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Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

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Understanding neuroticism and social media: A systematic review T

Thomas Bowden-Green , Joanne Hinds, Adam Joinson

Information, Decisions and Operations Division, School of Management, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK


Keywords: Despite people spending nearly 10% of each day on social media platforms, many also now appear to be anxious
Neuroticism to limit the intrusion of social media into their everyday lives. Given the known link between mental anguish and
Personality trait neuroticism, understanding how personality relates to social media usage has become an important area of
Big Five study in recent years. As a result, there is an abundance of articles exploring neuroticism and social media across
Social media
a variety of contexts. This article synthesizes and reviews the existing work, based on a systematic search that
identified 159 studies. Our findings highlight that this current research is highly contradictory, for example
people with high trait neuroticism report excessive use despite appearing to use social media infrequently. We
discuss the key trends across existing studies to date, and we consider the apparent difficulties experienced by
people with high trait neuroticism in exploiting the full benefits of ‘social’ media, discussing the importance of
considerations for both designers and users of social media platforms.

1. Introduction and anxiety, are related to specific personality traits across demo-
graphic segments (such as Atroszko et al., 2018). This evidence sits
In March 2019, the UK parliament published a report re- within a large, and growing, body of research investigating the re-
commending the publication of Government guidance to reduce ‘ex- lationship between personality traits and various aspects of how people
cessive’ social media use (Waterson, 2019). This follows related media use social media. The goal of the present review is to analyse this body
reports of Londoners waking to check social media (Wolstenholme, of research in order to synthesize evidence relating social media usage
2018), influencers ‘obsessed’ with Instagram (Kucheran, 2019) and to neuroticism. The review systematically reviews relevant literature
Facebook users struggling to start friendships offline (Knight, 2019). and identifies prominent trends and recommendations for future re-
Such use of social media is sometimes referred to as an ‘addiction’ (NHS search. Before we outline our search procedure, we define and in-
England, 2019) leading to proposals for a Social Media Addiction Re- troduce neuroticism as a trait within the five-factor model.
duction Technology (SMART) Act in the United States (The Economist,
2019). Despite the fanfare during the emergence of so-called Web 2.0, 1.1. The identification and origin of trait neuroticism
the tone of discussion today often therefore seems framed by a sense of
foreboding about the dangers of social media for both individuals and A growing amount of research has indicated that social media use
society more widely. A reported 28% of 16–24 year olds now track or has a detrimental effect on wellbeing. Furthermore, previous lab studies
limit their screen time (Kemp, 2019), suggesting a degree of self-diag- of offline behaviour have specifically related trait neuroticism to similar
nosed concern, yet social media users around the globe are believed to problems, including friendship difficulties (Wilson et al., 2015) and
still spend an average of 2 h 23 min per day on social media platforms depression (Saklofske et al., 1995).
(Kemp, 2019). This review contributes to debate about the academic Although it is now common to discuss ‘neuroticism’ as one of the Big
justification for such concern (Orben, 2020). Five personality ‘traits’ (Costa & McCrae, 1992a, 1992b), the estab-
Much of the discussion of potential deleterious effects of social lishment of just five traits (or factors) is the end result of continual
media focuses on specific demographics, including young people (Royal revisions throughout the twentieth century. Neuroticism (or its opposite
Society for Public Health, 2017) and women (Parr, 2010). However, – emotional stability) has been consistently recognised as an element of
there is already evidence to suggest that the reported negative effects of personality, ever since Cattell (1945) reduced the lexicon of 4500 de-
excessive social media use, such as friendship difficulties, depression scriptors identified by Allport-Odbert (1936) down to just 12 factors –

Corresponding author at: Information, Decisions and Operations Division, School of Management, East Building Room 3.1, University of Bath, Claverton Down,
Bath BA2 7AY, UK.
E-mail addresses: (T. Bowden-Green), (J. Hinds), (A. Joinson).
Received 28 June 2020; Received in revised form 11 August 2020; Accepted 15 August 2020
0191-8869/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

one of which was ‘neuroticism’. Later revisions altered ‘neuroticism’ to feeling stressed or negative emotions when faced with stressful situa-
‘emotional stability’ in the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire tions (Gleason, Powers, & Oltmanns, 2012; Gunthert et al., 1999;
[16PF] test (Cattell, 1957) and the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Hankin, Fraley, & Abela, 2005; Larsen & Ketelaar, 1991; Suls & Martin,
Survey (Guildford, 1959), before ‘emotional stability’ was identified as 2005; Zautra et al., 2005), including occupational success specifically
one of just five factors (Norman, 1963). Buss and Plomin (1975) then (Ozer & Benet-Martínez, 2006; Roberts et al., 2007), leading to burnout
used factor analysis to again condense the 16PF to just four ‘tempera- and emotional exhaustion (Armon et al., 2012). Coping strategies for
ments’, including ‘emotionality’, although this evolved into a solution negative experiences include withdrawal, wishful thinking, and nega-
with three-factors (Costa & McCrae, 1976), of which one was ‘neuro- tive emotion-focused coping (Connor-Smith & Flachsbart, 2007). Un-
ticism’. Neuroticism is now also a trait within their widely-accepted surprisingly, neuroticism is therefore linked to lower reported sub-
five-factor approach (Costa Jr. & McCrae, 1985). Although some have jective well-being (Boyce et al., 2013; Steel et al., 2008).
suggested condensing the five factors to just two (DeYoung et al., 2007) Whether a cause or effect of the negative experiences above, there
or four (Gerlach et al., 2018), this literature review presents research are also clear relationships between neuroticism and mental disorders
based on variants of the five-factor ‘Big Five’ or OCEAN model (Clark & Watson, 1991; Klein et al., 2011; Tackett, 2006; Widiger &
(Goldberg, 1981). Smith, 2008), including both Axis I (psychiatric) disorders (Kotov et al.,
Measuring neuroticism involves assessing an individual's ability to 2010; Malouff et al., 2005) and Axis II (personality) disorders
adjust to their environment (Ng, 2015). Individuals who are low in trait (Saulsman & Page, 2004). For example, neuroticism appears to relate to
neuroticism typically demonstrate behaviour that might be described as various anxiety and mood disorders, such as depression and social an-
‘calm’ or ‘stable’ (Ng, 2015), whereas individuals who have high trait xiety (Barlow et al., 2014), as well as several personality disorders, such
neuroticism tend to exhibit anxiety, anger, depression, self-conscious- as borderline and avoidant personality disorder (Saulsman & Page,
ness, vulnerability, and impulsiveness (Costa & McCrae, 1992a, 1992b). 2004). Neuroticism is also linked to more physical health problems
Eysenck hypothesized that the neuroticism trait is caused by lower (Brickman et al., 1996; Drossman et al., 2000; Smith & MacKenzie,
threshold activation in the autonomic nervous system (Eysenck, 1990); 2006; Suls & Bunde, 2005) and those with high trait neuroticism use
more recently, functional imaging studies have confirmed that neuro- medical services more often (Goubert et al., 2004). For detailed reviews
ticism is associated with the brain's reaction to negative emotional of such phenomena, see the research conducted by Tackett and Lahey
stimuli (Canli et al., 2001). Evidence suggests that these neurological (2017) and Ng (2015).
differences are at least partly biologically determined (Pedersen et al.,
1988; Plomin & Caspi, 1999) and therefore heritable (Turkheimer,
2000; van den Berg et al., 2014) akin to other personality traits. Around 1.3. Neuroticism and social media
half of the variance in neuroticism is attributable to genetics (Lahey,
2009; Widiger, 2009) and it is also identifiable from an early age, with Although the 20th Century saw many studies of offline behaviour by
‘undercontrolled’ or emotionally impulsive three-year-olds then personality psychologists, the recent growth in popularity of social
showing high levels of negative emotionality when aged 26 (Caspi media platforms in the past ten years mean that many human interac-
et al., 2003), supporting the hypothesis that this trait is in-built rather tions now occur online. Online environments therefore provide an im-
than environmental. Other research has demonstrated that emotional portant and growing area of research for five-factor personality psy-
stability increases with age (Roberts et al., 2006; Scollon & Diener, chologists. Importantly, behaviour on social media is often visible to a
2006) and that women have overall higher scores for trait neuroticism greater number of peers (and sometimes beyond) than equivalent off-
than men (Weisberg et al., 2011); yet, as neuroticism generally de- line behaviour. In addition, this technology offers functionality that
creases with age, so does the disparity between genders (Weisberg equivalent offline social interactions do not, such as the ability to easily
et al., 2011). create and share content with potentially larger numbers of contacts.
Given the recent increased public awareness and suspicion of how
1.2. Behavioural characteristics of individuals with high trait neuroticism personal data can be used and collected through social media (The
Guardian, 2020), it is sometimes difficult to differentiate fact from
Many studies have demonstrated that trait neuroticism is associated fiction. A number of reviews have therefore examined the extent to
with feeling less happy than those who are emotionally stable (such as which various aspects of individuals' identities can be predicted from
Headey et al., 2010) as well as experiencing and displaying negative social media usage patterns, including demographic attributes (Hinds &
emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and anger (such as Diener & Lucas, Joinson, 2018) and personality traits (such as Azucar et al., 2018; Hinds
1999; Tackett & Lahey, 2017; Tellegen, 1985; Watson & Clark, 1984). & Joinson, 2019; Tskhay & Rule, 2014). However, the present review
Those with high trait neuroticism appear to be particularly perceptive synthesizes research from across the social sciences, with a focus on
to negative experiences, tend to appraise their environment negatively only trait neuroticism.
(Watson & Clark, 1984), and react negatively to unpleasant stimuli This review employs a systematic search to identify relevant papers
(Gross et al., 1998). Even objectively ambiguous stimuli are more likely before discussing key trends regarding social media behaviour. This is
to be experienced negatively by those high in neuroticism (Rusting & an important and topical area of study, shedding particular light on the
Larsen, 1998). published research findings beyond the headlines which suggest general
Socially, those with high trait neuroticism generally report more harmful effects of social media. For example, whilst social media users
negative interactions with others (Lincoln et al., 2003; Russell et al., may present or report symptoms of poor mental health (Royal Society
1997; Shurgot & Knight, 2005), and therefore also report feeling less for Public Health, 2017), this may be particularly pronounced for those
satisfied with their social support network than those who are emo- demonstrating trait neuroticism given the disorders described above.
tionally stable (Dehle & Landers, 2005; Suurmeijer et al., 2005; Tong Furthermore, this review provides further insight into trends be-
et al., 2004; De Jong, van Sonderen, & Emmelkamp, 1999). Supporting tween neuroticism and social media use. By identifying the literature to
this apparent social unease, neuroticism has been shown to relate to date systematically we seek to corroborate and synthesize early find-
relationship problems (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995), including marital ings, such as evidence that neuroticism negatively relates to usage
dissatisfaction (Gattis et al., 2004) and marriage dissolution (Donnellan (Correa, Hinsley, & Zúñiga, 2011), correlates with use of negative
et al., 2004; Karney & Bradbury, 1997; Kelly & Conley, 1987; Roberts phrases (Schwartz et al., 2013) as well as longer posts (Bai, Gao and
et al., 2007; Rogge et al., 2006; Tucker et al., 1998). Mroczek and Zhu, 2012), yet motivates usage for social interaction (Hughes et al.,
Almeida (2004) also showed that people with high trait neuroticism are 2012).
more likely to react to stress, with neuroticism specifically related to

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

2. Method behaviour). In order to be eligible for this literature review, participants

must have undertaken a self-report personality test and then provided
The present review has taken a traits-based approach to the iden- evidence of their social media behaviour either through answering a
tification of neuroticism, presenting research that is based on self-re- questionnaire (n = 133), some form of observation (n = 45), an ex-
ported personality as identified through one of several commonly used periment (n = 3), or an interview (n = 1). In some cases (see Bachrach
questionnaire-based tests. The methods are presented in accordance et al., 2012; Tadesse et al., 2018) the work presented reported both
with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- personality predicting social media use and how patterns of use could
Analyses (PRISMA) statement (Moher et al., 2009).1 predict personality. In these cases, the papers were included in the re-
view, but only the results from the former analyses integrated rather
2.1. Eligibility criteria than the latter. Finally, Cohen's Kappa was used to assess interrater
agreement, and demonstrated high levels of consensus, k = 0.82.
To be included in this literature review, studies were required to: a) The remaining 190 papers included findings for any of the five
quantitatively examine the relationship between social media use and personality traits; however, for this literature review only the 159 pa-
neuroticism as defined through the five-factor model; b) measure neu- pers including results for neuroticism were taken through to the ana-
roticism using a published scale associated with the five-factor model lysis stage.
(see measures below); c) be published on or before 5 July 2019; d) be
published in a peer-reviewed journal or in peer-reviewed conference
proceedings. Studies were required to include a quantifiable measure of 2.4. Analysis
social media use, although the scale and measurement tool varied de-
pending on the type of social media use. The analysis consisted of five stages during which data was ex-
Papers which reported the Big Five traits as mediating variables tracted from each of the articles that met our inclusion criteria. First, a
were not included. Further, papers that identified correlations between researcher (first author) independently read through the transcripts and
traits and behaviour in order to contribute ground truth for a machine- developed a comprehensive codebook to record key features from each
learning algorithm were also removed. study. This included reference information (title, authors, publication
year), sample sizes, platform (such as Facebook or Twitter), measures
2.2. Search strategy and information sources used (such as Costa & McCrae, 1992a, 1992b or John et al., 1991), and
outcome behaviour (such as frequency of use, addiction, or com-
The following databases were searched up to and including 5 July menting). Second, the outcome behaviours extracted were refined into
2019: Scopus, Web of Science, ACM digital library, PsychInfo and a series of distinct codes. After, the behaviours (i.e. dependent vari-
Pubmed. The search strategy involved identifying papers that combine ables) were recorded, two researchers (first author – a PhD student
personality as defined through the five-factor model, and social media interested in personality and systematic reviews, and second author – a
use. Therefore, a search string relating to personality or each person- postdoctoral researcher experienced in performing systematic reviews)
ality trait, was combined with a search string relating to social media or read through the behaviours and identified variables that were con-
a social media platform. These strings were searched for within both ceptually similar or equivalent. Such behaviours were merged into a
titles and abstracts. The Boolean search performed in each database series of independent categories, for example “follower quantity” and
was: [“social media” OR “social network*” OR instagram OR facebook “network size” were grouped into an overall “network size” code.
OR twitter OR youtube AND personality OR extraver* OR neurotic* OR Third, 25% of randomly selected studies were second coded (by the
agreeable OR conscientious* OR open* OR ocean OR “big five”]. second author) to assess reliability. In other words, after developing the
set of categories for each outcome behaviour, a subset of articles was
2.3. Study selection independently read and the behavioural outcome was coded in line
with these pre-defined categories. Cohen's k was used to assess inter-
The search was firstly performed within the Scopus database, with rater agreement, and demonstrated moderate levels of consensus,
all 16,502 citations downloaded into a single Mendeley library. The k = 0.58. All discrepancies that occurred in data extraction were re-
results of additional databases were then added, with automated re- solved through discussion.2 Fourth, the outcome behavioural codes
moval of duplicates. This resulted in 25,209 papers to be reviewed. were reviewed again in order to assess similarities/differences and were
The abstracts and titles were then screened by a researcher (first grouped into a series of themes according to commonalities between
author), who examined the titles and abstracts of the papers and re- the dependent outcomes studied, following Braun and Clarke's (2006)
moved those that were not specifically researching five-factor person- guidelines for thematic analysis. The themes were then agreed and
ality and social media behaviour. For example, as our Boolean search named collaboratively through discussion. For example, “posting
was broad enough to capture abstracts featuring the words ‘openness’ images”, “posting videos”, and “posting specific words” were grouped
and ‘social media’ without actually exploring five-factor personality, into a “content creation” theme. An outline of each of these themes can
these were manually removed. This left 494 papers to be reviewed. be found in Section 3.2. Further, an overview of the themes is provided
Fig. 1 displays the PRISMA flowchart with full detail of this process. in Table 2, and all studies included in the analysis are provided in the
The remaining papers were then reviewed by two researchers (first Supplementary materials.
and second authors) independently to select those where personality
predicts behaviour (rather than identifying personality from

Note, the method used here was initially applied to a systematic search of all
of the Big Five Traits. Because the search produced a substantial number of
articles that met our criteria, we have focused our discussion on one trait The discussion revealed that differences in coding resulted when the re-
(neuroticism) in order to discuss the findings in a detailed and meaningful way. searchers interpreted behavioural outcomes in slightly different ways (such as
Consequently, the method reported herein essentially “replicates” the method coding a behaviour reported as ‘mild use’ in one paper as ‘frequency of use’ by
reported in a related review on extraversion and social media (see Bowden- one researcher, and ‘time spent’ by another), or when studies that reported
Green et al., 2020). That is, both reviews followed the same method, and many behaviours (which caused the researchers to code a different number of
analytical procedures in reviewing personality and social media (yet are re- behaviours). Thus, such differences were mostly due to subtle differences in
ported separately in order to preserve brevity). assigning behaviours to categories, rather than actual ‘disagreements’.

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344


Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied
Scopus database searching through other databases
(n = 16,502) (n = 8,794

Records aer duplicates automacally

removed (n = 25,209)

Records excluded if not

Abstracts and tles researching social media and
screened five-factor personality
(n = 25,209) (n = 24,715)

STAGE 2 Full-text arcles

excluded, with reasons

Full-text arcles assessed for eligibility

based on personality predicng behaviour [including 16 removed
(n = 494) by a moderator]
(n = 304)

Full-text arcles
excluded where
Full-text arcles assessed for inclusion of all five
neurocism not tested
traits (n = 190)
(n = 31)

Studies included in qualitave
synthesis of neurocism trait (n =

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

3. Results 3.2. Major findings

3.1. Study characteristics We identified six main themes within the papers reviewed.3 These
themes encapsulated the main trends and commonalities among the
The studies reviewed focused on a variety of dependent variables behavioural outcomes identified, and are outlined as follows:
(see Table 1), with numerical outcomes the most common, such as
network size (n = 27), followed by time spent on social media 1. Aggression, trolling and excessive use. The studies within this theme
(n = 17), update frequency (n = 14), and more general frequency of investigate anti-social or ‘dark’ (Baccarella, Wagner, Kietzmann, &
use (n = 12). Facebook is the social media platform with the most McCarthy, 2018) uses of social media as previously attributed to
research (n = 92) with the other main platforms studied being Twitter demographics (Thacker & Griffiths, 2012; Kirik, Arslan, Çetinkaya,
(n = 11), and Instagram (n = 7). The full range of platforms studied is & Mehmet, 2015).
outlined in Table 2. Questionnaires are the most common method used 2. Patterns of use. These are studies revealing patterns of behaviour on
to collect information about participants' social media use (n = 118). social media that are created unconsciously and likely to be driven
Where reported, the majority of the samples in the research we re- by trait neuroticism. Gosling et al. (2002) explain that people un-
viewed included students (n = 79) and/or participants recruited intentionally leave such observable ‘residue’, relating to their per-
though Facebook (n = 31). sonality traits, through their day-to-day behaviour. This is particu-
There are a variety of scales used to measure neuroticism as part of larly pertinent on social media where such unintentional
the five-factor model. Where reported, the most popular was Goldberg behavioural clues can be interpreted by those with whom the person
et al. (2006) (n = 16), followed by John and Srivastava (1999)
(n = 15) and Gosling et al. (2003) (n = 12). The full range of measures
and their frequency of use are shown in Fig. 2. 3
Please note that these themes were identified through our analysis of all of
the Big Five Traits. These themes therefore essentially “replicate” those re-
ported in a related review on extraversion and social media (see Bowden-Green
et al., 2020). This manuscript however discusses only the findings for neuro-
ticism within each theme.

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

Table 1
Codes and themes identified.
Sub-theme Code Quantity Example

Patterns of use Activity level 1 Michikyan M., Subrahmanyam K., Dennis J. (2014)
Duration of session 1 Caci B., Cardaci M., Tabacchi M.E., Scrima F. (2014)
Direct messaging 3 Wang L., Qu W., Sun X. (2013)
Events 1 Tsai T.-H., Chang H.-T., Chang Y.-C., Chang Y.-S. (2017)
Feature use 5 Amichai-Hamburger Y., Vinitzky G. (2010)
FOMO 1 Blackwell D., Leaman C., Tramposch R., Osborne C., Liss M. (2017)
Frequency of use 12 Gosling S.D., Augustine A.A., Vazire S., Holtzman N., Gaddis S (2011)
Games 2 Shi Y., Yue X., He J. (2013)
Groups 8 Ross C., Orr E.S., Sisic M., Arseneault J.M., Simmering M.G., Orr R.R. (2009)
Location usage 1 Chorley M.J., Whitaker R.M., Allen S.M. (2015)
Search 1 Uesugi S. (2011)
Social use 1 Hughes D.J., Rowe M., Batey M., Lee A. (2012)
Time spent 17 Wilson K., Fornasier S., White K.M. (2010)
Use of social media 5 Ryan T., Xenos S. (2011)
Video consumption 1 Yeo T.E.D. (2010)
User profile characteristics Geographical distance 1 Noë N., Whitaker R.M., Allen S.M. (2018)
Homophily 4 Lönnqvist J.-E., Itkonen J.V.A. (2016)
Music preference 4 Nave G., Minxha J., Greenberg D.M., Kosinski M., Stillwell D., Rentfrow J. (2018)
Network size 27 Bachrach Y., Kosinski M., Graepel T., Kohli P., Stillwell D. (2012)
Profile content 4 Hall J.A., Pennington N., Lueders A. (2014)
Profile image 5 Wu Y.-C.J., Chang W.-H., Yuan C.-H. (2015)
Profile updates 2 Bogg T. (2017)
Content creation Broadcasting behaviour 1 Kabadayi S., Price K. (2014)
Emotion 3 McCann S.J.H. (2014)
Images posted 11 Muscanell N.L., Guadagno R.E. (2012)
Language 1 Kao P.C., Craigie P. (2014)
Questions 1 Katrimpouza A., Tselios N., Kasimati M.C. (2017)
Selfie use 4 Qiu L., Lu J., Yang S., Qu W., Zhu T. (2015)
Self-presentation 1 Seidman, G. (2013)
Topic 6 Marshall T.C., Lefringhausen K., Ferenczi N (2015)
Update frequency 14 Wang J.-L., Jackson L.A., Zhang D.-J., Su Z.-Q. (2012)
Video posted 2 Eftekhar A., Fullwood C., Morris N. (2014)
Word use 11 Schwartz H.A., Eichstaedt J.C., Kern M.L., Dziurzynski L., Ramones S.M., Agrawal M., Shah A.,
Kosinski M., Stillwell D., Seligman M.E.P., Ungar L.H. (2013)
Reaction to content Buying 1 Leong L.-Y., Jaafar N.I., Sulaiman A. (2017)
Commenting 10 Hwang H.S. (2017)
Emoticon use 2 Oleszkiewicz A., Karwowski M., Pisanski K., Sorokowski P., Sobrado B., Sorokowska A. (2017)
Immediate response 1 Mori K., Umemura H. (2017)
Liking 4 Lee E., Ahn J., Kim Y.J. (2014)
Political engagement 1 Quintelier E., Theocharis Y. (2013)
Rating retailers 1 Hu R., Pu P. (2013)
Response to adverts 4 Clark L., Çalli L. (2014)
Sharing 6 Hodas N.O., Butner R., Corley C. (2016)
Use of stickers 1 Chang Y.-C., Lee J. (2016)
Perceptions of social media Envy 1 Wallace L., James T.L., Warkentin M. (2017)
Grieving 1 Kuznetsova E., Ronzhyn A. (2016)
Motivation to use 15 Orchard L.J., Fullwood C., Galbraith N., Morris N. (2014)
Platform perception 6 Pentina I., Zhang L., Basmanova O. (2013)
Privacy conscious 9 Peluchette J.V., Karl K., Wood C., Williams J. (2015)
Reaction to monitoring 1 Sayre G.M., Dahling J.J. (2016)
Self-disclosure 7 Hollenbaugh E.E., Ferris A.L. (2014)
Social etiquette 1 Seidman, G. (2013)
Social or informational use 1 Eşkisu M., Hoşoğlu R., Rasmussen K. (2017)
Social support 1 Giota K.G., Kleftaras G. (2013)
Support satisfaction 1 Pornsakulvanich V. (2017)
Aggression, trolling and excessive Aggression 1 McCreery M.P., Krach S. (2016)
use Excessive use 23 Wang C.-W., Ho R.T.H., Chan C.L.W., Tse S. (2015)
Trolling 4 Kokkinos C.M., Baltzidis E., Xynogala D. (2016)

interacts. In simple terms, a person with high trait neuroticism often created. This is a particularly interesting area to explore for people
signals the fact to their followers or friends. with high trait neuroticism, who are known to display negative
3. Content creation. These are studies which find that people with high emotions (Watson & Clark, 1984).
trait neuroticism consciously create content in order to manage the 4. Content reaction. This theme presents research showing how extra-
image presented to others through social media. Goffman (1978) verts manage their image through visibly reacting to social media
first observed that people ‘manage’ their actions in interactional content produced by others. Again, as above, displaying a reaction is
situations in order to create a specific impression on others. This was likely to be a conscious decision (Goffman, 1978; Kaplan &
later applied to social media by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010). This Haenlein, 2010).
theme is related to the first theme above, in that a person's use of 5. User profile characteristics. These are studies that relate neuroticism
content is visible to their followers or friends; however, this theme to the factual information revealed within a user's profile informa-
explores clues to a person's personality that have been intentionally tion, such as network size. This is relevant to neuroticism as those

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

Table 2 neuroticism and an addictive tendencies scale, in many cases this

Focus, method, and sample of studies. Please note that the sample of some ‘excessive’ usage is presented as ‘addiction’ (such as Biolcati et al.,
studies included more than one group of people. 2018), ‘problematic use’ (Marino et al., 2016) or Facebook ‘intrusion’
Social media Data collection method Included in sample (Błachnio et al., 2016), using measures including the self-report Bergen
platform Facebook Addiction Scale (such as Lee, 2019) and Social Media
Addiction Questionnaire (Hawi and Samaha, 2019). Studies of
Facebook (92) Questionnaire (62) Students (46)
specific platforms find similar results for: compulsive YouTube use
MyPersonality database Facebook users (24)
(15) Not reported (7) (Klobas et al., 2018); excessive use of Weibo (Hou et al., 2018), and
Observational data (3) US public (2) either ‘problematic’ use (Balta et al., 2018) or apparent ‘addiction’ to
Content analysis (3) Taiwanese public (1) Instagram (Kircaburun and Griffiths, 2018). Yet, there are somewhat
Creation of an app (3) Greek public (1)
mixed results for reported Facebook addiction, with Andreassen (2013)
Experiment (1) Malaysian public (1)
Photo evaluation (1) New Zealand public (1)
finding no significant relationship and Tang et al. (2016) finding a
Interview (1) Turkish public (1) negative relationship. Alternatively, Blackwell et al. (2017) link
Social media users in South neuroticism indirectly to reported addiction through the “pervasive
East Asia (1) apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from
Twitter users (1)
which one is absent” known as FoMO (‘Fear of Missing Out’; Przybylski
Reddit users (1)
Social networks users () et al., 2013).
Teenagers (1) These findings highlight ways that social media may be considered
KnowledgePanel (1) to be problematic, including measures of ‘excessive use’, ‘compulsion’,
Qualtrics panel (1)
and ‘addiction’. Yet the studies are limited in that they are all depen-
Not specified (39) Questionnaire (35) Students (22)
MyPersonality database Amazon MTurk (4)
dent on self-report measures. Thus, such claims are restricted to in-
(1) Facebook users (1) dividuals' perceived usage rather than their actual usage, which raises
Experiment (1) Facebook and Twitter users (1) questions about the validity of what such studies claim to measure. This
Content analysis (1) Korean public (1) issue has been raised by numerous researchers (such as Coyne et al.,
US public (1)
2020; Ellis, 2019; Ellis et al., 2019) who argue that, in comparison to
Virtual communities in Taiwan
(1) objective measurement, self-report instruments may not be sensitive
Indian professionals (1) enough to correctly record technology use. As such, the extent to which
Middle managers (1) individuals use social media excessively and compulsively – versus
Twitter (11) Questionnaire (6) Students (3) feeling that their use is excessive or compulsive – is currently not well
Content analysis (3) Twitter users (3)
Observational data (1) Not reported (2)
understood. There is also a wider question about whether ‘addiction’ is
Lab experiment (1) Qualtrics panel (1) an appropriate term for behaviours such as high technology use
Macromill (1) (Davidson & Ellis, 2019), given its origin as a term for describing
Mturk (1) ‘physical’ dependency on psychoactive drugs (Jarvis & Okami, 2020).
Facebook users (1)
Instagram (7) Questionnaire (5) Students (4)
Content analysis (2) Instagram users (1) Neuroticism and trolling or aggression. Even if neurotics do
Facebook users (1) experience aggression emotions, restraint appears to prevent
Amazon MTurk (1) corresponding behaviour online. Although those with high trait
Social network users (1) neuroticism admit to feeling envy on Facebook (Wallace, James and
Weibo (4) Questionnaire (2) Weibo users (3)
Access to the Weibo API Not reported (1)
Warkentin, 2017), and experiencing aggressive fantasies (McCreery and
(1) Krach, 2016), reflecting the ‘anger’ facet (Costa & McCrae, 1992a,
Content analysis (1) 1992b), there is no link to trolling (Howard et al., 2019), bullying
RenRen (2) Questionnaire (1) Students (1) (Kokkinos, Baltzidis and Xynogala, 2016), or posting uncivil comments
Content analysis (1) Not reported (1)
(Koban et al., 2018). People with high trait neuroticism may feel anger,
YouTube (2) Questionnaire (2) Students (2)
Foursquare (1) Observational data (1) Foursquare users (1) but self-consciousness (Costa & McCrae, 1992a, 1992b) is likely to
LINE (1) Questionnaire (1) Facebook users (1) prevent these feelings being acted upon. Nor is a relationship found to
LinkedIn (1) Questionnaire (1) Not reported (1) posting about faux pas topics (such as Karl, Peluchette and Schlaegel,
Pinterest (1) Questionnaire (1) US public (1) 2010) including drugs or alcohol (Stoughton, Thompson and Meade,
Tinder (1) Questionnaire (1) Not reported (1)
Tumblr (1) Questionnaire (1) Students (1)
2013). Given that a link between neuroticism and drug use has
WeChat (1) Questionnaire (1) Students (1) previously been found (Prisciandaro et al., 2011), the lack of posts
Xing (1) Questionnaire (1) Students (1) revealing this again suggests restraint through self-consciousness (Costa
YikYak (1) Questionnaire (1) Students (1) & McCrae, 1992a, 1992b).

3.2.2. Neuroticism and patterns of use

with high trait neuroticism tend to report negative interactions with Neuroticism and frequency or duration of use. Our findings
others (such as Russell et al., 1997), and experience relationship
display mixed results linking neuroticism to social media
problems (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995).
membership, with studies relating neuroticism to membership of
6. Perceptions of social media. These are studies which investigate the
Tumblr (Brailovskaia and Margraf, 2018) and social media platforms
motivations and attitudes towards the value of social media, as
in general (Stronge et al., 2015), whilst others find a negative
previously related to demographics (Joinson, 2008).
relationship (such as Bogg, 2017). Reflecting the evidence for
excessive use discussed above, some studies suggest a link between
3.2.1. Neuroticism and aggression, trolling and excessive use neuroticism and social media use (Correa, Hinsley, and de Zúñiga, Excessive use. Many studies show that people with high trait 2010) or frequency of sessions (Caci et al., 2014), Facebook checking
neuroticism are more likely to report that they use social media (Seidman, 2019) and general Facebook use (such as Błachnio and
excessively (Malo-Cerrato, Martín-Perpiñá, Viñas-Poch, 2018) or Przepiorka, 2016). Yet, most of the studies in our set found no
‘compulsively’ (Hsiao, Lee, Chiang, Wang, 2016). Although Wilson, relationship to frequency of use whatsoever (such as Annisette and
Fornasier and White (2010) found no significant relationship between Lafreniere, 2017). These null results were consistent across different

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

Fig. 2. Frequency of scale use for Big 5 measures.

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

platforms including XING (Buettner, 2016), Instagram vulnerability facet of trait neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992a,
(Pornsakulvanich, 2017) and Twitter (Katrimpouza, Tselios and 1992b). People with high trait neuroticism also report using
Kasimati, 2017). Similarly, whilst some studies demonstrate a Facebook for validation and conformity (such as Marshall,
relationship between neuroticism and time spent on social media per Lefringhausen and Ferenczi, 2015), and Tinder to enhance their self-
day (such as Moore and McElroy, 2012), most show either no esteem enhancement (rather than sex; Orosz et al., 2018).
significant relationship (such as Skues, Williams and Wise, 2017) or a Whilst these findings generally suggest that those with high trait
negative relationship (such as Jain, Gera and Ilavarasan, 2016). neuroticism are anxious about the image they portray on social media
These findings highlight much confusion and contradiction in terms (Tackett & Lahey, 2017), some research has identified a negative re-
of understanding social media usage patterns; some research suggests lationship between neuroticism and ‘broadcasting’ behaviour (Kabadayi
that individuals with high trait neuroticism use social media ex- and Price, 2014). Aside from one study (Wang et al., 2012), most have
cessively, compulsively or even addictively, yet other work indicates not identified a significant relationship with status update quantity
that people with high trait neuroticism spend little time on social (such as Casado-Riera and Carbonell, 2018), supporting what others
media. However, it is important to recognise that despite moderate have identified to be ‘passive’ behaviour (such as Rozgonjuk et al.,
correlation between frequency of use data and excessive, compulsive, or 2019).
addictive use data, each is collected using different measures and may When people with high trait neuroticism do post updates though,
not indicate the same behaviour. For example, those who self-perceive they tend to be longer (such as Bai, Gao and Zhu, 2012) and convey
excessive use despite not actually using any platform frequently may be overwhelmingly negative emotions (such as Kern et al., 2014), although
demonstrating an anxious preoccupation with social media that is ty- Cho (2017) finds that this relationship is not significant. Likewise, there
pical of the anxiety and stress associated with neuroticism (Gunthert is a negative relationship to displays of positive emotion (such as
et al., 1999; Suls & Martin, 2005). Farnadi et al., 2014). This is an unsurprising finding, given that trait
neuroticism is generally associated with both experiencing and dis-
3.2.3. Neuroticism and user profile characteristics playing negative emotions (Diener & Lucas, 1999; Tellegen, 1985; Neuroticism and network size. Our findings show that people Watson & Clark, 1984). It also lends support to the hypothesis that such
with high trait neuroticism do not appear motivated to grow their negativity hinders participation in large social networks [as discussed
online networks, reflecting similar findings for offline ‘support above] and relationship problems (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995).
networks’ (Tong et al., 2004). We find that they do not have a
significantly high number of friends or followers on social media Neuroticism and images. Several studies find a positive
platforms (such as Lönnqvist and Große Deters, 2016), yet neither do association with posting photos (such as Eftekhar, Fullwood and
they have a significantly low number (such as Bachrach et al., 2012). Morris, 2014) and sharing photos (Hwang, 2017), including photos of
Only one study identified a negative relationship to friend quantity traveling with family, traveling alone, or self-portraits (Yang, 2019),
online specifically (Pornsakulvanich, 2017). and buildings, dark, or abstract photos (Kim and Kim, 2018). Qiu et al.
(2015) find a relationship between neuroticism and the use of the
3.2.4. Neuroticism and perceptions of social media ‘duckface’ pose in selfies, but Kim and Chock (2017) find no significant Neuroticism and motivation to use. Although people with high relationship to taking selfies at all.
trait neuroticism tend to have small social networks, social interaction The research on profile photos is mixed though, suggesting a posi-
is a motivation for individuals to use social media (such as Hughes tive relationship to posting a profile photo (Amichai-Hamburger and
et al., 2012). Similarly, motivation is found for interacting with work Vinitzky, 2010), yet not to changing profile image (Whitty et al., 2016)
peers (Bhattacharya, Sinha and Sheorey, 2014). Just one study finds no nor the choice of profile photo (Wu, Chang and Yuan, 2015), and a
significant relationship to social use (Horzum, 2016). negative relationship with the level of detail (Segalin et al., 2017). Neuroticism and self-disclosure. Counterintuitively, considering 3.2.6. Neuroticism and reaction to content
the tendency for people with high trait neuroticism to worry, our Supporting the previous evidence of people with high trait neuro-
findings suggest that there is no significant relationship to privacy ticism using social media ‘passively’, our findings suggest that the re-
settings or alternative privacy protection (such as Gerber, Gerber and lationship to ‘liking’ or ‘commenting’ on others' posts is either negative
Hernando, 2017). In fact, some studies suggest that those with high (such as Lee, Ahn and Kim, 2014) or non-significant (such as Gosling
trait neuroticism are indiscreet in their posts (such as Hollenbaugh and et al., 2011). Again, given the purpose of social media to ‘socialise’ (i.e.
Ferris, 2014), although contradictory research suggesting a lack of self- create, share and respond to content), there could be a causal link be-
disclosure means that the findings are inconclusive (such as Chen, Pan tween this unwillingness to engage and smaller social network size for
and Guo, 2016). those with high trait neuroticism as demonstrated above.
Similarly, although self-reports suggest a general willingness to
3.2.5. Neuroticism and content creation engage with brands (Islam, Rahman and Hollebeek, 2017), reactions to Neuroticism, self-presentation and status updates. Trait marketing content appear to be ‘passive’, with a negative relationship to
neuroticism includes a self-consciousness facet (Costa & McCrae, clicking on a link in an advert (Chen et al., 2015), a reluctance to
1992a, 1992b) which suggests that people with high trait neuroticism comment on ads and sponsored stories (Clark and Çalli, 2014), and no
are concerned about how they appear to others (Costa & McCrae, significant relationship with Facebook commerce (Leong, Jaafar and
1992a, 1992b). Supporting this, our findings specifically show that Sulaiman, 2017). This appears to be the case even when the content
those with high trait neuroticism seem keen to present an ideal or false being ‘marketed’ is health information (Boontarig, 2017) rather than
self, rather than the ‘real’ self (such as Michikyan, Subrahmanyam and commercial products.
Dennis, 2014), and there is a positive relationship with use of social
networks for self-promotion (Roulin, 2014). As such, individuals with 4. Discussion
high trait neuroticism have been found to comment on news as a form
of ‘exhibitionism’ (Wu and Atkin, 2017), but are concerned about 4.1. Major findings and implications
others' comments about them (Shi, Yue and He, 2013). Further, they are
particularly worried about receiving feedback on selfies, suggesting Our review highlights a number of key trends across the vast
sensitivity to rejection and a need for peer acceptance (Choi et al., amount of research attempting to understand how neuroticism relates
2017). This apparent desire not to displease again reflects the to social media. First, there is no significant evidence that people with

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

high trait neuroticism access social media particularly frequently or for causal explanation of the small network size.
long periods of time. Likewise, research has failed to find a relationship In some ways, there appears to be an injurious circle or self-fulfilling
between status update frequency and neuroticism. There is also no prophecy, with potential dissatisfaction in a network (such as Dehle &
consistently reported link between reacting to the content of others Landers, 2005) leading to a negative experience which is reflected in
through commenting or liking and neuroticism. These findings contrast negative sentiment and emotion (such as Shen, Brdiczka and Liu, 2015),
with the perceptions of their own usage. again limiting the extent to which those with high trait neuroticism
Our findings also highlight numerous contradictions within the socialise on social media. A similar pattern may be occurring with the
current research. For instance, although there appears to be a clear link concern for self-presentation leading to extreme caution or anxiety
between neuroticism and excessive usage of social media, often iden- about the posts created and therefore a smaller quantity of posts. It
tified through self-report measures (such as Hawi and Samaha, 2019), seems likely that this low level of interaction may lead to a smaller
this isn't necessarily reflected in duration or frequency of use findings. network size, which may intensify the concern for self-presentation.
Some researchers have raised concerns about self-report measures as a Ultimately, if individuals with high trait neuroticism struggle to
valid and reliable means of determining technology addiction (Coyne present themselves or interact with others properly on social media,
et al., 2020; Ellis, 2019). Ellis (2019) also hypothesized a potentially they can be left craving social interaction (such as Eşkisu, Hoşoğlu and
causal correlation between ‘anxiety’ and self-reported addiction. A lo- Rasmussen, 2017) and seeking favourable self-presentation (such as
gical conclusion to be therefore drawn from these apparently con- Seidman, 2013), yet limited in their success with either due to facets
flicting findings (excessive yet infrequent use) is that people with high within their personality. People with high trait neuroticism may be
trait neuroticism worry about their usage more than their actual usage unable to consistently present a positive online persona that would
warrants, reflecting the anxiety facet associated with trait neuroticism otherwise enable them to socialise successfully. As research on self-
(Tackett & Lahey, 2017). In turn, their anxiety to reduce perceived disclosure shows, there is perhaps no ‘filter’ (or not enough of a filter)
‘excessive’ use could lead to lower usage in terms of time (e.g Kuo and on revealing facts about themselves (such as Peluchette et al., 2015) or
Tang, 2014) and/or more ‘passive’ use. Ironically though, even passive presenting their true (i.e. negative) feelings. Therefore, as also de-
use has previously been found to reduce well-being (Verduyn et al., monstrated offline (Lincoln et al., 2003; Russell et al., 1997; Shurgot &
2015). The concern among people with high trait neuroticism about Knight, 2005), those with high trait neuroticism do not enjoy interac-
their social media use, may actually lead to a behaviour that is further tions with others and are left unsatisfied with their social support net-
contributing to their anxiety. work (De Jong et al., 1999; Dehle & Landers, 2005; Suurmeijer et al.,
In respect of the initial goal to understand how personality traits 2005; Tong et al., 2004).
relate to the apparent harmful effects of social media (Waterson, 2019), In sum, these findings cast considerable doubt on the ability of users
we find a wealth of evidence to support a link between self-report with high trait neuroticism to exploit the full benefits of ‘social’ media.
measures of excessive use and neuroticism as discussed above. There- This is important given the increasing reliance (or assumed reliance) on
fore, given that personality traits relate to reports of problematic use, social media to disseminate information and gather viewpoints. Thus,
the evidence suggests that responsivity to reduction efforts may also developers of social media platforms, businesses and organisations
correspond with traits. Modern ‘microtargeting’ methods (Barbu, 2014) using social media should consider these aspects when designing social
for example, especially in this social media environment, provide the media spaces that are inclusive to all types of people.
potential to tailor specific intervention messages to specific personality
traits (Matz et al., 2017). 4.2. Limitations and future directions
Another prominent trend is the apparent motivation of those with
high trait neuroticism to use social media to socially interact (such as This research is not intended to offer quantifiable means of assessing
Eşkisu, Hoşoğlu and Rasmussen, 2017). Again, the research we identify the strength of effect sizes, and instead explores key trends and nuances
indicates that people with high trait neuroticism have a comparatively across these studies. There is therefore an opportunity for future re-
small online social network (such as Noë, Whitaker and Allen, 2018), search to present meta-analyses of these trends. This would also explore
appearing at odds with this socialising motivation. Yet, one explanation in greater depth, for example, the differences in outcome when different
requiring further research may be a difference in perception regarding data collection techniques are employed. Greater statistical analysis
the number of friends/contacts required to ‘socialise’. Are those with might also explore the effect size when traits combine.
high trait neuroticism content with a smaller network? Given that trait In addition, further studies could shed further light on the apparent
neuroticism is generally associated with feelings of dissatisfaction to- inconsistency between measures of compulsive, excessive or even ad-
wards a social group (such as Dehle & Landers, 2005), people with high dictive use, yet relatively low frequency of use. For example, data could
trait neuroticism do not seem to particularly value networks or strive to be collected for a single sample on both frequency and some measure of
achieve a large online social network. Another explanation could be self-reported problematic use, to further investigate this possible dif-
their usage of social media in terms of content creation and reaction. ference between perception and reality. Furthermore, a related area for
The design of social media platforms/algorithms requires users to be further research is why those with high trait neuroticism self-report
‘social’ and to interact through creating and sharing content. Our ‘problematic’ social media use. Are all participants accurate or does
findings suggest that those with high trait neuroticism generally do not neuroticism affect self-perception? For instance, Davidson and Ellis
provide significantly high quantities of status updates (such as Chee- (2019) have previously hypothesized a causal link to anxiety, a parti-
vasuntorn et al., 2018) or react to others' content through ‘likes’ or cular facet of the neuroticism trait.
‘comments’ (such as Lee, Ahn and Kim, 2014). Therefore, it is un- Another important topic is the finding that people with high trait
surprising that this ‘passive’ use (Ryan and Xenos, 2011) does not at- neuroticism appear to have fewer friends/contacts than their counter-
tract a large following or friendship base. Furthermore, the valence of parts. This appears to contradict motivations for using social media and
the content that is shared by people with high trait neuroticism may suggests that they may have a different perception of what it is to be
well play a part in their experience of social media (and vice-versa – ‘sociable’ online. This is an important topic for research because the
through the virtuous circle discussed below). Previous research in- nature of ‘social’ media requires users to establish and maintain net-
dicates that positive content is more attractive to online audiences works. For example, although all recipients may believe they are par-
(Berger & Milkman, 2012), yet the overwhelming evidence is that ticipating as required, a social media campaign inviting users to share
people with high trait neuroticism share negative valence content (such content is likely to be less effective when targeting people with high
as Shen, Brdiczka and Liu, 2015). Infrequent posting of ‘positive’ con- trait neuroticism recipients rather than those who are emotionally
tent that might otherwise attract peers is therefore a third potential stable. An important question therefore is whether they realise this

T. Bowden-Green, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 168 (2021) 110344

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