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Tawanda Zvarivadza
Luleå University of Technology


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Tawanda Zvarivadza

A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built

Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in

Johannesburg, 2012
I declare that this research report is my own, unaided work. It is being submitted for the
Degree of Master of Science in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not
been submitted before for any degree or examination in any other University.

(Signature of candidate)

........................... day of ......................................... (year) ..................................

at .................................................................

Platinum is amongst the extremely valuable resources so every effort has to be made to
ensure its safe and economic extraction. The success of a bord and pillar mining method in
the exploitation of platinum heavily depends on a comprehensive and competent pillar design
method. Pillars need to be large enough to contain load and to be small enough to avoid loss
of resource. An optimum pillar design method achieves such a scenario. Without this a mine
is destined for disastrous consequences either ways. A mine stands to lose revenue and
threatens sustainable development if it tries to be conservative and leave too large pillars. On
the other hand, leaving too small pillars can lead to large scale pillar failure with damaging
consequences such as entrapment of expensive mining machinery, loss of life by workers,
loss of invaluable production sections and all the severe effects of ground subsidence due to
underground failure of pillars. While a lot of research has been done on the pillar design for
coal industry, very little advance has been achieved in terms of this sort of research on hard
rock mining. Of the research which has been done there are still more gaps to be filled and
considerations to be made to come up with reliable pillar design systems.

The main objective of this research was to make a critical evaluation of the current pillar
design systems used in low reef platinum mining so that more benefit would be obtained in
the performance improvement of these systems. An extensive literature survey was
undertaken in order to determine the present status of the design systems. As part of the
research a review of the work done by the author on one large scale platinum exploration
project and several platinum mines in Zimbabwe was also done. Through this approach the
inadequacies of the current pillar design systems were highlighted and a proposition of areas
of further research to get more understanding on how some neglected factors influence pillar
system stability were brought forward. The work on the exploration project presented an
excellent opportunity to map out areas of much care and consideration when collecting the
geotechnical parameters used in designing pillars. The exploration work also highlighted how
rockmass classification methods can be utilised in determining the overall strength of pillars.

The evaluation concluded that the current pillar design systems for low reef platinum mining
mainly consider w/h ratio and the strength of pillar material as important parameters in
designing pillars. However there are many more important factors which are not considered
which have a bearing on pillar system stability. Some of the unaccounted for factors which
were discovered during the course of the research are; contact of the pillar with the roof and

floor, roof and floor conditions, effects of adversely oriented joints, spalling and side scaling
effects, influence of pillar loading conditions, blasting damage effects, influence of weak
layers and weathering, impact of k-ratio, time dependent effects, geology, fractured zones,
effects of different types of discontinuities within the rock strata, the list goes on. The
observed pillar failures in the studied platinum mines are a testimony that these parameters
have to be considered in determining pillar strength lest an over estimation of strength is
done. Furthermore, the empirical systems do not embrace the fact that pillar design is a
system. As a system, considerations of the roof, the pillar and the floor is mandatory since
neglecting one component of the system will affect all system components.

The current pillar design systems are empirically determined. To calibrate the pillar design
curve in empirical designs, pillar failure has to occur. While this may work for the mines
lying within the empirical limits of the data used to develop the formulae, it is prudent for
engineers to utilise tools which do not rely on failures. For the new mines which are to be
established a tool should be availed with the power and capacity to design the pillars without
waiting for failure to take place. While research costs time and money its fruits are worth it. It
is the recommendation of this research that more research has to be done to quantify the
influence of the above mentioned parameters in a bid to come up with a system that accounts
for all factors affecting pillar stability. At the current level of research different combinations
of the pillar design systems can be utilised in order to reduce error levels in the designs.

Profound gratitude is expressed to my supervisor Professor J.N Van der Merwe for the
untiring guidance and encouragement. I greatly appreciate his efforts and expertise which led
to this project seeing day light.

Many thanks go to Badger Mining Consulting Company, in particular Mike Spengler, for
availing and allowing me to use the project work at the Large Scale Platinum Exploration
Project as part of this research. This work helped a lot in expressing some salient aspects of
this project.

Todal Mining Company, in particular Ron Honey, is highly appreciated for engaging the
author in the Large Scale Platinum Exploration Project to oversee the geotechnical work. The
author learnt a lot of practical work relevant to this research during the course of the
exploration project. His supervision and guidance services were readily available to the
author even in the light of his busy schedule.

The author is greatly indebted to Professor T.R Stacey for the invaluable knowledge imparted
by him through the Rock Engineering courses he delivers at the University of the
Witwatersrand. These courses equipped the author with necessary knowledge to tackle the
research. The University of the Witwatersrand together with its School of Mining
Engineering is also thanked for affording the author an opportunity to embark on this

Pastor Gee and the Dominion Family Church were instrumental in giving the author a
spiritual home and peace of mind. Their spiritual guidance is ever invaluable.

Special thanks go to my family and friends for being there for me in times of joy and need.

Above all, the author is thankful to the Almighty God for being a guiding figure in all aspects
of his life. To God be the Glory.

In memory of my father Elias, mother Nicolet and aunt Susan.

DECLARATION....................................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................ xi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ xiv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... xv

LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................... xvii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction. ................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Background of Pillar design .......................................................................................... 1

1.3 Geology and geotechnical background of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe ................. 2

1.3.1 Geotechnical and geology aspects of the Great Dyke Ore Body .............................. 2

1.3.2 Local geology and geotechnical aspects of platinum mines in Zimbabwe ............... 9

1.4 Bord and Pillar Mining Method in platinum mining ............................................... 11

1.5 Problem Definition ....................................................................................................... 13

1.6 Justification of the Research Project .......................................................................... 14

1.7 Aims of the Project ....................................................................................................... 14

1.8 Objectives of the Project .............................................................................................. 14

1.9 Methodology. ................................................................................................................ 15

1.10 Content of the Research Report ................................................................................ 15

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 17

2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17

2.1 Pillar Design Theory .................................................................................................... 17

2.2 Theory on Pillar Load Determination ........................................................................ 18

2.2.1Tributary Area Theory Method ................................................................................ 18

2.2.2 Coates Method ......................................................................................................... 21

2.2.3 Numerical Modelling ............................................................................................... 23

2.3 Theory on Pillar Strength Determination .................................................................. 24

2.3.1 Salamon and Munro (1967) ..................................................................................... 25

2.3.2 Hedley and Grant (1972) ......................................................................................... 26

2.3.3 Potvin et al (1989) ................................................................................................... 28

2.3.4 Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) ................................................................................ 29

2.3.5 Sjoberg (1992b) ....................................................................................................... 30

2.3.6 Krauland and Soder (1987)...................................................................................... 31

2.3.7 Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) ..................................................................................... 32

2.3.8 Salamon (1982)‟s extended formula........................................................................ 34

2.4 Determination of Foundation Strength ...................................................................... 35

2.4.1 Terzaghi (1943)‟s Formula ...................................................................................... 36

2.4.2 Hansen (1970)‟s Formulae ...................................................................................... 36

2.4.3 Comment on Terzaghi (1943) and Hansen (1970)‟s Formulae ............................... 37

2.5 Theory on different pillar types used in shallow platinum mining ......................... 37

2.5.1 Non-yield pillars ...................................................................................................... 39

2.5.2 Crush pillars............................................................................................................. 40

2.5.3 Yield pillars ............................................................................................................. 41

2.5.4 Barrier pillars ........................................................................................................... 42

2.6 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 43


3.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 45

3.1 Pillar Load determination methods ............................................................................ 45

3.1.1 Tributary area Method ............................................................................................. 45

3.1.3 Areas of further work to be done ............................................................................. 46

3.2 Pillar Strength Determination Methods ..................................................................... 46

3.2.1 Explanation of factors affecting pillar strength ....................................................... 47

3.2.2 Comment on the factors affecting pillar strength .................................................... 56

3.3 Consequences of unstable pillar designs .................................................................... 56

3.4 Pillar failure modes ...................................................................................................... 58

3.4.1 Stress induced progressive failure ........................................................................... 58

3.4.2 Structurally controlled failure .................................................................................. 59

3.4.3 Pillar bursts .............................................................................................................. 59

3.5 Pillar failure curves ...................................................................................................... 60

3.6 Pillar Strength Determination combinations that can be used ................................ 62

3.6.1 Use of failure criteria to predict failure ................................................................... 62

3.7 Pillar design recommendations arising from the evaluation done .......................... 67

3.7.1 How to measure the discontinuity parameters ......................................................... 70

3.8 Future work to be done................................................................................................ 73

3.9 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 75


PROJECT: SOME LESSONS .............................................................................................. 77

4.0 Introduction. ................................................................................................................. 77

4.1 Oriented Core drilling. ................................................................................................ 77

4.1.1 Downhole survey ..................................................................................................... 78

4.1.2 Possible errors to be avoided in orienting core........................................................ 80

4.2 Logging Practice ........................................................................................................... 80

Figure 4.3 presents a flow chart of how geotechnical logging was done on the site. The
detailed description of the logging process is given in the following discussions. .......... 82

4.2.1 Quick Log Per Run - Log 1 ..................................................................................... 82

4.2.2 Major Structures - Log 2 ......................................................................................... 87

4.2.3 Error Concern Areas for Major Structures Logging ................................................ 88

4.3 Detailed Geotechnical Log – Log 3 ............................................................................. 88

4.4 Overall Considerations in geotechnical logging ........................................................ 89

4.5 Rock Characterisations for the geotechnical work done at the site. ....................... 92

4.5.1 RMR ........................................................................................................................ 92

4.5.2 Q-System ................................................................................................................. 93

4.5.3 Link between RMR and Q System .......................................................................... 94

4.5.4 Laubscher‟ MRMR .................................................................................................. 94

4.6 Rock Mass Characterisation ....................................................................................... 95

4.7 Pillar Design Considerations ....................................................................................... 96

4.8 Pillar Numerical Modelling using Examine 2D ....................................................... 103

4.9 Pillar Design Results for the large scale platinum exploration project using the
different pillar design formulae discussed in Chapter 2 ............................................... 106

4.9.1 Comments on Pillar Design Results from the different design formulae .............. 108

4.10 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 108


ESTABLISHED PLATINUM MINES GROUP X ........................................................... 109

5.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 109

5.1 Pillar Design ................................................................................................................ 109

5.1.1 Pillar Load Determination ..................................................................................... 109

5.2 Pillar Strength Determination................................................................................... 110

5.2.1 Inadequacy of the use of Hedley and Grant (1972)’s power formula ................ 110

5.2.2 Influence of w/h ratio on Pillar strength ................................................................ 111

5.3 Support Pillar Design ................................................................................................. 112

5.4 Mining Layout ............................................................................................................ 113

5.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 113

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................... 114

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 118

APPENDIX 1: TABLE FOR BIENIAWSKI (1989) RMR SYSTEM ............................. 129

................................................................................................................................................ 130

APPENDIX 3: BOREHOLE BO54A GEOTECHNICAL LOGS ................................... 136

APPENDIX 4: GEOTECHNICAL LOGS FOR BOREHOLE BO55A ......................... 142

Figure 1.1: Stratigraphy of the Ultramafic Sequence in the Darwendale Subchamber, together
with details of cyclic Unit 1 in the axial west marginal facies (Wilson and
Prendergast, 2002) .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 1.2: Location of the Great Dyke in the Zimbabwe Craton showing chambers and
subchambers (Wilson and Prendergast, 2002) ........................................................ 4
Figure 1.3: Great Dyke Platinum Complexes (Google Maps, 2010) ......................................... 5
Figure 1.4: The distribution of platinum resources along the Great Dyke (Holding, 2008)...... 6
Figure 1.5: Photographic views of the great dyke: (a) aerial, (b) from the ground and (c)
sectional view (Holding, 2008) ............................................................................... 7
Figure 1.6: Stratigraphy of the P1 Pyroxenite in the Wedza Subchamber showing the
transverse variations between the axis and the east margin the locations and
general form of the MSZ and LSZ (Wilson and Prendagast, 2002) ....................... 8
Figure 1.7: Section through the Great Dyke (Chironde Section), looking North: Norite,
Websterite, Pay Zone, and barren Enstatite are shown (Todal Mining Geology
Data Base, 2008) ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1.8: Simplified geological map of the Mimosa deposit in the Wedza Subchamber
(Prendergast, 1991) ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 1.9: Illustration of Bord and Pillar Mining Method (Van der Merwe, 2011 - As
modified by student) ............................................................................................. 13

Figure 2.1: Plan showing the geometry for tributary area analysis of pillars in uniaxial loading
(Brady and Brown, 1992)...................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.2: Vertical Section for the calculation of extraction ratio (Ryder and Jager, 2002) .. 20
Figure 2.3: Tributary area theory for square pillars (Hoek and Brown, 1980) ........................ 21
Figure 2.4: Relationship between pillar factor of safety and pillar performance as obtained
from Elliot Lake Quirke Mines (Hadley and Grant, 1972) ................................... 27
Figure 2.5: Pillar Stability graph for Hedley and Grant (1972) ............................................... 28
Figure 2.6: Pillar stability graph for Potvin et al (1989) .......................................................... 29
Figure 2.7: Pillar stability graph for Von Kimmelman et al (1984) ........................................ 30
Figure 2.8: Pillar stability graph for Sjoberg (1992b).............................................................. 31
Figure 2.9: Pillar stability graph for Krauland and Soder (1987) ............................................ 32
Figure 2.10: Pillar Stability Graph developed using average pillar confinement ((Lunder and
Pakalnis, 1997) ...................................................................................................... 33

Figure 2.11: Pillar Stability Graph developed using pillar width-to-height ratio (Lunder and
Pakalnis, 1997) ...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 2.12: Typical stress-strain behaviour of hard rock pillars of different width-to-height
ratios. Typical operating points are shown for NY (non-yield and barrier), C
(crush), and Y (yield) pillars (Ozbay et al, 1995) ................................................. 38
Figure 2.13: Typical pillar-mining systems at different depths, B = barrier pillar (Ozbay et al,
1995) ..................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3.1: Pillar shapes used in mining .................................................................................. 48

Figure 3.2: Relationship between pillar strength and pillar size for iron ore rock (Jahns, 1966)
............................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 3.3: Maximum stress versus specimen length-Cedar City quartz diorite (Pratt et al,
1972) ..................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3.4: Relationship between pillar strength and pillar size for norite rock (Bieniawski,
1968b) ................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3.5: State of virgin stress as obtained from underground measurements (Wesseloo and
Stacey, 2006) ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 3.6: Effects of scaling, buckling and spalling on pillars (Pritchard and Hedley, 1993) 55
Figure 3.7: Illustration of the damaging effects of subsidence (Van der Merwe, 2010) ......... 57
Figure 3.8: Plot of the equation to define depth of stress induced failure (Kaiser et al, 1996) 59
Figure 3.9 Rockburst potential in pillars, data from Mah et al (1995) (Martin et al, 1998) .... 60
Figure 3.10: Stress strain curve for a typical pillar (Ryder and Jager, 2002) .......................... 61
Figure 3.11: Relationship between Probability of failure and Factor of Safety (Brady and
Brown, 2005) ........................................................................................................ 61
Figure 3.12: Graphical representation of the Mohr Coulomb Failure Criteria: Shear Stress
against Normal Stress space .................................................................................. 63
Figure 3.13: Graphical representation of the Mohr Coulomb Failure Criteria: Major Principal
Stress against Minor Principal Stress space .......................................................... 64
Figure 3.14: Determination of Mohr-Coulomb Parameters (Stacey, 2010) ............................ 65
Figure 3.15: Roughness profiles and corresponding JRC values (Barton and Choubey, 1977)
............................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 3.16: Schmidt Hammer Test JCS estimation chart showing Correlation between
Schmidt hammer rebound number, hammer orientation, UCS and Rock density
(Deere and Miller, 1966) ....................................................................................... 72

Figure 4.1: Exploration boreholes (Todal Mining Geotechnical data base, 2009) .................. 77
Figure 4.2: Downhole Survey Plan and Section of Borehole BO53A (Todal Mining
Geotechnical Data Base, 2009). ............................................................................ 78
Figure 4.3: Logging process adopted at the Exploration Site (SRK Logging Manual, 2006) . 81
Figure 4.4: Illustration of how Beta (β) and Alpha (α) angles were determined in the project
(SRK Logging Manual, 2006) .............................................................................. 88
Figure 4.5: Section through pillar line ................................................................................... 104
Figure 4.6: Section between pillar lines ................................................................................. 105

Figure 5.1: Variation of pillar stress with depth at Platinum Mines Group X ....................... 109
Figure 5.2: Example of a pillar burst under the current pillar design practice at Platinum
Mines Group X.................................................................................................... 111
Figure 5.3: Variation of pillar strength with w/h ratio at Platinum Mines Group X ............. 111
Figure 5.4: Mining Layout at Platinum Mines Group X ....................................................... 113

Table 4.1: Downhole survey results for borehole BO53A ...................................................... 79
Table 4.2: Quick Log per run for borehole BO53A................................................................. 83
Table 4.3: Major structures log for borehole BO53A .............................................................. 84
Table 4.4: Major structures log for borehole BO53A (Continuation) ..................................... 85
Table 4.5: Detailed Geotechnical Log for borehole BO53A ................................................... 86
Table 4.6: Results of Uniaxial Compressive Strength Tests.................................................... 90
Table 4.7: Results of Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests ..................................................... 91
Table 4.8: Results of rock specific gravity measurements ...................................................... 92
Table 4.9: RMR classification table (Bieniawski, 1989) ......................................................... 93
Table 4.10: Q System classification (Barton et al, 1974) ........................................................ 93
Table 4.11: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – MRMR (Laubscher, 1990) .... 95
Table 4.12: Laboratory Rock Tests Results and RockLab Results Summary ......................... 96
Table 4.13: Variation of square pillar width with depth at a constant SF of 1.6 ..................... 98
Table 4.14: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – Q System (Barton) ................. 99
Table 4.15: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – RMR (Bieniawski) .............. 100
Table 4.16: Bokai Decline Zones Rock Mass Classification – Q System (Barton) .............. 101
Table 4.17: Bokai Decline Zones Rock Mass Classification – RMR (Bieniawski) .............. 102
Table 4.18: Pillar Design Results for the different pillar design formulae ............................ 107

Table A.1: Rock Mass Rating System (Bieniawski, 1989) ................................................... 129
Table A.2: Downhole survey results for borehole BO54A.................................................... 137
Table A.3: Quick log per run for borehole BO54A ............................................................... 138
Table A.4: Major structures log for borehole BO54 .............................................................. 139
Table A.5: Major structures log for borehole BO54 (Continuation) ..................................... 140
Table A.6: Detailed geotechnical log for borehole BO54A .................................................. 141
Table A.7: Downhole survey results for borehole BO55A.................................................... 143
Table A.8: Quick log per run for borehole BO55A ............................................................... 144
Table A.9: Major structures log for borehole BO55A ........................................................... 145
Table A.10: Major structures log for borehole BO55A (Continuation) ................................ 146
Table A.11: Detailed geotechnical log for borehole BO55A ................................................ 147

ATC Automatic Temperature Control

BON Base of Norite

CJ Closed Cemented Joint

CR Core Recovery

DRMS Design Rock Mass Strength

FD Fluoride

FLAC Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua

GDP Gross Domestic Product

IRS Intact Rock Strength

ISRM International Society for Rock Mechanics

LSZ Lower Sulphide Zone

MH Marker Horizon

MSZ Main Sulphide Zone

MTPL Multiple

OCJ Open Cemented Joint

PGE Platinum Group Elements

PGM Platinum Group Metals

PSR Possibly Structure Related

RIR Rest Intact Rock

SF Safety Factor

SP Serpentine

SRK Stephen, Robertson and Kirsten

UCS Uniaxial Compressive Strength

UDEC Universal Distinct Element Code

USA United States of America

w/h Width to Height Ratio

WIR Wholly Intact Rock

Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa)
Maximum Normal Stress (MPa)
ρ Material Density (kg/m3)
σ1 Major Principal Stress (MPa)
σ2 Intermediate Principal Stress (MPa)
σ3 Minor Principal Stress (MPa)


1.0 Introduction.
This chapter gives brief background information necessary to comprehend the research
project in question. As an introductory note the author discusses the Room and Pillar Mining
method together with geology and geotechnical background of platinum mining on
Zimbabwe‟s Great Dyke. The Zimbabwean Great Dyke is used for illustration purposes only
since the discussion for this research may also hold for most low reef platinum mines with
geotechnical and geological setting similar to the Great Dyke. Also addressed here are the
definition of the research problem, justification of the research project and the objectives and
aims of the research project. The author also gives an outline of the methodology adopted in
finding a lasting solution to the research question. Content of research report is also presented
in this chapter.

1.2 Background of Pillar design

As revealed by Ozbay et al (1995), pillars have been used as means of support since the early
days of mining. Pillar supported mining methods such as the bord and pillar mining method
requires a reliable design system for them to be successful. Several decades have passed now
but not much has been attained in the field of pillar design research for hard rock mines. The
theory on pillar design endeavours to bring up stable pillar designs however the deficiencies
in them has resulted in several pillars designed this way collapsing as highlighted later on in
this report. For low reef platinum mining, large tensile stresses accompanied by geological
and geotechnical factors contribute to instability of pillar designs. Such experiences require a
well formulated pillar design system which accounts for such factors so as to minimise pillar
failure occurrences. Jager and Ryder (1999) mention that one of the fundamental tasks in the
analysis and design of mine pillars is to determine an adequate pillar size for a given mining
site where geological setting, ore materials and mining method have been explored. It is quite
critical to have an optimum pillar size. Larger pillars mean that more ore has been left
unmined signifying wastage and unsustainable exploitation of resources. On the other hand
leaving smaller pillars is courting disaster since the pillars will be unable to offer the
necessary support resulting in the collapse of the mine or sections thereof.

A pillar layout design system has to consider the hanging-wall, the pillar material and the
floor as all these three work together for the success of the system. Ozbay et al (1995)
describe the hangingwall in shallow hard-rock mining situations as a rockmass containing

well-defined discontinuities and subjected to deadweight tension. These factors have to be
considered in this component of the system. They mention that when the hangingwall is
unsupported, it becomes susceptible to backbreaks if critical spans are exceeded. Ozbay et al
(1995) point out that at shallow depth the whole hanging wall overburden can be involved in
a collapse extending to the surface so a support system which is robust, stiff and able to react
quickly to any sign of convergence is required.

1.3 Geology and geotechnical background of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe

This project covers low reef platinum mining pillar design practices on the Great dyke of
Zimbabwe for both exploration and established mines. The student uses several literature and
some practical encounters of platinum mining on the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe as bases of
discussion. Below is a brief account of platinum mining geology and geotechnical
background of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe.

1.3.1 Geotechnical and geology aspects of the Great Dyke Ore Body
Great dyke is characterised with a dish shaped depression stratigraphically referred to as an
open syncline. A type of rock known as gabbronorite makes an erosion resistant cap on the
great dyke and constitutes the hills seen along the great dyke. Much knowledge about the
great dyke is attributed to the work of Wilson and Prendergast (1987 – 2010). They studied
the great dyke geology over several years and are considered to be the Great dyke geology

Wilson and Prendagast (2002) defines the Great Dyke as a narrow, elongate, mafic-ultramafic
intrusion with rock-types and layered structure broadly similar to other major PGE-rich
layered intrusions such as the Bushveld and Stillwater Complexes in South Africa and the
USA respectively. The great dyke is generally known to be 550 km long and up to 11 km
wide. Prendergast (2009) points out that the Great Dyke was emplaced into typical Archaean
granite-greenstone terrain of the Zimbabwe Craton at around 2.58 Ga and now cuts across
Zimbabwe from north to south. He mentions that the great dyke originally comprised a lower
longitudinal series of partly separate, dyke-like bodies and an upper continuous and laterally-
extensive lopolith which is now eroded away except above the lower dykes. Wilson and
Prendergast (2002) bring to light that on a stratigraphical view, the Great Dyke is made up of
a well-layered, lower Ultramafic Sequence of serpentinites, pyroxenites and minor
chromitites, defining a series of macrocyclic units, and an upper Mafic Sequence of norite,
gabbro and magnetite gabbro. This stratigraphical sequence is as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Stratigraphy of the Ultramafic Sequence in the Darwendale Subchamber,
together with details of cyclic Unit 1 in the axial west marginal facies (Wilson and
Prendergast, 2002)

Wilson and Prendergast (2002) point out that structurally, the various rock-types form parallel
layers with an overall, doubly-synclinal, boat-like structure defined by both longitudinal and

transverse inward dips. They say that it is on this basis, and because of the style and
continuity of ultramafic layering and the structural disposition of the upper mafic erosion
remnants, the Great Dyke is subdivided into five principal subchambers, named from north to
south the Musengezi, Darwendale, Sebakwe, Selukwe and Wedza Subchambers. Figure 1.2
presents a detailed layout of these five principal subchambers on the Great Dyke.

Figure 1.2: Location of the Great Dyke in the Zimbabwe Craton showing chambers and
subchambers (Wilson and Prendergast, 2002)

The pointed platinum deposits make part of this research. A quick look at Figure 1.2 shows
that the subchambers Wedza, Selukwe, and Sebakwe in the southern chamber are narrower
than the subchambers Darwendale and Musengezi in the northern chamber. This shows that
more platinum resources are hosted in the Northern Chamber compared to the Southern
Chamber. Figure 1.3 gives a simplified version of the layout showing the complexes of
economic importance within each chamber. The complexes named from north to south are:
Musengezi, Hartley, Selukwe and Wedza Complexes. Platinum resources on the great dyke
can last generations and generations hence the need to have a reliable pillar design system in
the exploitation of these resources.

Figure 1.3: Great Dyke Platinum Complexes (Google Maps, 2010)

The distribution of platinum resources in million tonnes along the great dyke is as shown in
Figure 1.4 while Figure 1.5 gives the photographic views of the great dyke.

Figure 1.4: The distribution of platinum resources along the Great Dyke (Holding, 2008)


Figure 1.5: Photographic views of the great dyke: (a) aerial, (b) from the ground and (c)
sectional view (Holding, 2008)

A high concentration of PGE and sulphide is found in the MSZ distributed vertically. It is this
zone which is mined so more information of its structural and geotechnical stability is
necessary in the preparation of pillar design systems. Wilson and Prendergast (2002) define
the MSZ as a stratabound zone of disseminated sulphide mineralisation located at or just
beneath the contact between the thin upper websterite and the thick lower bronzitite which
make up the Pyroxenite No 1 Layer. They reveal that geotechnically the MSZ is kept in the
same stratigraphic position beneath the upper mafic remnant in each of the five subchambers
and it is essentially continuous within each remnant.

Figure 1.6: Stratigraphy of the P1 Pyroxenite in the Wedza Subchamber showing the
transverse variations between the axis and the east margin the locations and general
form of the MSZ and LSZ (Wilson and Prendagast, 2002)

The stratigraphy of the Pyroxenite No 1 layer is as given in Figure 1.6. Wilson and
Prendergast (2002) indicate that in the narrow subchambers and towards the margins of the
wider subchambers the MSZ is 2-3 m thick (and high grade) but up to 20 m thick (and low
grade) in the axis of the wider subchambers. The other PGE-bearing zone which is of less
economic interest is the LSZ. From their study, Wilson and Prendagast discovered that the
LSZ occurs up to 10-60 m beneath the MSZ in all the five subchambers. They say that the
LSZ is generally much thicker than the MSZ but contains significantly less sulphide and PGE
per vertical metre.

1.3.2 Local geology and geotechnical aspects of platinum mines in Zimbabwe

The depth of great dyke orebody is relatively shallow and does not go beyond 500 m. This
gives the platinum mines located on it a geotechnical challenge of large tensile zones
extending to the surface. The tensile zones weaken the hangingwall such that the whole
column of rock above the hanging wall is subject to collapse so pillar support has to be
competent enough to handle this. On a geological note, Prendagast (2009) mentions that the
relatively narrow Selukwe and Wedza subchambers are geologically more similar to each
other and likewise the subchambers in the Northen chamber share a similar geological setting.
He points out that the Selukwe Subchamber, which hosts the Bokai-Kironde Platinum Project
as well as Unki mine, is 96 km long and up to 7 km wide and merges southwards with the
Wedza Subchamber which hosts the Mimosa mine. A section through the great dyke at the
Chironde claims for Bokai Platinum Project is shown in Figure 1.7 while a simplified
geological map for Mimosa mine is presented in Figure 1.8.

Figure 1.7: Section through the Great Dyke (Chironde Section), looking North: Norite, Websterite, Pay Zone, and barren Enstatite are
shown (Todal Mining Geology Data Base, 2008)

Figure 1.8: Simplified geological map of the Mimosa deposit in the Wedza Subchamber
(Prendergast, 1991)

1.4 Bord and Pillar Mining Method in platinum mining

Bord and pillar mining involves the exploitation of mineral resources by making excavations
in the ground separated by insitu rock. Except where geotechnical discontinuities like faults
do not permit, bord and pillar mines are normally developed on a regular grid base. The
existence of geotechnical and geological challenges calls for the modification of the mine
layout to avoid pillar failure due to these obvious circumstances. The online Free
Encyclopedia (2010) defines the bord and pillar mining method (also called room and pillar
mining method) as a mining system in which the mined material is extracted across a
horizontal plane while leaving "pillars" of untouched material to support the overburden
leaving open areas or "rooms" underground. This encyclopaedia mentions that this method is
usually used for relatively flat-lying, horizontal or flat dip deposits (where the country rock
and ore are both competent) with inclination not exceeding 15º such as those that follow a

particular stratum. Young (1915) says that room and pillar mining is one of the oldest mining
methods. He reveals that no orderly pillar design systems were available in the early days so
early room and pillar mines were developed more or less at random, with pillar sizes
determined empirically and headings driven in whatever direction was convenient. This
approach results in pillar failures as others will be definitely under sized while others are
oversized. There is normally a tendency of domino collapse of pillars where the failure of one
pillar cascades into a chain reaction failure of pillars. In the present day bord and pillar
mining the mine is divided into panels and these panel sections are separated by large pillars
called barrier pillars which prevent the collapse in one section to spread to other sections.
This way the mine is saved from progressive pillar collapse. However if these same barrier
pillars are badly designed then they fail to arrest the chain reaction of pillar failure leaving the
whole mine or greater part of it to collapse.

Hustrulid and Bullock (2001) also mention the fact that the selection of optimum pillar size is
the road to successful bord and pillar mining. They also realise that if pillars are too large a
significant quantity of valuable mineral resource is left behind reducing the profitability of the
mine and on the other hand too small pillars are the architects of disaster in terms of pillar
failure. To achieve a truly optimum pillar size there is need to have an accurate account of the
pillar load and pillar strength. Several factors as discussed in this report have to be considered
in determining accurate values of these parameters. Hustrulid and Bullock (2001) put forward
that the load bearing capacity of the material above and below the material being mined and
the capacity of the mined material itself determine the pillar size. An illustration of bord and
pillar mining method is presented in Figure 1.9. In Figure 1.9, C is the pillar centre distance,
w is the pillar width and B is bord (room) width.

Figure 1.9: Illustration of Bord and Pillar Mining Method (Van der Merwe, 2011 - As
modified by student)

1.5 Problem Definition

Evaluation of pillar design systems for low reef platinum mining is crucial if we are to know
the inadequacies of the current practice. The determination of the knowledge gap in these
systems helps in deciding further work to be done to enhance pillar design accuracy. While it
is appreciated that not much empirical research on pillar design for hard rock tabular mine has
been done because of rare occurrence of pillar failures, it must be realised that once such
failure happens it has far reaching consequences. As such it is imperative to reflect on the
work done to date with a view to suggest on further work to be done to improve pillar design
accuracy in platinum mines. Successful pillar design revolves around high degree of

accuracy in the determination of pillar load and pillar strength, hence the main focus is on
these in this research report.

1.6 Justification of the Research Project

The project had to be done because of the following:
The need to identify challenges of the current pillar design systems for platinum
mining and make necessary improvements thereof.
To reduce rock support challenges such as heaving and side scaling due to unsound
pillar design.
When pillars collapse, expensive mining machinery and precious human life may be
lost in mining sections resulting in gross loss. Coupled to this are the disastrous
consequences of subsidence due to underground failure of pillars. Furthermore there
are several economic challenges (direct or indirect) which emerge from non-
performance of pillars.
Premature failure of pillars leads to loss of mining sections which may contain high
grade ores, hence the need of a competent support system which gives enough time
for ore extraction.

1.7 Aims of the Project

The Research Project aims at achieving the following:
To put forward all possible parameters to be considered in the development of a sound
pillar design system so as to reduce uncertainty in the determination of pillar load and
pillar strength.
To increase safety margins in platinum mining so as to prevent equipment and human
entrapment and also avoid the serious effects of subsidence.
To enable the generation of more returns from platinum mining through exploitation
of platinum from those sections that contain high grade platinum but experience pillar
failure due to uncertainty in pillar design.

1.8 Objectives of the Project

The following are the objectives set to achieve the project aims.
Utilisation of the student‟s current knowledge and practical exposure in platinum
exploration and platinum mining as an aid to increased accuracy in pillar design.
To integrate the current pillar design systems to come up with the most appropriate
and reliable way of developing pillar design systems.

Utilisation of Rock Mechanics theory to estimate the optimum excavation dimensions
and get the optimum pillar design.
To classify the relevant rock mass quality of the different stress zones in a project area
To use rock mass rating to estimate the appropriate pillar design.

1.9 Methodology.
In a bid to come up with an effective and dependable pillar design system methodology for
low reef platinum mining to address the aforementioned problems and attain the objectives
and aims of the research project the author undertook the following:
Utilised his current knowledge and practical exposure from a platinum exploration
company and established platinum mines to formulate the appropriate pillar design
system methodology.
Carried out extensive literature survey on pillar design systems currently being used
for low reef platinum mining and fish out their drawbacks and weak points and then
suggested workable refinements which can bring a high degree of certainty.
Analysed pillar failure patterns against pillar design system used to design them for an
established mine so as to identify weak points.
A geotechnical survey on pillar support layout standards of platinum mine was done
to find out if pillar failure is attributable to failure to follow standards or other factors.
Made use of rock strength tests results on drill core from a large scale platinum
exploration project to design bord and pillar layout options using different methods
used in practice and assessed them. Rock strength data from a developed platinum
mine was also used for illustrative purpose.
Established the scope of work to be undertaken during the exploration stage of
platinum mine so as to give dependable bases for accurate pillar design.

1.10 Content of the Research Report

A review of the literature relevant to this research is presented in the next chapter. The review
gives an insight into pillar load and pillar strength determination which are the inputs in
determining safety factor. Pillar design theory, pillar types and their current design practises
are some of the issues discussed by the author in Chapter 2. Covered also are pillar load,
pillar strength and pillar foundation strength determination methods. Chapter 3 evaluates the
pillar design systems presented in Chapter 2 and suggest further areas of improvement. The
areas of special attention encompass pillar load and pillar strength determination methods,

which are important in safety factor determination. Geotechnical work undertaken by the
author at a large scale platinum exploration project is discussed in Chapter 4. The work gives
an insight into areas of particular attention in site geotechnical investigation if we are to come
up with reasonably reliable pillar design parameters. Amongst the Geotechnical work
discussed in Chapter 4 are oriented coal drilling, logging practice, core sampling procedure,
laboratory tests and rock mass classifications. Pillar design results for the large scale platinum
exploration project using different pillar design formulae presented in Chapter 2 are also
discussed in Chapter 4. Pillar design systems as practiced at Platinum Mines Group X as well
as a highlight of the inadequacy of these design systems, as currently practiced, are provided
in Chapter 5. Conclusions and recommendations of this research are given in chapter 6.
Bieniawski (1989) Rock Mass Rating System Table is shown in appendix 1. Appendix 2
gives core photographs of geotechnical boreholes BO53A, BO54A and BO55A selected for
presentation in this research report. Geotechnical logs and downhole survey results for
boreholes BO54A and BO55A are as given in appendices 3 and 4 respectively.


2.0 Introduction
Since the research endeavours to enhance safety factor accuracy in pillar design through the
evaluation of pillar design systems the author saw it critical to look into the following
literature. This gives an insight into pillar load and pillar strength determination which are the
inputs in determining safety factor. Pillar design theory, pillar types and their current design
practises are some of the issues discussed by the author in this chapter. Covered also are pillar
load, pillar strength and pillar foundation strength determination methods.

2.1 Pillar Design Theory

While much research has been done on pillar designs for the coal industry following the
South African CoalBrook disaster of 1960, little has been done on pillar design for hard
brittle rock which includes low reef platinum mining. Up to now no comprehensive pillar
design layout for the bord and pillar mining method used in platinum mining has been
developed. While pillars seem to be competent at current depth pillar failures with disastrous
consequences can be witnessed as depth increases. Martin and Maybee (2000) reveal that
mining operations start to encounter rock pillar failure problems as the mining depth
increases. However, before a detailed evaluation of the present practice can be given, the
current level of literature is presented in this chapter.

Different pillars are used in low reef platinum mining depending on the function the pillar is
to serve. In hard rock tabular mining in general a great combination of pillar types is utilised.
Spencer (2010) gives these types as Shaft Pillars, Bracket Pillars, Boundary Pillars, Water
Barrier Pillars, Barrier Pillars, Crown Pillars, Sill Pillars, and Sequential Grid Mining -
Scattered Mining with Dip Pillars, Non Yield Pillars, Yield Pillars and Crush Pillars. Salamon
(1983) classified these pillars into three main classes which are: support pillars, protective
pillars and control pillars. He explains that support pillars are a system of pillars usually laid
out systematically to offer support to the undermined hangingwall. According to this
classification protective pillars protect surface structures, underground mining excavations or
separate one mine from its neighbour while control pillars are those laid out systematically
and cut in deep level mines to curb rock bursts by reducing energy release rates.

Of all the mentioned pillars the ones normally used in low reef platinum mining are non-yield
pillars, yield pillars, barrier pillars and crush pillars. As such this literature concentrated on
these four.

The insitu rock supporting the roof, which is left between openings during mining is referred
to as the pillar. Coates (1981) simply defines a pillar as insitu rock between two or more
underground openings. Sjoberg (1992a) mentions that it is more practical in mining to define
a pillar as portion of rock left only to carry load or reduce deformations in order to maintain
stability in the mine. While all efforts are undertaken to cut pillars in less ore bearing zones
there is always a need to strike a balance between ore left behind and mining operation

The current pillar design systems are based on empirical determinations of pillar design
parameters. This approach relies entirely on the failure of pillars for an empirical pillar design
curve to be calibrated. The approach cannot be used for mines outside the empirical range the
pillar design is meant for. More of the evaluations are as presented in chapter 3. Several
formulas are currently in use to determine pillar strength. For the calculation of load the
Tributary Area Theory (TAT) which applies to regular mining layouts is used. Coates
(1981)‟s method is also used to determine pillar load for large rectangular pillars like regional
pillars. Parameters currently accounted for in the design of low reef platinum mining pillars
are strength, load, w/h ratio and pillar foundation bearing capacity. Normally w/h ratio is
generally used as a first indication of pillar strength. Martin and Maybee (2000) compared
extensive data collected from back analysis and concluded that most pillars fail at a w/h ratio
of less than 1.5 while there is substantial increase in pillar strength at a w/h ratio of more than
2. Stacey and Page (1986) mention that foundation failure rather than pillar failure can be
expected at a w/h ratio of more than 7 provided pillar and foundation material are the same.
At width to height ratio of more than 10, pillars are generally considered to be indestructible.
Numerical modelling tools are also being utilised to aid pillar design.

2.2 Theory on Pillar Load Determination

2.2.1Tributary Area Theory Method

Pillar stresses are normally calculated using the Tributary Area Theory (TAT), which
accounts for the full cover load (Ozbay et al, 1995). Ozbay et al (1995) explain that the theory
is used in regular mining layouts of large lateral extents, several times greater than the mining
depth and assumes that each pillar in the layout supports an equal amount of load to the
surface. This allocates full cover load to each pillar in the layout. Also note that same size
pillars must be used in the regular mining layout for the TAT to be applicable. The TAT is
commended by Ozbay et al (1995) as it appears to be operationally convenient, leading to

fixed pillar-design dimensions for any given seam material and depth. Roberts et al (2002)
consider the TAT to imply the assumption that a pillar carries the full load of the overburden
above the pillar itself and half of the surrounding roadway.

The Average pillar Strength can be expressed as a function of extraction ratio as follows:

APS is the Average Pillar Stress
σv is the vertical component of the virgin stress, MPa
e is the areal extraction ratio
ρ is rock density, kg/m3
g is gravitational acceleration, m/s2
h is depth below ground surface, m

Brady and Brown (1992) give a simple diagram to explain the calculation of e (a = b for
square pillars and a ≠ b for rectangular pillars) as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Plan showing the geometry for tributary area analysis of pillars in uniaxial
loading (Brady and Brown, 1992)

Brady and Brown (1992) gave a formula for calculating extraction ratio using the shown
dimensions as follows:

Looking at the diagram it can be noticed that the formula can then be stated as
e = [Pillar base area / (Pillar base area + Pillar tributary area)]

Ryder and Jager (2002) also suggested the cross sectional view given in Figure 2.2 for the
calculation of extraction ratio.

Figure 2.2: Vertical Section for the calculation of extraction ratio (Ryder and Jager,

Hoek and Brown (1980) came out with the tributary area theory for calculating stress for
square pillars. The formula was driven using the diagram in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Tributary area theory for square pillars (Hoek and Brown, 1980)

From this layout they deduced the formula for calculating average pillar stress as:

APS is the Average Pillar Stress,
σv is the vertical component of the virgin stress, MPa
is the excavation width
is the pillar width

2.2.2 Coates Method

Coates (1981) brought up his formula for load calculation after realising that while the
Tributary Area Theory can be utilised, it is insufficient since it does not consider geometrical
and rock properties in its formulation. He went on to consider these parameters in the

formulation of his formula. Coates (1981) admitted that his formula is only applicable in the
centre of the mining area with undisturbed long rib pillar and in situations where mine span
does not exceed half of depth. The formula built up by Coates (1981) which is applicable for
calculating pillar load in deep and long mining zones is as detailed below:

, , , , , ,

APS is Average Pillar Stress
σv is vertical component of the virgin stress, MPa
e is the areal extraction ratio
H is height of stope, m
σh is the horizontal component of the virgin stress, MPa
k is the general expression for k-ratio
w k-ratio for abutments
wp k-ratio for pillars
n is a simplifying expression relating Poisson ratio and Young Modulus
b is pillar width to extraction span width ratio
hs is height of stope to extraction span width ratio
υ is Poisson‟s ratio for abutments
υp is Poisson‟s ratio for pillars
E is Young‟s Modulus for abutments
Ep is Young‟s Modulus for pillars
Bo is room width, m
Bp is pillar width, m
L is width of extraction span, m

It is evident from the formulation of both TAT and Coates Methods that they do not consider
both overburden stiffness and seam stiffness. These play a pivotal role in determining pillar
load as discussed in section 3.1.2 of this research report.

Note: Coates‟ method reduces to the usual TAT when L → infinity as shown in the
calculation below:
When L → infinity, b = 0 and hs = 0 such that

Coates (1981) mentions that his formula considers geometrical (layout) and rock
characteristics given below:
the span of the mining zone with respect to its depth (L),
height of the pillars (H),
pillar locations within the mining zone,
horizontal stress (σv) and
modulus of deformation of the pillar and wall rock materials (Ep and E respectively). Comment on Coates Method

While the rock properties are expected to be the same for the pillar and the abutments since
they are of the same material, Coates (1981) differentiated them in cognisance of practical
conditions. Abutments have sharp edges on which there is stress concentration as compared
to the pillars. This difference in stresses acting on pillars and abutments brings about the
difference in the elastic modulus and Poisson ratio for the two.

2.2.3 Numerical Modelling

This is a modern tool which has been relied on for simulating rock behaviour of late.
Different types of packages can be used to model pillar loading system environments to give
a picture of the load on pillars. The modelling package to be used depends on the type of
problem at hand. Some of the softwares available for numerical modelling are Examine2D,
Lamodel, Phase2, FLAC, UDEC and MAP3D. Each package has its own limitations and
assumptions which the user needs to be aware of. As an example, Hoek et al (1997) point out

that two dimensional models like Examine2D assume that pillars are actually rib and their out
of plane length is significantly longer than their width. Each of the softwares either uses the
Distinct Element, Finite Difference, or Boundary Element solutions or uses a combination.
These solution codes enable 3D stress-strain analysis packages to compute stresses, strains
and displacements around three dimensional excavations in tabular orebodies. As an example,
Besol Manual (1997) informs that some boundary element based modelling packages use a
special form of boundary element code called displacement discontinuity modelling to
replace excavation geometry by thin slits of irregular shape modelling the rock mass as a
homogeneous isotropic, linear elastic body. However the use of numerical modelling to
simulate rock behaviour requires knowledge and expertise from the user. It is of vital
importance to emphasise that the user needs to know the limitations and assumptions of each
package if they are to get a meaningful interpretation of the model results.

2.3 Theory on Pillar Strength Determination

There are vast issues that the current formulae used to determine hard rock pillar strength do
not address. Most of the strength formulae developed for hard rock pillars have an empirical
base. They were proposed after studies from different mines using failed pillar information in
the data base of those mines. The formulae take the power form or linear form but have a
common aspect of considering the w/h ratio of the pillars under study. The forms of the pillar
strength formulae are as given in equations 6 and 7.




is the strength of a pillar with width w and height h.

K is the adjusted or non-adjusted strength of a unit cube of pillar rock determined statistically
or through the use of laboratory test results.

α, β, A and B are constants.

There are several representative coal pillar strength formulae from which the currently used
hard rock pillar strength formulae were inspired. These are:

Holland and Gaddy (1956)

Holland (1964)

Salamon and Munro (1967)

Bunschinger (1876)

Bunting (1911)

Bieniawski (1968a)

Cited in Du et al (2008)

While there are a lot of factors to consider in calculating pillar strength, rock mass strength
of pillar material, the shape and size of the pillar are the three factors which Stacey and Page
(1986) put forward as the three factors on which pillar strength depend. They mention that
width and height, and gross structural features such as clay bands, faults, and joints are the
parameters that define pillar shape and size. These formulae at times overestimate pillar
strength even when used to determine pillar strength in fields within their empirical limits,
resulting in pillar failure. This is an indication of some inadequacies. However Martin and
Maybee (2000) propose that these formulae developed empirically should not be used for w/h
ratios of more than 2. What they basically mean is that the formulae should not be used for
barrier pillars.

Barrier pillars are considered to be indestructible as their width to height ratio is normally
above 10. Stacey and Page (1986) point out that pillar confinement increases with increasing
w/h ratio such that at w/h ratios above 5 pillar strength increases rapidly as a result of the
confinement in the core of the pillar.

2.3.1 Salamon and Munro (1967)

Some of the formulae used to calculate pillar strength are derived through the adjustment of
Salamon and Munro (1967)‟s formula. According to Salamon (1999), this formula was
developed by Salamon and Munro (1967) after the collapse of the CoalBrook North Colliery
in 1960. They studied 125 pillars in the South African coalfields and came up with the
following formula for calculating coal pillar strength:

σs = the strength of a coal pillar
K = statistically determined (through back analysis) strength of a unit cube of coal
w = the pillar width
α, β = empirical constants
h = the height of a pillar

Note: Equations 6-14 are only valid for square pillars. For rectangular pillars an effective
width we, has to be used in place of w. We is calculated as suggested by Wagner (1980) as:

A = Pillar plan area
C = Pillar plan circumference
The data base they used gave them the values 0.46 and -0.66 for the empirical constants α and
β respectively.

2.3.2 Hedley and Grant (1972)

The authors used the approach adopted by Salamon and Munro (1967) and the formula they
came up with is the one widely used by hard rock mines to design pillars. Their data base
consisted of pillar failure statistics for Eliot Lake Uranium Mines in Canada which are hard
rock mines. Ozbay et al (1995) mention that the orebody is stratified conglomerates, and
hanging and footwalls consist of layered quartzite, argillite, and limestone formations. In their
data base, 28 pillars covering depth range from 150 to 1 040 meters were used. Of these
pillars, three were considered to be crushed or totally failed while two were taken to have
failed partially. The remaining 23 pillars were considered stable. This data base yielded the
values 0.5 and 0.75 for the empirical constants α and β respectively. In deducing these
exponents a narrow range of w/h ratio of 0.7 to 1.5 was considered. They statistically
determined the strength of a unit cube of hard rock to be 133 MPa. Kersten (1984) mentioned
that the work by Hedley and Grant (1972) gained much publicity after being popularized by
Wagner and Salamon (1979). Hedley and Grant (1972)‟s equation is as follows:

Although their equation was initially meant for square pillars Hedley and Grant (1972) later
felt that it could also be used for rectangular pillars in their field of study. The rectangular
pillars in the Eliot Lake Uranium Mines field were regarded as rib pillars since their length
were in the order of 10 times their width. Hedley and Grant (1972) mapped out the
relationship between pillar safety factor and pillar performance in their field of study and
came out with the graph shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Relationship between pillar factor of safety and pillar performance as
obtained from Elliot Lake Quirke Mines (Hadley and Grant, 1972) Pillar Stability graphs

These are graphs used to represent pillar data and pillar strength. They are used to give a
visualisation of the relationship between pillar stress and pillar width to height ratio. A
description of pillar stability graphs is given by Potvin et al (1989) as follows:
"The y-axis of the graph has been chosen to represent a relative index of pillar loading. It is
calculated as the ratio of average induced pillar load versus the compressive strength of the
intact rock. The x-axis of the chart takes into account pillar shape by plotting the ratio of the
pillar width to pillar height. This will account for the increased strength provided by the shape
and confinement of the pillar."

Note: On the pillar stability graphs pillars are classified as stable, unstable or failed
depending on the level of deterioration. Stable pillars are intact and can withstand the load for
which they were developed, unstable pillars are those that have undergone deterioration to the
extent that they can fail unpredictably although they can sustain load for some time and failed
pillars are those that have completely lost their ability to withstand load.

The pillar stability graph as determined from Hedley and Grant (1972)‟ equation is as shown
in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Pillar Stability graph for Hedley and Grant (1972)

2.3.3 Potvin et al (1989)

The authors came up with an empirical curve driven from a study of rib pillars in Canadian
open stope mines. Since the Hedley and Grant (1972) curve was developed based on the
response of smaller pillars, Potvin et al (1989) considers it to be conservative. They consider
their pillar strength curve to be less conservative as the response of larger pillars was also
incorporated in their data base. Potvin et al (1989) equation is as follows:

UCS is the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of the intact pillar rock.

The pillar stability graph for Potvin et al (1989) is as given in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6: Pillar stability graph for Potvin et al (1989)

2.3.4 Von Kimmelmann et al (1984)

Von Kimmelmann et al (1984)‟s empirical formula was determined after a study of Selebi
Phikwe mines in Botswana. The data base used consisted of 57 massive sulphide pillars of
which 47 were square pillars and 10 were long or rib pillars. This data base provided an
outstanding opportunity for the three to determine an empirical stability graph as shown in
Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7: Pillar stability graph for Von Kimmelman et al (1984)

The empirical formula developed by them is almost identical to that of Salamon and Munro
(1967) with the exception that they statistically determined the value of the strength of a unit
cube of rock to be 65 MPa. This value gave them an empirical pillar design curve having a
range of safety factor from 1.2 to 1.3. The formula developed by the three is as given below:

2.3.5 Sjoberg (1992b)

The formula used by Sjoberg (1992b) in his study of pillars at Zinkgruvan Mine in Sweeden
takes the form of that suggested by Obert and Duvall (1967) as follows:

is the strength of a pillar with a w/h ratio of 1.

The UCS for the rockmass in which Sjoberg (1992b) did his studies was 240MPa. His
database consisted of sill pillars. Plotting his results, Sjoberg (1992b) established that 74 MPa
was a value for σpl which fitted his data very well. The pillar stability graph developed by
Sjoberg (1992b) is as shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8: Pillar stability graph for Sjoberg (1992b)

2.3.6 Krauland and Soder (1987)

Krauland and Soder (1987) also used the formula suggested by Obert and Duvall (1967) as

Equation 19 is differentiated from equation 20 by the difference in σpl values. Ploting their
results, Krauland and Soder (1987) saw that a value of 35.4 MPa for σpl gave a curve of best
fit for their data. The UCS for the rockmass in which they did their studies was 100 MPa. The
pillar stability graph as determined by Krauland and Soder (1987) is as given in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9: Pillar stability graph for Krauland and Soder (1987)

2.3.7 Lunder and Pakalnis (1997)

Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) used a combination of databases from other authors who came
before them. The increased data in their data base brought a Greater Statistical Representation
of field observations. Some of the databases used include those from Hedley and Grant
(1972), Brady (1977), Von Kimmelman et al (1984), Krauland and Soder (1987), Hudyrna
(1988), Sjoberg (1992b) and Lunder (1994). Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) came up with a
formula to determine pillar strength which considers pillar confinement; as such they called it
the Confinement Formula and is given as follows:

K is rock mass strength size factor which Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) averaged at 44%
UCS is pillar material Unconfined Compressive Strength in MPa
Cl, C2 are empirical constants determined to be 0.68 and 0.52 respectively
Kappa is the mine pillar friction term

The formula for calculating kappa is given as:

Where: Cpav is average pillar confinement defined as the ratio of average minor stress to
average major principal stress at the mid height of the pillar. The formula for calculating
Cpav is as given below:

Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) also developed pillar stability graphs for designing pillars using
the average pillar stress divided by UCS as shown in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10: Pillar Stability Graph developed using average pillar confinement ((Lunder
and Pakalnis, 1997)

They also developed pillar stability graphs using w/h ratios of pillars as shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11: Pillar Stability Graph developed using pillar width-to-height ratio (Lunder
and Pakalnis, 1997)

2.3.8 Salamon (1982)’s extended formula

In 1982 Salamon extended the formula they had developed for coal pillars with Munro in
1967. This followed after they realised the growing capacity of pillars to carry more load with
increasing w/h ratio. The extended formula for calculating pillar strength is as given below:

(Defined according to Wagner (1980)‟s definition of squat-pillar width)

Ro is the critical width-to-height ratio (Ro = 5)

is the rate of strength increase (2.5)
a is 0,0667 (as determined by Madden, 1991)
b is 0,5933 (as determined by Madden, 1991)
V is pillar volume (w1*w2*h), m3
R is pillar effective width to height ratio
σs is pillar strength, MPa
is design rock mass strength, MPa
Weff is the effective width, m
h is height of pillar, m
A is pillar area, m2
C is pillar perimeter
This formula is known as the squat pillar formula. The validity of this formula was assessed
by Wagner and Madden (1984) when they tested sandstone samples in the laboratory. They
found that the squat pillar formula produced results in tandem with their laboratory results.
Since no pillar with w/h ratio more than 3.75 was known to have collapsed at the time when
this formula was established, the value of R was taken to be 5 by Salamon and Wagner
(1985). Madden et al (1998) reveal that although could be taken as 2.5 a realistic estimate
was difficult to determine for it. For hard rock mines the same formulae can be used in
designing barrier pillars provided that the w/h > 5 since this is the criterion for using the squat
pillar formula.

2.4 Determination of Foundation Strength

Too small pillars result in higher stresses while large pillars like barrier pillars impose much
force on their foundations, hence the need to strike a balance to achieve optimality. For the
latter case, if the foundation is weak then these pillars would punch into the foundations. It is
therefore necessary to know the foundation strength when designing pillars especially the
barrier pillars. Jager and Ryder (1999) refer to regional pillars as those pillars with a w/h ratio
greater than 10 or more and fail by punching the foundation on which they stand rather than
failing through crushing on their own right. They proposed a design criterion for barrier
pillars as given below:

Design APS ≤ fa x UCS of the weakest foundation strata

Either the UCS of the footwall or hanging wall material is used. It is the weakest value
amongst these two which is used with the design criterion. It can easily be noticed that this

approach is meant to build some conservatism in the criterion there by not overestimating the
design APS. The COMRO (1988) point out that fa is an empirical factor which is typically
taken as 2.5. As noticed by Jager and Ryder (1999), friction, dilation properties and presence
of weak layers are not accounted for by this criterion.

Terzaghi (1943) and Hansen (1970) developed formulae for calculating foundation strength
as outlined below.

2.4.1 Terzaghi (1943)’s Formula

Terzaghi (1943) developed his formula after observations on soil bearing capacity. Stacey
and Page (1986) mention that Terzaghi‟s formula is the most widely used formula for
determining the bearing capacity of foundations. They present the formula as outlined below:

qu is foundation strength, MPa
c is cohesion of foundation rock
Bp is foundation depth
is internal friction angle of foundation rock

Stacey and Page (1986) explain that q (MPa) is a parameter which is normally zero unless the
failure is likely to take place in a weak bed some distance below or above the floor or roof
contact while Nc, Nq and Nγ are bearing capacity factors which depend on the angle of friction
of the foundation material.

2.4.2 Hansen (1970)’s Formulae

The work of Hansen (1970) considered different shapes of pillars since shape is a parameter
that affects bearing capacity of foundations. The bearing capacity equations he proposed were
an extension of the earlier work of Meyerhof between 1951 and 1963. In the formulation of
his equations for determining pillar foundations bearing capacity Hansen (1970) considered
Terzaghi‟formula and made changes of his own. Bowles (2002) brings to light that Hansen
(1970)‟s equations allow any D/B (Depth of base/Width of base) so they can be used for both

shallow footings and deep bases. The equations developed by Hansen (1970) are as outlined

Rib Pillar
Rectangular Pillar
Square Pillar

Bp is pillar width
Lp is pillar length
γ is specific weight in MN/m3 and is allocated a positive sign for floor rock and negative
sign for roof rock
Sγ is a factor depending on the shape of the pillar
Sq is a factor depending on the shape of the pillar

2.4.3 Comment on Terzaghi (1943) and Hansen (1970)’s Formulae

Stacey and Page (1986) point out that Salamon (1982)‟s effective width can be used for pillar
width in Terzaghi‟s formula. Smith and Smith (1998) mention that the bearing capacity of a
foundation is calculated by dividing the foundation strength attained using Terzaghi (1943) or
Hansen (1970)‟s formulae by a safety factor. They say that the value of SF is usually not less
than 3 for relatively unimportant structures and for important structures it can go as high as 5.
Hedley (1976) states that regional pillars are important structures in a mine and therefore their
SF can be taken as 4.5.

2.5 Theory on different pillar types used in shallow platinum mining

The study done by Ozbay et al (1995) on pillar systems as practiced in shallow hard rock
tabular mines in South Africa showed that there are basically four types of pillars in use for
shallow mining practice. The types they identified are non-yield, crush, yield and barrier
pillars. Ozbay et al (1995) summarised the operational characteristics of these pillars as given
in Figure 2.12. The depths at which the different pillars can be used are as shown in Figure

Figure 2.12: Typical stress-strain behaviour of hard rock pillars of different width-to-
height ratios. Typical operating points are shown for NY (non-yield and barrier), C
(crush), and Y (yield) pillars (Ozbay et al, 1995)

Figure 2.13: Typical pillar-mining systems at different depths, B = barrier pillar (Ozbay
et al, 1995)

2.5.1 Non-yield pillars
Non-yield pillars can be defined as that system of rigid pillars that are designed in such a way
that they do not fail. These pillars protect surface structures from disastrous consequences of
mining subsidence due to underground mine workings. In the underground mining
environment itself these pillars ensure mining excavations are safe and open such that neither
equipment nor workers are entrapped. Ozbay et al (1995) define non-yield pillars as those
pillars which are intended to remain essentially intact and elastic during the life of the mine
and have stress/strain characteristics as indicated in Figure 2.12.

Ozbay et al (1995) pointed out that at very shallow depths, the tensile zone in the hangingwall
can extend up to surface, and under these conditions the design of pillars is similar to the
design of room and pillar systems in coal mining. They say the main consideration is to
ensure that the strength of pillars at all times exceeds, by a suitable factor of safety, the
maximum average pillar stress (APS) imposed by the coverload of superincumbent strata.
The width-to-height (w/h) ratios of these pillars are on occasions as low as 0.7 at very shallow
depths, but are usually in the range 2 to 5 and even higher (Ozbay et al, 1995). Current design practice for non-yield pillars

Non-yield pillars are designed in such a way that they do not have to fail during the life of the
mine. The strength of the pillar is such that it exceeds the load it carries by a certain
percentage, usually at least 50% at the current practice. Most hard rock mines use a safety
factor of 1.6 however Ryder and Ozbay (1990) suggest that the safety factor has to be
individually selected, and safety factors below 1.3 are not advisable unless regional pillars are
well established. Hedley and Grant (1972) formula which was developed after modifying
Salamon and Munro (1967)‟s formula is used to design non yield pillars. The general form of
the Hedley and Grant (1972) formula with different values of K is used. It is represented as

is the pillar strength
K is the strength of a unit cube of rock
w is the pillar width
h is the height of a pillar

Ozbay et al (1995) reveals that there is inconsistence in the selection of a K value since in
practice the following range is used for K:


UCS is the Uniaxial Compressive Strength

Spencer (2010) makes known that the Hedley and Grant (1972) formula does not consider
geological losses and the influence of any oversize pillars. Ozbay et al (1995) point out that
the Hoek and Brown (1980) failure criterion is also used to the reef UCS in order to predict
the unconfined rockmass strength for good quality rock comprising a pillar. The criterion is
given as follows:

σ1 is the rockmass strength
σc is the laboratory UCS
σ3 is the confining stress
m and s are the material constants as described by Hoek and Brown (1980)

When pillar w/h ratio rises beyond 5 there is a swift increase in strength so to this effect a
formula developed by Salamon (1982) can be used to calculate pillar strength. This formula
was earlier discussed in this research (equation 24) and is known as the squat pillar formula.

2.5.2 Crush pillars

As the mine deepens the tensile zone becomes smaller such that pillars are only needed to
support the hanging wall up to the furthest active weak parting unlike near surface where
pillars are expected to support the overburden to the surface. Ozbay et al (1995) mention that
deeper levels permit the safe use of reduced levels of support resistance like small w/h ratio
pillars (w/h < 3) which can provide reduced support resistance in their post-peak residual
strength state. They define crush pillars as pillars intended to crush while they are still part of
the face, but which have sufficient residual strength to provide the required support resistance
to the immediate hangingwall, back at the face and in the back areas. Crush pillars normally

have a width to height ratio of 1.7 to 2.5. The deformation range in which crush pillars yield
at their residual strength level was given by Ozbay et al (1995) as shown at point C in Figure
2.12. The residual strength of hard rock crush pillars can be determined using a method
suggested by Roberts et al (2005). Current design practice for crush pillars

Empirical studies are used in the design of crush pillars. Ozbay et al (1995) reveal that
Cahnbley (1993) points out that the appropriate pillar size is determined by using a size which
has proved to be successful in other similar geological situations. Ozbay et al (1995) mention
that the initial pillar layout is then adjusted by decreasing the w/h ratio of pillars until
sufficient support is provided by the crush pillars. They say that to achieve stable crushing of
the crush pillars . Ozbay et al (1995) indicates that w/h ratios can also be
determined based on pillar failure mode while structural weaknesses in a pillar provide the
crushing mechanism.

2.5.3 Yield pillars

Yield pillars are pillars which are intended to have a SF > 1 or even SF equal to 1 when first
formed, but then yield in a stable manner at stress levels near to peak strength (point Y in
Figure 2.12) (Ozbay et al, 1995). As mentioned by Ozbay and Roberts (1988), there exists a
zone as we go down depth where the stresses are too high for non-yield pillars to be used and
too low for immediate stable crushing of crush pillars. It is in this transition zone where yield
pillars are utilised. In practice yield pillars are intact when formed and then are gradually
weakened as the load on them increase beyond their load bearing capacity causing them to
yield. For the pillars to yield in a stable manner, Ozbay et al (1995) point out that the
condition of pillar post-peak stiffness being less than the stiffness of the loading strata has to
be satisfied. Current design practice for yield pillars

No much study has also been done for yield pillars since also empirical studies done in other
places are the ones used to design yield pillars in areas of similar geological settings. As
noted by Noble and Lougher (1993), there is discrepancy between theory and practice where
by theoretical studies show that levels of regional or local stiffness render slender hard-rock
pillars instable yet practical observations show that stable loading of such pillars can take
place at w/h ratios of less than 2.51. To further highlight the inconsistence between theory
and practice Ozbay et al (1995) argue that while Spencer and Kotze (1990) suggested that

pillars with cannot fail in a stable manner, their practical observations
witnessed 5x5 m pillars bursting.

2.5.4 Barrier pillars

Panel pillars are separated using regional pillars also known as barrier pillars since they bar
the collapse in one panel to spread to other panels which can lead to a pillar run. Regional
pillars provide regional stability to the whole mine. Like non yield pillars, barrier pillars are
designed in such a way that they have to stand for the entire life of the mine. Given this
requirement barrier pillars have to be strong enough to be indestructible in their duty to
provide regional stability. Salamon (1974) suggests that a w/h ratio of more than 10 can be
chosen to ensure indestructibility of the barrier pillars. However he warns that possibility of
foundation failure should be assessed since punching or footwall heaving can occur in highly
stressed situations where hanging walls or footwalls are relatively weak. Generally, like all
other pillars, where barrier pillars intersect geological weaknesses they have to do so at 90°
rather than running parallel to them to ensure minimum possible portion of the pillars are
affected by these geological weaknesses. This way pillar instability is reduced. Ozbay et al
(1995) mentioned the purpose of leaving barrier pillars as follows:
to compartmentalize the mining into distinct regions, so that, if a collapse should
occur in one region, it will be prevented from spreading into neighbouring stopes.
to reduce excessive closures and surface subsidences which would otherwise occur in
panels supported only by crush pillars.
to assist in the control of the tensile zone and the prevention of surface subsidence.
to increase effective strata stiffness substantially so as to reduce the possibility of
large-scale instabilities (pillar runs) in stopes supported by non-yield pillars.
to restrict volumetric stope closures and corresponding seismic energy release
potentials. Current design practice for barrier pillars

The squat pillar formula as discussed earlier on is currently utilised by the industry to
determine strength of regional pillars. The load is calculated using the tributary area theory.
An industrial survey done by Ryder et al (1995) found out that there are mixed opinions with
regards to the design of pillars as evidenced by a wide range of barrier pillar designs, sizes
and spacings used in the industry. They mention that a conservative rule of thumb, supported

by many theoretical results, used in determining barrier pillar spacing is to keep the span, L,
less than about one-quarter of the depth, H, that is

Based on this, Ryder and Ozbay (1990) proposed the criteria for selecting pillar barrier
spacing as outlined below:
1. The height of the tensile zone is lower at H/L = 4 than it is at H/L = 2, thus reducing
the load placed on the in-stope yield or crush pillars for tensile-zone control.
2. The hangingwall stiffness falls off fairly rapidly for H/L < approximately 2 and this
could prejudice the stability of certain in-stope non-yield pillar layouts.
3. In-stope closures and surface subsidences in a yielding-pillar layout increase in direct
proportion to span, L, but are often at acceptable levels if H/L is approximately 4.
4. In shallow non-yield pillar layouts, much lower H/L ratios may be acceptable since
the in-stope pillars themselves provide substantial tensile zone control. However, for
adequate compartmentalization L should rarely exceed 250 m.

Ryder and Ozbay (1990) suggest that numerical modelling can also be utilised in a bid to get
an operational regional pillar span. They also reveal that adequate safety factors to arrest
regional instability become more difficult or impossible to achieve at low H/L ratios.

2.6 Conclusions
A robust pillar design system thrives on accurate determination of Safety Factor. The inputs
in the determination of Safety Factor, pillar strength and pillar load, need to be reliably
determined for a dependable Safety Factor. Pillar load can be determined using TAT, Coates
Method or Numerical Models. TAT is used in regular mining layouts of large lateral extents,
several times greater than the mining depth and assumes that each pillar in the layout is of
same size and supports an equal amount of load to the surface. Since TAT does not consider
geometrical and rock properties in its formulation, Coates Method was developed to account
for these but like TAT, it does not consider overburden stiffness and seam stiffness which
play a pivotal role in determining pillar load as discussed later in this research report.
Numerical models are used when depth/span becomes too great or when pillar sizes are

There are several formulae for determining pillar strength. They can be grouped into two
main forms, the linear form and the power form. The main factors accounted for in these

formulae are the w/h ratio and the strength of pillar material as determined statistically or in
the laboratory. This approach is inadequate as it leaves out a lot of factors influencing pillar
strength as discussed later in this research report. The evaluation of the presented literature on
pillar design systems is as given in Chapter 3.


3.0 Introduction

The previous chapter looked into the pillar design systems currently being used in platinum
mining. This chapter seeks to evaluate them and suggest further areas of improvement. The
areas of special attention encompass pillar load and pillar strength determination methods,
which are important in safety factor determination.

3.1 Pillar Load determination methods

3.1.1 Tributary area Method

This theory applies to regular mining layouts with same size pillars. It assumes that in an
underground excavation of large lateral extend greater than the mining depth each pillar
supports an equal load to the surface. This way the theory simplifies pillar design as it
conveniently offers fixed pillar-design dimensions for any given seam material and depth
(Ozbay et al, 1995). However not all pillars in the mining layout will carry an equal load.
Ozbay et al (1995) reveal that pillars near permanent abutments or lines of regional pillars
carry lower stresses than the Tributary Area Theory method predicts, regardless of the extent
of mining. They point out that while these deviations are small at shallow depths and low
extraction ratios and in fact negligible in most aspects of coal design, they can be quite
significant in hard rock mines which adopt much higher extraction ratios. It is crucial to note
a revelation by Ozbay et al (1995) that in practical mining potholes or fault losses are often
left as unintentional pillars resulting in lower extraction ratios which gives lower APS values
than initially planned for. The Tributary Area Method is applicable to layouts that are wholly
regular where the spans are large.

Van der Merwe (1998) argues that the conditions under which the Tributary area theory is
applicable are when panel width is more than or equal to the depth provided that the pillar
area is of the same size. As revealed by Roberts et al (2002), as w/h ratio goes below 1.25 and
extraction ratio goes past 65% the tributary area theory becomes less accurate. Overburden
stiffness and percentage extraction ratio also bound the performance of the tributary area
theory as a tool for pillar design. On the other hand, Roberts et al (2002) indicate that as long
as the designer accepts the constraints presented by the tributary area theory in calculating
pillar stress levels, the theory can be utilised for practical design purpose.

3.1.2 Use of Numerical Modelling to assess the influence of mining parameters on pillar
Numerical modelling work carried out by Roberts et al (2002) using lamodel show that pillar
loading is not only influenced by panel width to depth ratio. Their numerical analysis found
out that overburden stiffness and seam stiffness also play a pivotal role in determining pillar
load. Roberts et al (2002) varied overburden stiffness and seam stiffness using the lamodel
boundary element code and came up with the following findings:
Pillar loads decreased with increasing overburden stiffness. They observed that
abutment loads increase as pillar loads decrease.
Greatest deviations from TAT were observed at large depths, high extraction and low
overburden stiffness. However they noted that the deviation from TAT was less than
one per cent for typical mining parameters.
The results for seam stiffness were similar to those obtained while varying overburden
stiffness, though the relative magnitudes indicate that the results are less sensitive to
seam stiffness than overburden stiffness.

3.1.3 Areas of further work to be done

Since the Tributary Area Theory is the widely used method for determining pillar load in the
mining industry, adjustments to the theory with a view to enhance accuracy are critical. It is
imperative to formulate the theory in such a way that it accounts for all variables affecting the
pillar loading system within the tributary area. The loading conditions are affected by
encounters of such factors as adversely oriented joins, pillar material properties themselves
and overburden stiffness among others.

It is vital to note that TAT remains the simplest method for determining pillar load, but when
depth/span becomes too great or when pillar sizes are different, the commonly used method is
numerical modelling.

3.2 Pillar Strength Determination Methods

It can be seen from the presentation in chapter 2 that the current formulas for determining
pillar strength borrow from the pioneering work by Bunschinger (1876) (linear formulas) and
Holland and Gaddy (1956) (power formulas). The main factors accounted for are the w/h
ratio and the strength of pillar material as determined statistically or in the laboratory. This

approach tends to be inadequate as factors such as discontinuities, characteristics of the
surrounding strata and the effects of deterioration and time impact on the strength of a pillar.
Joint properties like frequency, orientation and condition also have a significant influence on
the strength of pillars. Scaling, Creep and other forms of time dependent factors affecting
pillar strength have to be considered if a stable pillar system has to be established. That is to
say all factors influencing pillar strength instability must be accounted for in the pillar design
systems. It is crucial to note that the presented formulae do not embrace the systematic
concept of the bord and pillar layout as they only consider the pillar itself without considering
the roof strata and the floor strata which make contact with the pillar and are part of the bord
and pillar layout. Failure propagation occurs if one or more components of a system is in fault
hence all the elements of the system must be adequately accounted for in the design. While
the consideration of the ore seam by the formulae may yield reliable results for this system
component, other components have to be addressed likewise.

Several factors like specimen preparation, transportation, moisture content, testing laboratory
temperature and storage condition of specimens have a significant influence on the strength of
the rock specimen determined in the laboratory. It is therefore advised that the tests be done
under scientifically recognised specifications.

One of the greatest drawbacks of the current formulae is that they are empirically based. The
reason why this is a drawback is that failure has to occur to develop an empirical curve of
pillar stability. Engineers need a tool which predicts failure in order to make reliable designs.
A theoretical framework for pillar design can be established through numerical modelling to
prevent dependence on collapse as called for by the empirical designs. The empirical designs
for pillars designed elsewhere in areas lying out of these empirical ranges have to be done
based on observation of pillar failures. This is costly and unsafe so a method should be
always be available which does not depend on collapse.

3.2.1 Explanation of factors affecting pillar strength Insitu Rock Strength

Pillar strength is a function of the insitu rock material strength comprising it. The stronger the
pillar material the stronger the pillar will be when other factors are considered to be constant.
However the influences of several factors if present have to be factored in determining a true
value of the pillar strength. For example, it is possible to have a pillar with significantly high

material strength but the influence of discontinuities greatly reduces the overall strength of
the pillar. Pillar size and shape

The diagram in Figure 3.1 presents pillar types currently being used in mining of which the
cylindrical and the cubical pillars are frequently used. Experiments in the laboratory show
that the cylindrical pillar tends to be the stronger because it has no corners where stress
concentrations can be experienced leading to pillar abutment failures. The load is uniformly
distributed across the area of application.

Figure 3.1: Pillar shapes used in mining

Experiments done by several authors show that specimen strength decreases with increasing
size, however the strength decreases to a particular residual strength and not zero. The
decrease in strength due to an increase in size can be explained by factors such as increase in
discontinuities and grain boundaries within the specimen. Some of the results obtained by
authors showing the relationship between pillar strength and pillar size are as shown in
Figures 3.2 to 3.4.

Figure 3.2: Relationship between pillar strength and pillar size for iron ore rock (Jahns,

Figure 3.3: Maximum stress versus specimen length-Cedar City quartz diorite (Pratt et
al, 1972)

Figure 3.4: Relationship between pillar strength and pillar size for norite rock
(Bieniawski, 1968b)

50 Discontinuities
Many attributes of discontinuities have to be considered in assessing pillar strength. Different
geological structures may exist in the ore seam in which pillars are established. These have
intense influence on the behaviour of pillars. The structural discontinuities which may be
encountered in an ore seam include joints, fractures, striation lineation, fold axis, faults,
fractured zones and shear zones. A pillar may have a high safety factor and width to height
ratio which gives an impression that it is strong but the presence of intense discontinuities
makes it to fail soon after mining. Generally the strength of a pillar decreases with the
increasing frequency of these structures however a better picture of the relationship between
the two can be obtained by numerical modelling. Numerical modelling packages like phase2,
FLAC3D and MAP3D with several modelling capabilities can be utilised as they can model
these structures. Fractured zones

Some of the portions of the ore body can be affected by strong fracturing leading to fracture
zones in pillars. The fracture zone consists of disintegrated pillar material with little load
bearing capacity. Fracturing normally happens when rock is exposed to sudden change of
stresses from high to low as excavations are made underground. Fracturing also takes place if
the stresses increase due to mining. It may also be as a result of sudden release of energy by
rocks under seismicity. Hudson (1992) points out that the intensity of fracturing of a pillar
depends on vertical stresses and horizontal confining stresses. He confirms the fact that the
edge of a pillar is under uniaxial loading state and further into the pillar a triaxial state of
loading is observed. Fracturing happens in or at the edge of the pillars if the stress acting on
the pillar exceeds its strength. Geology
The geological minerals constituting a pillar also dictate its strength. Water absorbing
minerals like phosphates swell when they absorb water setting the grain boundaries of the
pillar material apart. The water makes the contact between the grain boundaries slippery
reducing the frictional strength of these boundaries and the overall strength of the pillar. The
infill material between joints in the pillar material also affects pillar strength. Slippery infill
material like serpentine reduces frictional strength of the grain boundaries while infill
minerals like calcite and feldspar increase the frictional strength of the grain boundaries. The
increase in frictional strength at the grain boundary level is accompanied by an overall

increase in pillar strength taking other variables to be constant. A decrease in frictional
strength at grain boundary level has the opposite effect when other variables are taken to be
constant. Pillar contacts with roof strata and floor strata

Like testing specimens in the laboratory, the contact of the pillar with the roof strata and floor
strata has a great influence on the pillar strength. When the contact is not uniform, because of
adversely oriented discontinuities or other factors, stress concentrations exist and they lessen
the pillar strength. The smoothness or roughness of the contact surface dictates the pillar
strength and load transfer. Rough surfaces encourage much friction thereby making the pillar
stronger by preventing pillar failure through sliding over a smooth surface. However the
rough surfaces bring about non uniform contact such that the contact surfaces do not allow
smooth transfer of load to the pillar causing more stress to be transferred to other pillars with
uniform contact surfaces. Roof and floor stability

Despite having knowledge of the contacts, the condition and stability of the surrounding
strata both in the roof and the floor have a bearing on the strength of the pillar. Pillars punch
into the foundations and fail in tension if the bearing capacity of the foundation is not high
enough. The lesser the stability of the foundation the more likely pillar failure is to be
witnessed. Overall weaknesses in the floor and roof contribute to pillar system instability.
Also note that the failure of roof and floor strata may cause bords failure while pillars remain
intact. K-ratio

K-ratio is the ratio of horizontal virgin stress to vertical virgin stress. K-ratio, as can be
deduced from its definition, decreases with depth. At shallower depth there are high
horizontal stresses acting on the pillar thereby confining it. The high confinement increases
the pillar strength. The reverse holds for greater depth. Yilmaz (2007) points out that the
resistance of stabilising pillars can be reduced by low values of k-ratio. He points out that
high horizontal stresses cause bord failure in coal mines and also cause damage to tunnels
located below mined out areas in shallow mining situations in the Bushveld Igneous

Complex. Figure 3.5 shows the variation of k-ratio with depth for underground stress
measurements in South African Mines.

Figure 3.5: State of virgin stress as obtained from underground measurements

(Wesseloo and Stacey, 2006) Pillar confinement

It can be proved by laboratory triaxial tests that material strength is a function of

confinement. As the confinement increases the material strength increases. However
excessive confinement may result in the disking of the confined material. Practically, pillar
confinement can be achieved by backfilling the area surrounding the pillar, cable anchoring,
wire-meshing, applying thin spray-on liners or shotcreting the pillar. Time dependent effects

Creep is the time dependent deformation of material under the influence of stress. When rock
material is exposed to high stresses and temperature over a period of time it weakens thereby
weakening the strength of the pillar. It is advisable to continue mining once started so that the
projected life span of the mine is not exceeded much since the extra stand up time for pillars

encourages pillar creeping. The time between development and production must be optimal in
order to reduce pillar stand up time. Pillar loading condition

It is an arduous task to comprehend the complex loading environment of a pillar system in

order to get its influence on the overall pillar strength. When the bord in a bord and pillar
mining method is established there is a redistribution of stresses to attain force equilibrium.
The acting forces try to close the void. The ability of the pillar to resist the load trying to
close in the opening depends on its stiffness. The stiffer the pillar is the more it can resist the
load. The hangingwall strata ability to move in to the void likewise depends on its stiffness;
the less stiff it is the easier it closes in. The mechanism of load transfer to pillars is such that
the load is more concentrated to the sides of pillar. Pillar sides are under less or no
confinement so they easily fail as the load is transferred to them since they lack confinement
which increases material strength. Load transfer to pillars in the loading system is affected by
breaks in the rock characterised by geological and geotechnical structures. Blasting effects

When pillars are established they experience blast damage due to the blasting activity in the
immediate panels near them. The blast damage decreases as the excavations advance away
from the pillars. Given this reality pillar strength determination methods have to take account
of this as the pillar strength decreases with blast damage. The depth to which a pillar is
destroyed due to blasting effects has to be quantified and this parameter accounted for in the
strength formulae. Coupled to the blast damage is the pillar weakening effect of released
gases pressure and concussion. The gas pressure and concussion exert stress on the pillar and
induce sidewall slabbing. Spalling and side scaling effects

The chance of a pillar to survive over a predicted life span is reduced by the action of side
scaling, buckling and spalling. Pritchard and Hedley (1993) made an investigation into these
factors at Denson Mine and illustrated the effects of these factors as shown in Figure 3.6. The
investigation was done on dipping seams but also holds for flat or gently dipping seams in
Bord and Pillar mining, since these effects are encountered in both environments. Spalling

and side scaling of a pillar can be as a result of stress and temperature changes in the pillar
leading to pillar expansion and contraction.

Figure 3.6: Effects of scaling, buckling and spalling on pillars (Pritchard and Hedley,
1993) Influence of weak layers and weathering

Weathering in form of mechanical or chemical reduces the strength of a pillar. Pillar materials
which are soluble like calcite are dissolved through chemical weathering thereby

disintegrating the composition of the pillar. Physical weathering occurs when pillars are
exposed to high temperatures and low temperatures such that the outer surfaces peel of due to
exfoliation. The weathering effect decreases pillar strength by reducing the material
constituting the pillar. A study by Madden et al (1998) shows that the effects of blast
damage, geological discontinuities, weathering, or weak layers within the pillar influence the
strength of small pillars more dramatically than they do larger pillars. Weak layers have an
overall effect of reducing pillar strength since weak material have a lower load bearing
capacity compared to stronger layers. Failure would initiate at the weakest link. Human error

Accuracy and precision are important in pillar design. Human error can have disastrous
consequences. It may lead to overestimation of pillar strength due to inadequate
quantification of factors affecting pillar strength. This way pillars are assigned higher loads
which overpower their strength. In the same vein when pillar strength is underestimated
larger pillars are left behind meaning that more resources than necessary are left behind.
Human error may be eliminated or minimised by employing QA/QC (Quality
Assurance/Quality Control) programmes to ensure checks and balances at every stage of the
design process.

3.2.2 Comment on the factors affecting pillar strength

While it can be a challenge to account for all the discussed factors, it is imperative to build
some conservatism in the pillar strength formulae in order to indirectly account for those
factors which are difficult to quantify. Quantification of the fore discussed factors makes it
easier to reliably account for them in the pillar strength adjustments.

3.3 Consequences of unstable pillar designs

Despite posing danger to workers, loss of profitable mining sections and entrapping
expensive mining machinery pillar failure can have far reaching devastating consequences.
One of the main problems of concern is surface subsidence due to the failure of underground
workings. Subsidence causes damage to civil structures and the environment. Subsidence due
to pillar failure is normally fast and causes wide cracks on the surface. Van der Merwe (2010)
mentions that more subsidence, greater tilt and higher strain values are experienced at shallow

depth while the reverse is true for greater depth. This can actually severely cost a nation.
Some highlights of the results of subsidence are outlined below:

Damaging of roads, conveyors, conveyor belts, pipes, power pylons and houses.

Agricultural effects such as shearing off of tree roots thereby killing the trees, severe

Long term effects such as sinking of surface structures as a result of pillar failure and
formation of sink-holes.

Subsurface erosion which has a severe impact on agriculture.

Interruption of both surface and underground water supplies.

Disastrous effects of subsidence as a result of pillar failure include tilting of houses on the
surface above the area of underground failure as illustrated in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: Illustration of the damaging effects of subsidence (Van der Merwe, 2010)

Several disheartening consequences of unstable pillar designs have occurred in the past and
the photo presented in Figure 3.7 is for illustrative purposes only. These consequences can be

minimised or curbed at all by a comprehensive bord and pillar design and layout which
considers all factors affecting pillar stability. Mines may go at logger heads with the
government when law is enforced and risk being forced to close, the closure imposes poverty
and economic haemorrhage on the nation as it lowers its GDP and increase unemployment

Pillar design can be made much easier if the geotechnical zones in the study area in which the
discussed factors have caused failure are identified. This helps in giving the most appropriate
factors to concentrate on in each zone when doing the designs.

3.4 Pillar failure modes

Pillars fail when their strength is overpowered by the stress acting on them. The failure of
pillars as generally encountered in mining is through either, stress induced progressive
failure, structurally controlled failure or pillar bursts.

3.4.1 Stress induced progressive failure

When a pillar is established it is intact and have requisite load bearing capacity. As time
progresses stresses build up acting on the pillar making the pillar material weak leading to the
cracking, spalling and buckling of it. Factors like reduced confinement and high tangential (in
circular geometries) stress also contribute to pillar failure. While there is no way of
accommodating depth of failure in a pillar in calculating pillar strength there exists a linear
relationship proposed by Kaiser et al (1996) which base on the approach built up by Martin
(1997) for estimating the depth of pillar failure which is:


df is depth of pillar failure

a is an empirical constant

σmax is maximum stress acting on pillar

σc is uniaxial compressive strength

Hour glass effect failure is suggested by Kaiser et al (1996) as the first stage of stress induced
failure commonly encountered in hard rock mining. The graphical representation of the
equation used by Kaiser et al (1996) to define stress induced failure is shown in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8: Plot of the equation to define depth of stress induced failure (Kaiser et al,

3.4.2 Structurally controlled failure

Structural defects in pillar material weaken it. Adversely oriented structural discontinuities
may cause sliding to occur along these planes leading to shear failure of the pillar. Structural
failure results from all structures, whether geological or geotechnical, which compromise the
strength of the pillar.

3.4.3 Pillar bursts

The violent release of energy by a pillar is known as pillar burst. The pillar burst may result in
complete failure of the pillar or mere ejection of rock from pillar skins while the core is left
intact. Martin (1997) mentions that two conditions need to be satisfied before a pillar can
burst. These conditions are:

1. The stress in the pillar must exceed the strength and,

2. The local mine stiffness must be less than that of the pillar.

With their work based on that of Martin (1997); Kaiser et al (1996) show that the first
condition is satisfied when pillar stress exceeds 1/3 of the UCS. Mah et al (1995)‟s data was
used by Martin et al (1998) to illustrate this point as seen in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 Rockburst potential in pillars, data from Mah et al (1995) (Martin et al, 1998)

3.5 Pillar failure curves

As a pillar fails, it follows the path shown in Figure 3.10 however the exact shape of the path
taken by each pillar may differ. Brittle pillars normally experience a sudden failure when they
experience peak stress while ductile pillars fail gradually when the magnitude of stress acting
on them is high enough to fail them. The study of probability of failure done by Brady and
Brown (2005) showed that pillars with safety factors below 1.3 are prone to high chances of
failure. This is illustrated in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.10: Stress strain curve for a typical pillar (Ryder and Jager, 2002)

Figure 3.11: Relationship between Probability of failure and Factor of Safety (Brady
and Brown, 2005)

3.6 Pillar Strength Determination combinations that can be used

3.6.1 Use of failure criteria to predict failure

Prediction of failure in pillars can also be done using failure criteria in rock engineering.
These indicate situations in which failure is experienced. Failure criteria can be used as raw as
they are or most usefully when they are used in numerical modelling packages. Some of the
failure criteria which can be used to predict failure in pillars are as outlined below. Mohr Coulomb Failure Criterion

This criterion describes the response to shear stress and normal stress by materials. This
criterion is used in most numerical modelling programmes due to its ability to predict failure
to a high degree of accuracy for conditions lying within its assumptions. It is also a powerful
tool for determining cohesion and friction angle of rocks which are important parameters to
determine for reliable prediction and design of structures in rock masses. However the Mohr
Coulomb failure criterion has its own draw backs and these are given by Stacey (2010) as

1. It implies that a major shear fracture occurs at peak strength,

2. It implies a direction of shear failure which often does not agree with observations,
particularly in brittle rock,
3. It is linear, and peak strength envelopes determined experimentally are usually non-
4. It assumes that cohesion and friction act fully in unison which is rarely so,
5. The criterion is likely to give incorrect results if the failure mechanism is not shear.
The criterion ignores σ2 and only uses σ1 and σ3 but σ2 has influence on the failure of rocks.
The Mohr Coulomb Failure Criterion is represented by equation 38.

τ = shear stress along the shear plane at failure
σn = normal stress acting on the shear plane
C = initial cohesive strength
= angle of internal friction

The orientation of the predicted failure plane is given as degrees measured in the σ1

– σ3 plane from the σ3 axis.

A plot of the Mohr circles in the shear stress against normal stress can be used to determine
the cohesion and friction angle by plotting a Mohr envelope which is tangential to the Mohr
circles. The angle of friction can be read off from the gradient of the Mohr envelope while the
cohesion is the vertical intercept of the Mohr envelope. The Mohr envelope is as illustrated in
Figure 3.12.

Cut-off C

Figure 3.12: Graphical representation of the Mohr Coulomb Failure Criteria: Shear
Stress against Normal Stress space

Other methods like the plot of σ1 against σ3 and the Apex point plot can also be used to
determine cohesion (C) and the angle of internal friction (

The Mohr Coulomb Failure criterion can be represented in the principal stresses plane using
equation 39.


σ1 is the major principal stress at failure.

σ3 is the minor principal stress at failure.

A set of σ1 and σ3 results from Tri-axial Compressive Strength tests are used to plot a line of
best fit in the σ1 against σ3 space. The gradient of this line is βo while its vertical intercept is
σc. The given equation for βo is then used to solve for internal angle of friction of the
rock . The determined βo and σc can also be used in the equation for σc to calculate the
cohesion of the rock (C). The principal stresses space representing the Mohr Coulomb Failure
criterion is as given in Figure 13.

Cut-off c

Figure 3.13: Graphical representation of the Mohr Coulomb Failure Criteria: Major
Principal Stress against Minor Principal Stress space

Note that rock is weak in tension and therefore a tension cut-off is given in both space
representations to show that the rock cannot sustain tension larger than that cut off.

The apex point method is another quick method of determining Mohr Coulomb parameters.
This is done by calculating the apex of each Mohr Circle from the set of Tri-axial
Compressive Strength test results and then drawing a line of best fit through these apex
points. One does not need to draw the Mohr circles to determine the apex but simply use

simple equations to determine the x; y coordinates values of each point. The x-coordinate of
each apex point is (σ1 - σ3)/2 while the y-coordinate is (σ1 + σ3)/2.

The equation of the line of best fit in the apex point method is written as:


K is the y intercept

θ is the slope

The Mohr Coulomb parameters can then be calculated using equations 43 and 44.

Equations 43 and 44 are driven using linear regression between the Mohr envelope and the
apex points line of best fit which is beyond the scope of this research report. Figure 3.14 gives
a combined diagram for determining Mohr-Coulomb parameters using direct construction of
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope and the apex point method.

Figure 3.14: Determination of Mohr-Coulomb Parameters (Stacey, 2010)

65 Hoek Brown Failure Criterion

Basically the results of modelling using this failure criterion are almost the same as those
numerical modelling results obtained using Mohr Coulomb failure criterion. This is because
most of the formulation assumptions of the two criteria are the same. Like Mohr Coulomb
failure criterion, Hoek Brown failure criterion is used to describe the response to shear stress
and normal stress by materials. This criterion can be used to verify the results from numerical
modelling using Mohr Coulomb failure criterion. Any major difference would mean a
modelling error somewhere in the process.

Hoek – Brown failure criterion is represented by the following equation:

mb is the Hoek – Brown constant m for the rock mass,
s and a are constants which depend on the rock mass characteristics,
σci is the UCS of the intact rock,
σ1 is the major principal stress and
σ3 is the minor principal stress.

For intact rock, Hoek – Brown equation reduces to

mi is the Hoek – Brown constant for the intact rock mass

The draw backs of Hoek – Brown failure criterion are similar to Mohr Coulomb failure
criterion since it is also shear based. Stacey (2010) mentions that Hoek – Brown failure
criteria applies to the “central” range of rock masses, that is, well – jointed rock masses in
which the joints control behaviour rather than the rock material or individual significant
planes of weakness.

66 Extension Strain Fracture Criterion

This is another failure criterion which can be used to model failure of rocks. This criterion
works very well for predicting failure in brittle rocks and estimating the spalling of
underground cavities in circumstances where rock failure occurs under stress levels not
considered to be critical. In intact rock the criterion also works very well. Stacey (1981) states
the criterion as follows: „Fracture of brittle rock will initiate when the total extension strain in
the rock exceeds a critical value which is characteristic of that rock type.‟ The criterion can be
expressed using a mathematical expression as follows:


ec is the critical value of the extension strain. The stress strain relationship which can be used
to calculate the minimum principal strain is given as follows,


σ1, σ2, σ3 are the principal stresses, E is the modulus of elasticity and ν is Poisson‟s ratio.
Stacey (1981) pointed out that an extension strain occurs when ν (σ1 +σ2) > σ3.

The Extension Strain Fracture criterion is laudable as it automatically accommodates all the
three dimensional stresses. It is also in agreement with most fracturing observed in brittle
rock failures. While researchers like Martin (1997), Martin et al (1997), Wesseloo (2000),
Diederichs (2003) and Eberhardt et al (2004) agree with the use of this criterion in estimating
the spalling of underground cavities, Kuijpers (2000) pointed out that the criterion fails to
address the physics involved in the formation of fractures in compressive stress environment.

3.7 Pillar design recommendations arising from the evaluation done

Little information on comprehensive pillar design for low reef platinum mining is available to
the production personnel including the managers, planers and operators. It is then suggested
that a simple, easy to disseminate pillar design system has to be established for safe,
profitable platinum resource exploitation. The system should endeavour to account for the

mentioned factors affecting pillar strength. The decision makers at a mine are then pointed to
all the critical considerations to be addressed as they design and operate the mine to uphold
stability in the bord and pillar layout.

Geotechnical mapping and classification of pillars is quite important. One would realise that
there are cases of early pillar collapse for pillars with high safety factors. Geotechnical
variables in the pillar may also account for this trend. This criterion of classifying pillars
allow designers to allocate different design criterion for each class and resist the temptation of
using the same method of design for all the pillars. As such with this knowledge pillar
strength formula can be adjusted accordingly. Geotechnical site investigation, even before
pillars are formed, can be used to classify the site into different zones depending on
geotechnical characteristics. This sheds more light on the expected behaviour of pillars in the
different zones and therefore enables the application of the most appropriate pillar design
approach for each zone.

A back analysis of the failed pillars can provide an empirical basis for designing pillars lying
within the same empirical data base. This is useful since failure has already occurred. The
actual performance for pillars designed within the same empirical range can then be
comprehended by the back analysis such that the chances of failure are greatly reduced. For
breaking new grounds a non-empirically determined design system has to be used to avoid
dependence on pillar failure as a design approach.

A method of determining the effects of discontinuities on pillar strength have to be

developed. Rock mass classification tools are most relevant in this case. For this purpose the
platinum rock mass can be classified using Bieniawski (1989)'s RMR and the Q system
developed by Barton et al (1974). These classification systems account for the discontinuity
properties affecting pillar strength. The RMR considers the following six parameters.

1. Uniaxial compressive strength of rock material.

2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD).

3. Spacing of discontinuities.

4. Condition of discontinuities.

5. Groundwater conditions.

6. Orientation of discontinuities.

Bieniawski (1989) provided a table for the classification parameters and their ratings which
can be used in calculating the classification of the rock mass under consideration. The table is
as given in Appendix 1. A rating is given for each of the six parameters and the resultant
classification value is obtained by summing the ratings.

The Q system calculates rock mass rating using the formula developed by Barton et al (1974)
as follows:


RQD is the Rock Quality Designation

Jn is the joint set number

Jr is the joint roughness number

Ja is the joint alteration number

Jw is the joint water reduction factor

SRF is the Stress Reduction Factor

What each quotient represents is as outlined below:

1. Block size (RQD/Jn)

2. Inter-block shear strength (Jr/ Ja)

3. Active stress (Jw/SRF)

The outlined parameters accounted for by these rockmass classification systems confirms
their relevance in determining rockmass strength which include pillar strength for the purpose
of this study. This relevance is further confirmed by a research done by Arora (1987) which
found out that joint frequency, joint frictional strength and the inclination of joints with

respect to major principal stress are the important factors affecting the strength and modulus
of jointed rock samples.

It can be also noted that the bord and pillar layout has to be convenient and compatible with
the mining machinery to be used, however it is recommended that machinery which suit the
design should be procured.

The equations for determining jointing effects on pillar strength developed by Ramamurthy et
al (1988) can be utilised together with the rock mass classification systems in assessing pillar
strength by factoring in jointing effects. Joint frequency, orientation and strength are the
parameters used in the equations. The equations developed by Ramamurthy et al (1988) are as
given below:

σcj is the jointed rock strength
σci is the intact rock strength
Jf is the joint frequency
n is an orientation parameter
r is a joint strength parameter

3.7.1 How to measure the discontinuity parameters

Jointed pillar strength is calculated using input values of joint frequency, joint dip and the
base joint friction angle. The first two can be measured using a tape measure and clino rule
while the base friction angle can be calculated using Barton and Choubey (1977)‟s equation,
which is:


JRC is the joint roughness coefficient measurable on a scale from 1 (smoothest joints) to 20
(roughest joints)

JCS is the joint wall compressive strength

n is the stress normal to the joint

is the base friction angle

Joint roughness coefficient can be determined using the standard profiles published by Barton
and Choubey (1977) as shown in Figure 3.15.

Figure 3.15: Roughness profiles and corresponding JRC values (Barton and Choubey,

The field joint profile is analysed and given a roughness coefficient of the profile it best
approximates on the published profiles.

The joint wall compressive strength can be determined using a Schmidt hammer. The
Schmidt hammer is pressed on the joint wall using an orientation of choice, normally a
vertically downward orientation is used where possible, and a rebound number on the
Schmidt hammer is recorded. 20 readings are taken this way and the values are arranged in
ascending order. The first 50% of the values are discarded while the average of the last 50%
is used to calculate the Schmidt rebound number. Knowing the density of the rock tested and
the rebound number Figure 3.16 can then be used to determine the joint wall compressive

Figure 3.16: Schmidt Hammer Test JCS estimation chart showing Correlation between
Schmidt hammer rebound number, hammer orientation, UCS and Rock density (Deere
and Miller, 1966)

Above all it is always recommended that failures of pillars arising outside the known causes
should be investigated as early as possible. This helps in finding an earlier solution before
much loss is incurred. It cannot also be ignored that the traditional formulae which did not
consider the factors discussed worked, at times, very well within their empirical range, hence
after accounting for these factors in the adjustments it is quite appropriate to only use them in
environments in which the factors are of effect.

3.8 Future work to be done

It can be realised from the preceding evaluation that further detailed research need to be done
if a stable pillar design system for low reef platinum mining is to be achieved. The design has
to consider all the factors affecting stability of the pillar system. The roof, pillar and the floor
should be all accounted for as the components of the system.

Cases of collapse of those pillars with high safety factors within a short period of mining have
to be investigated to get the finer details of the factors behind this trend. This knowledge will
help in bringing long term stability to these pillars. Attaining stability in the pillar designs
comes with the benefit of arresting the discussed negative consequences of instability in pillar

Pillar deterioration has to be examined to have knowledge on how it affects strength so that
this variable can be accounted for in the pillar design system. Foundation stability influence
on pillar strength is another factor to be analysed so that pillars of appropriate strength and
size are designed.

Back analysis can save time when designing those pillars lying within the empirical range of
the assessed collapses. A data base of pillar collapse for the platinum mines situated on the
Great Dyke helps the analysis. The key result areas for the analysis are as outlined below:

To get some understanding of the relationship between pillar collapse frequency and
design safety factor. This easily clarifies those circumstances in which pillars with
high safety factors experience failure within the data base. This trend can then be
compared with data bases used to establish the discussed formulae currently being
used for pillar design.

To assess the nature of the relationship between pillar collapse frequency and the
width to height ratio. This gives an indication on the effect of mining width to height
ratio on the strength of pillars. The information can then be compared against the data
bases used with current formulae so that necessary adjustments can be done.

For the pillars in the established data base the relationship between pillar life and
frequency of pillars with such pillar life can also be examined. This gives a picture of
how much the majority of pillars within the data base are expected to live.

For each depth the frequency of pillar collapse can be measured so that an appropriate
design which considers variation of strength and loading conditions with depth can be

For the new data base and the other data bases for other pillar design formulae, a
relationship between the frequency of collapse and a given number of pillars can be
compared in order to come up with the most appropriate representative statistical
number of pillars to be involved in the data base.

Pillar scaling is one of the main factors affecting pillar strength. A high safety factor pillar
may live short due to this. As such there is need to study pillar scaling rates. Numerical
modelling packages with strong modelling capabilities can be used to get a clear picture on
the relationship between pillar failure and scaling. It can be noticed that safety factor of pillars
decrease with time as they are being affected by pillar scaling. It is then necessary to
determine the period which lapse between pillar formation and collapse. Field observations
can be done over a period of time to calculate scaling rates in the area of study. Scaling rate
can be calculated using the following simple equation:

Scaling rate = Scaling depth (Sd) / Time taken to scale to that depth

Once the scaling rate is determined Monte Carlo simulations can then be used to calculate
pillar life or the probability of survival of a pillar up to a particular number of years. For those
pillars which were scaled before the commencement of the scaling study survey information
on them can be utilised in calculating the depth of scaling. The old pillar offset data and the
current can be used for this purpose. The same technique can be utilised for the present study.

The extent to which pillars can be affected by scaling can be assessed by determining the
chemical composition of the pillar rock material. It can be noticed that clay material is more
prone to scaling that harder material like quartz.

3.9 Conclusions
The evaluation of the current pillar design systems showed that there are shortcomings which
need to be addressed to come up with a competent pillar design system. The success of a bord
and pillar mining method in the exploitation of platinum heavily depends on a comprehensive
and competent pillar design method. Pillars need to be large enough to contain load and to be
small enough to avoid loss of resource. The TAT remains the simplest method of calculating
pillar load however not all pillars in the mining layout will carry equal load since, as observed
by Ozbay et al (1995), pillars near permanent abutments or lines of regional pillars carry low
stresses than the TAT predicts, regardless of the extent of mining. Ozbay et al (1995) point
out that while these deviations are small at shallow depths and low extraction ratios and in
fact negligible in most aspects of coal design, they can be quite significant in hard rock mines
which adopt much higher extraction ratios. Numerical models can be used in calculating
pillar load for complicated mining layouts with different pillar sizes and great depth/span.
Failure can be detected in the numerical models by incorporating failure criteria like Mohr
Coulomb, Hoek Brown and Extension Strain.

While the current pillar strength formulae mainly consider w/h ratio and pillar material
strength, it was shown in this evaluation that several unaccounted for factors have a bearing
on the strength of a pillar. Some of the unaccounted for factors discovered during the
evaluation are contact of the pillar with the roof and floor, roof and floor conditions, effects
of adversely oriented joints, spalling and side scaling effects, influence of pillar loading
conditions, blasting damage effects, influence of weak layers and weathering, impact of k-
ratio, time dependent effects, geology, fractured zones and effects of different types of
discontinuities within the rock strata.

The current pillar design systems are empirically determined. To calibrate the pillar design
curve in empirical designs, pillar failure has to occur. While this may work for the mines
lying within the empirical limits of the data used to develop the formulae, it is prudent for
engineers to utilise tools which do not rely on failures. For the new mines which are to be
established a tool should be availed with the power and capacity to design the pillars without
waiting for failure to take place. It is crucial to note that empirical pillar design do not

embrace the fact that pillar design system is a system. As a system, considerations of the roof,
the pillar and the floor is mandatory since neglecting one component of the system will affect
all system components. Geotechnical mapping and classification of pillars as well as
assessing the effects of discontinuities on pillar strength using rockmass classification
systems need to be considered in the design process. These considerations help combat cases
of early pillar collapse for pillars with apparently high safety factors due to non-consideration
of these factors.


4.0 Introduction.
The geotechnical work undertaken by the author at this exploration project gives an insight
into areas of particular attention if we are to come up with reasonably reliable pillar design
parameters. It suffices to say the quality of input into the pillar design system influences the
quality of the result we get from it. Amongst the Geotechnical work discussed in this chapter
are oriented core drilling, logging practice, core sampling procedure, laboratory tests and rock
mass classifications. Pillar design results for the large scale platinum exploration project
using different pillar design formulae presented in Chapter 2 are also discussed.

4.1 Oriented Core drilling.

To get a true picture of the insitu rock, core is oriented. Core orientation is the determination
of the topmost point or bottommost point of the top face of a drill run which is then linked to
the next run. The geotechnical holes were drilled using an ATC orientation tool. This way an
orientation line was drawn along the topmost of the core. This makes it easier to make a
unique orientation of the core in space. This reference line is the one used to determine the
trend and plunge of the joints.

Figure 4.1: Exploration boreholes (Todal Mining Geotechnical data base, 2009)

Several Exploration boreholes were drilled on the site. These are shown in Figure 4.1 above.
For the sake of this discussion the author chooses BO53A for illustrative purposes.

4.1.1 Downhole survey

Downhole Survey was carried out to pick any deviations from the supposed drilling axis.

Figure 4.2: Downhole Survey Plan and Section of Borehole BO53A (Todal Mining
Geotechnical Data Base, 2009).

No deviation from the drilling axis was picked. The deviation witnessed on the top minor
potion of the hole was due to casing interference and is not an indication of true deviation.
Table 4.1 shows the computerised logging details from the downhole survey instrument. The
high precision instrument helps to minimise human error once set appropriately.

Table 4.1: Downhole survey results for borehole BO53A

Survey of Hole BO53A Magnetic Reference Data

For Todal Mining Private Limited Magnetic Strength 29570 nT
Surveyed 18/12/08 08:38 Magnetic Dip 58.3 degrees
Hole size NQ "MD"= Magnetic Dip Deviation > 0.5 degrees
Surveyed By Darren Muirhead "MT"= Magnetic Strenth Deviation > 1000 nT

Station Quality Dip Azimuth East North Elevation Mag.Dip Mag.Str. Mag.Y Mag.Z Roll Angle DLS Comment
Metres * Degrees Degrees Metres Metres Metres Degrees nT nT nT Degrees deg./30m
8 MD+MT 78.9 190.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.0 27565 0 25186 155.5 0.0 Casing interference
11 MD+MT 79.2 203.6 0.6 2.0 0.0 78.9 36496 0 35810 211.2 1581.9 Casing interference
14 MD+MT 79.2 104.1 0.5 2.4 3.0 59.7 30872 0 26658 59.6 164.9 Casing interference
17 OK+OK 78.8 102.8 0.1 2.5 5.9 58.3 29480 0 25094 0.7 4.4
20 OK+OK 78.9 104.1 0.7 2.6 8.9 58.0 29417 0 24961 55.9 2.6
23 OK+OK 79.0 105.0 1.2 2.8 11.8 57.9 29395 0 24890 116.5 2.3
26 OK+OK 78.8 104.8 1.8 2.9 14.8 58.0 29377 0 24908 49.6 2.3
29 OK+OK 78.9 103.4 2.3 3.1 17.7 58.2 29385 0 24972 349.4 2.9
32 OK+OK 79.0 103.3 2.9 3.2 20.6 58.2 29381 0 24973 310.7 0.7
35 OK+OK 79.0 103.4 3.5 3.3 23.6 58.2 29395 0 24985 298.0 0.9
38 OK+OK 79.1 103.3 4.0 3.5 26.5 58.2 29385 0 24962 290.5 0.4
41 OK+OK 79.1 103.8 4.6 3.6 29.5 58.2 29386 0 24964 268.7 1.0
44 OK+OK 79.1 103.9 5.1 3.7 32.4 58.2 29381 0 24970 354.6 0.6
47 OK+OK 79.3 104.7 5.7 3.9 35.4 58.0 29397 0 24943 150.4 2.6
50 OK+OK 79.3 105.3 6.2 4.0 38.3 58.0 29387 0 24914 112.9 1.1
53 OK+OK 79.3 105.2 6.7 4.2 41.3 58.0 29361 0 24888 123.3 0.6
56 OK+OK 79.2 105.2 7.3 4.3 44.2 58.0 29385 0 24912 67.4 1.5
59 OK+OK 79.2 105.8 7.8 4.5 47.2 58.0 29392 0 24919 71.4 1.4
62 OK+OK 79.2 104.6 8.4 4.6 50.1 58.2 29393 0 24968 329.7 2.2
65 OK+OK 79.4 104.5 8.9 4.8 53.1 58.1 29403 0 24972 248.5 1.5
68 OK+OK 79.4 104.7 9.4 4.9 56.0 58.2 29434 0 25003 233.1 0.7
71 OK+OK 79.3 105.0 10.0 5.0 59.0 58.1 29399 0 24971 356.7 1.6
74 OK+OK 79.3 105.1 10.5 5.2 61.9 58.2 29425 0 24999 337.6 0.0
77 OK+OK 79.4 104.6 11.0 5.3 64.8 58.2 29410 0 24999 283.1 1.7
80 OK+OK 79.6 105.0 11.6 5.5 67.8 58.1 29420 0 24974 191.0 2.0
83 OK+OK 79.6 104.6 12.1 5.6 70.7 58.2 29413 0 24989 232.7 0.7
86 OK+OK 79.5 105.4 12.6 5.7 73.7 58.1 29404 0 24966 229.0 1.6
89 OK+OK 79.4 106.0 13.2 5.9 76.6 58.1 29404 0 24963 356.6 2.0
92 OK+OK 79.5 106.6 13.7 6.0 79.6 58.0 29391 0 24923 49.9 1.2
95 OK+OK 79.5 106.0 14.2 6.2 82.5 58.2 29426 0 24999 358.1 0.9
98 OK+OK 79.5 107.0 14.7 6.4 85.5 58.1 29430 0 24973 28.3 1.8
101 OK+OK 79.7 107.8 15.3 6.5 88.4 57.9 29428 0 24935 91.4 2.2
104 OK+OK 79.6 107.1 15.8 6.7 91.4 58.0 29403 0 24937 41.3 1.2
107 OK+OK 79.6 107.1 16.3 6.8 94.3 58.1 29402 0 24971 359.2 0.0
110 OK+OK 79.7 106.7 16.8 7.0 97.3 58.2 29393 0 24976 319.8 1.2
113 OK+OK 79.9 107.2 17.3 7.2 100.3 58.1 29420 0 24981 207.4 2.4
116 OK+OK 79.9 107.1 17.8 7.3 103.2 58.2 29401 0 24978 272.0 0.8
119 OK+OK 80.0 108.7 18.3 7.5 106.2 58.0 29401 0 24926 129.4 3.0
122 OK+OK 79.8 108.7 18.8 7.6 109.1 58.0 29422 0 24955 33.4 2.0
125 OK+OK 80.0 108.0 19.3 7.8 112.1 58.0 29400 0 24946 177.2 2.8
128 OK+OK 79.9 109.8 19.8 8.0 115.0 58.0 29420 0 24937 97.3 3.2
131 OK+OK 80.0 108.3 20.3 8.1 118.0 58.1 29408 0 24968 233.8 2.8
134 OK+OK 80.0 108.5 20.8 8.3 120.9 58.1 29388 0 24957 215.6 0.6
137 OK+OK 80.1 109.6 21.3 8.5 123.9 58.0 29386 0 24924 166.7 1.9
140 OK+OK 80.0 110.0 21.8 8.7 126.8 58.0 29362 0 24893 71.4 1.1
143 OK+OK 80.1 110.7 22.2 8.8 129.8 57.9 29376 0 24892 108.4 1.9
146 OK+OK 80.3 109.3 22.7 9.0 132.8 58.1 29386 0 24935 179.3 2.7
149 OK+OK 80.2 109.3 23.2 9.2 135.7 57.9 29207 0 24752 216.2 0.3
152 OK+OK 80.3 109.9 23.7 9.3 138.7 58.0 29371 0 24910 179.8 1.4
155 MD+MT 80.4 112.3 24.2 9.5 141.6 57.7 28472 0 24075 187.0 4.1
158 MD+MT 80.3 113.9 24.6 9.7 144.6 56.4 26765 0 22302 240.6 2.7
161 OK+MT 80.2 108.3 25.1 9.9 147.5 58.3 28565 0 24303 339.7 9.6
164 OK+OK 80.1 111.8 25.6 10.1 150.5 58.1 29137 0 24736 20.0 6.0
167 MD+OK 80.2 111.9 26.0 10.3 153.4 57.7 29097 0 24599 77.9 0.7
170 OK+OK 80.4 111.5 26.5 10.5 156.4 57.9 29078 0 24643 172.5 2.1

4.1.2 Possible errors to be avoided in orienting core
It is crucial to note that insitu rock quality determination plays a pivotal role in pillar design
as such sources of error must be addressed from the onset. The orientation mark has to be
correct and precise and this largely depends on the driller‟s technique and expertise. An
emphasis on the need of precision and accuracy has to be made. There is need to extend the
orientation mark precisely. Normally there is a tendency to drill holes in one particular
orientation. It is crucial to vary drilling orientation if we are to ensure all joint sets are
intersected. Surface mappings done at an earlier stage has to be reconciled with multiple
orientation results to ascertain if enough orientations have been done to pick all the joint sets.
This has a bearing in RQD determination.

4.2 Logging Practice

After core has been oriented it is then logged as a way to determine the geotechnical
parameters influencing pillar design. When logging core, particular attention has to be given
to Quality Analysis and Quality Control (QA/QC) issues. A step by step guidance has to be in
place to prevent concentration on unnecessary detail and there has to be a system in place to
ensure compliance. The system has to ensure that all the particular geotechnical
characteristics are determined to a reliable level of accuracy. Geotechnical logging was done
to pave way for rock mass classification. Rock mass classification schemes can be used to
build up a picture of the composition and characteristics of a rock mass, therefore providing
estimates of the strength and deformation properties of the rock mass. It is these parameters
which are necessary when calculating pillar strength.

The following is a discussion on the logging practice undertaken at the exploration site. A
total of 50 boreholes were geotechnically logged by the author of which 4 were oriented
(BO53A, BO54A, BO55A and BO61A). The oriented boreholes are used in this discussion as
they capture much geotechnical detail of the rockmass compared to the unoriented boreholes.
BO53A is used for illustrative purposes in the text while geotechnical logs for BO54A and
BO55A are given in Appendices 3 and 4 respectively for the reader‟s reference. Photos for
BO53A, BO54A and BO55A are presented in Appendix 2. The logging was done in three
stages. Three meter runs were used for the assessment. Although geotechnical assessments
were done throughout each drill hole, the main zone of interest is the reef horizon and
immediate upper and lower positions surrounding it. As such these are the areas presented for
the sake of this discussion to maintain brevity and clarity.

Geotechnical Logging Process

% time @ each log

25% Quick Log and
Photo @ Rig

Transport Core
From Rig to Core Shed

Log#2 Geological Log

5% Major Structure (By Competent
Log Geologist)

Depending on project scope

Log#3A Log#3B
70% Detail Geotech Orientated Log
and Quality Photo

Figure 4.3: Logging process adopted at the Exploration Site (SRK Logging Manual, 2006)

Figure 4.3 presents a flow chart of how geotechnical logging was done on the site. The
detailed description of the logging process is given in the following discussions.

4.2.1 Quick Log Per Run - Log 1

Log1 was a quick log per run capturing rock type, Total Core Recovery (TCR), Solid Core
Recovery (SCR), Rock Quality Designation (RQD) as well as photos and short comments per
run. The quick log per run is shown in Table 4.2. Total Core Recovery is the sum of all
measurable core recovered in one drill run while SCR is defined as the sum of all sections of
the core run that are greater than 1 core diameter. Sections of core with multiple mechanical
breaks and handling breaks need to be considered as solid core. RQD is the ratio of the core
recovered counting pieces greater than 100 mm to the total length of the run expressed as a
percentage. It is imperative to note that breakages due to handling and drilling have to be
ignored and core taken to be continuous at these points when calculating RQD. There has to
be a guideline which enables the logger to pick these mechanical breaks. RQD is used for
qualitative analysis of rock strength. Weak rock types like kimberlite may have low joint
counts and thereby record high RQD. This RQD, when used in Rock Mass Classification
gives an unrepresentative high value. Due to this, rock samples are send to the laboratory for
quantitative rock mass strength analysis.

Table 4.2: Quick Log per run for borehole BO53A

Log#1 - Quick Log Per Run

Site: Bokai Hole Number: BO53A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 03.3 By: Tawanda
Logged by: Tawanda Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 47.9 Checked: Tawanda
Z: 1 155 Page no: 2 of 10

[RQD] Length
From (m) To (m) Rock Type TCR (m) SCR (m) >100mm Photo Number Comments

83.45 86.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-14,15 Wholely intact rock
86.45 89.45 Anothositic norite 3.02 3.02 3.02 BO53A-15 OCJ @ 87.04, RIR
89.45 92.45 Anothositic norite 2.99 2.99 2.99 BO53A-15,16 Wholely intact rock
92.45 95.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-16 Wholely intact rock
95.45 98.45 Anothositic norite 2.95 2.95 2.95 BO53A-16,17 Wholely intact rock
98.45 101.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 2.95 BO53A-17 OCJs @ 100.11, 100.73,100.78, 101.14, RIR
101.45 104.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 2.96 BO53A-17,18 FZ btwn 102.21 & 102.25, RIR
104.45 107.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-18 Wholely intact rock
107.45 110.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-18,19 OCJ @ 109.43, RIR
110.45 113.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-19,20 OCJ @ 111.92
113.45 116.45 Anothositic norite 2.98 2.98 2.98 BO53A-20 Wholely intact rock
116.45 119.45 Anothositic norite 3.04 3.04 3.04 BO53A-20,21 Wholely intact rock
119.45 122.45 Anothositic norite 2.99 2.99 2.99 BO53A-21 Wholely intact rock
122.45 125.45 Anothositic norite 3.01 3.01 3.01 BO53A-21,22 Wholely intact rock
125.45 128.45 Anothositic norite 2.96 2.96 2.96 BO53A-22 OCJ @ 126.34, RIR
128.45 131.45 Anothositic norite 2.98 2.98 2.73 BO53A-22,23 FZ btwn 130.79 & 131, FZ btwn 131.41 & 131.45, RIR
131.45 134.45 Anothositic norite 2.91 2.91 2.77 BO53A-23 OCJs @ 132.03, 132.23, FZ btwn 133.04 & 133.18, OCJs @ 133.42, 134.19, RIR
134.45 137.45 Anothositic norite 2.94 2.94 2.94 BO53A-23,24 OCJs @ 135.44, 135.95, RIR
137.45 140.45 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-24 OCJs @ 138.65, 138.71,RIR
140.45 143.45 Anothositic norite 2.80 2.80 2.80 BO53A-24,25 OCJs @ 140.79, 140.99, 142.59, 142.72, RIR
143.45 146.45 Anothositic norite 2.75 2.75 2.75 BO53A-25 OCJs @ 144.98, RIR
Anothositic norite &
146.45 149.45 3.02 3.02 2.75 BO53A-25,26 OCJs @ 146.93, 147.38, 147.99,148.11, FZ btwn 148.95 & 149.22, RIR
Websterite @ 148.31
149.45 152.45 Websterite 3.04 3.04 3.04 BO53A-26,27 OCJs @ 149.45, 149.69, 150.26, 150.99, 151.51, 151.97, RIR
152.45 155.45 Websterite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO53A-27 OCJs @ 154.19, 154.39, RIR
Websterite &
155.45 158.45 2.97 2.97 2.97 BO53A-27,28 OCJs @ 157.13, 158.45, RIR
Bronzitite @ 155.46
158.45 161.45 Bronzitite 3.05 3.05 2.46 BO53A-28 OCJ @ 159.22, CJ @ 159.97, FZ btwn 160.86 & 161.45, RIR
161.45 164.45 Bronzitite 2.95 2.95 2.89 BO53A-28,29 FZ btwn 161.45 & 161.51, OCJs @ 162.06, 162.42, FZ btwn 163.57 & 163.62, RIR
164.45 167.45 Bronzitite 3.00 1.89 0.93 BO53A-29 FZ btwn 165.26 & 167.45, RIR
FZ btwn 167.45 & 167.64, OCJs @ 168.83, 168.98, CJ @ 169.23, OCJ @ 169.51, CJs @ 170.17,
167.45 170.45 Bronzitite 3.01 3.01 2.82 BO53A-29,30
170.21, OCJ @ 170.37, RIR

Table 4.3: Major structures log for borehole BO53A

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: Bokai Hole Number: BO53A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 03.3 By: Tawanda
Logged by: Tawanda Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 47.9 Checked by: Tawanda
Z: 1 155 Page no: 6 of 10

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties Description
Visual Water
Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale Staining
From To Code Class Alpha Beta (B)ottom
Infill Alteration
83.45 86.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
86.45 87.04 J 2 30 60 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
87.04 89.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
89.45 92.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
92.45 95.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
95.45 98.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
98.45 100.11 J 2 35 316.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
100.11 100.73 J 2 60 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
100.73 100.78 J 2 60 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
100.78 101.14 J 2 60 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
101.14 102.21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
102.21 102.25 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
102.25 104.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
104.45 107.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
107.45 109.43 J 2 85 278.4 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
109.43 111.92 J 2 45 316.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
111.92 113.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
113.45 116.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
116.45 119.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
119.45 122.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
122.45 125.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
125.45 126.34 J 2 55 213.6 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
126.34 130.79 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
130.79 131.00 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
131.00 131.41 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
131.41 131.45 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
131.45 132.03 J 2 25 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
132.03 132.23 J 2 25 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
132.23 133.04 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
133.04 133.18 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
133.18 133.42 J 2 25 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
133.42 134.19 J 2 25 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
134.19 135.44 J 2 15 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
135.44 135.95 J 2 15 276 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
135.95 138.65 J 2 15 0 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
138.65 138.71 J 2 15 0 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
138.71 140.79 J 2 60 67.2 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
140.79 140.99 J 2 60 67.2 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
140.99 142.59 J 2 45 213.6 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
142.59 142.72 J 2 45 213.6 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
142.72 144.98 J 2 20 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
144.98 146.33 J 2 20 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
146.33 146.93 J 2 30 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
146.93 147.38 J 2 30 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table 4.4: Major structures log for borehole BO53A (Continuation)

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: Bokai Hole Number: BO53A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 03.3 By: Tawanda
Logged by: Tawanda Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 47.9 Checked by: Tawanda
Z: 1 155 Page no: 7 of 10

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties Description
Visual Water
Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale Staining
From To Code Class Alpha Beta (B)ottom
Infill Alteration
147.38 147.99 J 2 30 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
147.99 148.11 J 2 30 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
148.11 148.95 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
148.95 149.22 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3√ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
149.22 149.45 J 2 85 336 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
149.45 149.69 J 2 85 336 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
149.69 150.26 J 2 85 336 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
150.26 150.99 J 2 15 108 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
150.99 151.51 J 2 15 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
151.51 151.97 J 2 40 96 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
151.97 154.19 J 2 15 0 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
154.19 154.39 J 2 15 0 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
154.39 157.13 J 2 45 84 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
157.13 158.45 J 2 85 312 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
158.45 159.22 J 2 15 0 B 8 SP 3 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
159.22 159.97 J 2 15 _ _ 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
159.97 160.86 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
160.86 161.45 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
161.45 161.51 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
161.51 162.06 J 2 45 223.2 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
162.06 162.42 J 2 45 223.2 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
162.42 163.57 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
163.57 163.62 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
163.62 165.26 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
165.26 167.45 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
167.45 167.64 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
167.64 168.83 J 2 75 180 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
168.83 168.98 J 2 75 180 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
168.98 169.23 J 2 75 180 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
169.23 169.51 J 2 15 120 B 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
169.51 170.17 J 2 60 _ _ _ SP 1 √ 1CJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
170.17 170.21 J 2 60 _ _ _ SP 1 √ 1CJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
170.21 170.37 J 2 70 28.8 B 4 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
170.37 170.45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table 4.5: Detailed Geotechnical Log for borehole BO53A

Log#3 - Detail Geotech Log

Site: Bokai Hole Number: BO53A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 03.3 By: Tawanda
Logged by: Tawanda Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 47.9 Checked: Tawanda
Z: 1 155 Page no: 10 of 10

Intact Rock Strength Fracture Frequency Joint Condition (Micro/Filling/Alteration) Cemented Joints Micro Fractures
From To Rock Type Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Intensity Fill Type (if
Strong Mpa Weak Mpa % Weak Total Natural Foliation Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 α/β MFA α/β MFA α/β MFA Count Fill Type Count/m any)

83.45 86.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

86.45 89.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1_ 1_ _ 0.5 8SP1 _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
89.45 92.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
92.45 95.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
95.45 98.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
98.45 101.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 4 4_ 1 3_ 0.11 8SP1 0.333 8SP1 _ _ 4 SP _ _
101.45 104.45 Anothositic norite R5 R4 1.0133 3 3_ 3_ _ _ _SP3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
104.45 107.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
107.45 110.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1_ 1_ _ 0.305 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
110.45 113.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1_ 1_ _ 0.142 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
113.45 116.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
116.45 119.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
119.45 122.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
122.45 125.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
125.45 128.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1_ _ 0.257 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
128.45 131.45 Anothositic norite R5 R4 8.39 5 5 _ 3 2_ _ _SP3 _ _SP3 _ _ _ _ _ _
131.45 134.45 Anothositic norite R5 R4 4.81 8 8 _ 2 4 2 0.0906 8SP1 _ _SP3 0.0906 8SP1 4 SP _ _
134.45 137.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 2 2 _ 2_ _ 0.054 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 2 SP _ _
137.45 140.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 2 2 _ 2_ _ ∞ 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 2 SP _ _
140.45 143.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 4 4 _ 2 2_ 0.893 8SP1 0.211 8SP1 _ _ 4 SP _ _
143.45 146.45 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 2 2 _ 2_ _ 0.111 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 2 SP _ _
146.45 149.45 Anothositic norite & Websterite @ 148.31 R5 R3 8.94 8 8 _ 4 3_ 0.167 8SP1 _ _SP3 _ _ 4 SP _ _
149.45 152.45 Websterite R5 _ _ 6 6 _ 3 2 1 0.253 8SP1 0.139 8SP1 0.4167 8SP1 6 SP _ _
152.45 155.45 Websterite R5 _ _ 2 2 _ 2_ _ ∞ 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 2 SP _ _
155.45 158.45 Websterite & Bronzitite @ 155.46 R5 _ _ 2 2 _ 1 1_ 0.536 8SP1 0.272 8SP1 _ _ 2 SP _ _
158.45 161.45 Bronzitite R4 R3 19.34 8 8 _ 2 6_ ∞ 8SP1 _ _SP3 _ _ 2 SP _ _
161.45 164.45 Bronzitite R4 R2 7.32 10 10 _ 5 2 3_ _SP3 0.202 7SP1 _ SP3 2 SP _ _
164.45 167.45 Bronzitite R4 R2 31 23 23 _ 23 _ _ _ _SP3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
167.45 170.45 Bronzitite R4 _ _ 10 10 _ 3 3 2_ _SP3 0.417 7SP1 _ _SP1 7 SP _ _
Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression Fill Type Wall Alteration
Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1 Q - Quartz G - Gouge 1 - wall=rock hardness

Smooth Stepped - 2 C - Calcite M - Magnesium 2 - wall>rock hardness

Slickensided Stepped - 3 FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite 3 - wall<rock hardness

Rough Undulating - 4 CL - Clay S - Sulphide

Smooth Undulating - 5 B - Breccia O - Other

Slickensided Undulating - 6
Rough Planar - 7
Smooth Planar - 8
Polished - 9

4.2.2 Major Structures - Log 2
The evaluation key for these structures is as given in Table 4.3 and Table 4.4. At this stage all
major structures which have a bearing on the rock mass quality are logged and evaluated. The
structures include Shear Zones, Fracture Zones, Faults, Fractures, Joints, Striation Lineations,
Fold Axis, Veins and Dykes. Also logged at this stage are Typical Orientations and Brittle
properties of these structures. Water staining properties of the discontinuities were evaluated.
When water pressure is present in a rock mass, the surfaces of the discontinuities are forced
apart and the normal stress on the discontinuity is reduced. This in turn reduces the shear
strength of the discontinuities. For the typical orientations, angles α and β were measured. A
graduated strip and a carpenter‟s angle were used to measure these orientation parameters.
SRK Geotechnical Core Logging Manual (2006) was used as a guide. Alpha angle (α): the
carpenter angle is used to measure the maximum dip (α) of the feature relative to the core
axis. Beta angle (β): The plastic calibrated strip is placed with the “0” on the orientation line
of the same piece of core and the tape is wrapped clockwise around the core so that the 360º
point returns to the orientation line. The angle (β) is then measured, clockwise, to the bottom
of the ellipse. In this convention, only the upper part of the feature is used for the
measurement. The measured angles are as illustrated in Figure 4.4.


Figure 4.4: Illustration of how Beta (β) and Alpha (α) angles were determined in the
project (SRK Logging Manual, 2006)

4.2.3 Error Concern Areas for Major Structures Logging

There is often a challenge in differentiating between cemented joints and open joints from the
discontinuities which exist in the drill core. For this reason it is rational to consider an open
cemented joint in the drill core as an open joint fracture since the joint is weak hence why it
easily opens up. Joint infill type has an influence on the strength of joints so expertise is
required to differentiate the various infill types. Joint strength is also affected by alteration so
alteration analysis knowledge is critical. Estimation or averaging of joint parameters can also
be a challenge. The influence of a joint set on excavation stability is dependent on the joint
set orientation. It follows that it is advisable to assess joint conditions for individual sets as
this enables us to clearly pick the joint set with the most effect on pillar stability and adjust
our design appropriately.

4.3 Detailed Geotechnical Log – Log 3

At this stage initial estimate of rock strength was done using a geological hammer. Rock
strength was measured on a scale of R1 to R6 depending on its response to a knock by the

geological hammer. R1 signifies highest strength while R6 is for weakest rock. A
reconciliation of the geological hammer results was done by sending samples of the rock for
laboratory strength tests, the results of which are shown in Table 4.6.

For more accurate results the author observed that it is necessary to adopt an evaluation scale
for weak rock which quantifies the level of weakness. A scale of S1 to S6 can be used lest we
lose much detail. It was also observed that IRS is affected by elements such as microdefects,
foliation and schistocity so for representative samples sampling has to be done in multiple
orientations. Detailed Geotechnical logging was done on a domain basis so as to pick sections
of the core with the same geotechnical characteristics. The domains were kept to less than 3
m to preserve accuracy by avoiding over averaging. In addition to IRS, other parameters
evaluated were fracture frequency, joint conditions, cemented joint count and micro fractures.
For more detail see Table 4.5.

4.4 Overall Considerations in geotechnical logging

The geotechnical logging should suite the rockmass classification system to be used. It is
imperative for the geotechnical logging sheet to accommodate all the parameters which will
be used in the calculation of pillar strength. The logging sheet and instructions should be
presented in a way which is easy to understand to minimise human errors and increase
accuracy and precision.

Table 4.6: Results of Uniaxial Compressive Strength Tests


Client: Badger Mining Sampling Location: Zimbabwe



Rocklab Sample Sample Rock Diameter Height Ratio of Mass Density Failure Strength Tangent Secant Poisson's Poisson's Linear Failure
Specimen Depth Height Load (UCS) Elastic Elastic Ratio Ratio Axial Note
No No Type to Modulus Modulus Tangent Secant Strain at Code
From.. To.. Diameter @ 50% UCS @ 50% UCS @ 50% UCS @ 50% UCS Failure
3569- (m) mm mm g g/cm³ kN MPa GPa GPa mm/mm

UCM-01A GT53/1 146.00 - 146.16 47.12 111.8 2.4 560.6 2.88 388.1 222.6 105.0 107.0 0.21 0.20 0.002267 XB
UCM-01B GT53/4 146.50 - 146.70 Gabbro - Norite 47.11 120.9 2.6 605.8 2.87 226.4 129.9 116.0 103.0 0.34 0.26 0.001244 2B
UCM-01C GT53/10 147.38 - 147.61 47.14 80.2 1.7 393.7 2.81 203.6 116.7 94.9 95.9 0.27 0.24 0.001334 5B

UCM-02A TM2014 158.54 - 158.69 47.33 114.4 2.4 639.3 3.18 241.1 137.0 100.0 107.0 0.31 0.27 0.001671 XA
UCM-02B TM2016 158.84 - 158.99 Bronzitite 47.30 116.0 2.5 654.2 3.21 260.1 148.0 99.4 101.0 0.30 0.21 0.001921 XA
UCM-02C TM2018 159.29 - 159.44 47.29 118.9 2.5 675.8 3.24 301.7 171.8 134.0 142.0 0.30 0.31 0.001546 XB

Note: All tests were conducted according to the ISRM's specfications.

Table 4.7: Results of Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests



Client: Badger Mining (Pty) Ltd. Samping Location: Zimbabwe



Rocklab Sample Sample Rock Diameter Height Ratio of Mass Density Confining Failure Strength Tangent Secant Tangent Secant Linear Failure Note
Specimen Height Pressure Load (TCS) Elastic Elastic Poisson's Poisson's Axial
No No. Depth Type to σ3 P σ1 Modulus Modulus Ratio Ratio Strain Code
From.. To Diameter @ 50% TCS @ 50% TCS @ 50% TCS @ 50% TCS at Failure
3569- (m) mm mm g g/cm³ Mpa kN MPa GPa GPa mm/mm

TCM-01A GT53/2 146.16 - 146.33 47.09 99.2 2.1 499.6 2.89 10 475.7 273.1 99.1 101.0 0.34 0.27 0.002790 XA
TCM-01B GT53/3 146.33 - 146.5 47.12 98.0 2.1 491.8 2.88 20 608.1 348.7 89.8 102.0 0.30 0.33 0.003977 XA
TCM-01C GT53/5 146.70 - 146.85 47.11 96.6 2.1 478.9 2.84 30 394.1 226.1 97.9 126.0 0.18 0.23 0.002138 XA
TCM-01D GT53/6 146.85 - 146.93 47.12 94.3 2.0 467.7 2.84 40 555.1 318.3 93.4 103.0 0.30 0.33 0.003067 8B
Gabbro - Norite
TCM-01E GT53/7 146.93 - 147.08 47.12 100.1 2.1 495.6 2.84 10 489.7 280.8 89.2 100.0 0.33 0.28 0.003681 6B
TCM-01F GT53/8 147.08 - 147.23 47.12 101.0 2.1 496.9 2.82 20 584.5 335.2 89.7 105.0 0.31 0.34 0.003607 XA
TCM-01G GT53/9 147.23 - 147.38 47.12 97.7 2.1 480.2 2.82 30 591.9 339.4 87.4 92.1 0.31 0.29 0.003847 4B
TCM-01H GT53/10 147.38 - 147.61 47.14 93.5 2.0 458.0 2.81 40 625.7 358.5 90.7 94.5 0.34 0.32 0.003469 3B

TCM-02A TM2007 157.49 - 157.64 47.29 99.8 2.1 570.0 3.25 10 315.4 179.6 87.3 97.0 0.27 0.26 0.002244 XA
TCM-02B TM2008 157.64 - 157.79 47.30 97.6 2.1 548.1 3.19 20 402.9 229.3 85.8 104.0 0.31 0.37 0.002436 XA
TCM-02C TM2009 157.79 - 157.94 47.30 94.9 2.0 526.3 3.16 30 328.0 186.7 74.3 89.6 0.25 0.27 0.002953 XA
TCM-02D TM2010 157.94 - 158.09 47.27 98.3 2.1 540.2 3.13 40 357.3 203.6 72.6 88.7 0.26 0.32 0.003662 XA
TCM-02E TM2011 158.09 - 158.24 47.30 97.8 2.1 541.4 3.15 10 261.0 148.5 87.3 107.0 0.32 0.40 0.001569 XA
TCM-02F TM2012 158.24 - 158.39 47.29 100.8 2.1 560.6 3.17 20 291.2 165.8 89.1 101.0 0.25 0.26 0.001807 XA
TCM-02G TM2015 158.69 - 158.84 47.30 94.9 2.0 526.7 3.16 30 366.2 208.4 74.7 90.9 0.26 0.30 0.003648 XA
TCM-02H TM2017 158.99 - 159.14 47.29 99.8 2.1 566.5 3.23 40 469.1 267.1 92.5 119.0 0.24 0.27 0.002691 XA

Note: All tests were conducted according to the ISRM's Specification. TCS - stands for Triaxial Compressive Strength.

Table 4.8: Results of rock specific gravity measurements


Client: Badger Mining Sampling site: Zimbabwe



Rocklab Sample Borehole Rock Mass Water Volume Bulk

Specimen after Relative of the Specific Note
No No. Depth Type OD 105ºc Density material Gravity

From.. To..
3569- m gram g/cc cm3 g/cc

SG-01 GT 53/1 146.00 - 146.16 49.29 0.998 17.1 2.870

SG-03 GT 53/3 146.33 - 146.5 69.89 0.997 24.3 2.864
SG-05 GT 53/5 146.70 - 146.85 Gabbro - Norite 66.33 0.997 23.1 2.864
SG-07 GT 53/7 146.93 - 147.08 63.99 0.998 22.4 2.851
SG-09 GT 53/9 147.23 - 147.38 66.75 0.998 23.8 2.803
SG-11 GT 53/11 149.45 - 149.57 51.01 0.998 16.2 3.141
SG-13 GT 53/13 149.69 - 149.81 Websterite 80.09 0.997 25.3 3.160
SG-15 GT 53/15 149.93 - 150.05 49.37 0.998 15.3 3.225
SG-17 TM 2007 157.49 - 157.64 37.95 0.998 11.8 3.207
SG-20 TM 2010 157.94 - 158.09 54.57 0.998 17.3 3.148
SG-23 TM 2013 158.39 - 158.54 Bronzitite 39.51 0.998 12.5 3.160
SG-26 TM 2016 158.84 - 158.99 49.76 0.998 15.5 3.196
SG-29 TM 2019 159.29 - 159.44 69.88 0.997 21.8 3.200

4.5 Rock Characterisations for the geotechnical work done at the site.
Rock mass classification systems were used to estimate the strength of the rock mass which is
an important parameter for determining pillar strength. The classification systems adopted for
the project were Bieniawski‟s RMR, Barton‟s Q-system, and Laubscher‟s MRMR.

4.5.1 RMR
Rock Mass Rating is a Geomechanical Classification System introduced by Bieniawski in
1976. As more case records were examined he continuously refined it such that the ratings
assigned to the different parameters have significantly changed. The latest Bieniawski‟s
version of 1989 was used for the project. Beniawski makes use of 6 parameters to classify a
rock mass. The parameters are:
1. Uniaxial compressive strength of rock material.
2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD).
3. Spacing of discontinuities.
4. Condition of discontinuities.
5. Groundwater conditions.
6. Orientation of discontinuities.

It can be noted all these parameters were catered for on the project logging atlas. Bieniawski
(1989) developed a table for the classification parameters and their ratings as shown in Table
AI, Appendix 1. The RMR value is calculated by picking the corresponding ratings for the
parameters from the table and then summing them up. Bieniawski divides the rock mass into
5 classes as shown in Table 4.9.

Table 4.9: RMR classification table (Bieniawski, 1989)


I 81 – 100 Very good rock
II 61 – 80 Good rock
III 41 – 60 Fair rock
IV 21 – 40 Poor rock
V <21 Very poor rock

4.5.2 Q-System
Barton et al, 1974 came up with the Tunnelling Quality Index (Q) after evaluating numerous
underground excavations case histories. The index Q varies on a logarithmic scale and is
measured from a minimum of 0.001 to a maximum of 1000 as described in Table 4.10.

Table 4.10: Q System classification (Barton et al, 1974)


0.0001 – 0.01 Exceptionally poor
0.01 – 0.1 Extremely poor
0.1 – 1.0 Very poor
1–4 Poor
4 – 10 Fair
10 – 40 Good
40 - 100 Very good
100 – 400 Extremely good
400 - 1000 Exceptionally good

In this Classification System, Q is calculated as follows:


RQD is the Rock Quality Designation

Jn is the joint set number

Jr is the joint roughness number

Ja is the joint alteration number

Jw is the joint water reduction factor

SRF is the stress reduction factor

4.5.3 Link between RMR and Q System

To make a comparison between the Bieniawski‟s RMR and the calculated RMR,
transformation equations given below were used.

1. RMR = 9lnQ + 44 (Bieniawski, 1976)

2. RMR = 5lnQ + 60.8 (South African tunnels - Choquet and Hadjigeorgiou, 1993)

It was noted that results got using formula 1 deviated much from the Bieniawski RMR so
formula 2 was used as it gave a closer correlation. Tables 4.11 gives the RMR values
calculated from Q using formula 2.

4.5.4 Laubscher’ MRMR

This system was developed based on caving operations witnessed by Laubscher in several
countries in Africa. However, of late other case histories for mining operations have been
captured in the data base.The Modified Rock Mass Rating system was brought about by
Laubscher (1977, 1984), Laubscher and Taylor (1976) and Laubscher and Page (1990) to
address the shortfalls of Bieniawski‟s RMR system. The MRMR system takes the RMR
system and adjusts it for stress changes, insitu and induced stresses and the effects for
blasting and weathering. The resultant MRMR value is accompanied with a set of support
recommendations suitable for it. Table 4.11 gives the MRMR classification System results for
the project.

Table 4.11: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – MRMR (Laubscher, 1990)



Bore Hole Zone (m) RMR Cumulative MRMR

BO 56 45 – 53 59 40
IBO 01 114 – 122 74 Weathering 50
BO55A 119 - 127 72 96% 49
IBO 02 138 - 146 69 47
BO 54A 142– 150 75 51
IBO 03 171 – 179 63 43
BO 53A 150 – 158 70 Induced stress 47
IBO 11 182 - 190 77 100% 52
BO 052 143 – 151 69 47
BO 045 158 – 166 74 50
BO 051 115 - 123 81 55
BO 58 100 – 108 85 Joint orientation 58
BO 59 114 – 122 79 75% 53
BO 60 135 – 143 74 50
BO 61A 132 – 140 70 47
BO 62 94 – 102 72 49
BO 66 101 – 109 72 Blasting 49
BO 68 120 – 128 84 94% 57
BO 39 189 – 197 77 52
BO 41 130 – 138 57 39

4.6 Rock Mass Characterisation

For a realistic pillar design criterion rock mass properties were determined using laboratory
tests. The laboratory tests were done at RockLab Laboratory in Pretoria, South Africa. The
tests carried out at the Laboratory were Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression. The parameters
determined were UCS, Poisson‟s ratio, Young‟s modulus and Specific gravity. The laboratory
triaxial test results together with rockmass classification results were used in the RocLab
Rocscience software to determine the Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown parameters of the
hanging wall and the mineralised zone. A summary of the laboratory tests results together
with RockLab results is given in Table 4.12.

Table 4.12: Laboratory Rock Tests Results and RockLab Results Summary


Triaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) 310.1 198.6
Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) 156.4 152.3
Density (t/m3) 2.84 3.18
Elastic Modulus (GPa) 97.6 91.4
Poisson‟s Ratio 0.31 0.29
Geological Strength Index 80.0 70.0
Disturbance Factor 0.0 0.0
Hoek-Brown: mi 18 15
Hoek-Brown: mb 8.8 5.1
Hoek-Brown: s 0.11 0.04
Hoek-Brown: a 0.50 0.50
Mohr-Coulomb: C (MPa) 15.2 11.7
Mohr-Coulomb: (Deg) 44.3 40.0

4.7 Pillar Design Considerations

The detailed logging data was processed to give some input into the pillar design at
exploration stage. For calculating strength DRMS was used instead of the strength of a unit
cube of platinum rock. This approach was adopted since DRMS considers all the parameters
which were assessed in the logging programme which have a bearing on the pillar strength. In
determining DRMS, RMS is first calculated using the following equation suggested by
Laubscher (1990):

RMS = UCS x (RMR – RUCS)/100

Where: RMR is the total of the Rock Mass Rating
RUCS is the Uniaxial Compressive Strength rating

To obtain the DRMR needed for calculating pillar strength, the RMS was then adjusted for
the effects of blasting, weathering and joint orientation which were 95%, 96% and 74%
respectively. Hedley and Grant (1972) power formula was used for calculating pillar strength
however their suggestion of using strength of a unit cube of rock as input was replaced by
DRMR which is more representative of pillar experience. The formula used is as follows:

DRMS is the design rock mass strength
We is the effective pillar width given by 4xPillar Area/Pillar Perimeter
h is the pillar height

Since the maximum depth of ore at the exploration site is less than 300 m the mine to be
established is considered to be shallow so the Tributary Area Theory was applied, however
the setbacks of this theory as discussed earlier are still valid and further research work need to
be undertaken to account for these shortfalls.

Pillar Stress = v/(1 – e)

Where: v is the vertical insitu stress
e is the areal extraction ratio as determined by the Tributary Area Theory

For calculating the square pillar width at different depth for a constant SF of 1.6 the following
values were used for the parameters in the SF equation (SF = Pillar Strength/Pillar Load):
Mining height 1.8 m

Pillar Centres 18 m

Rock density 2 700 kg/m3

UCS of intact pillar rock 152.3 MPa

DRMS 48.4 MPa

The resultant square pillar widths at various depth for a constant SF of 1.6 are as given in
Table 4.13.

Table 4.13: Variation of square pillar width with depth at a constant SF of 1.6

Depth Below Surface Pillar Width SF

(m) (m)
100 4.53 1.6
120 4.88 1.6
140 5.19 1.6
160 5.47 1.6
180 5.73 1.6
200 5.98 1.6

Note that the same approach was adopted to determine pillar width at different depths for a
constant SF of 1.6 for the different pillar design formulae discussed in Chapter 2 as applied to
the large scale platinum exploration project data base. This was meant to illustrate the
uncertainty brought about by these formulae in the pillar design process. The results are as
presented under section 4.9
The Rock Mass Classification data used for this research is presented in Tables 4.14 to 4.17.

Table 4.14: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – Q System (Barton)


Joint Condition
Bore Hole Zone (m) RQD Set No. (Jn ) Roughness Alteration Water Reduction Stress Reduction RQD/Jn Jr/Ja Jw/SRF Q
No. (Jr) No. (Ja) Fact. (Jw) Fact. (Js)
BO 56 45 – 53 76 3 1.5 6 1 2.5 25.3 0.25 0.4 2.5
IBO 01 114 – 122 98 3 1.5 1.5 1 2.5 32.7 1 0.4 13.1
BO55A 119 – 127 99 4 1 0.75 1 2.5 24.8 1.3 0.4 12.9
IBO 02 138 – 146 89 4 3 3 1 2.5 22.3 1 0.4 8.9
BO 54A 142– 150 98 4 1 1 1 2.5 24.5 1 0.4 9.8
IBO 03 171 – 179 57 9 3 1 1 2.5 6.3 3 0.4 7.6
BO 53A 150 – 158 100 4 1 1 1 2.5 25.0 1 0.4 6.3
IBO 11 182 – 190 100 2 1.5 0.75 1 2.5 50.0 2 0.4 40.0
BO 52 143 – 151 75 9 3 1 1 2.5 8.3 3 0.4 10.0
BO 45 158 – 166 96 3 1.5 0.75 1 2.5 32.1 2 0.4 25.7
BO 51 115 – 123 99 4 3 1 1 2.5 24.8 3 0.4 29.7
BO 58 100 – 108 100 1 1 1 1 2.5 100.0 1 0.4 40.0
BO 59 114 – 122 95 4 3 2 1 2.5 23.8 1.5 0.4 14.3
BO 60 135 – 143 96 6 1.5 1 1 2.5 16.0 1.5 0.4 9.6
BO 61A 132 – 140 99 6 1 1 1 2.5 16.5 1 0.4 6.6
BO 62 94 – 102 95 9 1.5 1 1 2.5 10.6 1.5 0.4 6.4
BO 66 101 – 109 100 4 1 1 1 2.5 25.0 1 0.4 10.0
BO 68 120 – 128 100 1 1 1 1 2.5 100.0 1 0.4 40.0
BO 39 189 – 197 98 2 1.5 1 1 2.5 49.0 1.5 0.4 29.4
BO 41 130 – 138 77 15 4 4 1 2.5 5.1 1 0.4 2.0

Table 4.15: Bokai On-Reef Zone Rock Mass Classification – RMR (Bieniawski)


Bore Hole Zone (m) RQD UCS Joint Spacing Joint Condition Groundwater RMR RMR from
BO 56 45 – 53 17 12 8 12 15 -5 59 65
IBO 01 114 – 122 20 12 10 22 15 -5 74 74
BO55A 119 - 127 20 12 10 20 15 -5 72 74
IBO 02 138 - 146 17 12 10 20 15 -5 69 72
BO 54A 142– 150 20 12 15 18 15 -5 75 72
IBO 03 171 – 179 13 12 8 20 15 -5 63 71
BO 53A 150 – 158 20 12 10 18 15 -5 70 70
IBO 11 182 - 190 20 12 15 20 15 -5 77 79
BO 052 143 – 151 17 12 8 22 15 -5 69 72
BO 045 158 – 166 20 12 10 22 15 -5 74 77
BO 051 115 - 123 20 12 15 24 15 -5 81 78
BO 58 100 – 108 20 12 20 23 15 -5 85 79
BO 59 114 – 122 20 12 15 22 15 -5 79 74
BO 60 135 – 143 20 12 10 22 15 -5 74 72
BO 61A 132 – 140 20 12 10 18 15 -5 70 70
BO 62 94 – 102 20 12 10 20 15 -5 72 70
BO 66 101 – 109 20 12 10 20 15 -5 72 69
BO 68 120 – 128 20 12 20 22 15 -5 84 79
BO 39 189 – 197 20 12 15 20 15 -5 77 78
BO 41 130 – 138 17 12 8 10 15 -5 57 64

*RMR = 5lnQ + 60.8

Table 4.16: Bokai Decline Zones Rock Mass Classification – Q System (Barton)


Joint Condition
Bore Hole Zone (m) RQD Set No. (Jn ) Roughness Alteration Water Reduction Stress Reduction RQD/Jn Jr/Ja Jw/SRF Q
No. (Jr) No. (Ja) Factor (Jw) Factor (Js)
BO 56 45 – 53 76 3 1.5 6 1 2.5 25.3 0.25 0.4 2.5
IBO 01 114 – 122 98 3 1.5 1.5 1 2.5 32.7 1 0.4 13.1
BO55A 119 - 127 99 4 1 0.75 1 2.5 24.8 1.3 0.4 12.9
IBO 02 138 - 146 89 4 3 3 1 2.5 22.3 1 0.4 8.9
BO 54A 142– 150 98 4 1 1 1 2.5 24.5 1 0.4 9.8
IBO 03 171 – 179 57 9 3 1 1 2.5 6.3 3 0.4 7.6
BO 53A 150 – 158 100 4 1 1 1 2.5 25.0 1 0.4 6.3
IBO 11 182 - 190 100 2 1.5 0.75 1 2.5 50.0 2 0.4 40.0
BO 52 143 – 151 75 9 3 1 1 2.5 8.3 3 0.4 10.0
BO 45 158 – 166 96 3 1.5 0.75 1 2.5 32.1 2 0.4 25.7
BO 51 115 - 123 99 4 3 1 1 2.5 24.8 3 0.4 29.7
IBO 01 132 - 137 100 1 1.5 0.75 1 2.5 100 2 0.4 80.0
IBO 02 153 - 158 100 1 1.5 1 1 2.5 100 1.5 0.4 60.0
BO 53A 165 - 170 63 9 1.5 1 1 2.5 7.0 1.5 0.4 4.2
IBO 11 199 - 204 96 6 3 2 1 2.5 16.0 1.3 0.4 8.3
BO 54A 156 - 161 100 1 1 1 1 2.5 100 1 0.4 40.0

Table 4.17: Bokai Decline Zones Rock Mass Classification – RMR (Bieniawski)


Joint Joint
Bore Hole Zone (m) RQD UCS Joint Spacing Groundwater RMR RMR from
Condition Orientation
BO 56 45 – 53 17 12 8 12 15 -5 59 65
IBO 01 114 – 122 20 12 10 22 15 -5 74 74
BO55A 119 - 127 20 12 10 20 15 -5 72 74
IBO 02 138 - 146 17 12 10 20 15 -5 69 72
BO 54A 142– 150 20 12 15 18 15 -5 75 72
IBO 03 171 – 179 13 12 8 20 15 -5 63 71
BO 53A 150 – 158 20 12 10 18 15 -5 70 70
IBO 11 182 - 190 20 12 15 20 15 -5 77 79
BO 052 143 – 151 17 12 8 22 15 -5 69 72
BO 045 158 – 166 20 12 10 22 15 -5 74 77
BO 051 115 - 123 20 12 15 24 15 -5 81 78
IBO 01 132 - 137 20 12 15 26 15 -5 83 83
IBO 02 153 - 158 20 12 15 22 15 -5 79 81
BO 53A 165 - 170 13 12 8 20 15 -5 63 68
IBO 11 199- 204 17 12 10 20 15 -5 69 71
BO 54A 156 - 161 20 12 20 18 15 -5 80 79

*RMR = 5 ln Q + 60.8

4.8 Pillar Numerical Modelling using Examine 2D
An analysis of stress distribution around a pillar line running through pillar centres was done
using Examine 2D modelling software and the results are as given in Figure 4.5 and Figure
4.6. Examine 2D is a simplistic software package which can be utilised to get an initial
picture of stress distribution. It was noticed that pillar stress is high on the centres of the
pillars and decreases going away from the centres to the edge of pillars. This is evidenced by
the zero strength factor at the centres of the pillars and gradual increase of the strength factor
to 4 going towards the edge of the pillars. Examine 2D is used for elastic analysis and cannot
be used to model failure as it has no ability to model plasticity. Where detailed numerical
modelling analysis is required complex modelling packages with numerous capacities like
modelling failure and joints should be used. These modelling packages include Phase 2,

Figure 4.5: Section through pillar line

Figure 4.6: Section between pillar lines

4.9 Pillar Design Results for the large scale platinum exploration project using the
different pillar design formulae discussed in Chapter 2
To highlight the current uncertainty in the pillar design process, the pillar design formulae
presented in Chapter 2 were used to determine square pillar sizes at different depth using the
Platinum Exploration Data. A constant SF of 1.6 was used in the calculations since it is the
minimum permitted SF for the project. The TAT was used to determine the stresses at
different depth since the mining layout is of large lateral extent, several times greater than the
mining depth and regular with same size pillars. It is important to note that the Coates‟
method reduces to the usual TAT under these conditions (large width of extraction span, L)
so only the TAT was used for the assessment.

Since there is no straight forward way of calculating pillar width from the SF equation,
several iterations were performed in excel to find the pillar width corresponding to a SF of 1.6
for each pillar strength formula. For the sake of clarity and brevity, the formulae presented in
Chapter 2 are not repeated here but the values of the parameters as applied to the platinum
exploration data base are given and the results summarised in Table 4.18. The Parameters
used in the pillar design exercise for the large scale platinum exploration project are as

Mining height 1.8 m

Pillar Centres 18 m

Rock density 2 700 kg/m3

UCS of intact pillar rock 152.3 MPa

DRMS 48.4 MPa

The other parameters values for each of the formulae are as presented in Chapter 2.

The results of the pillar design exercise are as summarised in Table 4.18.

Table 4.18: Pillar Design Results for the different pillar design formulae

Strength Formula Strength Stress (TAT) Depth Pillar Width w/h Ratio SF
(MPa) (MPa) (m) (m)
Hedley and Grant (1972) 149.71 93.43 100 3.06 1.70 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 84.20 52.55 100 4.08 2.27 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 50.41 31.50 100 5.27 2.93 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 120.44 74.79 100 3.42 1.90 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 68.27 42.63 100 4.53 2.52 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 92.90 57.81 100 3.89 2.16 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 96.75 60.26 100 3.81 2.12 1.6

Hedley and Grant (1972) 155.24 96.98 120 3.29 1.83 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 87.18 54.22 120 4.40 2.44 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 52.19 32.54 120 5.68 3.16 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 127.83 79.67 120 3.63 2.02 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 70.85 44.08 120 4.88 2.71 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 95.71 59.51 120 4.20 2.33 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 100.01 62.45 120 4.10 2.28 1.6

Hedley and Grant (1972) 160.11 99.98 140 3.50 1.94 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 89.69 55.92 140 4.68 2.60 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 53.75 33.57 140 6.04 3.36 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 134.52 83.93 140 3.82 2.12 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 73.07 45.47 140 5.19 2.88 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 98.15 61.29 140 4.47 2.48 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 102.60 63.84 140 4.38 2.43 1.6

Hedley and Grant (1972) 164.63 102.24 160 3.70 2.06 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 91.95 57.36 160 4.94 2.74 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 55.22 34.39 160 6.38 3.54 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 140.86 87.48 160 4.00 2.22 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 75.02 46.78 160 5.47 3.04 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 100.50 62.56 160 4.73 2.63 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 104.88 65.29 160 4.63 2.57 1.6

Hedley and Grant (1972) 168.37 105.14 180 3.87 2.15 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 93.98 58.68 180 5.18 2.88 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 56.51 35.29 180 6.68 3.71 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 146.50 90.99 180 4.16 2.31 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 76.78 47.96 180 5.73 3.18 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 102.58 64.01 180 4.96 2.76 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 106.75 66.67 180 4.86 2.70 1.6

Hedley and Grant (1972) 172.02 107.20 200 4.04 2.24 1.6
Von Kimmelmann et al (1984) 95.87 59.78 200 5.41 3.01 1.6
Krauland and Soder (1987) 57.77 36.01 200 6.97 3.87 1.6
Potvin et al (1989) 151.43 94.62 200 4.30 2.39 1.6
DRMS Approach (Laubscher, 1990) 78.43 48.93 200 5.98 3.32 1.6
Sjoberg (1992) 104.57 65.20 200 5.18 2.88 1.6
Lunder and Pakalnis (1997) 108.41 67.53 200 5.09 2.83 1.6

4.9.1 Comments on Pillar Design Results from the different design formulae
After exploration is completed one needs a clear method for designing pillars lest the
uncertainty induces disastrous pillar failure. Looking at the results shows that one is faced
with an arduous task of choosing which formulae to use as they all give different pillar sizes.
The results clearly show that there is no clear way of solving the pillar design problem. This
is a pure indication that further research has to be dedicated to pinning this problem and solve
it once and for all. All the discussed factors influencing pillar design have to be considered
and built into an effective procedure or formula which pillar design practioners for low reef
platinum mining can use.

4.10 Conclusions
The work on the large scale platinum exploration project presented an excellent opportunity
to map out areas of much care and consideration when collecting the geotechnical parameters
used in designing pillars. The exploration work also highlighted how rockmass classification
methods can be utilised in determining the overall strength of pillars. Geotechnical
parameters important for pillar design were collected by means of geotechnical logging and
laboratory tests. The geotechnical logging consisted of three stages: quick log per run, major
structures log and detailed geotechnical log. Error concerns and areas of special attention for
each logging stage were highlighted in this chapter. It is imperative for the geotechnical
logging sheet to accommodate all the parameters which will be used in the calculation of
pillar strength. The logging sheet and instructions should be presented in a way which is easy
to understand to minimise human errors and increase accuracy and precision. It suffices to say
the quality of input into the pillar design system influences the quality of the results gotten
from it

The platinum exploration data was utilised to assess the variance of the results of square pillar
sizes at different depth calculated using different pillar design formulae presented in Chapter
2 at a constant SF of 1.6. All the formulae gave different square pillar size results pointing to
the fact that there is currently no clear way of solving the pillar design problem. It is
important that all the discussed factors influencing pillar design be considered and lumped
into an effective procedure or formula which pillar design practioners for low reef platinum
mining can use.


5.0 Introduction
Having done the evaluations of pillar design systems, this chapter strives to give pillar design
systems as practiced at Platinum Mines Group X and highlight the inadequacy of the design
systems as currently practiced. The methods of load and pillar strength are assessed as part of
the evaluations. The drawbacks of the current approach at these mines heavily borrow from
the already discussed insufficiency of the current pillar design systems for low reef platinum
mining, as such no much detail is discussed in this chapter but it is given for illustrative
purposes only.

5.1 Pillar Design

5.1.1 Pillar Load Determination

Platinum Mines Group X does not go beyond 325 m in depth so the Tributary Area Theory is
used. At these shallow depths the effects of horizontal stresses are significant such that the
confinement imposed on the pillars strengthen them and enable them to carry load directly
above them. However despite conformance with the requirements of the Tributary Area
Theory at shallow depth, the drawbacks alluded to in the evaluations chapter are still valid.
The variation of stress on a 5 m x 5 m pillar with depth is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Variation of pillar stress with depth at Platinum Mines Group X

5.2 Pillar Strength Determination
Hedley and Grant (1972)‟s power formula, equation 34, is used for the determination of pillar
strength. Some sort of conservatism is built in this formula at these mines by considering only
a 3rd of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of a unit cube of platinum rock.

5.2.1 Inadequacy of the use of Hedley and Grant (1972)’s power formula
As alluded to in the evaluations presented in chapter 3, Hedley and Grant (1972)‟s formula
ignores many factors which influence pillar strength. This results in pillar failure due to over
estimation of pillar strength. As mentioned earlier, no matter how the UCS of insitu rock
material is adjusted downwards there is always a challenge in quantifying the influence of the
other factors affecting pillar strength. Adversely oriented joints and geological and
geotechnical discontinuities are some of the factors which highly influence overall pillar
strength. The consideration of UCS and w/h ratio alone in calculating strength ignores the
systematic concept of pillar design. The other two components of the system, roof-pillar
contact condition and floor-pillar contact condition, are ignored resulting in the
overestimation of pillar strength

The pillar safety factor used in the design is 1.6 which appears to be good and no pillar failure
is expected. Nevertheless pillar failures continue to occur calling for the accommodation of
the left out factors in the designs as discussed in chapter 3. Figure 5.2 illustrates one of the
pillar failures experienced at Platinum Mines Group X.

Figure 5.2: Example of a pillar burst under the current pillar design practice at
Platinum Mines Group X

Coupled to the mentioned left out factors in the designs are factors such as ignorance to the
use of survey directives when forming pillars and substandard drilling, charging and blasting
practice. Pillar failure can also arise from incorrect assessment of ground conditions which
lead to overestimation of rockmass strength.

5.2.2 Influence of w/h ratio on Pillar strength

As the width to height ratio of a pillar increases its size also increases. The relationship
between pillar strength and w/h ratio is as depicted in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Variation of pillar strength with w/h ratio at Platinum Mines Group X

The strength of a pillar material decreases with size like any other material. The decrease in
strength as specimen size increases does not drop to zero but to a residual value such that any
further decrease in size is not accompanied by a decrease in specimen strength.

5.3 Support Pillar Design

Pillars are designed such that a safety factor of at least 1.6 is achieved. Pillar dimensions must
be in such a way to achieve this requirement. Table 5.1 presents typical pillar dimensions and
extraction ratios for instope pillars at different depth.

Table 5.1: Typical instope pillar dimensions and extraction ratios at Platinum Mines
Group X

Average Average Pillar Dimensions Effective Areal Pillar Pillar Safety

Depth Virgin Pillar Pillar Pillar Pillar Extraction Strength Stress Factor
Stress Length Width Height Width (in panel)
(m) (MPa) (m) (m) (m) (m) (%) (MPa) (MPa)
150 4.8 4 4 2.5 4.00 86.8 60.3 36.1 1.67
160 5.1 4 4 2.5 4.00 86.8 60.3 33.6 1.57
170 5.4 5 4 2.5 4.44 84.8 63.6 35.7 1.78
180 5.7 5 4 2.5 4.44 84.8 63.6 37.8 1.68
190 6.0 5 4 2.5 4.44 84.8 63.6 39.9 1.60
200 6.4 5 5 2.5 5.00 82.6 67.4 36.6 1.84
210 6.7 5 5 2.5 5.00 82.6 67.4 38.5 1.76
220 7.0 5 5 2.5 5.00 82.6 67.4 40.3 1.68
230 7.3 5 5 2.5 5.00 82.6 67.4 42.1 1.60
240 7.6 6 5 2.5 5.45 80.8 70.4 39.7 1.78
250 7.9 6 5 2.5 5.45 80.8 70.4 41.3 1.71
260 8.3 6 5 2.5 5.45 80.8 70.4 43 1.64
270 8.6 7 5 2.5 5.83 79.2 72.8 41.2 1.77
280 8.9 7 5 2.5 5.83 79.2 72.8 42.7 1.71
290 9.2 7 5 2.5 5.83 79.2 72.8 44.2 1.65
300 9.5 7 5 2.5 5.83 79.2 72.8 45.8 1.59

5.4 Mining Layout
The adopted mining layout is as shown in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Mining Layout at Platinum Mines Group X

5.5 Conclusions
Platinum Mines Group X utilises the TAT and the Hedley and Grant (1972) formulae to
determine pillar load and pillar strength respectively. These have been discussed together
with other approaches earlier on and were found be insufficient as they do not take account of
several factors influencing pillar stability. Platinum Mines Group X serves as a good
illustration of mines faced with pillar design uncertainty due to the failure of current pillar
design systems to account for discussed influential factors. As soon as the research into a
pillar design system accounting for all influential factors is concluded, it will be
recommended that Platinum Mines Group X migrates to the resultant effective pillar design
procedure or formula to reduce uncertainty.

A reliable pillar design system spurs a mine to high levels of safety. It was the main objective
of this research to make an evaluation of the current pillar design systems for low reef
platinum mining with a main view to increase safety in the extraction of this invaluable
resource. While much work has been done in the past with regards to the design of coal
pillars after the CoalBrook disaster of 1960, not much research has been dedicated to the
design of hard rock pillars. A disaster need not be the one prompting engineers to devise a
solution; they should always stay put and ahead with solutions. In a bid to achieve this
objective extensive literature review of the current practice was undertaken. The author‟s
work with a large scale platinum exploration project and established platinum mines was also
utilised in pointing out the inadequacies of the current pillar design systems. Appropriate
recommendations were formulated in order to enhance safety practice in designing pillars.
During the course of this research the following conclusions and observations were made:

Pillar design results for the large scale platinum exploration project using different
pillar design formulae discussed in chapter 2 were significantly different showing the
uncertainty brought about by the current pillar design formulae in the pillar design
process. These results clearly show that there is currently no clear way of solving the
pillar design problem. Further research has to be dedicated to pinning this problem
and solve it once and for all.
Competent pillar design systems depend on the accurate determination of pillar load
and pillar strength. There are many factors influencing these two variables
unaccounted for by the current pillar design systems. The current systems consider
pillar material strength and w/h ratio in determine pillar strength but the failure of
even high safety factor pillars is an indication of overestimation of pillar strength due
to leaving out other factors like contact of the pillar with the roof and floor, roof and
floor conditions, effects of adversely oriented joints, spalling and side scaling effects,
influence of pillar loading condition, blasting damage effects, influence of weak layers
and weathering, impact of k-ratio, time dependent effects, geology, fractured zones,
effects of different types of discontinuities within the rock strata, among others.
The tributary area theory works well for shallow mining when the pillar layout is
regular. The theory assumes that each pillar in the system carries an equal amount of
load in the layout however pillars near permanent abutments carry lesser load. It is

imperative to note that mining potholes and fault losses often left out in practical
mining reduces extraction ratios which in turn give a low APS than that planned for.
The current pillar design systems for low reef platinum mining were empirically
developed and require pillar failure to occur in order to calibrate the pillar design
empirical curves. This approach works for the design of pillars in areas lying within
the empirical range used to develop the empirical curves. However some pillars
designed this way and meeting the definition of the empirical database fail showing
that more parameters need to be considered in the empirical database when
formulating the formulae.
It was observed that most of the platinum mines are not quite aware of the
significance of adjusting the K parameter in the power formula. They use 1/3rd
strength of a unit cube of the platinum rock and believe this builds some conservatism
in determining pillar strength. As mentioned, this approach leaves out many factors
which influence pillar strength such that even a high safety factor pillar designed this
way may collapse.
To bridge the knowledge gap in the current pillar design systems in order to gain some
milestone achievements, more research still needs to be done. The evaluation done by this
research has pointed researchers to the following recommendations:

While it is fine to design pillars empirically, this has to be done only for the fields
lying within the empirical range of the data base which also consider all the
parameters affecting pillar stability. It is highly recommended that for those virgin
areas which do not lie within the empirical range there should be a system in place to
design the pillars which does not rely on pillar failure. A theoretical framework for
such designs can be developed by utilising numerical modelling packages. All the
geological and geotechnical information from the exploration crew can be inbuilt in
the numerical modelling packages in order to come up with the theoretical framework
for designing the pillars from the beginning.
The pillar load and pillar strength formulae to be developed have to consider all the
parameters affecting these variables. The pillar design formulae should adopt the
systematic nature of pillar design so that all the components, roof-pillar contact, the
pillar itself and the pillar-floor contact, are accounted for in the design. Excellence in
the design of other components while one is ignored leads to disastrous consequences

like loss of machinery, life, highly productive sections and all the disastrous
consequences of surface subsidence due to underground pillar failure.
The tributary area theory needs to be revisited so that the mentioned factors like
mining potholes, fault losses and the overall loading environment assessments can be
done in order to build these factors in the formulation of the Tributary Area Theory.
Numerical modelling techniques play a pivotal role in reliable determination of pillar
stress and pillar strength. All what is needed is to collect all geological and
geotechnical details and feed them in the numerical modelling packages. However for
one to get a meaningful result from such packages they need to know their limitations.
For those mines with already failed pillars, back analysis proves to be very useful in
devising a pillar design system since failure would have already occurred. The back
analysis can give a clear picture on the relationship between pillar collapse frequency
and design safety factor, pillar collapse frequency and w/h ratio, pillar life and the
frequency of pillars with that pillar life, depth and frequency of pillar collapse among
others. The understanding of these relationships forms a solid base on which reliable
pillar design systems can be developed.
Discontinuities are amongst the major factors affecting pillar strength so it is vital to
quantify their influence on pillar strength. Rockmass classification systems like the
RMR, Q-System and Laubscher‟s MRMR system can be utilised in the quantification
of pillar strength. These classification systems consider most of the factors influencing
rockmass strength not currently accommodated by the current pillar design systems.
Failure Criteria can be utilised in predicting pillar failure. These can be utilised as they
are or when used in numerical modelling packages. Mohr Coulomb, Hoek Brown and
the Extension Strain are some of the criteria which can be used. Mohr Coulomb and
Hoek Brown Criteria‟s mode of failure prediction are similar while Extension Strain
criterion goes further than these two by considering all the three principal stresses
affecting pillar strength. Strain Extension Criterion predicts failure quite well in hard
brittle rock.
Where collapses of pillars occur within a short period of mining investigations have to
be done promptly in order to establish the cause. This helps to solve the problem
while it is in its early stages. Such investigations should never be shelved as the
problem has the potential of developing into a pillar run.

Knowing all the parameters needed for pillar design system, the geotechnical logging
manual for those who capture them in the field should have these parameters included
in its format. To minimise human error the logging personnel and the designers should
get adequate training in the execution of their duties. Human error needs close
attention since whether everything is captured and done, inaccuracy can render the
pillar design unstable.
In the process of formulating a lasting solution for the design of platinum pillars, the main
aim has to be coming up with a truly optimum pillar size. As noted smaller pillars puts the
mine at risk of collapse since they offer inadequate support to the mine while bigger pillars
becomes unsustainable since more platinum resources are left out in the ground. This
wasteful exploitation of resources also impacts heavily on the general sustainable
development of an economy. For sustainable development, as explained by Brundtland
(1987), the current generation should be able to meet all its needs without compromising the
future generation‟s ability to meet its own needs. Bigger pillars also make a mine not to
realise its full economic capacity. Addressing the mentioned research areas is critical in
coming up with a comprehensive pillar design system.

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Table A.1: Rock Mass Rating System (Bieniawski, 1989)

* Some conditions are mutually exclusive. For example, if infilling is present, the roughness
of the surface will be overshadowed by the influence of the gouge. In such cases use A.4
directly. ** Modified after Wickham et al (1972).


125-129 m

130-136 m

137-141 m

142-146 m

147 -151 m

152-157 m

158-163 m

164-169 m

169-170 m


117-122 m

123-127 m

128-132 m

133-138 m

139-144 m

145-150 m

151-155 m

156-161 m



92-98 m

99-105 m

106-112 m

123-128 m

-129 m


Figure A3.1: Downhole Survey Plan and Section of Borehole BO54A (Todal Mining
Geotechnical Data Base, 2009).

Table A.2: Downhole survey results for borehole BO54A

Survey of Hole BO54A Magnetic Reference Data

For Todal Mining Private Limited Magnetic Strength 29648 nT
Surveyed 18/12/08 21:07 Magnetic Dip 58.2 degrees
Hole size NQ "MD"= Magnetic Dip Deviation > 0.5 degrees
Surveyed By Darren Muirhead "MT"= Magnetic Strenth Deviation > 1000 nT

Station Quality Dip Azimuth East North Elevation Mag.Dip Mag.Str. Mag.Y Mag.Z Roll Angle DLS Comment
Metres * Degrees Degrees Metres Metres Metres Degrees nT nT nT Degrees deg./30m
8 MD+MT 78.9 190.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.0 27565 0 25186 155.5 0.0 Casing interference
11 MD+MT 79.2 203.6 0.6 2.0 0.0 78.9 36496 0 35810 211.2 1581.9 Casing interference
14 MD+MT 79.2 104.1 0.5 2.4 3.0 59.7 30872 0 26658 59.6 164.9 Casing interference
17 OK+OK 78.8 102.8 0.1 2.5 5.9 58.3 29480 0 25094 0.7 4.4
20 OK+OK 78.9 104.1 0.7 2.6 8.9 58.0 29417 0 24961 55.9 2.6
23 OK+OK 79.0 105.0 1.2 2.8 11.8 57.9 29395 0 24890 116.5 2.3
26 OK+OK 78.8 104.8 1.8 2.9 14.8 58.0 29377 0 24908 49.6 2.3
29 OK+OK 78.9 103.4 2.3 3.1 17.7 58.2 29385 0 24972 349.4 2.9
32 OK+OK 79.0 103.3 2.9 3.2 20.6 58.2 29381 0 24973 310.7 0.7
35 OK+OK 79.0 103.4 3.5 3.3 23.6 58.2 29395 0 24985 298.0 0.9
38 OK+OK 79.1 103.3 4.0 3.5 26.5 58.2 29385 0 24962 290.5 0.4
41 OK+OK 79.1 103.8 4.6 3.6 29.5 58.2 29386 0 24964 268.7 1.0
44 OK+OK 79.1 103.9 5.1 3.7 32.4 58.2 29381 0 24970 354.6 0.6
47 OK+OK 79.3 104.7 5.7 3.9 35.4 58.0 29397 0 24943 150.4 2.6
50 OK+OK 79.3 105.3 6.2 4.0 38.3 58.0 29387 0 24914 112.9 1.1
53 OK+OK 79.3 105.2 6.7 4.2 41.3 58.0 29361 0 24888 123.3 0.6
56 OK+OK 79.2 105.2 7.3 4.3 44.2 58.0 29385 0 24912 67.4 1.5
59 OK+OK 79.2 105.8 7.8 4.5 47.2 58.0 29392 0 24919 71.4 1.4
62 OK+OK 79.2 104.6 8.4 4.6 50.1 58.2 29393 0 24968 329.7 2.2
65 OK+OK 79.4 104.5 8.9 4.8 53.1 58.1 29403 0 24972 248.5 1.5
68 OK+OK 79.4 104.7 9.4 4.9 56.0 58.2 29434 0 25003 233.1 0.7
71 OK+OK 79.3 105.0 10.0 5.0 59.0 58.1 29399 0 24971 356.7 1.6
74 OK+OK 79.3 105.1 10.5 5.2 61.9 58.2 29425 0 24999 337.6 0.0
77 OK+OK 79.4 104.6 11.0 5.3 64.8 58.2 29410 0 24999 283.1 1.7
80 OK+OK 79.6 105.0 11.6 5.5 67.8 58.1 29420 0 24974 191.0 2.0
83 OK+OK 79.6 104.6 12.1 5.6 70.7 58.2 29413 0 24989 232.7 0.7
86 OK+OK 79.5 105.4 12.6 5.7 73.7 58.1 29404 0 24966 229.0 1.6
89 OK+OK 79.4 106.0 13.2 5.9 76.6 58.1 29404 0 24963 356.6 2.0
92 OK+OK 79.5 106.6 13.7 6.0 79.6 58.0 29391 0 24923 49.9 1.2
95 OK+OK 79.5 106.0 14.2 6.2 82.5 58.2 29426 0 24999 358.1 0.9
98 OK+OK 79.5 107.0 14.7 6.4 85.5 58.1 29430 0 24973 28.3 1.8
101 OK+OK 79.7 107.8 15.3 6.5 88.4 57.9 29428 0 24935 91.4 2.2
104 OK+OK 79.6 107.1 15.8 6.7 91.4 58.0 29403 0 24937 41.3 1.2
107 OK+OK 79.6 107.1 16.3 6.8 94.3 58.1 29402 0 24971 359.2 0.0
110 OK+OK 79.7 106.7 16.8 7.0 97.3 58.2 29393 0 24976 319.8 1.2
113 OK+OK 79.9 107.2 17.3 7.2 100.3 58.1 29420 0 24981 207.4 2.4
116 OK+OK 79.9 107.1 17.8 7.3 103.2 58.2 29401 0 24978 272.0 0.8
119 OK+OK 80.0 108.7 18.3 7.5 106.2 58.0 29401 0 24926 129.4 3.0
122 OK+OK 79.8 108.7 18.8 7.6 109.1 58.0 29422 0 24955 33.4 2.0
125 OK+OK 80.0 108.0 19.3 7.8 112.1 58.0 29400 0 24946 177.2 2.8
128 OK+OK 79.9 109.8 19.8 8.0 115.0 58.0 29420 0 24937 97.3 3.2
131 OK+OK 80.0 108.3 20.3 8.1 118.0 58.1 29408 0 24968 233.8 2.8
134 OK+OK 80.0 108.5 20.8 8.3 120.9 58.1 29388 0 24957 215.6 0.6
137 OK+OK 80.1 109.6 21.3 8.5 123.9 58.0 29386 0 24924 166.7 1.9
140 OK+OK 80.0 110.0 21.8 8.7 126.8 58.0 29362 0 24893 71.4 1.1
143 OK+OK 80.1 110.7 22.2 8.8 129.8 57.9 29376 0 24892 108.4 1.9
146 OK+OK 80.3 109.3 22.7 9.0 132.8 58.1 29386 0 24935 179.3 2.7
149 OK+OK 80.2 109.3 23.2 9.2 135.7 57.9 29207 0 24752 216.2 0.3
152 OK+OK 80.3 109.9 23.7 9.3 138.7 58.0 29371 0 24910 179.8 1.4
155 OK+MT 80.4 112.3 24.2 9.5 141.6 57.7 28472 0 24075 187.0 4.1
158 MD+MT 80.3 113.9 24.6 9.7 144.6 56.4 26765 0 22302 240.6 2.7 Unknown interference
161 OK+MT 80.2 108.3 25.1 9.9 147.5 58.3 28565 0 24303 339.7 9.6
164 OK+OK 80.1 111.8 25.6 10.1 150.5 58.1 29137 0 24736 20.0 6.0
167 OK+OK 80.2 111.9 26.0 10.3 153.4 57.7 29097 0 24599 77.9 0.7
170 OK+OK 80.4 111.5 26.5 10.5 156.4 57.9 29078 0 24643 172.5 2.1

Table A.3: Quick log per run for borehole BO54A

Log#1 - Quick Log Per Run

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO54A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 17.4 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 56.0 Checked: TAWANDA
BON @ 133.80 MH @ 142.17 Z: 1 148 Page no: 1 of 4

From (m) To (m) Rock Type TCR (m) SCR (m) [RQD] Length >100mm Photo Number Comments

74.2 77.2 Anothositic norite 2.90 2.90 2.90 BO54A-1 Wholely intact rock
77.2 80.2 Anothositic norite 3.04 3.04 3.04 BO54A-1,2 Wholely intact rock
80.2 83.2 Anothositic norite 3.06 3.06 3.06 BO54A-2,3 Wholely intact rock
83.2 86.2 Anothositic norite 2.94 2.94 2.94 BO54A-3 Wholely intact rock
86.2 89.2 Anothositic norite 3.05 3.05 3.05 BO54A-3,4 Wholely intact rock
89.2 92.2 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 2.93 BO54A-4 OCJ @ 91.55, SZ btwn 91.93 & 92, RIR
92.2 95.2 Anothositic norite 2.91 2.91 2.91 BO54A-4,5 Wholely intact rock
95.2 98.2 Anothositic norite 3.04 3.04 3.04 BO54A-5 Wholely intact rock
98.2 101.2 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO54A-5,6 Wholely intact rock
101.2 104.2 Anothositic norite 3.05 3.05 3.05 BO54A-6 Wholely intact rock
104.2 107.2 Anothositic norite 3.03 3.03 3.03 BO54A-6,7 Wholely intact rock
107.2 110.2 Anothositic norite 2.94 2.94 2.94 BO54A-7 Wholely intact rock
110.2 113.2 Anothositic norite 2.97 2.97 2.97 BO54A-7,8 Wholely intact rock
113.2 116.2 Anothositic norite 3.02 3.02 3.02 BO54A-8 Oriantation starts @ 116.20, Wholely intact rock
116.2 119.5 Anothositic norite 3.19 3.19 2.68 BO54A-8,9 FZ btwn 118.1 & 118.48, FZ btwn 118.93 & 119.06, RIR
119.5 122.5 Anothositic norite 3.31 3.31 3.31 BO54A-9,10 OCJ @119.50, RIR
122.5 125.5 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO54A-10 FZ btwn 123.33 & 123.72, OCJ @ 124.32, RIR
125.5 128.5 Anothositic norite 3.00 2.92 2.92 BO54A-10,11 FZ btwn 128.50 & 128.58, RIR
128.5 131.5 Anothositic norite 2.98 2.98 2.98 BO54A-11 OCJ @ 131.16, RIR
Anothositic norite &
131.5 134.5 2.82 2.82 2.68 BO54A-11,12 OCJs @ 133.88, 134.14, 134.21, 134.28, RIR
Bronzitite @ 133.31
134.5 137.5 Bronzitite 3.01 3.10 2.76 BO54A-12 F btwn 134.74 & 137.5, RIR
137.5 140.5 Bronzitite 3.14 3.14 2.27 BO54A-12,13 F btwn 137.50 & 138.37, RIR
140.5 143.5 Bronzitite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO54A-13 OCJs @ 140.82, 143, 143.18, 143.43, RIR
143.5 146.5 Bronzitite 2.93 2.93 2.93 BO54A-13,14 Wholely intact rock
FZ btwn 147.42 & 147.53, OCJs @ 148.11, 148.34, 148.61, 148.86,
146.5 149.5 Bronzitite 3.14 3.14 3.03 BO54A-14,15
149.53, RIR
149.5 152.5 Bronzitite 2.96 2.96 2.96 BO54A-15 OCJs @ 149.75, 149.99, 150.50, 150.69, 151.05, 151.08, 151.41, RIR
152.5 155.5 Bronzitite 2.70 2.70 2.70 BO54A-15,16 Wholely intact rock
155.5 158.5 Bronzitite 3.09 3.09 3.09 BO54A-16 Wholely intact rock
158.5 161.5 Bronzitite 2.90 2.90 2.90 BO54A-17 OCJ @ 159.36, RIR

Table A.4: Major structures log for borehole BO54

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO54A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 17.4 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 56.0 Checked by: TAWANDA
Z: 1 148 Page no 2 of 4

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties

Visual Water
Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale Staining
From To Code Class Alpha Beta (B)ottom
Infill Alteration
74.20 77.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
77.20 80.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
80.20 83.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
83.20 86.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
86.20 89.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
89.20 91.55 J 2 15 _ _ 4 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
91.55 91.93 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
91.93 92.00 SZ 4 _ _ _ 8 FD 2 √ Strongly sheared zone
92.00 95.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
95.20 98.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
98.20 101.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
101.20 104.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
104.20 107.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
107.20 110.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
110.20 113.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
113.20 116.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orientation starts @ 116.20, Wholely intact rock
116.20 118.10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
118.10 118.48 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 1 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
118.48 118.93 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
118.93 119.06 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 1 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
119.06 119.50 J 2 15 180 B 1 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
119.50 123.33 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
123.33 123.72 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
123.72 124.32 J 2 15 108 T 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
124.32 128.50 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
128.50 128.58 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
128.58 131.16 J 2 35 96 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
131.16 133.88 J 2 45 127.2 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
133.88 134.14 J 2 70 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
134.14 134.21 J 2 70 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table A.5: Major structures log for borehole BO54 (Continuation)

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO54A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 17.4 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 56.0 Checked by: TAWANDA
Z: 1 148 Page no 3 of 4

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties Description
Visual Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale
From To Code Class Alpha Beta Infill Alteration Staining
(B)ottom Geometry
134.21 134.28 J 2 70 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
134.28 134.74 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
134.74 137.5 F 2 60 180 T 7 SP 3 √ 28OCJs, 29CJs, faulted with displacement, RIR
137.5 138.37 F 2 60 180 T 7 SP 3 √ 9OCJs, 11CJs, faulted with displacement, RIR
138.37 140.82 J 2 65 120 T 5 SP 3 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
140.82 143 J 2 55 100.8 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
143 143.18 J 2 55 100.8 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
143.18 143.43 J 2 55 100.8 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
143.43 146.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
146.5 147.42 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
147.42 147.53 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 1 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
147.53 148.11 J 2 65 72 B 5 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
148.11 148.34 J 2 60 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
148.34 148.61 J 2 60 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
148.61 148.86 J 2 60 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
148.86 149.53 J 2 60 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
149.53 149.75 J 2 60 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
149.75 149.99 J 2 88 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
149.99 150.5 J 2 60 90 B 2 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
150.5 150.69 J 2 70 90 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
150.69 151.05 J 2 85 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
151.05 151.08 J 2 15 108 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
151.08 151.41 J 2 80 175 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
151.41 155.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
155.5 158.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
158.5 159.36 J 2 75 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
159.36 161.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table A.6: Detailed geotechnical log for borehole BO54A

Log#3 - Detail Geotech Log

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO54A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 17.4 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 47 56.0 Checked by: TAWANDA
Z: 1 148 Page no: 4 of 4

Intact Rock Strength Fracture Frequency Joint Condition (Micro/Filling/Alteration) Cemented Joints Micro Fractures
From To Rock Type
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Intensity Fill Type (if
Strong Mpa Weak Mpa % Weak Total Natural Foliation Set 1 Set 2 α/β
Set 3 MFA α/β MFA α/β MFA Count Fill Type Count/m any)

74.2 77.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

77.2 80.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
80.2 83.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
83.2 86.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
86.2 89.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
89.2 92.2 Anothositic norite R5 R4 0.233 5 6 _ 1 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 SP _ _
92.2 95.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
95.2 98.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
98.2 101.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
101.2 104.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
104.2 107.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
107.2 110.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
110.2 113.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
113.2 116.2 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
116.2 119.5 Anothositic norite R5 R4 15.99 1 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
119.5 122.5 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1 _ _ 0.0833 1SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
122.5 125.5 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
125.5 128.5 Anothositic norite R5 R0 2.67 MTPL √ _ √ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
128.5 131.5 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1 _ _ 0.36 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
131.5 134.5 Anothositic norite & Bronzitite @ 133.31 R5 _ _ 4 4 _ 1 3 _ 0.389 8SP1 0.354 8SP1 _ _ 4 SP _ _
134.5 137.5 Bronzitite R4 R3 8.31 57 57 _ 28 29 _ 0.333 7SP3 0.333 _SP3 _ _ 57 SP _ _
137.5 140.5 Bronzitite R4 R3 27.71 20 20 _ 9 11 _ 0.333 7SP3 0.333 _SP3 _ _ 20 SP _ _
140.5 143.5 Bronzitite R4 _ _ 4 4 _ 4_ _ 0.555 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 4 SP _ _
143.5 146.5 Bronzitite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
146.5 149.5 Bronzitite R5 R4 3.5 5 5 _ 4 1 _ _ _SP1 0.903 5SP1 _ _ 5 SP _ _
149.5 152.5 Bronzitite R5 _ _ 7 7 _ 3 2 2 0.444 8SP1 0.666 8SP1 0.139 8SP1 7 SP _ _
152.5 155.5 Bronzitite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
155.5 158.5 Bronzitite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
158.5 161.5 Bronzitite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1_ _ 0.417 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression Fill Type Wall Alteration
Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1 Q - Quartz G - Gouge 1 - wall=rock hardness

Smooth Stepped - 2 C - Calcite M - Magnesium 2 - wall>rock hardness

Slickensided Stepped - 3 FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite 3 - wall<rock hardness

Rough Undulating - 4 CL - Clay S - Sulphide

Smooth Undulating - 5 B - Breccia O - Other

Slickensided Undulating - 6
Rough Planar - 7
Smooth Planar - 8
Polished - 9


Figure A4.1: Downhole Survey Plan and Section of Borehole BO55A (Todal Mining Geotechnical Data Base, 2009).
Table A.7: Downhole survey results for borehole BO55A

Survey of Hole BO55A Magnetic Reference Data

For Todal Mining Private Limited Magnetic Strength 29708 nT
Surveyed 14/01/09 14:44 Magnetic Dip 58.4 degrees
Hole size NQ "MD"= Magnetic Dip Deviation > 0.5 degrees
Surveyed By Darren Muirhead "MT"= Magnetic Strenth Deviation > 1000 nT

Station Quality Dip Azimuth East North Elevation Mag.Dip Mag.Str. Mag.Y Mag.Z Roll Angle DLS Comment
Metres * Degrees Degrees Metres Metres Metres Degrees nT nT nT Degrees deg./30m
11 MD+MT 79.0 148.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 74.7 46481 0 44823 262.4 0.0 Casing interference
14 MD+MT 79.0 221.4 0.2 2.1 0.0 78.1 44250 0 43306 340.6 1623.6 Casing interference
17 MD+MT 79.4 78.8 0.1 2.3 3.0 69.5 10700 0 10023 43.1 203.9 Casing interference
20 MD+MT 79.7 112.3 0.4 2.3 5.9 25.5 13935 0 6009 120.1 59.9 Casing interference
23 MD+MT 79.8 106.9 0.9 2.5 8.9 64.6 37106 0 33521 63.4 9.7 Casing interference
26 MD+OK 79.9 101.7 1.4 2.6 11.8 59.1 30358 0 26038 128.1 9.2 Casing interference
29 MD+OK 79.7 102.3 2.0 2.7 14.8 59.0 30071 0 25769 271.5 2.0 Casing interference
32 OK+OK 79.6 103.0 2.5 2.8 17.7 58.8 29992 0 25661 279.2 1.4
35 OK+OK 79.8 102.6 3.0 3.0 20.7 58.7 29960 0 25609 35.8 1.5
38 OK+OK 79.9 102.8 3.5 3.1 23.7 58.6 29965 0 25580 78.1 1.2
41 OK+OK 80.0 102.2 4.0 3.2 26.6 58.6 29957 0 25569 137.8 1.2
44 OK+OK 79.8 102.4 4.6 3.3 29.6 58.7 29954 0 25606 230.4 1.7
47 OK+OK 79.9 101.7 5.1 3.4 32.5 58.7 29963 0 25593 170.4 2.0
50 OK+OK 79.9 102.8 5.6 3.5 35.5 58.6 29954 0 25567 79.8 2.0
53 OK+OK 79.8 103.0 6.1 3.6 38.4 58.7 29948 0 25592 6.7 0.7
56 OK+OK 80.0 102.2 6.6 3.8 41.4 58.6 29966 0 25588 132.5 2.2
59 OK+OK 80.0 102.4 7.1 3.9 44.3 58.6 29961 0 25577 117.4 0.4
62 OK+OK 79.9 103.8 7.6 4.0 47.3 58.7 29935 0 25577 11.1 2.7
65 OK+OK 80.0 102.3 8.1 4.1 50.2 58.6 29965 0 25580 150.0 3.1
68 OK+OK 79.9 103.5 8.7 4.2 53.2 58.6 29965 0 25581 42.9 2.5
71 OK+OK 79.9 104.1 9.2 4.3 56.1 58.6 29958 0 25572 25.8 1.0
74 OK+OK 80.1 103.1 9.7 4.5 59.1 58.6 29970 0 25573 130.3 2.8
77 OK+OK 79.9 103.6 10.2 4.6 62.0 58.8 29956 0 25623 265.4 2.5
80 OK+OK 80.0 103.0 10.7 4.7 65.0 58.8 29976 0 25631 222.4 1.4
83 OK+OK 80.0 103.7 11.2 4.8 68.0 58.8 29967 0 25630 270.2 1.2
86 OK+OK 80.0 104.6 11.7 5.0 70.9 58.6 29974 0 25597 7.2 1.6
89 OK+OK 80.2 103.6 12.2 5.1 73.9 58.5 29986 0 25578 121.3 2.3
92 OK+OK 80.1 104.0 12.7 5.2 76.8 58.5 29974 0 25555 97.1 0.8
95 OK+OK 80.2 103.3 13.2 5.3 79.8 58.6 29985 0 25590 124.9 1.3
98 OK+OK 80.1 104.3 13.7 5.4 82.7 58.5 29980 0 25569 79.9 1.9
101 OK+OK 80.2 103.6 14.2 5.6 85.7 58.6 29975 0 25573 119.7 1.5
104 OK+OK 80.1 104.4 14.7 5.7 88.6 58.5 29965 0 25545 84.1 1.6
107 OK+OK 80.0 103.8 15.2 5.8 91.6 58.7 29963 0 25607 229.6 1.8
110 OK+OK 80.0 103.3 15.7 5.9 94.6 58.7 29912 0 25550 221.3 0.8
113 OK+OK 79.9 105.3 16.2 6.1 97.5 58.5 29866 0 25478 333.1 3.7
116 OK+OK 80.0 104.4 16.7 6.2 100.5 58.4 29724 0 25329 220.0 1.9
119 OK+OK 80.2 105.6 17.2 6.3 103.4 58.5 29601 0 25232 98.4 2.8
122 MD+OK 80.1 106.5 17.7 6.5 106.4 59.7 29744 0 25672 186.4 1.7
125 OK+OK 80.1 103.0 18.2 6.6 109.3 58.1 29549 0 25082 198.5 5.9
128 OK+OK 80.0 105.7 18.7 6.7 112.3 58.7 30138 0 25744 352.8 4.6

Table A.8: Quick log per run for borehole BO55A

Log#1 - Quick Log Per Run

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO55A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 27.5 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 48 00.3 Checked: TAWANDA
BON @ 113.74 MH @ 122.95 Z: 1 145 Page no: 1 of 4

[RQD] Length
From (m) To (m) Rock Type TCR (m) SCR (m) Photo Number Comments
92.08 95.08 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO55A-1 OCJs @ 93.2, 93.53, 94.08, RIR
95.08 98.08 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 2.96 BO55A-1 OCJs @ 96.94, 96.98, 97.10, RIR
98.08 101.08 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO55A-1,2 OCJ @ 99.54, RIR
OCJs @ 101.76, 101.82, 101.99, 102.07, Oriantation starts @
101.08 104.40 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 2.92 BO55A-2
101.08, OCJs @ 102.44, 103.03, 103.4, 104.4, RIR

OCJ @ 105.09, CJ @ 105.51, F btwn 105.68 & 107.4 (20OCJs

104.40 107.40 Anothositic norite 3.00 3.00 1.32 BO55A-2
& 4CJs), RIR
107.40 110.40 Anothositic norite 3.02 3.02 3.02 BO55A-2,3 OCJs @ 107.56, 107.67, 107.91, RIR
110.40 113.04 Anothositic norite 3.01 3.01 3.01 BO55A-3 Wholely intact rock
Anothositic norite & Bronzitite @ OCJs @ 113.51, 113.7, OCJs 113.82, 114.06, F btwn 114.89 &
113.04 116.40 2.98 2.29 1.47 BO55A-3
113.74 116.4 (32OCJs), RIR
FZ btwn 116.4 & 116.74, FZ btwn 117.66 & 118.08, OCJs
116.40 119.04 Bronzitite 3.00 2.80 2.14 BO55A-3,4
@118.42, 118.47, 118.59, 118.81, 118.86, RIR
OCJs @ 119.2, 119.91, CJs @ 119.96, 120.0, OCJs @ 120.15,
119.04 122.40 Bronzitite 2.98 2.98 2.89 BO55A-4
120.36, 120.43, 120.52, 120.71, 121.38, RIR
122.40 125.40 Bronzitite 3.03 3.03 3.03 BO55A-4 Wholely intact rock
125.40 128.40 Bronzitite 3.00 3.00 3.00 BO55A-4,5 OCJ @ 128.34, RIR

Table A.9: Major structures log for borehole BO55A

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO55A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 27.5 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 48 00.3 Checked: TAWANDA
BON @ 113.74 MH @ 122.95 Z: 1 145 Page no: 2 of 4

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties Description
Visual Water
Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale Staining
From To Code Class Alpha Beta (B)ottom
Infill Alteration
92.08 93.20 J 2 88 _ _ 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
93.20 93.53 J 2 88 _ _ 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
93.53 94.08 J 2 45 _ _ 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
94.08 96.94 J 2 75 _ _ 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
96.94 96.98 J 2 75 _ _ 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
96.98 97.10 J 2 75 _ _ 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
97.10 99.54 J 2 85 _ _ 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
99.54 101.76 J 2 50 268.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
101.76 101.82 J 2 50 268.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
101.82 101.99 J 2 50 268.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
101.99 102.07 J 2 50 268.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
102.07 102.44 J 2 50 268.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
102.44 103.03 J 2 75 129.6 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
103.03 103.40 J 2 75 129.6 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
103.40 104.40 J 2 45 180 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
104.40 105.09 J 2 85 0 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
105.09 105.51 J 2 85 _ _ _ SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
105.51 105.68 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
105.68 107.40 F 2 60 180 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
107.40 107.56 J 2 50 199.2 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
107.56 107.67 J 2 50 199.2 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
107.67 107.91 J 2 45 204 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
107.91 110.40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
110.40 113.04 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
113.04 113.51 J 2 45 _ _ _ SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
113.51 113.70 J 2 45 _ _ _ SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
113.70 113.82 J 2 60 336 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
113.82 114.06 J 2 60 336 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
114.06 114.89 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table A.10: Major structures log for borehole BO55A (Continuation)

Log#2 - Major Structures

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO55A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 27.5 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 48 00.3 Checked: TAWANDA
BON @ 113.74 MH @ 122.95 Z: 1 145 Page no: 3 of 4

Distance or Interval Structure Type Typical Orientation Brittle Structure Properties Description
Visual Log Stick (T)op or Micro-scale
From To Code Class Alpha Beta Infill Alteration Staining
(B)ottom Geometry
114.89 116.40 F 2 55 340.8 B 8 SP 3 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
116.40 116.74 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
116.74 117.66 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
117.66 118.08 FZ 3 _ _ _ _ SP 3 √ Rock mass weakened by strong fracturing
118.08 118.42 J 2 65 156 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
118.42 118.47 J 2 65 156 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
118.47 118.59 J 2 65 156 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
118.59 118.81 J 2 65 156 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
118.81 118.86 J 2 65 156 T 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
118.86 119.20 J 2 15 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
119.20 119.91 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
119.91 119.96 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
119.96 120.00 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.00 120.15 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.15 120.36 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.36 120.43 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.43 120.52 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.52 120.71 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
120.71 121.38 J 2 50 28.8 B 8 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
121.38 122.40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
122.40 125.40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
125.40 128.34 J 2 50 300 T 7 SP 1 √ 1OCJ, faulted with displacement, RIR
128.34 128.40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wholely intact rock
Structure Code Table Structure Class Table Fill Type Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression
Structure Code Class Description Q - Quartz G - Gouge Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1

Shear Zone SZ 1 Strongly sheared (cataclasite/mylonite), or brecciated C - Calcite M - Magnesium Smooth Stepped - 2
Fracture Zone FZ 2 Clearly faulted with displacement or striations FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite Slickensided Stepped - 3
Fault F 3 The rock mass is weakened by alteration or strong fracturing, a nearby major structure is likely. CL - Clay S - Sulphide Rough Undulating - 4
Fracture Fr 4 The core is completely broken because of poor core recovery. Possibly structure related B - Breccia O - Other Smooth Undulating - 5

Joint J 5 Core is strongly or completely altered/weathered to residual soil/mud. Slickensided Undulating - 6

Striation lineation L Wall Alteration Rough Planar - 7

Fold Axis FA 1 - wall=rock hardness Smooth Planar - 8

Vein V 2 - wall>rock hardness Polished - 9

Dyke D 3 - wall<rock hardness

Table A.11: Detailed geotechnical log for borehole BO55A

Log#3 - Detail Geotech Log

Site: BOKAI Hole Number: BO55A Hole Position PC Input
Bearing: 102 X: 30 01 27.5 By: TAWANDA
Logged by: TAWANDA Plunge: -80 Y: 19 48 00.3 Checked: TAWANDA
BON @ 113.74 MH @ 122.95 Z: 1 145 Page no: 4 of 4

Intact Rock Strength Fracture Frequency Joint Condition (Micro/Filling/Alteration) Cemented Joints Micro Fractures
From To Rock Type
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Intensity Fill Type (if
Strong Mpa Weak Mpa % Weak Total Natural Foliation Set 1 Set 2α/βSet 3 MFA α/β MFA α/β MFA Count Fill Type Count/m any)
92.08 95.08 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 3 3 _ 2 1_ _ 8SP1 _ 8SP1 _ _ 3 SP _ _
95.08 98.08 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 3 3 _ 3_ _ _ 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 3 SP _ _
98.08 101.08 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1_ _ _ 8SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
101.08 104.40 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 8 8 _ 5 2 1 0.186 8SP1 0.579 8SP1 0.25 8SP1 8 SP _ _
104.40 107.40 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 26 26 _ 2 24 _ ∞ 8SP1 0.333 8SP1 _ _ 26 SP _ _
107.40 110.40 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ 3 3 _ 2 1_ 0.251 8SP1 0.221 8SP1 _ _ 3 SP _ _
110.40 113.04 Anothositic norite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
113.04 116.40 Anothositic norite & Bronzitite @ 113.74 R4 R2 50.67 36 36 _ 2 2 32 _ _SP1 0.179 8SP1 0.161 8SP3 36 SP _ _
116.40 119.04 Bronzitite R4 R2 28.67 16 16 _ 3 2 5_ _SP1 _ _SP1 0.4167 8SP1 5 SP _ _
119.04 122.40 Bronzitite R5 _ _ 10 10 _ 1 9_ 0.521 8SP1 1.736 8SP1 _ _ 10 SP _ _
122.40 125.40 Bronzitite R5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
125.40 128.40 Bronzitite R5 _ _ 1 1 _ 1_ _ 0.1 7SP1 _ _ _ _ 1 SP _ _
Micro/Small Scale Joint Expression Fill Type Wall Alteration
Rough/Stepped/Irregular - 1 Q - Quartz G - Gouge 1 - wall=rock hardness

Smooth Stepped - 2 C - Calcite M - Magnesium 2 - wall>rock hardness

Slickensided Stepped - 3 FE - Iron oxide H - Haematite 3 - wall<rock hardness

Rough Undulating - 4 CL - Clay S - Sulphide

Smooth Undulating - 5 B - Breccia O - Other

Slickensided Undulating - 6
Rough Planar - 7
Smooth Planar - 8
Polished - 9


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