Braille On Folding Cartons: European Carton Makers Association
Braille On Folding Cartons: European Carton Makers Association
Braille On Folding Cartons: European Carton Makers Association
1 Preface
History of Braille in folding carton production and references
3 Standardisation
Dot matrix, dot diameters, dot spacing, character and line spacing, embossing height, positioning the Braille message
4 Technical requirements
Functional and optical characteristics, material selection
5 Fabrication
Braille embossing, positioning of Braille, amount of text
7 Conclusion
1 Preface
In 1825, Frenchman Louis Braille (1809-1852) invented a reading system for the blind through which the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation marks were represented in a tangible form via a series of raised dots. The Braille system established itself internationally, and is now in use in all languages. While A to Z is standardised, there are, of course, special characters, which are unique to local languages. The requirement for Braille on pharmaceutical packaging stems from the European Directive 2004/27/EC amending Directive 2001/83/EC (community code to medicinal products for human use). This Directive includes changes to the label and package leaflet requirements for pharmaceuticals, (which will not be discussed in this booklet), and it requires pharmaceutical cartons to show the name of the medicinal products, and if need be the strength, in Braille format. The Directive has to be transposed into national law by all Member States in the European Union by October 30, 2005. For concrete information on implementation, (e.g. transition arrangements), the national drug law of the respective EU member state should be consulted. This code of practice for the standardised fabrication of Braille on folding cartons contains established rules which form an easily-comprehensible standard for the technical implementation of Braille on folding cartons, as well as offering guidelines for a sequence of steps from the creation of the artwork files to the delivery of the folding cartons to ensure the integrity and security of the Braille content. However, it is understood that deviations from this standard and guidelines may be valid and necessary in some cases either for technical or organisational reasons - to meet the requirements of specific customer/folding carton manufacturer agreements. Also included in this booklet is a reference list containing the Braille letters, numbers and internationally standardised special characters, as well as the relevant special Braille characters for six of the main languages in the EU, to be supplemented at a later stage in written form and/or via the ECMA website
This document is published by the European Carton Manufacturers Association, ECMA, in co-operation with other industrial organisations and interested parties. Founded in 1960, ECMA today has become the established forum and umbrella organisation for the European folding carton industry, representing over 500 manufacturers in nearly all countries in the European Economic Area, and a current workforce of about 50,000 people. ECMA works to fulfil its mission for the benefit of member companies in a variety of functions, including the development and promotion of business tools and industry standards. ECMA wishes to acknowledge its affiliated national folding carton associations (listed on the back of this publication), and especially FFI (Germany) and Aspack (Spain) for their documentation, manpower and expertise dedicated to this ECMA Standard. The Hague, September 2005
From the six dots that make up the basic grid, 64 different signs can be created. Reading direction of Braille is the same as for regular type, and the rules for hyphenation that apply to regular typefaces also apply in Braille. The European Commissions guidance on Braille requirements for labelling and packaging1, and the European Blind Unions guidelines for European pharmaceutical companies and distributors/marketing agencies 2 both recommend that an un-contracted Braille system should be used. In un-contracted Braille, every individual letter of the alphabet, punctuation mark etc. is represented by its own Braille character(s).
NB: When indicating numbers the number sign is followed by the letters A to J. The number is always terminated with a space. See example:
1 2
Punctuation marks
3 Standardisation
To establish a common standard across the countries of the European Union, the European Carton Makers Association has specified ECMA Euro Braille, which takes account of the major Braille fonts currently in use throughout Europe. The diameter at the base of the dot is 1.6 mm, this is also the diameter on the female matrix and the diameter of dots shown in the artwork file. The dot spacing is exactly 2.5 mm (from dot centre to dot centre). The character spacing amounts to 6.0 mm (from centre to centre). The line spacing is 10.0 mm with a tolerance of +0.0 mm/-0.1 mm. With regard to the height of the embossing on the surface of a folding carton, it is recommended that this is determined visually, since the deformed carton board is likely to recover slightly over time. The upper tolerance level is reached when the surface of the folding carton starts to burst.
Dot matrix
Dimensions: a = 2.5 mm b = 2.5 mm c = 6.0 mm between two letters of one word d = 12.0 mm hyphenation e = 10.0 mm +0.0 mm /-0.1 mm line spacing
4 Technical requirements
The dots of the Braille text must be clearly perceptible by human touch, but on folding cartons, the needs of both seeing and visually impaired people must both be met, though they are very different. While the visually-impaired require very strong Braille embossing to enable them to read the text, embossing can lead to breaks in the carton surface which could impair legibility and visual appearance for sighted people. The target must be to achieve a compromise so that both blind and sighted patients can easily identify their medicine.
Following the embossing process, the perfect dot is exposed in subsequent processes to mechanical and climatic influences, which could lead to a slight deterioration.
Material selection
In general, primary- and secondary-fibre carton board can be used. It must be remembered that with either board type it is not possible to prevent minimal variation in embossing heights on the same folding carton or in the same production batch.
5 Fabrication
These guidelines relate to the fabrication of Braille text according to the latest technical standards - i.e. cutting, creasing and embossing in one pass on a flatbed cutting and creasing machine. Braille text can generally be placed on any major surface of a folding carton (A1, B1, A2, B2); but for technical reasons it may not be possible to locate it on more than one panel of any carton.
Braille embossing
The goal is to create a product-neutral cutting and creasing tool, i.e. only one master cutting and creasing tool should be used for all folding cartons of the same size and profile. In order to achieve this, a universal female matrix is positioned in the biggest panel of the folding carton. The Braille text is embossed by the productindividual male embossing die. This facilitates the minimisation of adjustments to the individual carton and saves set-up time and costs. If an individual cutting and creasing tool is required for a particular pack, substantial additional costs will be incurred.
Positioning of Braille
The distance between the chosen Braille embossing location and the centre of the cutting and creasing lines must be 8 mm, (measured from the edge of the dot). The Position of the universal female matrix on the chosen panel of the carton e.g. A1 must be decided by the customer. Braille texts cannot be applied to locations on the carton where there are barcodes (EAN/PZN), or where labels/Bollini or perforations are applied. Maintaining these standards will ensure lowest tooling costs and set-up times.
Pattern for the standard position of the Braille on Panel A1 of the folding carton
Amount of text
The number of available characters and lines for Braille text embossing are determined by the dimensions of the folding carton. Number of Braille lines on a main side of the folding carton 2 3 4 32.6 42.6 Dimension A/B (minimum) of the folding carton in mm Number of Braille characters per Braille line 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 52.6
1 22.6
50.1 56.1 62.1 68.1 74.1 80.1 86.1 92.1 98.1 104.1 110.1 116.1 122.1 128.1 134.1 Dimension H (minimum) of the folding carton in mm
The second proof page must contain only the Braille dots together with the die-line and the Braille message in alphanumeric text, (outside the die-line).
Quality assurance
In all documents provided by the customer to the folding carton producer, the Braille content must be clearly legible. The artwork files as approved by the customer are the basis of the proofing process. All embossed Braille print must be verified continuously during production by using control films, or other agreed means.
A quality assurance agreement between customer and folding carton producer is necessary to ensure that the highest possible standards are guaranteed for the Braille reader.
7 Conclusion
Standardisation reduces costs and brings security
Optimising the process requires the establishments of clear criteria and guidelines for: standardisation of fonts standardisation of positioning standardisation of folding carton formats agreed standards for the profile of the Braille dots integrated testing and control systems When delivery schedules and cost aspects are taken into consideration, it is vitally important to have secure and efficient production processes. Compliance with the Braille legislation and best practice can only be achieved economically and effectively by exchanging information. Co-operation between all parties involved is crucial for success.
This recommendation has been developed by the European Carton Manufacturers Association (ECMA) in association with other industrial organisations. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, even if partial, is only allowed if the source is acknowledged. These guidelines and recommendations should not be considered a replacement for specialist consultancy services, and no claim is made that they are comprehensive. No warranty, explicit or implicit, is given for the information contained in this brochure, and users should independently determine its suitability for their particular applications. Use of the standard is recommended by ECMA in the interest of the industry as a whole. ECMA in no way obliges companies to implement the standard in their individual commercial practice. The standard is largely based on the EU legislation and guidelines. Every individual company is responsible for respecting all the EU and national rules that apply to Braille on pharmaceutical products. This brochure will be actively promoted throughout the folding carton industry; the publishers welcome readers comments, as well as suggestions for updates and revisions. Edition: September 2005
ECMA, the European Carton Makers Association P.O. Box 85612 NL 2508 CH The Hague The Netherlands Tel. +31 (70) 312 39 11 Fax +31 (70) 363 63 48 Email URL