Badi Bapi, Idoc, Ricefs

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SAP MM study blog ::: Important Data:

BADI (Business Add Ins) is a technology used for data transfer. It is meant for
transferring data through SAP transactions itself. When you use BDC for data transfer,
the sequence of steps are the same as when you use standard SAP transaction
screens for data upload. The only difference is that you can use different options for
foreground/background processing.

Features of BADI-
 BADI’s are Object Oriented
 They can be implemented multiple times
 It does not require SAP Software Change Registration
 No effect on release upgraded on the functioning of BADI’s
You can call RFC and BAPI into NWDS through Adaptive RFC Modal. Right click on
model and select create model and there you can select import Adaptive RFC Model.

BAPI stands for Business API (Application Program Interface). A BAPI is remotely
enabled function module it can be invoked from remote programs like standalone JAVA
programs, web interface etc. You can make your function module remotely enabled in
attributes of Function module but a BAPI are standard SAP function modules provided
by SAP for remote access. Also they are part of Businees Object Repository (BOR).
BAPIs are standardized programming interfaces (methods) enabling external
applications to access business processes and data in the R/3 System. They provide
stable and standardized methods to achieve seamless integration between the R/3
System and external applications, legacy systems and add-ons. BAPIs are defined in
the BOR (Business object repository) as methods of SAP business object types that
carry out specific business functions.They are implemented as RFC-enabled function
modules and are created in the Function Builder of the ABAP Workbench. Some BAPIs
and methods provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP Business Objects.
These are called STANDARDIZED BAPI’s.

List of Standardized BAPIs-

 BAPIs for Reading Data – GetList() , GetDetail() , GetStatus() , ExistenceCheck()
 BAPIs for Creating or Changing Data- Create() ,Change(),Delete() and
 BAPIs for Mass Processing -ChangeMultiple(), CreateMultiple(), DeleteMultiple()
RFC or Remote Function Call is a Communication between applications in different
systems in the SAP environment includes connections between SAP systems as well as
between SAP systems and non-SAP systems. Remote Function Call (RFC) is the
standard SAP interface for communication between SAP systems. RFC calls a function
to be executed in a remote system. A Remote Function Call (RFC) is a call to a function
module running in a system different from the caller’s. The remote function can also be
called from within the same system (as a remote call). The RFC interface provides the
ability to call remote functions.

RFC consists of two interfaces-

 A calling interface for ABAP Programs
 A calling interface for Non-SAP programs
Any ABAP program can call a remote function using the CALL FUNCTION…
DESTINATION statement. The DESTINATION parameter tells the SAP System that the
called function runs in a system other than the caller’s.

RFC Syntax-

CALL FUNCTION ‘remotefunction’


Logical Destinations are defined via transaction SM59 and stored in Table RFCDES

Functions of the RFC interface-

 Converting all parameter data to the representation needed in the remote system
 Calling the communication routines needed to talk to the remote system
 Handling communications errors, and notifying the caller, if desired (using
Types of RFC-
 Synchronous RFC – The calling program continues the execution only after the
called function is complete.
 Asynchronous RFC – The calling program continues the execution without
waiting for return from the called function.
 Transactional RFC - The called function module is executed exactly once in the
RFC target system. Each function call is seen as a transaction in the target system.
Transactional RFCs use the suffix IN BACKGROUND TASK. Eg : CALL FUNCTION
‘remotefunction’ IN BACKGROUND TASK

IDOC is simply a data container used to exchange information between any two
processes that can understand the syntax and semantics of the data. In simple words ,
an IDOC is like a data file with a specified format which is exchanged between 2
systems which know how to interpret that data. IDOC stands for
” Intermediate Document”. When we execute an outbound ALE or EDI Process, an
IDOC is created. In an inbound ALE or EDI process, an IDOC serves as input to create
an application document. In the SAP System, IDOCs are stored in database. Every
IDOC has an unique number(within a client).

IDOCs are based on EDI standards, ANSI ASC X12 and EDIFACT. In case of any
conflict in data size, it adopts one with greater length. IDOCs are independent of the
direction of data exchange e.g. ORDERS01 : Purchasing module : Inbound and
Outbound. IDOCs can be viewed in a text editor. Data is stored in character format
instead of binary format. IDOCs are independent of the sending and receiving systems.
(SAP-to-SAP as well as Non-SAP)

Each IDOC is assigned a unique number for tracking and future reference. IDOC
consists of several segments, and segments contain several fields.

IDOC contains the following three types of records-

 One Control Record
 One or many Data Record
 One or many Status record
In IDOCs the following terms are to be known-

PORT- Port is used in the outbound process to determine the name of the EDI
subsystem program, the directory path where the IDOC file will be created at the
operating system level, the IDOC file names and the RFC destinations.

RFC Destination- Used to define the characteristics of communication links to a remote

system on which a functions needs to be executed.

Partner Profile- Partner profile specified the various components used in an outbound
process (Partner number, IDOC type, message type, Port, Process code), the mode in
which it communicates with the subsystem (batch or immediate) and the person to be
notified in case of errors.

Message Control- Used in pricing, account determination, material determination, and

output determination. The message control component enables you to encapsulate
business rules with out having to write ABAP programs.

ALE supports the distribution of the business functions and process across loosely
coupled SAP R/3 systems (different versions of SAP R/3). Connections from R/2 and
non SAP systems is also supported.

ALE supports-
 Distribution of applications between different releases of R/3 Systems
 Continued data exchange after a release upgrade without requiring special
 Customer-specific extensions
 Communication interfaces that allow connections to non-SAP systems
 Coupling of R/3 and R/2 Systems
Difference between ALE and EDI-

ALE is used to support distributed yet integrated processes across several SAP
systems whereas EDI is used for the exchange of business documents between the
systems of business partners (could be non-SAP systems). ALE is SAP’s technology for
supporting a distributed environment whereas EDI is a process used for exchange of
business documents which now have been given a standard format. Both ALE and EDI
require data exchange. An IDOC is a data container which is used for data exchange by
both EDI and ALE processes.

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, is the electronic exchange of structured
business data between different applications.

EDI Architecture consists of -

 EDI enabled applications- They support the automatic processing of business
 The IDOC interface- This was designed as an open interface. The IDOC
interface consists of IDOC types and function modules that form the interface to the
 The EDI subsystem- This converts the IDOC types into EDI message types and
vice versa. This component of the EDI architecture is not supplied by SAP.
EDI has two process-

1. Outbound Process-
 Application document is created.
 IDOC is generated
 IDOC is transferred from SAP to Operating system layer
 IDOC is converted into EDI standards
 EDI document is transmitted to the business partner
 The EDI Subsystem report status to SAP
2. Inbound Process-
 EDI transmission received
 EDI document is converted into an IDOC
 IDOC is transferred to the SAP layer
 The application document is created
 The application document can be viewed
Advantages of EDI process-
 Reduced data Entry Errors
 Reduced Processing cycle time
 Availability of data electronic form
 Reduced Paper Work
 Reduced Cost
 Reduced Inventories and Better Planning
 Standard Means of Communicating
 Better Business Processes
 Competitive Advantage

RICEF Objects
RICEF isn't a standard SAP acronym. It's not defined by SAP like we have ABAP, ALV,
etc. It's a common term used to describe five areas of technical developments in SAP. It
represents Reports, Interfaces, Conversions,Enhancements and Forms.

R- Reports

R stands for Report developments. All the technical objects/developments that deal with
programing of SAP Reports. It includes different types of reports; Simple reports where
you output using WRITE statements, Simple ALV reports, ALV Grid, ALV Grid with
advanced functionality, etc. Reports can include classic ABAP programs that produces
simple output or ABAP programs with complex interactive user interface via ALV
programming or other modern techniques. These reports may be triggered using a
custom transaction code, ABAP Editor (se38), ABAP Workbench (transaction se80) or
via a background job.
I - Interfaces

I stands for Interface developments. Interfaces are ALE/IDOCs development. Involves

not just ABAP programming for IDOCs but also IDOC customization. Interface includes
all the development and configuration objects that allows internal as well as external
SAP and non-SAP systems to communicate with each other. What gets included in the
RICEF inventory has evolved over time. Originally it used to be in strict ABAP context
which included ALE, IDOC, EDI and RFC enabled communications. Nowadays with
evolution of SAP PI over the years and to avoid terminology confusion for a SAP
customer, all the SAP systems integration including e-SOA (Service Enabled
Architecture) communication, third party / external systems integration, web interfaces,
etc that are managed by SAP PI are counted as RICEF interface objects.

C - Conversion

C stands for conversion objects. Conversion refers to BDC programing. Data upload
from legacy system in flat files format to SAP system is done via Conversion Objects.
This involves uploading data through BDC, LSMW, BAPI, etc. Here we include all SAP
Data Conversion objects which are required to load the data from client legacy systems
into your future state SAP system. It includes ABAP development and configuration
tasks with SAP tools and technologies that support data conversion like BDC
programming, Direct Input (DI) programs, LSMW (Legacy System Migration
Workbench), Complex ABAP program to support data load, Transfer Workbench, BAPI,
etc. Building a data conversion strategy, data extraction and cleansing plan are not
included in the RICEF inventory and should be addressed separately on the SAP
project by your Data Conversion Lead.

E - Enhancements

Enhancements are User Exits, Customer Exits, BADI's etc. ABAP code that has to be
written in order to enhance SAP system functionality. Enhancements include all
modifications to SAP standard delivered package components such as the user
interface, system processes and output to meet business requirements of an SAP
customer. Modifications to standard delivered business processes are most often
implemented using user exits or business add-ins (BADI). Sometimes enhancements
can include custom developed stand alone transactions or business processes. On
projects where custom developed SAP solution scope (includes new DDIC, application
layer and UI) is significant, a new work stream dedicated to SAP Custom Development
may be introduced. Otherwise custom development objects can be included as

F - Forms

Forms include SAP Smartforms, SAP Scripts. Technical development that deals with
fetching necessary data from SAP system and displaying in terms of forms for printout
are classified as under Forms. Forms refer to structured data that needs to be
presented as output which are standardized by the business or by external regulatory
entities. Forms that are required for business operations include invoices, purchase
orders, policies, etc. External forms that an SAP customer may need to adopt include
compliance reports, tax filing forms, state regulatory reports, etc. Forms can be built
using SAPscript, Smart Forms, Adobe Forms (also Adobe Interactive Forms) or MS
Office Integration. In the recent years, Adobe forms and MS Office Integration forms are
becoming more popular because both are user friendly (easy to create), easy printing
capabilities and both are integrated with the ABAP workbench.

SAP Project managers usually refer technical development in terms of RICEF objects.
Project technical team leads usually distinguish the objects based on this categorization
and assign them to team on basis of experience. Reports being a first choice for
beginners and Enhancements being the favourite choice for experts.

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