Auditing Answers (Module 4)
Auditing Answers (Module 4)
Auditing Answers (Module 4)
Module - 4
Q1.) Difference between qualified report, adverse report & disclaimer of
Q2.) Write a detail note on Emphasis of matter paragraph.
Q3.) How are the key audit matters presented in audit report in
accordance to SA 701 .
Ans- As per the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) 700, the basic
elements of the auditor’s report are as follows:
1. Title: The title of the report should be “Independent
Auditor’s Report.”
Ans- Key audit matters (KAMs) are those matters that, in the auditor’s
professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the
financial statements of an entity. KAMs are determined by the auditor
after considering various factors, including the nature, complexity, and
materiality of the items being audited.
The following are some examples of KAMs that an auditor may identify
during the audit: