4 Work As, In, On, For, As, With
4 Work As, In, On, For, As, With
4 Work As, In, On, For, As, With
6. work for ....... f. to focus one's effort or attention on a task or project in order to
improve or complete it.
B. Complete the sentences with the six phrasal verbs in their correct form.
9. He is looking for a job and wants to .........................a company where he can get promoted.
10. I'm happy with the location I ......................... as it's near my house.
12. She is ..........................designing new marketing materials for her advertising agency.
C. Rewrite each sentence, adding in one of the six phrasal verbs: work for, work with, work in,
work at, work as, or work on.
1. She is a nurse.
5. He has a job as a software engineer.
10. They have been employed in the construction industry for over a year.