Computer Network
Computer Network
Computer Network
1 Computer Network
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Computer Network
Feb 17 2023
1. Introduction
• introduce the fundamental types of networking
2. Basic Principle of Computer Network
7. Conclusion
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5.PAN (personal area network): A PAN serves one person. For example, if you have an iPhone
and a Mac, it’s very likely you’ve set up a PAN that shares and syncs content—text messages,
emails, photos, and more—across both devices.
6.SAN (storage area network): A SAN is a specialized network that provides access to block-level
storage—shared network or cloud storage that, to the user, looks and works like a storage drive
that’s physically attached to a computer. (For more information on how a SAN works with block
storage, see Block Storage: A Complete Guide.)
7.CAN (campus area network): A CAN is also known as a corporate area network. A CAN is
larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. CANs serve sites such as colleges, universities, and
business campuses.
8.VPN (virtual private network): A VPN is a secure, point-to-point connection between two
network end points (see ‘Nodes’ below). A VPN establishes an encrypted channel that keeps a
user’s identity and access credentials, as well as any data transferred, inaccessible to hackers
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MAN (metropolitan area network), WAN (wide area network) and PAN (personal area network).
A network of networks, i.e. Internet, has evolved from the composition and interconnection of
all these types of computer networks.
Media The medium (link) interconnecting two nodes in computer networks can be a wire or air.
Computer networks working on wired links are called wired networks, while those using air as
their medium of communication are called wireless networks. In the domain of wired networks,
different types of links such as coaxial, twisted pair and optical fiber are used. Similarly, in
wireless networks, common links of communication are microwave, satellite and Bluetoot
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Sr No. TCP Model OSI Model
1. This model is based on This model is based on
a vertical approach. a horizontal approach.
2. It consists of 7 layers. It consists of 4 layers.
3. The usage of this This model is highly
model is very low. used.
4. Protocols in the OSI Protocols in the OSI
model are hidden and model are hidden and
can be easily replaced can be easily replaced
when the technology when the technology
changes. changes.
network can act as either client or server. Each peer may share some of its resources, like
memory and processing power, with the entire computer network. For example, some companies
use P2P architecture to host memory-consuming applications, such as 3-D graphic rendering,
across multiple digital devices.
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0.4.2 Types of Network Topology
1.Bus topology:
Each node is linked to one other node only. Data transmission over the network connections
occurs in one direction.
2.Ring topology:
Each node is linked to two other nodes, forming a ring. Data can flow bi-directionally. How-
ever,single node failure can bring down the entire network.
3.Star topology:
A central server node is linked to multiple client network devices. This topology performs better
as data doesn’t have to go through each node. It is also more reliable.
4.Mesh topology:
Every node is connected to many other nodes. In a full mesh topology, every node is connected
to every other node in the network.
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Figure 2: Global Computer Networking
fig;image 2
2.Network availability: AWS has the global infrastructure required to deliver high availability
anywhere in the world.
3.Network performance: AWS network services deliver high-speed performance with minimal lag
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If however you’re using a more general template, such as this one, and would like to alter the
margins, a common way to do so is via the geometry package. You can find the geometry package
loaded in the preamble at the top of this example file
This is my first reference [3] This is my first reference [2] This is my first reference [1]
0.8 Conclusion
In Present Scenario Computer Network is most integral part of modern technology Computer
networks connect nodes like computers, routers, and switches using cables, fiber optics, or wireless
signals. These connections allow devices in a network to communicate and share information and
Networks follow protocols, which define how communications are sent and received. These pro-
tocols allow devices to communicate. Each device on a network uses an Internet Protocol or
IP address, a string of numbers that uniquely identifies a device and allows other devices to
recognize it.
Routers are virtual or physical devices that facilitate communications between different networks.
Routers analyze information to determine the best way for data to reach its ultimate destination.
Switches connect devices and manage node-to-node
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[1] Joseph Migga Kizza, Wheeler Kizza, and Wheeler. Guide to computer network security. 2013.
[2] Lawrence G Roberts and Barry D Wessler. Computer network development to achieve re-
source sharing. In Proceedings of the May 5-7, 1970, spring joint computer conference, pages
543–549, 1970.
[3] Barry Wellman. Computer networks as social networks. Science, 293(5537):2031–2034, 2001.
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