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1 author:
Glyn M Evans
All content following this page was uploaded by Glyn M Evans on 20 August 2018.
Efhcts of silicon
on the microstructure and properties
of C-Mn all-weld-metal deposits
Silicon, as a major deoxidant in ferritic weld metal, is an essential constituent of manual metal arc
(MMA) electrodes, preventing porosity and improving weldability. G NlEvansdescribes the results of a
detailed microstructural examination into effects of varying silicon conrenr Detween 0.2-0.90/0, and
discusses the interrelationship of microstructure and properties.
relate microstructure with properties. Two at 580'C. In the case of the as-welded
1 Effect of silicon on weld metal oxygen
exceptions, where metallographic tech- condition, the tensile specimens were
niques have been applied, are the study by given a hydrogen removal treatment at
Widgery6 on COz-shielded weld metal and 250oC for 14hr.
that by AbsonT on submerged-arc
deposits. In both instances, however, only Mechanical testing 500
the top bead was considered. A need still Two sub-size all-weld-metal tensile E
existed for a study of silicon in multi-run specimens (Minitrac) were machined and
MMA welds where a high degree of tested for each of the different deposits. !o
recrystallisation2 is encountered. Also, approximately 35 Charpy V notch = /.oo
specimens were tested to obtain a full C
transition curve. o
'.--Electfodes RBSULTS 300
Low hydrogen, iron powder type Chemical composition
electrodes-coded A, B, C and D-were Chemical analyses of the 16 all-weld-metal
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
prepared as in previous work.r The deposits studied are given in Table 1. A Si*Mn / 3.8
manganese content of the coverings was reasonable balance was achieved, the drift 2 Effect of silicon and manganese on weld
varied to yield deposited metals for the four distinct silicon and manganese metal oxygen content.
containing 0.6, 1.0, 1.4 and 1.80/oMn, levels being slight. The sulphur and
respectively. phosphorus contents were low throughout
At each of these manganese levels as in previous workr-3 and the nitrogen
0.20%s i
different amounts of ferro-silicon were level is approximately constant. The
added to the coatings to produce four oxygen content, ofl the other hand, varies E
nominal levels of silicon in the deposited systematically, thus confirmingt the o-
metals-namely 0.2,0.4,0.6 and 0.90/oSi. In deoxidation potential of both silicon and Io
addition, the weld metal carbon coptent manganese in the electrode coating. 3
was balanced with that of manganosei, On plotting oxygen content against weld
g 4oo
The core wire diameter of the 16 batches metal silicon (Fie. 1), a decreasing trend o
of experimental electrodes thus prepared was exhibited with a wide scatter band. x
was 4mm and the coating factor (D/d) was Regression of the data gave the following
1.68. equation: 300
4 Top beads (columnar) for 1.Ao/oMn: 6 Coarse grained regions (1 .40loMn): a) Reheated weld metal
a) O.2o/oSi; b) O.9oloSi. O.2oloSi; b) O.9oloSi.
Examination of the high temperature
reheated regions, using the light micro-
scope, revealed only that the ferrite
envelopes delineating the prior austenite
grain boundaries became slightly better
defined as the silicon content was
increased to 0.90/o (Fig. 6).
Optical examination of the low
temperature reheated regions, however,
did reveal a difference with silicon
content, namely an increase in the amount
of microphase (Fig. 7). Average grain size
measurements, however, failed to indicate
a perceptible change with increasing
silicon (Table 2).
The change in form of the microphases
is illustrated by the replicas shown in Fig.
12. At 0.20loSi, grain boundary carbides and
a degenerate form of pearlite, bainite/
pearlite (B/P) are seen to co-exist with
martensite/austenite (M/A), whereas at
0.90/oSi the latter phase is predominant.
The volume fractions of the phases,
determined using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) at a magnification of
5000, are represented in Fig.13: a
substantial change is observed. The
increasing volume lraction of M/A more
than counterbalances the concurrent
reduction in volume lraction of cementite
5 Acicular ferrite in the columnar regions for 7 Fine grained regions
film and B/P. Equivalent results for
(1 .4o/oMnl: a) O.2o/oSi;
1 .4o/oMn; a) O.2o/oSi; b) O.9oloSi. b) O.9oloSi. variable manganese are plotted in Fig. 14.
Here, although the volume fractions of
ffi$ t..,
l*r'-1" ffi.t.*-n"
z$$ 1ffi.,...$.,r*
i, i$;; t..ctl
, , ,i ..,,1' ,
Ilii i.lii
ii:: :::..:.:.:.::.
:::::::::r r':l:: :i::::::l:::'
. ::::: :::!:!:!.:.:i
tu....*...'.ti......ui.ti;'ii.,.u..i"i1.1u..1i .1.'..r,ii""'1..,,,r...l...1'...1,"'1,,'i
Mechanical properties
Tensile Table 2 Grain size results (electrode Cl
Tensile test data al.e presented in Table 3.
Si, o/o Mean linear grain intercept, pm
{ .zo 0.9%si
For the as-welded condition, the following o *15
' regression equations were derived:
t- 0.6%si
o.20 4.8 tn
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