Alvarenga Trompette 1992

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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 92 (I 992): 85-105 85

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. A m s t e r d a m

Glacially influenced sedimentation in the Later Proterozoic of

the Paraguay belt (Mato Grosso, Brazil)

Carlos J.S. de Alvarenga ~ and Roland Trompette b't

"Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabh, M T 78.100. Brazil
bhlstitut de G~odynamique, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis 1,Av. A. Einstein. F-06560 Valhonne, France
( R e c e i v e d M a r c h 1, 1991 : r e v i s e d a n d a c c e p t e d S e p t e m b e r 26, 1991)


De Alvarenga. C.J.S. and Trompette, R., I992. Glacially influenced sedimentation in the Later Proterozoic of the Paraguay
belt (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol.. Palaeoecol., 92:85 105.

Late Proterozoic (probably early Vendian, 610 590 Ma) glaciogenic and turbiditic sediments and metasediments are present
along the transitional zone between the Amazonian Craton to the northwest and the Paraguay Belt to the southeast, in the
Cuiab~i region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. A few exposures of diamictites are associated with conglomerates and graded pebbly
sandstones on the cratonic fringe and pass southeastwards into fine-grained sediments deposited in the deeper part of the
probably marine basin. In the Paraguay Belt, these rocks have been affected by the Brasiliano Orogeny, possibly around 570
Ma. They show increasing deformation and metamorphism from the craton towards the fold belt.
The sedimentation scheme proposed for the western border of the Paraguay Belt and the eastern edge of the Amazonian
Craton involves three, probably marine, main depositional systems. To the west, on the craton, the platform domain can be
subdivided into a western inner shelf and an eastern outer shell'. The deposits on the inner shelf subdomain show an alternation
of dominant massive diamictites, sandstones and fine-grained sediments with few dropstones. This diamictite association is
tentatively interpreted as glaciomarine in origin. In the outer shelf subdomain, the massive diamictites are progressively replaced
soutfieastwards by an association of massive diamictiles, stratified diamictites and fine-grained sediments. This diamictite
association is interpreted, as a whole, as resedimented glacial debris deposited by subaqueous debris flows.
The slope domain, located at the transition between craton and fold belt, is characterized by strong reworking of the
glaciomarine sediments by gravity flows responsible for a type of submarine fan deposition. The coarse elastic facies, which
result from a reworking by rapid downslope transport of cohesive debris-flows and gravity flows with high viscosity, fill feeder
channels in the upper fan. Eastward, inside the belt, a progressive sorting in the deeper portions of the fan is shown by the
transition from diamictites, massive gravels, sandstone intercalations with occasional inverse a n d o r normal grading (debris
flow + turbidity current) to normal graded, finer sediments (turbidity current). Sandstone and siltstone intercalations represent
inlerchannel deposits formed by turbidity currents.
East of the slope, well-bedded, fine-grained sediments were generated by low-density turbidity currents. Direct glacial
influence is reduced to the presence of a few isolated clasts or dropstones.
Two distinct Upper Proterozoic glaciogenic units are known in Brazil. The older and more widespread one, dated at about
950 Ma, is located on the Silo Francisco Craton and in the adjacent Brasiliano fold belts. The younger one ( ~-,600 Ma) is
restricted to the Paraguay Belt and the adjacent border of the Amazonian Craton.
111 southern Western Gondwana, Late Proterozoic glaciation is of mountain-type and developed at latitudes of 60 on highs
probably generated by Pan African Brasiliano rifting. At the same time, in its northern part. a widespread ice sheet covered
the West African Craton.

1Present address: Instituto de Geoci~ncias, Universidade de Silo Paulo, Caixa Postal 20. 899, 01498 Silo Paulo, SP, Brazil

Correspondence Io: Carlos J.S. de Alvarenga, Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabfi, MT 78. I00.

0031-0182'92/$05.00 :¢" 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


Introduction siltstones and sandstones, commonly graded, have

been interpreted as turbiditic sequences deposited
The glacial origin of diamictites in the Paraguay in a relatively deep marine environment (Almeida,
Belt (Fig. 1) was first recognized by Maciel(1959), 1964a; Luz et al., 1980; M.A. Dardenne in Barros
some 400 km SSW of Cuiabfi, who proposed the et al., 1982; Alvarenga, 1985).
name Puga Formation for a diamictite unit crop- This paper is a contribution to the discussion
ping out near Corumb~,, not far from the Bolivian on the origin of the worldwide latest Proterozoic
border. Subsequently, Almeida (1964a, b) defined (~600 Ma) diamictites (Harland, 1964; Harland
the Jangada Group as a glacial sequence made up et al., 1989). The glacial origin of many of these
of diamictites and associated conglomerates, sand- deposits in Pan-African (~600 Ma) fold belts,
stones and slates, northwest of Cuiabfi (Fig. 1). previously widely accepted, has been strongly
The diamictites have been re-examined many times questioned (Schermerhorn, 1974; Hambrey and
and described variously as tillites, conglomerates Harland, 1985). In Western Gondwana, latest Pro-
and paraconglomerates. Their glacial origin is sug- terozoic "tillites" of the West Congo, Katanga and
gested by their wide lateral extent and by the Damara Fold Belts have been at least partly
presence of striated clasts and dropstones. The reinterpreted as gravitationally reworked sedi-
occurrence of sandstones and other fine detrital ments (Cahen and Lepersonne, 1981; Porada and
intercalations within the diamictites has suggested Wittig, 1983; Martin et al., 1985). However, the
a subaqueous depositional environment for the nature of the original material in these examples
whole sequence (Almeida, 1964a, b, 1974; Rocha has rarely been discussed. A sedimentological study
Campos and Hasui, 198 l a). The associated shales, of these latest Proterozoic sequences is important

72 . ,.,] 48 36

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~. M i r a : ~ "

SVicente ,J''i "~ i i~


4- Caceresl( Pocone
If I I I I I

'< ._~,..It
~ .+'~ Jaci~ 'r I [
!J , i . [ . i
II I i
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°co i; mo: + ~. .... + ~ % ' ~ ' ~ , ° ~

-~'-- + -- 4-+ 4- if-
4-4- ~--~7/÷++++ I"GRANITE
~ o 50 lOOkm
, I I I J+ + +

Fig. 1. Structural and lithostratigraphic relationships between the Amazonian Craton and the Brasiliano ( ~ 570 Ma) Paraguay Belt
in the Cuiabfi area. S I , $ 2 : Location of cross sections described in Fig. 2.

to characterize and estimate the relative impor- The rocks are sedimentary or exhibit a low
tance of the true continental and marine glacial metamorphic grade. To facilitate description, we
facies in relation to reworked glacial material. This use sedimentary terminology, as most of the sedi-
is particularly true within the craton-to-geosyncline mentary characteristics have been preserved except
(or craton-to-aulacogen) transition, where primary in a few areas where penetrative schistosity has
marine and or continental glaciogenic sediments destroyed features such as pebble orientation and
are reworked through gravitational processes sole marks.
(Miall, 1985; Eyles, 1987; Eyles and Eyles, 1989).
In Brazil, where upper Proterozoic glacial sedi- Geologic setting
ments are widespread (Hambrey and Harland,
1985), a clear distinction between true glacial sedi- The Paraguay Belt is located along the south-
mentation and glacially-influenced marine sedi- eastern border of the Amazonian Craton (Fig. 1).
mentation is needed. It has been affected by the Brasiliano Orogeny
This paper discusses the glacial influence within tentatively dated around 570 Ma in the Cuiabit
the different lithofacies of diamictites, conglomer- area (Bonhomme et al., 1982: Cordani et al., 1985:
ates, sandstones and fine-grained sediments of the Alvarenga, 1990). Deformation and metamor-
basal lithostratigraphic unit of both the Ama- phism increase from imperceptible effects on the
zonian cratonic cover and the Paraguay Belt suc- border of the Amazonian Craton to greenschist
cession (Fig. 1). These lithofacies are generally facies metamorphism within the Paraguay Belt
poorly exposed and can be successfully studied (Figs. 1 and 2). The latter, is interpreted either as
only along road cuts where the best outcrops a collisional orogen, the result of a complete
correspond to the more resistant rocks, such as Wilson cycle, or as an aulacogen or intracontinen-
conglomerates and sandstones. Although the Para- tal rift, possibly with reduced oceanization.
guay Belt in the Cuiabgt region is not well suited According to the first hypothesis, the Cuiabit area
for developing general models, it has been possible represents an ancient passive margin: according to
to test how our observations fit existing models. the second, it is the western border of an aulacogen.

Section 1
Bauxi Jangada Guia Cmaba
W NW : syncline E SE
. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ 2 - , ~ . ~ ' - { , , k . - l . - ~,~-..~-.2~:

,ok., - " -

0 Sandstones of Alto Paraguay Gr

Section 2 Dolostones
Araras Form
Mirasol d'Oeste Caceres Jacobina Limeslones~
NW ~ E Conglomerates, sandstones and fine
grained sediments with dropstones
Diamictite of the Puga Form
7km and the Cuiaba Gr

Section 3

• 4
0 BOOm Lateral transition between
L _ _ J Puga F o r m and the Cuiaba Gr

Fig. 2. Schematic sections 1 and 2 from the border of the Amazonian Craton to the Paraguay Belt (see Fig. I for locationsL
Section 3 details the lateral transition between the Puga Formation and the Cuiab~i Group near Bauxi in section 1.

Three major lithostratigraphic units can be dis- 1982). This fauna is composed of metazoans
tinguished (Fig. 1). The lowest unit, the Puga (Cloudina lucianoi and Corumbella werneri), meta-
Formation on the craton and the Cuiabh Group phytes (Tyrasotaenia sp.) and microfossils (Sphaer-
in the fold belt, is composed of diamictites associ- ocongregus variabilis) ( Zaine and Fairchild, 1985,
ated with conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and 1987; Zaine, 1991 ). On the basis of these fossils
shales. This widespread diamictite association and the possible age-equivalence with the Nama
shows a lateral transition from thin, coarse facies faunas of Namibia studied by Germs (1972), a
in the west to thick, finer facies in the east. Two latest Vendian age has been tentatively suggested
different hypotheses have been suggested concern- for this carbonate unit (Zaine and Fairchild, 1985,
ing the stratigraphic position of the diamictite 1987; Zaine, 1991). Rb/Sr dating of argillaceous
association in the Paraguay Belt and along the intercalations in the lower part of the Diamantino
adjacent edge of the Amazonian Craton. Formation (Sepotuba Member), in the upper part
Figueiredo and Olivatti (1974), Luz et al. (1980), of the Alto Paraguay Group, has yielded an age
Barros et al. (1982), and Almeida (1984) distin- of 569+_20 Ma (Ri=0.7109). This age, previously
guished two diamictite units: an older, thick, interpreted as the age of deposition (Cordani et
folded, and slightly metamorphosed diamictite al., 1978), is now considered as dating a diagenetic
association, to the east and a younger, thin, sub- event possibly related to Brasiliano tectogenesis in
horizontal diamictite association, to the west sup- the adjacent Paraguay Belt (Bonhomme et al.,
posedly unconformable upon the older one. In 1982; Cordani et al., 1985). In addition, ten samples
contrast, Almeida (1964a, b) and Rocha Campos of fine detrital rock collected in the upper part of
and Hasui (1981a) have favoured the presence of the Diamantino Formation have yielded an age of
a single diamictite association. Detailed structural 660_+ 60 Ma (Ri = 0.7082) which is here considered
and sedimentological studies in the Bauxi and the as somewhat suspect because of the high dispersion
Jangada areas (Alvarenga, 1988, 1990; Alvarenga of points along the isochron (Cordani et al., 1985).
and Trompette, 1988) have shown the existence of As with all age determinations on sedimentary
only one diamictite formation. This formation is material, these results have debatable significance
thin and subhorizontal on the cratonic areas, and must be handle with great caution. The S~o
whereas in the interior of the belt, it becomes Vicente Granite, which cuts the Cuiab~ Group
thicker and progressively more deformed. southeast of Cuiab~, has been dated at 500 Ma
The middle carbonate unit, the Araras Forma- by whole rock K/Ar and Rb/Sr methods (Hasui
tion, overlies the Puga Formation and passes later- and Almeida, 1970; Almeida and Mantovani,
ally eastward from a massive carbonate sequence 1975). These scarce but concordant paleontological
on the border of the craton to a more muddy and geochronological data suggest the following
limestone, represented by the Guia Facies, in the temporal framework for the sequence: (l) The
Paraguay Belt (Fig. 2, section 1). CuiabS_ Group was probably deposited during the
The uppermost unit, the Alto Paraguay Group, early Vendian or Varanger [610-590 Ma and possi-
consists of two siliciclastic formations: the poorly bly the latest portion of Sturtian (800-610 Ma),
sorted, cross-bedded sandstones of the Raizama Harland et al. (1989)]. (2) The Araras Formation
Formation at the base and the reddish shales, was deposited during the late Vendian or Ediacara
siltstones and arkoses of the Diamantino Forma- [590-570 Ma, Harland et al. (1989)]. (3) Deposition
tion at the top. of the Alto Paraguay Group occurred during the
The age of these three lithostratigraphic units is early Cambrian and/or the late Vendian. (4) The
poorly defined. However, in the CorumbS. area, Paraguay Orogeny, which in this part of the belt
400 km SSW of Cuiab~, the lateral equivalent of is possibly dated at about 570 Ma (Cambrian/
the Araras Formation (Almeida, 1984) includes Vendian boundary), appears as a young Brasiliano
shales interbedded with limestones at its top that tectonic event. Thus, in relation to the Ediacara
contain elements of an Ediacara-like fauna fauna, the Cuiab~ Group occupies a position iden-
(Fairchild, 1978; Hahn et al., 1982; Walde et al., tical to that of the Nama tillites in the Nama
(;[ '\( I \1 I "~ [ N t LI.;I ' n ( | 1 ) St I ) I M t N IAI ION IN L A I I!R P R O H RO/OI( OF PAR&G[I:k5 BI[I IM,\IO (}ROSS(), t I R , \ / l [ i ~t)

Supergroup of Namibia. The Cuiabfi G r o u p can Archean/Lower Proterozoic basement rocks. The
thus be correlated with the Varanger, Laplandian upper contact of the diamictite with dolostone of
and "Eocambrian'" glacial deposits of western the lower part of the Araras Formation is abrupt
Europe and western Africa (Deynoux and Trom- (Fig. 4A). Massive diamictites (lower part of log,
pette, 1976). Fig. 41)) include mainly basement clasts (granite,
gneiss, quartzite, quartz, schist, etc.) and abundant
I fithofacies detrital micas. Faceted and striated clasts are pre-
sent (Fig. 4C). The mud matrix is red or green.
In thc lowest unit (Puga Formation and Cuiabit Fine-grained sediments, associated with beds of
Group) three main assemblages of lithologies or diamictite, crop out in the central part of the
lithofacies can be distinguished throughout the Mirasol d'Oeste section. They comprise an alterna-
area. They are: (1) the diamictite facies, (2) the tion of silty shales, siltstones and very line-grained
coarse-grained detrital facies and (3) the fine- sandstones with some clasts cutting or disturbing
grained detrital facies. Each of these is composed the bedding (Fig. 4B). In this association, the
of several different lithofacies, some of which are diamictites are present as conccntrations of clasts
interdigitated. in beds from a few centimeters to 0.5 m thick.
Lithofacies are distinguished and described here Clasts range in diameter ['roln a few centimeters
using sedimentological nomenclature modified to boulder size.
from Eyles et al. (1983), (Fig. 3). The term diamic- The upper part of the Puga Formation crops
tite is used for a poorly sorted gravel-sand-mud out in the Jacobina region in sharp contact with
mixture (Frakes 1978) including a supporting mat- the overlying laminated limestones of the Araras
rix of line sand and/or mud forming more than Formation. The slightly folded massive diamictites
10% of the rock volume. Conglomerates are clast- have clasts ranging from a few centimeters up to
supported gravels showing less than 10% matrix, I m in diameter set in a muddy and/or sandy
as proposed by Eyles (1987). Fine-grained sedi- matrix.
ments are fine or very fine sandstones, siltstones
and mudstones. 771e Cralonic Pla(/brm Facies ( Pu~a Formation)
G o o d exposures in the area are scarce and around Bauxi, Ros&'io Oe.~te and Acori-al
restricted to road cuts which makes it difficult to This sequence has been studied in road cut
( 1) quantify the proportions of the different lithofa- sections (Fig. 3A-E; Fig. 2, sections 1,3). It con-
cies in the three distinct facies, (2) to determine tains two distinct diamictite subfacies, one massive
their geographical extension, (3) to study the trans- and the other stratitied.
ition between them and (4) to correlate the different The Massive Diamictite subfacies, up to 40 m
sections. thick, is made up of diamictites with quite common
intercalations of mudstones, sandstones, stratitied
Diamiclite Facies diamictites and conglomerates. Some massive
(Fig. 3A) or laminated (Fig. 3C E) sandstone
The Diamictite Facies is observed over a large intercalations, up to 15 rn in thickness, include
area. hnportant lateral lithofacies variations exist, dropstones (Fig. 3A). The diamictite contains
which require description region by region. clasts from sand to boulder size in a shaly and
silty matrix. The iron-rich composition of the
Cratonic Phttlbrm Facies near C('weres and Mira- matrix gives a reddish colour to some outcrops.
sol d'Oeste The clasts are composed mainly of quartzite, sand-
Around Mirasol d'Oeste (Fig. 2, section 2), the stone, quartz, granitoid, basic volcanic rock frag-
diamictites are poorly exposed and can only be ments, and rare siltstone, mudstone and limestone.
studied in two short sections (Fig. 4D). Here the These clasts exhibit slight tectonic deformation. In
Diamictite Facies is represented by the Puga For- this diamictite, which shows a great variation in
mation, about 100 m thick, overlying metamorphic the relative proportions of matrix (muddy-sand)

lOm_ Sg, FI


•1 Dm B C
0m] Sg

Sm Dm Cm
,,: ,. Sm

Sh E
Sm -d
S Sg
A :
Dm ~/Dm
• ,4
Sh D
• A
Dm D C

Sh. Sr
Fm Sr Ds
2g, Sg
2,g, Sg

]s Sr FI 3g, Sg


Dm : m a s s i v e SYMBOLS
Ds : s t r a t i f i e d Cm
massive S Sr
Cm: chaotic, massive stratified
Cg : n o r m a l l y g r a d e d w i t h sandstone Sh,Sr
Sm. massive SANDSTONE
Sr : rippled ,cross-laminated ~Cm Cm
Sh : parallel lamination MUDSTONE
Sg : n o r m a l l y graded L__ Sg
Sd : with dropstones Laminated
FI: l a m i n a t e d with d r o p s t o n e s
Fm : m a s s i v e Cm
Fg : n o r m a l l y graded
Fd with dropstones Sm

Fig. 3. G l a c i a l s e d i m e n t a t i o n a l o n g the t r a n s i t i o n from the A m a z o n i a n C r a t o n and to the P a r a g u a y Belt in the Cuiabfi area, s h o w i n g
a lateral facies c h a n g e from a glacial p l a t f o r m e n v i r o n m e n t (A E ) to a slope e n v i r o n m e n t (F-H). U p p e r parts of F a n d H are
interpreted as c h a n n e l fillings cut by t u r b i d i t i c deposits (A-H are located in Fig. 2).
GI \([ \[ ['t INFI.( 1 N(III)St])[MI N I,\IION IN LAIIR PROI FRO/()I(" ()t-PAR,%GI .k'~ Rill I (M,XI(){~ROSSO. I]R,X/II )







Fig. 4. D i a m i c t i t e Facies in the c r a t o n i c p l a t f o r m d o m a i n a r o u n d Mirasol d'Ocste. A. S h a r p contact (arrow) of d i a m i c t i t e (Din)

with the overlying A r a r a s F o r m a t i o n . B. L a m i n a t e d silt}' shales with d r o p s l o n e s (Fl-d). ('. Striated boulders from a massive
d i a m i c t i t e horizon f o r m i n g the upper parl of the Puga F o r m a t i o n . D. Schematic logs of lhe Io',~,er and upper part of Ihe Puga
F o r m a t i o n . ( L o c a t i o n of A (7 s h o w n m D).

and clasts, beds of particularly hard and massive in units 1 20 m in thickness (Fig. 3), clast-rich
diamictite (Fig. 5B D) suggest a crude stratifica- diamictite beds and lenses of" line-grained sand-
tion (Fig. 5D). stones. Some thin beds and lenses, up to 0.3 m
The Stratified Diamictite subfacies consists of thick, made up of clast-rich diamictites (Fig. 5A),
decimetric massive diamictite beds associated with have erosional bases. Lenses of fine-grained sand-
subordinate mudstones with some graded bedding, stones commonly show load structures {Fig. 6B).
92 C.J.S. DE A L V A R E N G A A N [ ) R. T R O M P E T T E


:- --" 0,\\
\ Din, D s ,Fie
Fg , S g
2" Om \


"" "" Fg,Sg

/ Dm
FI a -Ds/"/ Dm



Fig. 5. Diamictite Facies in the cratonic platformal domain around Bauxi area. A. Clast-rich diamictite level (Dmr), sandwiched
between laminated fine-grained sediment (FI) showing graded bedding (Fg) in the upper part of the figure (see in B). B. Detailed
logs through the Diamictite Facies. C. Massive pebbly diamictites (Dm) with a few small clasts dispersed within an abundant matrix
(see in B). D. Massive diamictite (Dm) with preferential concentration of clasts at the lower part of the picture suggesting crude
bedding, indicated by arrow. This is a more detailed version of the section shown in Fig. 3B (location of A D shown in B).
GL.'~('IAL[_'~ ] N F L I £ [ N ( I l) St I ) I M t N I A T I O N IN L A T E R P R O I E R O / O I ( " ()t ~ P A R A ( ; t A'~ B E L l ( M A 1 0 ( ; R O S S O . B R A Z I l ) ¢).g

Conglomeratic Lithq/hcies (Cm, Ck;

This is characterized by beds 0.3 15 m thick
and is commonly interbedded with sandstones and
diamictites (Fig. 3F, G: Fig. 7). Clast size generally
ranges from less than 1 cm to about 10cm. The
matrix, representing less than 10%, and consisting
of a clay silt sand mixture, has been deformed
locally by Brasiliano tectogenesis (Fig. 7C). The
fragments consist of mudstone, quartzite, quartz,
dolostone, feldspar, and igneous and metamorphic
rocks of both intra-and extra-basinal origin. This
coarse lithofacies has no internal bedding but
shows a gradational transition through well-sorted
conglomerates to the pebbly sandstone lithofacies,
both vertically and laterally on a regional scale.
The vertical transition can be observed in column
F (Fig. 3), along the passage between the Diamic-
tite Facies and Coarse-grained Facies. Laterally,
from west to east (Fig. 2, section 1), the transition
occurs in the region of columns F, G and H. In
column F (Fig. 3) massive coarse heterogranular
Fig. 6. Inlercalations of fine diamictite, mudstone and lenses conglomerates together with massive diamictites
of fine-grained sandstones in the platformal domain around
are the dominant facies, while in column H graded
Acorizal and Marzag~o. A. Thin, discrete intercalations of
sand-granule diamictites in the upper part of the figure. B. sandstones are widely represented. It is impossible
Well-bedded sandstones with common lenticular sandstone to quantify the proportions of the various lithofa-
intercalations, a few dropstones and load structures. cies in the three columns, and the particular charac-
teristics of the transition between coarse
conglomerates and graded pebbly sandstones have
not been observed. Generally, the largest clasts
The Paraguay Belt Facies around Guia and have been reoriented along schistosity planes, but
Cuiab/I bedding remains well preserved and easily identifi-
Here, the Diamictite Facies is represented by able (Fig. 7C).
massive diamictites with an abundant clay silty
matrix (up to 70%); most clasts are millimetric to Pebbly Sandvtone LithqJaeies ( Cg, SL,)
centimetric although a few reach 1 m in diameter. These graded units begin with pebbly conglom-
These fine massive diamictites are usually gray or erates and pass upwards into fine-grained conglom-
green and clearly finer grained than the diamictites erates and sandstones. Individual beds are
previously described in the cratonic platform normally 0.5 3 m thick with sharp basal contacts
domain. (Fig. 7A). Internally, the beds are usually well
graded, from a basal pebbly sandstone unit with
Coarse-kzrained Detrital Facies clasts up to about 5 cm to an upper medium- or,
rarely, fine-grained sandstone unit (Fig. 7D). In
The Coarse-grained Detrital Facies is widely outcrop, the pebbly sandstone beds exhibit ero-
distributed in the Jangada and Acorizal areas. sional bases but no cross-bedding was observed.
along the margin of the craton, where it consists They show an obvious normal graded bedding or.
of conglomerates and pebbly sandstones locally more rarely, inverse graded bedding. The clasts
interbedded with diamictites and sandstones were derived from various intra-and extra-basinal
(Fig. 3F H). sources and include milky and gray quartz, feld-

spar, quartzite, mudstone, limestone and a few depending on the facies in which they occur
granitic rocks. Sandstone is commonly associated (Fig. 3).
with the upper part of the normally graded beds. The sandstones in the Coarse-grained Detrital
Thin interbeds of silty shales up to 30 cm thick, Facies are present both as graded and massive
are characterized by sharp, flat basal and upper beds. The graded beds commonly occupy the upper
contacts. Flame structures and load casts were also part of graded sequences which have a conglomer-
observed at the contact between two graded atic base. They also appear, unrelated to conglom-
sequences, with injection of sandy material into erates, as typical Bouma A and B divisions in the
the overlying conglomerate layer (Fig. 7E). others levels of the same sequences (Fig. 8A). The
massive sandstones are found mainly as individual
Fine-grained Detrital Facies beds intercalated between conglomerates and peb-
bly sandstones.
The soft, easily weathered Fine-grained Detrital The fine- to medium-grained sandstones associ-
Facies (F1, Fm, Fg, Fd) is poorly exposed in the ated with the Fine-grained Detrital Facies are
Paraguay Belt. It occurs as intercalations in deposited according to Bouma's A division in
sequences of normally graded conglomerates and layers ranging from about 1 mm to 20 cm thick.
sandstones (Fig. 3H) and as a widespread facies in Individual sandstone beds may rarely reach 2 m
the central part of the belt. Typically deposits in thickness.
consist of a rhythmic, parallel-bedded association
of millimetric Io centimetric siltstone, argillaceous
Origin of the different facies associations
siltstone and fine-grained sandstone layers repre-
senting divisions A, B and C of Bouma sequences.
Diamictites and associated Coarse- and Fine-
The common Bouma B division, is represented by
grained Detrital Facies are widely distributed in
parallel-laminated siltstones that, in some cases,
the Amazonian cratonic cover as well as in the
pass upwards into ripple-cross-laminated siltstones
metasedimentary rocks of the Paraguay Belt. Three
representing division C. Convolute ripple-cross-
main, probably marine, depositional systems
laminae occur (Fig. 8B), as well as a few isolated
(Fig. 9) related to the latest Proterozoic glacial
clasts or dropstones ranging in size from a few
period (Alvarenga and Trompette, 1988) can be
centimeters to more than one meter (Fig. 8C).
differentiated and characterized by distinctive
Concentrations of clasts up to 5 cm in diameter
facies associations. In the following discussion, the
occur in the lower part of thin, graded cycles.
terms "shelf" and "slope" are used strictly in their
geomorphic sense with no particular connotation
Sandstone Lithofacies
as to the fundamental nature (intracontinental vs.
oceanic) of the basin of deposition.
Nowhere in the region sandstones (Sin, St, Sh,
Sg, Sd). constitute a particular facies by themselves.
However, they appear as intercalations in the The pla(form glaciomarine depositional system
Diamictite, Coarse-grained and Fine-grained Det-
rital Facies already described. Individual sandstone Developed on the border of the Amazonian
beds range in thickness from 1 cm to about 15 m, Craton, the Diamictite Facies extend from the west

Fig. 7. Coarse-grained Detrital Facies of the continental slope. A. Sequences 0.3 1 m of normally graded conglomerates and
sandstones (Cg-Sg) with or without basal erosive contact. Bedding is sub-vertical with stratigraphic top to the left. B. Thin zone of
inverse grading (middle of the figure) at the base of a sequence of normally graded conglomerate. Normally graded sandstone in
the upper part of the figure. C. Conglomerate with polygenic clasts strongly re-oriented according to regional schistosity. D. Detail
of a normally graded conglomerate showing a basal erosional contact see location in A. Stratigraphic top is to the left. E. Large
flame structures along the contact between conglomerate and sandstone. (location between F and H in section I, Fig. 2).
96 c . J . s . DE A L V A R E N G A A N D R, T R O M P E T T E

(Mirasol d'Oeste and Cficeres) to the northeast as

far as Jangada and Acorizal (Fig. 1).
In the west, in spite of the scarcity of outcrops
(Fig. 4D), we can distinguish massive diamictites
(Dm), laminated intercalations of fine-grained sedi-
ments with a few dropstones (FI-Fd) and stratified
diamictite beds (Ds). This facies association ( ~ 100
m thick), overlying the Amazonian Craton, is
interpreted as glaciomarine in origin. The massive
and structureless (or poorly structured) clast-rich
diamictites with striated clasts (Fig. 4C) are inter-
preted as the products of rain-out deposited not
far from the margin of a grounded ice sheet to the
west or northwest. An ice shelf or numerous
icebergs may have been responsible for the deposi-
tion of rain-out debris (Orheim and Elverhoi, 1981;
Drewry and Cooper, 1981; Vorren et al., 1983;
Eyles et al., 1985). Micro-hummocky cross bedding
has been identified in the fine-grained laminated
intercalations thus implying deposition within
storm-wave base.
To the east and northeast, in the outer shelf
subdomain (Bauxi, Rosfirio Oeste and Acorizal),
the dominant inner-shelf deposits, represented by
massive diamictites (Dm), are progressively
replaced by an association of massive diamictite
(Dm), stratified diamictite (Ds) and fine-grained
sediments, the main characteristics of which can
be observed in Figs. 5-7. These two diamictite
(Massive Diamictite and Stratified Diamictite) sub-
facies are interpreted as glacial deposits slightly
reworked by turbidity currents and subaqueous
debris flows. The massive and chaotic diamictites
(Dm) are commonly crudely bedded, contain large
isolated clasts and show, in a few places, a weakly
developed normal or inverse graded bedding.
These deposits, devoid of tractional structures, are
related to processes involving low dispersive pres-
sure and reduced size sorting capability (Lowe,
1982). They can be interpreted as resedimented
glacial cohesive debris-flows (Lowe, 1982; Miall,
1983; Visser, 1983: Visser and Look, 1987). Varia-
tions in clast concentration and development of a
crude stratification (Fig. 5D) probably resulted
Fig. 8. Sandstone lithofacies: A. Bouma sequence with A, B from juxtaposition of successive, independent flows
and C divisions (section G, Fig. 3). Fine-grained Detrital
Facies: B. Ripple cross-lamination with sand injection in (Eyles and Eyles, 1989). The stratified diamictites
Bouma C division. C. Laminated fine-grained sediments with (Ds), interbedded with fine-grained sediments (Fm,
a few dropstones. F1, Fg, Sg), including suspension deposits, result
(;I \ ( I A I . [ "~ INI L U I N('I 1) S I ! I ) I M t N I A I I O N IN L A I [ ! R F ' R O I I ! R O / O [ ( " OF P A R A ( i { AX( B I L E ( M A T O (;ROSS(), B R A Z I L ) 97

Platformal Glaciomarine Depositional System

Slope Depositional System
Outer Slope Depositional System



A, B, C, D, E ~ "o'.o :~. ">

Fig. 9. Schematic cross-section showing depositional model for the latest Proterozoic glacial period along the southeastern edge ol"
lhc Amazonian Craton. Delails of lithofacies associations A G are illustrated in Figs. 3-8. Not to scale.

from intermittent turbidity flows, active in the preserved channel system suggests that a subma-
same area as the debris flows. Fine lenticular layers rine fan model can be proposed.
of clast-rich diamictites (Fig. 5A) are interpreted The conglomerates and diamictites (e.g., Fig. 3C,
as evidence of episodes of debris flow deposition. F lower part) show no evidence of grading. This
In the Late Paleozoic Dwyka Formation of South characteristic suggests upper channel deposits
Africa. such lithologies, consisting of sorted medi- resulting from reworking by rapid downslope
um- and coarse-grained materials within diamic- transport as cohesive debris-flows and high viscos-
tiles, were shown to have been deposited in an ice- ity gravity flows (Lowe, 1982; Walker, 1975, 1978:
proximal environment (Visser and Look, 1987). Eyles, 1987). The massive gravels with occasional
Around Acorizal (Fig. 3D,E, Fig. 6A). there are inverse and/or normal grading (Fig. 7B) and sand-
laminated sandstones, sandstones with wave- stone intercalations show a progressive sorting in
generated structures, laminated fine sandstones an eastward direction in the entering deeper por-
with graded bedding and loaded ripple structures tions of the proximal fan. Rare inversely graded
(Fig. 6B), together with mudstones, interstratified beds were probably formed by dispersive pressure
in the diamictites. This facies suggests an accumu- phenomena (Middleton, 1967: Middleton and
lation oF resedimented glacial deposits on a shallow H a m p t o n , 1976) operating beneath proximal tur-
continental shelf, with alternation of debris-flow bidity currents (Lowe, 1982). Walker (1975) sug-
and shallow water turbidite events, probably pro- gests that if debris flows are likely to generate
duced by storm-waves (Nelson, 1982; Pedersen, unsorted chaotic beds on the upper slope, inverse
1985: Eyles and Clark, 1988; Laajoki and Korkia- grading may appear at the bottom of the flow as
koski, 1988). a result of dispersive pressure as the flow moves
downslope. The association of chaotic beds and
The continental slope depositional system normal grading (e.g., Fig. 3F: upper part and G)
may illustrate a transition from subaqueous debris
In the western, external fringe of the Paraguay flows to turbidity currents. Laboratory experi-
Belt, many conglomeratic pebbly sandstones and ments indicate that such transitions can take place
diamictites are interpreted as sedimentary gravity in front of debris flows by erosion of underlying
flow deposits accumulated along the foot slope. autochthonous sediment (Hampton. 1972). The
The geometry of such accumulations is not pre- change from debris flows to turbidity currents may
cisely known. However, the identification of a well- be possible through the initiation of turbulent flow
98 C J.S D E A L V A R E N G A A N D R. T R O M P E T ' F E

and/or the injection of water into the unstable The most common type of fine-grained sequence
interface sediment (Morgenstern, 1967; Allen, comprises Bouma A and B divisions, typically
1971; Hampton, 1972). produced by turbidity currents, where the graded
Pebbly sandstones with normal graded bedding portion is made up of sandstone or siltstone.
(Fig. 3H) are commonly interpreted as due to Where division A is siltstone, it is generally thinner
filling of channels by high density flows (Lowe, than the sandstone beds. The graded siltstones
1982). The abundance of normally graded beds, represent distal deposition from quasi-continuous
generated by turbidity currents, can be related to turbidity flows. Some ripple cross-laminations of
the production of currents associated with the Bouma C division have been observed as well
decreased gradient as the flows move off the slope, as beds with convolute structures (Fig. 8B). Evi-
where size sorting depends on the amount of dence of glacial influence in these fine-grained
material recycled (Middleton, 1967; Walker, 1965; sequences is restricted to a few dropstones within
1975; 1977; 1984; Larsen and Steel, 1978; Lowe, laminated sediments (Fig. 8C).
1982; Eyles, 1987). These facies predominate in The fine-grained diamictites are dominated by
down-slope subdomains and in the outer slope massive structureless facies with abundant silty-
system (Fig. 9). The general absence of fine-grained clay matrix. Their structure, which bears no
suspension deposits (Fig. 7) in the sequences of imprint of glaciogenic influence, is dominated by
normally graded conglomerates and sandstones non-glacial marine processes. The widespread
suggests that gravity flow activity was a frequent nature of this homogeneous lithology may have
phenomenon (McCabe and Eyles, 1988). Sand- resulted from the dispersal of fine material away
stone layers with typical Bouma sequences from the continental slope by gravity flows. Similar
(Fig. 8A) and finer grained facies (e.g. Fig. 3H) massive and crudely stratified diamictites interbed-
both represent interchannel turbidity current ded with fine-grained turbidites from the late Pre-
deposits. cambrian Gaskiers Formation in Canada are
Great volumes of coarse-grained sediments were interpreted as submarine debris flows (Eyles and
supplied to the upper-slope environment in the Eyles, 1989) deposited in a deep marine setting.
basin. The coarse nature of the sediments was The abundance of fine-grained diamictites on the
directly inherited from the original platformal glac- outer, relatively deep, marine slope may reflect the
iomarine materials. The large volume of downslope contribution of powerful gravity flows. Rare. iso-
resedimented material suggests high sea-level fluc- lated blocks (dropstones ?) in the fine massive
tuations (Miall, 1985; Walker, 1978) as well as diamictites may be interpreted as evidence of depo-
dynamic glacier activity on the continental shelf. sition from icebergs.
Both factors may have been related to climatic
changes during the glacial period. During periods Depositional history
of glacial maximum, the slope environment was
supplied with huge quantities of glaciogenic mater- Two interpretations have been proposed for the
ial that was resedimented as chaotic or graded origin of the Brasiliano Paraguay Belt. On the
sequences to form the continental slope system basis of geochemical affinities of syn- and tardi-
(Eyles, 1987; Eyles and Miall, 1984; Wright and tectonic granitoids and a volcano-sedimentary
Anderson, 1982). sequence cropping out 500 km east of Cuiabfi,,
Fuck et al. (1987) and Pimentel and Fuck,~(1987)
The outer continental slope depositional system suggest a collisional orogen model resulting from
the closure of a Brasiliano ocean. In the Cuiabfi
The outer continental slope deposits crop out in area (Fig. 1), no vestiges of oceanic crust or of
the central part of the belt, as for example, in the magmatic products that can be related to subduc-
Cuiabfi area. They are represented by well-bedded, tion of oceanic lithosphere have been identified
fine-grained sediments dominated by turbidity pro- (Alvarenga, 1990). The Cuiab/t Group and coeval
cesses, and by fine-grained, massive diamictites. units are interpreted either as deposits on a passive
( ; l \(IAI.L'~ INI-:LL tLN('Iq) SI-I)IM[ N FATION IN L A I E R P R O T I i R O Z O I C ()F P A R A G [ AY BILLI ( M A I O (}ROSSO. B R A Z I [ / 99

margin, at the western border of a possible Brasili- flows. This mechanism resulted in the downslope
ano Ocean, the remains of which are presently accumulation of sediments which can be interpre-
covered by the products of the Paleozoic transgres- ted as a submarine channel system. Conglomerates
sion of the Parana Basin, or as an accumulation and some diamictites represent the filling of upper
on the border of an aulacogen or intracontinental feeder channels, whereas fining-upwards sequences
rift. The available data are too scarce to decide may represent progressive channel abandonment
between these two hypotheses. (Walker 1977, 1978, 1984). The third facies associa-
The sedimentary basin, in which the cratonic tion, in the central part of the Paraguay Belt,
cover of the southern extremity of the Amazonian represents the outer slope depositional system
Craton and metasediments of the Paraguay Belt dominated by silty and shaly, turbidite cycles.
were deposited, extends for more than 700 km
along strike and is up to 400 km wide. The extens-
ive, more or less reworked, lower glaciogenic units Late Proterozoic ( ~ 600 Ma) glaciation in Brazil
deposited on the southeastern border of the Ama- and its relation to the West African ice sheet
zonian Craton as far as the Rio Apa Complex
600 km to the south are considered to be of late Two distinct glaciogenic units are present in the
Proterozoic age (Almeida, 1964b: Hambrey and Late Proterozoic (1000 570 Ma/ of Brazil. The
Harland, 1981: Alvarenga, 1990: Zaine, 1991). The older and more widespread unit is dated at about
deposition of carbonates of the Araras Formation, 950 Ma. It is well known on the S/to Francisco
which occurred just after widespread sedimenta- Craton and in the adjacent Rio Preto, Brasilia,
tion of diamictites, is probably related to the end Ara¢uai and Ribeira fold belts of Brasiliano age
of the glacial period and marks a post-glacial (Fig. 10). On the craton, shales associated to the
transgression. diamictites of the Bebedouro Formation (Rocha
The wide distribution and considerable thickness Campos and Hasui, 1981b) have been dated at
of the glacially-related sediments forming the low- 960 + 31 Ma (Rb/Sr method on the fine clay
est lithostratigraphic unit of both the cratonic fraction) (Bonhomme et al., 1982). This age is
cover and the metasedimentary sequence of the interpreted as that of an early diagenetic event
Paraguay Belt are suggestive of a subaqueous and thought to be roughly the age of deposition. In
probably marine origin. Detrital material was the Ara~uai Belt, diamictites of the Macafibas
transported to the basin by ice covering the margin Group (Rocha Campos and Hasui, 1981c: Karfun-
of the Amazonian Craton. Three main facies asso- kel and Hoppe, 1988) were deposited after the
ciations can be identified, each occurring in a intrusion of marie dykes dated by K A r method
particular structural setting. The first, from Mira- between 1000 and 900 Ma (Machado et al., 1989:
sol d'Oeste to Rosilrio Oeste, covers the Ama- D'Agrella-Filho et al., 1990a: Uhlein. 1991). The
zonian Craton with glacio-marine sediments to the oldest Proterozoic glaciogenic unit of Brazil is
west, on the inner shelf: these were partially coeval with "Lower and Upper Tillites'" of the
reworked by gravity-flows on the eastern, outer West Congo Basin and Fold Belt in Central Africa
shelf. Dynamics of the ice margin, associated with (Cahen and Lepersonne, 1981: Boudzoumou and
variation in sediment supply may explain the origin Trompette, 1988: D'Agrella-Filho et al., 1990b).
of these subaqueous gravitational flows. A few On a global scale, the youngest Proterozoic
dropstones scattered through the stratified diamic- glaciogenic unit is early Vendian in age (610 590
rite facies, probably originated by iceberg sedi- Ma). In Brazil it is restricted to the Paraguay Belt
mentation. They are the only direct evidence for (Fig. 10) and the adjacent border of the Ama-
glaciation on the cratonic continental shelf. The zonian Craton (Rocha Campos and Hasui, 1981a:
second facies association, developed along the Alvarenga, 1990). To the southwest, it is also found
continental slope marking the border of the craton, in Bolivian Tucavaca-Chiquito Aulacogen (O'Con-
is characterized by the supply of platformal glacio- nor and Walde, 1985). It is coeval with the Laplan-
marine material, reworked by powerful gravity dian or "Eocambrian'" glaciation well represented

$~0 Lulz

Amazonian ~,:£.:.:.:.: Northeast Brazil

, Province

,.:.::!i!!!iiiiii!ii!i!i!i!i:!: rlaranh8o

~xXxXxxxx • x.,a~ x ~ x x x x x x x ,

x x x x x
x x x x 7",580 Francisco

Xx×x~x XxXxX

Paran6Basin 5 0 0 km
Rio de Janeiro

I - Phanerozoic covers

- Cratonic covers of the Brasiliano

r ~ _ Brasiliano Fold Belts with indication

of thrusting direction
Riodela ~ °~)q> - Puzzle of mini cratons and mini
PlataCraton~Xe-~" Brasiliano Fold Belts
- Basement

j Main faults
Buenos Aires

• ~ - Uppermost Proterozoic ( : 600 Ma) marine

glaciogenic rocks and diamictites

[] • ~ - Upper Proterozoic (= 9 5 0 Ma) continental,

marine glaciogenic rocks and diamictites

- Diamictite of tmprecise age

Fig. 10. Main late ( ~ 950 Ma) and very late (~ 600 Ma) Proterozoic glaciogenic rocks and diamictites of Brazil in their structural
context, l, 2 = Glaciomarine sediments, debris flows and turbidites of the Puga Formation, Cuiabfi Group and coeval lithostratigraphic
units. 3 = Continental glacial deposits of the Jequitai Formation. 4 = Continental glacial deposits, locally reworked, of the Bebedouro
Formation. 5 = Glaciomarine deposits including diamictites of the [bifi Formation. 6, 7= Glaciomarine sediments, debris flows
and turbidites of the Macafibas G r o u p and Salobro Formation, respectively. 8 = Diamictites of the Carandai Formation. 9 =
Diamictites of the Brasiliano Sergipe Belt. ]0= Diamictites of the Brasiliano Rio Preto Belt. 11 = Diamictites, conglomerates and
turbidites of the Brasiliano Pianc6 Alto-Brigida Belt.

. ~ A Olaciocontinental

6lnciomar ine
/ ,':.:.'7 A 'vM•......... ;,
• x × * * x x x x x x• ×~•/ vw Diamictite~
"1 ~ ' Q • • West Aft 1Pan Croton
× , x xx,'x~,•×•xXxXx,~x, ~ Ice movement direction
/ P,'~%' :ICE SHEET,'.•.'.'~
/ ;.•.,,@..x
/••×x x • • x x" •~ I
Limltes of 6 r a s l l l a n o /
P a n - A f r i c a n crotons

0 6 0 0 km

x ~ * .*•~,=~X•XxXxX•X

/ x x . x x ~.*.* *x~.× x x***

/x xxxx.~.'*** . . x • ~ * × *

9!:::= . , . . ~, . . . . . .~ ~: , , , ~ \\
Z=Con ( Z a l r e ) -
e, 56o Francisco
, , × x ~ x x S Ixxxxxxx" k

Ix xxxxxxX~Xx , x

I X I I I x l I
"- ~*, i",~I
t/.,.,., ......
x x x x ,x~xxxx',XxXl /x x x ~x-xx ~ , * ~
× x x x x x x x x I

<," . x. . ,.
~ ,, x ,1
" "'×"-:.:..*t,, %,

Rio de la Plata, ,'-:.','

Cretan , , ' . ~ olaharl
.... Croton,.

~x x

Fig. 11. Latest (~: 600 Ma) Protcrozoic glaciogenic rocks and diamictites in Western Gond~,,ana. 1 - Tillitcs (s.s.'~ of the Northern
part of the Taoudeni Basin including those of the Adrar de Mauritanic. 2 = Glaciogenic rocks at the Mali and Senegal boundar~
(Kayes area) and at the Guinea and Mali boundary. 3 - Glaciomarine and periglacial deposits of southwestern Mali. 4 - Tillites
(s.s.) of the Northern Voha Basin. 5 = Glaciomarine deposits and diamictites of the Pan-African Dahome>idcs. : ) - Glaciomarinc
deposits and diamictites of the Pan-African Bassaridcs (southern extremity of the Mauritanides) and Rokclidcs Belts. 7. ,S'
Glaciolnarine deposits and diamictites of the Brasiliano Paraguay Belt and adjacent southern extremity of the Amazonian C r o t o n
9 - Glaciomarine Numee Formation deposited at the transition flom the Kalahari Croton to the Pan-African Gariep Belt. l~'1~
Diamictitcs of the ga Tinta Group, Sierra de Tandil. l I - Diamictites c,f the Puncoviscana Group, Sierras Pampeanas.
102 C.J.S. D E A L V A R E N G A A N D R. T R O M P E T T E

on the West African craton (Deynoux and Trom- episode, as for instance in the Paraguay and Sierras
pette, 1981; Deynoux, 1985). Pampeanas Fold Belts, or deposited at the end of
At the scale of Western Gondwana (Fig. 11), the Pan African Brasiliano cycle, as is the case
late Proterozoic glaciogenic sequences cover most for the Numee Formation.
of the West African Craton, the central and north- Paleomagnetic reconstructions are only available
ern portions of which were occupied by a broad for times around 675 and 600 Ma (Morel and
ice sheet that moved southwards or southeast- Irving, 1987). About 675 Ma ago, the northern
wards. In its southern portion, in western Mali part of Western Gondwana (especially Western
(Fig. 11), continental glacial facies grade into glaci- Africa) was located in a polar zone between lati-
omarine and periglacial facies (Deynoux, 1985; tudes 90 ~ and 60 ° with its southern part situated
Deynoux et al., 1989). In the Dahomeyides, south- at about 60 °. Around 600 Ma, the distribution of
ern portion of the Transaharan fold belt (Trom- continents was very different, and the whole of
pette, 1981), and in the Bassarides-Rokelides Western Gondwana was in the equatorial zone.
(Villeneuve, 1984; C u b e r et al., 1980; Magee and The distribution and interpretation of glaciogenic
Culver, 1986), late Proterozoic glaciogenic sedi- rocks in Western Gondwana show a better fit with
ments comprise a thick glaciomarine facies more the 675 Ma reconstruction. At that time, the West
or less intensively reworked by gravity flows. In African craton located at high latitudes was cov-
the cratonic covers of Adrar de Mauritanie and ered by a huge ice sheet with predominantly conti-
of the Volta basin, shales associated with the nental glacial deposits. In contrast, the southern
diamictite have been respectively dated between part of Western Gondwana, which was in middle
620 _+ 50 Ma and 595 _+ 45 Ma and slightly older latitudes, shows only local glaciogenic occurrences.
than 660 + 9 Ma(Clauer et al., 1982). In the Paraguay and the Gariep "Geossynclines"
In southern Western Gondwana, South Ameri- and their cratonic borders, these glaciogenic occur-
can diamictites coeval with those of the Paraguay rences are marine in origin and seem partly associ-
Belt are known in the Sierras Pampeanas Belt of ated to highs generated by Pan-African Brasiliano
Argentina (Fig. 11), where they show no glacial rifting. Therefore they cannot be used to define
imprint (Jezek, 1990). On the Rio de la Plata pole positions.
Craton, in the Sierra de Tandil, diamictites forming
the lower part of the Balcarce Formation (Cingo- Acknowledgments
lani and Bonhomme, 1982; Dalla Salda et al.,
1988) have received two distinct interpretations. Field work was supported by the Federal Uni-
For some geologists, they are the equivalent of the versity of Mato Grosso, Coordena¢fio de Aperfei~-
diamictites of South African Pakhuis Formation oamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)
in the Table Mountain Group of late Ordovician and Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPQ) of
early Silurian age (Rust, 1981). For others, they Brazil. In July 1988, a short field trip was organized
are coeval with the Numee Formation of Namibia, in the Cuiabfi area within the framework of
and thus considered as of late Proterozoic probably International Geological Correlation Program,
Vendian age. The Numee Formation was deposited Project 260 led by M. Deynoux. Thanks are due
at the transition between the Kalahari Craton and to the participants, N.M. Chumakov, J.C. Crowell,
the Gariep Belt as glaciomarine deposit more or M. Deynoux, J.F. Lindsay, P.K. Link, Lu Song-
less reworked by gravity currents (Kr6ner, 1981). nian, J.M.G. Miller, D. Serrat, M. Villeneuve,
All the late Proterozoic glaciogenic rocks and J.N.J. Visser, T.O. Vorren and G.M. Young for
diamictites of southern Western Gondwana are their comments and observations in the field.
located in Pan African-Brasiliano belts (Paraguay Thanks to L. Aguirre for comments in the English
and Sierras Pampeanas Belts) or on the borders version of this paper. We are particularly grateful
of the adjacent cratons (Amazonian, Rio de la to G.M. Young and T. Fairchild for their critical
Plata and Kalahari Cratons) (Fig. 11). They are reading of the manuscript. Thanks are also given
associated either directly with the initial rifting to N. Christie-Blick and J. C. Crowell for their

critical comments which improved significantly the la Plata cratonic region of Southwestern Gondwanaland.
Episodes, 11:263 269.
De Almeida, F.F.M., 1964a. Geologia do centro-oeste mato-
This work is a contribution to IGCP-260 grossense. Brazil. Minist. Minas Energ., Dep. Nac. P r o d
"Earth's Glacial Record" and IGCP-288 "Gond- Miner., Bol. Div. Geol. Mineral.. 215:1 137.
wana Land Structures and Fold Belts". De Almeida, E.E.M., 1964b. Glaciaqiio Eocambriana em Mato
Grosso. Brazil. Minist. Minas Energ.. Dep. Nac. Prod.
Miner., Notas Prelim, Estud., I17:1 10.
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