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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Cadbury Products

1Pooja S and 2Sivakanni S
MBA Student Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai
Assistant Professor MBA, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.4.823.52056


In this study, factors affecting consumer contentment with Cadbury products are examined. Quantitative data from various consumer groups were gathered using
questionnaires using a mixed-methods approach, through surveys. Positive satisfaction levels are seen in preliminary findings, which identify product quality,
flavor, and cost as major determinants. Brand loyalty and packaging were also identified as important elements. This study contributes insights for refining marketing
strategies and maintaining customer loyalty in a competitive market.

The findings of the study reveal that Cadbury maintains a strong and positive brand image, with a high level of customer satisfaction across various age groups and
regions. Product quality and taste emerged as primary drivers of satisfaction, with consumers praising Cadbury for its consistent taste, texture, and flavor range.
Packaging design was also found to influence perceived product quality and overall satisfaction.

This study provides valuable insights into the factors driving customer satisfaction towards Cadbury products. By understanding these aspects, Cadbury and similar
brands can tailor their strategies to better align with consumer preferences and expectations. Enhancing product quality, diversifying product offerings, and
maintaining competitive pricing while prioritizing health-conscious options are recommended strategies to further boost customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Cadbury Products, Confectionery, Product Quality, Taste, Packaging, Pricing, Brand Loyalty.


The consumer is the foundation of all marketing. Therefore, a consumer is a crucial individual for a marketer. The consumer chooses what to buy, for
whom to buy it, why to buy it, where to buy it from, and how much to buy it. A great marketer must be aware of the preferences of his target audience.
In order to keep the items or supply the services in accordance with the preferences of the customers, he must also be aware of the quantity and timing of
the goods and services that a customer may purchase. The days of "let the buyer beware" and "the market was primarily a seller's market" are long gone.
The idea of consumer sovereignty as a whole has now taken hold. Whatever the customer wants, the producers make and the sellers offer for sale.
"Consumer is the supreme in the market" in this sense.

A notion called preference (or "taste") is employed in the social sciences, especially economics. It presupposes that there is a genuine or they offer. It can
be viewed as a motivator more widely. Individual preferences allow for the selection of objectives and goals in cognitive sciences.

Chocolate is a food that is formed from roasted and ground cocoa and can be consumed on its own or as an additive to other dishes as a liquid, solid, or
paste. Mexico is where chocolate first appeared. Mexican and Central American Aztecs were the first to use chocolate. Priests and leaders used it for
spiritual rites. America is the birthplace of chocolate. Cadbury India Ltd is a subsidiary of Mondelez International. The name "chocolate" is originated
from a Mayan word. In India, Cadbury operates in five categories like beverages, biscuits, gum, and chocolate-flavored confections.

The Cadbury's Inc. has seized the chance to present to us a more comprehensive view of the chocolate category. The number one chocolate brand in
India, Cadbury, is able to give market insights based on unrivaled chocolate experience. With the development of new technology, Cadbury has developed
into one of the most successful confectionery companies in the world. Due to the 1969 merger with Schweppes and the following growth of the company,
Cadbury Schweppes now leads the UK market for both soft drinks and confections while also exerting significant influence elsewhere. Today, Cadbury
Schweppes produces goods in 60 nations and conducts business in an astounding 120. The history of Cadbury is an intriguing tale of how a small family
firm became one of the biggest and most well-known chocolate brands in the world. A tale you'll always associate with "The taste of life". The assortment
itself has varied in accordance with consumer taste and preferences, and the pack design has been revised frequently. The Cadbury's Milk Tray selection
outsold all of its rivals by the end of the mid-thirties, and it continues to rank among the most popular chocolate boxes in this nation even today.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023 3203


The study is done to meet the needs of current market trends as understanding customer preferences and satisfaction levels is extremely important in
today's consumer-centric market. It is also essential for aligning business strategies with customer preferences, improving brand loyalty, fostering
innovation, and maintaining a competitive advantage in the market. It not only benefits the company's bottom line but also contributes to a deeper
understanding of consumer behavior and satisfaction in the confectionery industry. This can be achieved by identifying the factors that contribute to
customer satisfaction, being the main objective of the study.


Brown, A. & Smith, B. (2020): An Analysis of Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in the Confectionery Industry. This research examines the
relationship between brand loyalty and customer satisfaction in the confectionery industry, with a specific focus on Cadbury products. The study discusses
how positive customer experiences contribute to brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships.

Singh, R. & Verma, P. (2020): A Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction towards Cadbury and Nestle Chocolates. This study compares customer
satisfaction levels between Cadbury and Nestle chocolates. By analyzing factors such as taste, price, and brand loyalty, the research provides insights
into why customers prefer one brand over the other.

Chakraborty, S. & Das, G. (2019): Exploring the Impact of Emotional Appeal in Cadbury's Advertising on Customer Satisfaction. This study explores
the emotional appeal of Cadbury's advertising campaigns and its impact on customer satisfaction. The research reveals that advertisements that evoke
positive emotions lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and emotional attachment to the brand.

Agarwal, S. (2018): Consumer Preferences and Factors Influencing Choice: A Study of Cadbury Chocolates. This study delves into consumer preferences
and the factors that influence their choice of Cadbury chocolates. The research highlights the impact of factors such as taste, packaging, brand reputation,
and pricing on customer satisfaction and purchase decisions.

Verma, M. & Gupta, S. (2018): Analyzing the Influence of Packaging on Customer Perception and Satisfaction towards Cadbury Products. Focusing
on packaging, this study examines its influence on customer perception and satisfaction. The research highlights how packaging design impacts perceived
product quality and overall satisfaction.


Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. Without a proper well-organized research plan, it is impossible to complete the project
and reach to any conclusion. The project was based on the survey plan. The main objective of survey was to collect appropriate data, which work as a
base for drawing conclusion and getting result. Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. Research
methodology not only talks of the methods but also logic behind the methods used in the context of a research study and it explains why a particular
method has been used in the preference of the other methods.


• To study the factors, influence customer to buy a Cadbury chocolate.

• To understand the buying pattern of the customers.

• To find out the customer’s preference towards different Cadbury products.

The data used for this study has been collected from primary data and secondary data. For primary data these data were collected by preferring books and
internet. For this purpose, questionnaires were prepared in such that all necessary data would be collected. Random and Convenient Sampling method
used for data collection, the size of the sample is 134 respondents and the SPSS tools used in the analysis are chi-square, correlation and regression. The
secondary data had been collected from various source of research, journals, books and magazines.




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 66 49.3 49.3 49.3
Female 68 50.7 50.7 100.0
Total 134 100.0 100.0
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023 3204


From the above table, it can inferred that 50.75% of the respondents are Female and 49.25% of the respondents are Male. Most of the respondents are


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Below 20 17 12.7 12.7 12.7
20-30 92 68.7 68.7 81.3
31-40 18 13.4 13.4 94.8
Above 40 7 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 134 100.0 100.0


From the above table, it can inferred that 12.69% of the respondents are Below 20 and 68.66% of the respondents are 20-30 years and 13.43% of the
respondents are 31-40 years and 5.22% of the respondents are Above 40 years. Most of the respondents are 20-30 years.


The Major choice of buying or preferring Cadbury Chocolates?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Gifting/Celebrations 36 26.9 26.9 26.9
Taste 75 56.0 56.0 82.8
Lots of varieties 16 11.9 11.9 94.8
Attraction 7 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 134 100.0 100.0
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023 3205



From the above table, it can inferred that 26.87% of the respondents are Gifting/Celebrations and 55.97% of the respondents are Taste and 11.94% of the
respondents are Lots of varieties and 5.22% of the respondents are Attraction. Most of the respondents are Taste.


Chi-square analysis (χ²) is a statistical method used to determine if there is a significant association between two categorical variables in a dataset. It's
commonly used to analyze data in the form of a contingency table, which is a table that displays the frequency distribution of two categorical variables.

chi-square analysis is a valuable tool for examining relationships between categorical variables and determining whether the observed associations are
statistically significant.


NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0): There is no significant difference between gender and buying or preferring Cadbury chocolates.

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS (H1): There is a significant difference between gender and buying or preferring Cadbury chocolates.


Test Statistics

Gender Buying or preferring Cadbury Chocolates

Chi-Square .030a 81.701b
Df 1 3
Asymp. Sig. .863 .000

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 67.0.

b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 33.5.


The Calculated Significant Value of 0.05 is greater than the Significant value of 0.000 (0.000<0.05)

H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected Therefore, there is no significant difference between gender and buying or preferring Cadbury chocolates.


Correlation refers to a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two variables change together. In other words, it quantifies the relationship or
association between two variables. Correlation does not imply causation; just because two variables are correlated does not mean that changes in one
variable cause changes in the other.


NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0): There is no significant difference between advertisement and frequency of buying or consumption of Cadbury products.
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS (H1): There is a significant difference between advertisement and frequency of buying or consumption of Cadbury
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023 3206


Frequency of buying or consumption of
Advertisement Cadbury products?
Does the Cadbury Advertisement is Pearson Correlation 1 .104
Satisfied are to be Improved? Sig. (2-tailed) .231
N 134 134
How frequently you buy or consume Pearson Correlation .104 1
Cadbury products? Sig. (2-tailed) .231
N 134 134


The Calculated Significant Value of 0.05 is greater than the significant value of 0.231


H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted Therefore, there is a significant difference between advertisement and frequency of buying or consumption of Cadbury


Regression is a statistical analysis technique used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It aims
to find the best-fitting line (or curve) that describes how changes in the independent variables are associated with changes in the dependent variable.
Regression is commonly used for prediction and understanding the relationships between variables.


NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0): There is no significant difference in overall Satisfaction of Cadbury products.

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS (H1): There is a significant difference in overall Satisfaction of Cadbury products.


Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 9.070 2 4.535 14.221 .000b
Residual 41.774 131 .319
Total 50.843 133
a. Dependent Variable: How are you Satisfied with overall Cadbury?
b. Predictors: (Constant), What do you think about pricing of Cadbury products? How satisfied are you with the taste and
Quality of Cadbury products?


The Calculated Significant Value of 0.05 is greater than the Significant value of 0.000 (0.000<0.05)

H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected therefore, there is no significant difference in overall Satisfaction of Cadbury products.


➢ According to the study in gender 50.75% of the respondents are Female and 49.25% of the respondents are Male. Most of the respondents are

➢ According to the study in age 12.69% of the respondents are Below 20 and 68.66% of the respondents are 20-30 years and 13.43% of the
respondents are 31-40 years and 5.22% of the respondents are Above 40 years. Most of the respondents are 20-30 years.

➢ According to the study in major choice of buying or preferring Cadbury chocolates 26.87% of the respondents are Gifting/Celebrations and
55.97% of the respondents are Taste and 11.94% of the respondents are Lots of varieties and 5.22% of the respondents are Attraction. Most
of the respondents are Taste.

➢ According to the study in Chi-square, there is no significant difference between gender and buying or preferring Cadbury chocolates.

➢ According to the study in Correlation, there is a significant difference between advertisement and frequency of buying or consumption of
Cadbury products.

➢ According to the study in Regression, there is no significant difference in overall Satisfaction of Cadbury products.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 8, pp 3202-3207 August 2023 3207


On the whole front, Cadbury products have a great reputation and successful customer base irrespective of the high price of its leading product line. But
Cadbury can also enlarge its market share by reducing its price of the gift packages and its availability in small retail outlets to attract more customer.
Every Cadbury product variety must be accessible everywhere, so that it will be purchased daily from its customers. Packaging (a few product line) also
needs focus as it might give a more appealing outlook.


From this study it is observed that people in general like to eat Cadbury product rather than other competitive brands. Most people preferred Diary milk
of Cadbury due to its flavor, taste and quality. Through this survey we understand that Cadbury has good name and reputation due to its existence in the
market for so many years and has every good potential in market. Cadbury chocolates are also easily available in market for consumers to buy.


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