Vocab Test
Vocab Test
Vocab Test
conciliate end a disagreement between two people or groups by acting in a friendly way
towards both sides (pogodzić)
*An independent advisor has been brought in to conciliate between the unions
and the employer.
appease end a disagreement by giving the other side the advantage that they are
demanding, normally used in a disapproving way (załagodzić)
*Although appeasing the enemy postponed the war for another year, it did not
prevent it from happening.
lanky - chudy, tyczkowaty - very tall and thin, and usually moving awkwardly
gangling/gangly - szczupły i niezgrabny w ruchach - with long, thin arms and legs and rather awkward
movements; often used of men and boys
portly - tęgi, korpulentny, postawny - with fat stomach and chest; often used humorously about older
stout - tęgi, korpulentny - (especially of older people) with a quite fat, solid body; used of men and
never a hair out of place - wyglądać jak spod igły (regarding hair - neat and tidy)
sallow - blady (np. o kimś, kto wygląda na chorego), ziemisty - yellowish and unhealthy-looking
folds - fałdy
Facial expression
pout - robić kwaśną minę, dąsać się, grymasić - position lips in a look of annoyance
grimace - zrobić grymas na twarzy, wykrzywić się - make an expression of pain or strong dislike
scowl - grymas niezadowolenia, gniewne spojrzenie, patrzeć wilkiem - give a bad-tempered, angry look
impetuous - porywczy, impulsywny - acts on a sudden idea without thinking first; generally negative
impulsive - impulsywny, pochopny, spontaniczny - similar to impetuous, but can be used in a more
positive way
effusive - wylewny, górnolotny, przesadny - gives exaggerated expression of pleasure, praise or gratitude
pushy - natrętny, natarczywy, nachalny, bezczelny - always selfishly promoting one’s own position or
garrulous - rozmowny, gadatliwy - talks too much, especially about unimportant things
taciturn - małomówny, milczący, mrukliwy - reserved or says very little (generally negative)
haughty - butny, dumny, wyniosły - unfriendly and thinks oneself better than others
approachable - przystępny
self-important - posiadający wysokie mniemanie o sobie, dufny - has an exaggerated sense of one’s
Character traits
pig-headed - uparty jak osioł - similar to obstinate but stronger, more disapproving
unscrupulous - nie mający skrupułów, nie przebierający w środkach - lacking in moral principles,
prepared to do very bad things
triplets (trojaczki)
to deliver – to help mother to give birth (przyjąć poród/ urodzić, wydać na świat)
Caesarean section – operation in which mother’s stomach and womb are cut to allow baby to be
born (cesarskie cięcie)
ectopic pregnancy – when the egg develops outside the womb in fallopian tubes (ciąża
pozamaciczna, ciąża ektopowa)
conceive – become pregnant (zajść w ciążę, począć dziecko)
foetus (płód)
fertility drugs (leki na płodność)
termination – intentional ending of a pregnancy, usually by a medical operation (also called an
abortion); a miscarriage is an early unintentional end of pregnancy
‘ripe old age’ – living well into old age; usually used in the phrase to live to a ripe old age (dożyć
podeszłego wieku)
late – now dead (świętej pamięci, zmarły)
e.g. I have an aunt, my late mother’s sister, who is 102.
sheltered accomodation – special housing, usually for old people, where care staff also live
(mieszkania z opieką)
to have all your wits about you – to be able to think and react quickly (zachować przytomny umysł,
trzeźwe myślenie; być świadomym)
newspaper words
fatalities – dead people (ofiary śmiertelne)
perished – died (ludzie, którzy zginęli [w wypadku, katastrofie])
slaughtered – violently killed
legal words
the deceased – the dead person (nieboszczyk, zmarły, denat)
to bequeath – to leave sth in a will (zapisać, pozostawić w spadku)
a bequest (zapis, legat)
to inherit – to receive sth from sb who has died (dziedziczyć, przejmować w spadku)
an inheritance (spadek)
to die intestate – without having made a will (umrzeć nie pozostawiwszy testamentu)
to lock yourself away - to isolate yourself from the world (zamknąć się, zaszyć się [aby coś robić])
a full diary - a lot of commitments / activities (zapełniony terminarz)
interesować się czymś to be into sth to take a great interes in / to be very
involved in
przestać coś lubić to go off sth to stop liking / to lose interest in
leisure time / time off / free time - time when you aren’t working
split sth fifty/fifty – divided equally
labour-saving – reducing the amount of work needed to do sth
mechanisation, automation – getting machines to do work for us
mass production – making many articles/goods at once
a household word/name sth everyone knows
get a new lease of life become more energetic and active then before
overrated przeceniany
gripping wciągający
moving poruszający
highbrow lowbrow
(przeintelektualizowany, trudny do (niskich lotów)
impenetrable transparent
challenging undemanding
tongue-in-cheek earnest
(ironiczny, żartobliwy) (poważny)
shadowy - mętny, niewyraźny shaped by/ moulded by - ukształtowany przez
depicted - przedstawiony motif - motyw, wzór
journal dziennik
czasopismo naukowe zawierające badania i teorie