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Title of course: Seminar

Topic: Anemia During Pregnancy
Name of Student Teacher: Maryam Karim
Duration: 30 minutes
Date and Time: 10 Jan 2019
Place: Multi-Purpose Hall
Group of Students: B.Sc.(N) 3rd Year, B.Sc.4th Year, Post Basic Ist and 2nd Year
Method of Teaching: Lecture Cum Discussion
A.V. Aids: P.P.T
Previous knowledge: Students have some knowledge regarding Anemia During Pregnancy.
General Objectives: At the end of teaching, the students will be able to acquire knowledge
regarding Anemia During Pregnancy.
Specific Objectives: At the end of teaching, the students will be able to:
1. To define anemia during pregnancy.
2. To discuss types of anemia during pregnancy.
3. To describe causes of anemia during pregnancy.
4. To enlist risk factors for anemia during pregnancy.
5. To enumerate complications of anemia during pregnancy.
6. To discuss management of anemia during pregnancy.
7. To explain prevention of anemia during pregnancy.
8. To describe the nursing management of client with anemia during pregnancy.

1 Time Specific Content Methodology A.v. Evaluation
objectives aids
1. 2min Introduction: Lecture P.P. T
 Anemia is a medical Cum
condition in which Discussion
there is not enough
healthy red blood cells
to carry oxygen to the
tissues in the body.
 When the tissues do
not receive an adequate
amount of oxygen,
many organs and
functions are affected.
 Anemia could be
classified as mild,
moderate and severe. It
is more common in
developing countries
because of poor
nutritional status and
high prevalence of
parasitic infestation.

2. 3min To define  Pregnancy is a state of Lecture P.P. T Define anemia

anemia during hemodilution due to Cum during
pregnancy. intravascular volume Discussion pregnancy?
expansion that starts at
8 to 10th weeks of
gestation and reaches
its maximum during
second trimester. Thus,
a state of physiological
anemia exists during
 Anemia during
pregnancy is especially
a concern because it is
associated with low
birth weight, premature
birth and maternal

3. 5min To discuss There are over 400 different Lecture P.P. T Discuss types of
types of types of anemia, but some are Cum anemia during

anemia during more prevalent in pregnancy. Discussion pregnancy?
pregnancy. The most commonly
experienced types of anemia
during pregnancy are:
 Iron Deficiency

anemia: This is the

leading cause of anemia
in the United States,
and consequently, the
most common type of
anemia during
 Folate Deficiency

Anemia: Folate refers

to Folic Acid, that can
help prevent neural
tube defects during

pregnancy. A diet
lacking folic acid can
lead to a reduced
number of red blood
cells in the body,
therefore leading to a
 Vitamin B12 Deficiency

anemia: Vitamin B-12

is also a necessary
vitamin for the body to
have to help with the
production of red blood

cells. Although some

women may consume
enough B-12 in their
diet, it is possible their
body cannot process
the vitamin, and this
causes them to have the

4. 3min To describe The following are ways red Lecture P.P. T Describe causes

causes of blood cells can be affected and Cum of anemia during
anemia during lead to anemia: Discussion pregnancy?
pregnancy.  A lack of iron in the
diet as a result of not
eating enough iron-rich
foods or the body’s
inability to absorb the
iron being consumed.
 Pregnancy itself
because the iron being
produced is needed for
the woman’s body to
increase her own blood
volume. Without an
iron supplement, there
is not enough iron to
feed the blood supply
of the growing fetus.
 Heavy bleeding due
to menstruation, an
ulcer or polyp.

5. 1min To enlist risk  Multiple pregnancy Lecture P.P. T Enlist risk factors
factors for  Close interval Cum for anemia
anemia pregnancy Discussion during
during  Teenage pregnancy pregnancy?
pregnancy.  Anemia before
 Low socio-economic

6. 2min To enumerate Severe or untreated iron Lecture P.P. T Enumerate

complications deficiency anemia during Cum complications of
of anemia pregnancy can increase the risk Discussion anemia during
during of: pregnancy?
pregnancy. • Pre-term or low birth
weight baby
• Post-partum depression
• A baby with anemia
• A child with
development delays.

7. 2min To discuss  Anemia during Lecture P.P. T Discuss

management pregnancy can easily be Cum management of
of anemia treated by adding iron Discussion anemia during
during or vitamin pregnancy?

pregnancy. supplements to the
daily routine.
 Women should be
given at least 200mg
ferrous sulphate
(containing 60mg
elemental iron) and 1
mg folic acid at least
100 days.
 Typically, this is all
that is needed to
reverse the effects of

8. 3min To explain Preventing anemia during Lecture P.P. T Explain

prevention of pregnancy is as easy as Cum prevention of
anemia during changing, or making additions, Discussion anemia during
pregnancy. to your diet. pregnancy?
Examples of iron-rich foods
 Lean, red meats and
 Eggs
 Dark, leafy green
vegetables (such as
broccoli, and spinach)
 Nuts and
 Beans.
Foods that are high in vitamin
C can actually help the body
absorb more iron, so it is
beneficial to make these
additions as well.
Vitamin C rich foods
• Citrus fruits and juices
• Strawberries
• Oranges
• Kiwis
• Tomatoes

9. 4min To describe  Assessment of Lecture P.P. T Describe the

the nursing nutritional intake and Cum nursing
management status. Discussion management of
of client with  Assess for fatigue, client with

anemia during pallor, anorexia, nausea anemia during
pregnancy. and vomiting, some pregnancy?
signs of infection, and
severe pain.
 Observe and monitor
hematologic laboratory
 Encourage client to eat
foods high in iron and
folic acid like green
leafy vegetables, fish,
meat, poultry, eggs, etc.
 Encourage to take
foods high in Vitamin
C for iron absorption.
 Emphasize diet high in
fiber and fluids to avoid
constipation (side effect
of iron intake).
 Observe and monitor
fetal well-being.
 Allow client to rest as
much as possible and
provide emotional

10. 2min Summarization: Lecture P.P. T

Anemia is a medical condition Cum
in which there is not enough Discussion
healthy red blood cells to carry
oxygen to the tissues in the
 Pregnancy is a state of
hemodilution due to
intravascular volume
expansion that starts at
8 to 10th weeks of
gestation and reaches
its maximum during
second trimester.
 The types of anemia
include: Iron deficiency
anemia, Folate
deficiency anemia,
Vitamin B12 deficiency

 Risk factors include:
Multiple pregnancy,
close interval
pregnancy, teenage
pregnancy etc.
 Management includes
iron supplements,
treatment of infections,

11. 1min Bibliography: P.P. T>baby>guide
12. 2min Recapitulation: Discussion
9. Define anemia during
10. Discuss types of
anemia during
11. Describe causes of
anemia during
12. Enlist risk factors for
during pregnancy?
13. Enumerate
complications of
anemia during
14. Discuss management
of anemia during
15. Explain prevention of
anemia during
16. Describe the nursing
management of client
with anemia during

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