Repetytorium Osmoklasisty cz1 Class CD Audioscript

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UNIT 1 a suit. We got a limousine to take us to

the school auditorium. It was the best party
and other things on the top shelf. I think it’s
01 ex11/p5 ever, and everyone danced. It was a good way Man: Let’s get that one, then.
of celebrating our time at school together. All 2
my old friends were there. It was good to all Woman: Hi honey! Did you get there okay?
I don’t have much free time for hobbies, but
be together for one last time. Boy: Hi Mum! Yes, we got here last night.
I like photography. I take photos with
my phone. Mostly, I take photos of my pet cat!
3 We all had dinner together. We went
I felt really nervous when I took my driving swimming in the morning, and this
I put the pictures on Instagram. I like using
test. I knew how to drive, but I was afraid afternoon, we’re going for a walk.
that social network because people can tell me
of making mistakes. When the test started, Woman: What’s the accommodation like?
what they like about my photos. Sometimes,
I got in the wrong side of the car! Not a great Boy: It’s actually really nice. It’s quite small,
I draw or paint my own pictures and put those
start! Then, at the first road, I started to go left but it’s comfortable. It’s more like staying
online too.
instead of right! Luckily, I stopped myself. The in a hotel than camping in a tent because
examiner said it was okay and told me to relax. there’s a bathroom inside. There’s also
One thing I like to do is collect postcards.
And in the end, I passed! I was so happy, a little area where we can sit and talk, and
I usually buy them online or swap them with
and now, I’ve got my first car! a small kitchen if we need it. I’m sharing
other collectors. I also have a YouTube channel
4 with a guy called Dan. He’s really nice.
about collecting, and I make videos and put
I’m not very confident about meeting new I think we’re going to become good friends.
them online. I like sharing my ideas with other
people. My other hobby is computer games. people, so I was a bit worried when my parents 3
decided to throw a house-warming party. They Hi Mary. Are you there? No? Umm … OK.
I like playing them with my friends around the
invited all our new neighbours and some Anyway, I just had to talk to you. I’m phoning
students from my new school, too. There was from my grandparents’ house. It’s really old,
a fantastic buffet meal in the garden, and but my favourite part is the huge area outside.
I like various games, and I’m a member of the
we had music playing on the stereo. In the There’s a path down one side, with a lawn
Chess Club at school. We meet twice a week
end, the whole occasion was so relaxed on the left, flowers and plants on the right,
to practise. I’m also in the school orchestra.
and fun that I forgot to be nervous! and some old trees at the bottom before the
I play the violin, and I really enjoy playing with
vegetable patch. It’s magical because they’ve
other people. When I’m not playing chess
or music, I spend most of my free time watching UNIT 2 put little solar lights along the path, and they
light up at night. It’s like a fairy tale! The only
films with friends. My favourites are comedies. 05 ex3/p16 thing missing is a swimming pool, but you can’t
02 ex5/p7 Boy: I love the summer because it means have everything, can you? Call me when you
we can spend more time outside. I like get this message. Bye!
Hi, my name’s Leon. it in the park in this weather. 4
Girl: I know what you mean. I love being in the Girl: Your parents have done a lot of work out
2 garden when it’s not really cold. I love the here. It looks nice. I like the big table and
So how have you been? feeling of the grass under my feet when chairs. But … Can you sit out here?
3 I take my shoes and socks off. If it gets really Especially in the night … I mean … It gets
Sorry, could you say that again? hot, we sit under the trees. We have tall so cold here.
4 hedges, so the neighbours can’t see us. Boy: I know what you mean. But can you see
I’ll see you later. I just wish we had a swimming pool! That that heater there? We light that when it’s
03 ex2/p10 would be perfect! Just imagine … A hot cold. It’s got a gas bottle and it’s very warm
summer day, and you walk down the steps – it’s like the dining room, but you can see
Nothing to do at the weekend? Fed up with
into lovely cool water. We’ve got a barbecue the stars! Hey, why don’t you come over
the same old activities? Why not come
though, and if the weather’s nice, we invite on Saturday night?
to Culture Club? We meet every Saturday
friends and cook out there. Girl: Wow … That sounds great! Thanks.
afternoon between 4 and 6 pm in the school
Boy: That sounds really nice. I live in a block 5
of flats, so we don’t have a garden. There’s
Every week at Culture Club, we learn about It’s only a very small cottage, but there are
an area outside the building with dustbins two beds in my room, so there is somewhere
a different country – its history, traditions,
and several garages. We’ve got a garage
geography, and culture. This week, we’re going for you to sleep. I think you’d like it! There’s
where we keep the car, of course, and I also
to be learning all about … Japan! a forest nearby, and a river. If the weather’s
keep my bike and skateboard in there.
Have fun drawing Japanese manga cartoons. hot, we could go swimming! Don’t expect
Nearby, though, there’s a nice park, as I said.
Learn about the Japanese art of paper folding it to be like the city, though. The mobile phone
It’s got an area where we can ride our bikes,
– origami – and make beautiful paper birds signal’s really bad, and we don’t have wi-fi.
and there’s a playground, too. The best
and animals. And try some delicious Japanese We don’t even have a TV! In the evenings,
thing, though, is that it’s got a really cool
snacks and drinks. we just play games and listen to music.
café with great ice-creams!
Students join our club because it helps with My parents would love you to come. What
Girl: Lovely! do you think?
their school work, but it’s great fun, too!
So, what are you waiting for? 06 ex 2, 4/p22
04 ex5/p10 1
Man: What about this one? You could fit a lot 07 ex8/p29
1 of clothes in here. 1 Which leggings are yours?
My brother got married in a traditional Indian Girl: I don’t think I want another wardrobe, 2 What have you been up to lately?
ceremony. His bride wore a beautiful red and Dad. I’m looking for something for
gold dress, and her hands were painted with 3 What colour suit are you planning
my T-shirts. I don’t want to hang them up.
flowers. The couple walked four times around to get?
I want to fold them and keep them flat.
a fire called an ‘agni’ and then sat under a kind Man: Oh, okay. Well, what about this, then? 4 Is there a park by your house?
of tent called a ‘mandap’. I was so excited to be It’s got three drawers.
a part of my brother’s special day. One day, Girl: Yes, that’s a possibility … Or maybe this UNIT 3
I want to have a wedding just like his. one here? 08 ex6/p31
2 Man: Really? That’s for books, isn’t it?
Man: Today, we’ll be talking to three teens
I had a great time at my school prom when Girl: Well, yes, but I could put my T-shirts
on the bottom two shelves and then books about their studies. First of all, we’ve got
I left school. Everyone looked great – I wore
Anna. Hello Anna. So, tell us a little
about yourself and your studies. How old
are you,


and what year are you in? What are you Mr O’Connell: Yes, I’ll text them. over 43 hours! They also have the most
studying? What’s your favourite subject? Robert: OK. Thanks, Mr O’Connell. days off in Germany.
Anna: Well, I’m fourteen, so … I’m at secondary Amy: Well, I think I prefer jobs in Germany
11 ex5/p36
school … in Year Ten. Right now, I’m doing to Mexico then!
English, maths, science, citizenship, 1 Fran: You might like France, too – they have
computing, and PE – umm … you know … Our head teacher has made a decision – from the longest lunch breaks there. You’d enjoy
Physical Education. It keeps me pretty busy. next year, we all start wearing school uniforms! that!
Probably, my favourite subject is science. In my opinion, it’s a really good idea. I think it’s Amy: Yes, I would! What about in Poland?
I really love learning about how the world much easier for students if we all have to wear What are the working hours there?
works. I like how it makes me think about the same clothes. You don’t have to worry Fran: Not too bad. About 37 hours a week.
things. I might study something like that about what you wear, and you can get ready Amy: I’d like that better than Mexico!
at university. Maybe biology. really quickly in the morning. I think it’ll 2
Man: Thank you, Anna. And Mark, what about be great. Man: Helen, I know you have strong views
you? 2 about working while being a student. Tell
Mark: Hiya. I’m thirteen, and I’m in Year Nine. We used to wear uniforms at my school, us about them.
So, let’s see, umm … I’m doing maths, but from this year, we don’t have to anymore. Helen: OK. Well, you know some people say
science, geography, history, French, Personally, I think it’s much better now. I hated that students need to spend their time
and music – I’m learning to play the piano. wearing my uniform – it looked really ugly! studying? They say that students shouldn’t
I don’t really like any of the subjects I think it’s much better to let kids wear get a job because then they won’t have time
I’m taking this year, except for history. whatever they want. Let us show our to study. And I agree. Except that … A lot
History’s OK. Personally, I think that it’s personalities! of students don’t use their time to study!
really important to know what happened 3 I mean, some students prefer to hang out
in the past because everything that happens with their friends, and they don’t study
What do I think? Honestly, we don’t wear one
today is connected to it. Do you know what at all. Others prefer to play online games
at my school, so I haven’t really taken an
I mean? or chat than do their homework or revise.
interest in the whole thing. People say
Man: Yes, I see. Thanks, Mark. And finally, My point is, if they get a job, they’re not
it makes all students equal, but I disagree.
Julia … What about you Julia? losing anything, but they’re getting a lot.
I don’t think wearing the same clothes means
Julia: Well … I’m thirteen, and I’m in Year Nine, They get experience. They learn to be
we’re all equal. And anyway, if some kids wear
too – the same as Mark. I do English, maths, responsible because the money they earn
nicer clothes than others, who cares?
science, art, design and technology, and PE, can help them pay for their studies … And,
of course. I like all my classes, but I think art of course, they learn to organise their time
At my school, we have to wear uniforms.
is my favourite. It’s actually also the hardest better. And because they’re organised …
I think it’s basically a good idea. A lot of kids
one for me. Everything else is facts – you They can find the time to study and see
my age want to have really nice clothes,
know – dates, names, numbers, and so on. their friends or play games! So they actually
but they spend a lot of money. And that’s
But art is different. It’s a skill. I always feel have more time. Do you see?
not fair for the kids whose families don’t
really good when I create something that
looks beautiful, but it’s not easy!
have so much money. School uniform makes
everybody equal. So I agree with the idea UNIT 5
Man: Thank you, Julia. Well, that’s all we have
of making kids wear school uniforms. 14 ex2/p56
time for today. Thanks for listening!
09 ex3/p33 UNIT 4 1
Woman: So you’re going on holiday to Wales?
1 12 ex9/p43
Man: Yes, that’s right. We’re going to stay with
What do you think about the new teacher? 1 my wife’s family. Her mother has a beautiful
2 I start work at nine, but the drive takes more cottage in Wales.
I think we have too much homework. than an hour, so I have to leave the house 2
3 at seven thirty. We finish at five thirty, so by Woman: So, has your sister got any children?
Excuse me. I’m new here. Do you know where the time I get home, it’s nearly seven o’clock Man: Yes, she’s got two boys – they’re twins,
the library is? in the evening. I don’t mind, though, because actually.
4 I earn a very high salary, and I love my job. 3
Could you repeat that? 2 Girl: We’re going to Grandma’s one hundredth
I haven’t got a job at the moment, but I’m birthday party.
10 ex3/p36 Boy: One hundredth! Your grandma is one
hoping to find one soon. I actually sent off
Mr O’Connell: Robert, I think you’re doing really three application forms yesterday. Who hundred years old?
well in my music class. Why don’t you try knows? Maybe I’ll be lucky and get an Girl: Well, actually she’s my dad’s grandmother,
out for the school band? What do you think? interview soon. I hope so! but we all call her Grandma.
Robert: I’m not so sure about that. I mean, 3 4
I don’t know if I’m good enough to play Boy: I get on really well with Adam.
in the school band. My job’s very stressful at the moment. It was
easier a few months ago, but then they offered Girl: Is he your best mate?
Mr O’Connell: Well, we do play some difficult Boy: Yes, he is, but he’s also my uncle’s son –
music, but your playing has improved a lot me more responsibility – and more money,
of course, which is great! I actually earn a lot so we’re relatives too!
recently. And I believe it would be a good
now. But the job’s a lot more difficult. In the 5
experience for you.
past, I finished work every day at five o’clock. Woman: Katie, I don’t think you’ve met Bruce.
Robert: OK then. Sure thing!
Now, I often have to stay late until about He’s my husband’s brother.
Mr O’Connell: That’s great! So, first of all,
seven or eight in the evening. Katie: No, I haven’t. Hello Bruce. Nice to
I need to talk to your parents, to make sure
meet you.
they’re happy about this. Then we can set 13 ex3, 4/p48
Bruce: Hi Katie.
up an audition. 1
Robert: An audition? 15 ex7/p56
Fran: This article is amazing, Amy. I didn’t
Mr O’Connell: Yes, you know – you play
know any of this. 1
a piece of music. But don’t worry – you’re
Amy: What are you reading, Fran? Woman: What you said really hurt my feelings.
allowed to practise it first. I’ll help you with
Fran: It’s about the number of hours people Man: I didn’t mean it. I was angry, and I said
that. work around the world. Did you know, for some stupid things. I apologise.
Robert: Umm … OK. So you’ll contact example, that in Germany, they only work Woman: OK. I forgive you.
my parents? about 26 hours a week? But in Mexico, it’s


2 18 ex5/p62 2
Boy 1: You took my things without asking me! Woman: Hi William. Nice to see you. How
Hi Grandma! I guess you’re out having fun.
Boy 2: I didn’t think you’d mind. have you been?
Mum’s really busy today getting everything
Boy 1: Well, I do mind. You have to ask first! William: Good, thanks. But I’m on a strict diet.
ready for Tom and Linda’s engagement party
Boy 2: I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Woman: Oh? How’s that going?
on Saturday, so she’s asked me to call and tell
3 you what the plan is. Mum’s going to drive
William: It’s really hard. I never realised how
Boy: What’s the matter? much I love carbohydrates!
over to pick you up. She thinks she’ll be there
Girl: You forgot my name day! Woman: Oh, hmm … You’re on a low-carb diet,
at quarter to three in the afternoon. The
Boy: Oh no! I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll make aren’t you?
party’s going to be in the garden, and it might
it up to you. I’ll take you out for pizza William: Yes. My doctor told me I had to lose
get a bit chilly, so she suggests you bring
on Saturday. How about that? weight. I think it’s because I just sit in the
a coat with you just in case. Oh, and she’s
office all day and don’t get much exercise.
16 ex3/p59 booked a taxi for you for nine o’clock.
So I bought a book about a low-carb diet,
So, that’s it. Hope everything’s clear. I’ll call
1 and it’s working. I’ve lost five kilos so far.
you this evening to check you got this
I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. I hope As you can see, I’m filling my basket with
message. Bye for now!
you feel better soon! vegetables. But I’m getting sick of eating
2 UNIT 6 them all the time!
Woman: Can you eat any pasta or rice?
Are you planning to do something special
for your birthday? 19 ex8/p69 William: I can have a little, but mostly I have
to eat vegetables and healthy proteins like
3 1
chicken and turkey.
I’ve just got my exam result. I passed! The last time I was here, I had a fantastic pizza
Woman: Well, good luck! I’m off to find
4 with slices of pineapple, but I can’t see
something for the kids for dinner. Bye!
What do you think about booking a clown it on the menu anymore. Have you stopped
doing it? … Oh, that’s a shame. Never mind, I’ll 3
for Jessie’s birthday party?
have the Margherita, please, but could you add Boy: Hi and welcome to Bob’s Diner. Table
17 ex2/p62 for one?
1 Woman: Yes, please. I’d like a table in your
I’m Greek, and my name day’s on the outdoor area, if possible. It’s such lovely
It gets quite fast-paced in the kitchen,
6th of December. This year, it was a school day, weather, and it would be nice to sit outside.
especially around the busy eating hours.
so I took a box of small cakes into school Boy: I’m sorry, but we’re quite full, and we
For lunch, that’s between 12 and 2, and
to celebrate. There are a couple of other boys haven’t got a free table on our patio at the
for dinner, it’s around 7 to 9. We serve a lot
in my class also called Nikos and a girl called moment. I have one here by the door,
of customers during this time, and my assistant
Nikoletta, and they also brought cakes, so we if that’s OK.
and I have to work twice as fast and prepare
had a lot to eat! I’ve got another friend called Woman: Have you got anything better?
a lot of different dishes at the same time –
Nicholas, but he celebrates his name day Boy: I might … Give me a second … Yes, there’s
starters, salads, main courses, desserts – just
on a different date – in April. There is a reason a nice table over there by the window.
about everything, really!
why, but it’s difficult to explain! Would that be OK?
3 Woman: That’s perfect. Thank you!
2 Some people think that I only eat vegetables,
My name’s Irena, and here in the Czech 4
but that’s not true at all. There are loads
Republic, my name day is on the 16 th of April. Hi Mum. I’m calling to ask what to get Dad
of things other than vegetables I can eat:
Some Czech people celebrate name days, but for his birthday. I’m at Kitchen Supplies, and
mushrooms, rice, pasta, lentils, and beans –
we don’t in my family. So the 16th of April I’m looking at some different things. There’s
the list goes on. I’m not vegan, so I can eat
is just another ordinary day for me! I don’t a lovely toaster here, but you’ve got one,
dairy products like cheese. And honey. I love
mind, though, because birthdays are a big haven’t you? There’s also a really nice pasta
honey! The only thing I don’t eat at all is meat.
thing in the Czech Republic. I always get lots maker on sale, and I know Dad would like
of presents on my birthday, and I usually have to make fresh pasta, so maybe I should get
Some people bring their own packed lunch.
a party with my friends. that …? Brian suggested getting an espresso
You know, with sandwiches. I do sometimes,
3 machine, but they’re a bit expensive. Anyway,
but usually, I get something here. There’s
Here in Bulgaria, almost everyone I know call me back when you can.
actually quite a lot to choose from. There’s
celebrates their name day. My name’s Martin, always a choice of two hot meals, or a salad 5
so my name day’s on the 14th of April. Girls if you want something lighter. Their vegetarian Hi Mrs Stanton. This is Martin from the bakery.
called Martina also celebrate on the same day, dishes are also very good. I’m not vegetarian, I’m calling to let you know that your cake isn’t
but I don’t actually know anyone called but I sometimes have vegetarian food. I quite going to be ready on time. It seems there was
Martina. If it’s a school day, you usually take like lunchtime at school. It’s a good chance a mix-up with the orders, and we made you
sweets or chocolates to school. Some of your to chat with your friends and relax a bit after a strawberry cake instead of a chocolate one.
friends will probably give you small presents. the morning’s lessons. I’m very sorry about that, and the owner has
At home, you don’t invite people to come decided to give you a better price. I hope that
20 ex2, 3/p74 makes up for the situation. So, your cake will
round – you don’t need to! They just turn up
and wish you a happy name day! 1 be ready tomorrow morning. Please phone
4 Woman: What shall we do for supper this us to confirm. Thank you.
Here in the UK, we don’t celebrate name days evening? I was thinking of making spaghetti
at all. We do have some days which are with meat sauce and a salad. UNIT 7
connected to saints, though. Saint George’s Man: That sounds good, but I’m a bit bored 21 ex9/p83
Day, for example, is on the 23rd of April. of eating at home. How about going out
But if you’re called George, I don’t think you to eat for a change? 1
do anything special. I’d never actually heard Woman: Well, I wanted to have a meal Hi. I spoke to someone in your complaints
of name days until my Greek penfriend told at home and relax in front of the TV, but department, and they sent me to you. The
me about them. She’s called Eleni, and her we can go out if you really want to. Then trouble is … This tablet I bought last week –
name day is in May. Apparently, in Greece, I won’t have to cook. well, it must be faulty because when I plug
name days are more important than birthdays! Man: OK, let’s do that. And remember, we’re it in, it says it’s charging, but then it doesn’t
going to the countryside this weekend. switch on. It’s been like that since the first
We can have a picnic outdoors. That’ll time I tried. It hasn’t switched on once! Do you
be fun, won’t it? think you could exchange it for another one?


2 didn’t work, so I took it back to the shop. They speak a word of Polish! But most of all,
Hello. Your assistant sent me to speak to you. were very good about it, and I had the receipt, I appreciated the chance to walk around the
The problem is this phone – I can’t afford so they exchanged it without any questions. towns – that’s something I love doing and
to buy a new one. It’s not covered by the 4 in some places in Poland you can see nearly
guarantee, but it’s suddenly stopped working. I had a shock when I visited London. It’s everything on foot. I don’t know why, but
Do you have a repair service? And have you a dream to go shopping there, isn’t it? Well, I wasn’t expecting the number of cafés and
any idea how much it would cost? I was a bit disgusted, to be honest. I mean, places for younger people. Also, the young
3 I had to pay two pounds for a bottle of water. people were dressed very fashionably.
Hi, yes. I bought these jeans about a month That’s just ridiculous. Everything else was It was a great place to be. There was
ago – here’s the receipt. The thing is, when really overpriced, too. I bought a couple a young feel about the place.
I tried them on yesterday, they didn’t fit, of things, but then I thought I’d better go back
so I thought I’d return them. Have you got to the hotel before I spent all my money! REVIEW 7–8
a slightly larger size? 27 ex9/p107
4 UNIT 8
I received these headphones as a gift, and 1
24 ex5/p94
I don’t need them. On the phone, you said Shall I help you carry the shopping in from
Yes, it’s quite close. Um, what you do is … Are the car?
I could get something else in your store, but
you walking? Right, you don’t have a car. OK … 2
there’s really nothing I want here. Could I have
So go straight on here. This is Willow Avenue, Do you think I should get a motorbike?
a refund? You can see they’re not damaged –
you see. So, umm … Go past the traffic lights.
and they’re still in the original packaging. 3
Don’t turn left or right, or you’ll be on Oak
Oh no! I haven’t got anything for dinner!
22 ex2/p88 Road … And you don’t want that. No, you want
to go a bit further. You’ll see some shops
Boy: Hey! How was New York? Do you know what you’re going to do when
on your right, then a roundabout … And you
Girl: Amazing! There’s just so much to see. you leave school?
The shops were incredible, and most take the second left onto Pine Street. Then
of them are open on Sundays, too. You can walk past the police station, and it’s just next
find anything there. door, opposite the cinema. Have you got that?
Boy: Sounds great! 25 ex4/p97
Girl: And do you know what? I had a problem
with my phone one night, and someone told 1
me to book an appointment at the Genius There’s a flight to London here for only
Bar in the Apple Store. They give advice 100 euros! What do you think?
about repairs – and they fixed mine … for 2
free! That was at midnight – they’re open all The car is the best way to get around. It really
the time – every day! is a great invention.
Boy: Wow! But you know what I really want 3
to hear about … What can I do about getting fitter?
Girl: What? 4
Boy: The food! So, you’ve got invitations to two different
Girl: Of course! You’d love it! There are loads parties on Saturday night.
of shops called ‘delis’ with food from around
the world. On Saturday, I went to a place 26 ex3/p100
called Smorgasburg in Brooklyn. It’s only 1
open from eleven in the morning to six Paul: So, what are we going to put on this
in the evening, but there are a hundred poster, Rosa? It needs to be something
people selling different food – it was different if we’re going to win.
impossible to choose! Honestly, there’s Rosa: Yes, but it can’t be too different, Paul.
so much happening day and night. Now I mean, we need to put some traditional
I understand why they call it the city that sights on it. How about a famous church?
never sleeps! Paul: Good idea. I’ll look for a good picture.
And how about a big shopping centre –
23 ex4/p88
to show something more modern?
1 Rosa: Yes, I like that idea. You concentrate
The last time I went shopping, I had a terrible on finding those. I think we need something
time. I was trying to choose a phone – which to show the food.
is quite a lot of money to spend, isn’t it? Well, Paul: Definitely. Can you do that?
the shop assistant was actually quite rude. Rosa: Yes, and while I’m looking, I’ll try to find
He wasn’t listening to my questions, some pictures of people – you know, smiling
and I think he just wanted me to get out quick. and looking friendly.
I bought the phone in the end, but I won’t Paul: Great. Well done. I think that’s the most
be shopping there in the future. important thing – to show how warm
2 and welcoming we are.
I was only planning to do a bit of window 2
shopping, but a shopkeeper persuaded me Man: John has just come back from his first
to go into her shop and try some things on. visit to Poland. So, John, what were your
I’m glad I did. They were having a sale, so they impressions? Was it what you expected?
were selling shirts very cheaply – two for the John: Well, I didn’t know much about Poland,
price of one. So I was very pleased with to be honest, but a few things surprised me.
my trip! Public transport was clean, comfortable, and
3 more modern than I thought it would be.
I bought some accessories for my computer. It was a great place to have a conversation
They told me everything was fine, and that the too, and while I was travelling around,
packaging was a bit damaged – that’s all. I found a lot of people who were willing
But when I got the things home, the keyboard to speak English – thankfully, since I can’t





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