SWD USOR-2023 For Portal
SWD USOR-2023 For Portal
SWD USOR-2023 For Portal
R3-SWD-87 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 29075
conical manhole as per standard drawings (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-01), with 1.20 m internal dia at bottom ,
0.56 m internal dia at top as per IS 4111: Part 1:1986 Cl.4.9 for
a depth 1.50 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2 , 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls in
cement mortar 1:1 ( without waterproofing compound) and neat
cement rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 300
mm. thick M 15 grade cement concrete in foundation and in
haunches and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick
cement mortar 1:1 and providing and installing approved Co-
polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary centering, shuttering etc. all complete as per Standard
Specification no. Sp-SWD-2 and as per drawing (Dwg No
MCGM/SWD/2013-01), and/or as specified & directed by
Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing &
fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-88 Extra over item no R2-SWD-87 per meter depth above 1.50 m Mtr 18052
and upto 2.30 m, etc complete as specified and as directed by
R3-SWD-89 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 46973
conical manhole as per standard drawings (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-02), with 1.50 m internal dia at bottom ,
0.56 m internal dia at top as per IS 4111: Part 1:1986 Cl.4.9 for
a depth 2.30 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2 , 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls in
cement mortar 1:1 ( without waterproofing compound) and neat
cement rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 300
mm. thick M 15 grade cement concrete in foundation and in
haunches and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick
cement mortar 1:1 and providing and installing approved Co-
polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary centering, shuttering etc. all complete as per Standard
Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified & directed by
Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing &
fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-90 Extra over item no R2-SWD-89 per meter depth above 2.30 m Mtr 34506
and upto 5.0 m including safety chain and extra Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced steps on either side of benching,
etc complete as specified &as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
R3-SWD-91 Extra over item no R2-SWD-89 per meter depth above 5.0 m Mtr 41870
and upto 9.0 m including additional safety chain per meter depth
, etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
R3-SWD-92 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 87355.00
conical manhole as per standard drawings (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-02), with 1.80 m internal dia at bottom ,
0.56 m internal dia at top as per IS 4111: Part 1:1986 Cl.4.9 for
a depth 2.90 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2 , 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls in
cement mortar 1:1 ( without waterproofing compound) and neat
cement rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 300
mm. thick M 15 grade cement concrete in foundation and in
haunches and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick
cement mortar 1:1 and providing and installing approved Co-
polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary cantering shuttering etc. all complete as per Standard
Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified & directed by
Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing &
fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-93 Extra over item no R2-SWD-92 per meter depth above 2.90 m Mtr 37489
and upto 5.0 m including safety chain and extra Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced steps on either side of benching,
etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
R3-SWD-94 Extra over item no R2-SWD-92 per meter depth above 5.0 m Mtr 48917
and upto 9.0 m including safety chain per metre depth , etc
complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
R3-SWD-95 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 29141
trapezoidal manhole , with internal sizes 1.50 m x 0.90 m at
bottom and 0.90 m x 0.45 m at top for a depth 1.20 m built in
brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20 mm thick plastering
both internal and external faces of walls in cement mortar 1:1 (
without waterproofing compound) and neat cement rendering so
as to give a smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15
grade cement concrete in foundation and in haunches and
channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1
and providing and installing approved Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing
between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide
vata all around the external portion of the manhole and
foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the
incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary cantering shuttering etc. all complete as per Standard
Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified & directed by
Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing &
fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-96 Extra over item no R2-SWD-95 per meter depth above 1.20 m Mtr 21340
and upto 2.30 m, etc complete as specified and as directed by
R3-SWD-97 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 32963
trapezoidal manhole , with internal sizes 1.50 m x 1.20 m at
bottom and 0.90 m x 0.60 m at top for a depth 1.20 m built in
brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20 mm thick plastering
both internal and external faces of walls in cement mortar 1:1 (
without waterproofing compound) and neat cement rendering so
as to give a smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15
grade cement concrete in foundation and in haunches and
channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1
and providing and installing approved Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing
between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide
vata all around the external portion of the manhole and
foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the
incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary cantering shuttering etc. all complete as per Standard
Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified & directed by
Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing &
fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-98 Extra over item no R2-SWD-97 per meter depth above 1.20 m Mtr 23489
and upto 2.30 m, etc complete as specified and as directed by
R3-SWD-99 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 108034
scraper manhole , with internal sizes 1.50 m x 1.50 m at
bottom and 1.20 m x 0.90 m at top for a depth 2.90 m built in
brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20 mm thick plastering
both internal and external faces of walls in cement mortar 1:1 (
without waterproofing compound) and neat cement rendering so
as to give a smooth surface, including 0.30 m. thick M 15 grade
cement concrete in foundation as per IS 4111: Part 1:1986
CI.4.2 and M 15 grade in haunches and channels finished
smooth with 20 mm thick cement plaster and in cement mortar
1:1 and providing and installing approved Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing
between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide
vata all around the external portion of the manhole and
foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the
incoming pipes with brick masonry wherever necessary,
including 0.3mtr high cap in M 30 grade concrete finished with
with necessary centering, shuttering etc. all complete as per
Standard Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified &
directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation,
providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-100 Extra over item no R2-SWD-99 per meter depth above 2.9 m Mtr 38025
and upto 5.0 m, etc complete as specified and as directed by
R3-SWD-101 Extra over item no R2-SWD-99 per meter depth above 5.0 m Mtr 52348
and upto 9.0 m, etc complete as specified and as directed by
R3-SWD-102 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 124677
scraper manhole as per standard drawing with internal sizes
1.80 m x 1.80 m at bottom and 1.20 m x 0.90 m at top for a
depth 2.90 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls in
cement mortar 1:1 ( without waterproofing compound) and neat
cement rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 0.30
m. thick M 15 grade cement concrete in foundation as per IS
4111: Part 1:1986 Cl.4.2 and M 15 grade in haunches and
channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement plaster and
in cement mortar 1:1 and providing and installing approved Co-
polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming pipes with brick masonry wherever necessary,
including 0.3mtr high cap in M 30 grade concrete finished with
with necessary centering, shuttering etc. all complete as per
Standard Specification no. SP-SWD-2 and/or etc complete as
specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of
excavation, providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-103 Extra over item no R2-SWD-102 for scraper manhole 1.80 m x Mtr 43335
1.80 m internal bottom size for depth above 2.90 m and upto
5.0 m etc complete as per standard drawings and as specified &
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (measured in per meter
R3-SWD-104 Extra over item no R2-SWD-102 for scraper manhole 1.80 m x Mtr 59954
1.80 m internal bottom size for depth above 5.0 m and upto 9.0
m etc complete as per standard drawings and as specified & as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (measured in per meter depth)
R3-SWD-105 Providing and constructing stormwater drain brick masonry Each 175427
trapezoidal manhole as per standard drawings (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-04), with internal sizes 2.40 m x 1.50 m at
bottom and 0.90 m x 0.60 m at top for a depth 4.60 m built in
brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20 mm thick plastering
both internal and external faces of walls in cement mortar 1:1 (
without waterproofing compound) and neat cement rendering so
as to give a smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15
grade cement concrete in foundation and in haunches and
channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1
and providing and installing approved Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing
between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide
vata all around the external portion of the manhole and
foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the
incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, with
necessary centering shuttering including safety chain and extra
Co-polymer polypropylene steel reinforced steps on either side
of benching etc all complete as per Standard Specification no.
SP-SWD-2 and/or as specified & directed by Engineer-in-
Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing & fixing frame
& covers.
R3-SWD-106 Extra over item no R2-SWD-105 per meter depth above 4.60 m Mtr 63935
and upto 9.0 m , etc complete as specified & as directed by
R3-SWD-107 Constructing brick masonry scraper type manhole on storm Each 178958
water drain 2.40 m x 1.50 m at bottom 1.20 m x 0.90 m at top
upto a depth 4.6 m, and built in brick masonry in C.M. 1:2
plastered both inside and outside with 20 mm thick cement
plaster in C.M. 1: 1 and neat cement rendering so as to give a
smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15 cement concrete
in foundation and in haunches and channels finished smooth
with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1 and providing approved
Co-polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming pipes with brick masonry wherever necessary,
including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete finishing
with cement plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1, etc complete as
per Standard drawings (Dwg No MCGM/SWD/2013-04) and/or
as specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost
of excavation, providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-108 Extra over item no R2-SWD-107 per meter depth above 4.60 m Mtr 63317
and upto 9.0 m , etc complete as specified & as directed by
R3-SWD-109 Constructing brick masonry scraper type manhole on storm Each 214950
water drain 2.40 m x 2.40 m at bottom and 1.20 m x 0.90 m at
top for a depth 4.6 m, built in brick masonry in C.M. 1:2
plastered both inside and outside with 20 mm thick cement
plaster in C.M. 1: 1 and neat cement rendering so as to give a
smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15 cement concrete
in foundation and in haunches and channels finished smooth
with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1 and providing approved
Co-polymer polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step
(weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the manhole
and foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting
the incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including 300 mm high cap in M 30 grade concrete
finishing with cement plaster in both side in CM and/or as
specified & directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of
excavation, providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-110 Extra over item no R2-SWD-109 per meter depth above 4.60 m Mtr 75165
and upto 9.0 m , etc complete as specified & as directed by
R3-SWD-111 Providing and constructing storm water drain brick masonry Each 148695
rectangular manhole with internal sizes 2.40 m x 1.80 m for a
depth 2.40 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls
in C.M. 1: 1 (without waterproofing compound) and neat
cement rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 300
mm. thick M 15 cement concrete in foundation and in haunches
and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar
1:1 and providing & installing approved Co-polymer
polypropylene steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing
between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide
vata all around the external portion of the manhole and
foundation concrete in cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the
incoming and outgoing pipes with brick masonry wherever
necessary, including RCC slab in cement concrete M 30 grade,
300 mm RCC cap in M 30 grade cement including
reinforcements finished with cement plaster on both sides in
CM 1: 1 on both sides inside and outside including necessary
cantering, shuttering all complete as per Standerd Specification
no. SP-SWD-3 , and/or as specified & directed by Engineer-in-
Charge, excluding cost of excavation, providing & fixing frame
& covers.
R3-SWD-112 Extra over item no R2-SWD-111 per meter depth above 2.40 m Mtr 57593
including additional safety chain per meter depth, etc complete
as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. (Rebate at the
same rate will be taken if the depth of manhole is less than 2.40
R3-SWD-113 Providing and constructing storm water drain brick masonry Each 67574
rectangular manhole as per standard drawings, with internal
sizes 1.50 m x 1.50 m for a depth 1.60 m built in brick
masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20 mm thick plastering both
internal and external faces of walls in C.M. 1: 1 (without
waterproofing compound) and neat cement rendering so as to
give a smooth surface, including 300 mm. thick M 15 cement
concrete in foundation and in haunches and channels finished
smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1 and providing &
installing approved Co-polymer polypropylene steel reinforced
manhole safety step (weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 kg. ) at 375
mm c/c, including 75 mm wide vata all around the external
portion of the manhole and foundation concrete in cement
mortar 1:1 and supporting the incoming and outgoing pipes with
brick masonry wherever necessary, including RCC slab in
cement concrete M 30 grade, 300 mm RCC cap in M 30 grade
cement including reinforcements finished with cement plaster
on both sides in CM 1: 1 on both sides inside and outside
including necessary cantering, shuttering all complete as per
Standard Specification no. SP-SWD-2, and/or as specified &
directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation,
providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-114 Extra over item no R2-SWD-113 per meter depth above 1.60 m Mtr 33473
, etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Rebate at the same rate will be taken if the depth of manhole is
less than 1.60 m.)
R3-SWD-115 Providing and constructing storm water drain brick masonry Each 97497
rectangular manhole with internal sizes 1.80 m x 1.80 m for a
depth 2.0 m built in brick masonry in cement mortar 1:2, 20
mm thick plastering both internal and external faces of walls in
C.M. 1: 1 (without waterproofing compound) and neat cement
rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 300 mm.
thick M 15 cement concrete in foundation and in haunches and
channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:1
and providing & installing approved Co-polymer polypropylene
steel reinforced manhole safety step (weighing between 0.8 to
0.9 kg. ) at 375 mm c/c, including 75 mm wide vata all around
the external portion of the manhole and foundation concrete in
cement mortar 1:1 and supporting the incoming and outgoing
pipes with brick masonry wherever necessary, including RCC
slab in cement concrete M 30 grade, 300 mm RCC cap in M 30
grade cement including reinforcements finished with cement
plaster on both sides in CM 1: 1 on both sides inside and outside
including necessary cantering, shuttering all complete as per
Standard Specification no. SP-SWD-2, and/or as specified &
directed by Engineer-in-Charge, excluding cost of excavation,
providing & fixing frame & covers.
R3-SWD-116 Extra over item no R2-SWD-115 per meter depth above 2.0 m, Rmt 43335
etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Rebate at the same rate will be taken if the depth of manhole is
less than 2.0 m.)
R3-SWD-117 Providing and Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber Each 37244
rectangular 0.9 M x 0.45 M and 0.6 m deep on sewer with 230
mm brick walls in cement mortar 1:3 plastered both inside &
outside with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:2 and neat cement
rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 230 mm.
cement concrete bedding ( M 15) and cement concrete ( M 15)
in haunches and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick
cement mortar (1:1) and fixing C.I. heavy duty airtight
rectangular frame and cover of size 0.90 m x 0.45 m weighing
minimum 225 kg. resting on 300 mm high c/c cap M 20 with
(1:1) cement plaster on both sides and necessary C.I. steps
(weighing 5.40 kg each) staggered at 300 mm c /c including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the chamber
and the foundation concrete in C.M. 1: 1 etc. complete as per
plan in and as per drawing ( Dwg No MCGM/SWD/2013-06),
etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Without excavation)
R3-SWD-118 Extra over item no R2-SWD-117 per meter depth above 0.60 m Rmt 15737
and upto 2.5 m , etc all complete as specified & as directed by
R3-SWD-119 Providing and Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber Each 42303
rectangular 0.9 M x 0.60 M and 0.6 m deep on sewer with 230
mm brick walls in cement mortar 1:3 plastered both inside &
outside with 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:2 and neat cement
rendering so as to give a smooth surface, including 230 mm.
cement concrete bedding ( M 15) and cement concrete ( M 15)
in haunches and channels finished smooth with 20 mm thick
cement mortar (1:1) and fixing C.I. heavy duty rectangular
frame and cover of size 0.90 m x 0.45 m weighing minimum
270 kg. resting on 300 mm high C.C. cap in M 20 with (1:1)
with cement plaster on both sides and necessary C.I. steps
(weighing 5.40 kg each) staggered at 300 mm c /c including 75
mm wide vata all around the external portion of the chamber
and the foundation concrete in C.M. 1: 1 etc. complete as per
plan in and as per drawing ( Dwg No MCGM/SWD/2013-03),
etc complete as specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Without excavation)
R3-SWD-120 Extra over item no R2-SWD-119 per meter depth above 0.60 m Rmt 18088
and upto 2.5 m , etc all complete as specified & as directed by
Chapter-VI Water Entrances
Shifting & reconstructing single water entrance in BM 1:4, 12
mm thick internal plaster in C.M. 1:2, utilising existing frame,
gratings, R.C.C. runners, beams, purdis and dhapas (without
excavation and refilling) including breaking old masonry,
R3-SWD-129 Each 14,310.00
blocking the openings of old connection, including bed concrete
in M-15, copping in M-20, fixing the frames & covers in M-20,
etc., complete e as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-
Demolishing existing single or double water entrances,
including cutting down of old brick masonry and concrete,
removing of all serviceable material such as grating, runner
R3-SWD-130 Each 1,084.00
beams, purdis etc.and handing over the same to nearest
Municipal depot etc.complete as directed by Engineer-in-
Constructing row of gratings connected to the water entrance
including M-15 C.C. foundation channel, brick masonry 230 mm
thick in Cement mortar 1:4, coping in M-20 , fixing Ms gratings
with frame, R.C.C. runner beams, including finishing the inside
R3-SWD-133 Rmt 26,794.00
with 12 mm thick plaster 1:2. etc. complete as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge excluding excavation and as per the
drawing available in Dy.Ch.E.(S.W.D.) City's office ( size of
gratings 0.60m x 0.50m)
Manufacturing and supplying R.C.C. M-20 precast runners for
single and double water entrances in length as per standard
R3-SWD-135-A Rmt 676.00
drawings (Dwg No. MCGM/SWD/2013-16), etc complete as
specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Removing stone dhapas and stacking the same wherever
R3-SWD-136 Sqm 81.00
Removing and refixing dhapas in C.M. 1:6 including dressing
R3-SWD-137 Sqm 231.00
the joints etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
USOR 2022
Transporting and fixing C.I./ M.S.Jali over water entrance and
carry out minor repairs whenever necessary and as directed by
R3-SWD-138 Nos 1,189.00
Engineer-in-Charge, including transporting C.I./M.S. Jali from
open market ( payment for jali will be made separately)
Hiring J.C.B. / Bull dozer for Municipal work such as desilting, Shift
R3-SWD-172 levelling ,etc.(including diesel, lubricants, charges for operators of 8 9,775.00
and helpers, etc complete) Hrs
Supplying and fixing Uniquely designed Copolymer
Polypropylene, Steel reinforced manhole safety step as per
R3-SWD-173 Each 283.00
manufacturer's design. Steps weighing between 0.8 to 0.9 Kg
each wherever as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Supply of 0.45m X 0.45m clear internal size of M.S.
Galvanised hinged type grating and frame (weighing minimum
53 kg) of grade HD20,with minimum 75 microns zinc coating
by hot dipped galvanising the MS grating and frame as per IS
2629. (The contractor shall furnish the certificate of galvanising
R3-SWD-174 Each 8,536.00
from the Galvaniser.) incuding testing, inspection of material
sample and finished product in presence of M.C.G.M.
Engineers (3 nos.) at Manufacturer's works, as per drawing
(Dwg No. MCGM/SWD/2013-08), etc complete as specified &
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.A228
Providing & Fixing 0.45m X 0.45m clear internal size of DI
hinged type grating and frame (weighing minmum 56 kg) with
grade designation of C250 with black bitumen coating to DI
gratings & frame confirming to EN124 incuding testing
R3-SWD-174-A ,inspection of material sample and finished product in presence Each 11,349.00
of M.C.G.M. Engineers (3 nos.) at Manufacturer's works, as
per Standard Specification no SP-SWD-3 and as per drawing
(Dwg No. MCGM/SWD/2013-10), etc complete as specified &
as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Supply of 0.45m X 0.45m clear internal size of DI hinged type
grating and frame (weighing minmum 56 kg) with grade
designation of C250 with black bitumen coating to DI gratings &
frame confirming to EN124 incuding testing ,inspection of
R3-SWD-174-B material sample and finished product in presence of M.C.G.M. Each 12,823.00
Engineers (3 nos.) at Manufacturer's works, as per Standard
Specification no SP-SWD-3 and as per drawing (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-10), etc complete as specified & as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge.
Supply of 0.60m X 0.50m clear internal size of M.S. Galvanised
hinged type grating and frame (weighing minmum 71 kg) of
grade HD20, with minimum 75 microns zinc coating by hot
dipped galvanising the MS grating and frame as per IS 2629.
R3-SWD-175 Each 11437.00
(The contractor shall furnish the certificate of galvanising from
the Galvaniser.) incuding testing ,inspection of material sample
and finished product as per IS standards and as per Standard
Specification no SP-SWD-3 and as per drawing (Dwg No.
MCGM/SWD/2013-03), etc complete as specified & as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge.
USOR 2022
Providing & Fixing 0.60m X 0.50m clear internal size of DI
hinged type grating and frame (weighing minmum 80 kg) with
R3-SWD-175-A grade designation of C250 with black bitumen coating to DI Each 16,336.00
gratings & frame confirming to EN124 incuding testing
,inspection of material sample and finished product as
Supply of 0.60m X 0.50m clear internal size of DI hinged type
grating and frame (weighing minmum 80 kg) with grade
designation of C250 with black bitumen coating to DI gratings &
frame confirming to EN124 incuding testing ,inspection of
R3-SWD-175-B material sample and finished product as per IS standards and Each 14,025.00
as per Standard Specification no SP-SWD-3 and as per
drawing (Dwg No. MCGM/SWD/2013-10), etc complete as
specified & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
1) On Weight : +/- 5%
2) On Dimension : +/- 5mm