J. Chem.
B, 4 (2022) 164-173.
DOI: 10.22034/ajcb.2022.340661.1119
URL: http://www.ajchem-b.com/article_152921.html


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