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Welcome to Kotak Mahindra Bank Dear Customer, ‘We thank you for choosing Kotak Mahindra Bank. At Kotak Mahindra Bank it is our constant endeavour to enrich our customers banking experience and to fulfill the emerging and changing banking & investment needs of our customers. ‘Our account goes beyond the traditional role of savings, to provide a range of services from funds transfer options to attractive returns eamed through a comprehensive suite of investment options that can be booked through internet or phone banking services. This form has been designed for ease of completion, with simple instructions at relevant places to guide you along. Should you face any difficulty in understanding the requirements, please do not hesitate to contact our staff who will be willing to assist / quide you. Itshallbe our endeavour as always to provide you a truly satisfying service. Phone Banking Ferndale i: oc Rates Ap C0266 Intemational: C031 22 66006022 [AUSTRALIA Tol ee Not tx0044990000, HONG KONG fol Free wa 09140044990000, U.K Tol Fe Ne 0080014890000, CANADA Tl Free Na B55 76840205 kotak SINGAPORE Tol Fee No. 6001013054 Kotak Mahindra Bank )isltage ects ———Femeae [essuteneg ha Us Tol Free as 1035365 - 6267; om erst cor Gj ise i ei eet str ae fel oaks Compete heuer SSeomman be ete Ste Sed comms heatoie enc Introduction Documents (For Non-Resident nanan Persons of Indlan Orig) Section kA - Compulsory Doe | Employed withthe Merchant Navy Tce of vad Passpon a C oT = 1 merchant ney Detain Ferm [Cieraeanan rnc esetont (CD Calin pe yt oo |) vaca yon Phat lia epee pepe ‘rman anne Ot opal: tea praeeer deca daseaik cay Croat aig ees te dee CI Pocsnion Name alte Cope Te Ct pin Een bel tipo estes ap ee a 3S stented ewe : a FH —_ Sin noagy cite Poe. 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Email Address : ovat have [Ponot wantte dsdse Anat Maile Na | “oie No. J LahdeFATCA / CRS Declaration Part A a, Are you Citizen of any country other than [7] ‘India (dual / multiple) | |lincluding Green card) f | b. ts your Country of [births any county | other than India | Are you Tax resident | oFANY country / | ies other than India| hi Do you have POA ora mandate holder who has an address | outside India ieee els yourAddress or =| | telephone number outside India ee i your answer to any of the above question is YES, please fil part © Part B “Address for Tax Residence 3 2 Country of Birth dlcumeraryeidence) Source of Wealth Country of ‘Taxesidency ‘tis mandy to supply ao fenconal equivalent lees tno 1 ne rowdear exanaen below ‘sing the bn ant ol ho acount pee be opened wit Kola abn Sok Lint gd cece th dere at ees tobe tu cone and upd edhe sted acumen pci ay eae I edge ak Bunknayterqadto seh ain persona tkand enefeo cnat onan can ety once aco opening ray tesibsequty incr ean ‘loan ethos Sele be an hance ty ematon po berated oceisoraton oan etarech evaoing eget the ay ‘hme oases gusto txauares te barn seate cones wi resident sues suc) hefner asad cr yer tl tise Bo eof eng appt (1) C1 | Place within the Country of Birth {cos Coat eth USA, ever Natty and out fox ese is tar fan SK plese pve Nationality izenship andAlL Tax dentition Numbers. i Tax identificgtion Number repre onorectbafoesaAICa/ CRs tener sya be acon Le pinay | Please list below the deals confirming ALL counties of tax residency’ permanent residency | ‘Tax identification Document {ltl furcional equivalent) incase TIN rt availabe the county inwhich you are tax gules et avaable ar has not yeas sue please ove niin rion sebmited ena camplance th axinfermaten stn lv chan FATA the ran fone acon Suh slsrionsybseagethrat oe ne ain one Ie ak uy beeted ashe iumtlon ony ses th iy ey hin 20a var capes wails he bray 30 fing th scour aye ln ara ry beequrey Endpaper may acount deseo sspendy aun) aod at ena : Documents Section (BANK USE) 1D Address Document Name Document Hane (fee Indian porter | it | Simptitie Document wo | |) | | PaspetBpiyDate | |||) | Cleniy card with anpant’s potoaph sued by Gout. 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Customer Relationship Farm to be submited foreach Mandate Haldar 2 Separate Mandate Form rele er mute ecco Savings AccomtNo: [TT TTTTTTITTTITT)} Branch Account HowiersName [TTT TTT TTTTTIT Itt rr itr trr tt rrr terre rr) {MWe toler to my / our above mentioned account wth your bank We hereby authorise you to henourinstuctons gWven forthe above account by Name: Meas. Address: ‘Contact Nos: (0) ®). mali Me hereby authorise the mandateholder 4) Todrawchequescn the sald account 2) _Todeposit and/or discount cheques anc olher instruments inthe sald account anafr this purpose to endorse on my /ourbehall cheques, drafts, payorders and othe instrumentspayable tome/ us. 9) Tomate deposts rom balances available nthe aocountin my/our names and to renew such deposts for such periods as maybe givenin wring by thomandateholdor 4) Tocertty balance confirmation statement and statemont of accounts seuedty the Benk nrespectofhe said account 5) Togive instructions inwriting inating obits to the esd account, transfers there frome. | Weer doctrethates pr ®change Conlgutnes suey RI 4 Themandate llr cn exact att conferred by sar o whavae fr oa payments cy ano makenvstnens in Inda vt! W hl eral pein othe aba spate perce er 2) Themandato dos not parrot hanes otro reat land out anor thanta ty /ourovreas ecru or main payne by We” vapatattoeroscontnsonarmescsutcerey a {We eb re daar rate atevereteton hn fe pron tho scanthve been ade rane rans eb es 1 We arth manda ater are goverody te preset chang Cato guises ad oy chngee eager eae ee ‘reunti Wo expen ovat noteeinwieg delved nyo endo shal berespenibe eatatsywleral ecclesia Yours fatuly, Account Holder He ‘isi Holders Signature ‘nd Holders Signature ‘1d Holders Signature Mandate Holger ‘Signature of Mandate Holder ‘Atosted By 161 Helders Signature 2nd Holder's Signature ‘ra Hokdor'sSignaiure Date: Ee Bank use on HY s Branch Input by Authorised by ‘Account No. (CustomerID No. ‘Customer ID Ne. Bonk CIF ID________ ui preduct code. ‘Mandate No. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, CIN: Les 1OMHISB5PLCOSBIa7 Registered Ofice: 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Sendra (E), Mumbai - 400 O54, wawukotak.comKotak Mahindra Bank a Mandate Form - NRO g {1 ustmerRlaionstp Form be sub fo each Mandate Hater 2 Sepurle Manat For routed fr mpl sooo) savings Accoutno, = [TTT TTTTTTTTITIIT Bane: AccountHolders Name (TT TT TTT TTTTTET TT tr rrr ttt ttt rrttiriirn {ie rofer to my Four above mentioned account with your bank. Wie hereby authorise you to honour instructions given forthe above account by Name: Mus. Adcross: Contact Nos: (0) ®). Emal i wenoreby authorise the mandateholder 1) Todran chequeson the ssid account 2) Tedepesitand for discount cheques and other instruments nthe sald account and for ths purpose to endorse on my our behalf cheques, rats, payorders and otnerinstumants payable me/us » 3) Tomake deposits from balances available the account In my/our names and fo renew such deposi for such perlods as may be given nweting by the mandate holder 4) Tocerity balance confimation slatement and statement of accounts issued bythe Bank inrespectofthe said account, '5) Togive instructions wing involving debits the ssid account, ransfrsthor from et. \1Waoroby declare haaspor xchange Conte! qutinas sued 4) The mandate can execs he auerty conered by isso wavs or os payonts ony ano make weston ine wore oe gone pamieonorhove tared specs parm fam 2) Tremere dons pate mandi ir ropa un cud nda ethan ny fur oveeass account ormatngpayrent by Wh” syctetooresontonbonatotneaccourttlder) a re notte dace abveresteter nthe operton fh scant have been mae kncnt tears rye, 1 ato thant beers gored be pose Exchange Cowolgucsnar ander chrgon not nom iat t. Ts uote seetah uc reayrootetoyanoteeh rts doverostoyocand Mo sholte espa /isbe toyota xo otoimnaas har 031710329196 Yours fitful, ‘Account Holder: 7 ‘et Holdars Signature 2nd Holders Signature ‘3rd Holder's Signature Mandate Holder: ‘Signature of Mandate Holder Allested By {si Holders Signature 2nd Holder's Signature ‘rd Holdr's Signature Date: Bank use ont Branch — oy _ Input by : ‘Authorised by Account No, Customer 10 No. customer 1b No. Bank CIF ID GUSL Product Code. Mandate Ne. Kotak Mahindra Bank Lid, CIN: LaB11OMH19B5PLCO38137 Registered Office: 27 BKC, C27, G Block, Bandra Kutia Complex, Bandra (E), Mumba - 400 054. www kolak.comkotak ae Merchant Navy Declaration Form | ee | a The Manages, ota Manda dane, Subject: Deceraton ‘eat Sr? Madam, 1 hereby confirm that | want to open @ NRE / NRO / FCNR deposits with your bank as in Non Resident Indian status, {also declare that will inform the bank immediately on my ceasing tobe a Non-Resident, fo the purpose of the indian Exchange Control regulations, ‘onmy returning to, or staying in nia, a) Fororon taking up employmentin india 1b) Forcanryingon in nia a business or vocation inna ©) Forany other purpose, n uch circumstances as would ndicatemy intention to stayin India for an uncertain period. ) _Asatdate confit that! continue tobe a Non-Resident Indian [-] Part A {applicable to existing seatarer / mariner) {have recently returned after the completion of my contract with (Wame of Principal Company) registered in tas oF Principal Company). lam ona break fr. days /months and willbe joining ona new contracton by {date/time frame). Bh |__| Pare eppticabie or 1"tinesior) g ‘hereby confirm that have joined as a Mariner on a Foreign Registered Merchant Vessel and this beingmy first voyage as a Mariner on Ship. Hence, my Continuous Discharge Certificate booklet doesn’thavestamping of latest discharge /ast date of ativalin India. bequest the bank to kindly open a bank deposits in my name onthe basis of documents submitted and obliged. Signature ofAccount Holder Serv Temporary Entry Work / Re: ‘The Manager, Kotak Mahindra Bank Li, WWe____(Wameof Account Holders), the undersigned, aredesious of opening @ NRENROIFCNR A/c with Kotak Mahindra Bank |/ We have submitted to the Bank myfour Entry Workmesdence Visas dated (visa ineuance date) expiring on (isa expiry dates) for this purpose, I/We hereby agree to furnish the Bank with the copylies of my/ our regula visa/s immediately on issuance and confirm that I/we have no objection ifthe Bank freezes transactions nthe said accounts or loses the sald accounts in cae of my four non-submission of ‘regular visa copyiies within 3 months from the date of expiry of visa. I/ Wo also confirm that this procedure wil also apply in éase I/we are joint holdarsofthe accounts Signature of Account Holder ga EgMutual Fund Standing Instructions Form - ACE Deposit HALAL) 0300018PFORM |e sey autotest Bark t purchase nmr unstheml asco myrnestnen Nando debi yuri ora Maint keen) as [etedou onto stdnoisctorsfr esters ne mauathnd scenes ane aonetineestmetasstedbo nvesenntAcout Banco: ‘Scheme ame: Kotak opportunites Fund- Growth Purchase and systomatc investment Request (liestctorsl hs am temandatey) {oconayeee ase isco nthe Slate soedlo oreo une hse eq Aone ‘he tne niet snant SN SSO males on orlokocesin as) Siena nstaceramaot ie ingen se cosa tae BillPay Request Form seni aceedbeyeb ye panko cd espe oreo bey wwe ere east yout eg flanger ude Kotak lay Snes, (ines of ile fcation bing trent estes the catlon along wth Name Bie) “titer short tame (Upto scaracters) ee Loeation entiter 1 Identier2 deniers ‘AutoPoy uke TA] a_i | Te 31710829196 ~ Bilr hor rine Hose nines Fer ent ile and odd tbe nove han Cera for Aaya son pr mode operation Fortank Use Onlya 7 “FORM.NO. 60" {ee second proviso tule 1148) {omm for declaration tobe ted bya inlvidal 99 person (not being 9 conipany ar fk) who doesnot have a permanent account numer and who enters inte any ansaetion speded nrule 1148 a 1 | first Name ‘| 7 Incorporation of ‘wide Fe rrp Name i Sumame dectarant bp PoTm[ My] vpyyy | Father's] Fest Name Nome incase of | Ragan Inaiveuall | ame | Surname © | Fat 7Room No. © Wome of premises B | Road sireot /tane rH i: WW | Town / Cay [BT] ~ TF | Fin Code sepivone Marsber (with S10 coda) [8 | Wiener 7] 16 | Amount of ~ PAW i te Gt ramsaetion ijt suraat | tuansaction (ts) es, numberof pesens 7 | Date of transaction FI roo nthe transaction 19 | Mode of wansaction, Cheque [Cand Dratt ‘onine |_| Other [2 (@tease tick appropriate box) Banker's Tranter 2, ae | |_| cheave —_| EEE a WH | Aaabaar Waraber ited by VIDA H avalabie) TLE 2 | Wapplied for PAN and knot yel geverated RdleGaedgment Mumber iS ener date of application and acknowledgement number Pee EB IPAM vt eppled i estimated total income (i hiding ncome of ~pouse, mn chil ee as per secion 64 of come tax Aa, ‘nancial year tn which the above transaction fel A ‘Acutara income (.) [3 [ether tanagrcaatincome | FF | Gata of document being produce ‘spport of Klentify in Colurs 1 {eter Instrvction overeat) 24 | Detale of document betng produced in support af Adress in Columns 4 to 13 (Weer instruction overeat) ‘Document identification ame and address of the ‘oursber | _authonty issuing the do “ransaction ode tute of Transaction el 2 | (neler tstruetion overeat) Wetertnstruction overeat) Verification eat what i stated above struc tothe best of my knowledge and bei \Tarther declare that ido nol have a Petmanant Account Number and wf ou estenated total Iacame (Including Income Bt spouse, minor eit ete as per sectlon G4 of Income tax Act, 1961) computed in acordonce withthe provisions of lacome-tax Act, 196% forthe Tinandal year in whieh the above tuansection is hed wl be fxs than maxienum ansount not chargeable Lo \eiled today, the dayot Pace: sees ote {Signature of dedarani) 1. fore signing the declaration, the declarant should sats huself that the information furnished i tis form Is rue, correct and compete inallrespects. Any person making false statement i the decoration shal be Kable to prosecutlon andor eectlon 277 of thn tacome-tax Act 1961 and on conviction be punishable, (Ina case whore tax sought 10 be evaded exceeds wwenty-sive fakh rupees, with tlgorous mpslsonment which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to seven years and with fe; i) Inany ether cas, sith rigorous imprtsonment ori shall note less than three months but which may extend to wo years ‘and wath ine, 2. The person accepting the dectaration shal net accept the declaration where the amount of income of the nature referred to in Wem 22 exceeds the masimum amount which ft chargeable to tax, unless PAN is apple for and colur 21 is duly fied. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, GIN: LBB 10Mett9BSPt Cosi Raglstered Office: 27 BKC. G27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Banca (E), Mumba - 400 04 \ygow kot comFAX-EMAIL INDEMNITY. INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS LUNDERTAKING-CUN-INDEMNITY g {To be executed on Stamp Paper of appropriate Value} This UNDERTAKING-CUM-NDEMIITY is signed and execute o this __dayof by Muti egies rate eed tas “he Custer, Hes eeson al uss Tbe repogant To he crestor mening she Uv deemed To mean an cae Wier els, ereto aed seuanenees on W Mus —_ a individ vesting at Individual eng at it Salvin cp — hat jy and several rte to “the Cte ‘be deemed iomean and incade to respectiue hs executors and anita 1m FavoUR oF: ota Mahinda Bank init, a Banking campy in Banda East, Mumbai = A000. (erie ated is succesos in ie and cigs) WHEREAS: A MheCasone mina, eos he sad ca) ne chit, in dye day lsines, the aman tse ee pu sso dts a he Bak en tine tne ops vd aca nage a le he iar ing the att ol eshte ts rebecca ca, a wh pao Coons vate eae a eter cons con caren lh sry ade oss fa yn Mal a fac shsegsey eens Rake ee He tine by tx ma sadhana owed tose, (aka aed acpi at ase 1” “util testo execu ths Uaeatng Cm heya eet fh Bak ‘AND IN CONSIDERATION OFTHE ABOVE, he Cision he! fey jl a ray ecards th the Baad ee utes wins alo: 1 Cou heey ue a ants he Bak oy up 0 ont aya ce, ace th any states wh ay eine nee geo te ried malar unit sg an’ aan foe acannon ah ee anno Me si Aca Cater aa ake Whe Cath ‘he Kostnetie Coste oman ete sir he Cot) 2. 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