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Inside This Edition

Kichesippi Current 

Endangered Species
The words of a
 Cultural Bulletin

Winter Edition, Special Bulletin The Algonquin Alternative February, 2007

Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation

Has been struggling for some time now to gain formal recognition from the
government of Canada and the province of Ontario and inclusion in the
Algonquins of Ontario Land Claim Negotiations. Kichesipirini Algonquins
have been asserting their rights as historical Algonquin Nation and that their
rights associated with traditional governance are constitutionally protected.
Recognition of these rights associated with the Kichesipirini bring expanded
resources to all Algonquin people contributing to a prosperous and self-
sustaining Algonquin Nation.

Kichesipirini is also committed to the protection of other important cultural

traditions such as……………..

Kichesippi Current, 2007

Traditional Log Harvesting

When is the last time you saw someone harvesting logs this way?

However some might say that this is a fabrication, a mere manipulation of our perceptions. Some would claim
that this is simply a falsehood generated by new computer technology tricking us into thinking we are looking at
something real.

Maybe so.

Most will look at the picture and find it very humorous because although it looks very real they think it is
impossible, incredible. It is not based on fact or reality. There is no documented history of this.
It is a joke.


Most of those people belong to recently organized Algonquin communities, or reservations, that don’t have a
documented history either. And they will reject the community with the strongest documented history and
associated rights. They will reject their own traditional governance. They will reject their own sacred gravesites.
They will help erase factual Algonquin history and replace it with a politically negotiated cartoon.

There is nothing funny about that.

Support the Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation and keep Algonquin tradition real.
When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,
one must be responsible because
All of Creation is related.
And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
And the honour of one is the honour of all.
And whatever we do affects everything in the universe.
Lakota Wisdom

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Materials in this publication were produced and/or compiled by Kichesippi Innovation and Communications and Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation Services.
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Working together to create a new world that works together

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